
ONTARIO: Forest to desert and back to forest

Source: Copyright&nbsp2004, Toronto Star
Date: April&nbsp3,&nbsp2004

It's hard to imagine an environmental apocalypse in Ontario — destruction so complete that nothing remains but a desert. Yet, it happened in what was one of the grandest white pine forests in the Ottawa Valley.

The area became known as the Bourget Desert, named after the town of Bourget at its central edge, just 50 kilometres east of today's downtown Ottawa.

By the 1920s, sand dunes and dust storms were all that was left of a primeval forest after little more than 100 years of logging and farming.

Logging throughout the Ottawa Valley was unrelenting, its scale perhaps best understood by the size of one sawmill operating in the early 1800s at Hawkesbury on the Ottawa River. The mill had 101 vertical saws and 44 circular saws, all powered by 72 water wheels.

In addition, there were the rafts the size of football fields, made of square-hewn timbers destined for export, driven downriver to Quebec city. Only pines more than one metre in diameter at the stump and more than 38 metres tall were used.

The region was particularly vulnerable because it soils were sandy and the topsoil thin. When farmers tried to cultivate the area after the trees were gone, they used up the topsoil.

Happily, the area has been reclaimed. Since 1928, more than 18 million trees have been planted, and today the Bourget Desert has become the Larose Forest. It covers 101 square kilometres.

Now for the next step: linking the forest to bogs near its east and west ends. They make up the heart of a conservation effort covering 2,300 square kilometres. That sounds big, but it's only about 80 per cent of the size of the amalgamated city of Ottawa.

The initiative is called the Bog To Bog Project.

To the west of the forest is Mer Bleue Bog, about 31 square kilometres in size and about 10 kilometres from downtown Ottawa. Already, the suburb of Orleans has reached the bog's edge.

To the east, about 15 kilometres from Hawkesbury, is Alfred Bog, covering about 42 square kilometres. Fifty years ago, it was more than twice as large, but peat mining and draining for farming reduced its size.

Bog To Bog is a co-operative effort of 10 bodies, including the City of Ottawa, Wildlife Habitat Canada, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Eastern Ontario Model Forest and Ducks Unlimited.

Its co-ordinator is Pierre Boileau. He sees his job as persuading private landowners to protect their bush lots, and he has a simple goal: Make sure there's enough forest for birds. In order to thrive, he says, birds need 30 per cent forest cover. In the Bog To Bog area, forests cover only 23 per cent of the land.

Achille Drouin leans more to philosophy. He's a director of Eastern Ontario Model Forest.

"We should use only the surplus of nature," he says. Take more, as has been done in the Bog To Bog area, and nature starts to crumble.

With Ottawa's population expected to double in the next 40 years, there's little time to lose.

However, there's more to Bog To Bog than its immediate goals. There's the underlying message from the Bourget Desert: Nothing is inexhaustible.

I think of this as I watch Prime Minister Paul Martin dragging his feet on implementing the Kyoto accord. Climate change may be just as devastating as rapacious logging.


Originally posted at: http://tinyurl.com/32eq4

Informant: NHNE

Watchdogs Blast Proposed Bush Forest Policy Overhaul

April 07, 2004

Officials at Defenders of Wildlife, one of the nation's premiere environmental groups, are expressing increasing frustration over the failure of the U.S. Forest Service to release documents which may confirm that logging industry executives wielded the same kind of influence over proposed forest policy that the energy industry enjoyed with Vice President Cheney's secretive energy task force.

Early in its tenure, the Bush Administration began work on an overhaul of the National Forest Management Act, which governs 200 million acres of publicly owned forests. Seeking evidence that would shed light on the motivations behind the overhaul, Defenders of Wildlife and the Endangered Species Coalition filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in October, 2002.

Defenders charges that Mark Rey, a longtime timber trade association official who is now President Bush's undersecretary for natural resources and environment in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has been deliberately dragging his feet in response to requests for the documents.

"Bush's NFMA overhaul is the biggest-ever rewrite of our nation's forest management policies," said Defenders President Rodger Schlickeisen. "These regulations govern every decision that is made about every acre of national forest, and the Bush reforms cater precisely and blatantly to requests that have been made for years by the logging industry." Schlickeisen says the rewritten policies diminish public and scientific input in the planning process, gut many key wildlife protections, and allow increased logging on public land.

"They reverse even the protections that were put in place by the Reagan administration, including basic [National Environmental Policy Act] reviews and biodiversity standards," he added.

Defenders was further irked that Rey's office seemed to come down with a sudden case of amnesia when it told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that it had no records whatsoever -- no transcripts, memos, emails, or calendar records -- documenting meetings between the agency and industry groups (or anyone else, for that matter) during the process of revising the forest policies.

The court agreed with Defenders' claim that USDA did "not meet their burden of conducting a reasonable search and justifying non-disclosure of exempted information." The court requested that Rey's office do a further search for information and give a more reasonable explanation for why certain documents should be withheld.

"We're going to comply with the court order," said Rey, but he insisted that "there's no need to reach beyond that to broader theories of bad faith and conspiracy, because the court didn't find them and they don't exist."

Defenders' Schlickeisen has his doubts. Last month, Rey told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that substantial "modifications" are in the works, and the final draft is likely to be released in the next several months.

"They're probably consulting lawyers to try and make themselves least vulnerable to legal challenge," said Schlickeisen. "Because clearly if these new modifications are anything like what we've seen, they're illegal. And we've made it clear that we'll do what's necessary to prove it."


An article in BushGreenwatch on April 5 misstated the position to which Ann Klee has been nominated at the Environmental Protection Agency. She has been nominated for EPA general counsel; Stephen Johnson, a career employee of the agency, has been nominated for deputy administrator. Ann Klee is currently general counsel to Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton.

[1] Defenders of Wildlife press release.

This story was jointly produced by BushGreenwatch and Grist Magazine. For more on this story, visit Grist Magazine.


