
Urgent Request & New Actions About Recount

(1)Tell Democrats to demand full recount like Greens which will have more weight when local Board of Elections decide whether to do full recount or only recount 3%. Now Dems are not sure if they will demand it or not!

(2) Update and Urgent Request for recount coordinators from PENNSYLVANIA, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS AND WEST VIRGINIA. AND INDIANA from Green Recount Coordinator., Holly hhartus@yahoo.com

(3) More info about Recount if you want to volunteer,offer housing, or donate.

(4) For more urgent actions --some very user friendly-- check this new site which is easy to navigate

It will begin on different days--the 14th, 15th, and 16th.

A.The Green party is demanding a FULL recount and the Democrats are not sure if they will make that request yet. They might be satisfied with a 3% hand count and let the rest run through the same faulty machines! The local Ohio Boards of Elections different counties which makes the final decision will get "cover" if the Democrats are satisfied with 3%. Tell the Dems what you think!
For more info:

Ohio Democrats 614-221-6563 (voice) 614-221-0721 (fax) email dan@ohiodems.org;
The DNC Phone 202-863-8000 and http://www.democrats.org/contact
and Kerry Campaign (phone) 202-712-3000, try ext.5377; Kerry's Senate fax 202-224-8525 and Email http://kerry.senate.gov/bandwidth/contact/email.html Note: When

People have called Kerry's office they are told that Kerry cannot conduct election business from his Senate office and they are referred to the DNC, so any messages sent to his Senate office may be forward to the DNC

B.Update: This is a message from the Green Co-ordinator
WHAT YOU CAN DO At this time, we expect to be able to meet our volunteer needs with people in Ohio and nearby states, where volunteers can drive in. For those farther away, there is still a critical role to play. CURRENTLY, CALLS ARE GOING OUT TO VOLUNTEERS IN PENNSYLVANIA, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS AND WEST VIRGINIA. AND INDIANA - WE DON'T HAVE A STATE COORDINATOR OR POINT OF CONTACT THERE, YET, SO IF SOMEONE IN INDIANA IS READING THIS AND WANTS TO STEP FORWARD, PLEASE WRITE ME OFF-LIST! If you live farther away and want to travel to Ohio, you are welcome to come, but we encourage you to travel by car, as we don't have the means to provide extra transportation in Ohio. We are still looking for observers in a few counties; volunteers are also being sought for door-to-door canvassing to gather statements from people who encountered problems when trying to vote, or who learned their votes were not counted. IF YOU DECIDE TO TRAVEL TO OHIO, BUT HAVEN'T HEARD FROM SOMEONE IN YOUR STATE, YET, FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME OFF-LIST Holly - hhartus@yahoo.com

There is also an Urgent Request From Cindy Asrir Recount Coordinator, Cincinnati/SW Ohio for recount vounteers surroundingOhio's Hamilton Country 402-416-1740 (cell) 513-474-3949 (landline)

.Also see Green Recount Daily Update:

B.volunteer form http://web.greens.org/c/cobb/supporters.cgi?function=volunteer&process=7

Form has a place for Ohioans who want to offer housing

C.The Greens say they need 88 thousand immediately for recount so please give what you can

D. To volunteer for the Ohio Democrats monitoring of the Ohio recount see http://www.ohiodems.org/

They are supposed to have a special form up if you don't see it and want to volunteer, fill out their regular volunteer form and write "interested in recount" in one of the sections where you can write this in.

You can also Contact the Ohio Dems
Ohio Democrats 614-221-6563 (voice) 614-221-0721 (fax) email dan@ohiodems.org

E. The Ohio Democrats are raising funds to help pay for observing this recount. However, the Kerry campaign has already collected over 50 million dollars for a recount. It is unclear at this point if this money will be used in Ohio or elsewhere to pay for recounts. You can try contacting the DNC and the Kerry Campaign to ask about this The DNC Phone 202-863-8000 and http://www.democrats.org/contact
and Kerry Campaign (phone) 202-712-3000, try ext.5377; Kerry's Senate fax 202-224-8525 and Email http://kerry.senate.gov/bandwidth/contact/email.html Note: When People have called Kerry's office they are told that Kerry cannot conduct election business from his Senate office and they are referred to the DNC, so any messages sent to his Senate office may be forward to the DNC

For more urgent actions --some very user friendly-- check this new site which is easy to navigate

Take care,
Cheryl Guttman


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