
In the Shadow of Dr. King, counting the vote remains a civil rights issue

The Free Press
by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman

In the shadow of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., America's electoral crisis continues.

read article:

Evidence, which all authorities responsible for allowing masts to be placed near homes are ignoring


WILDALERT NEWS: January 2005 Update


Auf den Halligen gibt es keine Mobilfunkantennen

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: Tourismusbüro Langeneß & Oland
An: Marianne Kirst
Datum: 17.01.2005 11:14
Betreff: AW: Langeness Anfrage: Hallig Langeness

Sehr geehrte Frau Kirst,

vielen Dank für Ihre Mail Ich freue mich, dass Sie sich für die Hallig
Langeneß interessieren. Ich kann Ihnen auch mitteilen, dass es hier auf Langeneß bzw. auch auf der Halligen Oland und Hooge keine Mobilfunkantennen gibt.

Per Post sende ich Ihnen unser Infomaterialien. Sollten Sie weitere Fragen haben, dürfen Sie sich gerne wieder bei mir melden.

Freundliche Grüße
Renate Boysen


Tourismusbüro Langeneß & Oland

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Marianne Kirst
Gesendet: Sonntag, 16. Januar 2005 18:27

Betreff: Langeness Anfrage: Hallig Langeness

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

während meines letzten Sylt-Aufenthaltes habe ich im NDR eine Reportage über die Halligen gesehen. Ich pflege im Frühjahr und Herbst/Winter gerne an der Nordsee meinen Urlaub zu verbringen.

Um eventuell die Halligen einmal besuchen zu können, teilen Sie mir bitte mit, ob und wo sich dort eventuell (leider) auch schon Mobilfunkantennen befinden, da ich als Elektrosmogsensible in direkter Nähe dann keine Unterkunft buchen kann. Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Marianne Kirst

US: KGB and STASI reinforce Homeland Security. For whom?


Informant: V

Why We Must Question Our Elections


Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences

To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human experiences. On this February day, as this nation stands at the brink of battle, every American on some level must be contemplating the horrors of war. Yet, this Chamber is, for the most part, silent -- ominously, dreadfully silent. There is no debate, no discussion, no attempt to lay out for the nation the pros and cons of this particular war.

A Celebration for the Bush Administration

Has the soul of America been so crushed by fear and apathy that we are no longer capable of listening to the voices of the heart and mind that tell us violence should only be an action of last resort? Are we so mesmerized by leaders infected with greed and privilege that we can no longer admit our mistakes or take the collective action to bring about real justice?

A trail of torture at hands of US forces

The image of the corpse wrapped in polythene, his right eye bandaged, his nose broken and his mouth open as if gasping for his last breath, signifies that darker practices than sadistic games have taken place in US-run jails in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Target Iran?

Interview with Seymour Hersh

Will Iran Be Next?

Those who have hoped that a U.S. military victory in Iraq would somehow bring about a more peaceful world are in for a rude awakening. The final resolution of this war and the U.S. occupation of Iraq will likely not be the end, rather, only the prelude to a succession of future crises...

Unterschriftenaktion zu Lobbytätigkeit von Politikern

Mit der Bitte um weitere Verbreitung (als .pdf und .doc):

Bitte direkt per Post oder Fax an die beiden Adressaten schicken.

Hans Schmidt
Sprecher der BI Wolfratshausen-Stadtgebiet gegen Elektrosmog

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Bush’s Choice for Energy Secretary Was One of Texas’

Top Five Worst Polluters

by Jason Leopold

In the bizarro world that President Bush lives in, it pays—literally—to be a miserable failure, a criminal and a corporate con man. Those are just some of the characteristics of the dastardly men and women who were tapped recently to fill the vacancies in Bush’s second-term cabinet. But one of the President’s most outrageous decisions (besides naming Alberto Gonzales, who concocted a legal case for torturing foreign prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, Attorney General) has got to be choosing 66-year-old Sam Bodman to serve as Secretary of Energy. This is a guy who for a dozen years ran a Texas-based chemical company that spent years on the top five lists of the country’s worst polluters....


The Failures of Security Through Homogeneity

by Adam Williams

In justifying the War in Iraq, it has been continually maintained by the United States that violent regime change in Iraq to install a democracy will not only produce a peaceful, democratic Iraq, but also provide an “inspiring example” for other such rouge nations. A clear example of this rhetoric turned to policy can be found in an executive memorandum by the Heritage Foundation’s James A. Phillips, in which he says the post-Saddam goal for the United States in Iraq is that of “building a stable, democratic, pro-American Iraqi government.” These claims are based on the democratic peace argument, which maintains that democracies do not go to war with one another. Arguments such as this, which propose security through homogeneity, though initially compelling and appearing to be inductively justified, when analyzed are categorically dubious. Moreover, if the US truly waged war on Iraq -- a substantial political and financial investment -- on the grounds that installing a democracy would be in its best interests as well as a move towards a greater peace, it did so either foolishly or to serve other interests. As I will show -- and I expect top-level officials already know -- arguments proposing security through homogeneity (STH) are fatally flawed except as a means to rhetorically justify further systemic hegemony or promote other interests....


