
It Can't Happen Here - Rescind the Patriot Act


Will Christensen <wilslist@networld.com> wrote:
Rescind the Patriot Act!

by Will Christensen
National Vice Chair,Independent American Party

A new Intelligence Bill was passed by Congress this December which incorporates many of the aspects of the Patriot II Bill. Our Liberty is being eroded by these Acts which promise security at the expense of basic Freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. It is time to act to preserve our Freedom.

At the following URL is a Bill to rescind the Patriot act, the Bill that passed Congress in the hysterical aftermath of the 9/11 attack. When the Patriot Act is rescinded, many of the abrogations of our Freedom in other Acts will be rescinded as well, for they rest on the foundation of the Patriot Act. This Bill chops at the roots of the "Police State Tree" rather than hacking at the branches.

Please, before Congress convenes on January 4th 2005, do five things:

1. Click on this link:

2. Click on the Bill link
and read the USA Patriot Act Recission Bill of 2005.
Then print this bill on your printer.

3. Click on the Cover Letter link
and copy this to your word processor.
Fill in the date, your Representatives' name and District, and your name and address. Then print and sign the letter.

4. Mail both the Bill and your letter to your Representative.

5. Send this message to everyone concerned about our personal Freedoms.

If we act quickly, we can head off further inroads on our Freedom and roll back some of those that are already in place. The large majority of the American people are opposed to the Patriot Act.

Over 350 cities, towns, counties, and states have passed resolutions against this act.

We must supply the leadership that will get this monstrous attack on our Freedom rescinded. Write your Representative today! Congress is responsive when enough people contact them. "When they feel the heat, they see the light!"

Will Christensen
National Vice Chair
Independent American Party

Be a pipeline not a bucket - Please pass this along

Enclosed is a speech by Ron Paul of Texas which discusses recent attacks on our Freedom. We thank Ron Paul for his consistent courage and leadership in the struggle to preserve and enhance our Freedom.



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Dezember 2004

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