

We thank for the shipment of the news appeared in Cinco Días.com, that has arrived to us through Javier Aparicio and has deserved the commentary that we enclosed. A long time ago we observed that most of the warnings that appear in the tobacco small boxes could be perfectly applied to the nonionizing radiations.

AVECORN Association of Neighbors Against Injurious Radiations of L'Escala (Girona)

The Court of Appeals of Richmond, Virginia, has decided these last days to retake different judicial causes, that had like object demands against Motorola, Nokia and twelve companies more of telecommunications. The Court of Appeal has shaped in his resolution an incontestable censorship to the practices of those, before giving back to the corresponding courts the judgments that will have to be transacted. It insists on considering guilty to the companies of "... not warning of the risk of contracting diseases as cancer by the use of these apparatuses ", informed Bloomberg. (Five Days - Madrid 18/03/05). It seems to be that, in clear parallelism which takes control today anywhere in the world of the tobacco, it is not far the day in which in the U.S.A. the mobile telephones, wireless and the Wi-Fi computers will come surrounded with the warnings: "MOBILE TELEPHONE CAN CAUSE to CANCER" "MOBILE TELEPHONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE USED BY the PREGNANT WOMEN" "MOBILE TELEPHONE CAN SUPPOSE RISK OF OCULAR CANCER" * and as Paul Sagawa, analyst of Stanford C. Bernstein & Co says to us: "The key of this subject is that the industry of the mobile telephony does not want that each cancer of brain that is taken place in the U.S.A. turns a demand that demands ten million dollars to the sector". Two questions assault to us: We will also surround with cellophane all the antennas that watch and threaten us from the next tile roofs? Or will we charge the operators to do it, placing, with mold letters, warning posters, so that nobody says soon, that they had not be warned?

Agustín Garci'a Andrés Licensed in Right and Lawyer in Political Sciences L'Escala, 21 of March of the 2005 *

The Institute of Ophtalmology in the University of Essen (Germany) has demonstrated that the use of the mobile telephone can be a leading factor of ocular cancer, melanoma intraocular of the uveal tract (structure that rainbow includes), ciliary body and coroides.

Version print in “Computer science”

Judicial the mobile telephony undergoes his first crossed legal Light Fernandez/Ines Madrid April (18-03-2005) Published in: Printed edition

Companies First were the tobacco, soon the food sweepings and now it seems that it touches the mobile telephony, that becomes at the end the new target of the collective demands in EE UU. A court has given back at the present time the controversy about the consequences of the exhibition continued to the radiations of the cellular phones, when recovering five demands against Motorola, Nokia and one more dozen of companies of telecommunications. This sector has denied whenever that radiations cause damages to the health, but has not been able to silence the complaints and investigations of those who think that the mobile telephones can cause cancer or other diseases. Thus, the decision of the fourth Court of Appeals of Richmond, Virginia, to retake four of the cases and to send them to the corresponding courts so that they are reviewed, comes to intensify these theories.

