
Blackwell on the Run

Protests Planned, Pressure Building
VoteCobb.org Daily Update
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Blackwell on the Run

When Mahatma Gandhi said, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win," he could have been talking about Ohio in 2004. Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, who presided so triumphantly over the granting of Ohio's 20 Electoral votes to President Bush on December 13 even though the recount had not yet started, has gone past ignoring and ridiculing the recount movement. Now that his house of cards is tumbling down, he is starting to fight back.

read article:

Ein Sendemast droht auf das Haus zu stürzen

Das "Traumland" geht in Flammen auf

100 Wehrmänner sind in Bad Honnef stundenlang im Einsatz - Ein Sendemast droht auf das Haus zu stürzen - Die Ursache für das Feuer ist unklar - Kein Hinweis auf Brandstiftung...


Uncle Sam wants you

Truly, Uncle Sam wants you:

They are desperate. How else can I explain the fact that I am 54 years old and the military is trying to recruit me?

Demand that politicians do more to support our troops

Young men and women are fighting for us as I write, but who is fighting for them?

An Open Letter to Our Leaders From an Iraq War Soldier

Our soldiers are putting their lives on the line. - We see no pictures of the sacrifice. That is hidden, and our media is ordered not to show it. We see only words and videos of politicians speaking boldly about supporting our military, and honoring their service with all the best equipment, supplies, and motivation. We see nothing of the loss, the destruction: It is kept from us.

Nothing to come back to

Inside Falluja: 'Nothing to come back to' :

I was there, inside the city - about 60% to 70% of the homes and buildings are completely crushed and damaged, and not ready to inhabit at the moment.

Listen, Little Man


Informant: Friends

Our Democracy is in Danger of Being Paralyzed


Informant: Laurel

Moratorium zur UMTS-Technologie gefordert

ödp Rhein-Neckar für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk

Moratorium zur UMTS-Technologie gefordert

Die Kreisvorsitzende der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei (ödp) Rhein-Neckar, Karin Becker, die in ihrer Eigenschaft als Stadträtin der Frauenliste Wiesloch auch im städtischen Arbeitskreis Mobilfunk mitarbeitet, hat eine Petition an den Deutschen Bundestag unterzeichnet, in der ein Moratorium zur UMTS-Technologie gefordert wird.

Da trotz mehrfachem Mahnen von verschiedenen Verbänden und Initiativen vor Einführung der UMTS-Technologie keine wissenschaftlichen Studien durchgeführt wurden und wegen der Kürze der Zeit bisher noch wenig Datenmaterial vorliegt, soll im Sinne von Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung dem Vorsorgeprinz Rechnung getragen werden und alle in Betrieb genommenen UMTS-Sender bis zur zweifelsfreien Feststellung der Unschädlichkeit dieser Technologie umgehend abgeschaltet werden.

Anlass für diese vom Bundesverband Elektrosmog e.V., Wuppertal entworfene Petition ist vor allem die kürzlich veröffentlichte UMTS-Studie des technologischen Instituts TNO, die durch die niederländischen Ministerien für Wirtschaft, Gesundheit und Telekommunikation in Auftrag gegeben wurde. Über die in der Studie festgestellten Beschwerden wie Schwindel, Kopfschmerzen, Brechreiz und Herzprobleme wird zeitgleich mit Inbetriebnahme der UMTS-Sender immer häufiger seitens der Bevölkerung geklagt.

In Wiesloch versucht zur Zeit ein Hochhausbesitzer in unmittelbarer Nähe des Altenheimes Kurpfalz die Erlaubnis für die Anbringung einer solchen Antennenstation zu erreichen. Der Arbeitskreis Mobilfunk hat diesen Standort in seiner letzten Sitzung erneut als unakzeptabel zurückgewiesen. Da es immer noch keine neutrale Clearingstelle/Schiedsgerichtsstelle für Mobilfunk-Standort-Streitigkeiten gibt und der zur Unterstützung von der Stadtverwaltung Wiesloch angerufene Städtetag auch nicht aktiv wurde, dürfte im Wohngebiet rund um die Albert-Schweitzer-Straße momentan nur noch der Widerstand der dort wohnenden Menschen diesen vorrangig aus finanziellen Gründen vom Hausbesitzer abgeschlossenen Mietvertrag mit einer Mobilfunkfirma unwirksam machen können.

