
Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations


Informant: intruthwetrust

Lies you’ll hear from Bush


Informant: intruthwetrust

Election theft in the making


Informant: intruthwetrust

Patriot Act tour carried a hefty price tag


Informant: S.T.Ill Freeman

IAFF Firefighters RF Health Study

The International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) has passed a resolution opposing the use of fire stations for cellular antenna site locations until such installations are proven not to be hazardous. The IAFF called for an initial study to determine if the health of firefighters who work in stations with cell towers on the station property has been adversely affected.

Also, here's an excerpt from a recent press release which indicates the type of ES symptoms some firefighters are experiencing after having cell towers located on their stations:


Call for Moratorium on New Cell Towers on Fire Stations Until Health Effects Can Be Studied

Boston, MA – August 24, 2004 – Firefighters returned to their home stations throughout the United States and Canada following last week's IAFF convention after passing a resolution to study the health
effects of cell towers placed on the fire stations where they work and live. Added to the resolution was an amendment calling for the IAFF to support a moratorium on the placement of new cell towers on fire stations until the completion of the study.

A recent pilot study of six California firefighters, first publicly revealed at the IAFF convention by medical writer and study organizer Susan Foster Ambrose of San Diego, CA, raises concern about the safety of fire fighters working and sleeping in stations with towers.

The study, conducted by Dr. Gunnar Heuser of Agoura Hills, CA, focused on neurological symptoms of six firefighters who had been working for up to five years in stations with cell towers. Those symptoms included slowed reaction time, lack of focus, lack of impulse control, severe headaches, anesthesia-like sleep, sleep deprivation, depression, and tremors.

Dr. Heuser, along with Dr. J. Michael Uszler of Santa Monica, CA, used functional brain scans - SPECT scans - to assess any changes in the brains of the six firefighters as compared to healthy brains of men of the same age. Computerized psychological testing known as TOVA was used to study reaction time, impulse control, and attention span.

Disturbingly, the SPECT scans revealed a pattern of abnormal change which was concentrated over a wider area than would normally be seen in brains of individuals exposed to toxic inhalation, as might be expected from fighting fires. Dr. Heuser indicated the only plausible explanation at this time would be RF radiation exposure. Additionally, the TOVA testing revealed among the six firefighters delayed reaction time, lack of impulse control, and difficulty in maintaining mental focus.

Because of increasing complaints among firefighters with cellular antennas on their stations coupled with the California study showing damage among the six firefighters tested, a group of five individuals spread across two provinces and three states worked with Southern California firefighters to draft the resolution put before the IAFF membership last week. Lt. Ron Cronin and Acting Lt. Joe Foster were joined by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Vermont-based Janet Newton - president of the EMR Policy Institute, and Susan Foster Ambrose.


A copy of the complete press release can be found at:



Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma


Langjährige Handy-Nutzung erhöht Risiko für Ohrtumor

Schwedische Wissenschaftler stellten eine Verdopplung der Wahrscheinlichkeit fest, nach 10 Jahren der Nutzung den gutartigen Krebs zu erhalten...




IZGMF: Kommentar zur Interphone-Studie

FGF-Infoline vom 21.10.2004

„Die schwedischen Forscher fanden heraus, dass sich bei langfristiger Handynutzung (mehr als 10 Jahre) das Risiko nahezu verdoppelt, an einem Hörnervtumor zu erkranken. Noch höher, nämlich fast um den Faktor 4, ist das Risiko, einen Hörnervtumor auf der Seite des Kopfes zu bekommen, an der das Handy bevorzugt gehalten wird. Kein erhöhtes Risiko fanden die Schweden bei einer Handynutzungsdauer unter 10 Jahren.

Hintergrund: Im Frühjahr 2004 hatte die erste Veröffentlichung aus der Interphone-Studie, sie bezieht sich auf die Teilstudie in Dänemark, aufgrund festgestellter Akustikusneurinome für einigen Wirbel gesorgt. Bereits 1999 dokumentierte ein Forscherteam um den amerikanischen Epidemiologen Dr. George Carlo, dass bei lange andauernder Handynutzung (mehr als 6 Jahre) ein erhöhtes Risiko für Akustikusneurinome besteht.“



Handystrahlung erhöht Krebsrisiko

Doch Hirntumoren durch Mobiltelefone ?

