
New Radiation Scare from Mobile Phones


British MP condemns World Bank-backed plans for rainforest logging



Tuesday 14th December 2004: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

British MP condemns World Bank-backed plans for rainforest logging
in the Congo

Member of Parliament Bob Blizzard (Waveney) yesterday said in a Westminster Hall debate that "there was no chance at all" that a World Bank-backed plan to 'develop' the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which are the second largest on Earth, would bring any benefits to impoverished local people. Instead, the planned expansion of the timber industry would, the MP said, damage the livelihoods of some of the poorest people on Earth, including those of local 'Pygmies'.

The Parliamentary debate followed a visit to Congo's rainforests by members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Great Lakes and Genocide Prevention. The Group also yesterday announced the publication of a new report, "To elections and beyond" , which details the MPs' visit to DRC and sets out their recommendations on the future of the country's vast rainforests [2]. The report calls for the continuation of a moratorium on the issuing of any new logging concessions in DRC's forests.

Oona King, Founder and Chair of the APPG, said "We learned that nine contracts have been awarded to private logging companies by the Environment Ministry since the moratorium. They should simply be annulled and the moratorium maintained" [3]. Oona King called for sound management of DRC's natural resources which, she said, "was a prerequisite to enduring peace and prosperity in the country".

Responding to the debate, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Chris Mullin, said that he would draw the attention of the World Bank to the concerns raised by the Members of Parliament.

Simon Counsell, Director of the Rainforest Foundation UK, said: "We welcome the UK Government's commitment to raising concerns with the World Bank about the future of Congo's rainforests. As a major shareholder in the Bank, the Government has a responsibility to ensure that UK taxpayers' money will not be spent on destroying Congo's rainforests and wrecking local peoples' livelihoods."


For further information, please contact:

Simon Counsell, Rainforest Foundation UK

Tel: +44 (020) 7251 6345

Email: simonc@rainforestuk.com

More information about Congo's rainforests and the work of the Rainforest Foundation can be found at: http://www.rainforestfoundationuk.com

Notes to Editors

[1] MPs Bob Blizzard and Oona King visited the Democratic Republic of Congo in October, hosted by the Rainforest Foundation. The All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region & Genocide Prevention (APPG) comprises 148 MPs and Peers from the UK Parliament. It was founded by its current Chair. Oona King MP. Today, it is the leading forum in the UK Parliament for discussion and critical analysis of issues affecting the Great Lakes Region: Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Northern Uganda.

[2] The report is available from the website of the All-Party Parliamentary Group, at: http://www.appggreatlakes.org

The report also recommends that the World Bank, in conjunction with the Ministry of environment and local civil society organisation, send monitors into the forest to ensure that local people are consulted and acknowledged as residents. It also calls for international donors, the UK Government's Department for International Development (DfID) especially, to fund a comprehensive study in order to provide an estimation of the value of the forest, based not only on the commercial worth of its timber, but also on the value of forest products such as animal products, vegetable foods, building materials, medicinal plants and fuelwood, as well as ecological functions and services such as watershed maintenance and biodiversity protection.

[3] At the November "Forum on Forests and Nature Conservation" organised by the Congolese government in and the World Bank in Kinshasa , international and local NGOs as well as Congolese civil society called for the moratorium on all new logging concessions to be maintained until such time as strict conditions were complied with by the Congolese government.

Get Ready for Matrix


nov2truth.org news update 14 Dec 2004


Oppose FBI Spying on Free Speech Activities

From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU

Do you want FBI agents following you or your neighbors into your churches, synagogues or mosques and documenting what goes on there? Recently released documents indicate that FBI agents have been spying on innocent people under guidelines relaxed by Attorney General John Ashcroft. Ashcroft restructured these guidelines -- without consultation with Congress -- to allow FBI agents to spy on religious and political activity even if there was no suspicion of criminal activity.

Ashcroft's new guidelines revoked long-standing protections from government abuse and there is evidence that the FBI and local police are using this opportunity to spy on environmental, political and faith-based groups. This spying is not only unnecessary but also invasive of personal privacy. The police should not spy on individuals because they attended a rally supporting better funding for their child’s school or they expressed discontent with the government’s policy toward Sudan.