„Zu berücksichtigen ist auch, dass der einen jetzt beantragten UMTS-Mobilfunkantenne auf diesem Haus in der Albert-Schweitzer-Straße weitere Antennen – auch von anderen Mobilfunkunternehmen - folgen“, so Karin Becker. „Dies ist in den Verträgen der Mobilfunkunternehmen immer fester Vertragsbestandteil.“

Nachricht von Karin Becker


UMTS im Dornröschenschlaf


Sie sagen "Nein" zu Mobilfunk

Initiative kämpft für Frieden in der Nachbarschaft

Sie sagen "Nein" zu Mobilfunk


Peiting - Dass von Mobilfunkbetreibern Unfrieden in ihrer guten Nachbarschaft gestiftet wird, lassen sie nicht zu: Rund 50 Anwohner des Suchkreises Peiting-Nord, wo Mobilfunkbetreiber einen Masten installieren möchten, haben sich jetzt zusammengeschlossen. Gemeinsam machen sie deutlich: "Wir sagen alle nein und muten unseren Nachbarn die Strahlenbelastung nicht zu!" Immer mehr Anwohner schließen sich der namenlosen Initiative an - darunter Mieter, Vermieter und Geschäftsleute. Petra Asanger-Strobl: "Wir sind keine Bürgervereinigung, sondern normale Leute mit einem gesunden Menschenverstand, die einfach sagen, was sie denken."

Diejenigen, die sich zusammengeschlossen haben, sind davon überzeugt, dass es eine Belastung durch Strahlen bei Mobilfunkantennen gibt. "Sonst gäbe es ja keine Gegenbewegung", macht Petra Asanger-Strobl deutlich. Das Büro der Architektin liegt am Mühlenweg - nur wenige Meter entfernt vom Eisen-Peter-Gebäude, dessen Besitzer bereits einen Vertrag mit T-Mobile unterschrieben hatte und überraschend wieder aus dem Geschäft mit dem Masten ausgestiegen war (wir berichteten). Petra Asanger-Strobl war es, die die Anwohner zusammengetrommelt hat, die jetzt gemeinsam für einen mobilfunkfreien Suchkreis Peiting-Nord kämpfen.


Einschlägige Erfahrungen mit den Mobilfunkbetreibern haben viele der Betroffenen bereits gemacht. "Die spielen die Leute hier gegenseitig aus. Jedem erzählen sie: Wenn du`s nicht machst, dann macht`s eben ein anderer", so Max Schweizer vom gleichnamigen Holzfachhandel, der auch im Suchkreis der Betreiber liegt.

Auch andere Anwohner berichten von psychologischem Druck. So argumentieren die Betreiber mit dem Sankt-Florians-Prinzip: "Wenn ein anderer die Antenne aufs Dach macht, sind die Auswirkungen schlimmer für sie, als wenn sie sich selbst dazu entschließen", lautet die Begründung derer, die als Aquisiteure für die Mobilfunkbetreiber bereits seit drei Jahren im Bereich Peiting-Nord unterwegs sind, wie die Anwohner berichten.

Bislang haben sich die Firmen die Zähne an den Peitingern ausgebissen. Und doch bleibt die Angst, "dass doch noch einer mitmacht", so eine Betroffene. Denn: "Die sind sicher weiter auf der Suche, und es sind nicht alle Leute informiert." Und schließlich kann ja auch der finanzielle Aspekt doch recht verlockend sein.

Die Verlockung

So verlockend, dass eine der Betroffenen sich einst schon intensiver mit dem Gedanken beschäftigt hat. Zum Scheitern kamen die Überlegungen, als die Dame vom Betreiber eine schriftliche Bestätigung forderte, dass eine Antenne dem Herzschrittmacher des Mannes nicht schade. "Ich komme in sechs Wochen wieder", soll der Mobilfunk-Vertreter daraufhin gesagt haben. Er sei bis heute nie mehr gesehen worden, weiß die Frau.

So wurde die Betroffene um eine Erfahrung reicher - ein Ziel, das die Anwohner-Gemeinschaft Peiting-Nord sich jetzt zum Ziel gesetzt hat. "Wir wollen, dass sich die Leute Gedanken machen - die große Masse denkt nämlich so wie wir, sagt aber nichts", so Petra Asanger-Strobl. Die Bürger sollen aufgerüttelt werden. Um des Friedens willen an der Münchener Straße. Dort ist man sich einig: "Wir wollen auch in Zukunft in Ruhe gelassen werden!" mm



Am Freitag, den 7. Januar 2005 findet das nächste Treffen der mobilfunkkritischen Initiativen aus dem Pfaffenwinkel statt. Man trifft sich dazu um 20 Uhr im Nebenzimmer des Hohenpeißenberger Gasthofs Schächen.

