
Die Taktik von BfS ist zu benennen


Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz veröffentlicht Stellungnahme zur "Naila-Studie"

Anm. Krzysztof Puzyna: andere, neueste Kritik des BfS betrifft ungarische Studie " Zusammenhang zwischen regelmäßigem Handy-
Gebrauch und menschlicher Samenqualität"-

siehe auch die verharmlosende Haltung des BfS und SSK

Meine Meinung: die Taktik von BfS ist zu benennen. BfS und andere staatliche Stellen und die von diesen abhängigen Institute, die dem Schutz der Bevölkerung dienen sollten und allesamt durch Steuergelder finanziert werden, wie SSK-Strahlenschutzkommision, Umweltministerium- Chef Trittin (Grüne), Verbraucherschutzministerium-Chefin Künast (Grüne), Innenministerium-Verantwortlicher Schilly (ehemaliger Grüne, SPD) und Bundesgerichtshof verneinen mit gekünstelten Argumenten Ergebnisse der Studien, deren Aussagen zum Verbot von EMF-Sendeanlagen führen würden. Sie verbreiten unbewiesene Behauptungen wie TNO-Studie (ist ja nicht wissenschaftlich), Hecht-Studie (ist ja nicht wissenschaftlich), Naila-Studie (ist nicht abgesichert), Reflex-Studie (ist nicht publiziert), ungarische Studie (die Methode der Studie ist zu kurz beschrieben, unbekannt..), Berichte über Todesfälle und Krebsfälle aus Polen, Spanien, Italien, Deutschland, England, USA usw. sind nicht belegt...

(siehe Beweise: http://iddd.de/umtsno/60krebs.htm#beweis
und Nachweise: http://iddd.de/umtsno/60krebs.htm#krebs
wie vorläufige Studie aus Navarro http://iddd.de/umtsno/navarro.doc
oder Berichte über Krebsfälle: http://iddd.de/umtsno/60krebs.htm#krebs)

Also alle Studien, die für den Schutz der Bevölkerung relevant wären, werden nicht berücksichtigt. Die Verantwortlichen dieser Organisationen betreiben Bücherverbrennung: gibt es keine Bücher, dann gibt es keine Autoren!!

Z.B. Bei der Kritik der Arbeit des Ungarn Dr. Imre Fejes
wurde ausgeklammert, dass seine Arbeit die Wirksamkeit der früheren chinesischen Praktiken zur Sterilisation der Männer mit EMF (Frau Prof. Dr. Huai Chiang, China) bestätigt und auch einen Vorläufer in der Studie von M. Davoudi, C. Brössner, W. Kuber "Der Einfluß elektromagnetischer Wellen auf die Spermienmotilität"
mit den gleichen Ergebnissen hat.

Siehe auch Täuschungsmanöver http://iddd.de/umtsno/hhtrans.htm#spisek

The New World Order Exposed Video

Informant: di


Mobilfunkbetreiber diskutieren - aber nicht mit jedem

Mieterbund sieht Umzugswelle durch Hartz IV

"Angemessener Wohnraum": Mieterbund sieht Umzugswelle durch Hartz IV (11.10.04)

Der Deutsche Mieterbund rechnet durch die Auswirkungen der "Hartz IV"-Gesetze mit einer Umzugswelle. Mindestens 100.000 Langzeitarbeitslose würden gezwungen, sich eine neue Wohnung zu suchen, "weil die Kommunen die Kosten nicht mehr voll übernehmen", so Mieterbund-Direktor Franz-Georg Rips der Chemnitzer "Freien Presse". Wenn die Bundesregierung das bislang bestreite, verharmlose sie die Probleme, die mit den rot-grünen Arbeitsmarktreformen auf Deutschland zukämen, so der Vorwurf.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

CO2-Werte in den letzten Jahren angestiegen

Treibhausgas: CO2-Werte in den letzten Jahren angestiegen (11.10.04)

