
Sen. Robert Byrd Needs Our Help

Here's a letter from Senator Barack Obama:

I'm writing today about a senator who needs your urgent support. Senator Robert Byrd was one of the first senators I met with when I came to the Senate 3 months ago. Senator Byrd understands the history, the importance and the role Senate plays in our government--at 87 years old, he's the most senior senator.

He has spoken out passionately against a Bush foreign policy that has alienated our allies throughout the world. Today, he is fighting an attempt by Republicans to change the 200-year old rules of the Senate that would allow Republicans to ram federal judges through the Senate with no regard for what others might say. Above all, Robert Byrd understands just how sacred the Constitution of our country truly is and fights every day to protect it.

Now he needs our help. In 2006, Senator Byrd will be the target of Republicans because he stands up for what he believes.

I want to be sure Robert Byrd is here fighting for us in the Senate. Will you join me in supporting his campaign for re-election, before a critical deadline this Thursday?

You can give online at:

I hope you will give generously to help send Robert Byrd back to the Senate for another term to fight for the Constitution and the freedom of speech we all enjoy.

I don't have to tell you how important every Senate seat is right now. Just last week, the Senate voted 51-49 to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling and Republicans now threaten even more drastic measures such as privatizing Social Security.

Last fall, I had the privilege to write and ask your help to support candidates and help us take back the U.S. Senate. And your response was nothing short of amazing--you raised more than $1 million for seven Senate candidates, providing them with much-needed resources at the end of their campaigns. I'm happy to be part of these efforts again.

A Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate would mean a real change in the priorities of Washington, but more importantly, it would provide significant change for everyday people across America.

Remember, in order to win back the Senate majority, we need Robert Byrd.

The work you do is extremely important--you and millions of others, working through MoveOn, have helped change the way politics works in this country. Thank you for your help.


Barack Obama

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things. ---Robert South

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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