When The War Music Stops
This rage to march in lockstep to the war music is a fundamentalism of thought that enslaves America
By Luciana Bohne
A day will come when this crazed war music will stop, and the American people will hear the judgment that the Germans heard at Nuremberg—that, in Justice Robert Jackson's words, they had supported a regime which had committed "acts which have been regarded as criminal since the time of Cain."
From Information Clearing House
By Luciana Bohne
A day will come when this crazed war music will stop, and the American people will hear the judgment that the Germans heard at Nuremberg—that, in Justice Robert Jackson's words, they had supported a regime which had committed "acts which have been regarded as criminal since the time of Cain."
From Information Clearing House
Starmail - 17. Mär, 23:14