
MoD concedes that Gulf War syndrome does exist


Informant: Davey Garland

DeLay Fighting to Hold Power

Former House majority leader Tom DeLay's efforts to retain power despite his indictment have angered some rank-and-file Republicans, many of whom say his ethical problems and uncertain status are staining them and destabilizing GOP unity.


Remember That Mushroom Cloud?

If the intelligence was so bad and so moldy, why was it presented to the world as what Mr. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, famously called "a slam-dunk" case?


Lott Calls for Rove to Step Down

Breaking with the White House and fellow conservatives, Republican Sen. Trent Lott and the head of the Cato Institute questioned on Tuesday whether top White House adviser Karl Rove, who remains in legal jeopardy in a CIA-leak probe, should keep his policy-making job.


Rumsfeld to Profit from Avian Flu Vaccine

The prospect of a bird flu outbreak may be panicking people around the globe, but it's proving to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu, the influenza remedy that's now the most-sought after drug in the world.


Relief as phone mast plans are thrown out

Protesters are celebrating after seeing off plans for a mobile phone mast next to a school in Rowsley.

But meanwhile residents in Hackney will be fuming because a similar mast was given the go-ahead in the village.

On Tuesday night Derbyshire Dales District councillors rejected the 20-metre phone mast which would have sat behind Rowsley Primary School at Ashbrook Roofing and Supplies.

Rowsley Parish councillor John Hart, who was at the meeting said: "It was brilliant, I think the planners had every intention of putting it through and they got a surprise when it didn't.

"The research isn't clear about the health affects. I found some research in Sweden which suggests there are health risks from being close to a phone mast."

Omega the research is clear about the health affects. See under:

Ted Mellor, chair of the governors at Rowsley Primary School, said: "The mast was inappropriately sited. It was not that far from the school."

Derbyshire Dales District councillor Deborah Reed, who represents Rowsley, Stanton in Peak and Birchover Parish Councils, said: "We are all very happy and would like the company to go away and find a site somewhere else.

"The pole would have been right at the bottom of the garden of a resident, who has a 18-month-old child. And I don't think anyone would like a 66 foot pole by their garden wall.

"We cannot look at health issues because the government lays down the emission levels that a company mustn't go over. They talk about 'ionising emissions' – but who knows what that is?"

However, the same councillors gave the green light to a phone mast from the same firm, Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd, at Bent Lane, Hackney.

John Evans, chairman of Darley Dale Town Council attended the meeting and was very disappointed at the outcome.

He said: "The mast will be an eyesore. People from Matlock will be able to see it. I don't think the mobile phone company are making the effort to camouflage it."

Cllr Reed, who also voted against the phone mast going up in Hackney, said: "I think we are just going to have a proliferation of them. There's another one barely yards away."

A spokesperson for the applicant, Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd said: "We are disappointed that we were refused the mast at Rowsley. The planning officer did recommend this was the best site. We are limited to our options.

"We are going to have to wait now for the decision notice to see if we are going to appeal. We do need a site in the area as there is a demand.

"We amended our application twice at Hackney to make sure we had the best-designed and best -placed mast.

"It was agreed that if we shared the mast with Vodaphone we would have to increase the height to have two sets of antenna."

By Amy Thurston

02 November 2005


Truth about Torture

Army Capt. Ian Fishback is plainly a very brave man. Crazy brave, even. Not only has the 26-year-old West Pointer done a tour in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, he has had the guts to suggest publicly that his boss, Donald Rumsfeld, lied to Congress.


Secret U.S. Plans For Iraq's Oil Spark Political Fight Between Neocons and Big Oil

BBC Television exposé plus an interview with reporter Greg Palast by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! Monday, March 21, 2005

AMY GOODMAN: In an explosive new report for BBC Television Newsnight, investigative journalist Greg Palast charges that President Bush was planning to invade Iraq before the September 11th attacks and was considering two very different plans about what to do with Iraq's oil. The plans reportedly sparked a political fight between neoconservatives and big oil companies.

