
The DeLay-Abramoff Money Trail

Nonprofit Group Linked to Lawmaker Was Funded Mostly by Clients of Lobbyist
By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
December 31, 2005; A01

The U.S. Family Network, a public advocacy group that operated in the 1990s with close ties to Rep. Tom DeLay and claimed to be a nationwide grass-roots organization, was funded almost entirely by corporations linked to embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff, according to tax records and former associates of the group.

During its five-year existence, the U.S. Family Network raised $2.5 million but kept its donor list secret. The list, obtained by The Washington Post, shows that $1 million of its revenue came in a single 1998 check from a now-defunct London law firm whose former partners would not identify the money's origins.

Two former associates of Edwin A. Buckham, the congressman's former chief of staff and the organizer of the U.S. Family Network, said Buckham told them the funds came from Russian oil and gas executives. Abramoff had been working closely with two such Russian energy executives on their Washington agenda, and the lobbyist and Buckham had helped organize a 1997 Moscow visit by DeLay (R-Tex.).

The former president of the U.S. Family Network said Buckham told him that Russians contributed $1 million to the group in 1998 specifically to influence DeLay's vote on legislation the International Monetary Fund needed to finance a bailout of the collapsing Russian economy.

A spokesman for DeLay, who is fighting in a Texas state court unrelated charges of illegal fundraising, denied that the contributions influenced the former House majority leader's political activities. The Russian energy executives who worked with Abramoff denied yesterday knowing anything about the million-dollar London transaction described in tax documents.

Whatever the real motive for the contribution of $1 million -- a sum not prohibited by law but extraordinary for a small, nonprofit group -- the steady stream of corporate payments detailed on the donor list makes it clear that Abramoff's long-standing alliance with DeLay was sealed by a much more extensive web of financial ties than previously known.

Records and interviews also illuminate the mixture of influence and illusion that surrounded the U.S. Family Network. Despite the group's avowed purpose, records show it did little to promote conservative ideas through grass-roots advocacy. The money it raised came from businesses with no demonstrated interest in the conservative "moral fitness" agenda that was the group's professed aim.

In addition to the million-dollar payment involving the London law firm, for example, half a million dollars was donated to the U.S. Family Network by the owners of textile companies in the Mariana Islands in the Pacific, according to the tax records. The textile owners -- with Abramoff's help -- solicited and received DeLay's public commitment to block legislation that would boost their labor costs, according to Abramoff associates, one of the owners and a DeLay speech in 1997.

A quarter of a million dollars was donated over two years by the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Abramoff's largest lobbying client, which counted DeLay as an ally in fighting legislation allowing the taxation of its gambling revenue.

The records, other documents and interviews call into question the very purpose of the U.S. Family Network, which functioned mostly by collecting funds from domestic and foreign businesses whose interests coincided with DeLay's activities while he was serving as House majority whip from 1995 to
2002, and as majority leader from 2002 until the end of September.

After the group was formed in 1996, its director told the Internal Revenue Service that its goal was to advocate policies favorable for "economic growth and prosperity, social improvement, moral fitness, and the general well-being of the United States." DeLay, in a 1999 fundraising letter, called the group "a powerful nationwide organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizen control" by mobilizing grass-roots citizen support.

But the records show that the tiny U.S. Family Network, which never had more than one full-time staff member, spent comparatively little money on public advocacy or education projects. Although established as a nonprofit organization, it paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees to Buckham and his lobbying firm, Alexander Strategy Group.

There is no evidence DeLay received a direct financial benefit, but Buckham's firm employed DeLay's wife, Christine, and paid her a salary of at least $3,200 each month for three of the years the group existed. Richard Cullen, DeLay's attorney, has said that the pay was compensation for lists Christine DeLay supplied to Buckham of lawmakers' favorite charities, and that it was appropriate under House rules and election law.

Some of the U.S. Family Network's revenue was used to pay for radio ads attacking vulnerable Democratic lawmakers in 1999; other funds were used to finance the cash purchase of a townhouse three blocks from DeLay's congressional office. DeLay's associates at the time called it "the Safe House."

DeLay made his own fundraising telephone pitches from the townhouse's second-floor master suite every few weeks, according to two former associates. Other rooms in the townhouse were used by Alexander Strategy Group, Buckham's newly formed lobbying firm, and Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC), DeLay's leadership committee.

They paid modest rent to the U.S. Family Network, which occupied a single small room in the back.

'Red Flags' on Tax Returns Nine months before the June 25, 1998, payment of $1 million by the London law firm James & Sarch Co., as recorded in the tax forms, Buckham and DeLay were the dinner guests in Moscow of Marina Nevskaya and Alexander Koulakovsky of the oil firm Naftasib, which in promotional literature counted as its principal clients the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior.

Buckham, a graduate of the University of Tennessee, had worked for DeLay since 1995, after serving in other congressional offices and then as executive director of the Republican Study Committee, a group of fiscally conservative House members.

