
Six questions that don’t go away

On Sunday, India failed as a nation


Posted online: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 0000 hours IST

Here are six questions that arise in the wake of the tsunami tragedy which don’t go away.

Question 1: Once the tsunami hit the Andaman and Nicobar islands, the government should have sprung into action and warned the people on the mainland. Southern India could then have been better prepared to face the disaster. Once the tsunami hit the Andamans, we had at least 60 minutes to do this. Why was this not done?

Question 2: Why do we have all that government paraphernalia in the Andamans if we cannot keep an eye on developments in Southeast Asia?

Question 3: What were ISRO’s numerous satellites doing at the time?

Question 4: If the US, Australia and other Pacific nations knew about the tsunami within 15-30 minutes, why did they not warn India and the others? It is unimaginable that they allowed the disaster to happen just because Sri Lanka and India were not ‘members’ in a Pacific watch scheme. If, on the other hand, they did not know, then all the research and money being spent on observing the Pacific watch is a waste. After all, the same tsunami could have travelled south to the western coast of Australia. If they did know that the tsunami was traveling west towards the Indian subcontinent and did not warn the nations concerned, then they have failed humanity.

Question 5: Today it is a tsunami, tomorrow it could be something else. What we know from this tsunami is that India, as a nation, failed. Indian scientists failed. Indian managers failed. Indian politicians failed. Indian administrators failed. The Indian media failed — by wasting time and energy on trivial issues rather than focusing on issues of importance. Why did the nation fail?

Question 6: Finally, if the people cannot be warned about a tsunami, can we trust the government of the day and/or bureaucracy to warn people of nuclear strikes — by rogue states or otherwise?

© 2004: Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd. All rights reserved throughout the world.


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Symposium „Ärzte und Mobilfunk – Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt“

Ärztlicher Qualitätszirkel Oberfranken:

Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin – Diagnostik, Therapie, Umwelt

Dr. med. Beatrix Reimers, Allgemeinärztin, Bamberg
Dr. med. Klaus Landgraf, Internist, Bamberg
Dr. med. Gerd Kleilein, Ltd.Arzt der Notaufnahme, Krh. Coburg
Dr. med. Horst Eger, Allgemeinarzt, Naila
Dr. med. Norbert Schmid, Allgemeinarzt, Bamberg
Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam, Bamberg
Dr. med. Helmut Heyn, prakt. Arzt, Bamberg
Dr. med. Helmut Zillinger, Allgemeinarzt, Bamberg
Dr. med. Bräuninger Wolfgang, Allgemeinarzt, Bamberg

In Bamberg trafen sich Ärzte aus Oberfranken zum 1. Qualitätszirkel „Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin“. Der Qualitätszirkel ist von der Bayrischen Landesärztekammer anerkannt und für Fortbildungen zertifiziert.

Der menschliche Körper funktioniert mit vielen unsichtbaren elektrischen Erscheinungen, ohne die er nicht lebensfähig wäre. So bestimmt der Arzt mit dem EKG (Elektrokardiogramm), ob die Herzschlagfunktion richtig abläuft. Die dabei gemessenen winzigen elektrischen Aktionen und Felder entscheiden z.B. über die Diagnose ob ein Herzinfarkt vorliegt oder nicht, oder ob ein Patient mit einer elektrischen „Null-Linie“ klinisch tot ist.

Wie im Menschen treffen wir auch in der technifizierten Umwelt auf eine Vielzahl von elektromagnetischen Feldern, wie in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen, bei elektrischen Geräten und Maschinen und auch beim Mobilfunk.

Bisher glaubte man, diese Felder seien zu schwach, um in menschlichen Körperzellen das Erbgut schädigend zu verändern. Nach der Veröffentlichung der „REFLEX-Studie“ (u.a. auf dem Berliner Ärztekongress 2004) weiß man nun, dass in lebenden Zellen sehr wohl die Erbsubstanz (DNS) zerstört werden kann!

Auch ist bereits seit 1932 (!) bekannt („Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift – Dr. Schliephake, 05.08.1932), dass durch die Senderstrahlung von Kurzwellen unterschiedlichste Symptome, wie schwere Müdigkeit, Schlaflosigkeit und sogar Gemütsveränderungen bis zur Depressivität hin künstlich erzeugt werden können.

Frau Dr. med. Waldmann-Selsam hat in den letzten 2 Monaten in mehren Hundert Haushalten in der Umgebung von Mobilfunkbasisstationen in ganz Oberfranken Summen-Messungen der Leistungsflussdichte der gepulsten Hochfrequenzstrahlung vorgenommen und protokolliert. Damit konnte sie zeigen, dass sowohl die Strahlung des Mobilfunks als auch die Dauerstrahlung der vorhandenen Schnurlos-Telefone (DECT-Standard) - für die Betroffenen war überraschenderweise diese Bestrahlung an Intensität oft höher als diejenige von den Sendestationen in der Umgebung – fast übereinstimmend die folgenden negativen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Menschen erzeugt:

Schlafstörungen, Konzentrations- und Merkfähigkeitsstörungen, Infektanfälligkeit, rheumatische Beschwerden und Herz-Kreislaufbeschwerden.

Beunruhigend an diesen Vor-Ort-Untersuchung ist die Tatsache, dass diese Symptome auch in weiterer Entfernung von den Basisstationen auftreten und dass oftmals die Schnurlos-Telefone allein dafür ursächlich sein können.

Oberstes ärztliches Gebot und Ziel des Qualitätszirkels ist es, die Beschwerden und Symptome der Menschen zu erkennen, richtig einzuschätzen und entsprechend ernst zu nehmen, wenn ein zeitlicher und räumlicher Zusammenhang mit Mobilfunksendeanlagen oder mit DECT-Schnurlos-Telefonen hergestellt werden kann.

Es erscheint einem, als ob seitens der Mobilfunkbetreiber die Ärzteschaft und die Bevölkerung derzeit nur mit allgemein Floskeln ohne wirklich fundierte Untersuchungen beschwichtigend hingehalten werden sollen. Auch die Ämter und Behörden (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Landesamt für Umweltschutz und Bundesgesundheitsministerium) verhalten sich bei konkret vorliegenden Gesundheitsstörungen oft eher ablehnend und lassen Betroffene hilflos alleine mit ihren Problemen und vertrösten auf weiteren Forschungsbedarf.

Um den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft geht es am Samstag, den 29. Januar 2005, im Symposium „Ärzte und Mobilfunk – Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt“ in Bamberg in den Räumen der Universität im Markushaus. Eingeladen sind alle Ärzte aus Oberfranken und über die Region hinaus und selbstverständlich alle an der Thematik interessierte Bürger.

Dr. med. Helmut Heyn
e-mail: Dr.Helmut.Heyn@onlinemed.de
prakt. Arzt – Naturheilverfahren
Geschwister-Scholl-Ring 12
Tel. 0951-7004970
Fax. 0951-7004974

Einladung zum 1. Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium

am Samstag, 29. Januar 2005
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Markushaus, Markusplatz 3, 96047 Bamberg

Veranstalter: Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell und Ärztlicher Qualitätszirkel Elektromagnetische Felder in der Medizin – Diagnostik, Therapie, Umwelt

9.00–10.00 Uhr: Funktionsweise und Ausbreitungsverhalten von GSM und UMTS; hausgemachte Hochfrequenz-Immissionen (DECT, WLAN, Bluetooth, Zig Bee)
Dr. Ing. Martin H. Virnich, Mönchengladbach, Ingenieurbüro für Baubiologie und Umweltmesstechnik

10.00-10.45 Uhr: Schädigungen des Menschen durch Hochfrequenzsender sind seit Jahrzehnten „Stand des Wissens“.
Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes, FB 8.3 Biowissenschaften

10.45-11.10 Uhr: Berichte von Betroffenen


11.30-12.30 Uhr: Epidemiologische Untersuchungen bei Mobilfunksendeanlagen – Beispiele und künftige Überlegungen.
Dr. med. univ. Gerd Oberfeld, Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Landessanitätsdirektion, Referat Gesundheit, Hygiene, Umweltmedizin

12.30-13.00 Uhr: Erhöhte Krebsraten um Mobilfunksender in Naila – ein Einzelfall?
Dr. Horst Eger, Allgemeinarzt Naila


14.10-14.45 Uhr: Einfluss und Bedeutung der Wirkungsdauer von EMF-Strahlung auf das funktionelle System und den Schlaf des Menschen.
Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, Berlin

14.45-15.30 Uhr: Berichte von Betroffenen

15.30–16.00 Uhr: Beobachtungen aus einer psychotherapeutischen Praxis
Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Nervenärztin, Psychotherapie, Leutkirch


16.30–17.00 Uhr: Tinnitusforschung bei EMF-Exposition
Prof. Dr. med. H.-J. Wilhelm, HNO-Arzt, Frankfurt/M.

17.00–17.20 Uhr: Neue Forschungsansätze
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Rainer Müller, Ingenieurbüro für Arbeitsschutz und Messtechnik, Lage

17.20-17.40 Uhr: Bericht über WHO-Konferenz (Okt. 2004) zu Elektrosensibilität in Prag
Antje Bultmann, Wissenschaftsjournalistin, NN.

17.40-18.00 Uhr: Diskussion mit den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern

Änderungen vorbehalten
Teilnahmegebühr: 20 €, Student/innen frei
Die Fortbildung ist zertifiziert. Fortbildungspunkte sind vom Qualitätszirkel beantragt. Stundenzahl: 7 Stunden
Bushaltestelle Markusplatz – Fußweg Bahnhof 15 Minuten – Parkhäuser: P Konzerthalle u. P Georgendamm

Anmeldungen bitte an:

Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam,
Karl-May-Str. 48, 96049 Bamberg
Tel: 0951-12300, Fax: 0951-2 97 25 06
Mail: peter.selsam@t-online.de

Dr. C. Waldmann-Selsam,
Stichwort: Mobilfunksymposium
Sparkasse Bamberg, BLZ 770 500 00
Konto: 300 462 603

Ich/wir melde/n mich/uns verbindlich an:

Name und Adresse/Stempel

OFFENER BRIEF an Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder

Bamberger Appell – Ärzte gegen Mobilfunk

"Bamberger Appell"

Endlich ein Signal aus Berlin

Strahlendes Bamberg?

Darf’s ein bisschen mehr Strahlung sein?

Symposium in Bamberg: Ärzte und Wissenschaftler warnen vor Gesundheitsgefahren

1. Bamberger Mobilfunksymposium

Die Naila-Studie

"Freiburger Appell" - Umweltmediziner fordern Senkung der Grenzwerte


**First he admits that flight 93 was SHOT down, and now he admits a missile hit the Pentagon. He's forgetting the barrage of lies the public was told apparently. It's funny how his slip-ups more closely match evidence and testimony than do the lies that were told to the public. It's too bad only people like us get to know what really happened, and that the masses of the people are still wanting Bin Laden dead for the 911 attacks. The sheeple have inherited the earth...-Andy Thames

Originally posted by: m.e. onullder

Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Parade Magazine

***Notice he says "missile to damage this building".

I think what is happening is he is discussing these things with government insiders so often, that when he speaks with the public, he forgets that the public believes something different than what government insiders know to be true.