In recent days, thanks to your hard work, many of the most grievous parts of the intelligence reform bill were stripped out. While the final bill has several problems, without the outcry against several of its dangerous provisions by concerned people like you, it would have been much worse. We now need to build on this momentum and reign in excessive FBI spying powers.

Take Action! Urge Congress to support proper checks and balances on FBI spying.

Click here for more information and to take action:


Destroying the National Guard


Informant: Frank



Informant: billder

Kerry awakes, now tell Congress whether to contest the Ohio electors

I am writing you because you have already participated in an issue question on The People's Email Network. We had 12,000 submissions to the Kerry campaign, the DNC, and the GAO on election fraud and as to whether he should join the recount effort.

Now Kerry is starting to take the initiative. Did our 12,000 voices speaking together have an impact? The fact is that he is acting.

But the electoral college has already voted and the recount is just starting. Are your representatives standing up for your rights the way you want them to? If there was ever a time to speak out, this is it. Members of congress are calling for your emails now in the millions to tell them what you want them to do. Here is a new one click page that looks up your senators and house representative and sends your personal message to them and the minority House Judiciary Committee, all at the same time.


Please post this link everywhere you can, and also contact us if you would like to do a link exchange.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

It is appalling that politicians who are supposed to serve the electorate are so determined to ignore them

Dear Mr. Clarke,

I have contacted George Hooker at D of H several Times - I am also in touch with Professer Laurie Challis. It is my agreed task to help the victms of this technology in my village in the hope of having the mast moved.

In view of those in charge of the Dof H attempting to hide infirmation re: the effects of overhead power cables I have little faith of their intention (let alone their ability) to do anything to alleviate the physical symptoms caused by EMRF! Therefore I am writing to everyone who should know/be aware of/ be doing something to investigate these symptoms (recognisable where-ever masts have effects) in situ.

It is time the goverment initiated scientific tests (as they did in Switzerland where residents in Schwarzenberg had been suffering for forty years). These tests proved unequivocally that emissions inhibit the pineal gland's production of the hormone melatonin which results in chronic insomnia and headaches; nausea, vertigo earache and tinnitus etc etc. The lack of sleep also inhibits the immune system leaving people prey to any passing infection. No wonder they are depressed!

I have written to John Prescott more that once and shall be writing again. He passed on my 1st letter to an advisor without the document showing the symptoms Kensworthians had experienced, who told me 'how to appeal to prevent a mast being erected' when the mast had been present for a year already. My second letter was passed to George Hooker. Neither is it 'in the Prime Minister's remit', I am told. It is appalling that politicians who are supposed to serve the electorate are so determined to ignore them. There have been 4 strokes; ten cases of severe nosebleeds; 12 cases of chronic headache and insomnia (two people had to move out of their bedrooms in 2001 and still are unable to use them) - ulcerated mouths and throats and extreme thirst; 4 pets getting cancerous growths etc. etc. etc.

This technology must be operated at a safe level. The Russians found the effects first and do not agree with the ICNIRP and NRPB ignoring the NON-THERMAL effects - it is not the thermal effects which cause the problems and emissions are TOO HIGH.

Mrs. G. Lyden

From Mast Network

Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

Victim of Latin American torture claims Abu Ghraib abuse was official US policy

FOR many Latin American victims of torture, the infamous pictures of abuse at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison brought back not only chilling recollections of their own experiences, but also confirmed what they have long maintained: that their torturers were following interrogation guidelines set by the US Army School of the Americas (SOA).


From Information Clearing House

Guantanamo Britons 'losing sanity'

Guantanamo Britons 'losing sanity' as fears grow for terror suspects held in UK:

US lawyers for the four Britons have told The Independent on Sunday that the men face at least two more years in Cuba as the US government blocks every legal move to get them released.


From Information Clearing House

Dead And Buried

Dahr Jamail: Dead And Buried: EYEWITNESS:

Iraq’s civilian body count may go officially undocumented but the widows and the orphans know the true extent of the toll...


From Information Clearing House

Iran not a nuclear threat

UN: Iran not a nuclear threat:

"Iran does not represent an imminent nuclear threat," ElBaradei told El Pais newspaper, explaining why the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) decided not to refer Iran to the UN Security Council for threatened sanctions over its nuclear programme.