Their other dining companions were Abramoff and Washington lawyer Julius "Jay" Kaplan, whose lobbying firms collected $440,000 in 1997 and 1998 from an obscure Bahamian firm that helped organize and indirectly pay for the DeLay trip, in conjunction with the Russians. In disclosure forms, the stated purpose of the lobbying was to promote the policies of the Russian government.

Kaplan and British lawyer David Sarch had worked together previously. (Sarch died a month before the $1 million was paid.) Buckham's trip with DeLay was his second to Moscow that year for meetings with Nevskaya and Koulakovsky; on the earlier one, the DeLay aide attracted media attention by returning through Paris aboard the Concorde, a $5,500 flight.

Former Abramoff associates and documents in the hands of federal prosecutors state that Nevskaya and Koulakovsky sought Abramoff's help at the time in securing various favors from the U.S. government, including congressional earmarks or federal grants for their modular-home construction firm near Moscow and the construction of a fossil-fuel plant in Israel. None appears to have been obtained by their firm.

Former DeLay employees say Koulakovsky and Nevskaya met with him on multiple occasions. The Russians also frequently used Abramoff's skyboxes at local sports stadiums -- as did Kaplan, according to sources and a 2001 e-mail Abramoff wrote to another client.

Three sources familiar with Abramoff's activities on their behalf say that the two Russians -- who knew the head of the Russian energy giant Gazprom and had invested heavily in that firm -- partly wanted just to be seen with a prominent American politician as a way of bolstering their credibility with the Russian government and their safety on Moscow's streets. The Russian oil and gas business at the time had a Wild West character, and its executives worried about extortion and kidnapping threats. The anxieties of Nevskaya and Koulakovsky were not hidden; like many other business people, they traveled in Moscow with guards armed with machine guns.

During the DeLays' visit on Aug. 5 to 11, 1997, the congressman met with Nevskaya and was escorted around Moscow by Koulakovsky, Naftasib's general manager. DeLay told the House clerk that the trip's sponsor was the National Center for Public Policy Research, but multiple sources told The Post that his expenses were indirectly reimbursed by the Russian-connected Bahamian company.

DeLay spokesman Kevin Madden said the principal reason for his Moscow trip was "to meet with religious leaders there." Nevskaya, in a letter this spring, said Naftasib's involvement in such trips was meant "to foster better understanding between our country and the United States" and denied that the firm was seeking protection through its U.S. contacts.

Nevskaya added in an e-mail yesterday that Naftasib and its officials were not representing the ministries of defense and interior or any other government agencies "in connection with meetings or other lobbying activities in Washington D.C. or Moscow."

A former Abramoff associate said the two executives "wanted to contribute to DeLay" and clearly had the resources to do it. At one point, Koulakovsky asked during a dinner in Moscow "what would happen if the DeLays woke up one morning" and found a luxury car in their front driveway, the former associate said. They were told the DeLays "would go to jail and you would go to jail."

The tax form states that the $1 million came by check on June 25, 1998, from "Nations Corp, James & Sarch co." The Washington Post checked with the listed executives of Texas and Florida firms that have names similar to Nations Corp, and they said they had no connection to any such payment.

James & Sarch Co. was dissolved in May 2000, but two former partners said they recalled hearing the names of the Russians at their office. Asked if the firm represented them, former partner Philip McGuirk at first said "it may ring a bell," but later he faxed a statement that he could say no more because confidentiality practices prevent him "from disclosing any information regarding the affairs of a client (or former client)."

Nevskaya said in the e-mail yesterday, however, that "neither Naftasib nor the principals you mentioned have ever been represented by a London law firm that you name as James & Sarch Co." She also said that Naftasib and its principals did not pay $1 million to the firm, and denied knowing about the transaction.

Two former Buckham associates said that he told them years ago not only that the $1 million donation was solicited from Russian oil and gas executives, but also that the initial plan was for the donation to be made via a delivery of cash to be picked up at a Washington area airport.

One of the former associates, a Frederick, Md., pastor named Christopher Geeslin who served as the U.S. Family Network's director or president from
1998 to 2001, said Buckham further told him in 1999 that the payment was meant to influence DeLay's vote in 1998 on legislation that helped make it possible for the IMF to bail out the faltering Russian economy and the wealthy investors there.

"Ed told me, 'This is the way things work in Washington,' " Geeslin said. "He said the Russians wanted to give the money first in cash." Buckham, he said, orchestrated all the group's fundraising and spending and rarely informed the board about the details. Buckham and his attorney, Laura Miller, did not reply to repeated requests for comment on this article.

The IMF funding legislation was a contentious issue in 1998. The Russian stock market fell steeply in April and May, and the government in Moscow announced on June 18 -- just a week before the $1 million check was sent by the London law firm -- that it needed $10 billion to $15 billion in new international loans.

