
Week of Nationwide Protests Begins


Uniting for Peace against Bush and NeoCons


Last chance to speak to Congress about the election and Alberto Gonzales

Do we know what really happened in Ohio? Did you know that in Cuyahoga county alone there was a group of precincts with 90,000 more votes than registered voters? Did you know that a full recount was never done, instead votes were sampled in areas where there were thought to have been few problems, and there was machine tampering? Did you know that 100,000 provisional and machine-rejected votes were never counted at all? And that's just in Ohio. Could the exit polls have all been so wrong? What are we going to do about it?

The courts will not act, but Congress might. In these critical few days before January 6th, why don't you tell your members of Congress whether you think we should contest the election? Here's an easy one-click form you can use, which automatically looks up your representatives and sends them your personal message all at the same time:


Do you want our representatives in Washington to stand up and contest this election? We must back them up with our vocal support if we expect them to fight for us on this or any issue. The People's Email Network encourages you to speak out and keep speaking out, regardless of your political position, until our representatives truly hear you.

And also coming to a head this week is the issue of whether Alberto Gonzales should be confirmed as attorney general. Tell your senators in particular what questions they should ask at the hearings and how you think they ought to vote.


And remember, if you would like for us to set up a custom issue action page for your own favorite issue, please email your request and we will set one up for you for no charge. Just show that you have a constituency who will participate on the site.

Please post this link everywhere you can to everyone you know.

Informant: activist_xs

Stolen election protest collage

Here is a the URL for a very nice stolen election protest that was held in Phoenix (of all places):



Munich Re Expects World Weather Damage to Rise `Exponentially'


Informant: NHNE

Social Security ‘reform’ : Robbing workers to pay the banks

Social Security ‘reform’: Robbing workers to pay the banks:

If the bankers, financiers and investors have their way, the entire Social Security system. The future of hundreds of millions of workers will be at risk. The government is preparing to do to Social Security what has already been done to pension funds. They must be stopped.

Stopping the Bum's Rush

Paul Krugman: Stopping the Bum's Rush:

The people who hustled America into a tax cut to eliminate an imaginary budget surplus and a war to eliminate imaginary weapons are now trying another bum's rush. If they succeed, we will do nothing about the real fiscal threat and will instead dismantle Social Security, a program that is in much better financial shape than the rest of the federal government.

Bush plan would cut benefits for new retirees

The Bush administration has signaled that it will propose changing the formula that sets initial Social Security benefit levels, cutting promised benefits by nearly a third in the coming decades.


From Information Clearing House

Is There One Senator Who Will Stand Up for Black Voters?

Democrat Senators on the Hot Seat...Again...

From Information Clearing House

Bush strategy will hurt Republicans

Bush strategy will hurt Republicans, says former aide:

One of President George W Bush's former cabinet officials has criticised his record and his electoral strategy, accusing him of running a short-term policy which will damage the Republicans in the future.


From Information Clearing House

Do You Opposes the Nomination of Alberto Gonzales?

The best way for the American people to send a message to the Bush administration and the world that ‘we the people’ of the United States do not condone torture is to mobilize to reject the nomination of Alberto Gonzales.” - Ron Daniels, Executive Director, the Center for Constitutional Rights


From Information Clearing House

Injustice as State Policy : The Guantanamo Gulag

Guantanamo is intended to send a message that the internationally accepted norms of justice have been rescinded. From now on, all law proceeds from Washington.

Secrets of the Iraq War

Video: Secrets of the Iraq War:

The story of spying, bribery and secret deals done by U.S. with Saddam's senior commanders to betray their former boss, and the story of what happened to the feared Republican Guard.

Real Video.

Blind loyalty isn’t patriotism

Patriots, some would argue, must march unwaveringly for the cause of liberty in Iraq. They would have Americans accept that anything — anyone — that gets in the way must be destroyed.


From Information Clearing House

Horror In Fallujah

Horror In Fallujah, Doctors Say:

The hospital emergency team has recovered more than 700 bodies from rubble where houses and shops once stood, adding that more than 550 were women and children. He said a very small number of men were found in these places and most were elderly.

The victims of the tsunami pay the price of war on Iraq

US and British aid is dwarfed by the billions both spend on slaughter

By George Monbiot

Over the past few months, reviewing the complete lack of public interest in what is happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the failure, in the west, to mobilise effective protests against the continuing atrocities in Iraq, I had begun to wonder whether we had lost our ability to stand in other people's shoes. I have now stopped wondering.

Keeping teens on "radar"

Houston Chronicle


A Houston engineer was searching for a method to keep track of his 16-year-old daughter when she started driving. The technology he found while searching the Web not only helped him do that, it also may have saved her life, said Wayne, who asked that his last name not be published to protect his daughter's identity. Teen Arrive Alive, a Florida-based company, offers packages that include bumper decals and phones equipped with global positioning systems to allow parents to monitor their teens' locations and driving habits. The company launched the service in May...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Starke Jungs, die beim Ordnen helfen

Das Elitedesaster: Die Sondereinsatzkommandos der Polizei kommen ins Gerede...


Bush asks judge to toss Ohio election suit


From Guantanamo to "Camp 6" ?

by Julian Sanchez



In a meadow near Windsor one fine day in 1215, King John, under pressure from disgruntled nobles, affixed his royal seal to the Magna Carta, clause 39 of which provided: No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or outlawed or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. The War on Terror is often framed as a clash between western champions of modernity and the medieval mindset of Salafis. Yet these days our own commitment to even medieval guarantees of due process often seems, at best, half-hearted...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The left will rise again

by Anthony Gregory



Both leftists and rightists have their place. When one camp is in charge, the other is almost certainly going to lean more libertarian. The idea that some libertarians still hold, that the right, in spite of being in power, is less a worry than the out-of-power leftists in Hollywood, is just plain ridiculous. If there is hope for liberty in electoral politics, it will not come until the Republicans lose power again.


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The war on humanity

by Mike Wasdin

Strike the Root


I'm sure everyone would have a different barometer to determine what freedom is, but to me there could be no greater gauge than looking at how many people a particular country puts into cages. How could a country that has the highest incarceration rate per capita claim to be the freest country? I find it obscene that anyone would consider the United States the freest country in the world!


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It is up to you and me

by Col. David Hackworth (USA, Ret.)



Considering the hits we keep taking in our global fight against terrorism, I'm gearing up in '05 to go up against the Pentagon's increasingly out-of-control campaign to keep us all conned. The cover-ups track too often with more names added to the U.S. casualty list. So here's my New Year's resolution: to keep countering Pentagon lies with the truth until enough concerned citizens demand that Congress set up a congressional investigative arm to formally expose the liars and hold them accountable...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New computerized passport raises safety concerns

San Luis Obispo Tribune


When traveling abroad these days, most Americans probably wouldn't want the contents of their passports to be secretly read by strangers.

But when a new high-tech passport system goes into effect as early as next spring, that's exactly what critics say could happen. ... The system is designed to prevent forged passports by making sure the original passport holder and the person standing at the immigration counter are one and the same. The problem, security and privacy experts say, is that the technical standard chosen for the system leaves passport data unprotected. The technology allows data on the chip to be read remotely using radio frequency identification or RFID...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congress expects $100 billion war request

USA Today

Congress expects the White House to request as much as $100 billion this year for war and related costs in Iraq and Afghanistan, congressional officials say. It would be the third and largest Iraq-related budget request from the White House yet, and it could push the war's costs over $200 billion -- far above initial White House estimates of $50 billion-$60 billion. So far, the Iraq war has cost about $130 billion, according to the White House's Office of Management and Budget." (01/03/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Helsinki Appeal 2005

Please find attached the Appeal:

Distribute it to your colleagues and return them with signatures to the address:

EMF-team Finland
P.O.Box 1040

or fax +358 9 2796 3681

Matti Wirmaneva


Informant: Sianette Kwee


EMF-team Finland

EMF-team Finland was established in 2003 to promote healthy environment including electromagnetic fields. The most important goal made for our team was to influence authorities and politicians to adopt new safety standards based on biological effects of non-ionizing radiation, especially on RF-levels. This is just the opposite to what our ”WHO” is carrying out with it`s harmonization project of today.

Our team consist of

Seppo Kinnunen, Physician, specialized in Occupational health
Matti Wirmaneva, B.Sc, Engineering in electronics
Christian Blom, M.Sc, Econ.

Initiators of the Helsinki Appeal are actually collaborative persons outside the team:

Erja Tamminen, Information Officer, B.Sc.
Risto Juusela, Dentist

They offered the appeal to our programme and we accepted. The petition was ”taylor-made” for our activities and we believe it will be signed by many honest scientists and physicians. Through this appeal we will emphazise the importancy of the Precautionary Principle and encourage all the members of the European Parliament to act in favour of the common health and to solve the longstanding contradiction existing between healthy environment and the needs of the mobile industry.

For EMF-Team Finland
Best regards,

Matti Wirmaneva

Informant: Rod Read


Finnland: Helsinki Appeal 2005

Der Helsinki Appeal 2005 des “EMF Team Finnland” fordert das Europäische Parlament auf, sich unverzüglich für die Einführung des neuen Sicherheitsstandards in der Europäischen Union einzusetzen. Die unterzeichnenden Ärzte und Forscher sind über die unzureichende Anwendung des Vorsorgeprinzips hinsichtlich elektromagnetischer Felder besorgt. Sie akzeptieren die von der ICNIRP empfohlenen Standards nicht mehr, weil neue wissenschaftliche Studien über verschiedene Beschwerden aufgrund von Mobilfunk und anderer hochfrequenter Strahlung berichten.

Ebenso appellieren sie an die Europäische Gemeinschaft, schnell Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, damit die Fortführung des REFLEX-Projektes finanziert werden kann, da dieses Nachweise erbgutschädigender Wirkungen des Mobilfunks erbracht habe.


Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 13.01.2005



Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework

IDEA Position on Electro-Magnetic Radiation

The truth about terrorism

by Jonathan Raban

New York Review of Books


If you live, as I do, in an American city designated as a likely target by the Department of Homeland Security, the sheer proliferation of security apparatus in the streets assures you that there is a war on. Yet the nature and conduct of that war, and the character -- and very existence -- of our enemy, remain infuriatingly obscure: not because there's any shortage of information, or apparent information, but because so much of it has turned out to be creative guesswork or empty propaganda...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who owns America's moral values?

by Jennifer Wheary

Denver Post


Oversimplification of American religious belief and practice is a brilliant political strategy. It polarizes our society and mobilizes extreme positions at either end of the political spectrum. While two opposing, irreconcilable viewpoints duke it out, real issues go unaddressed. ... American religious practice is less conservatively Christian and much more diverse than campaign slogans and sound bites suggest. In reality, no one party has a monopoly on religious believers, and the moral values the majority of Americans support have a lot more to do with fairness, equality, responsibility and dignity than the hot-button issues that dominated 2004...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The war hits home

by Ron Jacobs



The war just keeps getting closer. I found out from my dad over the weekend that the son of a kid I used to play Boys & Girls Club sports with was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq early in December. I never knew the dead young man, but his uncles and aunts attended the same schools and churches that I did when I was young. Unless the US troops get out sooner rather than later, this familiarity with death in war will become as familiar to US residents as it did in Vietnam and Korea (not to mention this country's previous wars), and as familiar as it has become to Iraqis and Afghanis. Like my dad rhetorically asked after giving me this news: 'What did he die for?' For those of us who have been opposed to these wars since their inception, this is not that much of a question. For my dad, it is...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Military Veterans Oppose Gonzales Nomination for U.S. Attorney General

Nearly 3,600 military veterans and military family members have expressed grave concerns about Alberto R. Gonzales, President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General in a letter to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and other members of the U.S. Senate. The veterans’ primary concerns are Judge Gonzales' positions on U.S. adherence to the Geneva Conventions and protections from torture for military personnel under international and U.S. laws.


Lugar Condemns Plan To Jail Detainees for Life

A leading Republican senator yesterday condemned as "a bad idea" a reported U.S. plan to keep some suspected terrorists imprisoned for a lifetime even if the government lacks evidence to charge them.


Hartz IV und Wohnen

"ALG II: Rund 100000 Mieter müssen raus". Bezieher von Arbeitslosengeld II zwangsweise auf Suche nach billigeren Wohnungen. Kommunen sollen Obdachlosigkeit verhindern. Ein Gespräch mit Franz-Georg Rips, Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Mieterbundes e.V., von Peter Wolter in junge Welt vom 29.12.2004


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 1

Hartz IV trifft Flüchtlinge am härtesten

Referat von Rolf-Peter Bernert, kein Mensch ist illegal, Kiel, auf der BAG-SHI Fachtagung Migration: "Von Abschiebung über Hartz bis Zuwanderungsgesetz" am 2. Dezember 2004 in Mainz.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 21, Eintrag 1

Personal Stories and Symptoms


Personal Stories and Symptoms

Those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from an only partly recognised illness are frequently vulnerable to arbitrary and ill-informed diagnoses, even of psychiatric disturbance. They are not infrequently considered deluded or hypochondriac which is an especially difficult cross to bear when the symptoms commonly include confusion, fatigue and headaches. So ES sufferers can totter along a very strange and unsteady path to definition and possibly amelioration of some of the worst effects of their condition.

What is meant by electrosensitivity?

A small question but it covers a multitude. How does it come on? What does it feel like? Are there verifiable objective symptoms? Is it the same for everybody? How predictable is it? Will I get better? Is it constant or variable, increasingly debilitating as it worsens or just a nuisance? How does it relate to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), sick-building syndrome and even cancer and other dire afflictions or does it stand-alone?

All these question and many more arise because ES or EHS is new. We have no experience, no folklore or shared coping strategies as we do with ‘flu’, colds, even rheumatism and heart disease. ‘Electrical Hypersensitivity, A Modern Illness’ is indeed the title of one explanatory booklet (from 'Powerwatch'). So does it come on like a bolt from the blue, a lightning strike? Or is it an insidious indefinable sensation, creeping up on you through fatigue and headaches, those common enough and non-specific conditions?

Rather than trawl through the medical jargon and regurgitate again a list of symptoms or warning signs which might be of doubtful use and relevance we are allowing the stories of individual ES sufferers to tell, in their own words where possible, just how it was for them.

Andrew Collet is a writer and says in:

‘Life Without Electricity’: My Story 1997 - 2000

My current state is one of being able to manage my illness through a strategy of avoiding most things electrical. There are times when I'm forced into 'hiding' at moments of extreme hypersensitivity, but I am normally able to predict and mitigate against such events with symptoms of electrical sensitivity varying from a slight sense of dizziness to extreme nausea.

I was first aware of being sensitive to something about six years ago. For three years I battled to understand just what it was that was giving me a regular bouts of dizziness and nausea. I paid visits to the ENT departments, tried 'therapies' and paid to have treatment at the Leicester Balance Centre. All without any success.

My first awareness of what I later understood to be electrical sensitivity was when using a mobile phone in 1997. I was never a heavy user, but found that this quickly gave me a sensation of pressure building inside my head. I quickly stopped using my phone. However, these same symptoms now began to feature in other aspects of my life from shopping, going for an evening walk and using my gym. Although not yet understanding the root cause, I was able to manage the condition to some degree through avoidance of such activities. And then, in 2000, I moved house and the symptoms seemed to disappear. But not for long.

In my new house I was quick to resume the evening walk. For several weeks I was able to do this without problems. And then the nausea and dizziness returned. At the same time I noticed that computer use was creating similar symptoms. I paid to see a neurologist who assured me that there was 'nothing wrong'. I continued with the walks and quickly found that the bouts of dizziness were becoming more frequent and were evident when using other electrical appliances. It was now that I began to make a tenuous link between my symptoms and electrical activity. On examination, I noticed that the route of my walk followed low-level, old-fashioned electricity cables. I bought a gauss meter and found the EMF levels to be high for the entire route; I had been bathing in a sea of electrical activity. I visited the route of my old walk and found similar readings from underground cables. Worse still, I recalled that all houses used Economy 7 at my last address - an arrangement which would throw out huge levels of EMF at the critical hours when the body was trying to repair itself. Equally, the gym I used had constant air-conditioning and fluorescent lighting. Even the exercise bikes threw-out huge levels of EMF through their magnetic mechanism. The catalyst for my illness would seem to have been mobile phone use and/or the high levels of EMF present at night.