Ziel des Treffens, das diesmal von den "Besorgten Bürgern" aus Hohenpeißeneberg organisiert wird, ist es eine Vernetzung aller mobilfunkkritischen Initiativen und Einzelpersonen aus der Region voranzubringen. Das somit entstehende Netzwerk will ereichen, dass man voneinander lernt, Erfahrungen und Strategien austauscht und auch zu gemeinsamen Informationsveranstaltungen kommt. Die Treffen sollen jeweils vierteljährlich und an unterschiedlichen Brennpunkten stattfinden. Interessierte Gruppen oder auch Einzelpersonen sind willkommen.

Umweltinitiative Pfaffenwinkel e. V.

Genetically Engineered Foods May Pose National Health Risk


Informant: Andy Thames

Pollution alters body chemistry

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Pollution alters body chemistry
Substances in environment upset hormonal balance

By Brian H. Jensen
For the Poughkeepsie Journal

Scientists have begun to recognize that chemical contaminants in the environment have far-reaching effects on the endocrine systems in living creatures. The effects are most striking in animals that live in the water, but there may be implications for human health.

The endocrine system is the group of organs, including the thyroid and pituitary glands, that produce hormones that regulate mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes.

Chemicals that may disrupt the endocrine system are present in the Hudson Valley -- and around the world. As open space is replaced by suburbia, we are more and more likely to be exposed to these chemicals, as are the animals that live in the environment around us. That's because the sources for chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system can enter water from many dispersed sources.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are any chemicals that interfere with the normal function of endocrine glands. These chemicals can affect any gland, but most research has been done on chemicals that act as estrogen, known as environmental estrogens.

There are many known environmental estrogens, some of which are quite common. Some of the most common environmental estrogens are:

- PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) are a cocktail of many different chemicals that studies show can affect the thyroid and reproductive functions. PCBs were once used widely in industry as a fire suppressant, but were banned in the United States in 1977 and worldwide this year.

- PAHs (Polyaromatic hydrocarbons) form as a result of the degradation of petroleum products like gasoline and motor oil. Some of the effects that have been attributed to these chemicals include increased risk of cancer in mammals and inhibition of ovulation in fish.

- Some pesticides are also known to act as environmental estrogens. For example, the pesticide atrazine has been shown to have estrogenic effects in fish, and a byproduct of the banned pesticide DDT, DDE is know to be a potent environmental estrogen. Some of the effects that have been attributed to these chemicals include behavioral changes, feminization and malformation of the phallus in male reptiles.

- Pharmaceutical drugs like the birth control pill and estrogen replacement pills have been found not only in wastewater, but also in trace amounts in drinking water. Scientists have only identified trace amounts of these chemicals in recent years, and there have not been studies to determine what, if any, effect they have. Plastics contain chemicals that slowly leach out of the plastic and, some studies show, these chemicals in their pure form have biological effects very similar to estrogen.

These chemicals can enter the environment in a variety of ways. PCBs in the Hudson River are there largely because of General Electric Co.'s manufacturing plants north of Albany. Now-banned pesticides were used widely on farms. PAHs enter the environment whenever petroleum is burned. Plastics slowly degrade, leaching out chemicals. Pharmaceuticals originate in homes, and enter the environment through septic and sewage systems.

There have been some who suggest environmental estrogens are responsible for low sperm counts in men and earlier onset of puberty in females.

However, it is very difficult to say exactly what effect endocrine disrupting chemicals have on humans and there have not been any conclusive studies.

Although the effects of endocrine disruptors have not been demonstrated, there are some very clear examples of endocrine-disrupting chemicals having profound effects on other animals.

The most striking, but not only, of these examples is Lake Apopka in central Florida. In 1980 there was a chemical spill near the lake that included the pesticide DDT. The chemicals from the spill have been seeping into the lake and have had severe effects on the alligators living there. Male alligators in Lake Apopka are very frequently born with small malformed penises. In addition to the problems with their phalluses, they also have testes that are feminized and do not function properly.