House Republican leaders had expressed opposition through that spring to giving the IMF the money it could use for new bailouts, decrying what they described as previous destabilizing loans to other countries. The IMF and its Western funders, meanwhile, were pressing Moscow, as a condition of any loan, to increase taxes on major domestic oil companies such as Gazprom, which had earlier defaulted on billions of dollars in tax payments.

On Aug. 18, 1998, the Russian government devalued the ruble and defaulted on its treasury bills. But DeLay, appearing on "Fox News Sunday" on Aug. 30 of that year, criticized the IMF financing bill, calling the replenishment of its funds "unfortunate" because the IMF was wrongly insisting on a Russian tax increase. "They are trying to force Russia to raise taxes at a time when they ought to be cutting taxes in order to get a loan from the IMF. That's just outrageous," DeLay said.

In the end, the Russian legislature refused to raise taxes, the IMF agreed to lend the money anyway, and DeLay voted on Sept. 17, 1998, for a foreign aid bill containing new funds to replenish the IMF account. DeLay's spokesman said the lawmaker "makes decisions and sets legislative priorities based on good policy and what is best for his constituents and the country." He added: "Mr. DeLay has very firm beliefs, and he fights very hard for them."

Kaplan did not respond to repeated messages, and through a spokesman for lawyer Abbe Lowell, Abramoff declined to comment.

No legal bar exists to a $1 million donation by a foreign entity to a group such as the U.S. Family Network, according to Marcus Owens, a Washington lawyer who directed the IRS's office of tax-exempt organizations from 1990 to 2000 and who reviewed, at The Post's request, the tax returns filed by the U.S. Family Network.

But "a million dollars is a staggering amount of money to come from a foreign source" because such a donor would not be entitled to claim the tax deduction allowed for U.S. citizens, Owens said. "Giving large donations to an organization whose purposes are as ambiguous as these . . . is extraordinary. I haven't seen that before. It suggests something else is going on.

"There are any number of red flags on these returns."

Hailing Indian Tribe's Hiring of Lobbyists Buckham and Tony Rudy were the first DeLay staff members to visit the Choctaw Reservation near Meridian, Miss., where the tribe built a 500-room hotel and a 90,000-square-foot gambling casino. Their trip from March 25 to 27, 1997, cost the Choctaws $3,000, according to statements filed with the House clerk.

DeLay, his wife and Susan Hirschman -- Buckham's successor in 1998 as chief of staff -- were the next to go. Their trip from July 31 to Aug. 2, 1998, was described on House disclosure forms as a "site review and reservation tour for charitable event," and the forms said it cost the Choctaws $6,935.

Buckham, who was then a lobbyist, arranged DeLay's trip, which included a visit to the tribe's golf course to assess it as a possible location for the lawmaker's annual charity tournament, according to a tribal source. Abramoff told the tribe he could not accompany DeLay because of a prior commitment, the source said.

One day after the DeLays departed for Washington, the U.S. Family Network registered an initial $150,000 payment made by the Choctaws, according to its tax return. The tribe made additional payments to the group totaling $100,000 on "various" dates the following year, the returns state. The Choctaws separately paid Abramoff $4.5 million for his lobbying work on their behalf in 1998 and 1999. Abramoff and his wife contributed $22,000 to DeLay's political campaigns from 1997 to 2000, according to public records.

A former Abramoff associate who is aware of the payments, and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect his clients, said the tribe made contributions to entities associated with DeLay because DeLay was crucial to the tribe's continuing fight against legislation to allow the taxation of Indians' gambling revenue.

An attorney for the tribe, Bryant Rogers, said the funds were meant not only to "get the message out" about the adverse tax law proposals but also to finance a campaign by Buckham's group within "the conservative base" against legislation to strip tribes of their control over Indian adoptions. "This was a group connected to the right-wing Christian movement," Rogers said. "This is Ed Buckham's connection."

In March 1999, after the tribe had paid a substantial sum directly to the U.S. Family Network, Buckham expressed his general gratitude to Abramoff in an e-mail. "I really appreciate you going to bat for us. Remember it is the first bit of money that is always the hardest, but means the most," Buckham said, according to a copy. He added: "Pray for God's wisdom. I really believe this is supposed to be what we are doing to save our team."

During this period, a fundraising letter on the U.S. Family Network stationery was sent to residents of Alabama, announcing a petition drive to promote a cause of interest to Abramoff's Indian gambling clients in Mississippi and Louisiana, including the Choctaw casino that drew many customers from Alabama: the blocking of a rival casino proposed by the Poarch Creek Indians on their land in Alabama.

"The American family is under attack from all sides: crime, drugs, pornography, and one of the least talked about but equally as destructive -- gambling," said the group's letter, which was signed by then-Rep. Bob Riley (R), now the Alabama governor. "We need your help today . . . to prevent the Poarch Creek Indians from building casinos in Alabama."

