
Tell George Bush to nominate a new UN Ambassador

Last April, I wrote to you about President Bush's nomination of John Bolton to be U.N. Ambassador. Bolton is the wrong man at the wrong time for this critical job. I believe he will do serious harm to American diplomacy if he is confirmed.

In response to that letter, over 73,000 people emailed the White House urging President Bush to withdraw Bolton's nomination. Now, I am asking you to join with them so that President Bush hears this message, loud and clear.

Tell George Bush to send us a new UN nominee today!

On Monday, the Senate voted against ending debate on John Bolton's nomination for the second time because the Bush Administration has refused to provide critical information about Bolton's record -- information that the Senate has every right to review in order to fully carry out our "advice and consent" responsibility under the Constitution. We need to know whether John Bolton abused his position to spy on other Americans, bully intelligence analysts, and mislead Congress on matters of national security.

Why won't the White House respond to our legitimate requests for information?

What does John Bolton have to hide?

Despite the Senate's negative votes and tens of thousands of emails, George Bush is still stubbornly refusing to face reality. Showing his lack of respect for Congress, he has refused to release the information we requested. He has pressured Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist into promising yet another fruitless vote on Bolton. And, the president is even hinting that he may use a rarely-used recess appointment to send Bolton to the U.N. without Senate approval -- or any remaining credibility -- at all.

Send your own message to President Bush now, urging him to withdraw John Bolton's nomination! http://ga4.org/campaign/new_nominee/b85g57rz558nd6?

John Bolton's nomination as UN Ambassador is dividing the country. This is a man who has shown nothing but contempt for the United Nations throughout his career. This is a man who has bullied intelligence analysts to try to get them to say what he wants, even when it's not true. This is a man who doesn't get along well with others and, if confirmed, would be entrusted with representing our nation in sensitive diplomatic negotiations at the United Nations.

Surely we can do better. Surely we can find a nominee for UN Ambassador that America can support and get behind, not someone who divides our country and alienates our allies.

Our only hope of success is to keep up strong grassroots pressure so that the President knows the nation is demanding change.

Please join with over 73,000 Americans to tell President Bush to send us a new nominee today! http://ga4.org/campaign/new_nominee/b85g57rz558nd6?

In Friendship,

Barbara Boxer

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):
President George W. Bush

Below is the sample letter:

Subject: Replace John Bolton

Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

On Monday, the Senate rejected voting on John Bolton for the second time because your administration has refused to provide critical information about his record -- including whether he abused his position to spy on other Americans, bully intelligence analysts, and mislead Congress on matters of national security.

John Bolton's nomination as UN Ambassador is dividing the country. This is a man who has shown nothing but contempt for the United Nations throughout his career. This is a man who has bullied intelligence analysts to try to get them to say what he wants, even when it's not true. This is a man who doesn't get along well with others and, if confirmed, would be entrusted with representing our nation in sensitive diplomatic negotiations at the United Nations.

In fact, 102 former diplomats, both Republican and Democrat, signed a letter saying John Bolton is the wrong person to represent our country at the U.N.

Surely we can do better. Surely we can find a nominee for UN Ambassador that America can support and get behind, not someone who divides our country and alienates our allies.

I urge you to withdraw Bolton's nomination and replace him with someone who has the qualifications and diplomatic skills our nation needs at this important moment in history.


[Your Name]


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Juni 2005

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