
Happy New Year - Let the onslaught begin

I have sent a copy of this letter to most of the main national papers and a few local ones. I hope it gets printed, if not there will be more to get word out about the dangers of masts...and to tell the UK that Mast Sanity is alive and kicking!

Sandi Lawrence

Happy New Year - let the onslaught begin

You can all join in, too, because we need that BIG VOICE OF THE PEOPLE!

Let them know we are here and are not going away until our job is done!

Health and Peace to the people of the UK!

The Asian Tsunami and the Manmade Threat to the UK

The disaster in Asia, with the extent of the suffering and death as yet unfathomable, is enough to move even the coolest of hearts. It is more than enough to cause great fear and shock in all corners of the Earth. The tsunami gave us all a frightening reminded of the ferocity of nature and how it can affect millions of lives with no warning.

Being part Sioux Indian, I am aware that Mother Nature is now sick because the powerful and rich members of the human race have neglected and abused the human role of caring for all that Our Creator provided for us; the animal life of the land, sea, and air; our environment; and our fellow human beings of every race and culture.

Power, greed, and money have overridden almost every ethical and moral code that we have been brought up to respect and encourage.

The Asian tsunami is a natural disaster, but there are other practices of Mankind that are just as deadly and can kill or cause suffering in our societies.

The deadliest of these in our society at the moment has to be phone communication masts using microwave radiation. All microwave transmission harms human and animal life. This has been researched abroad more so than here, but even independent scientists in this country, such as Barrie Trower, GJ Hyland, Dr David Lane and Roger Coghill, all say that microwave transmission, and especially Airwave TETRA, is harmful to humans and animals.

At the moment “Sitefinder,” the Ofcom website showing details of masts up and running across the UK, is once again out of action. This happened before in October 2004 and more masts were put up with people being unaware, and little, if any, notification given.

As a committee member for Mast Sanity, I take calls and emails from across the UK. I therefore am more aware than most how quickly the new 3G and TETRA masts are being erected. Also, how the planning laws for such are just a mockery, which the Government backed when Prescott failed to appeal the decision of Harrowgate Inquiry and opened the floodgates for masts to be put up near our schools, hospitals, and residential areas with little or no planning permission.

If you have children or elderly relatives, or value your own health and well-being, please consider finding out about the effects of these communication masts.

There are cancer clusters etc around mobile phone masts after 10+ years, Airwave TETRA harms some people instantly, and Mast Sanity are now receiving requests for Health Survey forms in areas around 3G masts and clusters of masts.

You can find out all you need to know at:

http://www.mastsanity.org Advice Line: 08704 322 377

P.S. I have shortened and adapted my letter so that you can all send it to your local papers - don't worry, you will become familiar with Native American teachings as you go along because I live and breathe them!

There is no copyright so just add your own names and addresses.

Garry K of Brighton I have sent to all the address you gave me, so those publications are done. Thanks for given us more outlet locally!


The disaster in Asia, with the extent of the suffering and death as yet unfathomable, is enough to move even the coolest of hearts. It is more than enough to cause great fear and shock in all corners of the Earth. The tsunami gave us all a frightening reminded of the ferocity of nature and how it can affect millions of lives with no warning.

Being familiar with Native American spiritual teachings, I am aware that Mother Nature is now sick because the powerful and rich have neglected and abused the human role of caring for all that Our Creator provided for us; animal life of the land, sea, and air; our environment; our fellow human beings of every race and culture.

Power, greed, and money have overridden almost every ethical and moral code that we have been brought up to respect and encourage.

The Asian tsunami is a natural disaster, but there are other practices of mankind that are just as deadly and can kill or cause suffering in our societies.

The deadliest of these at the moment has to be phone communication masts using microwave radiation. All microwave transmission harms human and animal life. This has been researched abroad more so than here, but even independent scientists in this country, such as Barrie Trower, GJ Hyland, Dr David Lane and Roger Coghill, say that microwave transmission, and especially Airwave TETRA, is harmful to humans and animals.

[ Add details of masts in your local area here]

The total number of masts cannot be accurately estimated due to the inaccuracy of the Oftel "Sitefinder" website and general misinformation.

If you have children or elderly relatives, or value your own health and well-being, please consider finding out about the effects of these communication masts.

There are cancer clusters etc around mobile phone masts after 10+ years, Airwave TETRA harms some people instantly, and Mast Sanity are now receiving requests for Health Survey forms in areas around 3G masts and clusters of masts.

You can find out all you need to know at:
http://www.mastsanity.org Advice Line:08704 322 377

Great Spirit, You Are the Life of Things

Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice. You lived first, and you are older than all need, older than all prayer.

All things belong to you -- the two-legged, the four-legged, the wings of the air, and all green things that live.

You have set the powers of the four quarters of the earth to cross each other.

You have made me cross the good road and road of difficulties, and where they cross, the place is holy.

Day in, day out, forevermore, you are the life of things.

- Black Elk (1863-1950)

Hi Sandi,

Greetings and congratulations and heartfelt thanks for such a great letter.

I want to send it to my local paper and mags but they are unlikely to publish anything over 350 words so it will need reducing. I think the spiritual context in which you place the mast issue will strike a big chord with them and with readers where "dry" reporting may not (I have tried with letters for years)

You need to give a full name and address for letters to be published. If you rewrite, please send to:

1. "The Argus" newspaper (dist Sussex wide) at letters@theargus.co.uk

2. Wave magaxine wavemag@btinternet.com (monthly mag, South East coverage but very ethically concerned and spiritual)

3. "Hanover Herald" (local Brighton comm mag) at
hanover.association@ntlworld.com (may need to justify putting it in this eg there are well over 60 phone masts and at least seven TETRAS in Brighton and Brighton police are using TETRA already)

4. "The Whistler" comm mag whwhistler@aol.com (sic)(same as for Hanover Herald but there are a large number of masts in the Seven Dials area covered by Whistler and an active TETRA beaming right into most of this area from Theobald House in Blackman St, just down from the rail station).

If you send a letter would you also forward us a copy. I'll send you whatever is printed.

Best Wishes
Gary K

From Mast Network


Message to the Operators and Government

It will have to take a BIG VOICE from the PEOPLE to really get some changes

"Something" has altered Earth's Rotation

Seebeben - Tsunami - FLUTKATASTROPHE: Mikrowellentechnik heizt auch das Meer auf - Tesla and the Asian Tsunami


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Dezember 2004

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