Two Million Black Americans Are Still Not Free at Last

by Matthew Cardinale

Voting is the American way,” says Miles, an ex-felon staying at the Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles. “Once it’s taken, you become a third-class citizen, and you can’t participate in what this country’s all about and what wars were fought for.” “Losing the right to vote affects my views of those in power,” said Steve, with an unmistakable inflection of regret in his voice. “I believe in democracy, but not the way they’re trying to use it.” The mysterious “they” was a recurring theme among the ex-felons I talked to, showing how so many ex-felons who lose the right to vote in turn feel that American politics is something conducted by other people, for other people....


One Man Has Stopped Killing: Hope for More to Do the Same

by Monica Benderman

For the past two weeks, my husband Kevin and I have answered questions from reporters, journalists, interested citizens from almost every state in the union, and about eight foreign countries. After all of these interviews, I have a few questions of my own. What is wrong with a country in which a man and his wife have to jump through hoops, take psychological tests, and wait three months for the results of an application that declares he has made a conscious choice to never go to war again? What is wrong with the state of affairs of a country when a man and his wife must use every media source available, and during those interviews face the questioning of his and their character, all because that man has decided he cannot in good conscience ever participate in war again?


A Matter of Conscience

by Sgt. Kevin Benderman

Having watched and observed life from the standpoint of soldier for ten years of my life, I felt there was no higher honor than to serve my country and defend the values that established this country. My family has a history of serving this country dating back to the American Revolution and I felt that to continue on in that tradition was the honorable thing to do. As I went through the process which led to my decision to refuse deployment to Iraq for the second time, I was torn between thoughts of abandoning the soldiers that I serve with, or following my conscience which tells me: war is the ultimate in destruction and waste of humanity....


Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes

ISIS Press Release 17/01/05

Confirmed: Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes

But No Health Risks?

New Report on EU-wide study confirms hazards of exposure to electromagnetic radiation but does not prove health risks. So what use is this research, ask Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Peter Saunders?

Sources for this article are posted on ISIS members website.

Children under eight should not use mobile phones and those between eight and 14 should use them only when absolutely necessary, warns Prof. William Stewart, Chair of UK’s National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB). Sir William issued the same warning 5 years ago, when he chaired an enquiry that resulted in the Stewart Report on Mobile Phones and Health. But his advice has been ignored. One in four 7-10 year olds now has a mobile phone, double the level in 2001.

In a new report published 12 January 2005, Stewart not only repeated his warning that children will be most at risk but also called for a review of the planning process for base stations. He was reported to have said new evidence suggested there might be possible health implications.

This evidence came from a large Europe-wide study lasting four years that once again failed to prove electromagnetic fields from mobile phones and other sources are health risks. Nevertheless, it made Stewart "more concerned" than five years ago, though not sufficiently to recommend more decisive action.

What science to fund?

Why do debates persist over the safety of new technologies such as genetic modification and mobile phones? Why do the issues never seem to be settled – as far as anything in science can be settled – before products are on the market?

It is at least partly because we lack both explicit criteria for funding the scientific research in the first place -such as whether it is safe, ethical, and makes genuine contribution to society – and an audit system to assess the effectiveness of our research & development spending.

Consequently, research into the safety of new technologies is done long after they have reached the market, if it is done at all. By that stage, of course, industry has invested a great deal of money and there is great pressure on scientists and regulators not to put all that investment at risk. Instead of applying the precautionary principle, according to which developments should not go ahead until we are convinced beyond reasonable scientific doubt that they are safe, regulators apply the anti-precautionary principle, which demands conclusive evidence of harm before any action can be justified. It is not in the public interest to switch the burden of proof in this way, but it is all too likely to happen when there is so much money at stake.

We should be commissioning research into safety long before large amounts have been spent on product development. And the scientists we fund should be asking probing questions and conducting experiments that provide clear answers both on health risks as well as on the basic mechanisms, which are all too often not well understood.

The Europe-wide study on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, unfortunately, satisfies neither criterion.

A major study of no consequence

The recent extensive European study, known as Reflex, found that radiation from mobile phones breaks DNA in human cells. But according to its 259 page final report, that does not mean that mobile phones are health risks.