From Information Clearing House

Mutual Interests

The Texas story of Veridian Inc. provides a snapshot of the military-industrial-government complex. If you live in Texas, no matter where you live or what sort of work you do, you're profiting from the various wars, armed interventions, covert actions, and miscellaneous military conflicts now being pursued worldwide by American armed forces and the U.S. intelligence community. Here's how:


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Stages Simulated Attack On Iran

The U.S. Defense Department was said to have completed simulated war games to determine the feasibility of destroying Iran's nuclear weapons program.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. presses poised to print foreign money

The government's giant printing presses soon could be cranking out something in addition to the old greenback. The Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing has received the go-ahead from Congress to print other countries' currencies.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Military Obstructing Medical Care

Iraqi doctors at many hospitals have reported raids by coalition forces. Some of the more recent raids have been in Amiriyat al-Fallujah, about 10km to the east of Fallujah, the town to which U.S. forces have laid bloody siege. Amiriyat al-Fallujah has been the source of several reported resistance attacks on U.S. forces.


From Information Clearing House

Forcibly injected with Drugs

Hicks details US brutality:

AUSTRALIAN terror suspect David Hicks says he was forcibly injected with drugs and had his head smashed into asphalt while blindfolded as part of his interrogation at Guantanamo Bay.


Guantanamo Briton could go mad from confinement

The solitary confinement of a British detainee at the US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is slowly driving him mad, his father warned.


“Contract Meals Disaster" for Iraqi Prisoners

Rotten food crawling with bugs, traces of rats and dirt. Rancid meats and spoilt food resulting in diarrhea and food poisoning. This is what detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad were regularly given to eat by a private contractor in late 2003 and early 2004...


From Information Clearing House

‘When you have an occupation, you have resistance’

Interview: Patrick Cockburn:

‘When you have an occupation, you have resistance’: There should be no mystery about the nature of the resistance in Iraq. The situation is very simple, as it would be in most countries of the world — when you have an occupation by a foreign power, you have resistance. And that’s exactly what’s happened in Iraq.

Victory will not be won until U.S. leaves Iraq

At this point, the major destabilizing factor in Iraq is the presence of the United States. We are the lightning rod that brings death and destruction on a daily basis.


From Information Clearing House

Religious Exploitation, and the New American Creed

Moral Victory

by Dom Stasi

America has lost its world leadership

During the past four years, leading political analysts in Europe viewed the foreign policy of the United States being conducted by a small clique of neo-conservative ideologues. They now see the power of this group just having been reinforced by two other ominous groups: a corporate oligarchy and mobilized religious fundamentalists.

Impunity for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Must End


nov2truth.org news update 13 Dec 2004


Cobb Testifies Before Congressional Forum in Ohio


Informant: NHNE

Conyers Asks Ohio Officials To Delay


Informant: NHNE

Startling new revelations highlight rare Congressional hearings on Ohio vote


Informant: NHNE



Informant: NHNE

Let's really support our troops

by Jim Hightower



[H]ow many of the yellow-magnet people are aware of how our government 'supports' those troops who die in Iraq? While it's been widely reported that the families of civilians killed in the horrible 9/11 terrorist attacks have received an average of about $3 million each in overall compensation -- do you know what the compensation is for the families of soldiers who are killed in Iraq? It's $12,000...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Psychiatric totalitarianism

by Fred Foldvary

The Free Liberal


An effective way for government to control its subjects is to be able to declare anyone insane on the say-so of a government doctor, and then have the power to kill, imprison, or drug the subject. That was a common practice in the old Soviet Union, and it is already being done on a small scale in the USA. But now legislation passed by Congress is leading the way to implement this on a grand scale, enabling the US government to have psychiatric totalitarian control over all residents."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cobb alleges tampering, false data in vote

Ohio: Cobb alleges tampering, false data in vote


The Blue Lemur

David Cobb, the unsuccessful Green Party presidential candidate, aired startling allegations at the Democratic House Judiciary Committee's Columbus hearings Monday, alleging that a voting company representative tampered with voting equipment in Columbus last Friday and attempted to plant false information into the Ohio recount. Cobb says that a witness who had requested anonymity watched a representative of Triad Systems enter the Columbus Board of Elections unannounced and tamper with a vote tabulator which then lost all data. The representative then, Cobb said, tried to convince employees to post false information so that it would appear as if the data was valid and had never been lost...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Genetically Modified Food - News

