
Army Admits Violating Geneva Convention


"Gulf War Syndrome" Is DU Poisoning: 11,000 U.S. Deaths Attributed

The U.S. Government KNOWS the destructive and toxic nature of using shells with depleted uranium (DU). Not only are they causing long-term horrible physical disfiguration of entire populations who might survive initial attacks by American soldiers, but the American soldiers themselves are dying just from being near it.

Nuclear weaponry is no better or more "humane" than knowingly using chemical or biological weapons. If this were the Vietnam era, we would be screaming to put a stop to the use of napalm, that jelly-like substance as flammable as gasoline which burned off all the flesh of any survivors. Even that horror did not cause the children of survivors to be born terminal due to extreme alterations in their genetic code as DU weaponry is doing.

If the government refuses to stop this horrible practice, knowing how truly terrible are the consequences of DU, the individuals responsible for ordering the military to continue unabated should be charged with war crimes for waging genocide.


Frank Gonzalez

Collision Course


National Conference on the 2004 Election and the Need for Election Reform


National Conference on the 2004 Election and the Need for Election Reform

Nashville, Tennessee, April 8-10, 2005


Since November 3, 2004, there has been a groundswell of concern, and a plethora of evidence, that the conduct of the 2004 Presidential election in the United States was highly problematic.
To date, most of the discussion and information sharing on the problems with the 2004 election have occurred in the virtual world of the Internet.

This three day Gathering To Save Our Democracy - A National Conference will provide the appropriate forum for expanding public awareness, for congregating the accumulated knowledge under one roof and for providing a platform for mobilizing support for election reform and justice.

*Nashville, Tennessee* is the setting of this conference. Nashville has a proud history of early successes in the 1960s civil rights movement, we are centrally located within a day's drive of 60% of the U.S. population, we have an international airport serviced by a dozen major airlines, and we have an energetic (and growing) band of citizen-activists for election reform in Tennessee to insure the successful implementation of this conference.

This conference will be a comprehensive and historic event that will bring together the "major players" who have surfaced in the dialogue over the problems with the 2004 election and the need for election reform. We hope that this conference will help break the media silence about the problems with the 2004 election within our country and provide a forum for increasing the world's attention to our threatened democratic principles. In addition, we will hold discussion sessions before and after the conference to exchange ideas and build coalitions to pursue the necessary elements of election reform and to redress our concerns with the 2004 election.



Speakers Here:


Look for US Count Votes' final report on the discrepancies between the exit poll and election results in the presidential race next Wed or Thur Mar 30th or 31st. Our final report analyzes new evidence from Edison/Mitofsky's own exit poll data to show why neither random chance or systematic exit poll bias caused the large discrepancies between exit polls and presidential election results. We have worked many many days and hours on our final report which shows mathematically why election results are the most plausible cause for the discrepancies. We received no substantial criticisms of our first exit poll study from any PhD academician in America, and we expect our final study to be similarly received. This study blows the last one out of the water for the thoroughness of the evidence it produces. Please set aside some time next week to help USCV promote this historic document to politicians and election officials.

Informant: Kathy Dopp

Who got glitched: Election Reform Teach-in

March 27, 2005

*** An exclusive pre-release ***

Video pre-release - Bob Fitrakis "Who got glitched: Election Reform Teach-in"

(video pre-release #1)

Speaker: Bob Fitrakis
Recorded: 2/27 in Santa Monica, CA
Length: 12:10
Size: about 20MB

Bob Fitrakis of the Columbus Free Press and attorney (Moss vs. Bush/Cheney/Blackwell) speaks about the stolen 2004 Presidential election in Ohio. He talks about the Bush family history of stealing elections, problems in the 2004 election, legal cases surrounding the 2004 election, exit polls and much more.

This is just the first video in a series of speakers from the Election Reform Teach-in conducted in Santa Monica, CA. Within 2 weeks, videos all of the speakers will be available as a DVD and for internet broadcast at citizensact.org

Steve Brown has done a wonderful job creating these videos. You will notice that these are high quality digital videos with multiple camera angles and produced by professionals.

Broadband video in Windows Media format:

Broadband video in QuickTime format:

Here is a screen-shot image if you need to post it anywhere:

Over the next few weeks, pre-release videos of all of the speakers will be published to the Democratic Underground Election Forum: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=203
or http://tinyurl.com/62obf

New videos will also be posted at VelvetRevolusion.us

You can see the original announcement for this teach-in at this DU thread:


Report to Blast US Agencies on Weapons of Mass Destruction


The God Racket

From DeMille to DeLay

Mr. Bush who couldn't be bothered to interrupt his vacation during the darkening summer of 2001, not even when he received a briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," flew from his Crawford ranch to Washington to sign Congress's Schiavo bill into law.


The Missing WMD Report

It seems that Pat Roberts, the Republican chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, wants to break the promise he made last year to investigate whether the Bush administration misrepresented the prewar intelligence on WMDs. What a surprise.


From Information Clearing House

SOFORT-Maßnahmen gegen die schlimmsten Auswirkungen von Hartz IV


Italian agent Calipari: A target of opportunity


Informant: Friends

Comparing Masts to Light Bulbs

Vodafone spokeswoman on masts: "We're talking about a power level of 150 watts, which is a bit like a powerful light bulb," she said.

"It's important to note: no mobile phone masts, no mobile phones."