AMY GOODMAN: That report by investigative journalist Greg Palast, who joins us now in our Democracy Now! studio.


Welcome, Greg Palast.

GREG PALAST: Glad to be here, Amy.

AMY GOODMAN: An explosive report on these two plans. And tie them in now to the nomination of John Bolton to be U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Paul Wolfowitz to head the World Bank.

GREG PALAST: Well, only in weird Bush world is nomination to the presidency of the World Bank considered a punishment job. Basically Wolfowitz is being tossed out head first out of the Pentagon because he decided to take on one enemy too big for his own teeth, which is big oil.

The main spoils of the war in Iraq is a seat on OPEC. It's not just the fields; it is a seat on OPEC. What do we do with that seat? The neo-cons wanted to use our control of Iraq's oil to smash OPEC, to smash the power of what they see as an Arab-controlled monopoly and Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, that also meant smashing $56-a-barrel oil prices, and the oil industry was deeply unhappy.

So, there was a neo-con plan put out. In fact, you broke the report here two years ago when we were on the air saying that there was a plan to privatize and sell off all of Iraq's oil fields. There was. Then Phil Carroll of Shell Oil was assigned by George Bush to baby-sit the situation in Iraq. The oil man went in and said there ain't going to be no privatization on my watch. We don't work that way.

You have to understand, oil companies, when they privatize, the big oil companies never get it, it's always the cronies of Chalabi and who's ever in power in any country. So, the oil companies did not want to be locked out, so they weren't going to go along with it.

Plus, they didn't like the neo-con idea that if there was privatization, and production would be ramped up, OPEC would be destroyed, oil prices would fall apart, and that would be the end of record profits for the oil companies.

So, a new report was secretly ordered up by a guy named Rob McKee, who took the Shell man's place. McKee is from ConocoPhillips, paid $25 million by Conoco in his last year there, assigned by Bush to Iraq to the oil ministry there. And he ordered up a new study which was done by the Jim Baker Institute.

Now Jim Baker represents Exxon and the Saudi government. And the Baker Institute people, and the people they worked with, came up with a report that said that there would be a state-controlled company, which would be very OPEC-friendly, very oil company-friendly and would establish profit sharing agreements with international oil companies. And that was their recommendation. Privatization was dead out, and they were just livid about Wolfowitz.

Informant: eyeodneedle

Radiation: Any Dose Is Too High


Any exposure to radiation may cause cell damage that could lead to cancer, according to a June 2005 report from the National Research Council. The risk noted by the report, though small, is a third higher than the risk of 8.46 cancers per 10,000 people exposed to 1 rem (or 10 millisieverts [mSv]) currently used by U.S. regulators. The report contradicts critics who believe there is a threshold below which radiation is harmless; it also fails to support those who say low doses of radiation cause greater health damage per unit dose than high levels.

The seventh Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) report, sponsored by several federal agencies, assessed and updated the health risks from low linear energy transfer (low-LET) radiation, which deposits little energy in a cell and thus tends to cause little damage.The last BEIR report that addressed these health risks was published in 1990.

Richard Monson, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health and chair of the group that conducted the study, says, "We judged that the most reasonable shape is a line through the origin." Simply put, this means any low-LET ionizing radiation may increase the risk of a cell becoming cancerous--there is no threshold below which there is no risk--and as exposure increases, so does the health risk. Researchers refer to this straight line as the linear-no-threshold model.

Less than 20% of people's low-level radiation exposure comes from anthropogenic sources. The Earth and cosmic sources emit the remainder. Nearly 80% of human-induced exposure comes from medical procedures, about 15% from products like tobacco and building materials, and around 5% from exposure at work.

