
Books NOT Bombs

Join us in an historic 24-hour emergency read-in! Libraries are the soul of our communities, providing vital services to all—especially the most low-income members and children. We NEED YOU to help save our libraries!

While Congress is about to allocate another $81 billion for war, vital services at home are being slashed—affordable housing, food stamps, public transportation, health care, and education—including libraries. According to the American Library Association, library funding cuts have topped $100 million in the last 18 months, and libraries in almost every state in the nation are facing cuts of up to 50 percent.

In Salinas, California--the hometown of the great John Steinbeck and heart of the farmworker community, the entire public library system is scheduled to close for lack of funds. This poor farmworker community has paid $80.5 million in taxes for the war in Iraq, but doesn’t have $5 million to keep its libraries open.

As part of CODEPINK ’s new Local Cost of War Campaign designed to save vital community services while highlighting the billions spent on war, we teamed up with the Salinas Action League, United Farmworkers and other community groups to organize an “Emergency 24-hour Read-In” at Salinas’ Cesar Chavez Library on April 2-3.

Please join us: bring your tent (if you have one), sleeping bag and favorite books. You’ll be in great company: among the readers will be actors Hector Elizondo and Mike Farrell; poets Gary Soto and Jose Montoya; community leaders Dolores Huerta and Salinas Mayor Anna Caballero; musician Dr. Loco; and writers Maxine Hong Kingston, Riane Eisler, James Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Jack Kornfield, Meredith Maran, and Wes “Scoop” Nisker, and many more. Click here for more details.

If you are from Califonia, please join us in Salinas and take a moment to sign a petition to Governor Schwarzenegger asking him to solve the crisis in Salinas and our library system in general. If you are from outside the state, please pass this alert on to friends, families, listserves in California.

We urge you to learn about the budget cuts in your city and state, and to team up with community groups fighting to save critical social services. It’s a great way for CODEPINK to support community needs, educate new constituencies about the cost of the Iraq war and build broad coalitions that can effectively promote our values: Books Not Bombs, Healthcare not Warfare, Peace not Poverty, Funding for Wounded not for War.

With hope,

Andrea, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Sam & Tiffany


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März 2005

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