Three Simple Things You Can do to Defend the Right to Vote

Across the country come reports of systematic efforts to deprive citizens, particularly African-Americans, of the right to vote. In the key state of Ohio, white suburban precincts had short lines, while black urban precincts--as well as other strong democratic precincts--featured waits of up to 10 hours as a result of the systematic misallocation of voting machines. Voters in the same precincts received supposedly official messages telling them to go to the wrong precinct, or to avoid voting unless they had paid their parking tickets.

Forums led by John Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee have exposed not only evidence of voter suppression but indications of outright fraud in counting the vote. Any suppression or fraud is criminal, and the scale is sufficient to cast doubt on the outcome in OH, and thus on who should be the next President. Nor is Ohio the only state with irregularities.

These actions are in priority order.

1. Call Senator Barbara Boxer at (800) 839-5276 to ask her to challenge the certification of the vote on Jan 6. At least 14 members of the House will challenge the vote, but they need one Senator. Ask Boxer to be that Senator. The 2004 vote does not deserve her assent.

2. Contact the media, starting with the San Francisco Chronicle at letters@sfchronicle.com, and ask them to cover this story, including the fact that many in the Bay Area and California are asking our representatives to stand up to defend the right to vote.

3. Send money to the leading suit to challenge the irregularities in Ohio and compel discovery of important information. The recount, like the original vote, is being obstructed. You can make a tax-deductible donation online at http://freepress.org/store.php#donate (click next to CICJ Election Protection).

Want to do more?

Attend the press conference and rally at Senator Boxer's office, 1700 Montgomery St, San Francisco on Monday, Jan 3 at noon. Meet at the Embarcadero BART at 11am to walk there and present signed petitions. http://usvip.org/DOCS/boxer-jan3.pdf

There are more calls you can make. http://usvip.org/article.asp?id=42
provides phone numbers and scripts. Don't forget, we have two Senators and one Democratic Presidential candidate.

If you can influence the Ohio Congressional delegation, which includes Dennis Kucinich, please do. Politicians, including Boxer, have said that they are taking their cues from Kerry or the OH delegation. Of course, the right to vote belongs to the voters, and the politicians are our representatives, but the reality is that movement by other politicians will help.

Contact additional media: letters@sfchronicle.com, opinion@sacbee.com, letters@latimes.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@washpost.com.
http://www.democraticrenewal.us/resources/mediacontacts.htm provides many more media contacts.

If you are an attorney and are interested in working on the OH case, please contact Gail Jonas who has agreed to coordinate this effort. Gail can be emailed at gejonas@sonic.net or call her at 707 433 6845 or 707 431 8451.

This message is from United for Peace and Justice--Bay Area
http://www.upj-bayarea.org, though for now election stuff is at

Other Bay Area election sites

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies

A key action in the controversy over possible electoral fraud in the U.S. is about to happen -- and you can have your voice heard in it, if you wish. Rep John Conyers, who has held extensive House Judiciary Committee hearings on voting irregularities, is organizing a challenge to Ohio's Electoral College votes -- which will happen on January 6 when the Senate and House come together to open and count the electoral votes from all states. Serious irregularities were found in Ohio and important Ohio election officials did not cooperate with research by Conyers and others. Rep Conyers needs support from other Representatives and at least one Senator in order for his challenge to be effective. The information is below, and you can find out your Representative's and Senators' names and contact information from http://www.vote-smart.org (upper left corner of the home page) - or you can use the quick method given in the P.S. below my note.

As most of you know, I do not consider this a partisan issue. Although normally I consider voting a minimalist form of democracy (compared to all the dialogue and deliberation that is possible and desperately needed), it IS a bedrock fundamental of modern democracies and, when it seriously breaks down -- as it seems to have done in a number of places two months ago -- it needs to be investigated and corrected with all possible speed. Having it openly discussed and the real situation clarified is at least as important (in my eyes) as which candidate ultimately wins the election. Whether or not this airing of the truth occurs has profound implications for future elections in the U.S.



P.S. - QUICK: For a fast email note to your representative(s), here's a one click page that looks up your senators and house representative and sends your personal message to them and the minority House Judiciary Committee, all at once. http://www.thepen.us/contest.html

P.P.S. - BACKGROUND: If you want more background information about this controversy, you can read an interview with Rep. Conyers at
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/12/21/conyers/print.html and his statement of unanswered questions at
For observed irregularities with the recently-completed Ohio recount, see
There are also a number of articles at http://www.thepen.us/contest.html if you click the line that says "Click here for arguments" - which includes a defense of Ohio's electoral process by the Ohio Secretary of State, so you can make up your own mind.

From: Bruce First


Forwarded message:

From: Nancy Wallace
Sent: Dec 30, 2004 6:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: BREAKING: Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies

OK EVERYBODY THIS IS IT!!! Representative John Conyers, bless his heart, WILL challenge the Ohio Electoral College delegation in the final step next Wednesday Jan 6. I just had a long talk with his aide, and he wants pressure on ALL members of Congress to challenge - Republicans as well as Democrats - to hear what the people are wanting.

The best thing to do is just call the Capitol Hill switchboard first thing Friday morning, 202-224-3121, ask for one of your Senators, and give them the message:

Challenge the Ohio Electoral College delegation!!!!

Then repeat for the other Senator and Rep. If they're not in, email (Google for their official website with email address), and call Monday!!!

Remember, Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus, went to Ohio himself and heard the direct information from the voters - and he says it should be challenged!

If the switchboard is busy, Google on your representative and Senators' names, and CALL DIRECTLY. We must get through! emails should also be sent through their websites this weekend. DO BOTH!!!!

ACT NOW!!!! yahoo, Thank God for some leadership, at last!!!! Let's back Conyers up bigtime!!!! And send this immediately to all your buddies around the country, we need to do e-democracy now!!!

Cheers cheers cheers,

Congressman Conyers will challenge the Ohio delegation of the Electoral College.

Note at the end of the story the list of senators who he is asking to join him.

BREAKING: Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies


Eleanor LeCain


Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies

By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Report

Thursday 30 December 2004

Representative John Conyers, ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, will object to the counting of the Ohio Electors from the 2004 Presidential election when Congress convenes to ratify those votes on January 6th. In a letter dispatched to every Senator, which will be officially published by his office shortly, Conyers declares that he will be joined in this by several other members of the House. Rep. Conyers is taking this dramatic step because he believes the allegations and evidence of election tampering and fraud render the current slate of Ohio Electors illegitimate.

"As you know," writes Rep. Conyers in his letter, "on January 6, 2005, at 1:00 P.M, the electoral votes for the election of the president are to be opened and counted in a joint session of Congress. I and a number of House Members are planning to object to the counting of the Ohio votes, due to numerous unexplained irregularities in the Ohio presidential vote, many of which appear to violate both federal and state law."

The letter goes on to ask the Senators who receive this letter to join Conyers in objecting to the Ohio Electors. "I am hoping that you will consider joining us in this important effort," writes Conyers, "to debate and highlight the problems in Ohio which disenfranchised innumerable voters. I will shortly forward you a draft report itemizing and analyzing the many irregularities we have come across as part of our hearings and investigation into the Ohio presidential election."

There are expected to be high level meetings with high ranking Democratic officials next week to coordinate a concerted lobbying effort to convince Senators to challenge the vote. The Green Party and David Cobb, as has been true all along, will be centrally involved in this process, as will Rev. Jesse Jackson.

The remainder of the Conyers letter reads:

3 U.S.C. §15 provides when the results from each of the states are announced, that "the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any." Any objection must be presented in writing and "signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received." The objection must "state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof." When an objection has been properly made in writing and endorsed by a member of each body the Senate withdraws from the House chamber, and each body meets separately to consider the objection. "No votes...from any other State shall be acted upon until the (pending) objection...(is) finally disposed of." 3 U.S.C. §17 limits debate on the objections in each body to two hours, during which time no member may speak more than once and not for more than five minutes. Both the Senate and the House must separately agree to the objection; otherwise, the challenged vote or votes are counted.

Historically, there appears to be three general grounds for objecting to the counting of electoral votes. The language of 3 U.S.C. §15 suggests that objection may be made on the grounds that (1) a vote was not "regularly given" by the challenged elector(s); and/or (2) the elector(s) was not "lawfully certified" under state law; or (3) two slates of electors have been presented to Congress from the same State.

Since the Electoral Count Act of 1887, no objection meeting the requirements of the Act have been made against an entire slate of state electors. In the 2000 election several Members of the House of Representatives attempted to challenge the electoral votes from the State of Florida. However, no Senator joined in the objection, and therefore, the objection was not "received." In addition, there was no determination whether the objection constituted an appropriate basis under the 1887 Act. However, if a State - in this case Ohio - has not followed its own procedures and met its obligation to conduct a free and fair election, a valid objection -if endorsed by at least one Senator and a Member of the House of Representatives- should be debated by each body separately until "disposed of".

A key legal aspect of this is the second clause referenced in the letter. Rep. Conyers and the other House members involved do not believe the electors have been lawfully certified. They believe that there has been too much illegal activity on the part of Blackwell, other election officials, and Republican operatives on the ground and therefore, as stated in the letter, the electors were not "lawfully certified" under state law. Next week, the House Judiciary Committee Democratic staff will release the report referenced in the letter, which is now still in draft form, and which led Mr. Conyers to this decision.

The Senators who shall receive the greatest focus from Conyers in this matter are Biden, Bingaman, Boxer, Byrd, Clinton, Conrad, Corzine, Dodd, Dorgan, Durbin, Feingold, Harkin, Inyoue, Jeffords, Kennedy, Kerry, Lautenberg, Leahy, Levin, Lieberman, Mikulski, Nelson (FL), Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Rockefeller, Sarbanes, Stabenow, Wyden and Obama.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Sab the buffalo "hunt"

Update from the Field

Update from the Field 1/27/05


With no known buffalo out of the park it's been a fairly quiet week on the western boundary of Yellowstone National Park. Department of Livestock agents are in town, but instead of harassing buffalo they're keeping busy plowing out their buffalo traps and taking joy-rides on their snowmobiles. Our volunteers have been enjoying the peace of keeping an eye on a handful of buffalo quietly grazing inside the park.

We've also been keeping a close eye on Helena, where decision makers have been busy laying the groundwork on a number of ill-fated anti-buffalo plans. Both Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Governor's office announced plans to quarantine Yellowstone buffalo. The FWP plan, finalized today, involves the capture,year-long confinement, and eventual slaughter of up to 200 buffalo calves. The Governor outlined his early ideas on a plan to capture the entire Yellowstone herd in a process that would leave the park, for a time, void of buffalo.

For more on the Governor's plan, please see our press release on the issue: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/media/press0405/pressrelease0405/011805.html

In light of such threats, we've been focusing on our vision of free-roaming herd of American buffalo on their native range in Montana. Our state has a unique opportunity to celebrate itself as the only place in America with truly free-roaming buffalo. The Yellowstone border does not support many cattle and rather than slaughter buffalo at the behest of Montana's livestock industry, we should encourage brucellosis-proof management practices for cattle being grazed in the heart of the buffalo's winter range.