I remember this as Repacholi's argument, he compared a microwave radiation source to a light bulb (I think he was talking about cell phones then) his copyrights of this argument are now moved to an industry spokeswoman, this time masts are a bit like powerful light bulbs so the distance from residents is a non-issue, see below.


Mobile mast fury leads to protest

A group of concerned mothers plan to take their protest over a mobile phone mast to their local council.

The "Mothers Against the Mast" group from the Mordon area of Swindon will present councillors with a 300- signature petition next Wednesday.

Spokeswoman Karen Kelly said: "My main issue is my son's health. This action is so inconsiderate when people's health can be affected."

The mast, which is not yet operational, appeared at Acres Way on 9 March.

Commenting on a separate protest earlier this month, a Vodafone spokeswoman said it did not matter whether the masts were 1m or 1,000m away from residents - it was "all about power levels".

"We're talking about a power level of 150 watts, which is a bit like a powerful light bulb," she said.

"It's important to note: no mobile phone masts, no mobile phones."

Iris Atzmon


Who ever would compare the power of a 150 watt light bulb to a mobile phone mast, should try sitting within 2 feet of a 150 watt light bulb for eight hours, and then try sitting 2 feet from a 150 watt mobile phone antenna for 8 hours. Lets challenge these brain dead's to prove their point!! This experiment could be very valuable as it kill two birds with one stone. After sitting 2 feet from a 150 watt antenna, with the switch in the ON position, they would more than likely come on side and agree that,

Electromagnetic Sensitivity Is Real !! Regards Robert Riedlinger

PS Lets give this a try, Vodafone spokeswoman, and others that would make such dumb statement!! I would gladly pay to watch such experiment if I could be in control of the switches!!

"It's important to note: no mobile phone masts, no mobile phones." AND NO HEADACHES !!

Mobile mast fury leads to protest


Vodafone spokeswoman on masts: "We're talking about a power level of 150 watts, which is a bit like a powerful light bulb," she said.

"It's important to note: no mobile phone masts, no mobile phones."

I remember this as Repacholi's argument, he compared a microwave radiation source to a light bulb (I think he was talking about cell phones then) his copyrights of this argument are now moved to an industry spokeswoman, this time masts are a bit like powerful light bulbs so the distance from residents is a non-issue, see below.


Mobile mast fury leads to protest

A group of concerned mothers plan to take their protest over a mobile phone mast to their local council.

The "Mothers Against the Mast" group from the Mordon area of Swindon will present councillors with a 300- signature petition next Wednesday.

Spokeswoman Karen Kelly said: "My main issue is my son's health. This action is so inconsiderate when people's health can be affected."

The mast, which is not yet operational, appeared at Acres Way on 9 March.

Commenting on a separate protest earlier this month, a Vodafone spokeswoman said it did not matter whether the masts were 1m or 1,000m away from residents - it was "all about power levels".

"We're talking about a power level of 150 watts, which is a bit like a powerful light bulb," she said.

"It's important to note: no mobile phone masts, no mobile phones."

Iris Atzmon

Comparing Masts to Light Bulbs

Secret Weapon in Iraq

US forces supposedly used a secret weapon in Iraq, which resulted in a powerful earthquake.


Informant: V

Goldsmith 'failed duty to MPs' by withholding advice on war

Lord Goldsmith was warned yesterday that he could face an inquiry by Parliament's watchdog if he ignores MPs' demands to publish the background to his advice that war would be legal.


From Information Clearing House

Blair ignored them all : MI6, Jack Straw, defence staff

His public assertions on Iraq were at odds with what he was told in private.


From Information Clearing House

Goss says CIA ban excludes "terrorists"

CIA Director Porter J. Goss told lawmakers that the ban on assassinations by U.S. intelligence is still in force, but that it does not prohibit the agency from killing the "terrorist" enemies of the United States.


From Information Clearing House

UK panel faults gov't position on torture

A House of Commons committee faulted Prime Minister Tony Blair's government Friday for not saying whether it uses information extracted through torture in other countries.


UK Lawmakers Accuse U.S. of Grave Rights Violations

The United States has committed "grave violations of human rights" against prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Foreign Affairs Committee of Britain's parliament said in a report on Friday.


From Information Clearing House

Flight to torture: where abuse is contracted out

ON THE night of December 18, 2001, a Gulfstream jet, tail number N379P, landed at Bromma Airport in Stockholm carrying eight hooded Americans in business suits.


From Information Clearing House

Blows were taught, reservist testifies at hearing

An Army reservist accused of killing a detainee in Afghanistan told investigators that the blows that caused the man's death were commonly used to deal with uncooperative prisoners and said his superiors approved of the technique.


From Information Clearing House

Army Probe Finds Abuse at Base Near Mosul

An Army investigation found systematic abuse and possible torture of Iraqi prisoners at a base near Mosul just as top military officials became aware of abuse allegations at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad, documents released Friday showed.


U.S. Troops Tortured Iraqis in Mosul

U.S. Troops Tortured Iraqis in Mosul, Documents Show:

American soldiers tortured Iraqi prisoners at a military base in Mosul but nobody was court martialed over the abuse, U.S. army documents say.


What really happened in Ohio?

People's Weekly
Judy Johnson

There are some things we can say for certain happened in Ohio and the U.S. in November 2004.

One, as everyone knows, Ohio’s electoral votes handed George W. Bush the number necessary to clinch the Electoral College vote and secure a second term as president of the United States.

read article:



Leuren Moret: Depleted Uranium: Update


From ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space


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