Asked about the letter, Rogers said "none of us have seen" it and "the tribe's contributions have nothing to do with it." A spokesman for Riley said that he could not recall the circumstances behind the letter, but that he has long opposed any expansion of gambling in Alabama.

DeLay, meanwhile, saluted Choctaw chief Philip Martin in the Congressional Record on Jan. 3, 2001, citing "all he has done to further the cause of freedom." DeLay also attached to his remarks an editorial that hailed the tribe's gambling income and its "hiring [of] quality lobbyists."

Throughout this period, the U.S. Family Network was paying a monthly fee of at least $10,000 to Buckham and Alexander Strategy Group for general "consulting," according to a former Buckham associate and a copy of the contract. While DeLay's wife drew a monthly salary from the lobbying firm, she did not work at its offices in the townhouse on Capitol Hill, according to former Buckham associates.

Neither the House nor the Federal Election Commission bars the payment of corporate funds to spouses through consulting firms or political action committees, but the spouses must perform real work for reasonable wages.

"Anytime you [as a congressman] hire your child or spouse, it raises questions as to whether this is a throwback to the time when people used campaigns and government jobs to enrich their families," said Larry Noble, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan watchdog group, and a former general counsel of the FEC.

Informant: Bigraccoon

Nonprofit Group Funded by DeLay-Abramoff Cabal

The US Family Network, a public advocacy group that operated in the 1990s with close ties to Rep. Tom DeLay and claimed to be a nationwide grass-roots organization, was funded almost entirely by corporations linked to embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff.


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Federal prosecutors and lawyers for Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff are putting the finishing touches on a plea deal that could be announced as early as Tuesday.


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As a fuel crisis deepened in Iraq, the government replaced its oil minister with controversial Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Chalabi, whose poor performance in the Dec. 15 elections was a setback in his recent attempt at political rehabilitation.


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Informant: Friends

Acute mobile phone operation affects neural function in humans



A decision of the Court of Arches to allow the installation of a phone mast on a church in the West Midlands against the wishes of the chancellor of the Diocese, the community, and the nearby school, has sent shockwaves through communities throughout the UK, many of whom have questioned the moral role and place of the church in the 21st century, and the power and might of commercial corporations to override the rights of ordinary people.

Supreme Church Court overrules local decision

In refusing Quintel permission to erect the phone mast on Emmanuel Church in Bentley (Wolverhampton deanery), Chancellor Shand of Lichfield Diocese abided by the concerns of the school and community on the grounds that the church had a duty to give primacy to its worship and mission, and it would not be permissible for the parish in the face of strong local opposition to permit the installation close to King Charles Primary School. He also said the case raised pastoral issues which outweighed the commercial considerations. The headmistress of the primary school had formally opposed the installation and was supported by the governors.

Quintel and their agent, with the support of two churchwardens, appealed the decision of Chancellor Shand (given in the Consistory Court in Lichfield) to refuse them permission, on the basis that the Chancellor had no duty in law to give primacy to its worship and mission. The Court of Arches overruled Chancellor Shand, thereby granting Quintel permission to erect the phone mast stating that Chancellor Shand misdirected himself and should have only taken into account relevant concerns of the community, and not “merely fanciful ones”.

Mast Sanity Press officer Sian Meredith said, “How dare this Court dismiss peoples’ well founded fears, depth of feeling for a consecrated place and personal beliefs as “Fanciful.” The church is there to care for its flock, to put people first, to love and honour people, to give pastoral care and to nurture. The supreme Court dismissed the community’s fears as fanciful in order to allow business interests and financial gain to woo the church into a partnership of shame. This is outrageous.”

Mr David Baron, Trustee of Mast Sanity said,

“This decision goes against all the moral principles and teachings of the church. In reaching this decision, the Court of Arches is supporting the forceful selling of mobile phones to the youth market with the considerable social, economic and health consequences that this entails – and using consecrated property to do it. We have all seen reports of so-called ‘happy slapping’ whereby groups of children and teenagers use mobile phones to record assaults and then circulate the resulting images by phone and Internet. The practice of children using mobile phones to access gambling and pornography is also well known. Finally, the decision goes against the precautionary principle which Sir William Stewart, Chairman of the Health Protection Agency has consistently recommended over the past five years, particularly to protect children.

“We are talking here about the use of churches for commercial enterprises. In this context, we may care to reflect that Christ sent the money lenders out of the temple of God along with the cheats and people charging too much and acting in their own commercial interests. Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the chairs of them that sold doves and he said to them ‘my house shall be called the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves.” (Matthew Ch. 21)

David Baron goes on to say,

“What is also alarming is that the fears of the community ARE based on worldwide evidence of adverse health implications as well as increasing amounts of research showing negative effects and no scientist or Government advisory body has ever said that emissions from masts are safe.