2001 and Beyond

I now tried to manage my illness through prudent avoidance of all things electrical. I moved my computer case to the other side of the house and bought a low-emission LCD monitor. I slept with my head away from the wall where there were considerable electric fields. Appliances were turned-off at night. However, the symptoms were now never very far away. A trip to the dentist proved to be excruciating and visits to shopping centres had to be hurried affairs.

In July 2002 I bought a new VW Golf. Like most cars, this did have high levels of EMF. However, cars had only affected me very mildly. Within three weeks and 1000 miles I was unable to drive the car without a severe sensation of nausea. The symptoms spilled over into all other activities from cutting the lawn, watching television, computer use etc. VW accepted my reasoning and allowed me to return the car without penalty. (I understand that in Germany they have to publish levels of EMF from cars?) The residual symptoms lasted for some further three months and resulted in myself withdrawing from everyday activities for most of that time. I now drive a worn-out diesel Mondeo with mechanical fuel injection and little in the way of electrical wizardry. On long journeys, the symptoms can return.


There does now seem to be a pattern and some logic to the way in which I react to electricity. Instances of chronic sensitivity are usually instigated by high levels of exposure in the preceding days. For example, a long car journey will then limit my ability to cope with everyday electrical items for the next week or so. However, although the level of sensitivity does subside, there is evidence to suggest that the illness is a progressive one and that, overall, my sensitivity is increasing. For example, three years ago I could use a normal phone and watch a standard television set. Today, a phone immediately makes me feel unwell and I can usually cope with about an hour of television.


Appliances/situations most likely to affect: Vacuum cleaner, beard trimmer, vicinity of mobile phone antennae, hotel rooms when not on ground floor.


Try to eat organically to boost immune system which is otherwise under attack from modern farming methods. Now rarely go out. Keep driving down to an absolute minimum.


Conservatory - I often feel ill in conservatory. This is the usual UPVC variety. Assume metal inners may act as giant antennae?
LCD screen - Despite there being little in the way of electric or magnetic fields, this does still affect me.

Thank you Andrew.

Can you answer Andrew’s questions? Just for the kudos.

Maybe Faisal Khawaja can explain, he also has been on a mighty hefty learning curve, by necessity, having to leave his high-flying , glamorous, urban life-style, received 12/2/ 04 :

I first realised that I was “sensitive” to electrical radiation after developing headaches whilst using a mobile phone. Naively I ignored these symptoms as the headaches got more and more intense after shorter and shorter phone calls. By the time I finally stopped using a mobile I realised that I had begun "reacting" to all sorts of electrical appliances including T.V.'s, computers, cordless phones, digital cameras and mobile phone masts. After exposure from these appliances my headaches and tinnitus like symptoms would often take a while to calm down depending on how badly "zapped" I had been.

My modern lifestyle was becoming increasingly difficult and I found little solace in my peer group, doctors or the powers that be, who often dismissed my symptoms as psychologically based rather than physical.

Two years after the initial problems started and my life has changed a great deal. I had to quit my job as a studio photographer due to the high electric fields of the studio. I have moved from London to Gloucestershire to get away from the barrage of microwave signals in the city and currently work from home in an electrically stable environment.

I have spent thousands of pounds on treatment and shielding methods since the NHS do not recognise ES as an official condition. Wearing silver-plated gloves allows me to use the computer for short periods without receiving electric shocks in my fingers from the keyboard. I am rarely able to watch T.V. but when I do I sit at least 20ft away from the set. I sleep under a silver plated " mosquito net- type canopy" when sleeping over at friends or on holiday as the signal levels from nearby mobile phone masts, Wi-Fi transmitters or DECT cordless phones provoke symptoms.

I have become not only allergic to electrical radiation but also some foods and chemicals for which I have had treatment in the form of Multiple Allergy Vaccines. The electrically provoked symptoms persist and I find that avoidance of triggers is often the best way to deal with the condition although homeopathy, meditation, a toxin free diet and plenty of exercise have helped me to deal with it better.

Well its obvious dear old Faisal is mad as a hatter isn’t it from the way he cannot string a concise yet detailed account of years of distressing experience into five short paragraphs. Studio photographer! His photos must be good or he should become a wordsmith. Thank-you from all of us Faisal.

In contrast to his slow onset was the experience of a lady of fifty as recorded in the case studies of EMR safety:

CASE No. 23 1987 .

While walking ‘for health’ on the footpath, this lady was unexpectedly and suddenly breathless. She became drained of energy, had muscle weakness and her legs felt very heavy as though there were “sandbags tied to her feet” She noticed power lines overhead, (11kV) crossed the road to the side where there were no power lines and touched grass to ‘ground’ herself. Her energy returned within a few minutes and she continued walking with no further problems. She has resolved to avoid walking under all power lines, if possible.

You know we’ve put that one in but I’m not so sure about it, maybe we’re just testing you, it seems like a sudden ES effect that passes, even a bit like old fashioned electric shock, but different. Then on the other hand no it doesn't, there'd be cinders, I just don't get it..., maybe... we don't know enough on this one, rather odd and inconclusive, which in a way is how it can be early on for some ES sufferers.

I’m not surprised she is taking more care but, you know, as Tony would say, wouldn’t that be rather difficult, avoiding ‘walking under all power lines’, and avoiding the cables that are buried even more so.

For the reverend Jennifer Griffiths from Devon, what also commenced with different suspicions and with no specific symptoms around electricity changed :

“In the summer of 1996 I went to live in Findhorn and this is where I started to be unable to watch TV without discomfort. The house where I was staying was very badly geologically stressed and was next to Kinloss Air Base which I understand is ‘sensitive’ and obviously has radar. The house was all electric and I only had a microwave oven to cook on.”

Things became much worse:

“I do everything I can to avoid radiation. I cannot go into public places in winter, especially supermarkets for more than 5 minutes or so and even then I feel ill. Even friends don’t really understand (or believe me?) and make little effort to curtail electrical use when I’m around. It is very distressing to constantly have to remind people of this condition as I feel like I am having to fight for a condition I don’t even want. I try not to over-identify with it but the constant need to explain it to people just re-inforces the trauma.” 10/1/04

Yes, with no common experience of dealing with an illness that’s unrecognised, even by doctors, there are no rules or generally understood ways of assisting. Being powerful or famous does not help that much either, as former Prime Minister of Norway and then Head of The World Health Organisation (WHO) Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland told Dagbladet’s Aud Dalsegg on March 9, 2002:

“In the beginning I felt a local warmth around my ear. But the problem grew worse, and turned into a strong discomfort and headaches every time I used a mobile phone”.

At first she tried to avoid the pain by cutting her calls short, but this did not work. Nor was it sufficient to stop using the phones herself, because everyone around her, including at her workplace at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, used them.

“I gradually understood that I had developed sensitivity to this type of radiation and in order not to be suspected of being hysterical - that someone should believe that this was only something I imagined - I have made several tests: people have been in my office with their mobile phone hidden in their bag or pocket. Without my knowing whether it was off or on, we have tested my reaction. I have always reacted when the phone has been on – never when it is off. So there is no doubt.”

As for wireless home phones, Brundtland said :

“I get an instant reaction if I touch such a phone”

About her reactions to computers:

“If I hold a laptop in order to read what is on the screen it feels as if I get an electric shock up through my arms. So I must keep portable computers away from me. I have a regular desktop computer in my office, but only the secretary uses it. I have not noticed the same symptoms near it, but I turn it off as soon as I come in.”

Hello, who is this shambling figure? Ah it's Mystic Messiah come to tell us all and everything.

"Hi there my people, somehow I used to believe that massive institutions like WHO with millions of dollars, and pounds, marks etc. knew what goes down man, and what gives. Hey! these are the experts and paid to be, not like me, a hairy broke old re-tired bumbling old hippy-guru telling it like it is man. And the WHO cannot even diagnose let alone help their own big boss-woman! Hey there has to be some dodgy-doos here. Know what I mean? nod nod, wink wink, blind horses next and I must not forget the dinosaurs in this here menagerie."

Now seriously let us proceed :

In a vivid and detailed account Mrs Smith, who must be anonymous while legal action is considered, could not just switch offending computers off like the folks up on the hill, as a professional woman she puzzles about ‘what may have triggered my ES and chronic fatigue’:

“I believe that I was vulnerable because I was in a very stressful job and had had many hard years as a divorced single parent. I had a difficult menopause, with blood sugar disturbances and candidiasis. I had always had a sensitive body with some common allergies to foods, perfumes, chemicals, fur, pollens and moulds. However I did not take any medication for these and I was not concerned about them. I live and worked near to a large transmitter mast.

As for computer use, for 18 months I sat at a 45 degree angle and within about ½ a metre of an old computer during some of my working hours. This may have caused flickering to my peripheral vision. I had very unpleasant feelings (facial tingling, disorientation and headache) when near this machine, and I eventually stopped using it. Later, a young child was made temporarily very ill after using this 486PC machine for 17 minutes, became unable to speak and for 5 minutes could only grunt in trying to communicate. The programme malfunctioned at the same time. Fortunately the child recovered fully within 10 minutes.”

Pity the machine didn’t.

Unfortunately things did not turn out so well for Mrs Smith (a cunning pseudonym) herself, as she continues with what ensued after prolonged computer use when already sensitised :

“Later, I used a modern computer intensively to write reports. The program was very poor and everyone had problems with its use. When it repeatedly crashed, I assumed that this was because of the poor quality program. I worked intensively all the weekend and evening hours for three weeks, but the program continually crashed and would not save or print. I think that a ‘pathway’ had been created for the invasion of radiation/static electricity into my body, which then became highly charged. This charge affected the writing of the reports program; the harder I worked the more it crashed.’ During this period I had raised and volatile blood pressure and an erratic heart beat. This was followed by two bouts of flu in the next month, which confined me to bed. I felt ill and extremely tired. Reactions started to other EMF sources. Eventually after struggling on at work for several months, I suddenly developed gripping chest pain and throat constriction and then shock. Then chronic fatigue set in, with continuing extreme sensitivities.

I feel that exposure to EMFs when my body was vulnerable caused a physical burn-out, affecting my immune, nervous and endocrine systems. EMFs act as a major stressor on my body”.

Whew! The sense you get of this lady’s determination and drive as she slowly succumbs under this confusion of illnesses indicates the strength she now has to find within to go on living at all normally. Yet her final concerns are for others:

“The ES people who have managed to travel this far in understanding what is happening to their bodies are the fortunate ones. How many people are there who have not been able to access help? Living with this syndrome is tough and can be depressing, frustrating and lead to social deprivation. Being unable to work means not enough money to live on, let alone pay for private medical help and the cost of medication and supplements. We ES people are ‘the canaries down the mine’ of modern living with the explosive increase in modern technology and its unknown effects on the body”.

‘Canaries down the mine’, a telling phrase, both in its implications of spreading poison, and its evocation of the industry of a previous era, coal-mining, and how slowly and crudely we awoke to its inherent but invisible dangers as well as the multifarious boons it provided in energy, heating and so on. We can have a menagerie soon, along with being guinea pigs by the way, dinosaurs will make an appearance later.

Now the isolation of ES sufferers is reducing as they come together in common awareness and form groups, a vital activity. Organisation means common understanding and an end to the powerlessness of isolation (a particularly piquant punishment performed by ES) so more profound questions are being raised about policy and direction at higher levels. Interaction with various authorities is more advanced in Sweden where their Association for the ElectroSensitive, FEB, was formed back in 1987. They have gathered individual experiences and generalised from personal cases to put together this summary of symptoms:

About ElectroSensitivity

Electrical Oversensitivity or Electrical Hypersensitivity is a fairly new phenomenon, the first cases and discussions came to public knowledge in the early seventies.

The first signs of electrical hypersensitivity are often experienced as a minor irritation when working with VDTs (Computer monitors, surveillance monitors, common TV - Television sets). A frequent symptom is that of warmth or a burning sensation in the face, not unlike a strong sunburn. Some people develop a reddish skin blemish or rash at the same time. These can also be accompanied by a tingling sensations in the skin, both facially and/or over other parts of the body. In addition eye problems can occur. You might get the feeling that the mucus membranes have dried.

These initial symptoms must be regarded as a serious first warning! Switch of the VDT when not in use, cut down time before the VDT, move the VDT far away from the user, buy a new low emission, grounded, monitor with a Cu-net embedded into the front glass (shielding glass).

Warning signs

These are symptoms that people experience with eg. VDT work. For some individuals the problem becomes gradually worse, the symptoms are sustained for longer periods.

An unnatural warmth or burning sensation in the face.

A tingling, stinging or pricking sensation in the face or other areas of the body.

Dryness of the upper respiratory tract or eye irritation.

Problems with concentration, dizziness and loss of memory.

Swollen mucus membranes resulting in nonviral/bacterial swelling of nose, throat, ear and sinuses.

Feeling of impending influenza that never quite breaks out.

Headache and nausea.

Teeth and jaw pains.

Ache in muscles and joints.

Cardiac palpitations.

Naturally the differences between individuals are great, some may only have one or a few symptoms, some have many, some have light symptoms, some may have severe difficulties.

If you like your science dry and your symptoms further summarised from an even larger array of sources the link below will take you to :
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity As A Progressive Disease a report on an investigation of the scientific literature for the US government Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration Technical Data Section. This concludes its overall survey with:

“The worldwide introduction of computers and other electronic equipment into our environment make it urgent that this catastrophic disorder (my emphasis) be given widespread attention by the international scientific community”.

For the individuals we have just heard from it does not seem an exaggeration to have it thus described.

M.M. Hughes of the US. Government Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Technical Data Center, Washington, District of Columbia 20210, USA, presents this rather dry and factual as well as lengthy summary

We are including a case from the USA because it is so graphic and emphasises how we cannot exagerate the importance and urgency of this issue. Some emphasis is added by ES-UK, but text is true to original otherwise.Please forward to where it may be heeded.

Telecommunications vs. The Environment

by Arthur Firstenberg

In 1982 I was in my fourth year of medical school, a promising career ahead of me. Today I am homeless. My money does not provide me shelter. My good health does not ensure my survival. My friends are unable to help me. I am being killed, but the law offers me no protection.

For eight years I have run an advocacy and support network for people in similar circumstances. No one else has been doing this kind of work in North America. I am afraid time has run out for us. I will outline, later, the emergency measures that are needed in order to reverse a grave, imminent and largely unacknowledged threat to all life.

I am electrically sensitive, and I advocate and provide information and support for electrically sensitive people in North America and worldwide. The assault we are suffering is a radical increase in electromagnetic pollution, or electrosmog, that is engulfing the earth. Let me explain some terms. "Electrical sensitivity" means sensitivity to, or illness caused by exposure to electricity, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Now we are all electrical beings, living in and affected by our electromagnetic environment, but most people are not aware of it. The term "electrically sensitive" has been applied to those of us who have become so reactive that we are not only aware of it, but our reactions are immediate and cause us disability and illness. It is applied to those whose reactivity is so obvious and disturbing that we cannot be talked out of it by well-meaning family, friends and doctors. This cuts our numbers down to only 2-3% of the population.

You see, electrical sensitivity is a political as well as a medical term. It is not politically correct to be injured by electromagnetic radiation. Our injuries cannot be acknowledged; the implications for modern communication technology would be too enormous.

In the summer of 1996 I was living in Brooklyn, New York. I had more-or-less come to terms with my electrical sensitivity, and was dealing with it as best I could. I was not a doctor, having had to leave medical school during my fourth year due to an illness of unknown cause. At first, I had had headaches and difficulty concentrating and remembering things. Then, while on a surgery rotation, I had had crippling pains in my hips, making it difficult to assist in operations. My heart rate had slowed to less than 50. One day I collapsed and was unable to get up. My chest hurt, and I could not get enough breath. I was sure I was having a heart attack. During the next two weeks I lost 15 pounds, and I was a slim man to begin with. It wasn't a heart attack, but it was still six months before I could walk up a flight of stairs without getting short of breath. It was three years before I was strong enough to ski again. It was seven years before I met someone else who experienced pain from being near certain electrical appliances, including television sets and computers, and before I first heard the term "electrical sensitivity." It was 17 years before I gained back those 15 pounds.