BFC volunteers took our message to Helena today, and performed street theater with fifteen-foot-tall puppets outside the Department of Livestock and State Capitol buildings. Celebrating free-roaming buffalo makes sense for Montana, and our skits demonstrated the value of buffalo in Montana and decried the senseless slaughter that takes place every winter and spring. We will be posting photos of the puppets as soon as the crew returns from Helena.

Check here to view them: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/media/update0405/012005pics

We are proud to have information on BFC featured in the premiere issue of Lowbagger.org, an online journal providing a voice in the cyberspace wilderness:

* Montana Approves Quarantine Study

Despite receiving 2,228 comments from 49 states and 11 foreign countries overwhelmingly opposing the plan, this morning the Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks released its decision to begin a "quarantine feasibility study," which will result in the slaughter of up to 200 buffalo calves.

The buffalo calves will be captured, starting this winter, inside Yellowstone at the Stephen's Creek trap, transported to a small holding pen at Corwin Springs, experimented upon for a full year, and promptly slaughtered. Half the buffalo will be killed over the course of the study and half at its conclusion.

A news story on the plan and a PDF of FWP's final decision are available here:


* Letters to the Editor

With the agency ignoring our comments and moving forward with it's plans, it is crucial that we flood the papers with sound arguments opposing the plan. A swell of public opposition led to cancellation of the hunt. Let's do the same to stop this insane quarantine proposal.

For tips on writing letters to the editor and addresses of key newspapers, please visit:

For more information on points to make in your letters, visit our Quarantine information page: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/legislative/quarantine.html

This week's featured letter provides a prime example of a strong and effective letter to the editor:

Idaho State Journal
January 17, 2005

Your Views

Bison hunt

Thumbs up to ISJ ... for your "Journal Views" column on Jan. 7 opposing Montana's bison "hunt." It was in response to articles like yours, and public outcry, that the slaughter was called off. But the persecution of Yellowstone bison will continue as long as Montana allows the livestock industry to control wildlife management policies. They will continue to haze and kill bison, and attempt to reinstate the hunt next year.

Montana refuses to acknowledge that the bison are native wildlife, and should be allowed to roam freely on public land. The majority of U.S. taxpayers, who share ownership of public lands with the extractive industries, would rather have bison on their property than cattle.

I realize that cowboys and free-range cattle are Western icons, but so are roaming buffalo. Montana's policy of allowing its Department of Livestock to "manage" bison is a thinly-veiled attempt to eliminate competition for forage on public land.

Taxpayers would be appalled if they knew how much of their money is spent trying to keep bison in the park. They would also be appalled if they saw how bison are being treated. Although wild bison have never transmitted brucellosis to cattle, hundreds are being hazed, trapped and killed, purportedly to prevent spread of disease.

It seems patently unfair to open a hunting season on bison. I am not opposed to hunting; I enjoy hunting deer and elk. I believe that hunting is a viable wildlife management technique, but killing 10 bison that wander out of the park is absurd!

Bison should be allowed to expand their range naturally and establish a free-roaming population. If overpopulation becomes a problem, then perhaps hunting would be a viable option. Bison are indigenous to this region and should have "equal rights" with deer, elk, moose and other big game species. And with cattle...

David Mead, President, Portneuf Valley Audubon Society, Pocatello

* Last Words

"The buffalo gave us everything we needed. Without it we were nothing. Our tipis were made of his skin. His hide was our bed, our blanket, our winter coat. It was our drum, throbbing through the night, alive, holy. Out of his skin we made our water bags. His flesh strengthened us, became flesh of our flesh. Not the smallest part of it was wasted. His stomach, a red-hot stone dropped into it, became our soup kettle. His horns were our spoons, the bones our knives, our women's awls and needles. Out of his sinews we made our bowstrings and thread. His ribs were fashioned into sleds for our children, his hoofs became rattles. His mighty skull, with the pipe leaning against it, was our sacred altar."

--John (Fire) Lame Deer


Federal Land Purchase Fails - Yellowstone Kills Solitary Buffalo

Sab the buffalo "hunt"


We just now got word from Helena that Montana's Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission voted 4-1 to CANCEL THE BUFFALO HUNT for this year! BFC applauds Governor Brian Schweitzer for his leadership on behalf of the Yellowstone buffalo.

We're so happy about this decision, we have to say it again: There will be NO HUNT this year! Please check our web site for updates, as more breaking news will come soon. http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

Thanks to each and every one of you who applied for a permit, wrote letters to the editor, contacted Governor Schweitzer, and encouraged your friends and family to do these things. And thank you again to Patagonia for your ceaseless support. YOU ALL MADE THE DIFFERENCE FOR THE BUFFALO!

The buffalo are not in the clear by a long shot. While the hunt is cancelled for this year, the buffalo are still under attack because the current management plan that allows for the hazing, capture, test-and-slaughter of our last wild buffalo continues. Buffalo are also threatened with a new quarantine program and a new vaccination program by the agencies who would foolishly attempt to eradicate brucellosis. Very likely, plans to hunt buffalo next year will also be underway.

Take this great news for today and give yourself a high-five! This is the first good news that has come the buffalo's way in a long time.

Stay with us, and stay strong.

For the buffalo,

All of us at BFC

Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758


Please forward:

Buffalo Field Campaign
News from the Field
January 6, 2005

NEW WEB SITE! http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

Hope lies in our new Governor Brian Schweitzer, who is demonstrating that he is willing to take a stand for the buffalo. In fact, he's given us the first good news we've had in years (see below). This is far more than our past two governors, Judy Martz and Marc Racicot, can say. Racicot, who just helped Bush to reelection, and Martz, the self-proclaimed "lapdog of industry," were both avid supporters of buffalo slaughter. With Racicot currently serving as a close advisor to President Bush, there's not much help on the federal level. We look to Schweitzer's leadership to make some headway for wild buffalo.

I sent in my $3 for my bison hunting ticket and hope to burn it in my wood stove this week. I need the extra heat as temperatures dropped to minus 20 last night. The Montana DOL are hard at work here burning your tax dollars to keep warm as well. On Tuesday they came out on a morning recon to see one bull buffalo in a housing area less than a quarter mile outside of the park. They went back to their camp to get their snowmobiles and returned to find the buffalo had made his own way back to the park. It saddens my heart to see these wild buffalo get so conditioned to human interference, but it gives me hope that they will always outsmart the DOL.

Thanks to everyone for making the Buffalo Field Campaign continue to make a difference. Remember change does not happen on its own, it takes dedicated individuals and persistence to make it happen and we will be here until that change occurs.

With the Buffalo,
Mike Mease

* BREAKING NEWS! Montana Governor on Hunt: "My instinct is to cancel it."

Tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 7, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is scheduled to draw the names of ten people who will each be given a permit to -if they choose- gun down a beautiful buffalo starting January 15. But, things may not go as planned. Scores of buffalo advocates have been applying for permits, with the promise of not using them and the Patagonia company has offered to pay for any permits that aren't used. Further, Montana's Governor Schweitzer is having some serious misgivings about this so-called hunt. He fears the hunt is poorly-timed, and it will do nothing to quell the misplaced concerns of the livestock industry. He is also convinced Montana will receive a huge black eye from the global public. Rightfully so. There is very little time - nine days from now the gunfire begins - but Gov. Schweitzer does have the power to stop it, and he needs to hear from you to know how bad a buffalo hunt would be for Montana.

PLEASE CALL THE GOVERNOR and thank him for speaking out against the hunt. Call 406-444-3111. Tell him you are opposed, and urge him to stop the hunt! If you're from out-of-state, tell him you won't set foot in Montana until this hunt is stopped, and buffalo are given room to roam in Montana.

The Full Scoop:
- Bison Hunt Opponents Seek License (Billings Gazette)
- Bison Hunt Concerns Governor (Helena Independent Record)
- Montana Public Radio Reports on Governor's Concerns About Hunt
All these stories can be found at: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/

This is BIG NEWS and has appeared on the CNN "ticker". It is critical that we keep putting pressure on Montana to stop the hunt! Please continue writing letters to the editor of Montana and other newspapers. A list of key newspapers as well as tips on writing your letter to the editor can be found at http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/actnow/lte.html.

* Don't Let Your Guard Down

Even with the good news of Schweitzer's position, we still have to be prepared for the hunt to proceed. We have rented a place and are preparing to establish a second camp, near Gardiner, to document and lead media tours of the hunt. With patrols running in both West Yellowstone and Gardiner, our equipment will be stretched thin. We are in particular need of 2-way FM radios and Sony mini DV video cameras. If you want to make a difference for the buffalo, and help us document the hunt, please consider donating today. We couldn't be here without you.

* Comment Period for DOL Vaccination Plan Closes

The deadline for commenting on the Department of Livestock's environmental assessment to vaccinate buffalo calves with an ineffective vaccine meant for cattle closed yesterday. Thanks to everyone who got their comments in on time! BFC's official comments are available for review at http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/science/vacdolcomments.html#bfccomments.

If you didn't get comments in, please don't let that stop you from speaking your mind! Pick up the phone and give the DOL a call and voice your opposition: 800-523-3162. Better yet, write a letter to the editor. Check our web site for the latest news on this nefarious vaccination plan, and write to those papers and tell the Montana and national media how you feel about the DOL rounding up our last wild buffalo and injecting them with an ineffective cattle vaccine! If the idea of livestock inspectors managing and man-handling wild buffalo makes you crazy, say so. Because if you don't... who will? BFC's Dan Brister did. Read his op-ed, "Why Vaccinating Wild Buffalo is Wrong," published by the Helena Independent Record: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/media/press0405/news0405/121304oped.html

* Last Words
"What are the dying salmon telling you? And the dying forests? What lessons are whispered to you by the ghosts of the passenger pigeons, or the ghostly roll of thunder of a mammoth herd of bison? Allow these voices to inform your actions."
~ Derrick Jensen, A Language Older than Words

Buffalo Field Campaign
PO Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
(406) 646-0070

From: "Buffalo Field Campaign" bfc-media@wildrockies.org

Thanks to all who have put their name in the drawing for a buffalo "hunt" permit, all with the intention of not using it to kill a buffalo. We greatly appreciate the support from buffalo advocates everywhere who are contacting friends and relatives and others to help the buffalo in this particular situation.

SPECIAL NOTE: You do need to have a Montana conservation (hunting) license to apply for a buffalo hunt permit, and these - as well as buffalo permit applications - can be obtained at https://app.discoveringmontana.com/elicensesales/.

We also have some great news: Patagonia has agreed to pay the $75 fee for every buffalo kill permit secured by a BFC supporter that isn't used. THANK YOU PATAGONIA for always coming through for the buffalo! Applications must be turned in to Fish, Widllife and Parks no later than 5:00 pm MST on January 3, 2005. The drawing takes place on January 7, 2005, and if your name is drawn, you will receive a phone call from FWP. Stay in touch with us! For FWP's information on the canned hunt visit
http://fwp.state.mt.us/news/article_3245.aspx . To learn more about why a buffalo hunt at this time is a very bad idea, visit

Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758

BFC is the only group working in the field every day to defend the last wild herd of buffalo in America.

Informant: Deane T. Rimerman

Kerry Swoops In To Help... Or Something

by Max Ward

By now you've seen the headline: Kerry Files Motion to Protect Ohio Vote Evidence. Excuse me while I ... I would have said "p...", but there's nothing left to come up. Everyone who is not inside the Kerry/ABB tent who has been following the Kerry campaign and the Ohio recount effort, has already been dry heaving for months. When are all those good, honest-to-a-fault people going to climb out of the trenches of democracy and admit they've been hosed?