Hörnervtumor: Höheres Risiko bei langer Handynutzung

Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma

Was ist ein Akustikusneurinom?

Neurinome - Akustikusneurinome

Akustikusneurinom (Kleinhirnbrückenwinkeltumor)

Handy steigert Tumor-Risiko - Hinweise verdichten sich

Siehe auch den Filmbericht:

Hirnschäden bereits bei Ganzkörper-SAR von 0,002

92V auf das Gehirn


Blut-Hirn-Schranke durchlässig durch Mobilfunk

Neuer Disput um Handystrahlung

Schockstudie der EU: Handys knacken die DNS und bewirken schwere Zellschädigung

Be Part of the Solution : Protect the Election


Judge holds second reporter in contempt

USA Today


A second reporter was held in contempt Wednesday by a federal judge for refusing to reveal confidential sources before a grand jury investigating the leak of an undercover CIA officer's identity. U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan ordered Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper jailed for up to 18 months and the magazine fined $1,000 a day for refusing to comply with a grand jury subpoena seeking the testimony. Hogan suspended the jail time and fine pending the outcome of an appeal...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Computer crash deepens electronic voting concerns

Dodge City Daily Globe


A computer crash that forced a pre-election test of electronic voting machines to be postponed was trumpeted by critics as proof of the balloting technology's unreliability. The incident in Palm Beach County -- which is infamous for its hanging and pregnant chads during the 2000 presidential election -- did not directly involve the touch-screen terminals on which nearly one in three U.S. voters will cast ballots on Election Day...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The National Mobilization for Great Public Schools


Close ties at the Pentagon


Informant: kevcross5

Pharmaceutical industry accused of crimes against humanity before the ICC in the Hague


October 13, 2004


How to Hide 64 Earthquakes

Informant: Larry Lawson



Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use

See the first article on the page http://www.cheniere.org/articles/index.html

Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons and their Terrorist Use: Immediate Strategic Aspects of the Asymmetric War on the U.S.

Tony Craddock
Web Administrator
The Tom Bearden Website

Bush convicted in International Court


Winning Protection for Glaciers and Grizzlies

#113 WILD NORTHWEST, October 12, 2004
A Message from Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
=====Keeping the Northwest Wild=====

Winning Protection for Glaciers and Grizzlies
Call now to oppose the proposed Jumbo Glacier resort in British Columbia

The 13-year-long battle to protect Jumbo Glacier in B.C.’s Columbia Mountains has come to a head. Purcell Mountain grizzly bears, dazzling glaciers, wildflower meadows in summer, and untracked powder in winter, all are threatened by a $450 million ski resort. Add your voice to the nearly 24,000 letters in opposition already sent to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office through the Jumbo Wild action center. The cornerstone of British Columbia’s growing economy is tourism, and it is wilderness that draws tourists, including American tourists. Urge the government to keep Jumbo Glacier wild. Tell them to support instead investment in existing Canadian resort towns such as Fernie, Kimberly, and Invermere -- not destruction of pristine areas.

Call BC Premier Gordon Campbell by October 18. Ask that he side with the glaciers and grizzly bears and against this Jumbo resort.

Toll-free in B.C.: 1-800-663-7867
Outside B.C.: 1-604-660-2421

Media attention on Jumbo has ramped up considerably. At the recent international Living Lakes Conference, members from 20 countries voted unanimously to urge the government to deny approval of the Jumbo Glacier resort. The world is watching closely as the B.C. government prepares a decision.

For more information visit http://www.jumbowild.com/
To learn more about NWEA's work to protect grizzly bears, go to http://www.ecosystem.org/grizcanada.html

Please reply to this message to let us know that you called. And thank you for keeping the greater Northwest wild!

Erin Moore
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201
Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24



Republicans Block Report on Bush Civil Rights Record

ENN Daily Newsletter October 13, 2004


Cell Phone Recycling Mandatory

If arsenic in cell phones can pollute then surely banning cca wood and dealing with the waste problem is far more essential. There is enough arsenic in one 12 by 2 by 6 to kill 250 people. We have millions of board feet leaching out there. Take care everybody and please keep safe.


Governor Signs Bill Making Cell Phone Recycling Mandatory

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation making California the first state to require cellular phone stores to recycle old phones.