Die CO2-Werte sind in den Jahren 2002 und 2003 stark angestiegen. Das berichten Forscher in den britischen Zeitungen The Independent und The Guardian. Demnach sind bei jüngsten Messungen am Mauna Loa Vulkan in Hawaii die CO2-Werte stärker angestiegen, als in den vorhergehenden Jahrzehnten. In den vergangenen Dekaden seien die Kohlendioxid-Gehalte auf etwa 1,5 ppm (Teilchen pro Millionen) gestiegen. In den Jahren 2002 und 2003 seien diese Werte aber auf über zwei ppm geklettert. Experten warnen nun davor, dass die Erde diese großen Mengen des Treibhausgases nicht mehr absorbieren könne, berichtet BBC-online.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Black Americans Fight to Make Votes Count


94% of marketing claims made by pharmaceutical companies have no basis

New study shows that 94% of marketing claims made by pharmaceutical companies have no basis in fact...


An outspoken doctor calls the pharmaceutical industry a national fraud

An outspoken doctor calls the pharmaceutical industry a national fraud that promotes disease and prevents prevention...


Global climate change may be coming even quicker then previously believed


Well, it looks worse than we thought. Global climate change may be
coming even quicker then previously believed. Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, have reportedly made a sudden jump over a two-year period. The rise cannot be explained by any corresponding increase in CO2 emissions from power stations or motor vehicles because there has been none. Some scientists believe the abrupt rise may be evidence of the climate change "feedback" mechanism, by which global warming alters the earth's natural systems, causing warming to increase even faster than before.

Feedback is what happens when a part of the output of a process or a system returns to affect the input. Positive feedback, which is what it looks like is happening, which occurs when the output goes back to add force to the input, can magnify the whole process until it takes on a "runaway" character. The fear of climate scientists is that just such a positive feedback might occur with global warming, in which the warming itself precipitates changes in the earth's natural systems, which themselves cause additional warming, which then causes further changes, and so on, in an unstoppable acceleration. This fear is well founded, because records of ancient climates deduced from cores driven deep into the polar ice show that this has happened in the past: previous episodes of warming at the end of ice ages have indeed developed a runaway character, with enormous temperature rises of as much as 10 degrees centigrade in 50 years.

The rise in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the last two years is unprecedented. Between 2001 and 2002 the number of parts per million of carbon dioxide rose from 371.02 to 373.10 - an increase of 2.08 over the year. Then it rose again in 2003 to 375.64 - an increase of 2.54. Rises in carbon dioxide levels have been attributed to a rise in Pacific ocean temperatures and in the past have been associated with an El-Nino. However, there was no El-Nino in these years of dramatic rise now being reported.

There are a number of possible global warming feedbacks, but the major fear associated with the current jump in CO2 is that the ability of the earth's forests and oceans to remove massive amounts of it from the atmosphere may be compromised.

Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have found that the extent of Arctic sea ice, the floating mass of ice that covers the Arctic Ocean, is continuing its rapid decline. The latest satellite information indicates the September 2004 sea ice extent was 13.4 percent below average, a reduction in area nearly twice the size of Texas, said Mark Serreze of CU-Boulder's National Snow and Ice Data Center, or NSIDC. In 2002, the decline in arctic sea ice during September -- which traditionally marks the end of the summer melt season -- was about 15 percent, a record low, said CU- Boulder researcher Walt Meier of NSIDC. Serreze said, "This is the third year in a row with extreme ice losses, pointing to an acceleration of the downward trend." He adds, "Climate models are in general agreement that one of the strongest signals of greenhouse warming will be a loss of Arctic sea ice."

