
Backlash against RFID is growing


Informant: Doctor Plum


HAARP Systems


Informant: Wilford Bates


Phone mast fear

By Alex Lewis

FEARS that mobile phone masts can cause cancer and other health problems have been supported by new research, St Albans MP Anne Main has warned.

Since 2001, councils have not been allowed to reject planning applications for masts on health grounds, provided the radiation is within international safety guidelines.

But Mrs Main has asked the Government to change the rules, highlighting recent studies showing high levels of cancer, brain haemorrhages and high blood pressure for people living within of 400 yards of a mast.

She said: "Residents do have genuine health concerns about mast location and communities should have a greater say over where we place these masts.

"Put simply, we do not know for certain exactly how safe phone masts are.

"We all accept the need for mobile phones, but common sense indicates we should err on the side of caution, particularly with regards to people's health.

"We should always seek to locate masts in the least sensitive areas and vigorously encourage mast sharing.

"The minister has responded positively to my request to look into the matter."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group



Fears of cancer cluster grows

Radiation warning on school computers

“Einstein, Shakespeare— could they have done much better using wi-fi?”



From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Radiation warning on school computers

By Graeme Strachan

A WORLD-RENOWNED expert on the impact of electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation has warned that wireless computer networks are putting pupils’ lives at risk.

Professor Olle Johansson sounded the warning after it was confirmed there are some wi-fi networks in Tayside and Fife schools.

According to an investigation by the BBC’s Panorama programme, the computer system can emit greater levels of signal radiation than a typical mobile phone mast.

Professor Olle Johansson told the programme there have been many recorded effects such as chromosome damage from low-level radiation.

Speaking exclusively with The Courier from Stockholm yesterday, Professor Johansson said pupils using wi-fi are risking alterations to their cells, tissues and organs.

Professor Johansson has more than 20 years’ experience.

He was the first to study human sensitivity to mobile phones when adverse reactions were reported in the mid-1990s.

He also appeared as an expert witness before the Scottish Parliament’s public petitions committee and at meetings in Aberdeenshire and Perth on the potential risks associated with exposure to mobile phones and masts.

“When discussions like this come up in society, the demands for proof are always different whether that be from the point of view of a journalist, legal position, teacher, parent or pupil,” he said.

“You often hear about safe levels of exposure but those are just mere recommendations only based on heating.

“People often hide behind these recommended levels and say there is no cause for alarm.

“But exposure to microwaves could lead to a wear-down of the protective cellular shield in the skin after long-term continuous irradiation.

“Exposure to low levels for a very short period of time can cause alterations to molecules, cells, tissues and organs because wi-fi systems mostly are held directly against your body, and particularly the skin, which is the largest organ.”

As reported in yesterday’s Courier, the BBC found radiation from wi-fi in one school was up to three times that of a mobile phone mast, but the readings were 600 times below the Government’s safety limits.

“The World Health Organisation view is there are no adverse health effects from low-level, long-term exposure but there are a large number of papers saying cells and animals are affected at very low radiation levels where there is no heating,” said Professor Johansson.

“I’m surprised about the claim of educational benefits of using wi-fi laptops. The only benefits of a laptop or wi-fi is someone will earn a lot of money.

“More than 40% of the internet time is spent to look at naked women—is that an educational benefit?”

Professor Johansson continued, “Look upon the actual need you have to fulfil then mirror that against the earlier discussions about the health risks involved in using laptops or wi-fi.

“Einstein, Shakespeare— could they have done much better using wi-fi?”

He added, “I’ve never met a teacher that said if they had a wi-fi system their pupils would be brilliant.

“On the contrary, they say that computers are unnecessary things that make their pupils’ minds wander rather than concentrating on something meaningful.”

Government advice recommends masts are not sited near schools without consultation, as children are thought to be more vulnerable to radio frequency emissions than adults, Panorama said.

The programme said 70% of secondary schools and nearly half of primary schools already have wi-fi.

It contacted almost 50 schools, claiming only one had been informed there might be health risks and some had been told there was no risk.

Leading Dundee scientist Professor Sir William Stewart— former chairman of Tayside University Hospitals Trust and current head of the Health Protection Agency—appeared on the programme.