Gefahrenherd Mikrowellenofen

Die Mikrowelle ist nicht nur im Bereich der Nachrichtenübertragung in Verruf geraten. Eine Bekannte von mir ist schon vor Jahren, durch die Leckstrahlung ihres Mikrowellenofens, auf dem linken Auge fast erblindet. Ich habe folgenden Anhang zu dieser Thematik im Internet gefunden. Einen gleichlautenden Artikel kenne ich aus einer Schweizer Zeitschrift.

Helmut Riedl

[ http://www.google.de/search?q=Gefahrenherd+Mikrowellenofen ]

Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner

Dazu auch:

Krebs durch Mikrowellenöfen


MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

Microwave oven info


Mikrowellen sind eine tödliche Gefahr für alles Leben

Mikrowellen sind eine tödliche Gefahr für alles Leben, sowohl physisch als auch geistig. Sie müssen verboten und durch eine neue, naturgemässe und deshalb unschädliche Technik ersetzt werden. Unter Mikrowellen sollen hier alle technisch erzeugten Strahlen verstanden werden, die in der Medizin, in der Informationsübertragung, in der Kommunikation und beim Militär Anwendung finden. Beispiele dafür sind

Die ELF-Wellen
Der Ultraschall
Die Radio- und TV-Wellen
Der Mikrowellenherd
Der Mobilfunk

Alle diese Strahlungen werden auf eine technische und widernatürliche Weise erzeugt und sind naturwidrig, also giftig. Sie basieren auf dem naturwidrigen Wechselstrom, vor dessen Tödlichkeit schon Thomas Alva Edison und später auch Nicola Tesla warnten. Zudem basieren diese technischen Strahlen auf Leistungen, welche die Verhältnisse in der Natur um das Millionenfache übersteigen. Sie sind somit dominant und können die natürlichen Energiefelder induktiv verändern und mit ihnen in eine erzwungene Resonanz treten. Sie sind auch in der Lage, einerseits die natürlichen Kondensatoren, ohne die es in der Natur keine Energieflüsse und Kreisläufe geben kann, zu durchbrechen und Kurzschlüsse zu erzielen und anderseits die Naturabläufe krebsartig zu beschleunigen. Die Natur kann solchen technischen Einwirkungen nur auf Zeit standhalten. Diese Zeit ist jetzt abgelaufen. Der immer häufigere Einsatz des Mobilfunks wird nun die bereits nachweislich geschädigten Immunsysteme der Menschen und der Natur schnell dem völligen Zusammenbruch näherbringen und gleichzeitig den Menschen geistlos und manipulierbar machen. Seit dem Irakkrieg wird die strahlentechnische Beeinflussung des menschlichen Geistes praktisch angewendet, und zwar nicht nur kriegstechnisch, sondern auch gesellschaftspolitisch in sogenannten friedlichen und demokratischen Ländern Europas, in denen der Mensch nach Belieben und politischem Bedarf willenlos, entscheidungsunfähig und apathisch gemacht wird.

Der Einsatz von Mikrowellenherde und Mobilfunk wird vor allem in Europa mit dem Segen der Regierungen und der Elekroindustrie gefördert, und Einsprachen der Bevölkerung werden mit Hilfe gewaltiger Erschwernisse abgewiesen oder sogar einfach ignoriert, obwohl die Gefahr dieser Technologie bekannt ist. Es geht nicht mehr um das Leben der Menschen und der Natur, sondern mit aller Rücksichtslosigkeit um die Erreichung totaler Macht einer Minorität über die Mehrheit.

Die Natur ist ein elektromagnetisches System. Mit den technischen Mikrowellen wird deshalb direkt in ein natürliches System eingegriffen. Die damit erzeugten krankhaften Veränderungen sind bereits so sehr ausser Kontrolle geraten, dass immer schwerere Naturreaktionen zu erwartet sind. Die Gefahr akuter Bergrutsche und Überschwemmungen sowie von Verschiebungen der Erdkruste, vor allem entlang labiler Auffaltungen (wie z.B. der San Andreas Falte in Kalifornien) nimmt dramatisch zu. Die Telekommunikation und der Mobilfunk wirken sich im besonderen in den Bergtälern der Schweiz, Österreichs und Italiens tragisch aus. Die Bergwälder bzw. Bannwälder werden gerade in den Alpentälern durch hohe Stahlungsdichten buchstäblich totgeschossen und die Berghänge dem Abrutsch und der Abschwemmung ausgesetzt. Die elektrischen Überlandleitungen sind dabei mitbeteiligt. Wenn diese Einstrahlungen nicht aufhören, wird es in wenigen Jahren nicht mehr möglich sein, diese Täler zu bewohnen.

Der Betrug mit den Grenzwerten:
Die Wirkung aller naturgemässen Stoffe folgt dem Gesetz von Paracelsus (1493-1541), das aussagt:

"Nur die Menge macht es aus, ob ein Stoff ein Gift ist."

Die Wirkung aller heute technisch und widernatürlich erzeugten Stoffe hingegen folgt dem Gesetz von Petkau, der 1972 aussagte:

"Eine kleine Dosis über lange Zeit ist giftiger als eine grosse Dosis über kurze Zeit."

Auch Prof. Knasmüller von der medizinische Fakultät der Universität Wien sagt im März 1999 warnend:

"Es gibt keine Dosis, die klein genug ist, nicht auf die Zellen einzuwirken."

Dies bedeutet, dass es bei widernatürlichen und technisch erzeugten Stoffen keine Grenzwerte geben kann, besonders dann, wenn man diesen Stoffen dauernd ausgesetzt ist, wie es heute auf der Erde der Fall ist. Der Mensch hat keine Möglichkeit mehr, sich vor den überall bestehenden technischen Strahlungen zu schützen bzw. ihnen auszuweichen. Dies trifft natürlich für standortgebundenes Leben, wie jenes der Pflanzen, Wälder etc., im besonderen zu. Die Menschen sind durch die irreführende und unlautere Werbung der Wirtschaft und der Regierungen so sehr getäuscht worden, dass sie sich dieser Strahlung sogar noch freiwillig aussetzen - gerade durch den Mikrowellenherd oder den Mobilfunk. Beide werden als praktische und bequeme Dienstleistungen angeboten. Beide aber sind tödlich. Sie erzeugen krebsige Zustände in Organismen und die Auflösung des Gewebes und Veränderung der Psyche.