In the meantime I researched the world literature on bioelectromagnetics, or the biological effects of electromagnetism, and made myself an expert. I learned that electro-machines, used in every modern surgical operation to cut through tissue and to stop bleeding, expose surgeons to much higher levels of radio frequency radiation than is permitted for workers in any industry. I learned that there was a disease thoroughly described in the Russian and Eastern European medical literature called radiowave sickness, whose existence was usually denied by western authorities. The description recalled to me my "unknown illness" which had derailed my medical career. A bradycardia, or slow heart rate, was said, in these texts, to be a grave sign.

Because there are virtually no workplaces without computers any more, I have not held a job since 1990. I had resigned myself to living on Social Security Disability, and learned, together with other members of a support group I had found, how best to live with my disability, which mostly meant learning to avoid exposure to EMFs. But in July, 1996, I learned to my dismay that an innovation was coming to my city which threatened to make it impossible to avoid exposure any more.

At that time, cell phones were still a luxury item which only worked in some locations. People were not accustomed to staying connected whenever they left their home, and even at home most still had a cord, not an antenna, attached to their telephone. Most were not accustomed to holding devices that emit microwave radiation next to their brain. In 1996, the telecommunications industry began a marketing campaign designed to change all that. For Christmas that year, all over the country, digital cell phones were going to be on a lot of shopping lists. And to make them more practical, tens of thousands of antennas were going to be erected on towers, buildings, church steeples and lampposts, all over the country, before Christmas, and hundreds of thousands more during the next few years.

In response to this emergency, a few friends and I created the Cellular Phone Task Force, and contacted all the public officials we could think of, and the press, to warn them of the danger. But on November 14, 1996, Omnipoint, New York City's first digital cellular provider did open for business, broadcasting from thousands of antennas newly erected on the rooftops of apartment buildings. According to the health authorities, an early flu hit New York City - but not Boston, and not Philadelphia - on about November 15. The flu was severe and ran a prolonged course, often dragging on for months instead of the usual two weeks.

At Christmas time, the Cellular Phone Task Force placed a small classified ad in a free weekly newspaper. It read: "If you have been ill since 11/15/96 with any of the following: eye pain, insomnia, dry lips, swollen throat, pressure or pain in the chest, headaches, dizziness, nausea, shakiness, other aches and pains, or flu that won't go away, you may be a victim of a new microwave system blanketing the city. We need to hear from you." And we did hear from them. Hundreds called, men, women, whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, doctors, lawyers, teachers, stockbrokers, airline stewards, computer operators. Most had woken up suddenly in mid-November, thinking they were having a stroke or a heart attack or a nervous breakdown, and were relieved to know they were not alone and not crazy.

Later, I analyzed weekly mortality statistics, which the Center for Disease Control publishes for 122 U.S. cities. Each of dozens of cities recorded a 10-25% increase in mortality, lasting two to three months, beginning on the day in 1996 or 1997 on which that city's first digital cell phone network began commercial service. I published both the raw data and the complete analysis, with graphs.

I learned that in February, 1996, Congress had passed a law prohibiting local governments from denying permits for cell phone antennas because of environmental concerns - so long as they comply with Federal Communications Commission rules. And I learned that the FCC had just issued regulations setting public exposure limits for microwave radiation at levels at least ten thousand times higher than levels which, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, were causing reports of illness from all over the world, and at least ten thousand times higher than the levels which had forced me to leave behind my home, my family, and my friends, and to run for my life, never to be able to return home again.

The Cellular Phone Task Force, along with over 50 other grass roots organizations and individuals around the U.S., became involved in a legal challenge of the FCC's absurd standards and its preemption of local control. This was taken all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Many cities and towns, several U.S. Senators and Representatives and dozens of other public officials submitted briefs urging the high court to hear our case. But in January, 2001, the Supreme Court, without comment, declined.

You will hear statements by supposed experts - always the same few, in the pay of the telecommunications industry - to the effect that cell phones/cell towers/microwave radiation have been proven safe in countless studies. It is an easy lie, one that the news media have been eager to propagate. But the fact is, just as for x-rays, there is no safe level of exposure to microwave radiation, and it is so easy to demonstrate harmful effects that it takes some skill to design experiments that don't show them. It is easier today than ten years ago because now the "controls" are also exposed, the whole planet is exposed, so where can you go to do a good experiment, but most experiments still show effects anyway - effects on heart rhythms, brain waves, the blood-brain barrier, sleep, eyes, gonads, skin, hearing, calcium, melatonin, glucose, metabolism, human well-being. If you look, you will find. Zorach Glaser reviewed over 5,000 such studies for the United States Navy during the 1970s alone.

From the volumes of literature I have seen, certain results stand out in my mind: Allan Frey's work on microwave hearing. Milton Zaret's work on microwave cataracts. The work of Canadians Tanner, Romero-Sierra and Bigu Del Blanco on birds, including demonstrations that birds are particularly sensitive because feathers are good microwave receiving aerials. A Swiss government study on sleep, which shut down a short wave transmitter because the researchers were able to show it caused sleep disturbances up to several miles away. An international effort which found a very wide range of environmental effects caused by a Latvian radar station at extremely low levels of exposure, including: smaller growth rings in trees, premature aging in pine needles, chromosome damage in cows, decreased memory, attention, learning, and pulmonary function in school children, increased white blood cells in adults, and an altered sex ratio (more girls) in children born during the years of the radar's operation. Loscher and Kas's work on farm animals sickened by cell towers in Germany. The work of Wolfgang Volkrodt, and that of Ulrich Hertel, linking forest dieback to microwave radiation, rather than acid rain. Roger Santini's study of the health of people living at varying distances from cell towers in France. Claudio Gomez-Perretta's similar study in Spain. A Dutch government study exposing normal and electrically sensitive people to cell tower signals finding disturbing effects on both groups. Neil Cherry's study of childhood cancer rates as a function of distance from Sutro Tower in San Francisco. Leif Salford's recent work on the blood-brain barrier, verifying the earlier work of Allan Frey and others, but with additional, ominous findings: l) sometimes, decreasing the amount of radiation 1,000 times increased the damage to the brain (the "window" effect); (2) animals exposed to a cell phone once for two hours were found to have areas of brain cell death two months later.

In Germany, 2000 physicians have signed a petition (the Freiburger Appeal) calling for severe restrictions on wireless technology because they are seeing such a dramatic increase in certain diseases and symptoms in their patients, which they can only attribute to ambient microwave radiation. The diseases include: attention deficit disorder, extreme fluctuations in blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, heart attacks and strokes in young people, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, leukemia, and brain tumors. The symptoms include: headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, agitation, sleep disorders, tinnitus, nervous and connective tissue pains of unexplained origin, and susceptibility to infection. The appeal calls for a massive reduction in exposure limits; no further expansion of cell phone technology; cell phone-and antenna-free zones; a ban on cell phone use by children; and a ban on cell phones and digital cordless phones in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, public buildings and public transportation.

The California Department of Health Services has concluded, on the basis of a telephone survey, that 120,000 Californians have left their jobs because of electromagnetic pollution in the workplace. The people who have left their homes for such a reason are not being counted by anyone.

The highest profile person yet to declare that she is electrically sensitive, and thus unable to use a cordless phone or a computer, or to use or be near anyone else using a cell phone, is none other than Gro Harlem Brundtland, a medical doctor, master of public health, former Prime Minister of Norway, and until 2003 the Director-General of the World Health Organization. Yet even so public a figure on the world stage has been unable to draw the world's attention to our collective plight, or in any way to slow down the growth of telecommunications, or even to put it on the map as an environmental issue.

This must happen. Too many intelligent, professional, useful people are wandering this country's barren deserts, homeless, ostracized, robbed of their civil rights, with no place to land. Too many have committed suicide because they have lost all hope, have suffered too long, have had to pick up roots and flee for their lives once too often.

Within the telecommunications industry, too many equipment testers, installers, and repairpersons with radiowave sickness are afraid to speak out, or do not even know why they are ill.

So many radars, antennas, and communication devices are being deployed for government, military, emergency, commercial, and personal uses in both the developed and developing worlds, and in space, that there is nowhere left to hide. Even radio astronomers are seriously talking about the far side of the moon as the only place left that is quiet enough, in the radio spectrum, to still be able to see the stars.

The following are urgently needed:

Sanctuaries. Radiation-free zones. Places without radio antennas, cell phone service, or television cable (cable is often a significant source of radiation). These are needed right now, to save lives. Legal help. Environmental and disability rights attorneys able to take on this issue. Funding for land acquisition and legal expenses. Volunteer help for phone calling, letter writing, grant writing, etc.

To make our world safer, keep in mind these two principles:
1. Distance counts. The power drops off as the square of the distance. Antennas should be few, and as far as possible from people and environmentally sensitive areas. 2. Digital hurts. Digital (pulsed) technology is more harmful at lower levels of power than analog. The FCC's mandate to replace all analog TV, radio, and telecommunications transmissions with digital during the next few years is very dangerous.

The following are things that individuals can do:
o If you have a cell phone, cancel your service. Cell towers and antennas degrade the environment for miles around. They kill and injure more people than they save in emergencies. A cell phone in use pollutes its own environment for a distance of 100 yards. Even when not in use, cell phones emit radiation if they are turned on to receive calls.

o If you have a cordless home phone, trade it in for one with a wire. For the sake of convenience you are microwaving your brain and polluting your neighborhood. Never expose your baby to a wireless baby monitor.

o School administrators: Developing children should not be exposed to wireless computers, keyboards, or mice.

o Community radio stations: Resist the temptation to increase your transmitter power, or to add repeaters in areas of poor reception. Better receiving antennas on the listening end will accomplish the same purpose without more pollution. Areas of poor reception are the healthiest places to live.

o Low power FM enthusiasts: Low power FM is not a good idea. No matter how low the power, antennas should never be located in residential communities.

o Concert and event organizers: Make your event safe and accessible by banning cell phones and doing security without two-way radios.

o Health spa owners: Please don't pollute your grounds with cordless phones or two-way radios.

o Wildlife scientists: Radio collars pollute the wilderness and injure the animals you are tracking. Please don't use them.

o Park administrators: Keep our parks and wilderness areas as sanctuaries. Keep antennas out of them.

o Local public officials: Public health must come first. Vote against proposals to put towers and antennas in your community.

o Members of Congress: Support the efforts of Senators Patrick Leahy and James Jeffords, and Representative Bernie Sanders, to repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act, which purports to deny to local officials the right to protect their constituents' health.

Arthur Firstenberg is a founder and director of the Cellular Phone Task Force, and the editor of its publication, No Place To Hide. He is the author of the book, Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution. He does not have e-mail or a website. He can be contacted at P.O. Box 1337, Mendocino, CA 95460, or by leaving a message at (707) 964-5196 or (718) 434-4499. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Source: http://www.electrosensitivity.org.uk

Our David and Goliath way

Yes, its an appynooyeare-mail, an invaluable opportunity to consume your valuable time with best wishes as we look forward to some ebb and flow in the New rotation of the sun of our battered old planet. Vibrating with electro-magnetic waves it must look from space as if we are practicing species self-immolation as an exquisitely sensitive electrochemical system.

Perhaps this is someone's cunning plan to get us to self-eradicate before with our warlike capacities we threaten them.

Blimey, this is not exactly the appynooyear note I meant to strike, enough, back to Earth.

We are proud of getting a letter in last weeks Sunday Observer as a bit of a riposte to some PR spin and mockery, we are staking our ground out as a vulnerable minority yes, but to microwaves and electromagnetic emissions. We are not defenceless against human attacks which of course is what it all comes down to. This year we will try to get a national debate, make a mark with our arguments and carry our case forwards, just as our opponents are wealthy and powerful they are vulnerable in the old ju-jitsu way because of their size, over-confidence and cumbersome nature. We can knock a few sparks off them in our David and Goliath way until we are taken seriously as having a real complaint that is not going away but growing.

To me it is unbelievable that some of the scientific inquiry going on will not establish more links and mechanisms establishing as scientific fact what real, honest, sensible individuals share with us as everyday experience with EMFs and electrosmog. We know we are not making it up, and as much as the Professor Wesselys and Dr Robin Coxes of this world believe 'its all in the mind' it just ain't.

'Communic8' a new British firm is targetting four to eight year olds with 'MYMo' a mobile phone product for children to use. We have contacted Professor Lawrie Challis, who has unfortunately replaced Sir William Stewart it seems, about this outrage. Will they do owt? Well it won't be for lack of a bollocking (politely) from us. Next step the Daily Mail, strangely they may run with this one, we shall try anyway. Wish us luck and carry on the good fight in 2005,

all the best

Rod at ES-UK

ElectroSensitivity-UK (registered charity 1103018) assisted by the Foyle Foundation. A new voluntary organisation supporting sufferers and campaigning for recognition of this sensitive reaction affecting a vulnerable minority exposed to RF, microwave and general electromagnetic radiation from powerlines, mobile phones, VDUs and all manner of EMF sources. We particularly welcome help from scientists, doctors and health experts in understanding causes and links, especially to MCS, CFS and Thyroid problems and in diagnosis and treatments generally. From Rod Read, ES-UK Office, Bury Lane, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2BB. Tel: 01353-778151 or at http://www.electrosensitivity.org.uk



Informant: Kathy

Same procedure as every year?!

Datum: 04.01.2005
© www.sozialisten.de

Same procedure as every year?!

Zur Situation auf dem Arbeitsmarkt im Monat Dezember 2004 erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer der PDS Rolf Kutzmutz:

Auf dem Arbeitsmarkt war auch im Dezember nichts von Erleichterung zu spüren. Stattdessen ein deutlicher Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit auf jetzt 4,464 Millionen. Angeblich ist dieser Anstieg saisonbedingt - wie im Frühjahr, dem Sommer und dem Herbst. In Wahrheit mangelt es den politisch Verantwortlichen an tauglichen Rezepten zur Bekämpfung der Massenarbeitslosigkeit. Zudem waren etliche tausend Mitarbeiter der Bundesagentur in den vergangenen Monaten weniger mit der Vermittlung von Arbeitslosen denn der Erfassung von Hartz IV-Daten beschäftigt.

Während der Kanzler jedes Jahr neu den Aufschwung nahen sieht und sein Adlatus Clement immer wieder das Greifen der Reformen und damit eine Entspannung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt prophezeit, steigt die Arbeitslosigkeit stetig. Die Hartz IV-Gesetzgebung verschärft die Situation für die Betroffenen nur noch - wird jedoch kaum einen existenzsichernden Arbeitsplatz schaffen. Niedriglohn und 1-Euro-Jobs werden flächendeckend zur Konkurrenz für bestehende Beschäftigungsverhältnisse werden.

Weder das sture Herbeibeten der Besserung noch das rigide Beschneiden des sozialen Netzes bringen Menschen in Lohn und Brot. Es gibt Alternativen, die PDS hat sie mehrfach vorgestellt: Vom gesetzlichen Mindestlohn über Korrekturen der Hartz-Gesetze bei der Leistungshöhe, den Zumutbarkeitskriterien, der Anrechnung von Altersvorsorgevermögen und Partnereinkommen sowie der Dauer der Zahlung des Arbeitslosengeldes I bis zu einer armutsfesten sozialen Grundsicherung, öffentlichen Investitionsprogrammen, Arbeitszeitverkürzung, Ausbildungsplatzumlage und einem öffentlich geförderten Beschäftigungssektor.

1-Euro-Jobs - vom Verarmungsprogramm Hartz IV profitieren

Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Strahlung sein?

Die Strategie der Mobilfunkfirmen ist zynisch: Man gaukelt Transparenz vor und feilscht um Risiken

Auflage aus stadtgestalterischen Gründen: Die Mobilfunkanlage auf dem Haus Hainstraße 2 musste in einer eigens neu gebauten Schornsteinattrappe versteckt werden. Foto: Erich Weiß

Im April führte Prof. Dr. Matthias Wuschek, beauftragt von der Firma T-Mobile, Messungen von möglichen Strahlenbelastungen durch. Und zwar an den drei Standorten, die derzeit für neue UMTS-Sender geplant sind und die von engagierten Anwohnern und Anwohnerinnen massiv bekämpft werden: Michaelsberg, Konzerthalle und Staatsarchiv. Auch einige Anwohner und Anwohnerinnen, der Mitarbeiter der Umweltamts, Herbert Schütz, und natürlich Vertreter der Mobilfunkbetreiber waren zeitweise dabei.