The study involved 12 research groups in 7 European countries working from 2000 to 2004. It cost more than 3 million euros (2.059.450 from the EU, 506.774 from the Swiss government, 191.265 from the Finnish government, and 522629 from the Verum Foundation in Germany). The teams investigated electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the extremely low frequency (ELF) region coming from the ordinary electricity supply and appliances, and in the radio frequency (RF) range emitted by mobile phones. Much attention was devoted to standardizing exposure equipment and standards and other quality control.

One might have expected that such a major, concerted effort would yield more definitive answers on safety. It didn’t.

A fault in design and emphasis

The labs concentrated on studying cells and looking for acute effects on molecules after exposures to EMF for short periods of time, from 6 h up to 24 h; at most a few days. The effects of long-term exposures were not addressed. Moreover, the research focused on field intensities around current exposure limits – about 1mT for ELF region, and specific absorption rate (SAR) of 2 Watts/kg for the RF range. Many scientists consider these far too high because they are aimed at preventing excessive heating of the tissues rather than non-thermal effects such as DNA breakages.

Nevertheless, several of the teams detected significant DNA breaks in human and other animal cells at exposure levels far below the official limits. DNA breakages were observed after 15h exposure to ELF-EMFs as low as 35 microT, and after 18h exposure at 20 microT. Similarly, for the RF region, DNA breakages as well as chromosomal abnormalities were observed at the lowest SAR level investigated, 0.3W/kg.

Yet in the final report we read: "Taken together, the results of the REFLEX project were exclusively obtained in in vitro studies and are, therefore, not suitable for the conclusion that RF-EMF exposure below the presently valid safety limits causes a risk to the health of people." Exactly the same statement is made on the results of ELF-EMF exposure.

This single statement reveals the futility of the whole exercise. The experiments were carried out in vitro. We are now told that in the opinion of the experimenters no in vitro result, i.e. no conceivable outcome of their experiments, could have led them to infer that there is a risk to health. Why then did they bother carrying out the experiments? Why did they feel justified in asking the European taxpayers to fund their work as a contribution to public health?

Who benefits from such research?

While denying that the research results tell us anything about health risks, the leader of the study, Franz Adlkofer of Verum Foundation nevertheless advised against using mobile phones when fixed line phones are available, and also recommended using a headset with a mobile phone whenever possible. "We don’t want to create a panic, but it is good to take precautions," he is reported to have said, commenting that additional necessary research could take another four or five years.

That’s very convenient for the $100 billion a year mobile phone industry that has been insisting there is no conclusive evidence of harmful effects from electromagnetic radiation. About 1.5 billion people around the world now use mobile phones, and it was expected that about 650 million phones would be sold last year. The leader of the study is clearly concerned about possible risks, but not to the extent of suggesting the industry should do anything about it. Not even a campaign to alert the public so that they can make up their own minds.

In saying they have so far not been able to reach a conclusion, the scientists can hope for another four or five years research support. But if their research so far has told us nothing new; and was designed to tell us nothing new, why should we pay for more of it? Besides, the results are already bad enough even if all they do is confirm what we already know.

Our fears confirmed

Despite its limitations, the Reflex study has confirmed important findings already in the scientific literature. Henry Lai and Narenda Singh at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, among others, had detected DNA breakages in brain cells of rats exposed to far weaker fields at least since the 1990s. Their results were soon confirmed in several other laboratories.

The Reflex study also finds that EMF exposure in both the ELF and RF range led to significant increases in chromosomal abnormalities in human fibroblasts (skin cells), such as gaps, breaks, rings, dicentric (two centromeres) chromosomes and fragments. Gaps increased 4-fold, breaks 2-fold, and dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments 10-fold. RF-EMF exposure induced an even higher incidence of chromosome gaps and breaks; and dicentrics and acentric fragments increased 100-fold. These chromosomal abnormalities, too, had been observed previously (see "Non-thermal effects", SiS 17 http://www.i-sis.org.uk/isisnews/sis17.php ) and now considered by a substantial number of scientists to be signs of genome instability linked to cancer.

Indeed, the Reflex study finds that ELF-EMFs promoted the growth of human neuroblastoma cells, by 12% after 42h exposure at 10 microT, and 17% at 100microT; although longer exposures for 90h were without effect, possibly because the cells have reached confluence, at which point they stop growing, and are no longer sensitive to EMFs.