Der wissentliche Betrug mit den Grenzwerten wirkt sich auf Abermillionen von Menschen und die Natur fatal aus, und zwar in einem Ausmass, das durch keine Versicherung der Welt wird gedeckt werden können.

Der Krieg gegen die Natur und die Menschheit ist in vollem Gang, aber die meisten Menschen haben noch nicht wahrgenommen, was mit ihnen und der Welt geschieht.

Bei solch verheerenden und akut bedrohlichen Verhältnissen steht die Frage nach Alternativen nicht im Vordergrund. Vorerst gibt es nur eine Dringlichkeit, nämlich sofort mit diesem Verbrechen gegen das Leben aufzuhören. Alternativen stehen zur Verfügung und werden sich eröffnen, sobald die Einsicht einkehrt, dass auf diese schädlichen Technologien verzichtet werden muss.

Ist es nicht höchste Zeit, dass wir das Leben wieder in unsere eigenen Hände nehmen und selbst entscheiden, was gut für uns ist?

Mensch, steh` endlich für das Leben auf und beschütze es; es ist alles was Du hast. Du bist eben im Begriff, es zu verlieren.


©The World Foundation for Natural Science

Der Mensch verwandelt die Erde in einen Mikrowellen–Ofen

Die Klimaveränderung auf der Erde ist eine Tatsache. Ihre Ursachen jedoch sind nicht jene, die den Menschen weisgemacht werden. Die Folgen aber davon, werden fatal sein.

Seit Jahren stellen wir mit zunehmender Sorge fest, dass sich das Klima auf dieser Erde verändert. Über die Ursache wird nach wie vor gerätselt. Einig ist sich die Wissenschaft eigentlich nur in einem Punkt, nämlich, dass es wärmer wird. Als Ursachen für die Erwärmung werden wissenschaftliche Theorien aufgestellt, wie z.B. eine durch Treibgase chemisch erzeugte Abnahme der Ozonschicht, mit einer damit verbundenen Zunahme der Einstrahlung von der Sonne her, oder die stetige Zunahme von Kohlendioxyd, weil damit die Abstrahlung der Erde behindert würde. Wieder andere Wissenschafter behaupten aber, dass durch das Kohlendioxyd eine Abkühlung zu erwarten sei, weil die Einstrahlung der Sonne abnähme. An den Klimakonferenzen wird dann über jene Möglichkeiten georakelt, welche sich politisch am besten verkaufen lassen, die den Menschen plausibel vorgegaukelt werden können und die von den Erzeugern möglichst wenig Konzessionen verlangen. Auf diese Weise einigte man sich darauf, über mögliche Begrenzungen beim Kohlendioxyd–Ausstoss zu reden.

Jedoch selbst für die Regelung des angeblichen Kohlendioxyd–Problems scheint jede wirkliche Ernsthaftigkeit zu fehlen. Es wird dann gar grotesk, wenn man zur Kenntnis nehmen muss, dass es offenbar Industrienationen erlaubt sein soll, von Ländern, die wenig Kohlendioxyd zum angeblichen Problem beitragen, Anteile einzukaufen, um damit die eigenen Werte künstlich zu verkleinern. Die Klimakonferenzen werden damit zum Monopoly und scheinen die Qualität von Kindergärten erreicht zu haben, ausser freilich, dass sie wesentlich mehr Geld kosten. Vielleicht dienen aber diese teuren Konferenzen in Wirklichkeit ganz anderen Zielen als einer Klimanormalisierung.

Noch vor wenigen Jahren sprach man offiziell von einer messbaren Erwärmung der Erde um 0,7 Grad Celsius. Die WHO rechnete jedoch im vergangenen Jahr bereits mit einer Erwärmung um etwa 3,5 Grad und heute, im Januar 2001, spricht die WHO von gegen 6 Grad, die zu erwarten seien. Gleichzeitig kommen heute Bilder zur Publikation (Die Presse 13. Januar 2001), mit denen den Menschen gezeigt werden soll, dass die Eiskappe am Nordpol bereits zunehmend dünner wird und abschmilzt und das offene Polarmeer immer grösser wird, wodurch der Spiegel der Weltmeere um etwa 88 cm ansteigen werde. Es ist interessant festzustellen, dass nach Jahren vergeblicher wissenschaftlicher Warnungen vor Klimakatastrophen die Politik jetzt plötzlich von einem Umweltbewusstsein erfasst wird, wie es bisher kaum erwartet werden konnte. Man wird das Gefühl nicht los, dass hier eine politisch gesteuerte Panikmache im Gange ist. Darüber aber an anderer Stelle.

Was soll man nun aber von den heute politisch vertretenen Ursachen für die Klimaveränderung halten, nachdem sich die Wissenschafter in diesen Fragen noch keineswegs einig sind und sich dauernd widersprechen? Könnte es sein, dass mit den vorgegebenen Verursachern wie Kohlendioxyd und Treibgase die wahre Ursache verheimlicht werden soll? Warum ist es tabu geworden, über die atomare Verseuchung der Ionosphäre zu reden, in der sich noch immer neue Isotope der widernatürlichen Atomspaltung anhäufen, die jede Neubildung von Ozon verhindern? Warum wird die berechtigte Kontroverse um den Mobilfunk, entgegen jedem gesunden Menschenverstand, von der Politik so einseitig gesteuert und hartnäckig im Sinne der Kapitalmacht geführt, obschon es wissenschaftlich längst erwiesen ist, dass Mikrowellen Krebs erzeugen und eine Wärmewirkung haben? Warum wird in den Medien kaum über die ungeheure Bedrohung von Seiten des HAARP gesprochen, der sogenannten „Schutzanlage“ des amerikanischen Militärs in Alaska, die ebenfalls auf der Technologie der Mikrowellen beruht?