According to the provisions of the Cell Phone Recycling Act, as of July 1, 2006, it will be illegal for a retailer to offer cell phones for sale unless the recycling service is offered.

Advocates for the new law say it could create a thriving industry for used and refurbished cell phones similar to those that already exist in Latin America in Asia.

Although a few retailers already offer recycling services, more than 95 percent of old cell phones eventually wind up in landfills. According to the authors of the bill, toxins such as arsenic, lead and mercury can leach out of circuit boards on discarded cell phones, fouling soil and water.

Posted by
Deborah Elaine Barrie
4 Catherine Street
Smiths Falls, On
K7A 3Z8

911 Skeptics Unite


Lifting the lid on CIA's 'secret prisons' - U.S.-held "detainees" tortured, then "disappeared"


Informant: intruthwetrust

U.S.-held "detainees" tortured, then "disappeared"

Professors oppose Bush `theology'


Informant: Andrea Ball

The WTC-7 Demolition


Informant: Nilbux

UK ambassador criticizes M16 for Uzbeks torture


Voter fraud in the United States

BBC TV - Newsnight

Our Washington correspondent Tom Carver has a special report on voter fraud in the United States, where the abuse of absentee voting in West Virginia and Florida, suggests this election will be as bitterly contested as the last.

Watch the item

Informant: Cris Haldenby

Be Aware...Be Very Aware

The Time Grows Near -- Be Aware...Be Very Aware:

"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread."

Deconstructing the war on terror

A cursory look both at the Bush administration's record and the neo-con agenda for the future reveals instead that Bush/Cheney are using September 11 as an excuse to attack weak states that interfere with an extreme right-wing world view and with US corporate interests...


From Information Clearing House

CIA holding Al-Qaida suspects in secret Jordanian lockup

The Central Intelligence Agency runs a top-secret interrogation facility in Jordan, where at least 11 detainees who are considered Al-Qaida's most senior cadre are being held...

The Promise

“The Promise”, this nation’s domestic social contract has been brought to its knees by an unregulated corporate fundamentalism and our civil liberties have become null and void.

Humanism VS Imperialism

The Neo-Conservative Agenda - Humanism VS Imperialism:

It would be nothing less than scandalous for the United States, which was founded on humanistic and democratic principles, to attempt to replace the old empires of the past and to deny the fundamental democratic right of other peoples and other nations to self-determination.

Victims Of A Lie



STOP SINCLAIR!!!! Sinclair Broadcasting, the largest owner of local television stations in the US, ordered its 62 stations to preempt regular programming to air an anti-Kerry documentary just a few days before the election.

Sinclair's mission is clear: sway the election in favor of an administration that lets companies like Sinclair get even bigger. It's great for Sinclair's bottom line — terrible for our democracy.

This is not about 'liberal' or 'conservative.' It's about corruption, the threat to democratic discourse, and the manipulation of elections. Together, we can stop them. Take Action Now


African Americans Pushing to Be Counted in Florida


100 Mistakes for the President to Choose From


Scholars Give Bush Foreign Policy a Failing Grade

Scholars Give Bush Foreign Policy a Failing Grade: An Open Letter to the People


Seismic monitor

Seismic monitor, check out the amount in the last 2 weeks !


Help Save Yellowstone's Imperiled Grizzlies

NRDC's BioGems News, October 2004

Betrug in der Forschung


Wie man unliebsame Forscher systematisch diskreditiert


Wissenschaftler wiesen die Gefährlichkeit von Mobilfunk nach - Dann wurden sie unter Druck gesetzt

ForumMobil diffamiert Schwedischen Top-Wissenschafter

Wollen Sie Ihren Job verlieren?

Abschied von der Aufklärung

Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos, Greece

Enclosed some impressions from this workshop. This is not a report. However, if you wish some particular information on a certain presentation, you are wellcome to contact me.

Kind regards

Sianette Kwee

3rd International Workshop on Biological effects of EMFs, Kos, Greece, 4-8 October 2004

“Negative and No effects” was the order of this meeting , so another step backwards. It almost looked like a conspiracy.

The Australian Centre for Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research was strongly represented with in vitro and in vivo RF studies, all supported by Telstra and Motorola, who also handled their exposure systems.

