
Democrats Ready to Go After Alito

Senate Democrats are expected to attack Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. on multiple fronts at the confirmation hearing that opens at noon today, but their strongest ammunition is likely to come from the nominee's own hand.


Send a Letter to Congress: Impeach Bush

From: Larry Morningstar

Socio-Political Report

From: ImpeachBush@VoteToImpeach.org
Subject: Send a Letter to Congress: Impeach Bush
Date: January 6, 2006

Participate in the January 6-9 Peoples' Lobby for Impeachment. Send a Letter to Congress Today! For the next four days, between January 6-9, we're launching the People's Lobby for Impeachment. Tens of thousands of people will use the / web site to send an email or fax to their elected official demanding that Bush and Cheney be impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

On these days, there will be an easy-to-use email mechanism on the web site that will allow you to send an email letter to your elected official telling them to uphold the Constitution by supporting impeachment. Even if your Senators or congressional representative are unsympathetic to impeachment, let them know what you think. If you think that they are potentially sympathetic, tell them to stop waiting and act now! We owe it to ourselves and to our children.

To send your letter, go to:


In the next few days, impeachment will be the focus of town hall meetings and rallies in communities around the country. Send us an email and tell us how the event went in your area so that we can post it on the ImpeachBush.org web site.

The January 6-9 Peoples Lobby for Impeachment will be just the first steps of the Impeachment Action Plan to force impeachment in 2006.

Shortly after the People's Lobby for Impeachment, we'll be running the NY Times and other newspaper ads, along with various radio spots. From this media work, to the printing of posters and leaflets, and the organization of demonstrations and rallies - all of this happens because of the generosity and commitment of people who believe in upholding the Constitution. If you believe Bush and his regime should be impeached, please make a much-needed donation. We can do it, but not without your help. You can donate at:



-All of us at VoteToImpeach/ImpeachBush.org

Larry Morningstar
Socio-Political Report

Informant: Martin Greenhut


Boykottwelle in den USA: Studenten meutern gegen "Killer-Coke"

„Die Revolte kehrt zurück auf den US-Campus. Im Visier haben Studenten ein uramerikanisches Symbol: Brausegigant Coca-Cola. Schon zehn Unis legten Millionenverträge auf Eis. Die Vorwürfe wiegen schwer - Umweltschäden in Indien, Ausbeutung in Kolumbien bis zur Verstrickung in Morde…“ Artikel von Kirsten Grieshaber, New York in Spiegel-online vom 06.01.06


Siehe dazu als kleine Materialsammlung der im Spiegel genannten Institutionen:

Die Universität von Michigan stellt den Verkauf von Coca Cola Produkten ein - U-M suspends purchase of Coca-Cola products

Am 1. Januar 2006 wird die Universität von Michigan den Verkauf von Coca Cola Produkten einstellen, weil der Soft-Drink-Hersteller sich weigert Ermittlungen zu seinen Geschäftspraktiken in Indien und Kolumbien nachzugehen. (Englischer) Artikel von Laurel Thomas Gnagey für die Online Zeitung der Universität von Michigan. Auf der Seite findet sich am Ende des Artikels ein Link mit der Korrespondenz der Univerwaltung mit Coca Cola.


Kampagne um Coca Cola permanent rechenschaftspflichtig zu halten - Campaign to Hold Coca-Cola Accountable

Auf der Seite des „India Recource Centers“ finden sich die Links zu den Grundwasserproblemen und zu den Vorwürfen der Umweltverschmutzung sowie zu den Kämpfen und Streiks in Rajastan und Olachimada. Die Kampagnenseite des India Recource Center http://www.indiaresource.org/campaigns/coke/index.html

Auf der Startseite von India Recource Center findet sich ein mehrsprachiger Flyer über die Kampagne (leider nicht in Deutsch!) http://www.indiaresource.org/

Corporate Accountability International

Die Seite von Corporate Accountability International beschäftigt sich ebenfalls mit dem Problem des sinkenden Grundwasserspiegels und der Verschmutzung und hat auch eine (kleine) Kampagnenseite: Coke in India - Tell Coke to Stop Stealing Water!

sowie ein Fact-Sheet

Campain to Stop Killer Coke

Die umfangreichste Seite von allen, auf die wir ja schon häufig hingewiesen haben. Auf der Startseite eine sehr große Anzahl von Presseartikel, Hintergrundinfos usw. zum Thema

Die Seite von Coca Cola International

Bei so vielen Vorwürfen, verteilt über den ganzen Globus, sah sich der Konzern gezwungen gleich eine eigene Homepage einzurichten und sehr intensiv alle Anschuldigungen zurückzuweisen. Neben der offiziellen Coca-Cola-Homepage

wo sich im „Press Center“ jede Menge Meldungen finden gibt es noch die Seite „The Truth About the Coca-Cola Company Around the Globe - Die Wahrheit über den Coca-Cola Konzern auf der Welt“.

