


Thousand of resident of Motril (Granada) blame an antenna for the 17 cases of cancer of the district.


Recognize that it does not have tests but "the neighbors of the district of San Antonio do not create in chances" after undergoing the proliferation of this disease are "of the nerves" and they throw the fault to it to a telephony antenna. They do not have any test that allow to relate cause and effect but after seventeen cases of cancer in the last years in the houses that surround the antenna and the upheavals of dream that undergoes neighborhood means, no longer they create chances. The neighbors attribute all their evils to the antenna and they have been put still on military to obtain that the municipal ordinance is fulfilled that forces move away the telephony stations a minimum of 500 meters of the urban helmet. They have it to two meters of the little houses and fifty of a school. The neighbors of San Antonio have already gathered a thousand of companies and tomorrow Mondays meet with the City council of Motril, to which they try to imply in his fight to obtain that the telephone company moves away the antenna of the district. While some neighbors "are arranged to everything" and already speak to cut streets and highways, the most numerous group prefers "to request aid to the politicians" and to exhaust the route diplomatic with the company. The antenna takes more than 40 years integrated in the district, in the North zone of Motril, but the neighbors complain which in the last years more plates for the mobile telephony are being added to the non-scanning antenna. According to Francisco Sáez, president of the Federation of Associations of neighbors of Motril, about four years, before the first ocal complaints, the company made measurements of the radioactivity and all the parameters that presented/displayed were below the legal limits. "But now they have put more antennas and of there the malaise of the neighbors", summarizes Sáez. One of the residents of Motril has been running into for 23 years with the telephone monster nothing else to leave or to watch after the window of her house, is Puri Ortega. To her nobody clears of the head that the radiations that it emits the antenna are carcinogenic. "The last month they were putting more plates in the antenna. It got more worse. In forty houses, almost twenty cases of cancer already are too much... ", comment the troubled. The neighbors agree in addition in which the noise that the antenna emits becomes unbearable by the nights. "My greater daughter had low platelet count, other neighbors cannot sleep... Who guarantees us that it is not because of the antenna", she adds. Puri assures to be arranged "to go to Madrid, to mobilize us and which is necessary".

The City council will act

"I am of my nerves and is because of the antenna", agrees Belén Jerónimo, another one of the neighbors of the district who head the protest movement. "In my house we rose and we lay down with headache. My neighbor died of cancer. There are too many cases of upheavals, abortions, migraine, and what we do not know! The antenna cannot be so near the houses, anybody must help ", adds Belén. From the environmental medicine of the City council of Motril they know clearly that they will deliver an attack so that the effective decree is fulfilled, that forces to move away the antennas of telephony of the urban helmet, and more in these cases in which social alarm takes place. So far they have dusted the file of the antenna of San Antonio and study what can do. The first step will be to request to the telephone company that presents/displays the permissions of the antenna: in the City council it consists one of the year 68 but lack to verify if there is authorization for the new plates. "We will make the measurements that make lack to see the level of radiations", calmed down the councilman of the environmental medicine, Bonifacio Perez (IU).

Informant: Sylvie

Translation Spanish-English: omega

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations


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