Although less dramatic, but more relevant to the animals in the Hudson Valley, there have been several studies done that found that male trout caged in polluted streams produced a protein called vitellogenin that is normally only produced by female fish as part of the egg-making process. Laboratory studies have also shown a broad range of effects of low levels of environmental estrogens, including deformation of testes and behavioral changes.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals cannot be classified based upon their chemical structure because there is so much variability between different chemicals. Therefore, scientists have been working to develop tests to determine if a chemical has an endocrine effect.

For environmental estrogens, one of the most popular techniques involves exposing male fish to the chemical in question and then determining if the males fish produce a female specific protein called vitellogenin. If they produce vitellogenin, it can be concluded that the chemical is having an estrogenic effect.

Other scientists are using model systems that only used cells grown in the lab, or single-celled organisms to try and identify endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Currently, however, animal models appear to show the most promise because the complexity of the endocrine system and the chemicals acting on it.

There is action being taken to limit the amount and number of endocrine disruptors in the environment.

DDT, PCBs banned

There have been some great successes in dealing with endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as DDT and PCBs, both of which are now banned, but there is still much to be done.

For chemicals that have been identified as endocrine disruptors, government intervention is needed. Maybe more importantly, scientists need to continue their work to identify potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals and better understand how they act.

Thankfully, local professionals, led by Pace University, have organized the Environmental Consortium of Hudson Valley Colleges to begin working together to find solutions to our many environmental problems.

Brian Jensen is an assistant professor of biology at the College of Saint Rose in Albany.

Endocrine system in humans

The endocrine system regulates a variety of bodily functions by secreting hormones into the blood stream.


The pituitary gland controls many functions of the other endocrine glands.


Parathyroid glands regulate the body's calcium and phosphate.


The thyroid regulates metabolism and the body's calcium.


The thymus produces white blood cells that fight infections and destroy abnormal cells.


Adrenal glands help the body to deal with stress, regulate metabolism, produce sex hormones, and regulate sodium and potassium.


The pancreas plays a role in digestion, as well as hormone production.

Ovaries (female)

The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone.

Sources: World Book Encyclopedia; http://www.umm.edu ; http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu ; Journal research

Effects of environmental estrogens on male trout

Scientists have identified several ways certain chemicals affect the endocrine systems of aquatic animals, like fish and amphibians. Effects, if any, on the human endocrine system have not been proven.

- Brain: the trout's behavior changes and "sex drive" is reduced.

- Testes: become reduced in size, produce egg-like structures and sperm count decreases.

- Liver: the female specific protein vitellogenin is produced.

Sources: Brian H. Jensen; Journal research

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Shopping for War

You might think that the debacle in Iraq would be enough for the Pentagon, that it would not be in the mood to seek out new routes to unnecessary wars for the United States to fight. But with Donald Rumsfeld at the apex of the defense establishment, enough is never enough.


From Information Clearing House

Building a Unified Activist Citizen Taskforce


Informant: Friends

C.I.A. Torture Flights Authorized by Executive Order


Psychiatric Survivors Protest From "INSIDE" Montana State Hospital

NEWS - 27 December 2004 - please forward

"We Are Stepped On Daily."

Psychiatric Survivors Protest From *INSIDE* Montana State Hospital.

How You May E-Mail the New Governor of Montana to Support the Protesters!

Eight psychiatric inmates of Montana State Hospital have contacted MindFreedom asking for urgent help.

Most have even joined MindFreedom as members.

They all have united to protest and speak out about violations inside the psychiatric facility.

With a brand new Governor taking office next week, there's an easy way for you to e-mail your support for these protesters inside Montana State Hospital in Warm Springs.

These courageous psychiatric survivors report:

* They are locked up for no good reason.

* They do not have access to adequate advocacy.

* They are being forcibly drugged with powerful psychiatric drugs that can cause brain damage.

* They feel hopeless about ever getting out.

* And the food is lousy, to boot.

There is no known organization in Montana of, by and for mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. None.

Here are quotes from these MSH protesters:

"I don't deserve to be locked up just because I didn't go to therapy. They gave me Haldol shots against my will. Please help me get out of here. I have been here too long, and am suffering for no reason." - Julia Weeks, a new MindFreedom member.

"We are stepped upon daily." - Susan Ann Green, a new MindFreedom member.