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Januar 2006


Bush is now completely and certifiably out of control. But to remove the last restraint on the creation of a new American dictatorship they must install one more lock down vote on the Supreme Court, in the person of Sam Alito.

Despite Alito's extreme right wing voting record and lifelong ideological agenda, nobody expects him to show up at his hearing sporting a tail and horns wearing a red suit. Instead he will lie and evade like some Wal-Mart smiley face, just as he did when in his confirmation for the Court of Appeals he promised to recuse himself from cases involving his own investments. Then he fought to do precisely otherwise. He will make absolutely any misrepresentation of his views and his agenda to try to sneak past public accountability yet again, while his record shouts otherwise. And only your voices speaking out now can turn the tide against this judicial coup.


We are planning a two-stage action. First with the action page above we will build a consensus that ANY replacement for Sandra Day O'Connor must be no worse than a true moderate and centrist. Then after the conclusion of the hearings we will speak out AGAIN on specific question of the final vote in the Senate. Please submit every possible action page you can get your hands on, and keep speaking out until we prevail, just as we did on ANWR and the torture prohibition.

But remember that Alito was the author of the tactic of Bush trying to spin acts of Congress with so-called "signing statements" in hopes that some future Supreme Court (including now guess who) would give them weight over the will of the people. And Bush did just that with the anti-torture bill, declaring that he really didn't consider himself bound at all. Every day from now on must be STOP Alito day, otherwise our democracy is doomed.


Even if you have submitted something else recently, please go to the page above and take a moment to submit it. There are lots of good references in the arguments section below the form if you would like some additional support or ideas for your personal comments, or just cast your vote with one click and go. We have nearly 100,000 participants in our system and we are counting on at least 25,000 of you to speak out now. This battle must be won, there must be a filibuster, or all else will be ultimately lost.


To help us get as close as possible to 100% submission yield on this question we have made many improvements on the Desktop Action program since its initial release last week. With this program you can speak out directly from your desktop with just one click! Based on your input we have set the program to always be minimized unless you expressly click on its icon, we have now made the interface draggable, and incorporated all of your other suggestions. Though it worked well for most people from day one, we have corrected all minor issues with contact setup and system reboots, and all these small fixes have been confirmed corrected. Even if you already have the program, please download the latest update (1.05) from the main index page at



We received many inquiries from candidates who want to win, and we are setting everybody up with their easy-to-use forms for creating action forms on your own campaign web site. The most important thing you can do is launch your own STOP Alito initiative to show your constituents how much you are out there fighting for them now, and not just talking about what you WOULD do if elected. Build your track record and prominence identified as someone out there fighting to protect the rights of the people. Contact us at once and we will set you up. There is no charge for any of our services ever.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved


Bush is now completely and certifiably out of control. But to remove the last restraint on the creation of a new American dictatorship they must install one more lock down vote on the Supreme Court, in the person of Sam Alito.

Despite Alito's extreme right wing voting record and lifelong ideological agenda, nobody expects him to show up at his hearing sporting a tail and horns wearing a red suit. Instead he will lie and evade like some Wal-Mart smiley face, just as he did when in his confirmation for the Court of Appeals he promised to recuse himself from cases involving his own investments. Then he fought to do precisely otherwise. He will make absolutely any misrepresentation of his views and his agenda to try to sneak past public accountability yet again, while his record shouts otherwise. And only your voices speaking out now can turn the tide against this judicial coup.


We are planning a two-stage action. First with the action page above we will build a consensus that ANY replacement for Sandra Day O'Connor must be no worse than a true moderate and centrist. Then after the conclusion of the hearings we will speak out AGAIN on specific question of the final vote in the Senate. Please submit every possible action page you can get your hands on, and keep speaking out until we prevail, just as we did on ANWR and the torture prohibition.

But remember that Alito was the author of the tactic of Bush trying to spin acts of Congress with so-called "signing statements" in hopes that some future Supreme Court (including now guess who) would give them weight over the will of the people. And Bush did just that with the anti-torture bill, declaring that he really didn't consider himself bound at all. Every day from now on must be STOP Alito day, otherwise our democracy is doomed.