For the purpose of the BEIR VII report, the authoring committee defined low-LET radiation as levels up to about 100 mSv. For comparison, a chest X ray averages around 0.1 mSv. The committee concluded it's likely that about 1 out of 100 people would develop a tumor or leukemia from exposure to 100 mSv above background. Of that same 100 people, experts would expect 42 to develop cancers for other reasons, but at the press conference marking the release of the report, the committee said it did not fully exclude the possibility of some radiation exposure being a factor in those cases.

The BEIR VII report employed statistical data to draw its conclusions and reviewed studies of people exposed at work and in medical settings. It also relied heavily on data from the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.

As these survivors age, more is revealed about the relationship between radiation exposure and eventual health outcomes. Investigators have also improved their estimate of the levels of exposure this population received. But critics question the heavy reliance on the Japanese survivors because of the "healthy survivor" effect--those who survived the bombing might have been hardier than those who died early on, potentially skewing the results.

Many researchers say the latest report helps reaffirm the general accuracy of federal standards in place for limiting health risks from low-level radiation. "We believe the data are more convincing than fifteen years ago and show that the radiation protection standards we use are reasonable," says Monson.

Mike Boyd, a health physicist who works on setting and updating those standards for the Environmental Protection Agency, concurs. "I don't think we'll be changing any federal standards," he says. "I'm not willing to say there will be no impact. This report will go into our estimation of risk and could lead to refinements, but generally standards should stay the same."

Although most scientists agree the report incorporated the majority of pertinent data up through 2003, information about low-LET radiation continues to emerge. One hypothesis under investigation, says biologist Andrew Wyrobek of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is the possible adaptive response cells developed over eons of natural exposure. Other hypotheses include genetic instability (the idea that some cells already have genetic mutations and are thus more prone to becoming cancerous, given the incentive) and the "bystander effect" (in which cells respond adversely to nearby irradiation although they themselves weren't hit directly). These concepts were among those reviewed for the BEIR VII report but were not incorporated into the risk estimates.

Most experts agree that the BEIR VII report won't be the last in the series. "Right now there is just a lot we don't know about how cells react to very low doses of radiation," says Wyrobek. "But with multiple exposures from more and more people undergoing medical diagnostics in the low-dose range, and increased amounts of radioactive waste, it's important to understand these ranges better." Says Boyd, "I will be excited to see some future academy report after we find out more about how radiation affects cells at very low doses."

Sarah Todd Davidson

Informant: binstock

Cell phone class action cases to proceed


Ericsson and Nokia loose a High Court case in USA - Class action ahead? http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1110057/

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

Lösung für die Krise der Erwerbsarbeitsgesellschaft?

Jenseits der "Arbeitsgesellschaft" - Diagnose und Perspektiven > Existenzgelddebatte

Beiträge von Harald Rein zum Grundeinkommenskongress in Wien

Thesenpapier zum Podiumsgespräch am 07.10.2005 in Wien


Das garantierte Grundeinkommen und eine andere, mögliche Welt. Textgrundlage eines Workshops


Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. Lösung für die Krise der Erwerbsarbeitsgesellschaft? Artikel von Matthias Brake in telepolis vom 28.10.2005


Glocalist Review - Sondernummer zum Kongress Grundeinkommen bei attac (pdf, 1 MB)


Aus: LabourNet, 8. November 2005

Fitzgerald "going to save America?"


Informant: Chris

Jetzt nicht wackeln – Atomausstieg heißt Abschalten

Mittwoch, der 2. November 2005

Schickt dem SPD-Parteivorstand seine Wahlwerbung als E-Card: „Jetzt nicht wackeln – Atomausstieg heißt Abschalten!“

Kommt zur bundesweiten Demo „Erneuerbare statt Atom!“ am Samstag nach Lüneburg

Trotz allen Personalgerangels gehen die Koalitionsgespräche zwischen Union und SPD weiter. Die Gefahr ist, dass alle Welt nur noch auf das Postengeschacher schaut, und niemand mehr auf die Inhalte. Dem wollen wir vorbeugen - mit Eurer Hilfe.