Spätestens seit 1962 ist es der Wissenschaft bekannt, dass in einer ionisierten Atmosphäre kein Ozon entstehen kann. Aus diesem Grund erfolgte bereits im Jahre 1966 ein Atomtest–Moratorium, das allerdings von den Franzosen (Mururoa 1966–1974 und wieder seit 1986) nicht eingehalten worden ist. Aber auch die Amerikaner und die Russen fuhren während des Moratoriums mit den unterirdischen Tests weiter. Zudem geben die vielen Atomkraftwerke dauernd Isotope in die Atmosphäre ab, so dass die Verdünnung der Ozonschicht trotz Moratorium weitergeht. Dennoch wird den Treibgasen, z.B. dem Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff, nach wie vor die Hauptschuld für die sogenannten Ozonlöcher zugewiesen, obschon diese Chemikalien, wenn überhaupt, niemals in der Lage wären, eine Verdünnung der Ozonschicht im angegebenen Ausmass zu bewirken. Als Folge einer solchen Verdünnung der Ozonschicht müsste dann logischerweise eine zunehmende Sonneneinstrahlung erwartet werden.

Eine zunehmende Erwärmung ist ebenfalls seit der Einführung des Funkverkehrs feststellbar. Um das Jahr 1920 erfolgte die Einführung der niederfrequenten Langwellen, um 1940 die höher frequenten Kurzwellen und um 1959 die noch höher frequenten Mikrowellen. Besteht zwischen Funkverkehr und Erwärmung der Erde tatsächlich ein kausaler Zusammenhang? Der Wärmeeffekt der technischen Strahlung kann heute mit Sicherheit als allgemein bekannt vorausgesetzt werden. Man weiss auch, dass je höher frequent bzw. energiereicher die Strahlung ist, desto ausgeprägter ist auch deren Wärmeeffekt (siehe Mikrowellenofen). Mit dem Einsatz des hochfrequenten Mobilfunks, der Satelliten und dem HAARP muss deshalb auch erwartet werden, dass der gesamte Raum zwischen der Erde und der Ionosphäre, die auf einer Höhe von etwa 80–100 km beginnt, aufgeheizt wird, ähnlich eben wie in einem Mikrowellenherd. Der HAARP benutzt sogar gebündelte und pulsierte Strahlung, mit der die Ionosphäre buchstäblich in die Form eines Spiegels umgeschmolzen werden kann, an der die Strahlen für irgendwelche Zwecke (z.B. zur Überwachung und „Mind Control“ der Menschen) nach Belieben zur Erde zurückreflektiert werden können.

Mit der Anwendung der Mikrowellentechnik wird nun nicht nur die Atmosphäre aufgeheizt, sondern auch das Meer. Damit entstehen neue Meeresströmungen und Luftbewegungen, welche äusserst spürbar und immer intensiver in das klimatische Geschehen der Erde einzugreifen imstande sind. Es sei an die zunehmende Grösse und Stärke der Taifune und Tornados erinnert, die sich immer neue Wege bahnen, an die zunehmenden Überschwemmungen und Fluten, an die Richtungsänderungen von Meeresströmungen, den El Ninos, an zunehmende Erdbeben, etc.

Mit dieser Art Aufheizung unseres Lebensraumes entsteht eine Situation genau gleich wie im Mikrowellenofen, ausser dass die Erwärmung nicht so intensiv ist. Diese Wärme entsteht auf widernatürliche Weise, durch Reibung von innen heraus und nicht durch sanfte Umwandlung des Rotlichtes und Konduktion von aussen her, wie das die Natur macht. Der technische Weg über die widernatürliche Strahlung, z.B. die Mikrowelle, schädigt und zerstört deshalb sämtliche Substanzen und Stoffe, die auf diese Weise erwärmt werden. Sie werden giftig und krankhaft bzw. krebsig. Sie können durch den Körper nicht mehr zu gesunden Substanzen und Stoffen zurück korrigiert werden. Sie unterliegen gesetzmässig dem Abbau und der Ausschaffung. Ebenso aber ist widernatürlich erzeugte Wärme ungesund, gleich jener z.B. eines Infrarot–Strahlers.

Diese technisch erzeugte Wärme hat damit nicht nur Auswirkungen auf das Klima, sondern auch noch ungeahnte und verheerende Folgen für die Gesundheit der Natur, der Tiere und der Menschen, deren Ausmass nicht abgeschätzt werden kann.

Es sind bereits heute Krankheiten im Entstehen, die noch keinen Namen haben, denen die Ärzte ratlos gegenüber stehen und für die es keine Heilmittel mehr gibt. Solche neuen Krankheiten sind zur Zeit gewaltig am zunehmen. Nur eine intakte Natur kann solche Krankheiten, die zum Krebs–Syndrom gehören, heilen, sofern der Mensch der Natur dazu überhaupt die Chance gibt. Dies würde aber bedeuten, dass er endlich einsichtig genug wird, den unbedachten, fatalen Krieg gegen das Leben einzustellen, den er niemals gewinnen kann. Mit diesem Krieg hat der Mensch den Krebs auf die Welt gebracht. Und Krebs ist nur heilbar, wenn wieder natürliche Zustände auf der Erde geschaffen werden.

Nebst der Krebs und Wärme erzeugenden Wirkung führt die technische Strahlung aber auch zu chemischen Reaktionen z.B. im Meer. Sie erzeugt eine intensivierte Abgabe von Chlor aus dem Meersalz, das in die Atmosphäre gelangt und dort Säuren bildet, z.B. Salzsäure, die es zuvor in der Natur nicht gegeben hat. Daraus entsteht saurer Regen und eine Übersäuerung der Natur.

Diese von Menschen gemachte technische Strahlung hat also sowohl Krebs erzeugende und Säure bildende, als auch Klima verändernde Auswirkungen.