Among others, they had one (#B6:4) that was to be a replication of the Salford group’s work on BBB and dark neurons. They did not find any effects. Their experiment was run during a much shorter time and when asked how many mice they had used, the answer was: 6. The Salford group used hundreds of mice!

From the Salford group new results were reported (#A9:1), which showed that even after 50 days there was no change in the number of dark neurons in the 136 mice. Actually a group in Bordeaux, France got the same positive results as in the Salford’s study. However, this study was not allowed to be published and the scientist who did the work has disappeared.

Another Australian study was on human cells and heat-shock proteins (#B2:4). No change in transcription level or trace of the heat-shock protein was found. When asked how many experiments were done, the answer was: 1. Actually one more experiment was done, but since this showed a positive result, it was discarded as a false positive and was not mentioned at all. This group has now received funds to replicate my studies within one year.

However, we never did less than 20-30 independent experiments!

De Pomerai tried very hard to explain the mistakes in his first studies on the worms that gave positive effects. I almost felt sorry for him. It gave the impression, that he made experimental mistakes of the most elementary kind (controls, shams, exposure calculations etc.) or that editorial committees from the journals where he published these articles, among them the prestigious Nature, had been fast asleep while refereeing. He presented some new negative results, some hardly relevant. These resulted in a sarcastic question from Adlkofer (REFLEX), whether he had switched on the exposure apparatus!

These are just a few examples, but enough to show a very depressing trend in EMF science. It makes one feel sad to see what they have done to science. They have come a far way from the original intention, that a scientific study is something one is completely committed to, morally as well, and that it becomes almost part of oneself.

Indeed industry has corrupted science in cooperation with a coalition of willing scientists.

As Repacholi mentioned in his update on WHO EMF projects (#PLII:1): replication studies are recommended, but they need not be an exact replication of the original study.

In other words, they may be changed so as to fit a desired result?

Anyway who would like to have their work replicated by a bunch of amateurs.

The REFLEX report has still not been published officially and the reason is that industry is trying to prevent it.

Motorola was actively represented by a younger edition, but with the same viewpoints.

Poland, as one of the countries that recently has joined the EU, has now to change their safety limits. Their original safety limits were much stricter than EU’s ICNIRP limits, so for them it is also a step backwards.

SAR is getting a growing number og opponents and is considered as useless by many. Actually it is based on electrical fields and not on magnetic fields. Proposals for other ways to measure and express exposure were proposed e.g. Poland (#A7:1).

The Melatonin theory was also disproved (#PLI:3). It only applies to mice and not to man. Probably because mice are nocturnal animals was the explanation.

In trying to find a mechanism for the effects of EMF and non-thermal effects, it has now become politically correct again to talk about “Windows” (#PLI:1). Other explanations were cooperativity, like the one used for the allosteric enzyme mechanism (#PLIII:1).

However, I think we should rather turn to Kaiser (Germany) as the expert.

Fortunately not all was as dark. The posters showed many positive and interesting results, among them many in vivo experiments. Probably because these are mostly from younger scientists, not yet biased. Of course there were also a number of negative replications, but one has to be aware of who is behind these studies.

A Spanish poster was a about a patented device(#58) that could protect the brain against RF, as measured by recording of the 4 brainwaves. This was very similar to the Klieesens study some years earlier. This project was supported by Siemens. Some time ago one of Siemens’ directors in Germany said to a Danish newspaper, that if mobile phones really proved to have negative health effects, Siemens was ready to pull out of the mobile phone market.

After all it was not their main product. However, this is not the case for companies like Motorola, Nokia etc. They have all reasons to stick to their only product and use all means to buy influence in the appropriate places.

The full program for this workshop can be seen at http://imm.demokritos.gr/bioeffects04/Program/program.html
but unfortunately not the Abstracts. However, Abstracts do not always tell the real story.

Sianette Kwee

Mis-reporting the Russian Cell Phone Conference

The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science

The unbridled alliance of science and industry

How Industry Manipulates Science

Greenwashing as "corporate responsibility"

EMF and Health

The Karolinska Inst. in Stockholm held a press conference yesterday 13 Oct 2004)on the effects of NMT mobil telephone use in a group of Swedes who have used the older NMT system (=Nordic Mobile Telephon by system) for more than 10 years. The study did not address GPS or GPRS phones. According to the Danish press "people who have used bilile phones over 10 years have nearly double the risk for developing tumors on the hearing nerves".