Schon in den letzten Tagen sind viele Menschen aktiv geworden. Lasst uns den Druck noch einmal steigern!

Seit letztem Donnerstag haben über 2.800 Menschen den Offenen Brief an die Verhandlungsführer in Sachen Atom Sigmar Gabriel und Klaus Lippold unterzeichnet. Die Unterschriften haben sicher einen Beitrag geleistet, dass die Unterhändler der SPD in der Arbeitsgruppe Umwelt bisher wenigstens standhaft geblieben sind und zumindest eine Verlängerung der Restlaufzeiten ablehnen. Jetzt wird die Atompolitik Teil der letzten Pokerrunde.

Nach Informationen der FAZ steht das Thema am Freitag wieder auf der Tagesordnung von SPD und Union. Es droht ein fauler Kompromiss: In einer Nebenvereinbarung zum Koalitionsvertrag soll, so die FAZ, erlaubt werden, Reststrommengen von neuen auf alte Meiler umzuschichten. Dann würde in dieser Legislaturperiode kein einziges AKW abgeschaltet.

Jetzt müssen wir den Druck auf die SPD erhöhen, damit sie sich weder auf verlängerte Restlaufzeiten noch auf den Weiterbetrieb der Schrottreaktoren Biblis, Neckarwestheim 1 und Brunsbüttel einlässt. Weitere aktuelle Infos:

Schickt dem SPD-Parteivorstand seine Wahlwerbung zurück: „Jetzt nicht wackeln – Atomausstieg heißt Abschalten!“

Im Wahlkampf hat die SPD für den Atomausstieg getrommelt und viele WählerInnen haben sie auch deshalb gewählt. Jetzt wollen wir sie mit ihrem eigenen Wahlplakat an ihr Wahlversprechen erinnern:

Kommt zur bundesweiten Demonstration „Erneuerbare statt Atom“ am kommenden Samstag, den 5. November in Lüneburg. Zwei Wochen vor dem nächsten Castor-Transport und zeitgleich zur letzten Runde der Koalitionsverhandlung wollen am kommenden Samstag Tausende ein Zeichen für eine konsequente Energiewende setzen. Komm auch Du am 5. November, 13.00 Uhr nach Lüneburg. Weitere Informationen: http://www.erneuerbare-statt-atom.de

Informiert Freunde und Bekannte über die Demonstration:

Jochen Stay

The Revolutionary Coalition

We the people of The Revolutionary Coalition declare our mission to pull together all of those disgruntled Americans who have come to the conclusion that the two party one party system of the Democrats and the Republicans is either a complete failure or working in collusion to achieve a goal unknown by the people and illegal according to our constitution, the supreme law of our land. We feel these so called two parties fail to represent the people of America and are convinced that these representatives do not have our security or best interests at heart. We are tired of hearing the promises of change year after year and watching those who make these promises shamelessly break them and violate our God given, natural human rights with their traitorous unconstitutional actions. We call upon all of those who support the bill of rights as guaranteed by the constitution and the declaration of independence and any and all third parties to come together despite our differences of opinion over any other issue. We propose that all that can agree to unite under the supreme law of our land, the Constitution of the United States of America do so now through this venue, the Revolutionary Coalition. We are a country divided and have come to the realization that nothing will change unless we can unite and work together to return our government to the binding chains of our constitution. We feel that when our founding father’s devised that glorious document, they knew well what our future would bring, because after all history does repeat itself. Greed begets greed and it is running rampant among the politicians and judges throughout our land. We call upon all of these office holders to be reminded of the oath they took to uphold the constitution and to protect the people from all enemies foreign and domestic, for to violate this oath constitutes treason and the American people, from whom these powers are derived, will not tolerate it any longer. We are of the understanding that since these representatives took this oath they are fully aware of their action on behalf of the people whom they have a duty to represent and when the day comes that we the people wrest control of this unruly government and return it to it’s rightful state, a constitutional republic, they will be held to account for their traitorous actions.