Trotz dieser erschreckenden Erkenntnisse fährt die Wirtschaft, sogar mit politischer Unterstützung, fort, diese technische Strahlung global weiterzuverbreiten. Es ist nicht auszudenken, was durch diese äusserst lebensverachtende und geistlose Haltung unserer Regierungen und Wirtschaftsmanager noch auf uns Menschen und die Natur zukommt, wenn nicht der gesunde Menschenverstand endlich durchgreift. Sagt man nicht zu Recht, dass jedes Volk die Regierung habe, die es verdiene?


©The World Foundation for Natural Science


Mikrowellenherd Erde

Mobilfunk und Klimawandel - Globale Erwärmung

Klimaerwärmung und Umweltkatastrophen nicht durch Industrieabgase?!

Als das Netz nach Grönland kam

Waldsterben und Elektrosmog

Es bleiben zehn Jahre, um die Klimakatastrophe abzuwenden

Happy New Year - Let the onslaught begin

Microwaving Our Planet

Digital broadcasting is increasing the threat of global warming by pumping massive amounts of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere


Microwave–ovens cause cancer after all

In June 1991 the very first and decisive scientific report conducted on man regarding the effect of microwaved (defrosted or cooked) food on people was brought to public attention.

The research was done toward the 80s in collaboration between the private laboratory Environmental–Biological Research and Consulting, Wattenwil, Switzerland, Dr. Hans U. Hertel and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Lausanne, Switzerland, Prof. Dr. Bernard H. Blanc.

The results of the research showed changes in the blood of test–persons, who participated in the investigation voluntarily, even after the intake of one single irradiated meal, indicative of an early pathogenic process, similar to the actual start of cancer.

The publication of the results caused considerable disturbance. The Swiss electrical industry (Society for electro apparatuses for household and trade, Zurich) threatened both scientists with legal action if they would continue to talk about the results in public. Under this pressure Prof. Bernard H. Blanc withdrew from the scientifically reached results by declaring in the modern “scientific” jargon that more research would be necessary to prove them. Dr. Hans U. Hertel, however, stood behind the honestly achieved results and was subsequently legally prosecuted and condemned, first by the District Court of Belp, Bern, then by the Upper Court in Bern and finally by the Federal Court in Lausanne.

Before the Upper Court of the Canton of Bern, Prof. Dr. Michael Teuber, ordinary Professor for Food–Microbiology at the ETH in Zurich, appeared as the expert for the electrical industry. On grounds of a special endorsement he prepared for the electrical industry, he declared that today's school–science would have to reject the work of Dr. Hertel and Prof. Blanc as being unscientific. He said: “By considering the present state of knowledge and careful weighing of all known effects of microwaves, I must call this work irresponsible and tendentious panic–mongering for which there is no real and verifiable reason.” At the same time he underlined his statement with the prospect of a doctoral thesis being done at his institute in Zurich which up to that time had not shown any indication of a possible hazard from microwaves.By decision of the Upper Court in Bern headed by judge Naegeli, Dr. Hans U. Hertel was condemned to silence. He was not allowed to talk anymore about the danger of microwaves especially on their cancerous effects. The Federal Court in Lausanne followed the Upper Court's decision on February 25, 1994 without a hearing.

By decision of the Upper Court in Bern headed by judge Naegeli, Dr. Hans U. Hertel was condemned to silence. He was not allowed to talk anymore about the danger of microwaves especially on their cancerous effects. The Federal Court in Lausanne followed the Upper Court's decision on February 25, 1994 without a hearing.

The same year it was appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg which by their judgment of August 25, 1998 allowed the scientist, in contradiction to the decision of the Swiss Federal Court, to make his findings public again. At the same time Switzerland was fined with SFr. 40'000.– for their judgment against the Laws of Human Rights.

The new appeal to the Federal Court in Lausanne, however, did not bring a substantial change of the previous verdict of February 1994. On March 2, 1999 the Court again forbade the scientist to speak in public about the danger of microwaved food without declaring at the same time that it was still scientifically undecided whether microwaved food would really be a hazard to health. Thus the Federal Court did but partially agree with Strasbourg, however, without giving back to the scientist the right to free speech. The Court thus with its decision protected the electrical industry and prevented the payment of indemnity to the scientist, who once again had to pay for the entire court procedure.

Since the first publication about the danger of microwaves, especially microwave–ovens and the beginning of the legal processes, 10 years have passed. However, in all those years the scientific world did not succeed in providing a counter proof. Also Prof. Teuber still owes an explanation for what he claimed to be absolutely true before the Upper Court in Bern in 1991. Thus his statements before the Court must have been false. Likewise the doctoral thesis which he brought into discussion as evidence did at the end not contribute anything of value. It disappeared unmentioned in some drawer. Had it brought but the slightest evidence in favour of the electrical industry, Prof. Teuber and his client would certainly have made use of it on a worldwide scale immediately without any doubt. But nothing happened. Why not? Did they not try to get such evidence? O yes, they have certainly tried to do so, but have not succeeded, simply because it is not possible.

Is this not proof enough that artificially generated microwaves cause cancer after all?

Imagine, what a counter proof would be worth today for the industry in connection with mobile phones, considering the incredible amount of money involved with it.

The radiation as generated today by man causes any functions of life to end in time, irrespective of their frequency and power and despite the legal condemnation of the scientist who knew about its danger long ago and warned of it.

It is also unimportant for what purpose such radiation is put to use, whether in the microwave–oven to defrost or cook food; in communication technology such as mobile phones, television, shortwave, shadowing; as radar by the police; as ultrasound in medicine; or as a weapon in the military for disabling and for killing:

The technically generated radiation, in today's form, is always and without exception directed against life.


©The World Foundation for Natural Science

MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

Microwave oven info


Microwaves are a hazard to life

Microwaves are a hazard to life, physically as well as spiritually.

Microwaves must be banned and replaced by new, natural and therefore harmless technologies.