"They trumped up all these charges about me. So my therapist wrote all these trumped-up charges against me because I saw my case manager and not my therapist. I took my medication and they lied and said that I didn't take it." - anonymous

"I was just traveling through Montana. I have been locked up and heavily drugged here for months." Kathleen A. Johnson, a new MindFreedom member.

"I am fortunate to have come across your path. The conditions are deplorable. People are treated worse than animals. There is
over drugging, mis-medicating, shock therapy, and on it goes. I am enclosing a membership application." - Ana Valentine, a new MindFreedom member.

"I was forcibly drugged and held for months in MSH." - Robert Kay, a long-time MindFreedom member, finally released.

"I have been in mental institutions for the past 17 years. Warm Springs doesn't offer much in the way of healthy measures. Instead
they press medications. I am writing you in hope you could intervene and ease the burden." - Charles McCormick, a new MindFreedom member.


NEXT WEEEK a brand new Governor of Montana takes office on 3 January 2005.

Please take a moment now to e-mail even a brief civil note to the transition team for:

Governor-Elect Brian Schweitzer
E-MAIL: govelectschweitzer@mt.gov
FAX: 406-444-9631
PHONE: 406-444.9600

SAMPLE MESSAGE (though your own words are best):

Dear Governor-Elect Schweitzer:

Please investigate allegations made by eight inmates of Montana State Hospital that they are being held without due cause and without adequate advocacy, and that they are being forcibly administered powerful psychiatric drugs.

Signed: ______[your name]____________


YOU MAY WRITE TO any of the current psychiatric survivors quoted above at:

Montana State Hospital
PO Box 300
Warm Springs, MT 59756 USA

You may try phoning them on the patient ward phone at: (406) 693-9950.

Or you may try phoning and faxing these inmates, and/or Ed Amberg, administrator, via ph: (406) 693-7000 or
fax: (406) 693-7069.

YOU MAY ALSO copy your e-mail to Montana media:

bwilke@dailychronicle.com, editor@mtstandard.com,
editor@broadwatercounty.net, ajones@kbzk.com,
news@ktvm.com, ljulius@maxmontana.com, Pkonecny@kxlf.com

U.S. - British Oil Imperialism


From: George Vye

History will show U.S. lusted after oil


Informant: George Vye

CIA Analyst Exposes Major Press Cover-up Around War on Terror


Illuminazi 9-11

by Anthony J. Hilder

Who benefits from this atrocity? Is it those who wish to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER on the smoldering ashes of American Sovereignty?

There's been a greater assault on our Bill of Rights in the past 120 days than in the past 200 years. Who'll call for a police state? Who'll call for martial law? Who'll call for national ID cards to give us "security?" It won't be Bin Laden. Are we watching the Nazi-ization of our true nation? In this 86 - minute volcanic video, former FBI chief agent Ted Gunderson blows the lid off the "FBLies" involvement in the 1993 Trade Center bombing. THEY SET IT UP! Illuminati historian Jordan Maxwell, publisher Clayton Douglas at The Free American, Gunderson and Anthony J. Hilder are calling the attack at the U.S. an "inside job." America has been suckered one more time.

This video will shake and shock you into a reality check.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 28th, 2004

Multicamera surveillance automated

"it could to follow an object chosen by the user."

Imagine a bank of cameras trained at different angles on many objects, such as people at an airport. It takes time for an operator to look at the images in each camera, see if a particular object of interest is in that image, then manually zoom in to take a closer look. Researchers from the University of Toronto have developed a system that allows the user to indicate an object in one view and automatically zoom to that object in all other views. The system sorts all the camera views according to the quality of the view and zooms into all the images that contain the object in about half a second in a system containing as many as 200 cameras, according to the researchers. The system can be used anywhere where multiple cameras are used for surveillance, such as airports or casinos. It can also be used to speed the process of parsing through a large number of still pictures of a scene, such as archeological and crime scene pictures. The researchers are working on adding real-time object tracking to the system so it could to follow an object chosen by the user.