I enclose the pre-pub article from Dr. Fechting which was published on PubMed this week, and the press release in Swedish. I have queried them about more details, and will post them as they become available.

The subject group consisted of 150 people, who had tumors in the cochlear nerves, and the control group consisted of 600 people. Considering the population of Sweden is over 8 million, this is a very small subject group!

Scott Hill
the bioelectromagnetics group

Annu Rev Public Health. 2004 Oct 12

EMF and Health.

Feychting M, Ahlbom A, Kheifets L.

Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Maria.Feychting@imm.ki.se, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, and Division of Epidemiology, Stockholm Center of Public Health, Stockholm, Sweden Anders.Ahlbom@imm.ki.se, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772 kheifets@ucla.edu.

Electric and magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the modern society, and concerns have been expressed regarding possible adverse effects of these exposures. This review covers epidemiologic research on health effects of exposures to static, extremely low-frequency (ELF), and radio frequency (RF) fields. Research on ELF fields has been performed for more than two decades, and the methodology and quality of studies have improved over time. Studies have consistently shown increased risk for childhood leukemia associated with ELF magnetic fields, whereas ELF fields most likely are not a risk factor for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. There are still inadequate data for other outcomes. More recently, focus has shifted toward RF exposures from mobile telephony. There are no persuasive data suggesting a health risk, but this research field is still immature with regard to the quantity and quality of available data. This technology is constantly changing and there is a need for continued research on this issue. Almost no epidemiologic data are available for static fields. Expected online publication date for the Annual Review of Public Health Volume 26 is March 17, 2005. Please see

http://www.annualreviews.org/catalog/pub_dates.asp for revised

PMID: 15479146 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]



Mobile Phones Again Linked to Cancer

ENN Daily Newsletter October 14, 2004


Time to act, not just talk


Informant: Walter Lippmann

NASA Photo - Chemtrail Cover


Informant: Anna Webb

Bush Wired ?


The American people must know about the probability that Bush was wired and therefore probably cheated during the first Presidential debate. If true, it speaks volumes of the character of this President. The person who put this image together used simple techniques with commercial software used by amateur as well as professional photographers the world over. This person encourages others to reproduce the enhancements and to improve on them by using better quality video, and averaging more frames.

What Bush says....

"I'm the commander - see, I don't need to explain - I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
(Aug 20, 2002 - interview by Bob Woodward, Crawford, TX)

Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Bush was wired

Polls boost for Kerry after final debate


Address carbon dioxide problems now

Address carbon dioxide problems now - expert

The world faces a surge in extreme weather events because of global warming and governments must act immediately to avert disaster, Britain's chief scientist said on Tuesday. "Already we are witnessing increased...

Read the article:

Source: Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 18, Issue 10

Judge orders VA hopsital to pay family of deceased veteran

Due to serious cuts in the healthcare budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs, many veterans wait months for a medical exam or treatment. In the case cited in the article below, VA knew the veteran had a serious medical condition, VA ignored it, and the veteran died.


Durham VA to study troops' mental ills

The Department of Veterans Affairs has established a new mental health center in Durham to focus on post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychiatric problems affecting soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, federal officials announced Tuesday.


Voter Registration Scandal Spreads from Nevada to Oregon

This news article may be the tip of the iceberg of a major scandal:

People registering to vote are having their voter registration forms torn up by paid political partisans. The allegations come from former employees of Voters Outreach of America, and the "company has been largely funded by the Republican National Committee," according to the Associated Press. This means that provisional ballots may play a critical role in the November election.


Blair and Iraq : A sorry affair


Bürger-Protest gegen Sendemast im Ort

Laubenheimer nach Vortrag über Gefahren einig, dass sie Mobilfunkanlage nicht wollen

Vom 13.10.2004

jsp. LAUBENHEIM In Laubenheim regt sich massiver Widerstand gegen die Absicht eines - bisher nicht genannten - Mobilfunkbetreibers, im Ort einen Sendemast aufzustellen. So hat sich eine Bürgerinitiative (BI) gegründet, mit dem Ziel, die Aufstellung der Sendeanlage inmitten der Ortslage zu verhindern.