In dismissing years and years of respectable research that make it clear there are serious issues relating to all mobile phone technology, the Court shows clearly the churches new direction in putting financial gain before the health and well being of communities, particularly the weak and vulnerable. This itself is quite counter to the teachings of the New Testament. I doubt that QS4/Quintel would give a written guarantee to the effect that emissions are safe, and they must accept full responsibility for any health effects that emerge.”



David Baron - 01243 641583
Sian Meredith - 01225 483284

Useful links:

For general information contact: http://www.mastsanity.org

Notes for Editors

The Court of Arches is the appeal court of the province of Canterbury.

Sitting at the session of the Court of Arches were Rt Worshipful Sheila Cameron QC, the Dean of the Arches, Chancellor Bursell QC and Chancellor Briden.

The appeal by Quintel S4 Ltd (QS4), was supported (in the absence of an incumbent) by Margaret and Anthony Carr, two churchwardens of Emanuel Church, Bentley.

On 18 January, in the Lichfield Consistory Court, Chancellor Shand had refused permission for the installation of mobile-telephone aerials both on the inside and outside of the tower of Emmanuel Church, an unlisted building. Formal objections had been made by Mrs L Ince, chair of governors of the King Charles Primary School, and Susan Machin, the headteacher

The Court of Arches overruled Chancellor Shand’s decision. It said that, although it was true that the primary purpose of a church was the worship of God, there was no reason as a matter of ecclesiastical law why a faculty should not be granted for a wholly secular and commercial use of a part of a church building.

A tangled web

In 2002, the Church of England agreed a contract with QS4, a company in the Quinetiq defence group that was spawned by the privatisation of parts of the MoD, to be the approved installer of telecommunications equipment in church property such as steeples and towers.

Mast Sanity believes this suits the Church of England because it creates revenues, and it suits QS4 because it gives an open field without further planning consents for the erection of the huge number of masts needed to support the new commercial 3G mobile phone infrastructure

In essence, this ruling seems to mean that local Church leaders and communities:

have no rights to decide on the commercial use of their places of worship

have no control over the effects of these developments on the health and well-being of their surrounding communities

have no say on the basis of ethical considerations in the companies allowed to use their property

have no say on the ethical and moral values of transactions passing through their property.

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Informant: jensenmk

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Omega-News Collection 31. December 2005

Prosecute Treason against the United States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

Please sign the petition supporting the


Congressman John Conyers is now investigating an action to impeach Bush and others. This is a POLITICAL solution to the treason committed on 911. We are seeking a CRIMINAL solution to their actions on 911.

Please sign, post, pass around, publish and promote this action to try Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld for treason.

Alfred Lambremont Webre and Leuren Moret



The full text: The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR ACT TO THE U.S. Senate President Pro Tempore; U.S. Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the Speaker of the House, and U.S. House of Representatives Majority and Minority Leaders

We the Undersigned hereby request that the U.S. Senate President Pro Tempore; U.S. Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the Speaker of the House, and U.S. House of Representatives Majority and Minority Leaders introduce, and that the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives adopt, fund, and implement The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR ACT, to appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.


Joint Res. _______ 1__th CONGRESS ____ Session

Joint Res. _______

To appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.


Date: ____________________ Sen. ________________________ and Rep. ____________________________________ introduced the following Joint Resolution of the Congress of the United States


To appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

WHEREAS, U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does planned and carryied out acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation; and

WHEREAS, the goals of the strategic deception operation of September 11, 2001 included providing a pretext for the unilateral abrogation of the ABM Treaty (announced by U.S. President George W. Bush on June 13, 2002) and for the weaponization of space; for the abrogation of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution; and for the launching of illegal wars of aggression in violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

WHEREAS, There is a sufficient legal threshold of evidence to issue an indictment for the crime of Treason against these individuals under the US Constitution, which in Article III(3) provides:Â "Sect. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open confession in open court."


This Act may be cited as the `The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON Independent Prosecutor Act'.

SEC. 2. REAFFIRMATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION AGAINST TREASON AGAINST THESE UNITED STATES. Congress reaffirms the prohibition under the US Constitution, which in Article III(3) provides: "Sect. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open confession in open court."

SEC. 3. APPOINTMENT AND FUNDING OF A SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR Congress hereby appoints and fully funds an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by George Walker Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard B. Myers and other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation.

SEC. 4. REPORTS The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON Independent Prosecutor shall submit public progress reports to the Congress every 90 days.




Informant: Scott Munson


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Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

US-Angriff auf Iran rückt näher



Vor dem Hintergrund des anhaltenden Atomstreits mit Iran prüfen die USA jetzt alle Möglichkeiten, auch militärische, um das Mullah-Regime zum Einlenken zu bewegen. Wie der Tagesspiegel aus Nato-Sicherheitskreisen erfuhr, wurden die westlichen Verbündeten davon in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass Experten der Armee noch einmal die Anlagen ins Auge fassen sollen, die als Ziel von militärischen Schlägen in Frage kommen.

