

http://www.newyorker.com/printables/fact/050425fa_fact3 (Part I)
http://www.newyorker.com/printables/fact/050502fa_fact3 (Part II)

Informant: Andy Caffrey

A Planetary Problem


Informant: Andy Caffrey

Soziologe Oskar Negt fordert "Reform des Kapitalismus"

Debatte ohne Tabus: Soziologe Oskar Negt fordert "Reform des Kapitalismus" (06.05.05)


On Ann Coulter and the Police State


Informant: Charles Shaw (Newtopia)

From ufpj-news


by Kenneth Chang
New York Times
May 6, 2005


Reversing a decades-long trend toward "global dimming," Earth's surface has become brighter since 1990, scientists are reporting today.

The brightening means that more sunlight - and thus more heat - is reaching the ground. That could partly explain the record-high global temperatures reported in the late 1990's, and it could accelerate the planet's warming trend.

"We see the dimming is no longer there," said Dr. Martin Wild, a climatologist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the lead author of one of three papers analyzing sunlight that appear in today's issue of the journal Science. "If anything, there is a brightening."

Some scientists have reported that from 1960 to 1990, the amount of sunshine reaching the ground decreased at a rate of 2 percent to 3 percent per decade.

In some places, the brightening of the 1990's has more than offset the dimming, Dr. Wild said. In other places, like Hong Kong, which lost more than a third of its sunlight, the dimming has leveled off, but skies remain darker than in the past. In a few places, like India, the dimming trend continues, he said.

The new papers also call attention to a major gap in the understanding of climate. Scientists do not exactly know what caused the dimming and the brightening, or how they affect the rest of the climate system.

Earth reflects about 30 percent of the incoming sunlight back into space. Slight changes in the reflectivity, possibly caused by changes in cloud cover and air pollution, can have as much impact on the climate as heat-trapping greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.

Some scientists say that the dimming and the brightening might explain why for many years temperatures on Earth lagged what was predicted by many climate models and then shot upward more recently.

"I think what could have happened is the dimming between the 60's and 80's counteracted the greenhouse effect," Dr. Wild said. "When the dimming faded, the effects of the greenhouse gases became more evident. There is no masking by the dimming anymore."

But Dr. Rachel T. Pinker, a professor of meteorology at the University of Maryland who led the team that wrote one of the other papers, said the picture might not be so simple. More sunlight should increase evaporation rates, leading to more clouds, and the additional cloud cover could then increase Earth's reflectivity, limiting the warming effect.

"I think that's a complex issue," Dr. Pinker said. "There are many feedbacks involved."

The findings of Dr. Wild and his colleagues are based on data through 2001 from a network of ground-based sensors that directly measure the sunlight hitting the ground. But the sensors are not evenly distributed, with the greatest number in Europe, few in Africa and South America, and none covering the 70 percent of Earth's surface that is water.

Dr. Pinker's team analyzed satellite data from 1983 to 2001 that covered the globe. Its findings about brightening, which basically agree with Dr. Wild's, rely on computer models to estimate how much sunlight reaches the surface.

Finally, a team led by Dr. Bruce A. Wielicki of NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia reports that measurements from the agency's Aqua satellite show a slight decrease in the amount of light reflected off Earth since 2000, which corresponds to a brightening on the surface.

The NASA findings conflict with measurements, reported last year, suggesting that Earth had resumed dimming since 2000. Those measurements looked at the illumination of the dark side of the Moon by light reflected off Earth.

Dr. Philip R. Goode, a professor of physics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology who was one of the researchers behind last year's report, said it was not clear why the findings differed so markedly. "We've been working with them to understand the origins of the differences," Dr. Goode said of the Wielicki group.

Dr. Wielicki said his data supported a report last month by a team led by Dr. James E. Hansen of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York. In a paper published on Science's Web site, Dr. Hansen and his colleagues said much of the excess heat generated by global warming has been stored in the oceans. Even if no more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere, they said, Earth will continue to warm by 1 degree Fahrenheit over the coming decades, as the heat in the oceans is released into the air.