In the following, the term "microwaves" will be used for all technically created radiation presently being used in medicine, broadcasting and by the military. These include:

ELF Waves
Radio and TV Waves
Microwave Ovens
Cellular Telephones

All are generated by technical, unnatural means and therefore are not natural, but toxic. Both Thomas Alva Edison and Nicola Tesla warned of the extreme dangers of alternating current on which technical radiation is based. Its power is also a million times stronger than natural conditions. Thus, the radiation is dominant and able to change natural energy fields inductively and force resonance. On the one hand, it can break through natural capacitors, without which there would be no natural flow or circulation of energy, causing short circuits, while on the other hand, it is able to cancerously accelerate natural processes. Nature can only withstand such technical assaults temporarily. And the time is up. The increased use of cellular telephones will now speed up the total collapse of nature's as well as man's already noticeably weakened immune systems, at the same time making him dull and manipulable. Since the Iraqi War, radiation has been used to influence the human mind, however, not only in times of war but also sociopolitically in so-called peaceful democratic European countries, in which man is rendered unable to make decisions, weak-willed, and apathetic, depending on whim or political requirements.

The use of microwave ovens and cellular telephones is being promoted above all in Europe with the help of the governments and the electroindustry, and objections from the population are impeded, dismissed or simply ignored, despite the fact that the hazards of these technologies are well known. It is not a matter of human life or nature, but rather of ruthlessly attaining total power by a minority which wants to control the mayority.

Nature is an electromagnetic system. Technical microwaves, therefore, directly interfere with a natural system. The pathological changes they cause are already so far out of control that further severe natural reactions must be expected. The danger of major landslides and flooding as well as shifting of the earth's crust, above all along unstable faults (e.g. San Andreas Fault in California), increases dramatically. The Alpine valleys of Switzerland, Austria, and Italy are most tragically affected by telecommunication and broadcasting. The forests covering the mountains and slopes are literally bombarded to death by the dense radiation, leaving them to fall prey to landslides and floods. The power lines have the same effect. If this irradiation is not stopped these valleys will be uninhabitable within a few years.

Deceptive Threshold Values:
The Law of Paracelsus (1493-1541) applies to the effects of all natural substances. This law states:

"Only the quantity determines whether a substance is toxic or not."

The effects of today's technical, unnatural substances are governed by the Law of Petkau, who declared in 1972:

"The effect of a small dose over a long period of time is more detrimental than that of a large dose over a short time."

In March 1999, Prof. Knasmueller of the medical faculty of the University of Vienna warned:

"Any dose, no matter how small, will affect the cells."

This means, that there can be no threshold values for unnatural and technically created substances, especially when one is exposed to them constantly, as is the case on earth today. Man no longer has a chance of protecting himself against or escaping the technical radiation which surrounds him. Of course, this particularly applies to stationary life forms, such as plants, forests, etc. Man has been so successfully deceived by the industries' and governments' misleading and fraudulent advertising that he even exposes himself to the radiation of his own free will - especially to that of microwave ovens and cellular telephones. Both are advertised as being practical and convenient, but both are deadly. They cause cancerous conditions in organisms and deterioration of the tissues, and changes of the psyche.

This willful deception with threshold values will have fatal consequences for millions and millions of people and nature as a whole, reaching such a degree, that no insurance in the world will be able to cover the damage.

There is obviously a war against nature and mankind in full swing, but most people have not yet realized what is happening to them and the world they live in.

In the face of such disastrous and alarming conditions, the question of alternatives is not of immediate importance. Stopping these crimes against life must have absolute priority. The alternatives are already there and will be accessible as soon as man realizes that he must do without such harmful technologies.

Isn't it high time to take life back into our own hands and decide for ourselves what is good for us?

Mankind, stand up for life at long last and protect it; it is all you have. You are about to lose it.


©The World Foundation for Natural Science

MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

Microwave oven info


Man turns the Earth into a Microwave–Oven

The change of climate on this planet is a fact. Though its causes are not those which the people are led to believe. However, its effects will be fatal.

We have been observing for years with increasing concern that the climate on this planet is changing. However, its causes still seem to be a mystery. Scientists agree hopefully with each other in one point—that it is getting warmer. As reasons for the warming, scientists have theories like for example the chemically caused decrease of the ozone–layer through propellant gases combined with an increase of irradiation from the sun, or the steady increase of carbon dioxide combined with a decrease in the emission radiation from the earth. Again other scientists claim that through the carbon dioxide the earth would tend to cool down because of decrease in irradiation from the sun. At the climate conferences they then oracle about which possibility could best be sold politically and could be made best acceptable to the public and at the same time demand least concessions from those responsible for causing it. Thus, they came to agree to talk about possible limitations regarding the carbon dioxide emissions.

However, even for controlling the supposed carbon dioxide problem they don't seem to be very serious. It becomes even grotesque when having to acknowledge that developed nations may have the right to buy unused contingents from non–developed countries in order to artificially meet their quotas. Thus the climate conferences degrade themselves to the point that reach kindergarten level except, of course, that they cost a great deal more money. It might even be that these expensive conferences serve in reality very much different aims than normalizing the climate.

Some years ago a measurable warming of the earth was officially stated to be already about 0.7 degrees centigrade. WHO though, a year ago, calculated a warming of 3.5 degrees, however, in January 2001 they speak of about 6 degrees being expected. At the same time there are pictures coming to publication (Die Presse, January 13, 2001) with the intention of making people aware of the melting and thinning of the ice cape on the north pole and the growing open ice sea, along with an expected rise of sea levels by up to 88 cm. It is interesting to note that after years of fruitless scientific warnings of a climate change the politicians now seem all of a sudden very worried about it, as was never to be expected in the past. One gets the creeping feeling that there must be some politically manipulated panic–mongering behind it. We will come back to this in an other place.

But what value should be attached to today's politically–claimed causes of the climate change when this question is still argued by scientists who continue to contradict one another? Could the purpose of such arguments about carbon dioxide and propellant gases not just serve to put the real causes of the climate change in disguise? Why then has it become tabu to speak about the radioactive pollution of the ionosphere in which radioactive isotopes still are accumulated from man–made radioactive radiations which does not conform with nature and which hinders the reforming of ozone? Why is the legitimate, controversial discussion about mobile phones, against any common sense, so stubbornly one–sided and politically steered in favour of the money powers, despite longtime scientific proof of the cancerous and heating effects of microwaves? Why do the media not inform the public about the incredible threat of the HAARP–Project, the so–called “protecting device” of the American military in Alaska which is also based on microwave technology?