Omega siehe dazu:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wuschek am BW-Pranger

GAL-Stadträtin Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam begleitete die Messtechniker während des ganzen Tages. An den drei geplanten Standorten bauten sie eine tragbare Sendeanlage auf, die jeweils mit einer Frequenz von 2162 MHz und einer Leistung von 20 Watt sendete.

Der Auftrag von Prof. Wuschek war allerdings nur, das von dieser einen Probeanlage ausgehende elektromagnetische Feld zu messen. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen (auf Wunsch von zwei Anliegern) wurde also nur diese Frequenz gemessen. Auf Menschen, die in der Nähe der Konzerthalle wohnen, wirken jedoch auch die elektromagnetischen Felder der Sendeanlagen vom Michaelsberg und auf den Stadtwerken, die BewohnerInnen im Haingebiet sind gleichermaßen von mehreren Mobilfunkanlagen betroffen. "Eine Kompletterfassung wäre sinnvoll", war daher auch die Einschätzung, die Prof. Wuschek äußerte.

Doch: Wenn die Messergebnisse nicht wirklich aussagekräftig sind, warum dann die große Mühe? Ganz offensichtlich eine vertrauensbildende Maßnahme, die Transparenz schaffen oder vielmehr vorgaukeln soll.

Denn mittlerweile haben die Mobilfunkfirmen die Strategie gewechselt. Nicht mehr als völlig unschädlich stellen sie die Strahlenbelastung dar, sondern vielmehr als tragbar und von eingrenzbarem Risiko. Da argumentieren die Firmenleute beim Messtermin schon mal damit, dass man ja auch im Autoverkehr Gefahren auf sich nehme, oder dass die Luftverschmutzung ebenfalls gesundheitsgefährdend sei. Oder eine Ärztin der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin lässt lapidar den Hinweis einfließen, dass man wegen Pollenallergien ja auch nicht alle Blumenwiesen abschaffen könne (so bei einem Telefonat mit GAL-StR Waldmann-Selsam). Ein Zynismus, der kaum zu überbieten ist. Tatsache ist, dass aus kommerziellen Interessen mit der flächendeckenden Mobilfunk- und UMTS-Technik ausnahmslos allen Menschen etwas aufgezwungen wird, gegen das sie sich nicht schützen können und dessen Ausmaß an gesundheitlichen Risiken noch überhaupt nicht abschätzbar ist.

Dass da einige Gefährdungen und Auswirkungen zu erwarten sind, wird immer deutlicher: Bei einem Hearing der Grünen-Landtagsfraktion in München berichtete Prof. Adlkofer von einer europaweiten Studie, die er zusammen mit zwölf Universitäten erarbeitete. Dabei wurden menschliche Blutzellen elektromagnetischen Strahlungen ausgesetzt – gezeigt haben sich bedenkliche Zellkernveränderungen und Chromosomenbrüche.

Doch die Mobilfunkfirmen, deren Interesse ganz klar maximaler Profit aus teuer erkauften Lizenzen ist, spielen auf Zeit. Und Gesellschaft und Politik lassen sich darauf ein. Auf die Frage, was denn sei, wenn möglicherweise in ein paar Jahren Gesundheitsschäden eindeutig belegt sind, antwortete Prof. Dr. Wuschek: Dann müsse man eine gesellschaftliche Diskussion darüber führen, wie viel Risiko man in Kauf nehmen wolle.

Aber dann ist es zu spät! Sendeanlagen sind dann bereits gebaut, elektrosensible Menschen vielleicht nachhaltig geschädigt. Es gilt, jetzt die Entwicklung zu stoppen und sich erst Klarheit zu verschaffen. Alle Bürgerinitiativen und Betroffenen (und es kann jeden von uns treffen!) müssen gemeinsam Druck ausüben und damit auch jene kritischen PolitikerInnen unterstützen, die ein Moratorium in diesem Sinne fordern.

Und es gilt natürlich auch, bei uns selbst anzufangen: Mit jedem Handy-Telefonat schaffen wir Nachfrage und Grund für neue Masten, wir müssen uns auf einen bewussten und sorgsamen Umgang mit dieser Technologie besinnen.

Buchempfehlung: Das große Strahlen – Handy & Co, Die neuen Gefahren des Elektrosmogs, Hg.: Katalyse-Institut für angewandte Umweltforschung, KiWi 2002


Symposium „Ärzte und Mobilfunk – Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt“

OFFENER BRIEF an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder

Bamberger Appell – Ärzte gegen Mobilfunk

"Bamberger Appell"

Endlich ein Signal aus Berlin

Strahlendes Bamberg?

Aus der Trickkiste akkreditierter Messfirmen

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wuschek

Fachhochschule Deggendorf

Prof. Wuschek hat sich nach jahrelanger, treuer Begleitung und Unterstützung der sogenannten „Informationsveranstaltungen“ der Mobilfunkindustrie zum „neutralen Experten“ und öffentlich bestellten und beeidigten Sachverständigen für das Fachgebiet Elektromagnetische Umweltverträglichkeit (EMVU) „entwickelt“, d.h. er führte z.B. auch für die Bayerische Staatsregierung die Messungen bei der sog. „Rinderstudie“ durch und ist z.Z. derjenige, der von den Regierungsstellen zu den Messungen der Situation in den Gemeinden und Ländern dringendst anempfohlen wird:

Der Wert seiner „Sachkompetenz“ ist allerdings in Fachkreisen außerhalb der Betreiber und Mobilfunk-Politiker wenig umstritten; ein plastisches Beispiel hierzu kann vielleicht seine Beliebtheit bei Betreibern und Regierungsstellen erklären:

Prof. (FH) Dr. Matthias Wuschek am 01.03.97 in Hofheim (Videoprotokoll liegt vor):

„... Der Mast strahlt im Normalfall quasi ungepulst. Selbst wenn Sie im Moment nur mit einem Handy oder mit keinem Handy telefonieren, sendet er ein nahezu kontinuierliches Dauersignal aus. Das muss er machen, ansonsten würde kein Handy, wenn es neu eingeschaltet wird, den Mast finden... In der Technik kenne ich mich aus – keine Frage! ... Die 217 Hz-Pulsung [typisch für Handys] werden Sie hier [am Sendemast] nie finden können!!“

Omega siehe weiter unter:




Und es strahlt doch

Zum Artikel „Auslagerung nicht immer richtig“ über Mobilfunkmasten in Schwarzenbach/Saale am 2. November

„Die Betonung von Professor Wuschek, unter der Antenne strahle es nicht, ist die übliche Standardbehauptung der Mobilfunk-Betreiber. Eine bundesweite Studie, von einem anerkannten Prüflabor für Antennen-Messtechnik in Kamp-Lintfort besagt: ,Die Ausbreitung von Mobilfunk-Strahlung verläuft chaotischer als bisher angenommen, denn auch in Häusern direkt unter den Antennen treten häufig überraschend hohe Immissionen auf, die so genannten Nebeneffekte.’ Darunter leiden seit Jahren viele Menschen, zum Beispiel die Mieter in einem Gebäudekomplex in Hanau. Auch diese Leidensgeschichten sind dokumentiert und können bei mir angefordert werden. Diese Mobilfunk-Anlage musste per Gerichtsbeschluss abgebaut werden.

Wenn es um die Gesunderhaltung der Bevölkerung geht, sollte man neben industrienahen (?) Experten auch Ärzte als ,Entscheidungshilfen’ hinzuziehen. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der Verein der Richter und Staatsanwälte in Sachsen. Seit auf dem Bautzener Landgericht eine Mobilfunk-Antenne strahlt, leiden Beschäftigte unter Müdigkeit, Hörsturz und Konzentrationsstörungen. Die Bezirksgruppe Bautzen hatte deshalb Ärzte aus Oberfranken zur Beratung angefordert, mit dem Resultat: Einen weiteren Ausbau der Anlage wird es laut Gerichtspräsident nicht geben.

Professor Wuschek ist dringendst eine Konfrontation mit äußerst besorgten Ärzten zu empfehlen, möglichst mit Frau Dr. Waldmann-Selsam aus Bamberg und. Dr. med. Wolfgang Bergmann, Freiburg.“





Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Strahlung sein?

Der Mobilfunk ist nicht harmlos

Aus der Trickkiste akkreditierter Messfirmen

Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

Tsunamis and a Nuclear Threat


Russians confirm planetary angular momentum theory

The earth has entered a seismically active period when weakness in earth’s crusts start breaking apart, volcanoes erupt, plate collisions cause major earthquakes, mud volcanoes erupt and geysers come out in different parts of the world with much higher frequency. This results in volcanic eruption, mudslides, Tsunamis, mega earthquakes and more.

According to the Russian scientists, the number of earthquakes in the earth has increased exponentially over the past few years, a phenomenon not seen in modern human history.

According thousands of years old Mayan civilization, this kind of period come after thousands of years. The ancient civilization warned that around 2012 the world would face major calamities from natural disasters and other factors. They used planetary positions and interferences as well as sun signs.


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Sea Change

Crossing the Indian Ocean at speeds over 500 mph, the tsunamis from the Dec. 26, 2004 Sumatra quake carried death and destruction all the way to Africa, 4,000 miles away. Centered six miles under the Indian Ocean’s seabed 155 miles southeast of Sumatra, the 9.0 quake rang the Earth’s core, leading to fresh concerns of imminent polar reversals.

The last time this area shook in 1883, 120-foot-high tidal waves snuffed 36,000 lives as ash reached a height of 50 miles, blocking the sun and plunging the surrounding region into darkness lasting nearly three days. Global temperatures dipped 1.2 degree C, and did not return to normal until 1888. Krakaota’s 535 eruption caused a lingering “global winter” that killed crops and unleashed bubonic plague, derailing civilizations. We were lucky the Sumatra supervolcano didn’t blow again. But if left unchecked, humanity’s volcanic carbon burning will ensure similar catastrophe within decades.

There was no warning.

Around 9 o’clock on a paradisiacal Sri Lankan beach, 5-year-old Adil was making sandcastles with his younger sister, Reeze when the girl ran complaining to her mother Haalima that waves had crushed their creations. The ocean followed Reeze home. “When we looked, there was no shore anymore and no Adil,” Haalima said.


Informant: Di

Redefining Torture


Kind of a Shame


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

The Revelation : US Patent Number 4,686,605 and 5,038,664

Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:54:16 -0800
Subject: [The Revelation] US Patent Number: 4,686,605 Issue Date: 8/11/87

More finer details....for a grand total of "enough"......these folks are sick!

Method and Apparatus For Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere

Bernard J. Eastlund
US Patent Number: 4,686,605 Issue Date: 8/11/87
Assignee: APTI, Inc.


A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth's surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.


Method For Producing a Shell of Relativistic Particles at an Altitude Above the Earth's Surface

Bernard J. Eastlund
US Patent Number: 5,038,664 Issue Date: 8/13/91
Assignee: APTI, Inc.


A method for establishing a region of a high density, high energy plasma at an altitude of at least about 1500 kilometers above the earth's surface. Circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted at a first frequency substantially parallel to an earth's magnetic field line to excite electron cyclotron resonance heating in normally occurring plasma at an altitude of at least about 250 kilometers to generate a mirror force which lifts said plasma to said altitude of at least about 1500 kilometers. Heating is continued at a second frequency to expand the plasma to the apex of said field line whereupon at least some of the plasma is trapped and oscillates between mirror points on said lines. The plasma will be contained within adjacent field lines and will drift to form a shell of relativistic particles around a portion of the earth.



ESEC has recently completed a contract with the European Space Agency to review the weather modification potential of the HAARP facility in Alaska and to perform numerical simulations of tornado suppression with high power electromagnetic radiation produced with Solar Power Satellites. Two papers, available below, have been published. They are:

SYSTEMS CONSIDERATIONS OF WEATHER MODIFICATION EXPERIMENTS USING HIGH POWER ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, published in Proceedings of "Workshop on Space Exploration and Resources Exploitation-EXPLOSPACE," 20-22 October, 1998, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

MESOCYCLONE DIAGNOSTIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE THUNDERSTORM SOLAR POWER SATELLITE CONCEPT, Published in the Proceedings of "The Second Conference on the Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS for Disaster Management," January 19-21, 1999.

Some of the highlights contained in these reports are:

MISSILE SHIELD ANTENNA (terrawatt phased array antenna)


Informant: Joyce


On "Moral Values" : Code Words For Emerging Authoritarian Tendencies In Americans


Informant: Friends

Whatever Happened To Peace On Earth?


Informant: Laurel

2000 Bush Tallies Used to Fake 2004 Tallies?


Informant: Debi Clark

Another sad tale of the utilities and politicians putting the dollar first, the people last

Substation issue outcome

I cannot remember who I have already shared the following with. Another sad tale of the utilities and politicians putting the dollar first, the people last.

In 2004 I was involved in two rounds of resisting an electrical substation proposed to be placed first in a rural residential area and then among dairy farms. We won the first round, last February, lost the second this December. The second time around the Town Plan Commission and Board treated the townspeople in a way I had imagined could only occur in the Deep South. They told the people to their faces that it didn't matter a bit to them what concerns anyone had nor how many of them signed a petition. (Over 140 signed the petition this time, as many as usually vote in that township, I am told.) The Commission and Board arrogantly refused to become informed regarding possible health dangers to people and their livestock, and speedily gave the utility what they had requested. (High-frequency electrical pollution is concentrated in the area around a substation, as about 75% of the current returns to the substations via the earth, and that 75% is mostly the health-damaging hig frequencies, due to the "skin effect" that causes these to spread out and be impossible to return via the outdated wiring system.) The chairman almost called the police when his gaveling did not shut me up. During the public meeting a local electrician on the Board, who had refused to listen to information about electrical pollution when I attempted to speak with him personally by phone, made slanderous remarks about the RF filters created by Dr. Graham and Dave Stetzer, calling them "snake oil." I believe he could be presecuted for this - if Dave and Dr. Graham had the leisure to take it up. The Good Ol' Boys win again.

This occurred in Holland, WI, USA township. We have videos of both meetings, if they are of interest.

Better news is that those who have installed the filters in their homes, schools, etc. are experiencing relief from a wide range of symptoms and diseases. Dr. Magda Havas recently presented a paper to WHO regarding this. The paper will soon be posted at http://www.stetzerelectric.com in the research section. Meanwhile, I will be glad to send to to anyone who wants to see it. Conditions improved include diabetes, MS, chronic fatigue, ringing in the ears and sleep disturbance.

In my own case, my symptoms included spells of suddenly skyrocketing blood pressure and pulse rate, accompanied by terrifying arrythmia. I also had strange pains and numbness that led to testing for a brain tumor. $18,000 worth of tests found nothing to account for my symptoms, which also included insomnia so severe that I could sleep only 4-5 hours out of 12 spent trying. I became a semi-invalid. All these symptoms disappeared after we installed the RF filters and took steps to avoid or remove unfilterable exposures. (The filters plug into electrical circuits, but RF also skims on water pipes, phone lines, etc. In our house, even hollow wooden doors and rattan porch furniture.)

I remain electrically sensitive, but symptom free if I avoid RF, and I am much less sensitive to exposure than I was, which is encouraging for the long-term prognosis for ES people. Since recovering, I do a workshop on electrical pollution and how to remediate your personal environment. I would like to write a book about this, as none is presently available that addresses the RF specifically, which is the real culprit. ("Clean" EMF does not cause "radio sickness" problems. More research needed regarding this.) Any info. about finding a publisher, etc. will be most appreciated.