The growth promoting effect of EMF exposure is of especial relevance on account of epidemiological evidence linking it to childhood leukemia and other cancers (see "Electromagnetic fields double leukaemia risks" and "Non-thermal effects",
SiS17 http://www.i-sis.org.uk/isisnews/sis17.php;
"Electromagnetic fields, leukaemia and DNA damage", SiS23
Exposing leukemia cells to RF-EMFs for 48h caused them to multiply aggressively, overriding the signals that trigger cell death (see "Mobile phones & cancer", SiS17 http://www.i-sis.org.uk/isisnews/sis17.php ).

Mechanism still not understood

By its own admission the Reflex study has contributed little towards defining the health risks of EMFs. Has it contributed towards understanding the basic mechanism of non-thermal biological effects of EMFs? Not really. The genome-wide scans and the protein profiling found many genes and proteins "up-regulated" or "down-regulated", the significance of which will remain unknown until and unless the normal range of variation could be established.

The report highlights (p.194) that, "The mechanism of action induced by ELF-EMF exposure of living cells is not yet known." For RF-EMF, it suggests that "increased formation and activity of free radicals" is responsible for damaging DNA. That suggestion, too, is nothing new, and has been made previously by many other researchers. Furthermore, it does not really address the question of how EMFs could increase the formation and activity of free radicals, which requires the research input of physics and physical methods not included in the Reflex study (see "Mobile phones turn enzyme solution into gel", this series).

A failure of education and market-driven research

Interestingly, the Reflex report is prefaced by a contribution from Prof. William Ross Adey who died on 20 May 2004, having "made fundamental contributions to the emerging science of the biological effects of electromagnetic field".

Adey aptly summed up why there has been so little progress in research into the biological effects of electromagnetic fields: "The history of bioelectromagnetics epitomises a range of problems that arise whenever a community of sciences is confronted with a frontier that delves deeply into the established orthodoxies of biology, the physical sciences and engineering. These conflicts have become even more sharply defined when emerging new knowledge in bioelectromagnetics research has challenged the conventional wisdom in each part of this trinity.

"At no point in the last 20 years has public school education ensured that a majority of citizens has even a basic understanding of sophisticated communication devices and systems, such as telephones, radio and television. Similarly, automotive engineering remains a sea of vast ignorance for most users. Nor is such knowledge considered appropriate or necessary. In summary, we have become superstitious users of an ever-growing range of technologies, but we are now unable to escape the web that they have woven around us."

The remedy he recommended is that there should be formal instruction in physics, theoretical and applied, for those entering a career in medical research. He could have added that physicists should be taught something about biology. It took far too long before most physicists realised that EMFs can do more to cells than just heat them up a bit.

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"


Increasing US Media Concern About Global Weather Chaos

Earthquakes and Meteor Explosions in Atmosphere

Informant: David House

GP fights telephone masts that 'give her family migraines'


From Mast Network

Why the Sun Seems to Be 'Diming'


Ex-Guard Says He Was Ordered to Mistreat Iraqis


Jihadis or Godly Hypocrites

Jihadis or Godly Hypocrites - Which Side Are You On?

They beat me from all sides


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Chip implant makes its debut at VIP British club


The Tax-Reform Racket

Lew Rockwell on seeing through the policy lies:

Wertminderung von Immobilien


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Wohnungskauf trotz Mobilfunkmast?

Wertminderung von Immobilien

Wertminderung durch Sendemasten

Wertzuwachs/Wertminderung durch Mobilfunk-Antennen in der Nachbarschaft

Wertverlust durch Mobilfunk?

Wertminderung von Immobilien in der Nachbarschaft von Mobilfunk-Antennen

Immobilien: Enteignung durch Mobilfunk?

Antenne in Sicht: Mieter und Käufer nehmen Abstand

Wertverlust von Immobilien durch Mobilfunk

Wertverlust durch Mobilfunk?


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Wertminderung von Immobilien in der Nachbarschaft von Mobilfunk-Antennen


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Immobilien : Enteignung durch Mobilfunk?


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Antenne in Sicht : Mieter und Käufer nehmen Abstand


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Wertverlust von Immobilien durch Mobilfunk


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Wohnungskauf trotz Mobilfunkmast?

Uns ist es nicht gelungen, unser Haus zu verkaufen, es stand fast 1 1/2 Jahre leer, jetzt ist es äußerst billig vermietet worden, nur um die laufenden Kosten decken zu können. Das bedeutet für uns den totalen Vermögensverlust verursacht durch den Mobilfunkbetreiber.

Und Vodafone verdient täglich Millionen!!!!!

I. Eder-Stein


Immobilien und Mobilfunk

Bush Says Election Ratified Iraq Policy

President Bush said the public's decision to reelect him was a ratification of his approach toward Iraq and that there was no reason to hold any administration officials accountable for mistakes or misjudgments in prewar planning or managing the violent aftermath. However, Bush fails to mention future opportunities for citizens, Congress, and the press to hold him accountable: the confirmation process for political appointments.