Dr. Wielicki said the amount of energy coming from the Sun matched the gain in heat in the oceans reported by Dr. Hansen. "It is consistent with the ocean heat storage that the oceanographers are seeing," Dr. Wielicki said, "and it is consistent with the climate models' predictions of what the heat storage should be."

Dr. Robert J. Charlson, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Washington and an author of a commentary that accompanied the three papers, said, "This set of papers, taken together, calls attention for more emphasis on research in these topics."

But he added, "Unfortunately, impediments have come up." Four years' worth of data from the Earth Radiation Budget Satellite is unanalyzed, he said, because there is no money for scientists to work with it.

Another satellite, the Deep Space Climate Observatory, which was scheduled to be launched on a space shuttle, awaits in storage. Proposed budget cuts in earth science research at NASA could limit the analysis of data from other satellites, Dr. Charlson said.

Informant: NHNE

Criminals Belong in Prison




C-Span to Cover 9/11 Truth


MORE on David Ray Griffin/his book/interview, publishing, etc:

Informant: Martin Greenhut


I heard a major portion of David Ray Griffin's speech on KPFK recently. I can't emphasize enough how important this upcoming program is. Please go out of your way to record and watch Griffin's presentation on 9/11 which will be airing this Saturday, May 7, 2005 at 11:30 AM (Pacific Time) on CSPAN 2.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: C-SPAN TO REPEAT DAVID RAY GRIFFIN 9-11 SPEECH SAT MAY 7 11:30 (Pacific Time)

If you missed last Saturday's early-morning airing of David Ray Griffin 's 90-minute speech at the Univ. of Wisconsin in April, YOU CAN WATCH IT THIS SAT. MAY 7th, 11:30 am Pacific Time on C-Span Book TV (usually airs on C-Span 2).

Griffin summarizes the truths of 9-11, exposing the complex, yet clumsy, attempts of the U.S. government to deceive Americans in order to frighten us into supporting plans for long-term war & global dominance.

Griffin presents the massive evidence uncovered by many 9-11 citizen-researchers with outstanding clarity and brevity. This material is published in his recent book, "The 9-11 Commission: Omissions and Distortions" as well as his first book, "9-11: The New Pearl Harbor".

Please spread the word. Every American should be aware of this information. Tape the show if you can and share it with friends.

Here is the announcement on C-span's website:

This re-airing of the show at a more accessible time slot by a major cable network may indicate the tide is turning for 9/11 truth. It is certainly an unexpected, positive development. Appreciation goes out all those who contacted C-span to thank them for their original airing.

Also, if you didn't get a chance to see it the first time around, and you can't wait until Saturday, you can watch it here online (WMV video):


Or listen to the audio here (mp3):

Please listen to the audio file of David Ray Griffin on 9-11 (4-18-05 speech at Univ of Wisconsin Madison)

Broadcast Restrictions: For non-profit use only.
Summary: The following audio file is a sound extract from independent recorded video (not CSPAN!) of that memorable talk at University of Wisconsin, Madison. It was broadcast in the USA nationally on 30 April 2005.

To listen to David Ray Griffin at University of Wisconsin, Madison on April 18, 2005, click on the following link:
Length: 01:21:00, 32Kbps mp3 (18.58MB) Mono

Notes: The VIDEO of this is widely available:

Informant: sash

Nebeneinkünfte: Campact-Aktion an den Ältestenrat zeigt Wirkung

Nachdem wochenlang in Sachen Nebeneinkünfte nichts mehr zu hören war, kam nach Beginn der Campact-Aktion wieder Bewegung in den politischen Prozess. Die Rechtsstellungskommission des Ältestenrates trat mehrmals zusammen und wird sich nach Campact-Informationen noch ein letztes Mal am 12. Mai mit dem Thema Nebeneinkünfte befassen. Danach soll der rot-grüne Vorschlag in den Bundestag eingebracht werden. Durch Ihren Druck wurde der Vorschlag verbessert: Er enthält nun eine weitere Einkommensstufe in Höhe von 1.000 €. Damit können Abgeordnete mit geringfügigen Einkommen von denen mit hohen Nebenverdiensten unterschieden werden.