Shivani Arjuna Small
Belgium, WI, USA

Media Whites Out Vote Fraud


Green Party Presidential Candidate David Cobb Will be a Featured Speaker at two Rallies on Thursday in Washington, DC, Calling on Congress to Reject Ohio's Tainted Electoral College Votes


Watchdog Groups Condemn U.S. House Efforts to Eviscerate Ethics Rules


Center for Constitutional Rights Opposes Nomination of Alberto Gonzales for U.S. Attorney General


U.S. House Should Strengthen, Not Weaken, Ethics Rules

U.S. House Should Strengthen, Not Weaken, Ethics Rules on Jan. 4

Dialing In For Democracy - Now Is Critical


Sontag and Tsunami


eFAX 20 Senators to Urge them to Challenge the Ohio Electoral Vote on January 6, 2005


eFAX 20 Senators to Urge them to Challenge the Ohio Electoral Vote on January 6, 2005


Informant: Hopedance

An alle Hundefreunde : Airdale-Terrier Rico - Schussopfer - sucht dringend neue Heimat bei lieben Menschen

Airedale Terrier
ca. 4 1/2 Jahre


Der Rasse entsprechend ein drahtiger u. freundlicher Haudegen. Freundlich, lebendig, bei sachkundiger Führung gehorsam. Rico liebt Menschen, die ihm mit etwas Konsequenz u. viel Möglichkeit zum Spielen entgegenkommen. Zu kleinen Kindern sollte er nicht vermittelt werden. Rico ist eine ehrliche Haut u. verträgt sich sehr gut mit Hündinnen. Er sollte im Erdgeschoss leben, da er durch eine alte Schussverletzung eine Behinderung des Ellenbogengelenkes aufweist. Zu seiner Genesung hat er auch noch eine Augen OP hinter sich gebracht. Der Rüde ist recht vital u. lebensfroh, jedoch sind längere Spaziergänge aufgrund seiner Behinderung nicht möglich. Rico wurde schwerverletzt mit zerschossenem Ellenbogengelenk, abgemagert, mit Geschwüren u. starkem Entropium beider Augen ausgesetzt aufgefunden.

C. Schürmann
Bullterrier in Not e.V.
Tel. 05221/3939

Nachricht von Ursula Obermann

Iraq 2004 : What went wrong

In 2004, Iraq went badly wrong - except for supporters of the insurgency, in which case it went grimly well...

Why George Bush's war in Iraq is wrong

There are some quite specific legal reasons why George Bush's war in Iraq is wrong, and why his "War of Terror" has led to legal inconsistency coupled with political chaos...

The crime of war : from Nuremberg to Fallujah

A review of current international law regarding wars of aggression, and its implications for U.S. policy in Iraq and elsewhere...


From Information Clearing House

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions...

Torture, dictatorship, phony "elections", and endless war


More on this topic

From Information Clearing House

Electoral tempest in Iraq

In countless interviews with Western journalists, Iraqi recruits have made clear that they have no intention of turning their guns on fellow Iraqis who have chosen to fight the United States.

Guantanamo Briton 'in handcuff torture'

A British detainee at Guantanamo Bay has told his lawyer he was tortured using the 'strappado', a technique common in Latin American dictatorships...

Iraq battling more than 200,000 insurgents

Iraq battling more than 200,000 insurgents: intelligence chief :

"I think the resistance is bigger than the US military in Iraq. I think the resistance is more than 200,000 people," Iraqi intelligence service director General Mohamed Abdullah Shahwani said in an interview ahead of the January 30 elections.

The Question of Torture

Open letter to Alberto Gonzales From Over 200 American Religious Leaders:

As a self-professed evangelical Christian, you surely know that all people are created in the image of God.- You understand that torture — the deliberate effort to undermine human dignity — is a grave sin and affront to God. You would not deny that the systemic use of torture on prisoners at Abu Ghraib was fundamentally immoral, as is the deliberate rendering of any detainee to authorities likely to commit torture.

The Government's Attorneys and Abu Ghraib

The Bush administration's assault on the Geneva Conventions has caused collateral damage to the legal offices of the executive branch and the military.


The most obvious victims of the brutal treatment of prisoners at American military jails are the men, women and children who have been humiliated, sexually assaulted, beaten, tortured and even killed. But, as in all wars, the Bush administration's assault on the Geneva Conventions has caused collateral damage - in this case, to the legal offices of the executive branch and the military.

The Mire of Death, Lies and Atrocities

Fisk says, "Over the past year, there has been evidence enough that our whole project in Iraq is hopelessly flawed, that our Western armies - when they are not torturing prisoners, killing innocents and destroying one of the largest cities in Iraq - are being vanquished by a ferocious guerrilla army, the like of which we have not seen before in the Middle East." Fisk joins us from Beirut, Lebanon.

Click here to listen Real audio

Elephants saved tourists from tsunami

03 January 2005

KHAO LAK: Agitated elephants felt the tsunami coming, and their sensitivity saved about a dozen foreign tourists from the fate of thousands killed by the giant waves.

"I was surprised because the elephants had never cried before," mahout Dang Salangam said on Sunday on Khao Lak beach of the eight-elephant business offering rides to tourists.

The elephants started trumpeting - in a way Dang, 36, and his wife Kulada, 24, said could only be described as crying - at first light, about the time an earthquake measured at a magnitude of 9.0 cracked open the sea bed off Indonesia's Sumatra island.

The elephants soon calmed down. But they started wailing again about an hour later and this time they could not be comforted despite attempts at reassurance.

"The elephants didn't believe the mahouts. They just kept running for the hill," said Wit Aniwat, 24, who takes the money from tourists and helps them on to the back of elephants from a sturdy wooden platform.

Those with tourists aboard headed for the jungle-clad hill behind the resort beach where at least 3800 people, more than half of them foreigners, would soon be killed. The elephants that were not working broke their hefty chains.

"Then we saw the big wave coming and we started running," Wit said.

Around a dozen tourists were also running towards the hill from the Khao Lak Merlin Resort, one of a line of hotels strung along the 10km beach especially popular with Scandinavians and Germans.

"The mahouts managed to turn the elephants to lift the tourists onto their backs," Kulada said.

She used her hands to describe how the huge beasts used their trunks to pluck the foreigners from the ground and deposit them on their backs.

The elephants charged up the hill through the jungle, then stopped.

The tsunami drove up to 1km inshore from the gently sloping beach which had been so safe for children it made Khao Lak an ideal place for a family holiday. But it stopped short of where the elephants stood.

On Sunday, the elephants were back at work giving rides to the tourists on whom the area depends.

German Ewald Heeg, who said he came from a small town near Frankfurt, said his charter company had offered his family - wife, two daughters and one of their boyfriends - the chance to go straight home, but he had turned it down.

"Our family is OK so we stay here to make our holiday," he said.

"Today, we make a safari. We go by elephants at first, then we make a boat trip.

Informant: Laurel

Pannen, Pleiten und Widerstand

Auch im neuen Jahr beschäftigen die Hartz-Reformen Demonstranten, Politiker und wohl bald auch die Gerichte...


Kenneth Blackwell should be fired from his position as Ohio's chief elections officer

Mr. J. Kenneth Blackwell should be fired from his position as Ohio's chief elections officer - Elections Director.

Why? How?

Because Mr. Blackwell denied public access to public records, as evidenced by affidavits from Ohio recount volunteers Eve Roberson and Joan Quinn.

Roberson stated Greene County Board of Elections Director, Carol L. Garman, told recount volunteers Roberson and Quinn:

"........Secretary of State Blackwell had ruled that all voter records for the State of Ohio were 'locked down' and that they now were 'not considered public records.'"

The penalty for denying citizens of Ohio access to Ohio public election records is immediate termination, defined in Ohio state law as:

Ohio Revised Statute Title XXXV, Elections, Sec. 3599.161 (C)provides that failure to allow inspection of election records is a minor misdemeanor and requires that Board of Elections officials who are found guilty of prohibiting inspection of election records must be dismissed from their position with the Board of Elections.


"Quinn and I then entered the office of Carole Garman, Director, Greene County Board of Elections and requested copies of the sheets. She did not agree with our request and telephoned the office of Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell. She conveyed our request to Pat Wolfe, Election Administrator for the Secretary of State. After some conversation Garman hung up the phone and informed us that Secretary of State Blackwell had ruled that all voter records for the State of Ohio were “locked down” and that they now were “not considered public records.” I asked what legal authority Blackwell had given for “locking down” those public records. Garman responded that it was Blackwell’s decision she was following. I then asked Garman if we could have the requested copies if we paid for them but she refused. Quinn then handed Garman copies of the following Ohio Elections Code which required her to comply with our request for inspection and copying of public election records. Garman then left the room and copied and returned the documents to Quinn."

Informant: David Diggins


Please pay very close attention to this message. A little more than three years ago, the US government while still under Clinton approved $40,000,000 for the the establishment of over 100 'mental health courts' to be ready by 2005. Just recently the US government has approved $20,000,000 to 'screen' the US population for 'mental illness'. Forced psychiatric medication is just around the corner. (Remember the Bush family are major shareholders in Ely Lilly)

For action check Article #2 in this message

Article #1


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The Congress has quietly authorized establishment of not more than one hundred(demonstration) mental health courts in the United States. An amount of $40,000,000 (over four years) was authorized to set up the courts under the supervision of the US Justice Department.

The original bill (S1865) was sponsored by Sen. Mike Dewine of Ohio and co sponsored by Sen. Domenici of New Mexico, both Republicans. However, it was rewritten by Sen. Orin Hatch (R. Utah) in his Senate Judiciary Committee and reported to the floor without a written committee report.

The bill passed the Senate on Sept 26, 2000 under “unanimous consent” (without objection). The House adopted it on Oct. 24th by voice vote under a suspension of the rules. President Clinton signed it into law on Nov. 13th.

Thus, there is no record of how anyone voted on the measure or how many were present at the votes.

That’s the history. Now for the law’s provisions.

The law would apply to all “preliminarily qualified offenders” defined as persons having, “previously or currently been diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional as having a mental illness, mental retardation, or co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse disorder, or manifest obvious signs of mental illness, mental retardation or co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse disorders during arrest or confinement or before any court..”

The term “mental illness” means a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder that meets diagnostic criteria within the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

It provides for continuing judicial supervision, including periodic review of “preliminarily qualified offenders” who are charged (not convicted, but charged) with misdemeanors or nonviolent offenses. The list of offenses that would subject a person to the jurisdiction of these “mental health courts” is to be developed by the Attorney General in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other officials deemed appropriate.

The law also provides for “centralized case management” involving, “consolidation of all of a mentally ill or mentally retarded defendant’s cases, including violations of probation, and the coordination of all mental treatment plans and social services, including life skills training, such as housing placement, vocational training, education, job placement, health care, and relapse prevention for each participant who requires such services..”

Would opposition to a “Gay Rights city ordinance” be enough to bring one under the jurisdiction of a mental health court? You bet. For years the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. About fifteen years ago they dropped that and added “homophobia” (disapproval of homosexuality) as a mental disorder. If this law were enforced as it is authorized to be, that would be evidence enough to make the person a “preliminarily qualified offender.” Off to mental health court he would go.

You say it can’t happen in America. Well, it is.

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a free lance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S. Constitution.

If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly, please contact us at jimrarey@provide.net. Although not necessary, we would appreciate an indication of the city/state or country in which you are located to give us an idea as to where our message is being received.


Article #2

IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Urgent Alert, Whats New, What to Do,Eugenics

IAHF List: Americans- please follow the urgent alert below to protest Congress's evil appropriation of $20 Million to "Screen" the entire US population for "mental illness."

This is a nightmare come true- the Eugenics Agenda of the New World Order is going into high gear and this is NOT a joke or a hoax.

Please forward this widely, and if you value your access to supplements, also donate to the ANH lawsuit to overturn the EU Food Supplements Directive. Encourage more people to sign on to the IAHF email distribution list at http://www.iahf.com and to join you in forwarding this URGENT ALERT. Live outside the USA? Forward this anyway to as many people as you can world wide.

Also, see Chapter 3 in the unauthorized biography of George Bush, about the Bush family's long standing involvement with the Eugenics Movement http://www.tarpley.net/bush3.htm

I don't want to hear any more garbage from Bush supporters like I did the last time I sent this information out. This is not a joke or a hoax, I sure wish it WAS- See the Action Alert below and don't give me any more crap- I don't support Kerry either because Bush and Kerry are both Skull and Bones- Its high time people WAKE UP--- Please forward this massively:


The House Appropriations Committee Funds President’s New Freedom Commission Initiative That Includes Plan To Screen All U.S. Citizens For Mental Illness ­


Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee approved $20 million in new federal dollars to begin implementation of the plans set forth by the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC) to get every man, woman and child in America “screened” for “mental illness.”

Amidst broad public concern that many of the antidepressants being prescribed to Americans are under federal investigation for causing suicidal reactions, the New Freedom on Mental Health Commission’s campaign for national mental health “screening” ­ will result in millions more Americans being diagnosed with fraudulent and unscientific mental disorders, and prescribed dangerous and deadly psychiatric drugs.

Now, $20 million has been approved by the House Appropriations Committee for “State Incentive Transformation Grants,” in order to begin nationwide implementation of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health’s plan. It’s the beginning of a “Brave New World” should the Senate fund this.

The Commission based its entire findings on the definition of mental illness as defined by psychiatry’s billing bible, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The methods of mental health “screening” recommended by the New Freedom Commission are lists of arbitrary questions based on this DSM. If this “sweeping mental health initiative” is implemented, millions more American’s will certainly be diagnosed and drugged given the subjective diagnoses.


Ø The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health’s report states that “mental illnesses are shockingly common,” but neglects to address or even mention the fact that there is no medical or scientific means by which to diagnose mental “illnesses.” Psychiatrists and mental health proponents promote psychiatric “disorders” as a disease, or an illness that can be diagnosed in the same manner as real physical illness. This is a fraud. There are no blood tests, brain scans or chemical imbalance tests to validate any mental disorder as an illness or “disease.” With no scientific/medical criteria to substantiate these claims, anyone could be diagnosed as mentally ill based solely on a checklist of behaviors.

Ø The DSM contains hundreds of psychiatric mental “disorders” which are a list of behavioral symptoms that are literally voted into existence and inserted into the DSM. Such diagnoses include “Caffeine-Related Disorder,” “Mathematics Disorder,” “Disorder of Written Expression,” and the all-encompassing “Phase of Life Problem.” These “disorders” are simply a classification of symptoms that are drastically different from, and foreign to, anything in medicine.

Ø The New Freedom Commission is blatantly promoting the coercive and manipulative tactics that have led to millions of children being falsely labeled with mental disorders in our public schools. Schools have become mental health clinics where children are diagnosed based on subjective questionnaires, instead of given proven educational solutions. This fact was substantiated by a report from the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education, which found that 2.4 million children had been diagnosed with mental “disorders” and placed in Special Education, when in fact these children had simply not been taught to read.

Ø The issue of coerced child drugging in public schools has become so prevalent that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Child Medication Safety Act in May 2003, to prevent schools from forcing a parent to drug their child as a condition of attending school.

Ø Due to psychiatric influence, parents have been reported to Child Protective Services and charged with medical neglect for refusing to give their child a psychiatric drug, such as those currently under investigation for causing suicidal reactions. Parents have been charged with “medical neglect” for refusing psychiatric treatment ­ despite the fact that there is no scientific proof that there is anything medically wrong with the child.

Ø In a recent report by Allen Jones, a former investigator in the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General (OIG), Bureau of Special Investigations, condemning the New Freedom Commission (NFC), he states, “Despite a nearly 500% increase in American children being prescribed mental health drugs during the past 6 years, the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health found that not enough adolescents are benefiting from mental health treatment. The NFC recommendations prominently call for mandatory mental health screening for all high school students, with follow-up ‘treatment’ as required ­ this means more kids on mind-altering and potentially lethal psychiatric drugs.”


1) Oppose any federal, state, or local plans for universal mental health screening. Contact the White House (202-456-1111), the Speaker of the House (Rep. Hastert at 202-225-2976) and the Senate Leader (Senator Frist at 202-224-3344), your own Members of Congress (go to www.congress.org), the House Education and Workforce Committee Chairman John Boehner at 202-225-6205, and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chairman Judd Gregg at 202-224-3324 and tell them to STOP funding this New Freedom Commission on Mental Health plan in the Labor/HHS appropriations bill. Alert your state legislators and oppose school board initiatives to add psychiatric screening programs.

2) Support the Child Medication Act (S. 1390) currently stalled in the Senate by Senator Edward Kennedy - This legislation prohibits schools from coercing parents to place their children on psychiatric medications that are on the controlled substances list. Senator Kennedy, with large support from pharmaceutical companies, has not let this very modest proposal even receive a hearing, saying that it needs more study. Senator Kennedy (202-224-4543) as well as Senator Gregg (202-224-3324) the Committee chairman, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (202-224-3344) need to hear from the public.

3) Check to see if your state has a provision in state special education law that prohibits a school district from overriding parental refusal to submit their child to a special education or mental health evaluation. If yes, alert other parents, and if not, work for one.