He said, “I believe that there is a need for a review of the wi-fi and other areas. I think it’s timely for it to be done now.”

Fife Council said wireless networks in its schools are safe.

George Robertson, infrastructure services manager, said less than 10 schools in Fife have limited wi-fi capability.

He said, “Having wi-fi in schools is something we are looking to expand.

“The equipment used in Europe and the UK runs at a lower power than that potentially used in the US and all the evidence is that there is no risk.

“Our information is that there is no risk associated with wi-fi, but if Panorama has found new evidence, we will of course look at this as a matter of urgency and will be in touch with the supplier of our equipment.”

Perth and Kinross Council said, as there had not yet been a chance to study the programme, no comment could be made on its claims.

A spokeswoman for Angus Council said, “We are piloting wi-fi in two departments at Monifieth High School at present and will decide in due course whether this will be rolled out to other schools in Angus.

“We always adhere to industry standards and best practice.

“However, we will look at the information and research relating to wi-fi as it emerges.”

Dundee City Council confirmed there are wi-fi networks in schools, but the number is falling and they are used only “in specialised situations.”

A spokesman said, “Less than 2% of the 5000 computers in use in Dundee schools connect to a wi-fi network and this number is decreasing.”

© All copyright D C Thomson & Co Ltd., 2007



Drug delivery system: a proof that the blood-brain barrier can be permeated by certain electrical devices that use pulsed energy

Googling "Salford" and "permeated blood-brain barrier", I came across this US patent (Walker et al) to adminster certain drugs, obviously by breaking down the BBB first. Well, if it works for drugs, then it "works" for chemicals from environmental pollution as well - a proof that the BBB can be permeated by certain electrical devices that use pulsed energy.

With a patent like this, the industry can't claim that there is no effect.

"Drug delivery system"



We claim:

1. A system for the delivery of electroporation-inducing electrical fields to a patient comprising: a plurality of electrodes adapted to be located within a predetermined three-dimensional space in a patient, said electrodes arranged to provide at least one reference electrode in electrically--conductive communication with at least two geometrically-oriented satellite electrodes; and
electrical pulse generating means for generating electroporation-inducing electrical fields incorporating control means connected to at least three of said plurality of electrodes said control means capable of varying the number and order of electrodes that participate in each pulse delivered by said pulse generating means such that a pulse many be delivered to at least said reference electrode and at least two of said satellite electrodes simultaneously.

2. A system as recited in claim 1, said control means further comprising means to control the electrical parameters and temporal relationship of the electrical pulses applied to each of said electrodes.

3. A system as recited in claim 2, wherein said control means comprises a digital computer.

4. A system as recited in claim 2, wherein said control means can apply electrical pulses of different polarity to selected electrodes so as to redefine the reference and satellite relationship as between the plurality of electrodes.

5. A system as recited in claim 1, wherein the electrical pulse generating means generates an electrical field strength in the range of approximately 0.4 kV/cm to approximately 1.3 kV/cm in the tissue of a patient.

6. A system for the delivery of electroporation-inducing electrical fields to a patient comprising: a plurality of electrodes adapted to be located within a predetermined three-dimensional space in a patient, said electrodes arranged to provide at least one reference electrode in electrically-conductive communication with at least two geometrically-oriented satellite electrodes; electrical pulse generating means for generating electroporation-inducing electrical fields incorporating control means connected to at least three of said plurality of electrodes capable of varying the number and order of electrodes that participate in each pulse delivered such that a pulse may be delivered to at least said reference electrode and at least two of said satellite electrodes simultaneously; and control means connecting said electrical pulse generating means to at least three of said electrodes, which control means directs the electrical parameters and temporal relationship of the electrical pulses applied to each of said electrodes.

7. A system as recited in claim 6, wherein said control means comprises a digital computer.

8. A system as recited in claim 6, wherein said control means can apply electrical pulses of different polarity lo selected electrodes so as to redefine the reference and satellite relationship as between the plurality of electrodes.

9. A system as recited in claim 6, wherein the electrical pulse generating means generates an electrical field strength in the range of approximately 0.4 kV/cm to approximately 1.3 kV/cm in the issue of a patient.