In another study at CU-Boulder, , Shari Fox Gearheard looked at the effects of climate change on Inuit communities in the Arctic region. "The timing of the climate and environmental changes observed by Inuit in Nunavut vary depending on the phenomenon, but in many cases elders and other experienced Inuit point to the last decade as a period of considerable change," Gearheard said. Nunavut is a Canadian Territory that is roughly the size of Western Europe. Gearheard said one of the most frequent observations in indigenous communities all across the circumpolar north is that the weather is more unpredictable than usual. "In the past, Inuit were able to predict the weather using traditional indicators such as clouds, winds and currents," she said. "These indicators are no longer working." Inuit elders point out that the sea ice in some places is thinner, causing dangerous travel conditions, she said. The ice forms later and breaks up earlier in the year, and the spring melt season is much shorter than before. In addition, unexpected storms have left hunting parties stranded, and harder packed snow due to recent wind changes makes it more difficult to build igloos for shelter.

And down under the effects of climate change are also well underway. "South-west Western Australia underwent a sudden climate change 25 years ago of the scale that we have only been expecting in the rest of Australia about 2040," Brian Sadler, of the Indian Ocean Climate Initiative told an international workshop on adaptation to climate change in Wellington. Annual rainfall dropped by 20 per cent and the streamflows available to Perth dropped by 40 per cent. We at first thought we were in a long dry period," Sadler said. "Only in 1996 did an international conference held in Perth identify the shift – the cause of which was still not known for certain." Sadler comments, "Climate change is coming, ready or not."

Sources: Stuff (NZ), Eurekalert, The Hindu (India), Independent (UK), Scotsman

Informant: reg

A Mother’s Plea for Peace

Her son was killed in Iraq; now she pleads for Americans to stop the war.


From Information Clearing House

Impeach George Bush

Bush's Crimes: Impeach the president?

Yes. A well-documented case ties him to Abu Ghraib.


Impeach George Bush:

Of course, I realize there's no chance Congress would impeach the president at this point or under almost any circumstance. It somehow reserves its outrage for lying about sex under oath and not, as now seems clear, the making of war under false pretenses.


From Information Clearing House

‘Liberation’ or War Crimes?

Surely, there is overwhelming prima facie evidence to prove that war crimes have been committed against the Iraqi people by those warmongers in the US, Britain and Australia. Those who invoke international law must submit to it.

Iraq No Threat


Both Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, and Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's closest adviser, made clear before September 11 2001 that Saddam Hussein was no threat - to America, Europe or the Middle East.

If You Had Seen What I Have Seen

This blatant disregard for international law on the part of the world’s two greatest democracies serves as the foundation of any analysis of the question: would the world be better off with or without Saddam in power?


Hans Blix: If you had seen what I have seen

Will President Bush apply the lessons from Iraq to Iran, Libya and North Korea?

Future generations will struggle to escape the legacy of the disaster in Iraq

Our betrayals and broken promises have created a kind of irreversible disease that cannot be forgiven...

Frankreichs Theater wollen Handy-Empfang stören

Montag 11. Oktober 2004, 10:40 Uhr

Paris (AFP) - Kulturveranstaltungen werden in Frankreich künftig ohne lästiges Handy-Klingeln ablaufen können: Industrieminister Patrick Devedjian gab in Paris bekannt, dass die Veranstalter das Recht erhalten, den Empfang für Mobiltelefone in Theater- und Kinosälen technisch zu unterbrechen.

Dabei müssen sie lediglich zwei Bedingungen einhalten - die Störsender dürfen außerhalb der Veranstaltungsräume keine Beeinträchtigungen im Mobilfunknetz verursachen und es muss eine Verbindung zu Notrufnummern gewährleistet sein. Für die Neuerung hatte sich vor allem die Filmindustrie stark gemacht.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Handy-Gespräche in der Öffentlichkeit und der Zuhörzwang

Nach einer Studie von britischen Psychologen scheinen wir zwanghaft zuhören zu müssen, wenn bei einem Gespräch nur eine Seite zu hören ist...


Abrupte Zunahme der Kohlendioxid-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre

Klimaforscher befürchten, dass damit ein vorhergesagter Rückkopplungseffekt der globalen Erwärmung eingesetzt haben könnte...