G.Wendebourg / metainfo hamburg

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis:
http://www.hh-online.com?lid=23326 und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg www.hh-online.com

Coca-Cola Banned from Michigan Campus

The University of Michigan will remove Coca-Cola Co. products from campus, becoming the tenth school to enact a ban over an investigation of working conditions at bottling plants in Colombia.


Climate Shock: We're on Thin Ice

Kelpie Wilson reviews Mark Bowen's "Thin Ice" as an imperative read for comprehending the severity of climate change, and how it will shortly, if it has not already, affect our lives. Bowen chronicles the scientific investigations of researcher Lonnie Thompson and his team as they spend two decades drilling ice cores in mountain glaciers.


A US Iraqi Base, Here On Out


The president is badly wounded but that might not be good for anyone in 2006


Howard Zinn: After the War


Time For a Really New Foreign Policy


President Bush's "Brownie" Quote Wins Award


Oil Market Analysts Issue Dire Warnings


Review of the Year: Climate Change


How Promises of Security have Shattered Across America


PL's last available old growth being logged

John Driscoll

Eureka Times Standard

The Pacific Lumber Co. is logging some of the last old-growth trees it will be allowed to cut under a 1999 federal plan, beginning a test of the plan's assumptions about marbled murrelets in decades to come.

Since November, Palco has been cutting in a grove of trees along Nanning Creek. The trees, some of which are 12 to 15 feet in diameter, are considered high-quality habitat for the sea bird that nests on big branches of old redwoods and Douglas fir. The murrelet is endangered in California, Oregon and Washington, with a population of about 21,000 birds, though another population thrives in Alaska at nearly 1 million.

As part of its habitat conservation plan crafted during the 1999 Headwaters Forest negotiations, Palco and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service anticipated that the southern population of murrelets would decline for several decades.

”Right now we're going through a kind of bottleneck period,” said Mike Long, field supervisor for Fish and Wildlife.

The plan also set aside about 8,000 of Palco's 210,000 acres for murrelets, much of which is old-growth, and some of which are second-growth stands expected to eventually be suitable for nesting murrelets. About 10,000 acres of varying quality for murrelets has been harvested by Palco under the plan.

The Headwaters Forest and two smaller groves, which Palco and Elk River Timber Co. sold to the state and federal governments in 1999, are some of the best habitat for murrelets, as are adjacent Humboldt Redwoods State Park, and Redwood National and State Parks to the north.

Palco biologists did not return the Times-Standard's phone calls.

The set-aside property and strategies in the conservation plan are meant to eventually help reverse the decline of the species. Whether that will work is still a question, since an oil spill in 1999 killed more of the birds at sea than first believed. And researchers at Humboldt State University are finding that murrelets in Redwood National and State Parks aren't faring as well as once thought.

Long said that Nanning Creek is the largest cluster of high-quality murrelet habitat on Palco property. But cutting the stand won't jeopardize the southern population of the murrelet in the long term, Long said, even if their numbers decline in the short term.

That's because more than 90 percent of the unentered old-growth redwood stands as of 1999 have been protected, Long said, and because second-growth groves will grow up to support murrelets.

Richard Golightly, an HSU murrelet researcher, said studies in Redwood State and National Parks and ocean surveys are showing that murrelets aren't reproducing well, and face problems with jays and other predators often drawn by human use of the parks. The conservation plan in part hinges on strong reproduction on public lands, he said.

”Is the present population in a precarious position?” Golightly said. “It certainly is in a precarious position in California and Oregon.”

A 2004 Fish and Wildlife report found that the bird could be extinct in California, Oregon and Washington in as little as 40 years.

The Nanning Creek logging has drawn protests, and three trees are reportedly occupied by tree-sits. On different dates, activists have locked themselves to gates and log trucks and some have been arrested. The largest protest drew about four dozen people.

Even though Palco has been cutting in Nanning Creek for more than a month, said activist Kim Starr, she believes it would be worth it for the company to stop.

”We're just humans trying to guess when we're bringing a species to extinction,” she said.

Activists have asked Palco to stop logging so they can raise funds, but no money has apparently been gathered.

Some of the protests have been in downtown Scotia, near Hoby's Market, where Palco supporter Mel Berti has worked for 30 years. He said Palco's willingness to set aside property, sell land for parks and work under strict logging guidelines should be recognized, and called the Nanning Creek protests way off base.

”There got to be a time when they can harvest what they've got left,” Berti said.


From EF! Media Center

Next up News 31 Dec 2005


The Making of Mental Patients - Psychiatric Establishment & Faux Science




Conyers Talks Impeachment - Complete Set of Downing Street Documents

David Swanson

Complete Set of Downing Street Documents

Fri Dec 30, 2005 18:32

Conyers Talks Impeachment
Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2005-12-29 21:10.
Censure | Impeachment

By David Swanson

Listen to audio of Congressman John Conyers talking about the Bush Administration's crimes, and his efforts to censure Bush and Cheney and to create an investigation that would develop articles of impeachment. I recorded this conversation with the Congressman on December 29th. The bills and the report referred to in the conversation can be found here. The upcoming events discussed can be found here.