Informant: Mofmars3

We Don’t Need Them

by Joe Carpenter

We’re all looking in the wrong place for reason and compassion and justice. It’s not anywhere to be found in Washington, DC. It’s not in governments or state houses. It’s not there in that prestigious gathering of experts and big brains. It’s right here. It’s wherever you are, and it’s right next door and it’s everywhere along your street and all around your neighborhood. It’s in the cars that pass you on the roadways and in the shops where you buy your dog or cat food. There’s no need to travel a thousand or even a hundred miles. It’s not necessary to make the climb up to the penthouse. Our hope, our possibility -- our only hope, our only possibility, lies in the ordinary people who compose our world, who are the very stuff of our lives...


TV Images Don't Bring Change

by Robert Jensen

For weeks after the racialized poverty of New Orleans was laid bare in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, people in the United States asked, “Could this be a turning point? Is this a moment when America might wake up to the inequality and racism in our own country?” The question itself -- posed most often by people living comfortably in the white middle class -- is an indication of just how deeply in denial the vast majority of privileged Americans are about these fundamental injustices, their role in perpetuating them, and how real change might come. We should be collectively ashamed that the question is being asked in this form, for two simple reasons...


Lying matters

The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias


On July 14, 2003, syndicated columnist Robert Novak published 'Mission to Niger,' which reported, among other things, that former Ambassador Joseph 'Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction.' The information was sourced to 'senior administration officials.' That left a lot of questions open. Had members of the Bush administration blown the cover of a CIA agent? Wasn't that illegal? Based on the information available at the time, it was impossible to say, but it certainly looked suspicious. Liberal bloggers, some reporters, and a few congressional Democrats pressed for more information. Eventually the CIA agreed and made a criminal referral to the Justice Department, suggesting that based upon what was known about the situation, serious crimes may well have been committed...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Being lied into war

Sierra Times
by Carl F. Worden


We were lied into the war on Iraq. There is simply no denying it now. The Bush Administration will still insist they had bad intelligence, while at the same time, they were persecuting people like Joseph Wilson, and by extension his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, for Ambassador Wilson's revelation in a New York Times Op-Ed piece, that George W. Bush's claim in his 2003 State of The Union Address that Iraq was trying to buy 'yellowcake' Uranium from the nation of Niger was entirely false. Ambassador Wilson, a man of immense honor and credibility in this nation, with contacts worldwide, and a man who was Ambassador to Iraq during the build-up to the Gulf War/Desert Storm under senior President Bush 41, wrote in the New York Times Op-Ed peice that the documents alleging Iraq's attempt to buy Uranium from Niger were forged, and no such attempt by Iraq had been attempted...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Laying the groundwork: Progressive Democrats of America

In These Times
by Phoebe Connelly


The endorsement of Steve Young for representative of California's 48th district by the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), like his campaign, happened quickly. His was the first endorsement by the nearly year-and-a-half-old organization, and came at the end of the group's first 'Grassroots Strategy Day,' held on the Sunday after the September 24 peace march in Washington, D.C. Formed in July 2004, PDA is a national progressive political organization that operates as a federal Political Action Committee -- meaning they work directly with federal electoral campaigns, and face strict restrictions on contributions. The group's key staffers came from Dennis Kucinich's presidential campaign, and it counts amongst its allies Howard Dean's Democracy for America...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The challenges to America's resilience

Competitive Enterprise Institute
by Henry I. Miller


Hurricane Katrina's devastation of the Gulf Coast will raise the price of commodities from cosmetics to crude oil, gasoline to grain. How could one storm score a hit on every wallet in the country? And what connection is there between Katrina and a possible avian flu pandemic? The answer is that as a society we lack sufficient resilience, the ability to prevent, recover from or adapt to adversity. In the gulf states, we permitted a situation to arise in which a huge proportion of the nation's energy-production infrastructure became concentrated in one region -- a region prone to hurricane-related catastrophes, no less. (The impacts would have been even worse, had Rita hit closer to Houston and its oil refineries.)...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