Below is a good link for those concerned about Genetically Modified Food. Considering the seeds produced by these foods are sterile, and the crops pollinated by GM crops produce sterile seeds, this is a matter of GRAVE importance. We are essentially giving Monsanto a monopoly on all foods which they have genetically modified. Monsanto will very shortly have total control over our food supply and could manufacture a worldwide famine if they so pleased. If their seed storage facility gets destroyed, that crop will be extinct. We all need to start getting serious.--Andy

Genetically Modified Food - News

Sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste, regionale Anti-Hartz-&-Co-Bündnisse


Startling new revelations about Ohio vote

According to the Free Press newspaper in Columbus, Ohio, "Startling new revelations about Ohio's presidential vote have been uncovered ... in the 2004 vote. Taken together, the revelations show Republicans – in state and county government, and in the Ohio Republican Party – were determined to undermine and suppress Democratic turnout by a wide variety of methods."


An die Beschäftigten der Agenturen für Arbeit, Arbeitsgemeinschaften/Job-Centern und der Sozialämter, für die die Erwerbslosen nicht nur ein Kostenfaktor sind

An die Beschäftigten der Agenturen für Arbeit, Arbeitsgemeinschaften/Job-Centern und der Sozialämter, für die die Erwerbslosen nicht nur ein Kostenfaktor sind…" Das Flugbaltt zur Aktion (pdf) ist aktualisiert worden um den Hinweis auf das Forum im Labournet:

Auf zum "Agenturschluß". In immer mehr Städten haben sich Initiativen gebildet, die am 3. Januar 2005 Arbeitsagenturen "besetzen" wollen. Mitarbeiter sollen einbezogen werden. Artikel von Lutz Wehring in junge Welt vom 10.12.2004:

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 11

Ökonomen üben harsche Kritik an Opel-Sanierung

Zitat zum Thema: "reine Verschleierungsmaßnahme, mit der Unternehmen und Gewerkschaft den verabredeten Personalabbau bemänteln wollen".

Der Mannheimer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Wolfgang Franz zitiert in
Spiegel online vom 11.12.04:

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 11

Die Unternehmen, die oft über den deutschen Sozialstaat klagen, wissen ihn wohl für sich zu nutzen

Der Steuerzahler wird es richten

Die Unternehmen, die oft über den deutschen Sozialstaat klagen, wissen ihn wohl für sich zu nutzen. So werden die Beschäftigungsgesellschaften, in die Opel einen Teil seiner Arbeiter ausgliedern will, von der Bundesagentur mit Millionenbeträgen bezuschusst werden. Artikel im Manager Magazin vom 10.12.2004:


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 11

Fragen zu Beschäftigungsgesellschaften

Arbeitsrechtliche Info von und bei Marc W.Thomas, Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 20, Eintrag 11

Das Handy ist die Schuldenfalle Nummer eins

Jede Woche suchen Jugendliche die Bonner Schuldnerberatung auf, weil ihnen das Wasser bis zum Hals steht - Die Stadt bietet eine Info-Box "Geld & Schulden" für Pädagogen an

Von Frank Vallender

Bonn. Handy-Rechnungen von mehr als 1 000 Euro im Monat sind bei jungen Bonnern keine Seltenheit. Mahnbescheide, die den eigentlichen Wert der bestellten Ware um das Vielfache übersteigen, auch nicht.

Bei der Schufa gingen 1999 rund 100 000 Erstmeldungen über Schuldner ein, denen die Handykosten über den Kopf gewachsen waren. 2002 lag die Zahl bereits bei 280 000. Das Handy ist die Schuldenfalle Nummer eins bei jungen Leuten, weiß Birck, der mit sieben Kollegen 250 Leute von 18 bis 25 Jahren berät.