This mp3 is 24 minutes and 21 MB: LISTEN.

Here's an mp3 that http://www.chris-floyd.com reduced to 3 MB: LISTEN.


Complete Set of Downing Street Documents
Submitted by davidswanson on Mon, 2005-07-18 12:02. Evidence

Downing Street Minutes, July 23, 2002
Also known as the Downing Street Memo

All Eight Leaked Downing Street Documents

Iraq Options Paper, March 8, 2002

Legal Background Paper, March 8, 2002

David Manning Memo, March 14, 2002

Christopher Meyer Letter, March 18, 2002

Peter Ricketts Letter, March 22, 2002

Jack Straw Memo, March 25, 2002

Cabinet Office Briefing Paper, July 21, 2002

Downing Street Minutes, July 23, 2002
Also known as the Downing Street Memo

The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation has published a booklet containing all the Downing Street Documents, all the legal advice, the resignation letter of Elizabeth Wilmshurst, the UK Foreign Office Legal Adviser who resigned, and the Conyers letter to Bush. It is called The Dodgiest Dossier. Get it here.


Bush Declares War on the NY Times
Submitted by bob fertik on Fri, 2005-12-30 14:01. Activism

Under cover of darkness, an anonymous White House official just declared war on the New York Times - as well as the First Amendment.

Justice Dept. Opens Inquiry Into Leak of Domestic Spying

After Downing Street is a coalition of over 100 veterans' groups, peace groups, and political activist groups that has worked since May 26, 2005, to pressure both Congress and the media to investigate whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with the Iraq war. The coalition takes its name from the emergence in May and June of 2005 of several documents that quickly came to be known as the Downing Street Memos. http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/about

Source: http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?id=149495;article=97123;show_parent=1


US Could Go Broke Next Year


Informant: beefree

The Battle For America


Three minute flash presentation with audio of many people's voices that is very correct and moving.

I have only heard the audio as it was played on the radio on Air America due to the limitations of WebTVs.

See it listen to it and pass it on to everyone - It is very powerful !

From ranger116

5 Minute Video: The Battle For America:

We have history on our side.

From Information Clearing House

Even if you detest this mast, don't pull it down

Worcester News


CAMPAIGNERS who unsuccessfully fought against a phone mast being put up are begging people not to take matters into their own hands and tear it down.

Instead, they are hoping the local government ombudsman takes up their cause and looks into how the city council conducted its planning consultation.

Despite protests, threats of legal action and intervention from MP Mike Foster, mobile firm O2 won permission to put up a mast on Woodgreen Drive in Warndon Villages, Worcester, and it went up a fortnight ago.

Campaign member Grant Hughes, of Hingley Avenue, said: "We don't want anybody taking matters into their own hands. We don't want any criminal damage.

"We've been amazed by the strength of feeling and people are still fuming.

"There are people on this estate who are saying: `It won't stay up for long'. We have to be clear that we don't want to do anything against the law."

Police were called last month when workmen laying cables for the mast said they were being threatened by protesters.

At the start of this month a phone mast in Hampton, near Evesham, was pulled down, causing damage valued at thousands of pounds.

Mr Hughes added: "We've been told that we've got a good case for the ombudsman to find the council negligent because we believe that the plans didn't show how wide the mast would be and that some residents backing on to the site weren't consulted."

Earlier this month, Mr Foster proposed a motion condemning O2 as "arrogant and high-handed".

O2 said it looked at other sites proposed by local residents but they were unavailable or unsuitable.

No one from the planning department of Worcester City Council was available at the time the Worcester News went to press.


Kent and Sussex Courier

15:00 - 30 December 2005

By Euan Youdale

THE FESTIVE season has been ruined for Wadhurst residents who claim plans for an "ugly" mobile phone mast were deliberately sneaked through the back door over Christmas.

Outraged villagers started a massive leafleting campaign and turned out in their droves on a bitter Wednesday morning this week to demonstrate against the 33ft O2 mast, which would be sited at Durgate's former Chrome Tech building.

They claimed it would be a dangerous eyesore.

Dismayed mother-of-two, Anna Godden, canvassed more than 100 homeowners in her effort to reverse the plans, which she said could drive her family out of the village.

The 35-year-old argued that the mast might have a devastating affect on health, especially as there are three schools within 400 metres of the site.

The period during which residents could complain about the mast originally finished yesterday, in the middle of the festive period.

Residents blamed O2 for choosing this time of year to apply when many people were on holiday or busy with Christmas plans.

Mrs Godden said: "It is outrageous and extremely worrying, we have not had time to put the issues forward. It has ruined our Christmas."