Peter Dockx
Government Affairs
CCHR International
For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World

Informant: Andy Thames

Ambient Air Pollution : Health Hazards to Children

With thanks to Teresa Binstock

Ambient Air Pollution: Health Hazards to Children

PEDIATRICS Vol. 114 No. 6 December 2004, pp. 1699-1707 (doi:10.1542/peds.2004-2166)

Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is now recognized as an important problem, both nationally and worldwide. Our scientific understanding of the spectrum of health effects of air pollution has increased, and numerous studies are finding important health effects from air pollution at levels once considered safe. Children and infants are among the most susceptible to many of the air pollutants. In addition to associations between air pollution and respiratory symptoms, asthma exacerbations, and asthma hospitalizations, recent studies have found links between air pollution and preterm birth, infant mortality, deficits in lung growth, and possibly, development of asthma. This policy statement summarizes the recent literature linking ambient air pollution to adverse health outcomes in children and includes a perspective on the current regulatory process. The statement provides advice to pediatricians on how to integrate issues regarding air quality and health into patient education and children's environmental health advocacy and concludes with recommendations to the government on promotion of effective air-pollution policies to ensure protection of children's health.

Full article as html:

Full article as PDF:

Posted by
Deborah Elaine Barrie
4 Catherine Street
Smiths Falls, On
K7A 3Z8

Ten preliminary reasons why the Bush vote does not compute


Informant: Laurel

Kinder, Konsum und Suche nach Identität


Kinder, Konsum und Suche nach Identität

Weg vom Markenwahn das kann ein guter Vorsatz in manchen Familien sein. Doch Eltern müssen mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen.Bielefeld. Das Sweatshirt guckt Marc (11) nicht einmal an. "Das ist assi, so kann ich doch nicht rumlaufen." Form und Farbe sind zwar in Ordnung, doch das richtige Label fehlt. Und auf die Marke kommt es an zum Leidwesen der Eltern, die oft bereits das Handy oder Diddl-Figuren finanziert haben und sich spätestens bei Markensportschuhen für 200 Euro die Frage stellen, ob es nicht auch die Modelle für 100 tun.

"Der Wert der Ware definiert sich über den Preis. Reduzierte Sachen oder Fälschungen riechen Jugendliche sieben Meter gegen den Wind", sagt der Soziologe Professor Klaus Hurrelmann von der Universität Bielefeld. Teure Handys oder Turnschuhe erhöhen den Wert der eigenen Person, glauben viele Heranwachsende. "Gerade in der Pubertät fehlt ihnen der innere Halt, und damit geht ein geringes Selbstwertgefühl einher", sagt Pädagogikprofessor Peter Struck von der Universität Hamburg.

Mütter und Väter seien gefordert, das Selbstbewusstsein der Kinder zu stärken und ihnen auch ein Gefühl für den Wert des Geldes zu vermitteln, sagt Struck. "Eltern sollten den Kindern nicht jeden Wunsch und schon gar nicht sofort erfüllen." Noch wichtiger ist jedoch, die Kinder zu überzeugen, dass nicht nur das Äußere zählt. "Man kann auch einem Fünfjährigen schon erklären, dass man sich die teuren Adidas-Schuhe nicht leisten kann", so Struck. Dafür empfiehlt er die "Prime-Time" der Kinder, etwa nach der Gute-Nacht-Geschichte. "Wenig Erfolg hat man, wenn man mit dem Kind diskutiert, während es in einem Kaufhaus cholerisch ausrastet."

Die Psychotherapeutin Anna Schoch aus München rät: "Die meisten Erwachsenen sollten erst einmal ihre eigenen Maßstäbe überprüfen." Oft schielten auch sie nach teuren Marken. Eltern sollten Kindern verdeutlichen, dass sie auch mit guten Leistungen in der Schule, sportlichen Erfolgen oder sozialem Engagement punkten können. "Kinder müssen lernen, Massentrends zu widerstehen und Nein zu sagen."

Wie stark sich Kinder an Konsum und Marken orientieren, hängt vor allem vom familiären Umfeld ab. "Wenn Kinder zu viele Spielsachen oder Markenartikel bekommen, entwickeln sie schnell eine Konsumabhängigkeit", sagt Albert Wunsch, Leiter des Katholischen Jugendamtes in Neuss. Man solle ihnen in erster Linie Sachen schenken, die man nicht kaufen kann.

Spätestens in der Schule werden Kinder mit bestimmten Logos oder Marken konfrontiert. Bis zum zehnten Lebensjahr sind die Ansichten der Eltern noch wichtig. Danach zählt vor allem die Meinung der Gleichaltrigen. Mit dem Eintritt in die Pubertät suchen viele Kinder verstärkt nach der eigenen Identität. Die Werbung spricht gezielt diese Gruppe an. "Dem Kind wird suggeriert, dass nur ein bestimmter Schuh der richtige ist: Wenn du den nimmst, bis du ein anderer Mensch", sagt Hurrelmann. Diese Aufwertung durch ein Produkt sei natürlich nur eine Illusion. "Aber das Kind glaubt, jetzt von anderen anerkannt zu werden.

Wenn Kinder sagen "Das haben alle", sollte man das Wort "alle" hinterfragen. "Meist handelt es sich nur um Gruppen", sagt Hurrelmann. Eine Lösung kann auch sein, den Kauf um zwei, drei Monate zu verschieben und zu schauen, ob der Wunsch dann immer noch so stark ist. Bleibt der Wunsch bestehen oder wird das Kind tatsächlich wegen seiner Kleidung in der Schule gehänselt, rät Hurrelmann, nachzugeben. "Der Druck auf die Kinder ist in manchen Schulklassen wahnsinnig hoch. Wenn ich dem Kind nicht helfe, dränge ich es unter Umständen in eine Außenseiterrolle." Beim Kauf eines teuren Markenprodukts könnten Eltern auch das Kind einen Anteil vom Taschengeld bezahlen lassen. "So bekommen Kinder ein Verständnis, dass Marken ihren Preis haben."


Von Britta Schmeis und Carina Frey

Verbraucher aktuell


Nachrichtr von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Wie Wissenschaft im Dienste der Wirtschaft verfälscht wird

Junk Science/FEMU Aachen

Parteipolitik und Lobbyismus behindern Umweltschutz

Jahresbilanzen der Umweltverbände: Parteipolitik und Lobbyismus behindern Umweltschutz (03.01.05)

Parteipolitisch motivierte Blockaden im Bundesrat haben im Jahr 2004 notwendige Reformen im Umwelt- und Tierschutz verhindert. Diese Bilanz zog der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND). Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) fasste das abgelaufene Jahr zusammen, die Umweltpolitik befinde sich "in den Fängen des Raubtierlobbyismus großer Konzerne". Während es in der Umweltpolitik der 90er Jahre darum gegangen sei, gesetzliche Regelungen für einen besseren Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz durchzusetzen, müssten heute Umwelt- und Verbraucherverbände für die Einhaltung der Gesetze kämpfen. Teile der Wirtschaft versuchten zunehmend, unter massivem Druck auf die Politik Recht und Gesetz zu umgehen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:



Wollen Sie Ihren Job verlieren?

Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Lobbyismus entschärfen - Nebeneinkommen offen legen

Lobbyismus entschärfen – Nebeneinkünfte veröffentlichen

WTO-Geburtstagsparty auf dem Rücken der Armen

Zehn Jahre Welthandelsorganisation: "WTO-Geburtstagsparty auf dem Rücken der Armen" (03.01.05)

Die Welthandelsorganisation WTO hat in den zehn Jahren ihres Bestehens eine "Politik einer Liberalisierung um jeden Preis" betrieben. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen das globalisierungskritische Netzwerk Attac und der Verein für Wirtschaft, Ökologie und Entwicklung Weed. Die Politik der WTO habe vor allem den Exportinteressen der Industrieländer gedient und erheblich dazu beigetragen, dass die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich immer größer geworden sei. So habe das WTO-Agrarabkommen in vielen Ländern des Südens zu einer Flut billiger Importe geführt, die vielen in der Landwirtschaft arbeitenden Menschen die Existenzgrundlage entziehe. Die Privatisierung der Wasserversorgung in vielen Ländern des Südens benachteilige durch massive Preiserhöhungen vor allem die Armen. Auch die Bundesregierung unterstütze diese aggressive Politik zugunsten europäischer Wasserkonzerne.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Ab sofort Klagen gegen zu dreckige Luft möglich

EU-Grenzwerte verbindlich: Ab sofort Klagen gegen zu dreckige Luft möglich (03.01.05)

Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) und die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) bereiten Klagen gegen verschiedene Städte und Gemeinden wegen zu dreckiger Luft vor. Mit dem Überschreiten der seit Jahresbeginn verbindlichen EU-Grenzwerte für feine Staubpartikel in vielen Kommunen werde sich der BUND nicht abfinden. In verschiedenen Städten, darunter in Berlin, würden derzeit Musterklagen von Anwohnern stark befahrener Straßen auf Einhaltung der Grenzwerte vorbereitet, die der BUND unterstützen wolle. Die Umweltschützer forderten mehr Anstrengungen zur Luftreinhaltung.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


A hot report from the field

* Today there was a meeting of the immigration reception committe in the Parliament, and Dr. Zamir Shalita reported from the meeting:

Dr. Shalita presented Usefie Map of sickness and mortality (180+ people got cancer, 85 have died, 99% of them live close to cellular & radio antennas. In the area where several people live near antennas and don't have cancer, the antennas have been there not more than two years).

Chairman of the committe, Mrs. Kolet Avital, asked Prof. Manfred Green, head of the disease control center of the Israeli Health Ministry, what he thought of the map. He answered: I have no data. If I receive the data, I will make a statistical analysis, but as Dr. Shalita explained it was a fifth grade mathematics, not more. Dr. Shalita was asked how they came up with these results, and he told that they went from house to house and asked for medical documents which detail the citizen's diseases. Shalita told that the standard was determined by one degree increase when heating a sugar water small bag. Kolet Avital was shocked and asked Prof. Stelian Galberg, head of the radiation department in the Env. Ministry, whether it was true. He said it was indeed true. She asked him whether all the citizens in the country are exposed on this basis. Galberg said that he was not interested in health, because he is a physicist. He was attacked by a parliament member who told him: you approve all the antennas in this country and you are not interested in health? Galberg's face became red. (He is the ONLY person in charge of the antennas in Israel), also he was embarrassed when a citizen read in front of everybody a letter he had written to Galberg, accusing him of crimes.

This citizen, who lives near cellular antennas told that the Env. Ministry had given him results of measurements of antennas before the antennas were operated. This story of the false measurements was also on the national TV and the Env. Ministry was totally ridiculed in the programme. Indeed, there is some change in the TV reporting as more and more reporters are exposed to the truth about the jungle and bias of regulatory bodies in Israel , also on the local TV, the reporter said about the way of burning the antennas, that it is a way that the citizens can think about when trying to solve the threat of the antennas.

Back to the meeting: Someone else reported that people who live in elderly insitutions under antennas suffer from health effects, for example glaucoma, headaches, depression. Prof. Manfred Green said that everything is psychological.

The citizen told that near his house 13 antennas were erected while the law enables only 6 antennas.

An elderly institution executive who was sitting there, said that if that were the true story, the antennas on the roof of his institution are going to fly from the roof today.

Prof. Manfred Greeen said that there are no proofs for negative health effects.

More from this week:

* The Haifa neighbourhood Vardia, caught a cellular company preparing the basis antennas in the neighbourhood, in the middle of the night. The company lied to the people but they didn't lose. They burnt the basis for the antennas in front of the eyes of the vice mayor, who had given his approval for these antennas. He has always said he resists antennas and yet he approved them. But when the companies wanted to erect antennas near his house several months ago, he didn't let it happen! The mayor came and told them that by the law, he cannot do anything the minute the Env. Ministry approves the antennas. Someone else from the municipality told the citizens off the record (and one of the citizens told it on the local TV) that they can take the law into their hands, and that what the municipality cannot do, they can do. The municipality clarified that the next step would be consulting with the citizens before deciding what to do next.

Yet, the next thing that happened was that the cellular company came together with the police, to build the antenna. Again, the citizens didn't let it happen. Now they want to throw all the other antennas from their area, and think seriously of a class action lawsuit against the 3 cellular companies.

The story made its way to the local newspaper. The cellular company has filed a complaint at the police and called to the police to do judgement about these criminals who prevent the possibility to provide cellular communication to the citizens in the area.

One of the citizens said: "Motorola will decide whether I will be sick or healthy? Where have we come?" And another said that he has a phone but he doesn't want reception in his neighbourhood.

* The center of the Israeli authorities has suggested to the municipalities this week, to take taxes from citizens who agree to put cellular antennas of their roofs, because they are actually running a commercial bussines on their roof. Also the head of the authories center clarified this week that no new antenna will be approved until the company provides a compensation document for future lawsuits of property value reduction. They want to do order with the antennas jungle. Meanwhile, the companies do whatever they want because that's the Israeli law, and of course, they say that they respect the law...

Anyway, these are certainly new encouraging developments.

Iris Atzmon

The practise is the very same here in Canada. Cities and Municipalities are prevented from action by our central government in Ottawa ever since the Health Ministry put in place Safety Code Six which I believe is the same as that which you describe in Israel. There is growing awareness and concern here also but we must persevere and oblige our governments to put humans before corporate profits.

The truth is being revealed and with that we shall prevail. Any further information will be sincerely appreciated. There may be a golden opportunity coming up here in two weeks time to further our campaign and expose microwave radiation towers.

Larry Blackhall
Aldergrove BC

Did We Bounce An Election?

Warren Stewart



I'll admit it; my checkbook is not very tidy. Like many people, I don't scrupulously reconcile my bank statements and I don't record every trip to the ATM or check card purchase the way my dad taught me. Usually everything works out fine but every once in a while I bounce a check and suffer the consequences of my sloppiness. It seems our public officials are being just as reckless with our votes. An examination of the New Mexico canvass report of the November 2 election suggests that the state might be running the risk of bouncing an election.

read article:

Did We Bounce An Election?

Warren Stewart



I'll admit it; my checkbook is not very tidy. Like many people, I don't scrupulously reconcile my bank statements and I don't record every trip to the ATM or check card purchase the way my dad taught me. Usually everything works out fine but every once in a while I bounce a check and suffer the consequences of my sloppiness. It seems our public officials are being just as reckless with our votes. An examination of the New Mexico canvass report of the November 2 election suggests that the state might be running the risk of bouncing an election.

read article:

Former Congressman Peter Deutsch To Assist Constitutional Challenge Of Electors


December 31, 2004

The Committee to ReDefeat the President, a federal PAC better known by the name of its popular ReDefeatBush.com Web site, has secured the assistance of Peter Deutsch, who will conclude his tenure as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives at noon on Monday, Jan. 3, 2005. Deutsch will help ReDefeatBush and other organizations that are working on a Constitutional Challenge to the electoral votes of Florida, Ohio and potentially other states.

read article:

Video of the wave

Video of the (supposedly) initial wave before the big swell. Taken by a person on the beach...


Informant: Debi Clark

Asian Tsunami Disaster


Informant: Debi Clark

Wirkungen von Mobilfunk und anderer EMF auf das Fortpflanzungssystem


Handys machen unfruchtbar

Unfruchtbarkeit hat viele Gesichter

Handys können Fruchtbarkeit reduzieren - Einfluss elektromagnetischer Wellen auf die Spermienmotilität - Kinderlos durch Mobilfunkstrahlung?

Schädigt Handystrahlung Spermien?

Zahl Hodenkrebserkrankter steigt

Weniger Kinder durch das Handy

Laptops machen unfruchtbar

Aspects of Treason


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Supreme Court to Overturn the Magna Carta


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

The Press

Our Soviet-Like Press

They are about as compliant, says Harry Browne:

A Discourse on Civil Irreligion

Civil Irreligion

Kirk W. Tofte on our savior, Bush:

The Lying State

15 Lies the State Tells

Laurence M. Vance on the nature of the US government:

Hartz IV kontra Grundgesetz - Wissenschaftlicher Dienst zweifelt an Verfassungsmäßigkeit von "Hartz IV"

Datum: 03.01.2005
© www.sozialisten.de

Hartz IV kontra Grundgesetz

Zu den Äußerungen des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Bundestages zu den Arbeitsmarktreformen und dem heutigen Protesttag gegen Hartz IV erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer der PDS, Rolf Kutzmutz:

Selbst der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Bundestages zweifelt an der Vereinbarkeit der Hartz IV-Reformen mit dem Grundgesetz. Und damit befindet er sich in bester Gesellschaft mit den Gewerkschaften, Sozialverbänden und mit der PDS.