Mit gehörigem Druck, unter anderem einer Unterschriftenliste, wollen die Bürger den Gemeinderat dazu bewegen, den vom Betreiber im August gestellten Bauantrag auf seiner nächsten Sitzung abzulehnen.

Der von der BI eingeladene Diplom-Ingenieur Friedbert Lohner, Sprecher des Arbeitskreises Elektrosmog beim BUND, informierte die zahlreichen Bürger in der Naheblickhalle über mögliche gesundheitliche Gefährdungen durch diese Anlage.

"Gibt es überhaupt biologische Auswirkungen auf den Menschen?" , diese Frage stand im Mittelpunkt. Dass die von den Sendemasten ausgehende hochfrequente Strahlung biologische Auswirkungen auf den Menschen habe, darüber seien sich alle Wissenschaftler einig, stellte Lohner klar. Gestritten werde lediglich über die Höhe der für den Menschen verträglichen Strahlendosis. Hier gäbe es jedoch ein großes Missverhältnis bei den in verschiedenen Ländern gültigen Grenzwerten. So liege der zulässige Grenzwert in Deutschland (5 bis 10 Millionen Mykrowatt pro Quadratmeter) um das 125-fache über dem in der Schweiz (40000). Renommierte Wissenschaftler hielten jedoch einen Wert von höchstens 5 bis 10 Mykrowatt für verträglich. Bereits bei 10 bis 100 Mykrowatt würden gesundheitliche Probleme auftreten. Wenn die elektromagnetische Strahlung der Sender auf den Menschen aufträfe, beeinflusse diese die Nervenbahnen, denn die vom Nervensystem verwendete Pulsfrequenz liege im selben Bereich wie die der hochfrequenten Strahlung. Neben der Signalstärke seien die verwendete Frequenz und die Pulsung problematisch, denn sie bewirke Veränderungen der Hirnströme. Beim D-Netz würden 900 Megahertz ausgesandt, der Körper reagiere aber bereits ab 10 Megahertz mit Beschwerden wie Kopfschmerz, Nervosität, Schlaflosigkeit oder Ohrensausen. Bei Mäusen, die 900 MHtz ausgesetzt gewesen seien, sei die Krebsrate um das Doppelte gestiegen.

Lohner kritisierte die Haltung der Betreiber, nicht über eine Verringerung der Strahlendosis reden zu wollen. "Dabei schließen sich biologische Verträglichkeit und Nutzung von Handys nicht aus," stellte er klar. Denn bereits bei einer Strahlungsdichte zwischen 0,01 bis 0,05 Mykrowatt sei ein optimaler Empfang möglich. Durch den Dauerbetrieb des Senders rund um die Uhr sei die Belastung für die Bevölkerung auf jeden Fall hoch, so Lohner.

Ein Mast weit außerhalb in der Gemarkung sei jedoch weit weniger schädlich. Dies sieht auch Ortsbürgermeister Johannes Häußling so, der sich ebenso wie viele Gemeinderatsmitglieder vehement gegen die Anlage im Ortsbereich ausspricht. Er ließ durchblicken, dass der Bauantrag im Gemeinderat wohl abgelehnt werde. Genau wie Lohner sieht er keine rechtliche, sondern nur eine politische Möglichkeit, Druck auf den Betreiber auszuüben. Er forderte daher die Bürger auf, Argumente gegen die Anlage zu sammeln. "Denn nur mit stichhaltigen Argumenten können wir etwas ausrichten". Auch die Kreisverwaltung als nächst höhere Instanz müsse man mit dem Bürgerwillen konfrontieren, forderte der Sprecher der BI, Hans-Jürgen Schnell.