Innerhalb weniger Tage haben sich über 1.300 Menschen an der Campact-Aktion beteiligt. Spiegel-online, heise.de und taz berichteten:

Voraussichtlich am 12. Mai wird auch "Panorama" im Ersten um 21.45 Uhr über die Campact-Kampagne und den Stand der Dinge in Sachen Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten berichten.

Wenn Sie noch nicht die Campact-E-Mail an die Mitglieder des Ältestenrats verschickt haben, holen Sie dies doch gleich nach.
Klicken Sie hier: http://www.campact.de

Lobbyismus entschärfen – Nebeneinkünfte veröffentlichen

The president's real goal in Iraq


Informant: Charles Bremer

Nanotechnology and the Precautionary Principle


Privacy in America


The Incredible Shrinking President


'Media Helps US Evade Nuclear Pledge'


Threat to veterans' care seen

The United States may be on the verge of breaking its promise to care for the troops who come home from war in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray said.


From Information Clearing House

Religon And Secrecy In The Bush Administration

The Gentleman, the Prince, and the Simulacrum

Machiavelli has clearly had an impact on much of the Neoconservative movement now powerful in Washington.


From Information Clearing House

A New American Century?

Henry Luce would be deeply disappointed. It seems that the majority of Americans remain, as he put it, “unable to accommodate themselves spiritually and practically” to empire. If the people have their way, the American century may turn out to be much shorter that he or his successors at PNAC could ever have imagined.


From Information Clearing House

UN says former Haitian PM jailed illegally

A top U.N. official in Haiti on Wednesday denounced the detention of former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune as illegal and the Organization of American States offered to help end what it called a standoff with serious moral implications.


From Information Clearing House

The unholy trinity of electronic snooping

The three key participants who have emerged as orchestrating the misuse of NSA and other U.S. intelligence resources to conduct surveillance of those who opposed neoconservative plans to invade Iraq and ratchet up tensions with North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, the Palestinian Authority headed by the late Yasir Arafat, and the former government of Haiti are Bolton, Negroponte and Hayden:


Lifting the Censor's Veil on the Shame of Iraq

Nobody wants to come forward about this," said Aidan Delgado. "I didn't want to come forward about this."


No Charges In Fallujah Shooting

A Marine corporal who was videotaped shooting an apparently injured and unarmed Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque last year will not face court-martial, the Marine Corps announced Wednesday.


From Information Clearing House

Nuclear Renaissance


US Troops Accused of Arming Colombian Death Squads


Families of Slain Troops Frustrated in Quest for the Truth


Bush Opens our National Forests to Paving, Logging, Mining


Update from the Field 5/5/05


The Dumbing Down Of The American Mind

by Doug Soderstrom
23 April, 2005

There is a very dangerous phenomenon that seems to be occurring in the United States of America; something that I refer to as “the dumbing-down of the American mind,” a nearly willful tendency for Americans to forgo reality in favor of believing what they want to believe. But how could such a thing have occurred in such a proud nation, one that, according to George Bush, has become known as a bastion of freedom and democracy, a bright light for the whole world to see?

In my opinion, there are five factors that can explain such a phenomenon. [...] Read all about it at: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-soderstrom230405.htm or http://tinyurl.com/cua57

© Virginia Metze

Hitting the Middle Class, Again

Published: May 3, 2005
The New York Times

As he moved into the home stretch of his 60-day Social Security road show last week, it became clear that President Bush had saved the worst for last.

Mr. Bush endorsed a proposal that would take a huge bite out of the Social Security retirement benefits for the middle class, claiming that would close some 70 percent of the system's financing gap. That figure is almost certainly overstated. Under the proposed reductions, young workers who now earn about $36,000 would face a 16 percent cut; those earning about $58,000 would face a cut of 25 percent, and those earning $90,000, 29 percent. People not yet in the work force would face even larger reductions. [..] Read the rest at:

What do they mean, unprepared? Don't they know of Cheney's underground empire? Built right after he was in office? What do they care what happens to all of us "fungibles?"