After the stone was cast: we have just begun to see the extent and effect of the Orwellian policies

Strike the Root
by Per Bylund


We have just begun to see the extent and effect of the Orwellian policies following 9/11. The Patriot Acts in the United States are simply the beginning; further policies restricting the individual and unleashing the powers of the state will follow. In other parts of the world, the United States government is using its vast influence as superpower to make other states follow its lead. All over the West, the values and ideals inherited from Ancient Greece, and realized through science and technology during the Enlightenment, are mercilessly crushed or abandoned for the sake of power and control (or, in Newspeak: 'security')...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why are they making New Orleans a ghost town?

by Bill Quigley


Fully armed National Guard troops refuse to allow over ten thousand people to even physically visit their property in the Lower Ninth Ward neighborhood. Despite the fact that people cannot come back, tens of thousands of people face eviction from their homes. A local judge told me that their court expects to process a thousand evictions a day for weeks. Renters still in shelters or temporary homes across the country will never see the court notice taped to the door of their home. Because they will not show up for the eviction hearing that they do not know about, their possessions will be tossed out in the street...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Kent State: Wise up and back off

by Jeffrey St. Clair


The repressive and cowardly actions by the administrators of Kent State University represent yet another blow to free expression and academic freedom. One would have thought that Kent State was consecrated ground, a national memorial for the dangers of allowing police and military troops to run roughshod over the fields of learning. The petty and vicious attempt to expel Dave Airhart, a veteran of Bush's bloody Iraq crusade, for trying to keep other students from being seduced or bribed into signing up for an illegal and immoral war is not only another black mark on the reputation of Kent State but an insidious threat to the rights of students across the nation...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The bitter Bush legacy: In gall, we trust

Cato Institute
by Doug Bandow


The White House seems to breed arrogance. Richard Nixon had his enemies' list. Bill Clinton's personal irresponsibility almost ruined his presidency. Now vice-presidential aide Lewis 'Scooter' Libby has been indicted as a result of his efforts to discredit an administration critic. President George Bush & Co routinely vilify detractors, even conservatives. When previous Bush supporters unexpectedly opposed his nomination of Harriet Miers to the US Supreme Court, administration and Republican Party apparatchiks immediately attacked their critics's motives. That didn't work, so the President's friends threatened to toss conservatives into darkness. The administration has been notable for its policy of punishing, not the architects of its costly failures, but those who, like economic adviser Larry Lindsey and Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki, correctly warn of the consequences. The President does not err; certainly his underlings should not suggest that he does. Nevertheless, for nearly five years, many conservatives backed the administration even as the President trampled their most cherished principles ...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dems got their groove back?

by Evan Derkacz


The Democrats have scored a victory. After years of demanding that Senate Republicans pursue an investigation of pre-war intelligence, Reid's unusual maneuver paid off and the Republicans have agreed to pursue the matter. Granted, this is a first step and will require a series of bold follow-ups, but these are efforts worthy of support...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Here we go again

by Jack Rafuse


Here we go again. Gasoline prices are dropping as usual with the end of the summer driving season. But oil companies are announcing huge quarterly profits, so the inevitable reaction has begun -- howls on Capitol Hill. Self-proclaimed friends of consumers want the profits refunded to 'ease consumers' pain.' They propose to do that through a 'windfall profits tax,' arguing that the government would make better use of the money than would the oil companies. They point out breathlessly that one company's last quarter earnings were $9 billion, and then multiply it to reach $36 billion for a full year. (As a relative measure, that's about how much US families spend on their pets each year. Comparisons often help when hysteria is setting in.) Twenty-five years ago, with gasoline prices at record highs and company profits 'unconscionable' according to some, like-minded critics won the day in Congress and enacted a windfall profits tax. It was a disaster...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