Reflections on the 2004 Election : An Interview with Ralph Nader

by Merlin Chowkwanyun

Ralph Nader ran as an independent candidate in 2004 for US President. Unlike both John Kerry and George W. Bush, Nader unequivocally opposed the US invasion of Iraq. During his candidacy, Nader embraced single-payer health care and tackled numerous issues ignored by the two major parties' candidates, including the proliferation of the racist prison-industrial complex, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and increasing concentration of corporate power. If the Democrats continued to adopt "Bush-lite" policies, argued Nader, they might well lose the election by alienating their traditional base. Nader's run earned harsh scorn from Democrats and many of his former supporters in 2000, such as Medea Benjamin, Norman Solomon, and Jeff Cohen. Yet in light of emerging post-election commentary partially attributing the Democrats' loss to the party's tepid economic policies, many of Nader's campaign arguments now seem utterly prophetic in hindsight. In a recent article blasting John Kerry's hasty election concession, Harper's Magazine publisher Rick MacArthur expressed regret over not voting for Nader. This is one of Nader's first in-depth interviews since the election. In it, he offers his insights on the election outcome and the future of American politics....


Labor and the Anti-War Movement

by Joanne Landy

Harry Kelber's "Did AFL-CIO's Total Silence on War in Iraq Hurt Kerry's Chances to Win Presidency?" (Portside, December 24, 2004) is an illogical piece. Kelber is of course quite right to point out that the AFL-CIO's virtual silence on the war on Iraq during the election campaign was disastrous. But how can he possibly maintain, as he does in his article, that "Kerry would have received a lot more than his 65% share of the labor vote, if the AFL-CIO had tapped into the anti-war movement, where polls showed that about half of the American people believed the war in Iraq was a mistake and were critical of the Bush administration for not having an exit plan." In fact, the AFL-CIO's silence on Iraq was the perfect companion to its enthusiastic support for John Kerry, since he was totally incapable of tapping into and building popular anti-war sentiment because of his vote to give Bush a blank check to invade Iraq, his repeated intonations that once the invasion took place the U.S. couldn't just "cut and run," and his call for a suppose "exit strategy" based on the vain (and reactionary) hope that other wealthy countries would join in the American imperial venture in Iraq....


Putting a Disaster in Context

A Wave of Questions: Putting a Disaster in Context

by Mickey Z.

How does one comprehend the magnitude, impact, and context of a disaster that may claim more than 100,000 lives? But enough about the U.S. occupation of Iraq. The recent earthquake/tsunami in Asia raises more questions than answers. Here's a start:....


The Christian Right's Compassion Deficit

More than 100,000 dead in south Asia, but it's business as usual at the web sites of America's Christian right organizations

by Bill Berkowitz

It took President Bush three days to ready himself to go before the television cameras and make a public statement about Sunday's devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck southern Asia. Even though he was late, and much more money will be needed, the president pledged at least $35 million in aid to the victims of the disaster. But, as of December 30, some of the president's major family-values constituents have yet to be heard from: It's business as usual at the web sites of the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, the Christian Coalition, Focus on the Family, Concerned Women for America, and the Coral Ridge Ministries. These powerful and well-funded political Christian fundamentalist organizations appear to be suffering from a compassion deficit. Organizations which are missing in action when it comes to responding to the disaster in southern Asia. None of their web sites are actively soliciting aid for the victims of the earthquake/tsunami....


President Bush’s “Appropriate” Response

by Walter Brasch

On Sunday, Dec. 26, an earthquake-triggered tsunami with an effect of 1,000 miles from its epicenter in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra devastated 12 countries. Within hours, numerous countries and private social service agencies had begun massive relief operations. President George W. Bush, vacationing on his ranch in Crawford, Texas, made no public statements. His press office, however, released a 121-word press expressing the President’s “condolences,” and that the Bush Administration would provide all “appropriate assistance” to the affected nations. The statement did not directly quote the President. In contrast, German chancellor Gerhard Schröder cut short his vacation to return to Berlin. On Monday, Bush’s deputy press secretary indicated that Bush “received a special briefing” about the tragedy,” that the administration’s “thoughts and prayers are with all those who are suffering,” and that the U.S. “will be a leading partner” in relief operations. On Tuesday, the President bicycled and continued to clear brush from his ranch. He said nothing to the American public, to the media, or to the international community. However, the deputy press secretary did say that the President was “saddened and has extended his condolences for this terrible tragedy.” When challenged as to why the public silence, a White House official bluntly stated, “The President wanted to be fully briefed on our efforts. He didn’t want to make a symbolic statement about, ‘We feel your pain.’” It was an excuse for why the man who believes he is a “compassionate conservative” once again failed to speak out during yet another extended vacation.....


Bush Fails a Global Test


Republican Judge Takes Aim at Bush Terror Policies



The world has witnessed the greatest natural disaster in the lifetime of most of the people now living. The expressions of human solidarity, stretching across countries and continents, is the one bright light. But even that light is dimmed by the reports and images of growing human suffering and loss that nearly defies the imagination.

President Bush, after days of silence, emerged from his Texas vacation to issue a brief statement. Following a public rebuke and the worldwide reaction of utter contempt, the initial aid offering of the Bush administration was raised from $15 million to $35 million. More is to come, Bush officials promise, as they jockey to have a U.S.-led "coalition" take the leadership of the relief effort away from the United Nations.

Many have commented on the paltry, really disgraceful U.S. aid offer. The U.S. spends approximately $270 million each day for the occupation of Iraq. The cost of one F-22 Raptor fighter jet is $225 million.

The Bush-Cheney Presidential Inaugural Committee intends to raise $40 million in the next few weeks to host its gala parties and the inaugural parade.

This year, the Bush Administration provided a total of $13.6 billion in emergency funding to Florida (it was an election year) in response to the four hurricanes that caused so much destruction in the state. The death, suffering and property destruction was great. More than 100 families lost a loved one.

But in the last week more than 100,000 people in South Asia have died. 5 million are now without access to the basic requirements of life - water, food and sanitation. In Indonesia (the largest Muslim country in the world) and in Sri Lanka and India whole villages and towns have been entirely wiped out.

Building human solidarity, especially at a moment of great crisis, is the cornerstone of the new world movement that opposes militarism and war, racism and globalized exploitation.

The Bush administration is shameless. Endless funds for limitless violence to take over Iraq is one thing (it is well over $150 billion in the last 21 months). Money to meet human needs and to alleviate suffering, however, that will only come as a consequence of political pressure and radical change.

Many of our members and friends have sent donations directly to organizations providing relief to those in need in South Asia and Africa. Given the callous indifference and political cynicism of the Bush administration, it is only natural that people have extended their generous support in a direct way. Members of our movement have been doing the same by sending medicine directly to the people of Haiti after the devastation caused by the hurricane this past Autumn.

We are also seeking to connect any and all humanitarian efforts with a struggle to create political change. Every life that is saved from humanitarian efforts is precious. By creating broad political change, we establish the social and economic foundation that guarantees that access to basic services become a realized achievement of the human race. We, modern society, have this capacity. The allocation of resources is essentially a matter of political priorities. This is the choice: food, water, housing, medicine, schools for the people everywhere - or the funneling of society's wealth to those who maintain and profit from a system of militarism.

When we march and rally in the thousands on January 20 along Bush's inaugural parade route and in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, we will be showing the people of the world that this administration is being opposed by a large segment of the people of the United States. From Iraq to South Asia to Venezuela to Haiti, Cuba, the Philippines and elsewhere, the Bush administration asserts that its policies have the support of the people.

Bush claimed a mandate even when he lost the election in 2001 and asserts now that the people have given him to pursue his criminal and anti-people policies. Richard Nixon assumed the same posture at his reelection inauguration in January 1973 - 18 months before he resigned rather than face impeachment.


Please do your part to help make the January 20 Counter-Inaugural protest the next big step for the antiwar movement.

Pledge now to support the January 20 demonstration. To endorse, go to http://www.answerla.org.

For a downloadable flyer go to http://www.answerla.org .

You can still make a tax-deductible contribution to the anti-war movement before the end of the 2004 tax year. By making a tax deductible contribution today or tomorrow you can use some of your tax dollars to fund the peace movement instead of Bush's projected nearly half-trillion dollar 2005 Pentagon budget. You can make an urgently needed contribution for the January 20 mobilization online at http://www.answerla.org by clicking on "Make a Donation" on the left side of the page. You can make a tax-deductible contribution online by donating through our sponsor, Progress Unity Fund at http://www.progressunity.org .

You can also make a tax deductible credit card donation over the phone by calling 323-464-1636. Or, write a check to A.N.S.W.E.R./ Progress Unity Fund and send it to A.N.S.W.E.R., 1800 Argyle Ave, #410, Los Angeles, CA 90028.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) http://www.ANSWERcoalition.org
National Office in Washington DC: 202-544-3389
New York City: 212-533-0417
Los Angeles: 323-464-1636
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
For media inquiries, call 202-544-3389.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition-LA
1800 Argyle Ave, #410
Los Angeles, CA 90028

A State of Chaos


Are We Stingy?

Are We Stingy? Yes

Quake Jolts Area North of Tokyo


Tsunami Adds to Belief in Animals' "Sixth Sense"


Support the Courageous 75

by Jan Herron

Magic City Morning Star


Those 75 members of Congress who voted against the Intel Bill need to be recognized continually for the challenges they face in dealing with this administration and other members of Congress who refuse to support the concerns of a majority of Americans. These 75 brave individuals need our support now, more than ever when you consider that urban terrorism is on the rise, we have lost the war on drugs and illegal immigration is totally out of control. No politician needs to become so arrogant that they forget who placed them in office. Perhaps we need a bumper sticker entitled; 'Support the Courageous 75.' This Congress must start considering the needs of its citizens, now, more than ever. ... Political arrogance is not acceptable and those who continue on that path, which is destroying our country, must be voted out of office!