Und wer nicht zahlt, der hat nach drei Monaten schnell eine Rechnung, die mit Mahngebühren, Anwalts- und Inkassokosten um das Sechsfache gestiegen ist. Dabei sind die Anbieter in der Regel rechtlich auf der sicheren Seite, sagt Ute Krüger von der Verbraucherzentrale. Sie und Birck kennen Ratsuchende, die schon mit Mitte 20 einen Schuldenberg vor sich herschieben. Andere haben für Freunde Verträge abgeschlossen - wie ein 19-jähriger Schüler: "Der hat deshalb 2 500 Euro Schulden."

Nicht immer zeigen die Gläubiger Verständnis. Immer häufiger müssen schon Lehrlinge Privatinsolvenz anmelden und bekommen deshalb nicht selten Schwierigkeiten in der Lehre.

Um dieser Entwicklung in Bonn gegenzusteuern, bietet das Jugendamt jetzt eine Info-Box "Geld & Schulden" an, die zum Vorbild den "Schuldenkoffer" der Schuldnerhilfe Essen hat. Laut Uli Hermanns vom Jugendamt ist die Box mit Videos, Comics, Fachliteratur und anderen Materialien ein Angebot des erzieherischen Kinder- und Jugendschutzes, "mit dem Jugendliche ab 13 Jahren sensibilisiert werden sollen, wo die Kostenfallen liegen".

Da der Spaß am Konsum nicht genommen werden soll, gehe es vor allem darum, die Risiken kennen zu lernen, so Hermanns. Speziell für jugendliche Mobilfunk-Einsteiger bietet die Stadt zusätzlich eine kleine Broschüre an, die in einer jugendgemäßen Sprache Tipps für kostenbewusstes Telefonieren vermittelt. Auch Eltern können Hilfe erbitten. Denn nicht selten seien sie ein schlechtes Vorbild: "Auch viele Erwachsene wissen nicht, wie viel sie im Monat ausgeben", sagt Krüger. Und seien dementsprechend nicht in der Lage, ihren Kindern den richtigen Umgang mit Geld beizubringen.

Das Jugendamt bietet zurzeit zwei Boxen zum kostenlosen, vierwöchigen Verleih für Pädagogen an. Infos zur Box und zur Handy-Broschüre unter Telefon (02 28) 77 56 79. Die Schuldnerberatung hat die Telefonnummer (02 28) 96 96 60, die Verbraucherzentrale die (02 28) 9 76 69 34.


http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/index_frameset.html?/news/artikel.php?id=82653 (Auszug)

dazu der Kommentar von Frank Vallender:

Tropfen auf den heißen Stein

Wenn es darum geht, Kunden um den Finger zu wickeln, ist manch Handel treibender Zeitgenosse sehr einfallsreich. In Zeiten von Handy, Telefon-Hotline und Ratenzahlungen haben die Maschen, den Menschen das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen, hier und da noch um einige üble Varianten zugenommen. Und auch das eine oder andere vermeintlich seriöse Unternehmen trägt mit dazu bei, dass die Verbraucher immer schwerer den Preisdschungel durchblicken.

Erst recht nicht junge Leute. Die schöne bunte Warenwelt ist für sie zu verlockend, der Druck in der Clique zu groß, als dass sie den Versuchungen stets widerstehen können. In Bonn hat die Schuldnerberatung immer häufiger mit jungen Menschen zu tun, die nach dem Konsumrausch in der Schuldenfalle aufwachen.

Wie das Jugendamt selbst zugibt, wird das Thema Konsumerziehung in Schule und Jugendarbeit stiefmütterlich behandelt. Leider scheinen auch immer weniger Eltern in der Lage zu sein, ihren Kindern den Umgang mit Geld beizubringen. Der Vorstoß von Stadt, Schuldnerberatung und Verbraucherzentrale mit der pädagogischen Info-Box "Geld und Schulden" ist gut. Wohl aber kaum mehr als ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.



dazu auch:

Schon als Schüler finanziell ruiniert


BONN. Als ihn sein bester Freund um einen kleinen Gefallen bat, zögerte Andreas (Name geändert) keine Sekunde. Gerade 18 geworden, schloss der Schüler für seinen Kumpel einen Handyvertrag ab. Der hatte schließlich fest versprochen, jeden Monat brav die Rechnung zu bezahlen. Vor kurzem tauchte Andreas bei Ute Krüger in der Bonner Verbraucherzentrale auf. Auf 2500 Euro war der Schuldenberg des Schülers angewachsen. Sein Freund hatte nämlich nicht gezahlt. Der Handyprovider hielt sich aber natürlich an Andreas als Vertragspartner.