The system coordinates the multiple views using the three-dimensional spatial location of the object of interest, which it finds using the visual input plus sound localization information from an array of microphones.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 28th, 2004

Miami Police Use Taser To Subdue Wheelchair-Bound Man

Miami police say they used a Taser stun gun to subdue a wheelchair-bound man who threatened them with scissors. Police say they responded to a domestic violence all at a home where the man got into an argument with his girlfriend, then threw a soda can at her 13-year-old daughter. Police say the man resisted officers and threatened them. The man's name was not released. He was taken to jail, but no charges were immediately filed.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 28th, 2004

TSA seeks registered traveler program expansion

The government wants to expand a program that allows air travelers to avoid extra security inspections at airports by volunteering for background checks. Transportation Security Administration chief David Stone said Monday that the agency is looking to add new airports -- domestic and international -- to the registered traveler program, now being tested in five cities. Calling it "one of the most critical programs for TSA," Stone said he's keen to find international partners for it. Under the test program, people who fly at least once a week give the government their biographical and biometric information, which is checked against databases. Participants who pass muster receive a card that's checked at an airport kiosk, which then lets them into a special security lane. If they don't set off an alarm, they're whisked right through.

The program began in July and was originally scheduled to last 90 days. It was so popular that the TSA extended it indefinitely. About 10,000 frequent fliers are enrolled at airports in Boston, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Washington.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 28th, 2004

Next step in biometrics

New security projects need common standards for exchanging data

Initial reports on the government's Registered Traveler program are promising. "The feedback from the airlines and the traveling public was that it was a program that everyone was happy with and didn't want to see stop," said Larry Zmuda of Unisys Corp., regarding the pilot project that is using biometric identifiers to screen travelers and speed them through security checkpoints at five U.S. airports. Unisys is one of the prime contractors on the project. But the project also faces a major hurdle if Transportation Security Administration officials decide to make it a national program and expand it to other airports. Currently, participants can use biometric kiosks only at the airports at which they registered. The next step for TSA is to adopt standards to make interoperable systems to allow rapid screening of Registered Traveler participants at all participating airports.

"Interoperability will be a big item, so a traveler entering one location can be transparent. ... Elsewhere around the world, similar programs are being explored," said Tom Grissen, chief executive officer of Daon Inc. of Herndon, Va., which supplies biometric identity management software for the program.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 28th, 2004

LAPD Using Facial Recognition Devices

Creeping Big Brotherism

Los Angeles police are asking for federal funding to expand facial-recognition systems to help them identify people, it was reported today. "It's like a mobile electronic mug book," Capt. Charles Beck of the Rampart Station told the Los Angeles Times. "It's not a silver bullet, but we wouldn't use it unless it helped us make arrests." Jose Hernandez, an alleged 18th Street gang member, is one of 19 people recently arrested by officers using the gadgets on the mean streets just west of downtown, The Times reported. Officers Mark Hubert and David Nick recently stopped two young men on a bicycle on Alvarado Street to check them out -- doubling is illegal -- and senior lead Officer Mike Wang used a handheld facial-recognition device on the one who was pedaling. Ramona Ripston, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, is against letting police use the devices. "This is creeping Big Brotherism. ... There is a long history of government misusing information it gathers," she told the newspaper. Ripston said the devices might encourage racial profiling and lead officers to question any young people dressed in a certain way.

In the eight weeks that officers assigned to the Rampart Station have been testing the devices, they have used them about 25 times, resulting in 16 arrests for alleged criminal contempt of a gang injunction and three for felony warrants, The Times reported.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 28th, 2004

Uncivil liberties and the other victims of Sept. 11, 2001

by William Fisher


Daily Star [Lebanon]

Since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, millions of words have been written about the 'terrorists in our midst' and what law enforcement agencies are doing to fight it. However, few questioned whether an overzealous American government was compromising American civil liberties. In the days and weeks following Sept. 11, the FBI rounded up and imprisoned thousands of immigrants and visitors to the United States. Now, in a new report titled 'Worlds Apart,' the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has documented what happened to 13 of these 'other victims' of the Sept. 11 attacks, and to their families...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The gods must be crazy

by Jerry Rose

Common Dreams


Determined to destroy all evil, George Bush's God calls upon him to invade a country called Iraq. Because the American people could not have understood the higher purpose, the God of George Bush instructs him to lie and deceive his people so they will not oppose His will.