The Vote on Mr. Gonzales

The Washington Post formally came out against the confirmation of Alberto Gonzales in today's lead editorial, saying "According to the logic of the attorney general nominee, federal authorities could deprive American citizens of sleep, isolate them in cold cells while bombarding them with unpleasant noises and interrogate them 20 hours a day while the prisoners were naked and hooded, all without violating the Constitution. Senators who vote to ratify Mr. Gonzales's nomination will bear the responsibility of ratifying such views as legitimate."


Pollution linked to childhood cancers

Quite an interesting article - pollution linked to childhood cancers - today's Mail - there is little conclusive evidence seems to be the key!



From Mast Network

Letter to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework


Another step forward

Last week in Denmark headlines in many newspapers, television, radio said: SMALL CHILDREN SHOULD NOT USE MOBILE TELEPHONES.

The Danish Cancer organisation and the Health Council recommend that children under 10 years should not be given a mobile telephone.

This is based on the latest warnings from the British NRPB. Of course this is not new, but the new thing is that these two bodies never acknowledged this before. So they are learning.
However they claim, that there is still no proof that mobile phones are harmful for grown-ups, but all scientific studies that showed this have been performed on adults. Earliest after 3-4 years there will be results from studies done on children. Until then one should be cautious.

A few weeks ago the REFLEX report, especially the DNA results, have been widely quoted in all media and newspapers, even the engineers magazine. The two bodies mentioned above were completely silent on this matter. No wonder, a year ago they critisized the REFLEX project heavily and its scientific quality.

Sianette Kwee

Letter to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

Pollution linked to childhood cancers

The stupid people

by Mark Davis

Strike the Root


The State apparatus is built on the premise that those individuals anointed with Statecraft are imminently wiser than those individuals who are not, all the way to the point where it is acceptable (i.e. legal) to use violence to enforce those decisions...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Won the war, lost the peace

by Vox Day



Since Baghdad fell, America has lost more than nine times as many troops in the post-war peace as it did in the war itself, with 1,163 post-war KIA compared to 122 wartime fatalities as of Dec. 12, 2004. A few months ago, I wrote that optimistic comparisons to postwar Japan and Germany were foolish and inaccurate -- one no longer hears even whispers of them now, only increasingly desperate assertions that Iraq is not Vietnam. And it isn't. It's arguably worse...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The scapegoat

by Justin Raimondo



Andrew Sullivan opines that the horrors of Abu Ghraib undermined the war: what he doesn't understand is that this is the war. Not the war he wished for -- an antiseptic fantasy in which the grateful Iraqis thronged the streets hailing us as their 'liberators' -- but the war we have and will continue to have so long as Sullivan and others in the War Party demand that we 'stay the course.' Abu Ghraib had to happen, given the nature of the conflict: a struggle pitting the Iraqis -- the overwhelming majority of whom want us out -- against their occupiers. It wasn't the implementation of the war plan, or the lack of a war plan -- it was the war itself that gave rise to Abu Ghraib and the scandal of widespread torture from Guantanamo to Afghanistan...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US planning for possible attack on Iran

Hersh: US planning for possible attack on Iran


The Bush administration has been carrying out secret reconnaissance missions to learn about nuclear, chemical and missile sites in Iran in preparation for possible airstrikes there, journalist Seymour Hersh said Sunday. The effort has been under way at least since last summer, Hersh said on CNN's 'Late Edition.' In an interview on the same program, White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett said the story was 'riddled with inaccuracies.' 'I don't believe that some of the conclusions he's drawing are based on fact,' Bartlett said...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

I Have A Dream


911 pictures


Informant: John Johnson

America is about to make Iran a major war zone

A senior US intelligence insider has leaked Pentagon plans to "go into Iran and destroy as much of the military infrastructure as possible". The source informed a highly respected American journalist that the Bush administration want to make Iran into "a huge war zone."


Selbst die Mobilfunkbetreiber wissen um die Gefährlichkeit

...Selbst die Mobilfunkbetreiber wissen um die Gefährlichkeit. Beispiel: Fragt mich ein Mobilfunkanbieter um einen Standplatz und ich sage ihm, er könne auf meinem Land eine Antenne aufstellen, wenn er mir eine 100%ige Garantie unterschreibt, dass keine Schäden entstehen, dann wird er mit Sicherheit keinen Vertrag unterschreiben...


Nicht-ionisierende Strahlung und Krebserkrankungen

Keeping the Dream Alive




Informant: Tim White


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Januar 2005

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