Since the demonstration this week, Wealden District Council decided to extend the consultation period until Wednesday.

A district council spokeswoman said: "We recognise these types of applications can be sensitive."

But residents also blasted a letter from the district council sent out earlier this month to inform villagers about the plans, claiming many people had been confused by its contents.

The letter, dated December 6, said a flagpole could be erected at the site and later added that there would be three 2G antennas placed inside it - but the words mobile phone mast were never used.

Mrs Godden: "Most people just thought a flagpole would be nice because there would be a flag flying when you came into the village, it was completely misleading.

"The mast will look awful in Wadhurst, which is a beautiful village and Durgates is a very historic part of the village.

"It's all quite sad and very personal as it will probably mean that we will move. I am not going to bring my children up in the shadow of one of these things."

Mayfield Road resident Sara Rice, 35, also hit the campaign trail following O2's application.

The mother-of-two said: "This application at Christmas, when people are extremely preoccupied, seems to be a deliberate ploy to sneak it through.

"As usual this smacks of everyone wanting to make money over the consideration of the local community. It would be a total eyesore."

Mrs Rice added that apart from the three schools, the area was densely populated.

Although there is no proof that mobile masts cause ill health,

Omega this is not true. See under:

the government commissioned Stewart Report in 2000 recommended that district councils took a precautionary approach when siting masts close to children, because youngsters absorb proportionally more radiation than adults.

Mrs Rice added: "I fear for this community. People have got to make a stand and think about children's health."

But one fellow resident Charles Coyne, 68, said: "Not all the people are opposed to the mast. Wadhurst has a number of areas of very bad reception. If people have mobiles then they need the masts to support them."

O2 spokesman James Stevenson said the firm had already received 30 responses from residents during the consultation period, which he said proved that there had been plenty of time to respond.

He added: "It was the district council's own timing when it came to the consultation period and we cannot see any problem with the way the application has been handled."

Police State of the Willing


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Building US Big Brother

Just like every other police state. Article by Eric Margolis.

It can be dangerous to be associated with America


Puppet State Brought Down By Price Controls?


In Vitro Immune Toxicity of Depleted Uranium: Effects on Murine Macrophages, CD4+ T Cells, and Gene Expression Profiles


In summary we have demonstrated DU-induced apoptosis and necrosis in both peritoneal macrophages and splenic CD4^+ T cells in a cell-specific and concentration-dependent manner. Short-term DU exposure (> 200 µM) to macrophages interferes with the interplay between macrophages and CD4^+ T cells, resulting in an enhanced T-cell proliferation response. At lower (noncytotoxic) concentrations, DU has the potential to influence immune function by modulating cytokine gene expression mainly involved in signal transductions, interleukin production, chemokine and chemokine receptors, and neurotrophic factors. Array analyses have successfully identified differentially regulated genes implicating DU in carcinogenesis and the development of autoimmune diseases. The up-regulation of /IL-5/ and /IL-10/ genes in CD4^+ T cells and macrophages, respectively, strongly suggests a DU-induced Th2 shift during naive T-cell differentiation. Considering the substantial sequence homology between the mouse and human genome and the conserved expression patterns of orthologs reflecting common physiologic functions in these two organisms (Su et al. 2002), the alteration in immune functions and cytokine gene expression in murine immune cells demonstrated in this study identify putative molecular targets for the toxic actions of DU and suggest molecular mechanisms for the development of DU-related diseases in humans.

Full text:

Informant: Teresa Binstock

We did not fix the levees, though we were warned

Apollo Now

The tragedy of New Orleans provides Americans with an ominous metaphor for understanding our future, writes William Greider. We did not fix the levees, though we were warned.


The Magical Victory Tour

Matt Taibbi, who followed Bush's national tour for more than a week, concludes that while Iraq burns, the president keeps playing the same old song. "This is how President Bush takes his message to the people these days: in furtive sneak-attack addresses to closed audiences of elite friendlies at weird early-morning hours."


Lobbyist plea could entangle Washington

Authorities are putting together the pieces of the lobbying web of Jack Abramoff, and the resulting investigation could brew into a wide Washington scandal.


From Information Clearing House

Bush least popular US president: survey

President George W Bush ranks as the least popular and most bellicose of the last 10 US presidents, according to a new survey.


From Information Clearing House

War Resister Jerry Texiero, the Marine Corps and Who Betrayed Whom?

Just when was it we in this nation lost our ability to choose if and when we would be willing to kill another human being, or be killed ourselves? When was it that following the “rules” became more important than following what is right.


From Information Clearing House

Secret Invasion: US Troops Steal into Paraguay

The Bush administration has sent troops into Paraguay. They are there ostensibly for humanitarian and counterterrorism purposes. The action coincides with growing left unity in South America, military buildup in the region and burgeoning independent trade relationships.


Targeting Iran and Syria

Goss Builds the Case for Turkey-Based Attacks.

From Information Clearing House


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