© Virginia Metze

Filibuster Frist

New Leaders Council

Have you heard what's happening at Princeton?

Students have initiated a protest against Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's plan to end the filibuster and prevent Senate Democrats from stopping extremist judicial nominations. The "Filibuster Frist" protest, taking place in front of Princeton's Frist Campus Center (that's right - paid for by the Tennessee Senator's family) is still going strong after a full week. The mock filibuster has gained national attention and has put pressure on the Senate Republican Leader.

When Filibuster Frist began, students had no idea what kind of success they would have. They hoped to make some waves at Senator Frist’s alma mater; but it was clear after a couple days that this was going to have far-reaching ripple effects. Picking up momentum, students began congregating in droves to the filibuster, offering no shortage of help. Soon enough, local and state press had picked up on the story and calls of support were coming in from across the nation. [...] Read the rest, including their success with media, at: http://www.newleaderscouncil.org/advocacy/filibuster_frist.html

© Virginia Metze

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned; Media Roast Brings Hysterical Laughter While Iraq Burns


© Virginia Metze

How Blackwell and Petro Saved Bush’s Brain

How Blackwell and Petro Saved Bush’s Brain: And the rise of the right wing juggernaut in Ohio

Bob Fitrakis

April 27, 2005

The Free Press

The hotly disputed results of the 2004 presidential election have become entangled in a fundamentalist crusade over who will control Ohio. Extremist right wing screachers such as Pastor Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church, Ann Coulter, Alan Keyes, Ohio gubernatorial candidate J. Kenneth Blackwell and followers of Jerry Falwell, have taken center pulpit in an escalated war over what really happened when George W. Bush was allegedly re-elected in November, 2004, and who will occupy the Buckeye Statehouse in 2006. [...] Read the rest at:

© Virginia Metze

More Bolton scandal

Diplomacy by Death Squad
How Bolton Armed Haiti's Thugs and Killers
May 3, 2005
Miami , Florida

On Dec. 14, 2004, in the predawn hours, a large convoy of U.N. troops entered the Port-au-Prince slum of Cite Soleil. They began firing. Esterlin Marie Carmelle was in bed with her 2-year-old son, Herlens. Her husband got out of bed to get ready for work. The shooting intensified, and she remained in bed beside her child. According to a Harvard Law School report the following occurred:

"Ms. Carmelle recalled, she `felt something warm' on her arm and said to her husband, 'I feel like I got hit with a bullet.' She told us that she realized that 'it wasn't me who had been shot,' as her boy lay limp and lifeless beside her, his 'blood and brain matter were sliding down my arm.' Though Ms. Carmelle said that she then passed out, her husband told us that a stray bullet had entered their shack with such force that it had removed part of their child's head, leaving Herlens to die in his mother's arms.'' [...] Read the rest at: http://www.counterpunch.org/kurzban05032005.html It has not been unnoticed by some that a month after the autopsy of Terri Schiavo the autopsy report has not been released. The autopsy was done by April 1. If you hear or see anything authoritative about it, please let us know!

© Virginia Metze

Experts See Problems for DeLay

Potential Defense Weighed

by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 28, 2005; Page A06

Now that it's clear that his controversial private-paid trips abroad will be put under a microscope in Congress, Tom DeLay is in serious danger of being declared in violation of House ethics rules, legal experts say.

Lawyers who specialize in ethics cases believe that the Republican House majority leader from Texas might be in technical breach of at least a few congressional regulations. According to published reports, a registered foreign agent paid for one of DeLay's overseas trips and a registered lobbyist used his credit card to pay for another foreign airfare -- actions the rules prohibit. DeLay may also have accepted gifts that exceeded congressional limits, taken an expense-paid trip overseas for longer than the rules allow and not disclosed all of the benefits he received. [...] Read it all at: http://tinyurl.com/dkc3w

And to think that apparently the "religious" right still listens to this guy!

© Virginia Metze

Barr urges change to part of Patriot Act

by JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer
Last Updated 12:39 pm PDT Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Sacramento Bee

WASHINGTON (AP) - A former Republican congressman urged lawmakers Tuesday to limit the government's ability to search for evidence without immediately telling the investigation's target, a part of the USA Patriot Act that Congress is reconsidering.