Internationaler Schlag gegen Pressefreiheit

Vier Staaten waren an einer Polizeiaktion gegen das unabhängige Nachrichtenportal Indymedia beteiligt - US-Bundesbehörde FBI verweist auf Rechtshilfeabkommen...


9-11 Cover-up


Informant: Frederick Burks

Kenya forests are vanishing fast

Loved by laureate, Kenya forests are vanishing fast

Climate fear as carbon levels soar


Informant: NHNE

CO2 rise may speed up global warming

Surprise CO2 rise may speed up global warming

Bush-Cheney Police State


Aftermath News
Top Stories - October 11th, 2004

Pre-emptive war policy is dangerous

Pre-emptive war policy is dangerous, no matter who's pushing it

by Elizabeth Sullivan

Cleveland Plain Dealer


President Bush may have alienated allies and perhaps mortally wounded the United Nations' already flawed ability to impose sanctions and nuclear safeguards with his rush to war. But the core philosophy that undergirded the 2003 Iraq attack is the same one that Democrats and Republicans both have promoted since the Cold War ended. Democratic challenger Sen. John Kerry and his party long have argued that Saddam needed to be disarmed by the application of military force, if necessary, to get the job done. The question is to what degree 'preventative' or pre-emptive war will continue to guide U.S. policies, perhaps taking us into Iran or Syria, or whether the Iraq adventure has sapped our appetite for this type of intervention...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Nobody's perfect

by Paul Jacob

Town Hall


No matter who wins the presidency, we've already lost the Congress. I don't mean as Republicans, or Democrats, but as Americans. And I don't mean on election day, because this election day, or any election day, is no longer where such things are decided. Not for Congress. Through the wonders of incumbency, our Congress has overcome the electorate...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A Milli Vanilli President?

by Dave Lindorff

In These Times


President George W. Bush has claimed that that God speaks to him. More worldly voices, it now appears, may also be speaking to him at key moments. Viewers and journalists watching Bush in his first debate with Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry have commented on his odd behavior in Miami. To some he seemed peevish and antsy -- almost wired. Now there is evidence that he may have been -- in an electronic way -- by having cues and lines fed to him through a hidden high-tech earpiece. Several things about the first debate have led to this speculation. Many people who watched the debate remarked on Bush's sometimes-bizarre comments and behavior during the evening.

At one point he angrily blurted 'Now, let me finish!' midway through a long, timed answer and well before he would have received a warning light to wrap up his comments. Compounding the strangeness was that he didn't seem to be addressing his remark to either moderator Jim Lehrer or Kerry and no one had spoken or even hinted at interrupting him...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Selflessness, the right way

Selfishness, the right way

by Tibor R. Machan

Yuma Sun


The most prestigious of contemporary moral philosophers favor the morality of fairness and impartiality. By this they tend to mean we all ought to think first of everyone's welfare across the globe as we decide how we are going to conduct ourselves. Although they often implore us to fashion public policies by this standard, in fact they intend this to be something we ought to do in our most private decisions as well. ... This is quite a preposterous demand, comparable to the Christian ethics that demand we imitate Christ as we live our lives. But at least the Christians tend to be willing to allow for our imperfections -- Roman Catholics didn't invent confession for nothing. What Unger & Co. -- and in his ethics Unger is joined by many others, including the famous Princeton philosopher and animal liberation advocate Peter Singer -- want from us is total altruism, living entirely for others...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The War Party's worst week

by Justin Raimondo



It was a disastrous week for the War Party, as the lies that lassoed us into Iraq were definitively debunked, and Bush, in a vain effort to defend the indefensible, was once again humiliated on national television by his Democratic opponent. The Duelfer report showed that not only did Saddam not have WMD, but he didn't even have the capacity to develop them. In an address to the Council on Foreign Relations, none other than Donald Rumsfeld was forced to look reality full in the face ...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How vets can get help

The article below is the fourth in a four-part series by the Dayton Daily News detailing the mental health needs of combat veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. This article lists the resources available to veterans and their families. Every veteran who serves in a war deserves a "welcome home" and readjustment services they earned, as needed, when they needed. That's the square deal we make with our Nation's citizen soldiers when we send them to war.