Ever since 1962 science has known about the detrimental effects of an ionised atmosphere in which no ozone can be formed. Because of this knowledge there followed in 1966 a moratorium on atom–testing which was broken by the French (Mururoa 1966–74 and again since 1986). But also the Americans and the Russians continued their subterranean testing during the moratorium. In addition all atom plants continuously emit isotopes into the atmosphere which contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer despite the moratorium. Nevertheless, in spite of this knowledge the main causes for the holes in the ozone layers are still the propellant gases, e.g. the fluorchlorcarbonhydrogenes, though such chemicals could never ever have the capability to thin out the ozone layer to such a degree. However, following such a thinning out of the ozone layer, an increased irradiation from the sun would logically have to be expected.

Also with the introduction of the wireless systems an increased warming has been recognized. By about 1920 the low frequency long waves had been introduced, followed in 1940 by the higher frequencies of the short waves and in about 1959 by the very much higher frequencies of the microwaves. Is there a causal connection between the wireless systems and the warming of the earth? The heating effect of the technical radiation can today be expected to be common knowledge. It is also known that the higher the frequencies the richer the energy and the higher the warming effect of the technical radiation (as in a microwave–oven). With the introduction of the high frequency mobile telephones, the satellites and the HAARP, it must therefore be expected that the entire atmosphere between the earth and the ionosphere, which begins approximately at 80–100 km above sea level, will be warmed in a similar way to that in microwave–ovens. The HAARP is even using focussed and pulsated radiation with which the ionosphere literally is being melted into the form of a mirror from which the radiation can again be reflected back to earth for what ever purpose—could it be shadowing and mind–control of the people?

With the application of microwave technology not only the atmosphere is heated up, but also the waters of the seas. Thus new sea and air currents come into existence which become ever more noticeable and thus interfere with the climatic conditions on the earth. We must remember the ever growing typhoons and tornadoes going on new paths, the increasing floods and tidal waves, the changes of direction of the sea currents, the El Ninos, the increasing earth quakes, etc.

With this kind of heating up of the biosphere, we get exactly the same situation as in a microwave–oven except that the heating is not so intensive. The warming occurs by an unnatural process, by friction from within to without, and not by the gentle transformation of red light and conduction from without to within as happens in nature. The technical way by the unnatural radiation, e.g. the microwave, therefore, damages and destroys all substances and matters which are warmed in this way. They become poisonous, detrimental and cancerous. The body cannot restore them back into healthy states again. They lawfully have to be decomposed and discarded by the body. Likewise, warmth caused in such an unnatural way is also unhealthy, as for example the warmth generated from infrared beamers.

Thus technically created warmth has not only an effect on the climate, but also, and in a far more disastrous and unpredictable way, on the health of nature, animals and mankind.

Already today, sicknesses occur which have no names yet, in the face of which doctors are perplexed and helpless, and for which no medicines are available and never will be. Such sicknesses are in a fearfully increasing trend. Only an intact nature can handle and heal such sicknesses which belong to the cancer–syndrom, if man gives nature a chance to do so. This, however, would mean that man realises what, in fact, he is doing and stops his inconsiderate and fatal war against life, which he can never win. With this war man has been bringing cancer to this earth. And cancer is only curable when there are again natural conditions existent on the planet.

Apart of the cancerous and warmth–creating effects, the radiation also leads to chemical reactions e.g. in the seas. It causes an increased emission of chlorine from the sea salts which gets into the atmosphere and builds up acids, e.g. hydrochloric acid which does not exist normally in nature. Thus nature is getting over acidified.

This man–made technical radiation has, therefore, cancerous, acid forming and climate changing effects.

Despite this terrifying realization, industry continues, with political help, to spread such an infernal technical radiation globally. It is quite inconceivable what mankind will be bringing on itself and nature yet through such a life–disdaining and spiritless attitude of our governments and industry leaders, unless common sense finally prevails. Is there not a saying that people have the governments they deserve?


©The World Foundation for Natural Science


The difficult Survival in a Global Microwave Oven

It's getting harder and harder - in fact, almost impossible - to die from natural causes. Coronary diseases and heart attacks are the most common causes of death in the industrialized world, with cancer coming in a close second.


Informant: Art Kab


What is heating up our planet?

Global warming through use of mobiles

Digital broadcasting is increasing the threat of global warming by pumping massive amounts of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

EMF, EMR, Our Brains and the Weather, What's the link?

The radiant reflective signature of ice breakup and the natural  atmospheric attenuation of microwave radiation

Microwave oven info

Electromagnetic pollution of the environment

Cell phone tower radiation may be killing plants and animals

Microwaved Water: See What It Does To Plants

Man has come along and thrown off the clock mechanism

EMF frequencies or microwave frequencies are overriding normal control mechanisms in the body and shutting off energy production

Klimaerwärmung und Mobilfunk

Cancer in Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset

The environmental consultancy Green Audit has answered criticism from the UK Government's influential advisory group COMARE (Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment). Response dated 30th March 2004


In 2002, in a citizens' epidemiology study unique in the UK, Parents Concerned About Hinkley (PCAH) conducted a door-to-door survey of cancer in the North ward of Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset. ("Wards" are local authority administrative areas.) Green Audit analysed the results, showing significant excesses of cancer. The cause is thought to be internal radiation following inhalation and ingestion of radioactivity blowing inland from nearby mud-flats, which are contaminated by discharges from Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station.

In September the South West Cancer Intelligence Service published a study of cancer incidence in both the Burnham wards and two neighbouring wards. The data confirm what PCAH found in Burnham North and also confirm that proximity to the sea is associated with increased cancer incidence.