While sections of the Patriot Act expire this year, the law's national standards for what are sometimes known as "sneak and peek" searches are permanent.
Still, former GOP Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia told a House Judiciary subcommittee that lawmakers should scale back the delayed notification warrant provision inside the Patriot Act anyway. [...] Read it all at: http://tinyurl.com/7sq7c

© Virginia Metze

The NYT hawks another war


Like almost every other mainstream U.S. media outlet, the New York Times has provided little coverage of Vanunu, so the American public has scant knowledge of his real-life experience with truth and consequences. Likewise, the Times has little to say about Washington's extreme hypocrisies while the newspaper and the government denounce certain other countries for their nuclear programs. But the New York Times has not skimped on coverage that adds to momentum for a military attack on Iran. And evidently the newspaper of record is just getting started...


from CounterPunch, by Norman Solomon

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The ABCs of character


Once more, we dip our ladle into the alphabet soup of character. Only this time the letter that keeps coming up is B for Bully. Ever since John Bolton was nominated to be US ambassador to the United Nations, he's been described as abrasive, brash, difficult. He's been called a 'serial abuser' of underlings and a 'quintessential kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy.' Questions about whether he has the T for Temperament to be our diplomat to the world body now have his nomination teetering. I got into this character cookbook business way back in the 1970s when there was a subversive little motto that said, 'The personal is political.' ... It suggested something about our political leaders. Character was a matter of private as well as public behavior. How our leaders behaved to their families, office staff, and underlings said something about who they were and how they would treat the rest of us...


from Boston Globe, by Ellen Goodman

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Lessons we (should have) learned in Vietnam


This week marks the 30th anniversary of America's ignominious withdrawal from Vietnam in helicopters from the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon. The South Vietnamese capital, soon to be renamed Ho Chi Minh City, fell to Communist forces on April 30, 1975. President Ford proclaimed the end of the war on May 7. Not since the Civil War 100 years before had the country been so divided. What lessons have we learned, or should we have learned, from the Vietnam experience? * Be sure there is a solid, enduring national consensus about where the national interest lies. ... * Be sure it is the US national interest that drives involvement and not the national interest of another country. ... * Think the problem through: Are we going to stick with our original policy even though it turns out to be mistaken?" [editor's note: Required reading for anyone too young or myopic to remember history! - SAT]


from Christian Science Monitor, by Pat M. Holt

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No nukes is good nukes


Interview with Helen Caldicott: "In 1971, Helen Caldicott had an epiphany: all life on earth could end at any moment, simply because a few pig-headed people imagined they could 'win' a nuclear war. A decade later, she had given up her promising medical career to devote her life to nothing short of saving the world. Her urgent Australian twang became a sane voice in a world gone mad. In 1985, the Caldicott-inspired International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War won the Nobel Peace Prize. The organization beat out Caldicott herself, who had been nominated by Linus Pauling, the renowned chemist, anti-nuclear activist, and 1962 Nobel Peace Prize winner. ... With her latest endeavor, the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, Caldicott seeks to counter the media offensives of the nuclear industry. Meanwhile, she's working on a new book -- her sixth -- about the psychopathologies of nuclear decision makers...


from Grist Magazine, by Gregory Dicum -- Hat Tip to Tom Paine

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The collapse of big media: Starting over


It's premature to write an obituary, but there's no question that America's news media -- the newspapers, newsmagazines, and television networks that people once turned to for all their news -- are experiencing what psychologists might call a major life passage. They've seen their audiences shrink, they've had to worry about vigorous new competitors, and they've suffered more than a few self-inflicted wounds -- scandals of their own making. They know that more and more people have lost confidence in what they do. To many Americans, today's newspaper is irrelevant, and network news is as compelling as whatever is being offered over on the Home Shopping Network. Maybe less...


from Center For Individual Freedom, by Terry Eastland

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Feeling squeezed by political correctness


"I'm starting to feel squeezed by all the political correctness being imposed on us by both the Left and the Right. Both sides are constantly trying to infringe on our freedoms by telling us what we can and cannot say or do. I'm getting sick and tired of it. Below are just a few examples of what they are trying to impose on us...


from Frontiers of Freedom, by Terry Mitchell

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

CAFTA: Last nail in the coffin?