Veterans Affairs officials work to get troops used to homefront

The article below is the third in a four-part series describing the mental health issues faced by some recently returning war veterans. According to the article below, the Department of Veterans Affairs doesn't always find out when returning units are returning home until they they read it in the newspaper. The VA confirms they some work to do in improving communication with the Department of Defense.


Guardsman could survive 1st Gulf War, but not the second

The article is the second in a four-part series on the mental health issues faced by veterans returning from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. The article describes the suicide of Jeffrey Sloss, a Gulf War and Iraq War veteran.


Casualties of Combat

Casualties of Combat: For Some, the Battle Goes on Long After the Shooting Stops

The article below is the first in a four-part series documenting how the U.S. Department of Defense is failing to address the mental health needs of combat veterans. The article details the escalating costs of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, and where veterans can get help from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Leading the way providing advocacy for these veterans is the National Gulf War Resource Center, an organization sponsored, in part, by the Vietnam Veterans of America.


Bush Changes Reasons for Starting Iraq War

Bush Changes Reasons for Starting Iraq War (Again)

Compare these quotes: In March 2003, President George Bush said, "Saddam Hussein [has] biological weapons sufficient to produce over 25,000 liters of anthrax -- enough doses to kill several million people." In contrast, Bush recently said, "And [Iraq] could have passed that knowledge on to our terrorist enemies." This, too, is another deception, because the CIA and the 9/11 Commission confirmed there are no links between the 9/11 attacks and Iraq.


The Cost of the Iraq War on American Soldiers' Families

One of the most important indicators of how well our Nation takes care of our troops is to ask the spouses. In the Washington Post article below, two lives of two women are profiled as they cope, adjust, endure, and survive as their husbands fight overseas.


For Marines, a Frustrating Fight in Iraq

Here are the facts on the ground from the Marines wearing the boots:

"The reality right now is that the most dangerous opinion in the world is the opinion of a U.S. serviceman," said Lance Cpl. Devin Kelly, 20, of Fairbanks, Alaska. Here's the view of another Marine: "Every day you read the articles in the States where it's like, 'Oh, it's getting better and better,' " said Lance Cpl. Jonathan Snyder, 22, of Gettysburg, Pa. "But when you're here, you know it's worse every day."


Omega-News Collection 11. October 2004

Report on the Russian cell phone conference


Allergy to electricity leaves woman fearing winter freeze

RFID drivers licenses debated

Microchip Implantation Expands to More Nations

Feds plan to track every car

GPS tracking and Toll Roads for Everyone

Lawmakers consider 'smart' driver's licenses

DMV starts to use facial-recognition scans

Companies resort to biometrics for security

Russian Schoolchildren to Wear 'Ruling Party' ID Tags

Chernobyl Heart

Chemtrails linked to mystery diseases?

Chemtrails - Barium, Aluminum, Titanium CONFIRMED In Rainwater

Mental Health, Education and Social Control

STOP the U.S. government's proposed 'Mental Health Screening' of every American - OPPOSE "The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health"

Stop National ID Database

National ID card feared in license standards

National ID Card and Citizen's Database

Orwell Goes to War

Mandatory Vaccinations in Washington DC

The Flu Scare Game

Pharmaceuticals have now become environmental Pollutants

Bush's Crimes Against Nature

New ‘Swarm’ of Quakes at Yellowstone Super Volcano


Presidential Debates focus on Iraq

A Letter to Bush from a Soldier's Dad

Open Letter to President George W. Bush

Sexual assaults haunt victims after military discharge

Classified Abu Ghraib documents

Terrorists, Terrorists, Terrorists

Ohio Secretary of State Continues Voter Supression Efforts

PATRIOT Act: Learn How it Violates

You can't fit a square peg in an Oval Office

The Worst Writers in the World, or the Worst Readers?

