
Parents oppose plans for more masts

Mar 24 2005

By The Journal

Parents are battling plans for a further three mobile phone antennas near their children's primary school - taking the total within 50 metres up to six.

More than 200 parents and teachers turned out yesterday in a show of anger against the proposal for more masts overlooking Kells Lane Primary, in Low Fell, Gateshead.

The school's playground is already just 49 metres from two mobile phone towers, spiked on top of a British Telecom building on nearby Clement Street.

Stephen Aspinall, 48, whose six-year-old daughter Collette attends the school, said parents fear the masts could cause their children health problems in the future.

He said: "My daughter is at the school and knowing there were already two mobile phone masts nearby has always been in the back of my mind.

"But two weeks ago we were sent a letter from the council saying an application was in for another three masts at the same site."

More than 100 parents have already signed a petition against the masts, with some sending letters of objection to Gateshead Council's planning committee which is set to make a decision on the application on Wednesday.

Mr Aspinall, who is a governor at Kells Lane, said: "The school is in a conservation area, and when we needed to replace some windows we had to stick to strict rules, so how can they just stick masts on to the top of buildings.

"It looks like one rule for some, and another when it comes to this."


From Mast Network


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