Die PDS hat von Anfang an darauf hingewiesen, dass Hartz IV dem Grundgesetz in mehrfacher Hinsicht widerspricht. Eine von der PDS in Auftrag gegebene gutachterliche Stellungnahme verweist auf zehn Punkte, die die Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Hartz IV Gesetze in Frage stellen. Darunter:

* Demontage des Sozialstaatsgebots, wie im Grundgesetz normiert,
* die mittelbare Diskriminierung von Frauen durch Anrechnung des Partnereinkommens,
* die Zumutbarkeitsregelungen in Verbindung mit dem sanktionsbewährten Zwang, jede Arbeit anzunehmen und
* die Beschränkung der Leistungen für Bezieher von Arbeitslosenhilfe, die die so genannte 58er-Regelung in Anspruch genommen haben.

Betroffene sollten daher von ihrem Widerspruchsrecht Gebrauch machen.

Die PDS unterstützt den Arbeitslosenverband dabei, Betroffene bei ihrem Weg durch die Instanzen zu begleiten.

Die PDS erklärt sich solidarisch mit dem vielfältigen, phantasievollen und gewaltfreien Protest gegen die unsozialen Reformen.


Bundestag: Wissenschaftlicher Dienst zweifelt an Verfassungsmäßigkeit von "Hartz IV" (03.01.05)

Der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Deutschen Bundestages hegt in einem vorläufigen Gutachten Zweifel an der Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Gesetze, sagte ein Sprecher am Wochenende. Die "Bild am Sonntag" zitierte aus dem Gutachten des Bundestages, das "Hartz IV"-Gesetz enthalte Klauseln, "die im Grundgesetz ausdrücklich weder bestimmt noch zugelassen sind". Falls dies zutreffe, wären alle 2,66 Millionen Bescheide über ALG II rechtswidrig. "Das heißt, die Bürger, die durch sie möglicherweise in ihren Rechten verletzt sind, können sie anfechten", betone das Gutachten. Vor allem die Arbeitsgemeinschaften von Kommunen und Arbeitsagenturen seien verfassungsrechtlich "überprüfungsbedürftig".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Finnischer Mobilfunk-Netzbetreiber soll Mitarbeiter und Journalisten überwacht haben

Finnischer Abhörskandal: Sechs hohe Sonera-Angestellte unter Anklage

Sechs hochrangige Angestellte des finnischen Telekommunikationskonzerns Sonera, heute TeliaSonera, sind am Montag wegen groben Verstoßes gegen das Kommunikationsgeheimnis unter Anklage gestellt worden. Sie stehen im Verdacht, in den Jahren 2000 und 2001 in großem Stil die Telefonverbindungen aller Mitarbeiter und einer Reihe von Journalisten überwacht zu haben. Derartige Überwachungen sind in Finnland aber nur der Polizei bei Vorliegen gerichtlicher Genehmigungen gestattet.

Unter den Angeklagten befindet sich auch Kaj-Erik Relander, der zurückgetretene Geschäftsführer des Unternehmens. Relander erklärte in einem E-Mail seines Anwalts an die finnischen Medien seine Unschuld.

Vier weitere Angeklagte sind bei dem schwedisch-finnischen Großkonzern TeliaSonera beschäftigt. Jyrki Karasvirta, der Direktor von Telia Sonera Communications, erklärte, das Unternehmen werde zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt über das weitere Arbeitsverhältnis der vier entscheiden. (APA)


American shame: treatment of Guantanamo prisoners

The big question is why Bush has not ordered a full stop to this shaming of America.

The FBI has blown the whistle on the Defense Department's military investigators by accusing them of abusive treatment of prisoners of war in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The FBI was especially outraged that the interrogators of suspected terrorists had posed as FBI agents. Administration officials are usually pretty clubby folks who close ranks in times of trouble. But apparently, the FBI was not ready to take the fall for the Pentagon's atrocious treatment of some prisoners of war. The International Committee of the Red Cross has labeled the Pentagon's behavior as "tantamount to torture." The big question is why President Bush has tolerated inhumane treatment of detainees and why he has not ordered a full stop to this shaming of America.

He has to accept some of the blame for rejecting the Geneva Conventions on humane treatment of prisoners of war for so-called "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay, site of a U.S. Navy base and the prison holding about 550 people from 40 different nations.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

G8 crackdown for eight-year-olds

Police will issue ID cards to eight-year-olds as part of security measures at next year's Gleneagles G8 summit.

As many as 500 locals will be asked to carry photographic identification in order to pass checkpoints and roadblocks surrounding the meeting. Under-eights will not require any ID as they can be included on their parents' or guardians' cards. Tayside Police said the measures were "standard procedure" for a gathering of the world's most powerful leaders. The photo IDs will be handed out to residents of neighbouring Auchterarder. "What are the police going to do if someone goes out to do their shopping and forgets their card or when kids are in and out from their homes like normal kids during the holidays? "Are they going to be subjected to police checks at every turn? "My fear from the beginning was that this was the sort of thing that would happen.

"Here it starts and I suspect this will only be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to disruption to the everyday lives of the people of Strathearn."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Teen dies after being shot with Taser gun by Collier County deputies

Hernandez's relatives say he was badly beaten.

A teenager died after he was zapped with a Taser gun and doused with a substance similar to pepper spray during a fight with Collier County sheriff's deputies, officials said. Christopher Hernandez, 19, of Fort Myers, was the third suspect to die in Florida this month after being subdued with a Taser gun. Hernandez died Tuesday, several hours after officials say he attacked deputies, kicking and ripping their uniforms. He ignored orders to stop. Hernandez, who had no local criminal record, was taken for treatment at Naples Community Hospital for a cut above his eye, but Collier County sheriff's spokesman Dennis Huff said there had been no indication that Hernandez' wounds were life-threatening. An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.

But Hernandez's relatives say he was badly beaten. They said that when they saw him at the emergency room his head was swollen, his eyes were ``blood red'' and his arms and face had road rash. Blood from somewhere on his head stained the hospital pillow.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Facing a future without anonymity

Who's Watching? Canada Under Surveillance: Second in a series. With the introduction of biometric wizardry, home will be the only place to find privacy. [or will it?]

In London, Ont., 16 video cameras mounted on traffic poles keep a 24-hour watch on downtown streets for the city's police. In New York City, more than 2,400 outdoor video cameras - many operated by private companies - gaze out over the streets of Manhattan alone. "No matter what, walking through the world these days, you're going to end up on video camera," Halifax privacy lawyer David Fraser said. Public surveillance isn't a new phenomenon. But despite its creeping presence, Canadians have maintained a measure of anonymity when we venture outside our homes. Video cameras might be watching us in public places, but unless we're famous or infamous, they usually can't identify who we are. Until now. New biometric wizardry - called face-recognition technology - is about to change the way governments do business, and could soon remove the last shreds of anonymity Canadians enjoy in public.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Print scans: retail tool or invasion of privacy?

When Carly Johannesson takes her post at the IDA drugstore's cash register in Medicine Hat, Alta., she places her finger on a small pad that reads the fingerprint and electronically gives her access to the system.

The biometrics system has wider uses and implications, which touch consumers too: Some U.S. retail chains already are piloting the scans for shoppers. Customers at the checkout can get their purchases automatically recorded on their credit card, along with loyalty rewards, simply by leaving their fingerprint. While touted as an efficient and usually full-proof means of identification, privacy advocates and unions have raised the spectre of the information getting into the wrong hands and being used for unintended purposes. "There's a potential for abuse," says Michael Fraser, national director of the United Food and Commercial Workers, which represents many grocery and drugstore employees. He is wary of bosses introducing fingerprinting into workplaces because it's generally associated with criminal activity.

Ottawa's Office of the Privacy Commission is keeping a close watch on the impact of the new technology and is already fielding queries from concerned consumers, says spokeswoman Renée Couturier.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Blair to fly back from Egyptian trip today

Tony Blair is to fly home from his holiday in Egypt today following mounting criticism about his decision to remain in a Red Sea resort after the tsunami disaster. The Prime Minister's decision came as politicians attacked him for not flying back from Sharm el-Sheikh last week to direct Britain's response to the catastrophe.

Yesterday the Tory leader Michael Howard said on BBC1: "I think if I had been in his position, I would have come back. Other leaders have. But everybody has got to make their own decisions about this and do these things in their own way."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

"All these people died unnecessarily" : Experts fend off accusations tsunami warning was too slow

Within hours, Japanese and U.S. tsunami experts knew enough about the massive undersea earthquake off Sumatra to predict its horrific consequences, but by then it was far too late. More than 100,000 people on coasts around the Indian Ocean had already been killed by the monster waves. Warnings were needed in minutes, not hours. Accusations have been levelled at scientists at the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, charging that they were slow to warn of the catastrophic waves sweeping across the Indian Ocean. But the world's most sophisticated tsunami-prediction centre says it did well with only limited data from an area far beyond its jurisdiction. "All these people died unnecessarily," said Nirj Deva, a British member of the European Parliament, who was in Sri Lanka when the tsunamis roared ashore. "Nobody was warned."

A widely published initial response from Charles McCreery, the geophysicist in charge of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach, Hawaii, didn't help. "We don't have contacts in our address book for anybody in that part of the world," he said two days after the epic disaster, suggesting that a lack of telephone numbers prevented a timely warning reaching the threatened coasts.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Human Hand behind earthquake and Tsunami?

It is time for Indian Navy to investigate!

Was this an earthquake creation experiment that ran out of control? Many countries are working on methods of creating massive earthquakes as means to defeat the enemy. The technologically advanced countries are working on this project. If an earthquake and Tsunami can be created artificially and directed to a specific enemy, it can literally create havoc to the enemy. Weather control, controlling tectonic plate movements, electromagnetic wave simulated weaponry are all on the table of many countries. The planetary alignment can cause many earthquakes all around the world of magnitude the modern mankind has never seen before. Many all around the world are puzzled with the fact that Tsunamis never happen in South Asia.

Also is perplexing is the fact that Tsunamis traveled 1000 miles at a speed of 500 miles an hour and smashed the coastal lines of South and South east Asia where Tsunamis do not happen. There are technologies on the research table that is used to create electromagnetic effects to release the gravitational effects which can cause this kind massive earth movements.

Another astonishing feature of this earthquake and Tsunami is the amount by which the Kar Nicobar Islands have displaced. The level of devastation simulates 10 or higher Richter scale earthquake.

Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

US had advance warning of tsunami

US had advance warning of tsunami: Canadian professor

A Canadian expert has claimed that the US Military and the State Department were given advance tsunami warning and America’s Navy base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean was notified but the information was not passed on to the countries that bore the brunt of the disaster. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa asks in an analysis produced for the Venus Project why fishermen in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand were not provided with the same warnings as the US Navy and the US State Department. He wants to know why the US State Department remained mum on the existence of an impending catastrophe. With a modern communications system, why did the information not get out? By email, telephone, fax, satellite TV, he asks, as it could have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Prof Chossudovsky writes that the US authorities had initially recorded 8.0 on the Richter scale. As confirmed by several reports, US scientists in Hawaii, had advanced knowledge regarding an impending catastrophe, but failed to contact their Asian counterparts. According to him, Charles McCreery of the Pacific Warning Centre in Hawaii confirmed that his team tried desperately to get in touch with his counterparts in Asia. According to McCreery, the director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s centre in Honolulu, the team did its utmost to contact the countries.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Asian Tsunami Horror Update


Asian Tsunami Horror Update

A multinational force of aid workers, military aircraft and ships descended on Asia.

A legion of ships and planes has delivered aid to millions of Asian tsunami survivors after New Year revellers around the world paused to mourn victims of one of the worst disasters in living memory. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan called for a major logistical operation to help countries shattered by Sunday's tsunami, which by the latest count had killed 125,930 after India added another thousand fatalities. The U.N. emergency relief operations coordinator said the death toll was approaching 150,000, with a third or more of them believed to be children.

"We mourn, we cry, and our hearts weep, witnessing thousands of those killed left rigid in the streets," Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said in a subdued New Year address.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - January 3rd, 2005

Testing free speech in America

by M. Shahid Alam



Americans have been trained to see only their own greatness, not the human costs that others have been made to pay, and continue to pay, for these successes. Can peace -- for America and the world -- be founded on such greatness? One might imagine that this was the question that the attackers of 9-11 were asking Americans. Sadly, the United States has answered this question with a war on terrorism. In the words of Michael Scheuer, to establish peace, the United States must now 'proceed with relentless, brutal, and, yes, blood-soaked offensive military actions until we have annihilated the Islamists who threaten us.' I part company with Michael Scheuer on this prognostication. Perhaps that is why some elements of America's right wing would have me packed off to gitmo, hang me from a rope, or fry me with a J-Dam -- only some of the colorful threats I have received...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Some lessons from the tsunami

by Jim Peron

Institute for Liberal Values


Seismologists said they knew within minutes that a tsunami was a real threat. In spite of that, people died hours later even though only a few minutes warning was all that was needed to save their lives. The consensus in the media was that the seismologists didn't know who to contact in many of these countries. No official warning system existed. That appears true. And many people see this as a failure of government. They argue that millions must be spent to create a new system to handle this type of rare situation. Certainly we can see the deadly results when people are not warned of a deadly disaster speeding down upon them. But more went on here than is first apparent. Why was an 'official' channel of warning necessary?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Government-enhanced disaster

by Timothy D. Terrell

Ludwig von Mises Institute


As of this writing, the death toll from the south Asian tsunami has reached 120,000, with concerns that disease may claim tens of thousands more. The countries affected include some of the poorest in the world, and as the tragedy unfolds, the economic loss promises to be devastating. Many have noticed that poorer nations are more severely affected by natural cataclysms than developed nations. Earthquakes, tropical cyclones, tsunamis, and flooding strike the wealthiest as well as the poorest nations, but the loss of life can be much higher where income is low...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


When will we ever learn?

by David Krieger



As with all wars, the war in Iraq is neither simple nor predictable. We are learning once again that raw military power is not sufficient to prevail, even against an opponent vastly inferior in military strength. For those of us who lived through the war in Vietnam, it is both sad and distressing that that war was not sufficient to teach this lesson to the present leadership of the United States. As with Vietnam, there is a growing unease among the people of the United States about this 'war of choice' in Iraq. More than 1,300 Americans have died there and many more have been injured for life. The number of Iraqi casualties is far higher, perhaps higher than 100,000. And there is no end in sight...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Has Congress created "Federal police power?"

Fox News

Every American is just a few steps away from committing a crime. That point is raised in new publications that seek to cast a critical eye on lawmakers for their aggressive approach to going after supposed wrongdoing. 'I think we should be alarmed on a number of different levels,' said Bob Barr, a former Republican member of Congress from Georgia who also used to be a U.S district attorney. 'We?re changing the very nature of society -- the over-criminalization of society.'

From environmental infractions, to corporate crime and prosecuting vice crimes already covered by state law, the federal criminal code has grown 33 percent since 1982, with an estimated 4,000 punishable crimes on the books today, according to 'Measuring the Explosive Growth of Federal Crime Legislation,' published by the Federalist Society in 2004.Has Congress created "Federal police power?"...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Geologen registrierten, Behörden versagten


Tesla and the Asian Tsunami



I have heard LOTS about Tesla.......but did not know about this??

IF.....it was a "man-made" earthquake.....it hit in a place where it would kill the most dark skinned persons....which is a NWO agenda item. It also hit in a place where the tsunami warnings were not "up"........Lots of "coincendences"......and I just don't trust our government at all.

I had done some reading on this quake...In fact about 3 days before this hit......There was a quake ....magnitude...8.1 and I thought the tsunamis were from THAT ONE. I read that WE KNEW (USA) it was going to hit there somewhere......and we didn't warn them....They said it was.....because there is no warning system in place........What I want to know??? WHY didn't they TRY to warn them? Call the Hotels on the coasts and tell the sunbathers to get inland.....I read that 15 minutes would have saved the people......They could have walked in far enough to be safe. I think they let it happen.