Strike Out Tom DeLay - End the Corruption

The CIA 'old guard' goes to war with Bush

If you have a child or grandchild

The Draft is a Form of Slavery

Terror Fears Only Card Bush Has to Play

Protestors sue NYC on arrests

Life After the Oil Crash

Oil Wars: Transforming the American Military into a Global Oil-Protection Service

Sidelined Neo-Cons Stoke Future Fires

Working For A Pittance


Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control

National ID - Patriot Act Measures passed in US Senate


The Promise of the First Amendment

Warum Blutuntersuchungen?

Bürgerinitiative Gesund leben in Allach informiert

Warum Blutuntersuchungen?

1. Wir machen die Untersuchungen nicht nur zu Studienzwecken oder zur Beweisführung. Es geht vor allem um die Gesundheit jedes einzelnen. Wenn wirklich Probleme auftreten, hat man eine Chance, diese frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechend darauf zu reagieren.

2. Das BGH Urteil veranlasst uns, jede Möglichkeit der Beweisführung zu nutzen. Wer im Falle einer konkreten Gesundheitsschädigung keine Beweise vorlegt, hat von vornherein keine Chance Recht zu bekommen.

Rechtsanwalt Sommer in der Anhörung des Bayerischen Landtags vom 02.04.04: "Zum anderen hat der BGH klargestellt, dass der Einhaltung der Grenzwerte nur eine Indizwirkung für das Vorliegen oder Nichtvorliegen einer wesentlichen Beeinträchtigung (hierdurch hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder) zukommt. Der Tatrichter kann, so der BGH ausdrücklich, von diesem Regelfall abweichen, wenn dies besondere Umstände des Einzelfalls gebieten. Das bedeutet, dass Fälle denkbar sind, in denen trotz Einhaltung der Grenzwerte von einer wesentlichen Beeinträchtigung auszugehen ist, etwa weil der Kläger gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen durch den Sendebetrieb nachweisen kann."

3. Dr. Scheiner hat bereits eine Mobilfunkanlage zu Fall gebracht, wobei Blut- und Urinuntersuchungen eine wichtige Rolle gespielt haben. (Siehe "Mobilfunksender abgebaut"):

Fazit: Ich würde jedem empfehlen entweder an Dr. Scheiners Studie teilzunehmen, oder in einen anderen Arzt zu finden, der entsprechende Untersuchungen machen kann.

Jeder Mobilfunkbelastete, aber auch jeder bisher nicht exponierte Bürger kann an der Mobilfunkstudie, die von Dr. Scheiner durchgeführt wird, teilnehmen. Alle Bürgerinitiativen sind aufgerufen, ihre Mitglieder über diese Möglichkeit zu informieren.

Bezahlen müssen Sie nur die Laborkosten: 35.40 EURO (Sonderpreis) Die Blutabnahme erfolgt kostenlos in der Praxis von Dr. Scheiner.

Herzliche Grüße aus München

Franz Titscher

Weitere Info: http://www.franz-titscher.de/mobilfunk oder 089/8128090

Sexual assaults haunt victims after military discharge

The price of war: At 22, Natalie Longee is already a veteran in the war on terror. She has guarded prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and escorted truck convoys in Iraq. She has heard the bombs, survived ambushes and seen the cost of war first hand. And she is traumatized. But it's not the war that has her most rattled. It is the fear than she will be raped again. Six months since her military discharge, Longee joins the ranks of veterans seeking help from the trauma of sexual assaults perpetrated by fellow soldiers. "I am not just scared of bombs," Longee said. "I'm scared people are going to come in. I am scared of rape happening again."


The Promise of the First Amendment

Veterans for Common Sense believes our First Amendment rights must be protected for all, otherwise they are meaningless. The publisher of the New York Times thinks the police should stay away from reporters because reporters retain a critical role in a healthy democracy. Although Judy Miller, the reporter facing jail time for the Valerie Plame scandal, is also tainted with promoting lies about Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, she still deserves the full protection of the U.S. Constitution.