The sentence of the cut of appeals maintains that the companies of mobile telephony were at least guilty of not warning of the risk of contracting diseases as cancer by the use of these apparatuses, according to Bloomberg. These are the first demands interposed against the set of the sector of the mobile telephony. In the denunciations it is requested that the companies provide each user with some type of earpiece that it protects of the exhibition to the radiations of low intensity which emit the terminals. But this sanction seems inefficient for many experts since it does not suppose a great payment for the companies. ' The key of this subject is that the industry of the mobile telephony does not want that each cancer of brain that is taken place in the U.S.A. turns a demand about ten million dollars to the sector', comments Paul Sagawa, analyst of Stanford C. Bernstein & Co. The cases splash to the main actors of the sector, as much manufacturers as operators. Motorola, Nokia, VoiceStream Wireless, SBC Communications, Verizon Communications, Nextel Communications, Cingular Wireless, Sprint, Samsung and Ericsson are the accused by these denunciations. Operators and manufacturers insist that scientific study does not exist that demonstrates that the use of the mobile phones causes cancer. In March 2003, the five cases were not admitted to proceeding with the argument the denunciations entered conflict with the attempt of the Senate to define standards of security for the mobile telephony. The denouncers appealed before this decision until the court of appeals yesterday decided to send four of the cases to the courts where they originated and returned fifth to the judge who rejected the denunciations in 2003. The defenders of the denounced companies have insisted that any scientific study does not exist that demonstrates that the use of mobile telephones causes cancer. “The industry will fight with nails and teethes', assured of the lawyers who thinks no of the cases will arrive to be accepted to be put under a jury. The great preoccupation of the affected companies is that this precedent is translated in a new wave of civil demands in the style of the denunciations so common in the U.S.A., where somebody can superficially take to the courts an office companion to him to have thrown a cup of hot coffee. The denouncers are represented by Ken Starr, one of the independent advisors who investigated the bad actions of ex- president Clinton. But no, neither denounced nor denouncers, have wanted to comment out previous the judicial struggle. For those who have more memory, this situation remembers to the first confrontations against the industry of the tobacco. Also one questioned the relation between smoking and the appearance of different diseases in the beginning, whereas today the tobacco companies in the U.S.A. are tired to pay millionaire indemnifications. In fact, this sector faces civil denunciation never interposed by the department of Justice of the U.S.A., that requests fines by a total of 280,000 million dollars. In the field of the mobile telephony it is left much to discover. The World-wide Organization of the Health started a study in 1996 to know the effects the electromagnetic fields. With the present knowledge, it is 'little probable that the exhibition to mobile telephones or stations bases favours the appearance of cancers, although clarifies that the situation can vary as soon as the levels of the radio frequency of these apparatuses rise.

Fronts for the controversy: A report for each combined statement of the El Mobile Spanish extreme forces the controversy by the effect of the mobile phones to the health has been strong in Spain in the last three years and means, until the point of which the unfolding of cellular antennas in the country has paralyzed to a great extent. In order as far as possible to palliate the consequences of the social alarm, the four operators of mobile telephone - Telephone Moving bodies, Vodafone, Pleasant and born Xfera - were not united in March of 2002 to undertake a campaign of measurements and spreading of information. The result has been a luck of annual ITV of antennas, in which the operators have measured each one of the stations bases of the country to see if they fulfilled the norm. The successfully obtained data have been to a large extent positive and they have been used to try to tranquilize the population. Tranquillity: Lack of scientific evidences like there are information that prevent the use of the mobile telephone and the electromagnetic emissions, send reassuring messages for the population. Thus it happened in the Seminary on electromagnetic fields, mobile telephony and health, organized by the Spanish Association Against the Cancer in April of 2004, where the information of the World-wide Organization of the Health and the Committee of Experts of the Ministry of Health were studied. The conclusion arrived is that great parts of the population associates mobile telephony with injurious effects for the health, but that, in spite of it, 'does not exist scientific evidences that demonstrate relation' between this technology ' and cancer'. The seminary also stated that in Spain the levels of emission recommended by Europe in 1999 and gathered in a real decree of 2001 'suitably protect the population of the effects produced by the emissions of the telephony mobil'. Precaution: Taken care for the security of the boy the mobile telephony has been the subject of multitude of information on his effects in the health, as much to favour as in against. One of most recent has reopened the debate on the convenience of leaving young minors of eight years use this technology. The report is from William Stewart, member of the National Council of Radiological safety of the United Kingdom, and it clear requests to the parents that they do not let use mobile phones in any case the minors of eight years. The study insists there are still there no tests that the cellular telephony is injurious, but Stewart has added that several information have bought serious concern on it. For that reason, he alerts on the greater risk than the children run and advises not to put antennas near schools. Credibility: To the search of state organism the Spanish operators of mobile telephone have done all the possible to convince the population that the antennas and the terminals are not dangerous. They have made measurements and they spread all the information on the effects on the health - the positives that arrive at their hands. Nevertheless, they are conscious that their credibility is in jeopardize because they are the part more interested to lower the alarm and the installation of the greater possible number of antennas is allowed. For that reason, Telephone Moving bodies, Vodafone and Amena have begun to demand the creation of a governmental authority that is the one that pronounces when there is an controversial case and whose verdict, given its independence and entailment to the Government, cannot be questioned. It would be something similar to the Agency of Nourishing Security, that guards the conditions of foods and, in necessary case, retires those that are injurious. The operators consider that this new organism would have to depend on the Ministry of Health.

Translation Spanish-English: omega


Asociación de Vecinos Contra Radiaciones Nocivas de L'Escala (Girona)


Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Brains and mobile phones


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