"Instinktlos" sei es, so Häußling, den Mast in der Nähe des Kindergartens aufzustellen. Hier fürchtet er, ebenso wie einige Bürger, dass Eltern aus berechtigter Sorge ihre Kinder in einen anderen Kindergarten schicken werden. Man wolle dem Betreiber daher anbieten, den Mast "weit außerhalb zu bauen, so umweltverträglich wie möglich," so Häußling. Dieser Forderung konnten sich die meisten Bürger anschließen. Zum Widerstand gegen das Vorhaben im Ort sind sich die Laubenheimer jedenfalls einig. "Dann benutzen wir eben keine Handys dieses Betreibers mehr", hieß es.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Why Bush Is Still Standing


Checking the Facts, in Advance


Informant: Crystal M


---- please distribute also to your press-contacts


PRESS ADVISORY: 14 October 2004. From Justice for Animals and Xwe African Wild Life

Once again the shadow of death hangs over the elephant clans in the Kruger National Park (KNP). Their future will be decided at an Indaba to be held in the Park from the 19-21 October. Two South African animal rights groups, Justice for Animals and Xwe African Wild Life, have joined forces to oppose the reintroduction of ‘culling’ on ethical and ecological grounds and they have the support of a number of prominent animal welfare and animal rights organisations across the globe.

The apartheid government, as beneficiaries of the lucrative but cruel ivory trade, killed elephants in the Kruger National Park relentlessly, and uninterrogated science was used to back up their dubious culling practices. After 1994, this killing culture and its scientific validity were brought into question by a South African animal rights organisation, FALCON (now Justice for Animals), and, as a result, the government placed a moratorium on the ‘culling’ of elephants in the KNP.

Some conservationists are now claiming that the KNP elephant population is exceeding the park’s carrying capacity. Moreover, renewed pressure from the consumptive use lobby - including the international trophy hunting lobby - that believes an elephant’s worth lies only in its economic value to human beings, is now threatening this moratorium.

"Justice for Animals (JA) and Xwe are totally opposed to the reintroduction of ‘culling’ as part of the South African National Parks (SANParks) elephant management plan. JA Chairperson, Steve Smit said: "Extensive research has shown that elephants are highly evolved, intelligent animals with complex social and emotional lives. Killing them as part of a management plan is both cruel and unethical".

Animal rights groups maintain that should a situation arise where it is shown on valid scientific grounds that the elephant population in the KNP, or any other conservation area, is having an unnaturally destructive effect on the environment, then various alternatives to culling should be employed. Such alternatives include the relocation of animals within trans-frontier parks, translocation to other parks, and now the promising option of using immuno-contraception to control elephant population numbers.

To make matters worse, there is no empirical evidence that elephants are causing excessive damage to the vegetation in sensitive areas in the KNP. But this is the main reason presented by SANParks for now considering ‘culling’ as an option to limit the number of elephants in the park. Smit said that, "JA and Xwe would challenge, on scientific grounds, any assertion by SANParks that the elephant population of the KNP is too high and necessitates reduction."

There are more insidious reasons, however, why ‘culling’ is being considered, namely: South Africa is the main proponent in Africa for reopening of the ivory trade and one way to undermine the ban is through the stockpiling of so-called "legal" ivory as a by-product of culling; and there is also unremitting pressure from trophy hunters to kill large-tusked bulls in the KNP. Instead of being havens for the protection of our natural heritage, SANParks may render our natural parks havens for the exploitation of animals by hunters and commercial interests.

Michele Pickover, Chairperson of Xwe African Wildlife said: "South Africa has a history of resorting to violence as a means of solving problems. So when it comes to the issue of elephant management in national parks there is a lot of pressure on authorities by vested interest groups who want to see elephants killed for selfish purposes. We should resist this pressure and, in our treatment of wildlife, we should strive to embody the more humane values that underpin the new South Africa".

"At the upcoming Indaba", Pickover said, "we intend to present a strong argument against ‘culling’ because we believe it is unnecessary, cruel and ethically indefensible. Killing elephants for fun, profit or socio-political expediency is morally reprehensible and we intend to do everything in our power to protect elephants in the KNP, and elsewhere, from harm."


Steve Smit of JA on:
082 659 4711 or 031 776 3167, e-mail: falconsa@worldonline.co.za

Michele Pickover of Xwe on:
082 253 2124 or 011 717 1940, e-mail xwe@sn.apc.org

David Bilchitz of Xwe/Ashira on:
0849515316 or 011 2686533 or e-mail davidb@ashira.co.za

Steve Smit
Justice for Animals
(formerly FALCON)
Reg.No. 002-562 NPO

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
Martin Luther King

Informant: ECOTERRA Intl.

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a.k.a Truth Seeker

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October 7-13, 2004



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