Was tun? Da sich die Handyfirmen nach Erkenntnissen des Bonner Schuldnerberaters Viktor Birck auf Einigungsversuche kaum einlassen, „bleibt oft nur der Weg zur Insolvenz“.

Noch in der Schule und schon finanziell ruiniert - solche Schuldnerkarrieren von jungen Erwachsenen sind keine Seltenheit mehr. Im Gegenteil. Unwissenheit, Selbstüberschätzung und Sorglosigkeit treiben immer mehr junge Menschen in die Schuldenfalle. „Die Zahlen gehen rapide hoch“, betont Verbraucherschützerin Krüger. Nach Erkenntnissen von Ulrich Hermanns vom Bonner Amt für Kinder, Jugend und Familie gingen bei der Schuldnerdatei Schufa im Jahr 1999 noch 100 000 Erstmeldungen wegen Handyschulden ein, drei Jahre später waren es schon 280 000.

Ein 18-Jähriger mit einer Handyrechnung von 1000 Euro im Monat - für Schuldnerberater Birck fast schon Alltag.

Auf der einen Seite sind Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene die in der Werbung am stärksten umworbene Zielgruppe, auf der anderen Seite „ist Konsumerziehung in Schule und Jugendarbeit ein eher randständiges Thema“, hat das Jugendamt erkannt. Aus diesem Grund hat es jetzt zwei Info-Boxen „Geld & Schulden“ angeschafft, die in der vorbeugenden Arbeit in Schulen und Jugendeinrichtungen eingesetzt werden sollen. „Wir wollen vor allem Jugendliche ab 13 sensibilisieren, sagt Uli Hermanns. „Wir wollen ihnen nicht den Spaß am Konsum nehmen, aber die Risiken deutlich machen.“ Und die sind gerade für junge Leute vielfältig, wissen Ute Krüger und Viktor Birck aus der Praxis. Vor allem der Slogan „Jetzt kaufen - später bezahlen“ ist verführerisch. Bei Handyverträgen, Online-Diensten oder Ratenkäufen seien die Verschuldungsrisiken besonders groß.

Aufklärung ist an allen Ecken und Enden nötig. Oft haben die jungen Erwachsenen kein „Budgetbewusstsein“, sagt Birck, häufig seien aber auch die Eltern kein Vorbild. „Ich habe Großeltern, Eltern und Kinder in der Beratung“, sagt Birck. „Da ist Schulden machen etwas Selbstverständliches.“

Dass Aufklärung mitunter einfach-anschaulich geht, zeigt ein „Handybooklet“, das es ebenfalls beim Jugendamt gibt. In der idealen Beilage zum Handy unterm Weihnachtsbaum steht zum Beispiel auf einer Seite kurz und knapp: „Wenn Du acht Minuten am Tag telefonierst und zwei SMS am Tag verschickst, können es ganz schnell über 75 Euro im Monat sein.“ (KR)

Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2004

http://www.rundschau-online.de/kr/KrCachedContentServer?ksArtikel.id=1102954888077&listID=1038816868233&openMenu=1038942868191&calledPageId=1038816866865 (Auszug)

Nachrichten von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Reflex study


Project Progress Summary


Title of the project: Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods

Acronym of the project: REFLEX

Type of contract: Shared Cost RTD Total project cost (in euro)

3.149.621 ?

Contract number Duration (in months) EU contribution (in euro)

QLK4-CT-1999-01574 52 Months 2.059.450 ?

Commencement date

1 February 2000

Period covered by the progress report

1 February 2000 - 31 May 2004


Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer
Executive Director
Pettenkoferstr. 33
D-80336 München
+49 89 5309880
+49 89 53098829

E-mail address

Key words (5 maximum - Please include specific keywords that best describe the project.).

Electromagnetism, Bioeffects, Risk to Health

World wide web address (the project's www address ) ---

List of participants Provide all partners' details including their legal status in the contract i.e., contractor, assistant contractor (to which contractor?)

1. Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, VERUM - Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt, Pettenkoferstrasse 33, D-80336 München, Germany,

Tel: +49 89 5309880 / Fax: +49 89 53098829 / E-mail:
prof.adlkofer@verum-foundation.de (contractor)

2. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Tauber, Institut für Klinische Chemie, Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Hindenburgdamm 30,
D-12200 Berlin, Germany, Tel: +49 30 84452555 / Fax: +49 30 84554152 /
E-mail: Tauber@ukbf.fu-berlin.de (contractor)

3. Prof. Dr. Hugo W. Rüdiger, Abteilung für Arbeitsmedizin, Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin IV, Währinger Gürtel 18-20,
A-1090 Wien, Austria, Tel: +43 1 404004701 / Fax: +43 1 4088011 / E-mail: hugo.ruediger@akh-wien.ac.at (contractor)

4. Dr. Anna M. Wobus, Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Corrensstrasse 3, D-06446 Gatersleben,
Germany, Tel: +49 39482 5256 / Fax: +49 39482 5481 / E-mail:
wobusam@ipk-gatersleben.de (contractor)

5. Dr. Angeles Trillo, Insalud, Ramon y Cajal Hospital, Carretera Colmenar km.9, E-28034 Madrid, Spain, Tel: +34 91 3368699 / Fax: +34 91 3368171 / E-mail: angeles.trillo@hrc.es (contractor)

6. Prof. Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, Radiobiology, STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Laippatie 4, FIN-0881 Helsinki, Finland, Tel: +358 9 75988694 / Fax: +358 9 75988556 / E-mail: dariusz.leszczynski@stuk.fi (contractor)

7. Prof. Dr. Hans-Albert Kolb, Institut für Biophysik, Universität Hannover, Herrenhäuser Strasse 2, D-30419 Hannover, Germany,
Tel: +49 511 7622612 / Fax: +49 511 7623830 / E-mail: kolb@mbox.biophysik.uni-hannover.de (contractor)

8. Prof. Dr. Ferdinando Bersani, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, I-40127 Bologna, Italy, Tel: +39 (0)51 2095122 / Fax: +39 (0)51 2095050 / E-mail: bersani@gpxbof.df.unibo.it (contractor)

9. Dr. Isabelle Lagroye, Laboratoire PIOM, ENSCPB, 16 Av. Pey Berland, F-33607 Pessac Cedex, France, Tel: +33 (0)5 40002821 / Fax: +33-(0)5 40006631 / E-mail: i.lagroye@enscpb.fr (contractor)

10. Prof. Dr. Niels Kuster, Institut für Integrierte Systeme, ETH Zentrum, Gloriastrasse 37/39, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland, Tel: +41 1 632 2737 / Fax: +41 1 632 1057 / E-mail: niels.kuster@ifh.ee.ethz.ch (contractor)

11. Prof. Dr. Francesco Clementi, Cattedra di Farmacologia, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Via Vanvitelli 32, I-20129 Milano, Italy, Tel: +39 (0)2 50316962 / Fax: +39 (0)2 7490574 / E-mail: f.clementi@in.cnr.it (contractor)

12. Dr. Christian Maercker, Ressourcenzentrum für Genomforschung GmbH (RZPD), TP3 EG, Im Neuenheimer Feld 580, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany; Tel: +49 6221 424741 / Fax: +49 6221 424704 / E-mail: c.maercker@dkfz.de

Section 2: Project Progress Report NOT CONFIDENTIAL

Objectives: Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in relation to health is a controversial topic throughout the industrial world. So far epidemiological and animal studies have generated conflicting data and thus uncertainty regarding possible adverse health effects. This situation has triggered controversies in communities especially in Europe with its high density of population and industry and the omnipresence of EMF in infrastructures and consumer products. These controversies are affecting the siting of facilities, leading people to relocate, schools to close or power lines to be re-sited, all at great expense. The causality between EMF exposure and disease can never be regarded as proven without knowledge and understanding of the basic mechanisms possibly triggered by EMF. To search for those basic mechanisms powerful technologies developed in toxicology and molecular biology were to be employed in the REFLEX project to investigate cellular and sub-cellular responses of living cells exposed to EMF in vitro.