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Spinning illegal invasions into righteous liberations

by Steven Laffoley

Common Dreams


The Bush administration knows its history. Spinning illegal invasions into righteous liberations has been an effective practice for a thousand years. In 1066, William of Normandy invaded, occupied, and plundered Saxon England. But history remembers William's invasion as one of righteous liberation. Why? Because William had the sense to spin his crime into heroic art on the Bayeux Tapestry. That is, he told a good story. Of course, much like Bush's invasion of Iraq, the true story of William's invasion of England was something altogether darker and more brutish. It is a story with a frightening modern day moral...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Empire goes broke

by James Ridgeway

Village Voice


Running below the surface of the year-end self-congratulatory assertions of American supremacy (as in Monday's Washington Times: 'The world really is becoming more 'American'') are warnings, often ignored, of our decline. The steady loss of the dollar against the euro is one. The spiraling trade deficit is another. And in the past weeks, there were two serious economic signs signaling momentous change, if not outright decline. The first concerns China's invasion of Canadian oil fields, heretofore a U.S. energy fiefdom. The second came in the form of an all-but-hidden report from the Department of Agriculture that America, the breadbasket of the world, is now a net importer of food...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Are tsunamis good for the economy?

by Christopher Westley

Ludwig von Mises Institute


I didn't think anyone would dare to apply the Bastiat's Broken Window fallacy to the human tragedy that is still playing itself out along the rim of the Indian Ocean, but sadly, faith in economic fallacies is even more common than deadly tsunamis. That is why I was surprised to hear the Institute for International Economics' C. Fred Bergsten (known affectionately as See Fred) this morning (December 29th) on National Public Radio's Morning Edition explain how this crisis would actually provide long-term benefit to that region of the world...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Large python saves tsunami victims

The Jakarta Post [Jakarta]


A few survivors of Sunday's calamity have a snake to thank for being alive. ... Riza, who was living in a rented house near the coast in Banda Aceh with three friends, dashed up to the second floor of a neighbor's house and stood on top of a cupboard. But as she told Antara from a makeshift shelter on Wednesday, the current swept her and her friends off their perch. As Riza was drifting, she saw her neighbors, two girls -- twins -- and their mother. ... As she struggled for her own life and that of the twins, she said a large snake as long as a telephone pole approached her. She and the nine-year-olds rested on the reptile, which was drifting along with the current. 'Thank God, we landed on higher ground where the water level was only about a meter deep. The twins, who were badly injured, were safe...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

British Telecom wobbles over ID scheme bids

The Register [UK]


British Telecom may not bid for ID card contracts because of concern that its involvement would make it seem like a 'Big Brother' company in the eyes of the public. ... The area where BT's skills would be likely to be most appropriate would be in providing the infrastructure that would be used in order to link the network of readers with the national identity register, and hence with multiple other government databases, which would put the company squarely at the Big Brother end of the deal. The Government so far has played down the key role that will be performed by what will, in effect, be a national surveillance network and played up the bits of plastic instead. But as the project progresses the purposes of the network will become more obvious to the public, and the Big Brother aspects will move to the foreground...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ohio: No, we meant a REAL recount

Ohio: No, we meant a REAL recount, say Badnarik, Cobb

Houston Chronicle


Two third-party presidential candidates asked a federal court Thursday to force a second recount of the Ohio vote, alleging county election boards altered votes and didn't follow proper procedures in the recount that ended this week. Lawyers for Green Party candidate David Cobb and the Libertarian Party's Michael Badnarik made their request in federal court in Columbus...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New Mexico Recount Goes Back to Court

News Release


NEW MEXICO -- December 28 -- Attorneys for Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb will file a Notice of Appeal on Tuesday from a District Court decision which rejected Cobb's request to start the New Mexico recount without paying the entire cost of it in advance. Last week the New Mexico Supreme Court declined to hear the case. Since the Supreme Court did not rule on the merits of the case, it can be heard by the New Mexico Court of Appeals. The Notice will be filed on behalf of Cobb and Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik who are both seeking a recount of New Mexico's presidential vote. The candidates paid the state a deposit of over $100,000, and say that New Mexico law does not require that the entire amount of the recount be paid in advance.

read article:

Integrity in politics

Times Argus


The Ukrainian election on Sunday serves as a mirror, reflecting back at us our own concerns about the integrity of democracy.

read article:

Impossible Phantom Votes in New Mexico

by Warren Stewart

A Buzzflash Reader Contribution


"That can't be what they really call them!" I exclaimed in amusement. But Lowell Finley, legal counsel for the Green/Libertarian recount effort in New Mexico, assured me that 'phantom vote' was indeed the common legal term for the puzzling phenomenon I had uncovered in looking at the state's canvass report. A phantom vote occurs when the number of votes recorded exceeds the number of ballots cast. Mathematically, phantom votes are merely the inverse of undervotes. However, while undervotes can be accounted for more or less persuasively in one way or another, I have yet to come up with any acceptable explanation for phantoms. Much less, 2,087 of them statewide in New Mexico, just about one third of the margin of victory that determined the selection of that state's presidential electors.

read article:

Assassins of Democracy, Votergate 2004 Continues

Anthony Wade



Democracy has been under attack for four years now. The first shot was fired four years ago by a partisan Supreme Court who thwarted the will of the people to anoint their man, George W. Bush, President. The memories faded during the first Bush administration as 9-11 took center stage and captured the attention of a nation.

Four years passed however and nothing changed. The assassins came back, realizing nothing had been done to prevent another attack upon our democracy.

read article:

We May Never Know What Happened in the Ohio Vote

by Mark Halvorson and Kirk Lund

Star Tribune / Minneapolis


The right to vote and to have each vote count is the cornerstone of democracy, but deep cracks are showing in this cornerstone.

Disturbing reports of voting irregularities in Ohio recently led nine of us from Minnesota to monitor the recount of its presidential election. The recount was not only to verify the outcome of the Ohio vote but also to ensure accountability in a flawed system.

read article:

Did Kerry Get “Gore-d” in Ohio?

Or Maybe It’s Time for America to Discover Columbus

by Steve Bhaerman


December 29, 2004

About ten days ago, I attended a community event featuring former Congressman Dan Hamburg (D-California), who recently returned from Columbus, Ohio where he and his wife got arrested -- yes, arrested -- for trying to get a petition to Ohio’s Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell.

read article:

RAINBOW/PUSH Coalition Remains Committed To Investigation and Recount Efforts in Ohio

January 3rd Pro Democracy Rally in Columbus


Sign the petition

Spurred by Tuesday’s announcement that state election officials in Ohio have completed the presidential recount, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, said today that he is even more committed to supporting the election challenge and to host Monday’s rally in Columbus aimed at exposing irregularities in the nation’s voting system.

read article:

Unionists To Join Count-The-Vote Demos In January



WASHINGTON (PAI)--"Marching season" will come early in 2005 to Washington, as two union groups join January demonstrations, one against George Bush and the other against the war in Iraq.

read article:

CBC attacks Ohio voter disenfranchisement

by Ron Walters

Final Call

I have seldom seen tears come to his eyes. But there was Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. sitting in front of Detroit Rep. John Conyers, expressing his pain at the indignity of having to fight to legitimize the right to vote all over again, urging the Congressional Black Caucus to go to Ohio and hold hearings on the massive evidence coming out of voter disenfranchisement coming out of that state.

read article:

Bush in Manila

Imperial Amnesia

Or just imperial lies? Les Dell on Bush in Manila:

The Reality of Red-State Fascism

Lew Rockwell on the most significant socio-political shift in our time

Lawsuits Target Military Prisons: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo spur civil rights fears

Graphic descriptions of abuse in U.S. military prisons around the world -- and questions about civil rights, national security and presidential privilege -- have prompted a growing number of lawsuits against the government and the Bush administration. In the Federal District Court in the Southern District of New York, the ACLU, CCR, Physicians for Human Rights, Veterans for Common Sense and Veterans for Peace filed suit in June 2004 demanding the release of information on military prisoner treatment. In mid-December, the government began providing that information, which the ACLU says shows abuse of prisoners to be systematic, not an aberration.


How Much Is Nature Worth?


Informant: ItalysBadBoy

PHOTOS Show George W. Bush Seriously Ill Physically


Informant: sash

Love and Thanks to the Water

December 30, 2004

I feel terribly sorry for the loss that has been caused by the biggest catastrophe of tsunami in history. I am utterly lost for words to offer for the deceased and their family. I just pray to god that their souls shall rest in peace.

Just today, WHO has released a warning for the possible emergence of epidemics. It has reported that at the moment, the hygiene has dramatically worsened, and the epidemic such as cholera could spur in any minute. If so, as many people could die from infectious diseases as were killed by the tsunami.

As a Hado (vibration) researcher, I am truly worried about this disaster. As well as the hygiene issue, I feel that the "vibrational fields" of the countries have extremely deteriorated. The "field" is created by feelings of fear, grief, worry, lack of trust, anger, loneliness, and helplessness, and could energize the malevolent microorganisms that prefer this kind of environment.

People cannot help but have these feelings, and they probably carry the feelings with them. Many people feel this way, and there seems to be some plundering going on, but their feeling of anger and hostility can only multiply the negativity of the "field". Also, we must take into account the emergence of a new epidemic.

We have to limit the negative "field" in any way possible. I believe that there is already a spreading Hado (vibration) of fear due to the terrorist attack and bombing, and it is like a gasoline station with an oil leak that is about to explode.

What can we do? The only way is for people from all over the world to pray for the recovery of the affected area. The prayer will definitely carry far with the purity of its Hado. Therefore, from today, let's close our eyes for a few second before our meal and send words of prayer to the countries. Let's send a prayer for them before we go to sleep. Also, when we pray during the end of year and the new year ceremony, let us send a prayer first and foremost for world peace.

Through the research of the water crystal over the last ten years, I have proven that people's pure energy of consciousness can change the water in areas that people have prayed for, regardless of the distance. Also, the most effective Hado prayer is the feeling of Love and Thanks. Now is the time to send everyone's feeling of Love and Thanks to the earth's water.

Please forward this message to everyone you know.

We appreciate your kind participation, cooperation and support.
Thank you very much.

Yasuyuki NEMOTO
Secretary-General, Project of Love and Thanks to Water

President: Masaru Emoto
Secretary-General: Yasuyuki Nemoto
East Side Bldg. 1F, 1-1-11 Yanagibashi,
Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052, JAPAN
TEL: +81-(0)3-3863-0211, FAX: +81-(0)3-3866-5353
WEB: http://thank-water.net/
E-MAIL: love@thank-water.net

This project started on July 1, 2002. The purpose of this project is to raise the collective consciousness of humanity through the prayer of our Love and Thanks to Water, and by this to contribute to establish the world peace.

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Miraculous Messages from Water

Informant: Xtina


Native American Prayer for the New Year

The year of 2005 starts with a feeling of great sorrow and fear for the future, with the events of the Asian Tsunami unfolding before our eyes on every form of media coverage. I dedicate this prayer to all who are affected in one way or another:

Great Spirit, whose voice carries through the whispering wind and the mighty roar of thunder to guide us through our troubles, please hear my humble request that you give solace and hope to all who are suffering at this time.

Please give them the strength to endure what must be, and give them a chink of light to walk towards in your name.

Please help all of the nations of Mother Earth to join together in brotherly love and walk in your footsteps across the sands of life.

I have heard the great cry of Mother Nature in her sickened state.

I have seen the signs in all living things. If you will, please show us the ways to help to heal this Earth, and all living thing you gave us to care for.

All that IS came from you and returns to you. We are as children before your wisdom and love. Please help us to grow to be more worthy of all you give to us. Please guide us to walk the Red Road.

I thought now would be a good time to remind us all of what Mast Sanity aims to achieve.

2005 is a year when we must all work together to make real progress with mast issues, so please consider offering to help us as we move forward to try to help all of you. There are many ways in which you can help.

We need the BIG VOICE of the PEOPLE because it is a tough fight against the unscrupulous minority with power and money who have no concern or respect for human and animal life.

We need you to back us with our plans to lobby and change things. We need you to lobby your local MPs and councils.

From Mast Network


Warriors Of The Rainbow: Native American Prophecy:

There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.