For the past two years, the occupying army of George Bush's God, has been battling the Iraqis (who follow the God of Islam) and the followers of Bin Laden's God who have come to Iraq fight their American enemy. The country that was the cradle of civilization is being dismantled and destroyed, while hundreds of thousands of its citizens are maimed and killed. As a result, the hatred between the followers of the different Gods runs deeper than ever...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mosul attack "an inside job"

by Syed Saleem Shahzad

Asia Times


The Iraqi military is riddled with members of the resistance, Asia Times Online has been told, and this is what enabled a suicide bomber to penetrate the heart of US security in Mosul. And whether they be Ba'athists, Islamists or jihadis, the insurgents are united behind a common goal: 'freedom from foreign occupying forces...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush sending wrong message as chaos smolders in Iraq

by Ronald Brownstein

Los Angeles Times


Millions of Americans probably learned about last week's horrific attack on U.S. troops in Mosul while wrapping Christmas presents or stuffing packages into the SUV after a last-minute shopping blitz at the mall. That jarring juxtaposition may be the perfect symbol for the Iraq war. This grueling, grinding conflict is skittering through American life like a tornado that tears one house to the ground in every neighborhood, while leaving all those around it unscratched.

For the military personnel on the front lines -- and their families and friends -- the war is exacting bitter costs. For all other Americans, even for the officials whose decisions sent the troops into battle and shaped the conditions under which they are fighting and dying, the war is imposing no discernible consequences...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

More government spending has not enhanced national security

by Ivan Eland

Independent Institute


Since the September 11 attacks, real (inflation-adjusted) spending on defense has increased 23 percent, even when the whopping $250 billion bill for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is not included in the count. Even without those supplemental expenditures, the U.S. budget for national defense is an eye-popping $421 billion for fiscal year 2005, according to Chris Hellman of the Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation. Many taxpayers assume that the ballooning budgets mean greater security, but the facts tell a different story...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq 2004 looks like Vietnam 1966

by Phillip Carter and Owen West



Generational contrasts are implicit today when casualties in Iraq are referred to as light, either on their own or in comparison to Vietnam. The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, for example, last July downplayed the intensity of the Iraq war on this basis, arguing that 'it would take over 73 years for US forces to incur the level of combat deaths suffered in the Vietnam war.' But a comparative analysis of U.S. casualty statistics from Iraq tells a different story...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It's time to support the troops

by Sheila Samples



The price we are paying for national greed and lust for power is too high. American service members are not a ghostly, faceless mass of 'troops.' They are flesh-and-blood individuals; our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews. They are America's children -- her present, her future. Those troops I have known -- artillerymen, engineers, infantrymen -- are dedicated to their mission. They will do as they are told. They are proud of their country, will go to great lengths to protect it and, if necessary, are willing to die for its freedom. Unfortunately, more of them every day are called upon to do so. Although the media steadfastly refuses to acknowledge it, 1,331 US troops have been slaughtered in Iraq. Tonight, 16 families will bow their heads and pray for the safety of their children, not knowing they are already dead...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Disappearing act

by Mike Whitney



The role of the media in the siege of Falluja has been nearly as extraordinary as the battle itself. The siege began on November 8, but by Nov. 15 the military had declared 'victory' and the story disappeared from all the major media. It was as if the Pentagon had simply issued an edict forbidding any further coverage of the conflict, and the press left without protest. The fact is, the siege is ongoing and the final results are far from certain. A city of 250,000 has been evacuated; as many as 20,000 American servicemen have been engaged in the operation with 'the largest concentration of heavy armor in one place, since the fall of Berlin.' The military is proceeding with house-to-house searches and bombing raids are still being conducted on a regular basis. The siege of Falluja continues to be a huge story, despite the fact that the establishment media is nowhere to be found...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

National standards for licenses worry civil libertarians

Minneapolis Star Tribune


[U]nder legislation signed by President Bush this month, those state-issued licenses will have to meet uniform national standards to be accepted as proof of identity for boarding airplanes, applying for federal benefits and other U.S. government purposes. Officials say the standards will reduce fraud and thwart terrorists. But civil libertarians worry the common driver's license is being transformed into a kind of national ID card that may allow authorities to follow movements and invade the privacy of innocent Americans. 'We are opposed to a national identification card because it creates a system where Americans must show their papers in order to travel,' said Marv Johnson, a legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. 'This is something characteristic of dictatorships...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sozialkahlschlag braucht Gegenwehr

Diskussionsvorschlag für eine Abschlusserklärung des Treffens der Gewerkschaftslinken in Stuttgart am 14./15.1.05 von Helmut Schmitt, BR-Mitglied bei Freudenberg/Whm, Vorsitzender der Betriebs/Ortsgruppe Weinheim der IG BCE


Gegenmacht aufbauen!
Vorschläge für eine kämpferische Gewerkschaftspolitik von Jakob
Schäfer vom 13.1.05. Diese Vorlage dient der Diskussion in den
örtlichen Foren in Vorbereitung des zweiten Kongresses der
Gewerkschaftslinken im Jahr 2005..