In November COMARE issued a Statement condemning the Questionnaire study. Green Audit has now rejected most of COMARE's Statement because:

* it attacks PCAH's Questionnaire Survey for not being a definitive study, whereas it was intended to be indicative; as a doorstep questionnaire administered by volunteers it could never have been anything else.

* it makes a fatal error about the way the PCAH was conducted, assuming that 30% of households had responded to a 100% canvass, which could have introduced bias. In fact there was a 100% response to a 30% sample. COMARE have allowed this error to remain although they have been told about it repeatedly.

* it overlooks flawed analysis in the subsequent extended study conducted by the South West Cancer Intelligence Service (SWCIS).

* it overlooks the fact that once the flaws are corrected the SWCIS study confirms PCAH's findings.

* it uses a selective subset of the SWCIS data.

* it uses wrong significance testing.

* it says that chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (which accounts for much of the excess leukaemia in Burnham) is not caused by radiation. This assumption has no scientific basis since it relies on studies of external radiation at Hiroshima.

Speaking on behalf on Green Audit Richard Bramhall said: "I have great admiration for the courage of the local volunteers who knocked on people's doors asking for sensitive personal information about their health. COMARE pays lip service to them, claiming that they "don't wish to criticise either the idea of carrying out such a survey or the involvement of the local community." But they demonstrate a complete failure to understand the realities of public concern and grass roots action, condemning the study for not checking medical and histological records. How can a local campaign group have access to such records? How does COMARE think volunteers could interrogate people on their doorsteps about whether their cancers were primaries or secondaries, or whether they were distinguishing correctly between malignant or in situ or benign cancers?

The local health authorities have been remote, arrogant and dismissive. They have refused to work with local campaign groups for fear of "compromising their impartiality and public perceptions of their role".

Now, both COMARE and the cancer registry have applied inappropriate statistical techniques in an effort to deny obvious enhancements of risk near the mud-flats. They have even blamed X-ray mammography for apparent excesses of breast cancer incidence. They seem to be unaware that since mortality from breast cancer is also double what would be expected in Burnham, blaming X-ray mammography suggests that it is killing women.

Cancer data have been withheld from competent public interest epidemiologists on the basis of a rule which the Department of Health adopted as a temporary measure for a different purpose - stopping open reports and web sites from revealing too much information about patients. Even the National Radiological Protection Board has criticised the rule; at a recent meeting Board members were concerned that it would be an obstacle to many studies crucial for public health. The NRPB's Chairman has addressed their concerns to the UK Department of Health."

The Green Audit response is hosted on

http://www.llrc.org/health/subtopic/comareonburnham.htm or go to http://www.llrc.org and click on the NEWS icon. It can be downloaded as html or as a PDF file.

The COMARE Statement is on


Informant: Richard Bramhall

Depleted Uranium Weapons of War



The topic of depleted uranium is very much ON TOPIC for this list and I hope the defense members on this list will pass it on. – For Australian military personnel may soon be handling DU as part of their job.

There are now moves to establish a US training base in Australia where joint US and Australian military training exercises will take place - And the Australian army is purchasing some old secondhand Abrams tanks from the US. I believe ones from Gulf War I, hopefully decontaminated by now but with a half-life of 4.5 billion years is 10 years really enough???

The Abrams tanks are specifically made to use DU munitions and many of the tanks conveniently come with two tonnes of DU armour plate built in as protection. (Volvo take note!) The big question for the Aussie tank crews will be the level of radiation inside the tanks. Check em out boys before you take possession! And don't believe the bullshit the Pentagon secondhand tank dealer spins about how the radiation levels are perfectly safe.

It is likely that the purchase of Abrams tanks is part of a "harmonization" of US and Australian forces. So that in future wars of adventure over oil, the Aussies can bravely fight and die right alongside the Yanks, using the same nuclear weaponry.

Hopefully the Australian government will not bow to Pentagon pressure to go down the DU path.

Don Maisch

Mobile phones 'harm blood cells'

Mobile phone radiation may damage cells by increasing the forces they exert on each other, scientists have said.

The finding could be the key to claims that mobile phones cause cancer and other health problems.

Swedish physicists looked at the effect of electromagnetic radiation on red blood cells using a mathematical theory, New Scientist reported.

Experts cautioned that the finding was theoretical and said there was no evidence of a danger to health.

There have been suggestions that mobile phones can cause brain tumours and Alzheimer's disease, but research has been inconclusive.

The conventional view has been that radio waves could only damage a cell if they were energetic enough to break chemical bonds or "cook" tissue.

But radiation given off by mobile phone handsets is too weak to do this.

Bo Sernelius at Linkoping University, Sweden, looked at another possibility by modelling the properties of red blood cells.

Water molecules have poles of positive and negative charge which create forces between cells. These forces are normally extremely weak - about a billion-billionth of a newton.


The simplified mathematical model investigated the effect of electromagnetic radiation in the field of 850 megahertz - about the range used by mobile phones - on the blood cells.

The molecules all ended up with their poles aligned in the same direction. The forces between the cells unexpectedly jumped by about 11 orders of magnitude.

If confirmed by experiments, the results could give an explanation for tissue damage. Stronger attractive forces between cells might make them clump together or cause blood cells to contract, New Scientist said.

Katie Daniel, deputy editor of the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, said the finding was important.

"It highlights the idea that electromagnetic radiation might act on cells by affecting the attractive forces between them rather than simply causing heat damage to tissue," she said.

Camelia Gabriel, from King's College London, who is taking part in the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme funded by the Government, said the theory was feasible.

But she said the model was extremely simple and may not apply to larger numbers of cells.

"It needs to be tested experimentally," she said.

Dr Michael Clark at the National Radiological Protection Board said: "You can do anything with numbers. It is very interesting, but I can't get excited about it until somebody measures it."

Studies had not proved there was any danger to health from mobile phones, he said.

"There is no evidence of cancer or anything else. So it is so far, so good. But it is early days," said Dr Clark.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/04/06 18:04:06 GMT


Message from Susan

Informant: Josef Hasslberger


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