Chemtrails - Barium, Aluminum, Titanium CONFIRMED In Rainwater


Informant: Ronda Zeoli

Chemtrails linked to mystery diseases?


Informant: Ronda Zeoli

The true center of conservative power

The monopoly of energy is the basis of Neo Conservative (NeoCon) power.


The true center of conservative power

by Thomas Paine

April 16, 2003

What is the true center of conservative power in the United States? Is it the hate mongering, personal attacks and smears toward opponents? Is it the large campaign contributions of wealthy individuals and powerful corporations to secure beneficial legislation and tax cuts? Is it the near total control of the media? Is it the ramming of conservative judges through the legislature and control of most of the courts? Or is it hawkish foreign policy and bribes to foreign governments? While these actions support the main goal, it is actually none of these. The true center of conservative power, the mantra they live by, and basis of their rhetoric, is their economic policy.

Put simply, economics is the study of what gets made, how to make it, and who gets it. Economics takes as an axiom that there are limited resources, and for each thing that gets made, there is a corresponding cost of what did not get made. Economic policy then becomes what the government decides to make, how to make it, and who gets it, or more succinctly, the government decides what to allow, and not allow with regard to these decisions. Using the theories created by an economics student in the United Kingdom as a basis, who by the way won a Nobel Prize for his work, the conservative economic strategy is all about control and greed. Under the cover of globalization, this economic policy exalts free trade, cheap labor, tax cuts, reduction of government spending on education and welfare, privatization of national assets, removal of environmental protections, and a secret international commission with more power than the United Nations to protect corporate interests. So, the conservative economic policy is to allow corporations and the wealthy to demand more work for less pay, allow corporations to pollute to reduce costs, cut spending on education and benefits, give taxpayer funded subsidies and low cost loans to corporations, limit ability to challenge the corporations, blame the poor for their own poverty while at the same time cutting their pay and benefits, remove controls and regulations on corporations, and pay themselves for their hard work at the same time. All paid for by the American taxpayer, as well as the sweatshops, prison laborers and child laborers of third world nations. Do not underestimate the power of these strategies, which in combination virtually enslave the middle and lower class in an economic straightjacket, while at the same time funnel most of the nations wealth into the hands of a very few, most of whom are devout conservatives. It is a new and more sophisticated form of feudalism, with the elite rich calling the shots, and a vastly increased poor class that toils to support it.

The only way to break this economic monster, is to create and implement a new economic theory that limits the ability of corporations to stifle competition, promotes educational and civic spending, protects countries from the manipulations of more powerful corporations, and embraces fair market practices, worker protections, just compensation, and environmental sustainability. These concepts are anathema to corporate interests, which exist to squeeze every ounce of wealth from the world for their own benefit, regardless of the costs in lives, the environment, and morals.

How can we do it? First, we need a new theory that debunks the myth of the current globalization fiasco, and the bankrupt economic theories behind it. Then we need to get the word out to the rest of the world that we have a new answer, a better solution, and one that will aid the growth of the people of the world, as opposed to suppressing them with chains made of dollars. Then we need to come together and make sure our government implements these new theories, through the power of our vote. Let your representatives know, that if they don’t support the new and more just economics, they will not reside in power for long. We can make a difference if we come together peacefully, and not be swayed by violence, hate, or pressure from above. Gandhi removed the British from India, Martin Luther King Jr. brought about civil rights, now it is time for the end of economic slavery. We are the true power of the United States, We The People, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise! Free marketers and globalization supporters have had their chance, and have shown the utter failure of their policies to help anyone but themselves. Now is the time for the people of the world to put a stop to the madness of rampant greed, which as we can see leads to unjust wars and millions of starving and homeless people. Let your government know that you will not stand for it any longer.

© 2003, by the author. Comments? newsuneed @yahoo.com

Informant: Skinny


by H G Wells


Informant: Skinny


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Oktober 2004

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