Aktion Agenturschluss ("AgenturSchluss") - Aktion "Hartz-Schluss"

Electromagnetic Radiofrequency makes us ill


It can be very discouraging when responses to one's letters are so uncaring and dismissive etc. and I often have to top for a while until the evidence of suffering in my own village reminds me of the true facts.

I agree with your views re the environment. The Russians are trying to tell the powers that be in the West of the dangers of non-thermal emissions (as they have been since the 1950s!) but they also are being ignored. I have read and been informed that the thermal, or microwave emissions, are not the ones causing our most serious health problems. Not being an expert, it has taken me a long time to realise that it is 'electromagnetic radiofrequency' which makes us ill. I also read that 'non-ionising radio frequency' causes problems - so many names!

Some years ago ( 70s or 80s) I saw or heard information from America which made a great impression on me regarding cases of spontaneous abortion in cattle and humans plus deformed foetuses and cancer near pylons and power lines.

The trouble is that those people elected to serve us only seem to serve themselves and will not listen to our wishes and needs.

We just have to keep on writing, telling and requesting and eventually we will gain attention.

Gill Lyden

From Mast Network

Die Mobilfunkantenne sendet noch nicht, aber die Anwohner klagen bereits über Beschwerden

Derartige Aussagen der Betreiberfirmen "es bestünden bereits Gesundheitsprobleme, obwohl die Sendeanlage noch nicht in Betrieb ist" sind uns aus Deutschland ebenfalls bestens bekannt. Dies ist eine sehr beliebte Vorgehensweise der Betreiberfirmen, um bereits gesundheitlich betroffene Menschen öffentlich zu diffamieren und die gesamte Situation weiterhin zu verharmlosen. Uns sind jedoch zahlreiche Fälle bekannt, in denen Sendeanlagen (nachweislich durch Kontoll-Messungen) bereits in Betrieb waren, trotz gegenteiliger Aussagen der Betreiberfirmen.



Besuch von Pro 7: Vodafone stellte Antenne ab


Richtigstellungen von Unwahrheiten der Mobilfunk-Betreiberfirmen

Rumsfeld says Sept. 11 flight over Pennsylvania was ’shot down’



Informant: Laurel

Kerry Files Motion to Protect Ohio Vote Evidence


Compendium of Links

From Ray Beckerman--a very good compendium of links....

As a service to those who may be doing factual research on Ohio 2004 election issues of (a) fraud, (b) disenfranchisement and voter suppression, and (c) recount obstruction and tampering, I have started to compile the links to evidentiary materials which have been referred to on my blog. They are listed in reverse chronological order, by date of publication. So far I've gotten through December only. The permanent link to the compilation is:


Best regards,


Informant: Wpdanny

Candidate asks federal court to preserve evidence

Posted on Fri, Dec. 24, 2004

Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio - One of two minor-party presidential candidates who paid for a recount of the Ohio vote has asked a federal court to control access to voting machines and election records used in the recount.

Green Party candidate David Cobb made the request in U.S. District Court in Columbus on Thursday.

"It is time for the federal judiciary to step in and ensure the integrity of the recount in Ohio," Cobb said in a statement.

Ohio and its 20 electoral votes were the difference in the presidential race. On Dec. 6, Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell declared President Bush the official winner in the state by 119,000 votes over Democrat John Kerry.

The recount, for which Cobb and Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik paid $113,600, began the week of Dec. 13. With 87 of 88 county boards of election reporting, Bush had picked up another 346 votes and Kerry an additional 494. Lucas County was expected to release its recount totals next week.

The court filing claims that "voting machines in multiple counties may have been tampered with during the recount."

Informant: Wpdanny

No Holiday for Vote Thieves


Informant: Wpdanny

Kerry Preparing Grounds to Unconcede

Election Challenge likely on Jan 6th

Informant: Wpdanny

How the Iraq Tragedy is Hitting Home



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Dezember 2004

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