Even if you have submitted something else recently, please go to the page above and take a moment to submit it. There are lots of good references in the arguments section below the form if you would like some additional support or ideas for your personal comments, or just cast your vote with one click and go. We have nearly 100,000 participants in our system and we are counting on at least 25,000 of you to speak out now. This battle must be won, there must be a filibuster, or all else will be ultimately lost.


To help us get as close as possible to 100% submission yield on this question we have made many improvements on the Desktop Action program since its initial release last week. With this program you can speak out directly from your desktop with just one click! Based on your input we have set the program to always be minimized unless you expressly click on its icon, we have now made the interface draggable, and incorporated all of your other suggestions. Though it worked well for most people from day one, we have corrected all minor issues with contact setup and system reboots, and all these small fixes have been confirmed corrected. Even if you already have the program, please download the latest update (1.05) from the main index page at



We received many inquiries from candidates who want to win, and we are setting everybody up with their easy-to-use forms for creating action forms on your own campaign web site. The most important thing you can do is launch your own STOP Alito initiative to show your constituents how much you are out there fighting for them now, and not just talking about what you WOULD do if elected. Build your track record and prominence identified as someone out there fighting to protect the rights of the people. Contact us at once and we will set you up. There is no charge for any of our services ever.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

EHS Factsheet 296

This letter that I have just received from Martin Weatherall in Canada might be of interest to all.

Martin complained to the Director General of the WHO, like we did, but got an answer from Repacholi.

We, Canadians, Brits, Israelis, Germans etc also complained, but have as yet had no answers.

Omega see also "Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi" under:

We chased it, still no answers.

Attached are: Martins letter, WHO EHS factsheet, and WHO hypersensitivity.


Below Martin explains.

Best regards.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Weatherall
Sent: 08 January 2006 19:00
To: Dr. David Fancy
Subject: EHS_Factsheet_296_English


I have recently received a reply letter from Dr. M. Repacholi, Coordinator, Radiation and Environmental Health, World Health Organization. This was in response to the letter of complaint that I sent dated November 10, 2005.

The letter stated - Dear Sir

Your letter to the Director-General of WHO has been passed on to me for reply.

WHO does not make any decisions on its own; this is done through the formation of expert groups on the topics under discussion, and they conduct a thorough review of scientific literature to reach their conclusions and recommendations.

This was the process used to reach conclusions about EMF hypersensitivity. The results of the workshop held in Prague in October 2004 are now reflected in the enclosed WHO Fact Sheet.

Yours sincerely

Dr Mike H. Repacholi

I have attached the WHO Fact Sheet to this E mail. I have also attached the WHO working document and the original complaint that I sent to the WHO.

The only good part of the document that I can find is the part under 'Physicians', where it states: "This requires - an assessment of the workplace and home for factors that might contribute to the presented symptoms." This seems to be quite a change from the working document and it may be worth finding out the reason for that change. Of course we all know that physicians are highly unlikely to ever assess the home or the workplace of a EHS sufferer. Doctors are simply to busy and do not have the knowledge and equipment to search for the true cause of electro hypersensitivity. This change would have been more appropriate if it had appeared under 'Governments' and if they then provided realistic electromagnetic dangers to search for, and details of the equipment and knowledge required for that search.

It is obvious from the document that the WHO are 'barking up the wrong tree'. With the exception of Prof Olle Johansson, it seems that the 'experts' either do not realize what is really harming EHS sufferers, or they are deliberately protecting the financial interests of the telecommunications industry, the wireless industry and the electrical industry. They are failing to look for the real reasons why people are getting sick and developing cancer near to cell phone towers, near to transformers, near to transmission lines, from defective wireless equipment and from the effects of electricity polluted by high frequencies. In short, the World Health Organization is failing in its duties to the world population.


Martin Weatherall


Electromagnetic fields and public health
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

The Definition, Epidemiology and Management of Electrosensitivity

HPA Report on Electrical Hypersensitivity

WHO, EMF, Electromagnetic Radiation and Mobile Phones

Prepare for Bubbles


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The 'Fin de Regime'?: An Out-of-Touch George Bush Now Presides Over a Lost Foreign War and a Morass of Influence Peddling


DeLay to Quit Leadership Post


Bush wanted to keep spying secret because 'it revealed him as law-breaker'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

DeLay Blocked Federal Investigation of Crony


New Job for Former Cheney Aide


Officials Focus on a 2nd Firm Tied to DeLay



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Januar 2006

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