
Emergency Health Powers Act


FTW-February 03

... And during such emergencies the FBI and all other u.s. government...

... state and local emergency communications.2 And they will also set...

... over in a major emergency. The DHS will also certify training ...

... of a declared emergency when millions might be ordered to receive...

... declares a health emergency or "a potential health emergency", ...

... or "a potential health emergency", certain provisions of u.s. ...

... of u.s. public health laws may be activated to not only compel ...

... to measure the health of the economy. But a story in the San ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/FTW-Feb_2003.pdf • Monday, 15
August 2005, 10:53pm GMT • 495.1k

Coup d'Etat in America

... involvement in 'emergencies' involving chemical and biological ...

... and the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) are indelibly...

... in support of an emergency situation, if and when it occurs. The ...

... a whole series of emergency procedures; it is tantamount to a coup...

... to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), would create ...

... of American power, not to dominate but to shape alliances and ...

... ) extended those powers by creating an "exception" to the Posse ...

... the surveillance powers, providing government access to personal ...

... Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prevents the military from intervening...



... hydrocarbons for emergencies. The all - Canadian gas distribution...

... dipped into its emergency reserves and brought down the price of ...

... Act and the Model Emergency Health Powers Act would, were they still...

... out a "detailed" emergency drill based upon the crashing of a ...

... , education, health care, and so forth. Start with the ones that ...

... state of their health, when they are being fed b.s. and when they ...

... they are being fed health food by someone who cares about their ...

... the extent the power elites had gone to in order to control public ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/FTW_JUNE_2002.pdf • Monday,
15 August 2005, 10:57pm GMT • 531.8k


... from the National Emergencies Act (NEA)(50 u.s.c. 1601 et seq.) and...

... the National Emergencies Act (50 u.s.c. 1601 et seq.) and ...

... , IEA Calls For Emergency Plan), and Al Jazeera, (March 24, 2005, ...

... declared state of emergency. Let's look at the background. Within a...

... "state of national emergency." This "state" was actually enacted by an ...

... of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks, ...

... military power is rendering itself obsolete. -SG] also what ...

... of US power projection and joint expeditionary warfare. ...

... to extend military power by pressing the limits of juridical
precedent, ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/members/FTW-073105.pdf • Friday, 29
July 2005, 3:10pm GMT • 1702k


... Constitution in emergencies and the division (Balkanization) of the...

... were no national emergencies is, to me, an ominous warning of where...

... public health emergencies such as bioterrorism. A revised version...

... called the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA). This was a ...

... of "public health emergency" as it pertains to bioterrorism and ...

... a "public health emergency", and without consulting with public ...

... to handle the emergency. · Seize and destroy any property alleged...

... Be Harmful To Your Health (Revised - updated) POST 9 - 11 DEATH TOLL...

... research or public health. On Nov. 12, Benito Que, 52, was found ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/FTW_1_March_02.pdf • Monday,
15 August 2005, 10:55pm GMT • 230.7k

Mr. Cheney's Cover Story - Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers

... from minor emergencies to hijackings. If a problem is serious, ...

... together to handle emergencies as quickly as possible. (8) Escorts are ...

... monitor dangerous emergencies and hijackings. For example, during the ...

... handle intercept emergencies. Moreover, Mr. Cheney's implicit ...

... constitutes an emergency: "Consider that an aircraft emergency ...

... that an aircraft emergency exists ... when: ...There is unexpected...

... 10 - 2-5 (6) And: "EMERGENCY DETERMINATIONS "If ... you are in doubt...

... constitutes an emergency or potential emergency, handle it as ...

... instructions to act, if, in fact, they feel it's appropriate. mr. ...

• Monday, 15 August 2005, 10:46pm GMT • 68.3k

From The Wilderness Publications

... And during such emergencies the FBI and all other u.s. government...

... state and local emergency communications.2 And they will also set...

... over in a major emergency. The DHS will also certify training ...

... of a declared emergency when millions might be ordered to receive...

... declares a health emergency or "a potential health emergency", ...

... or "a potential health emergency", certain provisions of u.s. ...

... of u.s. public health laws may be activated to not only compel ...

... to measure the health of the economy. But a story in the San ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/022803_chap_23.html • Monday,
15 August 2005, 10:33pm GMT • 138.7k


... during wartime "emergencies" and were never abolished. War and big...

... MEHPA (The Model Emergency Health Powers Act) through state ...

... to vaccinate emergency personnel or public health workers, the ...

... event of a health emergency. The act made its debut last year after ...

... and state health officials have expressed doubts about the ...

... and public health problems Page -10- are created to effect ...

... or public health workers, the New York Times reported. Health ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/FTW-Oct_1_2002.pdf • Monday,
15 August 2005, 10:56pm GMT • 1817.3k

FTW-Dec 31_2002

... with public health emergencies caused by a terrorist attack. States...

... , the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA) has now become...

... ,000 and 500,000 emergency healthcare workers who would be the first...

... also enacted an emergency health powers law. State legislatures ...

... bill to revise the emergency health powers act, which is currently
in ...

... that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared smallpox ...

... future." Federal health and security officials have been working on...

... Law and the Public Health, the think tank where this state legislation ...

http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/FTW-Dec_31_2002.pdf • Monday,
15 August 2005, 10:53pm GMT • 778.8k

From The Wilderness Publications Stories, Essays, and News by Category

... : Torrance, CA Emergency Simulation Targets Big Business and Local...

... with the national emergency that FTW expects in the middle term. -JAH ...

... /03 Washington, DC Emergency Natural Gas Summit Hints At Coming Crisis ...

... Reserve and why an Emergency Summit is being held in Washington this...

... signs seen as health care pros from the US to Israel refuse ...

... Be Harmful To Your Health (Revised - updated) Read Now 2/14/02 As Many ...

... of Water and Power Chief on Tape Less Than a Month before Los ...

... of centralized power systems - by Michael Kane Read Now 1/28/05 ...


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