10. A system for the delivery of electroporation-inducing electrical fields to a patient comprising: a plurality of electrodes adapted to be located within a predetermined three-dimensional space in a patient, said electrodes arranged to provide at least one reference electrode in electrically-conductive communication with at least two geometrically-oriented satellite electrodes; electrical pulse generating means for generating electroporation-inducing electrical fields incorporating control means connected to at least three of said plurality of electrodes capable of varying the number and order of electrodes that participate in each pulse delivered such that a pulse may be delivered to at least said reference electrode and at least two of said satellite electrodes simultaneously; and control means connecting said electrical pulse generating means to at least three of said electrodes, which control means can apply electrical pulses of different polarity to selected electrodes so as to redefine the reference and satellite relationship as between the plurality of electrodes.

11. A system as recited in claim 10, wherein said control means comprises a digital computer.

12. A system as recited in claim 10, wherein the electrical pulse generating means generates an electrical field strength in the range of approximately 0.4 kV/cm to approximately 1.3 kV/cm in the tissue of a patient.


Yet another patent


Wi-Fi: A Warning Signal

[ http://freepage.twoday.net/stories/3750193/ ]

Informant: Martin

Watch Panorama online

Please email all your MPs, Councillors and school heads and governors to watch Panorama online here:


or to catch or record the reruns:

Panorama BBC News 24 22 May at 00:30 WiFi: A Warning Signal
Panorama BBC News 24 22 May at 03:30 WiFi: A Warning Signal
Panorama BBC 1 25 May at 00:25 WiFi: A Warning Signal
I have got a Video tape and DVD of the programme if anyone can duplicate.

Now, that the Chair of the HPA has openly challenged the WHO and the government, we need to act quickly to harness this momentum.
Can we all write to our MPs and ask them to push for immediate action?


BBC Panorama vote

So far 40,000 people have voted if they think wifi is safe its slightly more don't than do Add your votes!!



The nay sayers

Do you want to know who the 'scientists' are who are doing the criticising?

Prof Malcolm Sperrin Director of medical physics and clinical engineering, Royal Berkshire NHS Trust. Could not find anything other than this link with the notorious Science Media Centre http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/press_releases/07-05-10_bmjctscans.htm
So, that's where the Guardian and the BBC get their scientists from.

Prof Will J Stewart UCL and University of Southampton http://www.theiet.org/publicaffairs/sectorpanels/communications/stewart.cfm
Member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Communication Sector Panel he is also a member of the IEEE Previously chief scientist at Marconi - a large Telecoms firm. Here is a link to some of the staff he was working on at Marconi http://www.iop.org/activity/policy/Events/Seminars/file_3502.doc

Dr Paddy Regan University of Surrey, Guildford Lecturer in nuclear and radiation physics. His expertise is clearly in the ionising part of the spectrum. Why they wheel him out to comment on Wi-Fi is a mystery to me. http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/cnrp/profiles/academics?s_id=21

Yes, he is the same Prof David Coggan indeed. He is a member of the Medical Research Council Epidemiology He seems to always be wheeled out when it comes to minimising the potential health effects of any pollutant. Last year it was antimony in plastic water bottles (see here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/dietfitness.html?in_article_id=379624&in_page_id=1798 A few years back, it was pesticides. He was the Chairman of the Independent Advisory Committee on Pesticides http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1893611.stm current members of this body are listed here http://www.pesticides.gov.uk/acp.asp?id=2060
He was also involved in at least one study financed by the MTHR in a supervisory role http://www.mthr.org.uk/research_projects/mthr_funded_projects/cartwright.htm

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


The Canadian Human Rights Commission Report (CHRC) on The Medical Perspectives on Environmental Sensitivities



The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities

I wanted to offer this link on a report published by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Take care and please keep safe.


Overview Research Program Completed Research Projects
The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities
By: Margaret E. Sears (M.Eng., Ph.D.)

The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

This report is also available in .pdf format


Deborah Elaine Barrie
4 Catherine Street Smiths Falls, On Canada K7A 3Z8
deborah @noccawood.ca

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pine


CHCR policy on Environmental Sensitivities



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