This is definitely for posting as it is too serious not to circulate widely.
The shocking news is as follows: On my arrival in Belfast, last Thursday afternoon,September 20, the front page story facing me on the BELFAST TELEGRAPH (final edition) was this: "TEENAGE BOY DIES AT SCHOOL." [ ] And, as with the other tragic four cases just a short time ago in Ireland, he dropped dead of heart failure in front of his school mates. The Londonderry/Derry teenager James McGowan was all of fifteen years of age! Now, just add this latest victim of our health-abusive electrosmogged schools to the facts I sent you below just a mere two weeks ago. The bottom line is: Irish teenagers with hearts that are in any way dicey (and a few of the victims may not have had any previous heart problems) just can't survive the Hi-Fi etc school environments.
Email I sent to you on Sunday, 9th September, 2007
This is not for posting. But it is very strange and of course I see it relating to our convictions regard the dangers of cellphones plus wi-fi, wireless technologies etc for schools.
IT IS THIS FACT: Between last Monday and yesterday, five [addition Sept. 22: on re-checking, it was four. The fifth whose heart gave out suddenly, was in his early twenties and not in school] young boys (between 13 and 17) in different parts of Ireland dropped dead, four in them in schools, in front of their classmates. (Schools have just re-opened here this week.) Their hearts just stopped beating and they were dead in minutes, although fibrillators were rushed to some of them, it was too late.
Hope worse is not ahead!
An alarming number of Irish schoolboys have dropped dead in school in last three weeks