With three million manufacturing jobs lost under Bush, the U.S. dollar looking like Monopoly money, trade deficits exploding, and our dependence on foreigners for oil, the critical components of our weapons, and the cash to finance our insatiable appetite for consumer goods all growing, one would think even Bush Republicans might pause before taking another great leap forward into a future of global free trade. One would be wrong. For CAFTA, son of NAFTA, is at hand: the Central American Free Trade Agreement...(for publication 05/09/05)


from The American Conservative, by Pat Buchanan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Afraid to tell the truth


Are Americans so jaded about the deceptions perpetrated by our own government to lead us into war in Iraq that we are no longer interested in fresh and damning evidence of those lies? Or are the editors and producers who oversee the American news industry simply too timid to report that proof on the evening broadcasts and front pages? There is a 'smoking memo' that confirms the worst assumptions about the Bush administration's Iraq policy, but although that memo generated huge pre-election headlines in Britain, its existence has hardly been mentioned here...[subscription or ad view required]


from Salon, by Joe Conason

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Larry Franklin and the Axis of Espionage


The trial of Larry Franklin, if it comes to that, will in effect put neoconservatism in the dock. The Franklin affair will go down in history as the neocons' comeuppance, in which the War Party finally paid the price of their hubris. Because they really thought they would get away with it. They could lie us into war, purge their enemies from the government, and commit espionage in the process. ... The department in which Franklin worked was the operational epicenter of the neoconservative faction in the administration, with the high command over at the office of the vice president...


from AntiWar.Com, by Justin Raimondo

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New "mommy wars" against pop culture's excess


Forget about the 'mommy wars,' in which stay-at-home mothers were supposedly locking horns with their working sisters, at least in popular perception. What's really happening with American mothers of all stripes -- from full-time homemakers to full-fledged workaholics, all income levels, all racial backgrounds -- is worry about popular culture, and what feels like a tsunami of forces threatening parents' ability to impart positive values to their children, according to a new survey of more than 2,000 mothers. Moms report a cultural onslaught that goes far beyond Hollywood movies and TV, and into the world of the Internet, electronic games, and advertising...


from Christian Science Monitor

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

International court hears anti-war claims against UK


Lawyers acting for anti-war groups yesterday presented the international criminal court with evidence which, they say, shows that the government acted unlawfully by participating in the US-led invasion of Iraq. They say that British forces acted out of all proportion to the official war aim -- ridding Iraq of its banned weapons programme but not regime change. They also argue that British troops acted, and were ordered to act, beyond the bounds of military necessity...


from Guardian [UK]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New rule opens national forest to roads


The last 58.5 million acres of untouched national forests, which President Clinton had set aside for protection, were opened to possible logging, mining and other commercial uses by the Bush administration on Thursday. New rules from the U.S. Forest Service cover some of the most pristine federal land in 38 states and Puerto Rico. Ninety-seven percent of it is in 12 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming...


from Cincinnati Enquirer

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Injured Iraqi murdered from soldiers, cheering and talking about how "cool" it is

This is so sick I can’t begin to describe it.

This is exactly the kind of footage people need to see. Spread it around!!

It's graphic, but necessary. This is but a small taste of what war is, always has been, and always will be about. Not ideology, not bringing "freedom" to those "less fortunate", not moving blips on a radar screen or graphed statistics, but real human death and the warping of soldiers' minds.

End it. And not just in Iraq (UFPJ). Everywhere!

View here

Charles Shaw
Newtopia Magazine

From ufpj-news

Environmental Groups Blast New Bush Forest Rule


Luckily They Were Only Wounded


George Bush's philosophy of government: Interest-Group Conservatism


Informant: Lew Rockwell

What Are You Calling Failure?


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Glory of War


Apocalypse Soon


Informant: NHNE


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