From Information Clearing House


I Am Hope

The flame of hope should never go out from your life. Flash presentation

From Information Clearing House



Informant: NHNE

We Will Not Faint


Informant: Laurel

We Will Not Faint


Informant: Laurel

Jesse Jackson On Why He Thinks Kerry Won The Election


Informant: NHNE

Warning about dangers to the Alaska Pipeline due to permafrost melting

The volcanic and earthquake activity is only a part of the problems ahead for 2005. We are renewing our warning about dangers to the Alaska Pipeline due to permafrost melting - a phenomena that's already gaining notice in Fairbanks: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4120755.stm

The other shoe? We are waiting for reports to come out of the area on damage to oil production infrastructure in the region. I haven't seen a peep about this year, but if there's been enough land movement to push parts of the country 100 feet to the Southwest, then a little dime store logic tells me that might have screwed up some of the oil drilling in the region, which could be a real secondary economic disaster in the making if my worst fears are correct. We're seeing some "leading edge" of the oil angle leaking out in articles such as this one at CBS Market Watch which refers to "oil-rich Indonesia" as likely suffering the most casualties...

Even without damage to oil production infrastructure, the damage will be in the billions: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4129515.stm

"More on your postulate that the thaw will affect the {Alaska] pipeline: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4120755.stm"

"This might bear watching"

Informant: CHEROKEE

Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies



t r u t h o u t | Report

William Rivers Pitt

Representative John Conyers, ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, will object to the counting of the Ohio Electors from the 2004 Presidential election when Congress convenes to ratify those votes on January 6th. In a letter dispatched to every Senator, which will be officially published by his office shortly, Conyers declares that he will be joined in this by several other members of the House. Rep. Conyers is taking this dramatic step because he believes the allegations and evidence of election tampering and fraud render the current slate of Ohio Electors illegitimate.

read article:

At least ONE Senator support Conyers' Call

From Daniel Patrick Welch, http://danielpwelch.com

Please, people. We need help with this one. Everyone should be made to remember the shameful spectacle of the certification of the 2000 vote, in which Al Gore presided over the death of democracy. That bile welling up in the pit of your stomach? Use it for this campaign. Send these links to as many people as you can think of.

It is inconceivable that it could happen AGAIN: the Congressional Black Caucus stands up and objects to electors in a joint session of congress because of vote supression, disenfranchisement, official misconduct and outright fraud. But no Senator will provide the required signature. Now, with John Conyers' courageous promise to object to the Ohio electors next week, he and his crew are shopping for a US Senator with balls (figuratively speaking, of course). Whether or not we have any illusions about overturning the election, the principle has to be worth something; make at least one senator have the guts to back up the CBC. To prevent it from happening this time, make sure they remember what it looked like LAST time. Send out these links to as many press, listserv and political contacts as you can think of. Let's flog the shit out of it until AT LEAST ONE SENATOR is shamed into breaking ranks. If you can mirror one of these sites on your own, please do so and circulate the link among your own contacts. Thanks & peace, Danny

(also check out the main site, http://amsam.org )

There are also several mirrors up already, and more are bound to pop up. Let's flog this!


And of course, there is the original footage of the unseemly event--though a bit less compelling without the edits:

But wait, there's more...is this the smoking gun from CNN....? (Jesse Jackson sure thinks so: http://www.truthout.org/docs_04/123104V.shtml ).


Thanks to all for help with hosting, digging up, mirroring...etc. Keep fighting the good fight.


Daniel P. Welch

Calling for Congressional Debate on 2004 Elections


Informant: NHNE

Congress Should Reject Tainted Electoral College Votes

Cobb: Congress Should Reject Tainted Electoral College Votes

Informant: NHNE

Dead Soldier's Dad Finds No Enemy in Iraq


Informant: SIUHIN

Kerry Won the Election



Alternative Media - Daily News Sites


Getting an Education in Jihad

Infuriated by the U.S.-led 'crusade' in Iraq, a Lebanese teacher left his country and steady job intending to die for the insurgency.

An eyewitness account of the siege of Fallujah


From Information Clearing House

GPS implant makes debut

GPS implant to track human ost !!! I (mark) already know it can be done and is. Kind of odd that all we claim they are doing is now being proven can be done!!


Technology automatically IDs consumers


Rumsfeld Must Go


Informant: Laurel

Tsunami Disaster Highlights Corporate Media Hypocrisy

by Peter Phillips

The terrible earthquake/tsunami disaster, along coastlines of the Indian Ocean, left tens of thousands dead and many times more people homeless and weakened. Front pages news stories swept the US corporate media -12,000 dead, 40,000, 60,000 and 100,000 made progressive day by day headlines. Twenty-four hour TV news provided minute by minute updates with added photos and live aerial shots of the effected regions. As the days after unfolded, personal stories of survival and loss were added to the overall coverage. Unique stories such as the 20 day old miracle baby found floating on a mattress, and the eight year old who lost both parents and later found by her uncle, were human interest features. Individualized reports from Americans caught in the catastrophe made national news and numbers of Europeans, and North Americans involved were a key part of the continuing story. US embassies set up hotlines for relatives of possible victims to seek information. Quickly added into the corporate media mix was coverage on how the US was responding with relief aid and dollars. In Crawford, Texas President Bush announced that he had formed an international coalition to respond to the massive tsunami disaster.

The US corporate media coverage of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster, for most Americans, was shocking, and emotional. Empathic Americans, with the knowledge that a terrible natural disaster of huge significant to hundreds of thousands people had occurred, wanted to help in any way they could. Church groups held prayer sessions for the victims, and the Red Cross received an upsurge of donations.

The US corporate media coverage of the tsunami disaster exposes a huge hypocrisy in the US press. Left uncovered this past year was the massive disaster that has befell Iraqi civilians. Over 100,000 civilians have died since the beginning of the US invasion and hundreds of thousands more are homeless and weakened. In late October 2004 the British Lancet medical journal published a scientific survey of households in Iraq that calculated over 100,000 civilians, mostly women and children, have died from war related causes. The study, formulated and conducted by researchers at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins University and the College of Medicine at Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad, involved a complex process of sampling households across Iraq to compare the numbers and causes of deaths before and after the invasion in March 2003. The mortality rate in these families worked out to 5 per 1,000 before the invasion and 12.3 per 1,000 after the invasion. Extrapolate the latter figure to the 22 million population of Iraq, and you end up with 100,000 total civilian deaths. The most common cause of death was aerial bombing followed by strokes and heart attacks. Recent civilian deaths in Fallujah would undoubtedly add significantly to the total.

The Iraqi word for disaster is museeba. Surly the lose of life from war in Iraq is as significant a meseeba as the Indian Ocean tsunami, yet where is the US corporate media coverage of thousands of dead and homeless? Where are the live aerial TV shots of the disaster zones and the up-close photos of the victims? Where are the survivor stories - the miracle child who lived thought a building collapsed by US bombs and rescued by neighbors? Where are the government official's press releases of regret and sorrow? Where is the international coalition for relief of civilians in Iraq and the upsurge in donations for Red Cross intervention? Would not Americans, if they knew, be just as caring about Iraqi deaths as they are for the victims of the tsunami?

The US corporate media has published Pentagon statements on civilian deaths in Iraq as unknown and dismissed the Lancet Medical Journal study. It seems US media concerns are for victims of natural disasters, while the man-made disasters, such as the deliberate invasion of another country by the US, are better left unreported.

Peter Phillips is a professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University and director of Project Censored a media research organization.

Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Sociology Department/Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Die Weihnachtsflut kam nicht wirklich überraschend

Von "seit 500 Jahren keine Tsunamis" kann im Indischen Ozean absolut keine Rede sein...

Verpasste Vorwarnungen und eine sich schneller um sich drehende Erde

Gedanken zur Flutkatastrophe in Asien

Seebeben - Tsunami - FLUTKATASTROPHE: Mikrowellentechnik heizt auch das Meer auf - Tesla and the Asian Tsunami

Verpasste Vorwarnungen und eine sich schneller um sich drehende Erde

Erdachse verschoben - Theorie, nach der sich die Erde nach dem Beben möglicherweise schneller dreht

Wie der Atomteststoppvertrag zur Erdbebenwarnung beitragen könnte und der meteorologische Dienst Thailands lieber nichts meldete...

Seebeben - Tsunami - FLUTKATASTROPHE: Mikrowellentechnik heizt auch das Meer auf - Tesla and the Asian Tsunami

Gedanken zur Flutkatastrophe in Asien

Die Weihnachtsflut kam nicht wirklich überraschend

Earth's Axis Readjustment

Public schools and RFID


Informant: mark

United Arab Emirates: UAE sees snow for first time ever


Informant: Anna Webb

Rettet den Reichtum - Die Politik des globalen Kapitals und der Widerstand dagegen

Am Freitag, dem 7. Januar wird in Berlin in der Mediengalerie - wie einige von Ihnen und Euch vielleicht schon wissen - unsere Ausstellung "Rettet den Reichtum" eröffnet. Und am Sonntag darauf gibt es begleitend dazu eine Veranstaltung. Über Ihr und Euer Interesse und Kommen würden wir uns sehr freuen. Näheres: siehe unten...

Mit besten Grüßen
Anneliese Fikentscher und Andreas Neumann

Rettet den Reichtum
Die Politik des globalen Kapitals und der Widerstand dagegen

Ausstellung des Bundesverbands Arbeiterfotografie in Zusammenarbeit mit der Mediengalerie und ver.di Fachbereich Medien, Kunst und Industrie, Berlin-Brandenburg

Fast zeitgleich mit dem Inkrafttreten der so genannten Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung, einer Zäsur beim Umbau unseres Staates, betreiben nahezu 30 FotografInnen und BildkünstlerInnen aus dem Verband Arbeiterfotografie und darüber hinaus die Suche nach dem verschwundenen Reichtum, zeigen und analysieren die Situation, streifen dabei lokale wie globale Aspekte. Sie tun dies mit unterschiedlichen Mitteln, mit Einzelfotos, Serien, Reportagen, Collagen und Montagen, in der Absicht mit ihren Arbeiten einen Beitrag zum Widerstand zu leisten - gegen die Politik des globalen Kapitals, die mit der Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung eine neue Ebene der Eskalation erreicht hat.