Results and Milestones: The strengths of REFLEX are based firstly on the adoption of a common technological platform for ELF-EMF and RF-EMF exposures that allow the replication of positive findings between the collaborating partners. Secondly, on the adoption of the post-genomic technologies (DNA microarrays and proteomics) that enables very large numbers of potential cellular effects to be examined simultaneously without prejudice as to mechanisms. The data obtained in the course of the REFLEX project showed that ELF-EMF had genotoxic effects on primary cell cultures of human fibroblasts and on other cell lines. These results were obtained in two laboratories and confirmed in two additional laboratories outside the REFLEX project, while no such effects could be observed in a further laboratory. ELF-EMF generated DNA strand breaks at a significant level at a flux density as low as 35 µT. There was a strong positive correlation between both the intensity and duration of exposure to ELF-EMF and the increase in single and double strand DNA breaks and micronuclei frequencies. Surprisingly this genotoxic effect was only observed when cells were exposed to intermittent ELF-EMF, but not to continuous exposure. Responsiveness of fibroblast to ELFEMF increased with the age of the donor and in the presence of specific genetic repair defects. The effect also differed among the other types of cells examined. In particular, lymphocytes from adult donors were not responsive. Chromosomal aberrations were also observed after ELF-EMF exposure of human fibroblasts. The following observations were made in different REFLEX laboratories:

1) ELF-EMF at a flux density of about 2 mT upregulated the expression of early genes, such as p21, c-jun and egr-1, in p53-deficient mouse embryonic stem cells, but not in healthy wildtype cells;

2) ELF-EMF (0.1 mT) increased the proliferation rate of neuroblastoma cells; and

3) ELF-EMF (0.8 mT) enhanced the differentiation of mouse stem cells into cardiomyocytes. However, no clear-cut and unequivocal effects of ELF-EMF on DNA synthesis, cell cycle, cell differentiation, cell proliferation and apoptosis were found.

With respect to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), data showed that RF-EMF produced genotoxic effects in fibroblasts, granulosa cells and HL60 cells. Cells responded to RF-EMF exposure between SAR level 0.3 and 2 W/kg with a significant increase in single and double strand DNA breaks and in micronuclei frequency. Chromosomal aberrations in fibroblasts were observed after RF-EMF exposure. RFEMF at a SAR of 1.5 W/kg downregulated the expression of neuronal genes in neuronal precursor cells and upregulated the expression of early genes in p53-deficient embryonic stem cells, but not in wildtype cells.

Proteomic analyses on human endothelial cell lines showed that exposure to RF-EMF changed the expression and phosphorylation of numerous, largely unidentified proteins. Among these proteins is the heat shock protein hsp27, a marker for cellular stress responses. There was no evidence that RF-EMF affected processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis or immune cell functionality.

For both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF, the results of the whole genome cDNA micro-array and proteomic analyses indicated that EMF may activate several groups of genes that play a role in cell division, cell proliferation and cell differentiation. At present the biological relevance of these findings can not be assessed.

Benefits and Beneficiaries: The REFLEX data have made a substantial addition to the data base relating to genotoxic and phenotypic effects of both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF on in vitro cellular systems. The data neither preclude nor confirm a health risk due to EMF exposure nor was the project designed for this purpose. Its value lies in providing new data that will enable mechanisms of EMF effects to be studied more effectively than in the past. Furthermore, the REFLEX data provide new information that will be used for risk evaluation by WHO, IARC and ICNIRP.

Future Actions: The REFLEX project has created novel results. From a scientific point of view, it has to be stated very clearly that the REFLEX data do not prove a causal link between EMF exposure and any adverse health effects. The genotoxic and phenotypic effects, which have been reported within REFLEX, clearly require further studies. These studies should include extensive external replications of the key observations reported, initially using the same technological platform. A further objective should be the extension of REFLEX investigations to appropriate animal models (e.g. genetically modified mice) and human volunteer studies.

Informant: Daniele



REFLEX Project Summary

REFLEX Final Report Part 1

REFLEX Final Report Part 2

REFLEX Final Report Part 3

REFLEX Final Report Part 4

REFLEX List of Publications


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