Did you know that these waves came in at 500 MPH??? That is why they did so much damage...

ALSO......this gets the heat off of the Admin for Iraq. To busy focusing on Asia.

Again....Thanks Hazel!!! I will be sharing this will the groups!!


Hazel wrote:

Phil Schneider spoke of Martial Law through geophysical warfare, earthquakes, floods, drought and cyclones with UN involvement.

It would appear that “nature” is on Bush’s side in the ‘war on terror’ as all the recent (telegeodynamic) earthquakes have occurred in countries earmarked by Kissinger for destabilisation, Indonesia, Iran, Algeria etc. The UN is now poised for deployment in Southeast Asia, and no nuclear bombs were necessary.


see also:

Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation

The Great Wave

This is from Illuminati News. Before 9/11 I would have said hog wash, but now I am open to the possibilities of this being true.

M Jenny

The Great Wave

by Hazel W.M. McKinlay

The season to be jolly was brought to an abrupt and traumatic end the day after Christmas, with harrowing news of a gargantuan seaquake which leapt off the Richter scale. Measuring 9.0 and at a very shallow depth of only 6 miles, it caused tidal waves which swept across the Indian Ocean without warning, traveling at jet-speed.

Coincidentally, the Iranian Citadel of Bam was also leveled to the ground last year on December 26th by an earthquake, close to the surface, registering 6.6 which killed over 40,000 Islamic people. The death toll from the tsunami which followed in the wake of the Asian quake could exceed 60,000, as we become desensitized to mass graves.

The epicenter was closest to war-torn Aceh, a province in Northern Sumatra, rich in liquid natural gas, which sustained the majority of casualties and like most of Indonesia, is overwhelmingly Muslim, but the devastating impact was felt from India and Sri Lanka to Thailand, and as far away as Somalia in East Africa.

The former director of the CIA, George Tenet, publicly named these countries as part of an “axis of evil” which would face either covert or open military operations by the USA, secretly authorised by George Bush. Citing ‘terrorists,’ methods of covert intervention were outlined in 1997 by Defence Secretary William Cohen.

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...” The threat is real!

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Tom Bearden explains in ‘The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics’ how longitudinal weaponized waves can inflict “unprecedented and mind-boggling” havoc at any point on the earth from a control room. The energy of the blast comes from the vacuum of space at the location of the target itself.

“Take a convenient fault zone or set of them. (Indian/Eurasian) Focus the interferometry on the fault zone, in the “diverging” mode, and deposit EM energy there in the rocks on both sides, increasing (slowly) the stress in the rocks by the reverse piezoelectric effect (deposit excess energy, get crystal mechanical movements).”

“Do it slowly, and the stress will build up to large pressures well-above a plate slip minimum energy required. At some point, the rocks yield and one or both sides “slip” and move rather sharply, giving a very large earthquake in that zone. Do the same thing down in the earth (remember, LWs easily penetrate right through the earth and ocean) and so the “interference zone” focus can be inside the earth or beneath the ocean, at will.”

In 1999, Jason Jeffrey posed a poignant question in New Dawn No. 57, Nov-Dec: “Could the recent earthquakes in Turkey, Taiwan, Greece and Mexico be experimental test runs? If so, how many more earthquakes will it take before this technology can be directed at a chosen 'enemy'? It's a disturbing thought and one we all should consider as the forces of the New World Order gather pace in their quest for global control.”

By my estimation, this query was answered in Southeast Asia on Boxing Day 2004. Described as a “megathrust” -- a grade reserved for the most powerful shifts in the Earth’s crust, the power of this quake was equivalent to detonating a million atomic bombs. If this is warfare in the modern era, it amply demonstrates the merciless and indiscriminate cruelty of those who apply science, to blame nature.

For the Global Elite who wish to depopulate the world community by two-thirds, this loss of life is a ‘drop in the ocean’ (pardon the pun) but it has the knock-on ‘Tesla Effect’ of keeping the developing nations immersed in perpetual poverty, dependency and disease. In the aftermath, the United Nations need not invade; they will be invited to intervene, as in Haiti, flooded by a hurricane.

The media were quick to label the Asian catastrophe, ‘The Great Wave’ - a double entendre and insider joke…? Nicola Tesla was credited with the discovery of the electromagnetic propagation effect and experimented with giant standing waves which could be combined to produce a focused beam of immense energy and used to trigger earthquakes in distant places.

The late Phil Schneider, a geological and structural engineer who turned ‘whistleblower’ claimed that the tell-tale signature of man-made earthquakes, like Kobe, is that they are shallow and not accompanied by a pulse wave… none, unlike a normal tremor. Similar disasters in Gujarat, Iran and Algeria may have been further examples of the diabolical ‘telegeodynamic’ Tesla device.

This terrible event has temporarily sidetracked the quagmire in Iraq, but there is a surreptitious war going on all around us, in the guise of “Earth Changes” - floods, drought, volcanoes, avalanches and earthquakes.

Tsunamis and Nuclear Power Plants


Tsunami warning halted ‘for tourist industry’

Just minutes after the earthquake in the Indian Ocean on Sunday morning, Thailand’s foremost meteorological experts were sitting together in a crisis meeting. But they decided not to warn about the tsunami “out of courtesy to the tourist industry,” writes the Thailand daily newspaper The Nation.

Human Engineered Earthquakes


Informant: Laurel

Did Animals Sense Tsunami?


Informant: Laurel

Where are all the dead animals? Sri Lanka asks


Informant: Laurel

5 Million Displaced By Tsunami

Up to five million people have been displaced by the devastating tsunamis that pummelled large tracts of Asia over the weekend, the World Health Organisation said on Thursday...


From Information Clearing House

Tsunami's Historic Devastation

A collection of pictures and video updated every hour

From Information Clearing House

Scientific Background on the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami

Includes Tsunami Animation


From Information Clearing House

Death toll reaches 100,000

The death toll in the tsunami disaster soared past 100,000 today - and is set to climb higher...


From Information Clearing House

55,000 Dead : The Role of U.S. Criminal Negligence on a Global Scale


Informant: People Judge Bush

Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?


Informant: DitziSis

9.0 Earthquake Makes Earth Rotate Faster


Informant: NHNE

Maldives loses 42 islands as tsunami toll hits 117


Informant: Anna Webb

India's last active volcano erupts on Andamans


Informant: Anna Webb

Interview with American Tsunami Expert Walter Dudley


Informant: Anna Webb

Volcanic Eruption Could Unleash Giant Tsunamis on U.S.


Informant: CHEROKEE


Global Weather Systems in Chaos


Informant: MessiahTwain

Quake may have made earth wobble, shortened days

Daily Times [Pakistan]


The deadly Asian earthquake may have permanently accelerated the Earth's rotation -- shortening days by a fraction of a second -- and caused the planet to wobble on its axis, US scientists say. Richard Gross, a geophysicist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, theorized that a shift of mass toward the Earth's centre during the quake on Sunday caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds, or 3 millionths of a second, faster and to tilt about an inch on its axis."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

RFID-Systeme nicht am Kunden vorbeiplanen


Bonn – „Elektronische Kennzeichnungssysteme für kontaktlose Identifikation“ (Radio Frequency Identification, kurz RFID) rufen mittlerweile die unterschiedlichsten Organisationen auf den Plan. Beispielsweise das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) http://www.bsi.de/ oder der „Verein zur Förderung des öffentlichen bewegten und unbewegten Datenverkehrs e.V.“ http://www.foebud.org (FoeBud), einer Initiative des Bielefelder Allround-Künstlers „padeluun“. Das BSI stellte vor kurzem die Studie „Risiken und Chancen von RFID-Systemen vor“ und FoeBud brachte den Feldtest „Future Store“ der Metro mit heimlich in Kundenkarten eingesetzten RFID-Chips an die Öffentlichkeit. RFID polarisiert, was man aktuell an den Planungen für die Fußball-WM 2006 in Deutschland erkennen kann, wo die Eintrittskarten durch RFID fälschungssicher gemacht werden sollen. „Erwartungsgemäß hat sich sofort eine Initiative gegen Tickets mit RFID-Tags formiert. Kommunikationstechnisch ist das Vorgehen hierbei genauso verkehrt wie das von der Metro. Im Metro-Fall wurde die Einführung heimlich gemacht, in Fall der Fußball-WM wird das Thema als eine bahnbrechende Errungenschaft kommuniziert. Auch das muss unweigerlich Widerstand hervorrufen“, so die Einschätzung von Sabine Sohn, Kommunikationsexpertin von nic-pr in Bonn http://www.nic-pr.de , einer Agentur, die auf Marktkommunikation spezialisiert ist.

Zunächst einmal müsse der Datenschutz und die Datensicherheit beim Einsatz von RFID-Tags zufrieden stellend geregelt sein. „Das ist eine Vorbedingung“, so Sohn. Tatsächlich fordere selbst FoeBud nicht etwa ein Verbot für diese Technik, sondern nur Minimalrichtlinien, die die Persönlichkeitsdaten eines Einzelnen vor Missbrauch schützen. Dazu zähle FoeBud Transparenz und Datensicherheit genau wie die Angabe des Zwecks einer RFID-Anwendung. „Von den Eigenschaften her lassen sich RFID-Tags durchaus mit den Cookies von Internetseiten vergleichen. Auch Cookies dienen der Markierung, etwa des Besuchs von Internetseiten, erleichtern in vielen Fällen das Surfen, aber können auch Informationen beinhalten, von denen der Anwender nichts weiß. Und ähnlich wie Cookies können RFID-Tags vom Anwender unbemerkt existieren. Was hier fehlt, ist die Kontrolle des Anwenders über die Identifikatoren. Ich kann von Endverbrauchern nicht erwarten, dass sie sich RFID-Scanner zum Auffinden und Deaktivieren anschaffen, um ihre private Umgebung nach verborgenen RFID-Tags abzusuchen“, beschreibt Sohn die Situation. Man sollte daher nur Anwendungen realisieren, bei denen die RFID-Tags dem Verbraucher Vorteile bringen.

Viele der angepriesenen Vorzüge seien zwar zweifellos nützlich für den Anbieter, bringen dem Anwender aber nichts. „Wenn ein Handelsunternehmen seine Ware mit RFID-Tags ausstattet, um seine Lagerhaltung, Warenverteilung und Inventarisierung effizienter zu machen, bringt das noch nicht eindeutige Vorteile für den Endkunden. Und wenn ein Hersteller von Druckern oder etwa auch Autos mittels RFID-Tags dafür sorgt, dass nur Original-Ersatzteile oder Verbrauchsmaterial benutzt werden kann, so sichert er zwar dadurch sein Geschäft gegen sogenannte Third Party-Anbieter, aber es entstehen keine Vorteile für den Benutzer. Der hat in diesen Fällen gar keine Wahlmöglichkeit mehr, sich für preisgünstigere Alternativen zu entscheiden.“ Die Bonner Kommunikationsexpertin sieht ihre These dadurch bestätigt, dass im reinen Geschäftskunden-Markt der Einsatz von RFID-Technik in vielen Fällen kein Diskussionsthema sei. Ob RFID-Tags in Karten zur Zutrittsauthorisierung, ob Long-Range Tags für automatische Container-Verladung, die Vorteile für die Geschäftsprozesse seien offensichtlich. „Das kritischste Einsatzgebiet liegt bei Konsumgütern. Für viele Anwendungsfälle sind zur Zeit die RFID-Tags einfach noch zu teuer. Das wird sich ändern, wenn die Stückpreise auf 10 bis 15 Cent gefallen sind. Natürlich werden dabei die Marketingstrategen versuchen, diese Technik für eine gezielte Ansprache der Verbraucher zu nutzen. Hier treten aber sehr schnell Akzeptanzbarrieren auf. Technische Marketing-Möglichkeiten ersetzen nicht die tatsächlichen Produktvorteile und eine intelligente Kundenbindung“, führt Sohn aus.

Auch die aktuelle Studie des BSI sei zu sehr in der Technik verankert, so das Resümee von nic-pr. Zumindest aber werde darin klar gestellt, dass auch die RFID-Technik nicht sicher gegen Fälschung und Manipulation sei. Zwar sei dazu ein gewisser technischer Aufwand erforderlich, aber das Resultat sei dann offenkundig authentisch. „Da darf man sich nichts vormachen: eine elektronische Kodierung lässt sich leichter perfekt imitieren als eine physikalische Kodierung. Man sollte nicht die Möglichkeiten von RFID überbewerten. Wir empfehlen zum Einsatz der RFID-Technik die auch in Zukunft sehr aktuelle Guideline ‚Klasse statt Masse’. Die Technik dort einsetzen, wo sie für alle Beteiligten Vorteile bringt und dabei dem Verbraucher eine Wahlmöglichkeit lässt“, rät Sohn. Die Bonner Agentur geht davon aus, dass sich der Durchbruch von RFID in den Massenmarkt über mehrere Jahre hinziehen wird. Nicht übersehen werden dürfe, dass umwälzende technische Neuerungen sich auch selten alleine ohne Veränderungen in anderen Bereichen ereignen würden. nic-pr sieht durchaus Akzeptanz und Nutzen von RFID in einem sich verändernden Konsumverhalten, zum Beispiel im Markt von stark Lifestyle-orientierten Gütern.

Firma: medienbüro.sohn
Ansprechpartner: Silke Landwehr

Freigabedatum: 03.01.05


Mobilfunk- und Prozessorenfrequenzen wirken auf Wasser und Sauerstoff

Mobilfunk- und Prozessorenfrequenzen wirken auf Wasser und Sauerstoff


Mobilfunk- und Prozessorenfrequenzen wirken auf Wasser und Sauerstoff

Die Mobilfunkfrequenz 1,8 GHZ = Resonanzfrequenz von Sauerstoff

Beweis: http://www.aladin24.de/htm/progs/resonanz.gif

Nichts geschieht ohne Grund! Alle technologisch verwendeten Frequenzen, die in unserem Alltag eine Rolle spielen wirken auf Flüssigkeiten wie Wasser, Körperflüssigkeiten oder Sauerstoff.

Die Küchenmikrowelle, UMTS wie auch RFID arbeiten mit 2,4 GHz der Resonanzfrequenz von Wasser.

Quelle http://www.industrieanzeiger.de/O/108/Y/81599/VI/30235432/default.aspx

RFID gibt es in Frequenzbereichen zwischen 120 kHZ (langwellig) bis über 2,4 GHZ (Mikrowelle). Die Physik lehrt, dass sich Langewelle anders ausbreitet, als Mikrowelle. Man denke nur an den Mikrowellenherd, der die Resonanzfrequenz von Wasser nutzt. Wasser absorbiert 2,4 GHZ, die Energie wird in Wärme umgewandelt, das Wasser kocht, wasserhaltige Materialien erhitzen sich.

(Hierdurch werden alle flüssigkeitsabhängigen Stoffwechselvorgänge beeinflusst)


Dr. Ross Adey hat herausgefunden, dass es möglich ist, bei einer Stärke von 0,75 Milliwatt/cm² mit pulsmodulierten Mikrowellen der Frequenz 450 MHz alle Aspekte menschlichen Verhaltens zu kontrollieren!"

Ich habe das Such-Häkchen im Programm angeklickt, links alle Elemente zur Auswahl geschaltet, und bei Frequenz die 450 MHz eingetragen und CR gedrückt. Ergebnis: Mit 0.12%iger Genauigkeit findet man: Ge Z=32 N=33 f=449,542 MHz L=66,6884 cm = Rumpflänge, Armlänge des Menschen. Wieder mal die Super-Resonanz bei N=33. Das erklärt vielleicht die positive Wirkung von Ge auf den Menschen. Ge ist voll resonant zu Sauerstoff und Helium (Faktor 4 statt nur Faktor 2). Und dieses wieder zum Uratom, das 18 mal im Wasserstoffatom vorhanden ist (eine weitere 2, was Faktor 4 zu Helium bedeutet).

450 MHz Frequenz von Prozessoren multipliziert mit 2 = 900 MHz = Mobilfunkfrequenz

900 MHz = GSM-Mobilfunk - multipliziert mit 2 = 1800 MHZ = Mobilfunkfrequenz

1800 MHz Frequenz von Prozessoren + GSM-Mobilfunk

Nachricht von Gerd Zesar


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