Ort: Mediengalerie, Haus der Buchdrucker, Dudenstraße 10, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg (U-Bahnhof: Platz der Luftbrücke, Bus-Linien 119, 104)

Eröffnung: Freitag, 7.1.2005 20 Uhr

* Begrüßung Mediengalerie: Constanze Lindemann (ver.di Berlin-Brandenburg, Bereich Medien)

* Begrüßung: Dietmar Treber (Arbeiterfotografie)

* Eröffnungsrede: Michael Nungesser (Kunstwissenschaftler)

* Ernennung von Gabriele Senft sowie Monica und Walter Heilig zu Ehrenmitgliedern der Arbeiterfotografie

* Saxophon: Claudia Hofbauer und Gabi Hoffmann

Ausstellungsdauer: 8.1. bis 6.2.2005
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Do 12-19 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

Beteiligte: Anders 23 und Brandpunt 23, Jozef de Ryck, Louis Bogaert, Pierre de Beer, Walter Jansegers, Leo Wymeersch, Antwerpen, Florian Aicher, Nürnberg, Margita Görner, Rudolf Denner, Fred Tittmann, Kurt Buchwald, Berlin, Ellen Diederich, Ralph Halley, Oberhausen, Jochen Vogler, Wuppertal, Senne Glanschneider, NL, Manuel Schroeder, Thomas Schubert, Krefeld, Gine Willrich, Bonn, Dietmar Treber, Rudi Hechler, Frankfurt, Peter-Siegfried Bock, Halberstadt, Uwe Menger, Bremerhaven, Ingrid Straube, Christian Fiege, Holger Karl, Dietmar Wegewitz, Andreas Neumann, Anneliese Fikentscher, Hans-Dieter Hey, Karin Richert, Köln

siehe auch:

Die Medien und der globale Krieg nach innen und außen

Veranstaltung des Bundesverbands Arbeiterfotografie in Zusammenarbeit mit der Mediengalerie und ver.di Fachbereich Medien, Kunst und Industrie, Berlin-Brandenburg im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Rettet den Reichtum'

Die Veranstaltung umfaßt mehrere Vorträge und eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Referenten und Teilnehmern aus dem Bereich Medien, Gewerkschaft, Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaft. Es geht um die Rolle der Medien in der neoliberalen Politik mit ihrer Umverteilung im Innern sowie ihren Kriegen nach außen und die Möglichkeiten einer Gegenöffentlichkeit insbesondere mit visuellen Mitteln - anknüpfend an die Äußerung der indischen Schriftstellerin Arundhati Roy auf dem 4. Weltsozialforum in Mumbai, 16. Januar 2004: "Natürlich wird jeder Krieg des Imperiums zum gerechten Krieg erklärt. Das hängt zum großen Teil von der Rolle der Medienkonzerne ab. Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, daß Medienkonzerne nicht lediglich das neoliberale Projekt unterstützen. Sie sind das neoliberale Projekt."

Ort: Mediengalerie, Haus der Buchdrucker, Dudenstraße 10, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg (U-Bahnhof: Platz der Luftbrücke, Bus-Linien 119, 104)
Termin: Sonntag, 9.1.2005, 15 bis 21 Uhr
Eintritt: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Begrüßung: Roland Tremper (Geschäftsführer ver.di Bezirk Berlin) Moderation: Anneliese Fikentscher (Arbeiterfotografie)

Beteiligte Referenten und Diskussionsteilnehmer:

* Ellen Diederich, Oberhausen (Frauenfriedensarchiv Fasia Jansen)

* Andreas Neumann, Köln (Arbeiterfotografie)

* Dr. Werner Rügemer, Köln (Philosoph und Publizist, Autor/Herausgeber der Bücher 'Arm und Reich', 'Colonia Corrupta', 'Die Berater')

* Peter Wahl, Berlin (Mitglied im Bundessprecherrat von attac)

* Gerhard Wisnewski, München (Journalist und Politologe, Autor von 'Operation 9/11' und 'Mythos 9/11')

Vorträge (ab 15 Uhr):

* Reichtum: die Fähigkeit abzuschöpfen

* Werner Rügemer über die Verteilung von Armut und Reichtum - und die Rolle der Medien dabei Das neoliberale Projekt

* Ellen Diederich über den Zusammenhang von Privatisierung und Krieg - und die Rolle der Medien dabei Ist eine andere Welt möglich?

Peter Wahl über die weltweite Bewegung gegen die kapitalistische Globalisierung - und die Rolle der Medien dabei

Podiumsdiskussion (ab ca. 18.30 Uhr):

Die Medien und der globale Krieg nach innen und außen
mit Ellen Diederich, Andreas Neumann, Werner Rügemer, Peter Wahl, Gerhard Wisnewski und Anneliese Fikentscher (Moderation)

Für die, die nicht kommen können: unter der Adresse
gibt es schon jetzt eine Auswahl von Arbeiten. Im Laufe des Januar werden wir die Seite komplettieren.

Arbeiterfotografie - Forum für Engagierte Fotografie
Anneliese Fikentscher
Andreas Neumann
Merheimer Str. 107
D-50733 Köln
Tel: 0221/727 999
Fax: 0221/732 55 88
eMail: arbeiterfotografie@t-online.de
Web: http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com

You Can't Blame 'Uncle Sam' for What Bush Does


Aid Grows Amid Remarks About President's Absence


Under Reported


Informant: DitziSis

Gedanken zur Flutkatastrophe in Asien

Schrecklich: Einige Gedanken zur Flutkatastrophe in Asien


Erste Stimmen führen die hohe Zahl der Opfer auch auf der Menschen falschen Umgang mit der Natur und deren Gesetze zurück.




"Tsunamiwarnung Vorenthalten" BUSINE$$

von kritika - 30.12.2004 20:11

die schwedische und thailaendische zeitungen melden, daß wegen der tourismus industrie dem menschen in asien die tsunamiwarnung vorenthalten wurde! die schwedische zeitung "Expressen" meldet das wegen der tourismus industrie dem menschen in asien die tsunamiwarnung vorenthalten wurde!


die thailaendische tageszeitung "the daily" meldet das minuten nach dem seebeben im indischen ozean am sonntagmorgen sich thailaendische experten zu einer krisensitzung traffen. sie entschieden sich gegen eine tsunami warnung!!! sie erhielten die tsunami meldung schon um 8:00 uhr morgens ortszeit. eine stunde spaeter erreichte die erste massive welle die kueste. die experten jedoch diskutierten die wirtschafftlichen folgen einer tsunamiwarnung fuer die region! das hauptargument der experten fuer die untaetigkeit war das es seit 300 jahren keine besonderen ueberschweamungen gab, ausserdem gingen sie davon aus das das seebeben nur eine staerke von 8,1 erreicht hätte, ein aehlich starkes seebeben gab es schon 2002 ohne ueberschwemmungen.


"am ende entschieden wir uns nix zu unternehmen weil die touristen saison im vollen schwung war".

"die hotels waren zu 100% ausgebucht..."

“We finally decided not to do anything because the tourist season was in full swing,” the source said. “The hotels were 100 percent booked. What if we issued a warning, which would have led to an evacuation, and nothing had happened. What would be the outcome? The tourist industry would be immediately hurt. Our department would not be able to endure a lawsuit.”

artikel uebersetzt und gekuerzt von der seite:

menschenverachtendes System
betroffen und denkend 30.12.2004 21:37

Es hat Methode, daß von den bürgerlichen Medien ausschließlich Bilder von den Opfern und Helfern gezeigt werden, damit angesichts der realen Betroffenheit die Frage nach den Ursachen erst gar nicht gestellt wird. Naturkatastrophen sind zwar nicht zu vermeiden, wohl aber diese drastischen Auswirkungen. In RF-News von gestern heisst es zu diesem Thema:

"Immer neue Hintergründe beweisen, dass solch katastrophole Folgen und Opferzahlen überhaupt nicht notwendig waren. "Niemand muss durch Tsunamis sterben. Dafür gibt es keinen Grund", sagt Tad Murty, ein Experte der University of Manitoba in Winnipeg/USA. "Man kann den Verlauf dieser Wellen völlig vorhersagen." Meena Raman von der Organisation der Umweltfreunde Malaysia berichtet in der "Untertürkheimer Zeitung" von heute, dass die Menschen dort wütend sind und wissen wollen, warum von den Regierungsstellen kein Alarm geschlagen wurde. Denn "es lagen mindestens drei Stunden zwischen dem Beben und dem Zeitpunkt, als die Wellen bei uns einschlugen".

wissenschafftliche daten zum seebeben
kritika 31.12.2004 01:01

leider auf englisch, die animation ist trozdem interessant auch fuer leute die kein englisch verstehen.

Scientific Background on the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami


Seebeben - Tsunami - FLUTKATASTROPHE: Mikrowellentechnik heizt auch das Meer auf - Tesla and the Asian Tsunami

Verpasste Vorwarnungen und eine sich schneller um sich drehende Erde

Die Weihnachtsflut kam nicht wirklich überraschend

Update on status of battle to keep the state from massively logging in Jackson State Redwood Forest

I wanted to give you an update on the status of our battle to keep the state from massively logging in Jackson State Redwood Forest -- OUR publicly owned forest.

As most of you will recall, the Campaign to Restore Jackson State Forest won a lawsuit in 2003 that continued to prevent the planned massive logging of Jackson Forest. In 2004, Senator Wesley Chesbro introduced a bill to reform management of Jackson Forest. This bill passed both the California Senate and the Assembly, only to be vetoed by the governor in September.

The governor vetoed the reform bill even though you and other forest supporters sent 3,000 letters asking for his signature.

What's next? There appears to be no point in trying to pass another reform bill this year. The veto of the reform bill was a direct result of the unrelenting opposition of the California Department of Forestry (CDF) and its allies in the timber industry. They had the inside ear of the governor, and there are no signs yet that this will change in the coming year.

Until the Campaign intervened, Jackson Forest logging was a huge source of funding for programs benefiting the department and the timber industry. The department and the timber industry want to keep it that way.

Given this situation, we intend to use all legal avenues to prevent the resumption of logging, while working within the state to reduce the influence of the timber industry in the governor's office.

CDF is now rushing to get court-ordered revisions to its environmental documents completed and approved. If it succeeds, logging will start under a management plan that envisions applying variations of clearcutting to half of the forest. This would be an ecological and recreational disaster.

The next point when action is needed will be when the environmental documents are released for public review. This will not occur for several months. Our expert consultants will review and comment on the documents. We'll let you know when and how to comment, too.

After the review is complete, the Board of Forestry will determine whether to approve the environmental documents and the associated management plan. If, as can be expected, the Board does approve them, the Campaign will review them for legal problems. If the environmental documents do not meet the requirements of the law, which we expect will be the case, we will challenge them in court.

Please forward this message to your family and friends.

The Campaign has been the only effective representative of the public’s interest in Jackson Forest. We have stopped logging in our public forest for five years. We have forced the forestry department to follow the environmental laws. We have created widespread awareness of the state’s greed for profits and contempt for the public and the environment.

Please help us stop those who want to use our public redwood forest for profit. Show the government that we the people have the power and will to protect what is ours.

Sincerely yours,

Vince Taylor
Executive Director
Campaign to Restore Jackson State Redwood Forest

TV Networks Officially Refuse to Release Exit Poll Raw Data; Mainstream media finally displays true colors


Informant: NHNE

Activists Ask Senator Bird To Challenge Election


Informant: NHNE

Globalisation and the Who's Who of the New Ruling Elite


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Riesige Datenschutzlücken im elektronischen Gesundheitswesen


Rising Anti-US Governmentism

It's hurting American business overseas, says Jim Lobe:

Operation Republican Freedom

Anthony Gregory on our occupation and liberation:

Unbecoming Conduct

What Gets a General in Trouble

Being anti-torture. Article by Paul Craig Roberts:

Neo-cons can't escape responsibility

by Joseph L. Galloway



The most curious turn of the worm this season is the attack by the neo-conservatives on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld for the failures in Iraq. It should be noted that until now Rumsfeld was the darling of that same bunch. ... Now, suddenly, the voice of the neo-conservative movement, William Kristol, editor of The Standard, suggests that Rumsfeld has fouled up everything in Iraq and ought to be fired for his failures. Ditto, writes Tom Donnelly of the right-thinking American Enterprise Institute. ... So what happened? Why is Rumsfeld being stabbed in the back by those he trusted the most to back his play? ... Simple. They want someone else to be blamed besides them for fouling up their marvelous plans and schemes -- someone who is a handy lightning rod and who is NOT a card-carrying neo-conservative. So who better than Rumsfeld?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rethinking American history, completely

by David Gordon

Ludwig von Mises Institute


Woods has rather organized his account around a central theme. Americans have, from the colonial period to the present, flourished so long as they lived in a free economy, accompanied by a government strictly limited in powers. But throughout much of our history, the efforts of Americans to live freely have confronted a formidable enemy: the Leviathan state. Woods shows that the federal government, far from being the protector of the rights of minorities, has been the main obstacle on the path to liberty...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Neocons take complete control

by Sidney Blumenthal



The transition to President Bush's second term, filled with backstage betrayals, plots and pathologies, would make for an excellent chapter of 'I, Claudius.' To begin with, I have learned from numerous sources, including several people close to Brent Scowcroft, that Bush has unceremoniously and without public acknowledgment dumped Scowcroft, his father's closest associate and friend, as chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The elder Bush's national security advisor was the last remnant of traditional Republican realism permitted to exist within the administration...[subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Buy American" hurts Americans

by Sheldon Richman

Future of Freedom Foundation

President Bush has a plan to address the so-called trade deficit, which worries people so much. According to the wire services, Bush said, 'People can buy more United States products if they're worried about the trade deficit.' That will appeal to many Americans in a nationalistic fever. What could make them feel better than passing up inexpensive, high-quality, foreign-made products and buying pricier, American-made counterparts? But it won't help the economy or the American people in general. Frankly, I can't tell whether President Bush is kidding or not...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Operation Republican Freedom

by Anthony Gregory



With Abu Ghraib and related torture scandals, we saw the Republican spin on U.S.-imposed 'freedom' abroad: these Iraqis should be lucky ... to receive this mere abuse and humiliation of being sodomized with foreign objects, dragged around on leashes, subjected to tortuously cold temperatures, deprived of basic needs of food and water, forced to eat pork (contrary to Islam) out of toilets (contrary to civilized behavior), and made to masturbate in front of audiences. Sure, such treatment may offend the sensibilities of the spoiled, politically correct, ivory-tower liberal elites in Manhattan, but it really is a vast improvement over life under Saddam .... We must believe this Republican spin, and embrace the doctrine that the U.S. can commit any evils so long as they are lesser than those done by the Enemy, and we must adopt this perspective for the sake of freedom...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War bad for business

Poll: War bad for business



The Bush administration's foreign policy may be costing U.S. corporations business overseas, according to a new survey of 8,000 international consumers released this week by the Seattle-based Global Market Insite (GMI) Inc. ... Twenty percent of respondents in Europe and Canada said they consciously avoided buying U.S. products as a protest against those policies. That finding was consistent with a similar poll carried out by GMI three weeks after Bush's November election victory...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Montana: Court steals election for Democrat

Washington Times


The Montana Supreme Court has broken a tie in a state House race, giving the seat -- and control of the chamber -- to the Democrats. A 6-1 decision handed down Tuesday threw out 'one or more' of seven disputed ballots, allowing Jeanne Windham, D-Polson, to claim victory over Rick Jore, the Constitution Party candidate for the 12th District seat...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

37 Meter hoher Mast stößt auf Widerstand

29.12.2004 | Netzcode: 10658360

37 Meter hoher Mast stößt auf Widerstand

Anwohner wollen Mobilfunk-Anlage bei FH verhindern

Von Jürgen Kandziora

Amberg. Ein 37 Meter hoher D1-Mobilfunkmast, der neben der Sporthalle der Fachhochschule aufgestellt werden soll, stößt auf heftigen Widerstand. Die Anwohner, an ihrer Spitze Norbert (46) und Gabi Luber (43) aus der Mihielstraße, wollen ihn nicht haben. Sie befürchten gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und möchten notfalls eine Bürgerinitiative ins Leben rufen, um die Anlage zu verhindern.

Auf die Baugenehmigung habe die Firma, die Deutsche Funkturm GmbH in Nürnberg, jedoch einen "Rechtsanspruch", wie Doris Kämpfer, bei der Stadt Amberg Sprecherin des Teams Bauordnung und Denkmalpflege, deutlich machte. Insofern dürfte es eine BI wohl schwer haben, gegen das Vorhaben vorzugehen.

Der Mast und das dazugehörige Betriebsgebäude, so bestätigte der städtische Pressesprecher Thomas Graml, werde von der Telekom auf einem dem Freistaat gehörenden Grundstück errichtet. Die entsprechende Behörde habe bescheinigt, dass die Anlage "gesundheitlich unbedenklich" sei und die vorgeschriebenen Grenzwerte eingehalten würden. Die Baugenehmigung wurde bereits am 19. November durch das Amberger Baureferat erteilt. Wann Baubeginn ist, "wissen wir nicht", sagte Graml.

Das Ehepaar Luber hat vor wenigen Tagen Widerspruch wegen der "nachgewiesenen gesundheitlichen Risiken" eingelegt und gegen die Stadt "Schadenshaftungsansprüche" angemeldet. Im Bereich der schädigenden Strahlung, argumentierte Norbert Luber am Dienstag gegenüber der AZ, befänden sich auch mehrere Schulen. Er habe nichts gegen solche Masten, aber sie sollten "an der passenden Stelle" stehen und nicht inmitten von Wohnbebauung. Eines beklagt der 46-Jährige besonders: "In jeder Gemeinde wird darüber abgestimmt. In Amberg entscheidet die Behörde. Das heißt im Klartext: Der Stadtrat, den wir gewählt haben, kriegt da gar nichts mit."

Deshalb haben die Lubers inzwischen alle Stadträte angeschrieben und sie aufgefordert, "dass sie sich um das gesundheitliche Wohl ihrer Bürger bemühen und ihre politischen Entscheidungen dahingehend treffen". Wie Doris Kämpfer erläuterte, sehe die Amberger Geschäftsordnung bei der Errichtung von Mobilfunkanlagen keine Einbeziehung des Stadtrats vor. "Das ist Sache der laufenden Verwaltung." Nachdem die Anlage auf dem FH-Terrain genehmigt werden müsse, hätte selbst ein Nein der Kommunalpolitik "wenig Entscheidungskraft".


Mattenhauser Mobilfunkgegner nehmen Stadt in Pflicht

Die Amtshaftung lässt grüßen

Normenerlassklage wegen rechtswidrigem Unterlassen einer gesetzlichen Rechtsvorschrift

Schadenshaftungsansprüche beim Grundstücksbesitzer anmelden

Wertminderung von Immobilien

Fragebogen zur Kontrolle von Einwirkungen von Sendeanlagen

Vorgehen um Sendeanlagen in Wohnbereichen rechtzeitig zu unterbinden:

Argumente gegen Mobilfunkantenne

An alle Landwirte Höfen, in deren Nähe in den letzten Jahren Mobilfunksendeanlagen installiert wurden, gemeinsamer Protest:
Begleitschreiben: http://www.hessenbiss.de/download/infoblaetter/020120-Fragebogen-Lw-Begleitschreiben.rtf
Fragebogen: http://www.hessenbiss.de/download/infoblaetter/020120-Fragebogen-Lw.rtf

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Mattenhauser Mobilfunkgegner nehmen Stadt in Pflicht

BAD WALDSEE - Die Mobilfunkgegner aus Schellenberg, Mattenhaus und Umgebung bleiben am Ball. Die Interessengemeinschaft will die Stadt in die Pflicht nehmen und meldete auf dem Rathaus per "Haftungsmitteilung" schon mal vorsorglich Schadensanspruch an.

Von unserem Redakteur Michael Kaiser

Der zentrale Satz in dem Schreiben, das Anita Maucher & Co. jetzt Bürgermeister Weinschenk überreichten, lautet: "Hiermit machen wir die Stadt Bad Waldsee als Grundstückseigentümerin für alle Schäden, die in Zusammenhang mit der errichteten Mobilfunk-Sendeanlage entstehen, haftbar und melden dem Grundsatz nach Schadensansprüche (É) an."

Bei ihrem Vorstoß ließ sich die Interessengemeinschaft von Wolfgang Blüher beraten, der in Mattenhaus kürzlich einen Informationsabend bestritt und unter den Mobilfunkkritikern in der Region als der Experte gilt. Blüher weiß, dass "der derzeitige Stand der Wissenschaft eine gesicherte Bewertung der Mobilfunktechnologie in Bezug auf gesundheitliche Unbedenklichkeit nicht zulässt". Genau so steht es auch in dem Schriftstück, das fast sämtliche Bewohner von Mattenhaus und Schellenberg sowie Landwirte aus Steinenberg und Kohhaus unterschrieben haben. Doch Blüher weiß auch, dass es "zunehmend konsistente Hinweise auf die schädigende Wirkung der (É) Hochfrequenzstrahlung gibt". Dem Schreiben an die Stadt beigelegt ist der "Freiburger Appell", den mehrere hundert Mobilfunk-kritische Ärzte unterzeichnet haben.

Auch die hiesigen Mobilfunkgegner befürchten "eine erhebliche gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigung für Mensch und Tier" durch die Sendeanlage auf der Anhöhe zwischen Schellenberg/B 30 und Kohhaus. Sobald sich ihre Befürchtungen bestätigen und der Nachweis von Schädigungen wissenschaftlich erbracht ist, will die Interessengemeinschaft den entstandenen Schaden gegenüber der Stadt beziffern - auch rückwirkend, wie die Mobilfunkgegner betonen. Ausdrücklich behalten sie sich auch Schmerzensgeldforderungen vor. Eine Kopie des Schreibens ging an die Krankenkasse der Landwirte - "zur Dokumentation der dort auflaufenden Kosten".

Stadt schaltet Anwalt ein

Bürgermeister Weinschenk nahm das Schreiben entgegen und verwies noch einmal auf die baurechtliche Seite des Problems, die eine Genehmigung solcher Anlagen fast zur Pflicht macht - zumal an besagter Stelle. Weil die Materie äußerst kompliziert ist, will die Stadt einen Anwalt einschalten.

(Stand: 28.12.2004 00:18)


Die Amtshaftung lässt grüßen

Normenerlassklage wegen rechtswidrigem Unterlassen einer gesetzlichen Rechtsvorschrift

37 Meter hoher Mast stößt auf Widerstand

Schadenshaftungsansprüche beim Grundstücksbesitzer anmelden

Wertminderung von Immobilien

Fragebogen zur Kontrolle von Einwirkungen von Sendeanlagen

Vorgehen um Sendeanlagen in Wohnbereichen rechtzeitig zu unterbinden:

Argumente gegen Mobilfunkantenne

An alle Landwirte Höfen, in deren Nähe in den letzten Jahren Mobilfunksendeanlagen installiert wurden, gemeinsamer Protest:
Begleitschreiben: http://www.hessenbiss.de/download/infoblaetter/020120-Fragebogen-Lw-Begleitschreiben.rtf
Fragebogen: http://www.hessenbiss.de/download/infoblaetter/020120-Fragebogen-Lw.rtf

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