While you slept


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Amnesty International on Blair's terror laws

Independent [UK]


Tony Blair's plans for tough new anti-terror legislation have been subjected to a damning critique by Amnesty International, as MPs prepare to debate the measures today. In a submission to MPs, Amnesty International denounced the proposals to increase police powers of detention and make a new offence of the glorification of terrorism. It called them 'ill-conceived and dangerous,' amounting to an attack on 'the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Military recruiters under attack from parents



In past years, parents at Whitman and other high schools across the country may have paid scant attention to calls from military recruiters, but as the war in Iraq continues and the number of casualties grows, parents seem to be growing increasingly sensitive. Now many parents -- aided by such anti-recruiting groups as the San Francisco-based Leave My Child Alone -- are demanding that school boards make it easier for families to prevent military recruiters from contacting their sons and daughters. They are mounting e-mail and letter-writing campaigns telling families they can block school systems from releasing student information to military recruiters. Even such national educational groups as the PTA are getting involved in the effort to get the word out...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ohio Exit Poll Data Provides Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount

Release: November 2, 2005

The Gun is Smoking: Ohio Exit Poll Data Provides Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount

Organization: The National Election Data Archive (NEDA)

Summary: New analysis of the precinct-level Ohio exit poll data provides virtually irrefutable evidence of large scale vote miscounts in Ohio during the 2004 presidential election. 6% of Ohio's exit-polled precincts had impossible vote counts and 57% had significant discrepancies (a less than 5% chance of occurring in any one precinct). The pattern of Ohio's exit poll results is not consistent with any exit poll error hypothesis. However, it is consistent with pro-Bush vote miscounts.

The full paper "The Gun is Smoking: Ohio Precinct-level Exit Poll Data Show Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount" is available at


In two Ohio precincts, even if all voters who did not complete exit polls had voted for Bush, the total Bush vote count would have been less than the official count. In a third precinct, all voters who did not complete exit polls would have had to vote for Bush to equal the official count. Unless Bush voters lied much more than Kerry voters on exit polls, or massive exit poll error occurred that was not detected by the pollsters, the results are mathematically impossible.

The Ohio exit poll data are a smoking gun for vote miscounts in Ohio. Ohio exit poll results are consistent with earlier findings of similar unexplained and implausible exit poll discrepancies in the national exit poll sample as described in the January 21, 2005 Edison/Mitofsky report.

For these reasons, NEDA urges

1) public release of all detailed exit poll data and methodologies by Edison/Mitofsky so that independent analysts may determine whether possible vote fraud occurred or not;

2) routine public posting on the Internet of accessible detailed election results (at the precinct level broken out by absentee, early, provisional, and Election Day counts) by local election officials as soon as polls close, to enable independent analysts to identify precincts with possible vote count errors in time to contest elections;

3) routine independent audits of vote count accuracy in all elections to detect and correct errors that might be deliberately or innocently introduced by insiders; and

4) widespread media coverage of this vitally important issue.

The data that NEDA analyzed was provided in the Election Sciences Institute (ESI) June 6, 2005 report, “Ohio Exit Polls: Explaining the Discrepancy”

NEDA's full paper "The Gun is Smoking: Ohio Precinct-level Exit Poll Data Show Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount" is available at


The National Election Data Archive (NEDA) is a nonprofit organization of statisticians and mathematicians devoted to the accuracy of U.S. vote counts. Please see http://ElectionArchive.org for more information.

Contacts: Kathy Dopp kathy@uscountvotes.org 435-658-4657 or cell 917-656-0066 and Ron Baiman ron@uscountvotes.org

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

(This is why they don't want any witnesses from the UN or any other place whose willingness to support them they don't trust, such as the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and others, not to speak of such activist groups as the Guantanamo Human Rights Commission and so on and so forth and where they probably wish they could put the Cuban Five, too.)



washingtonpost.com CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11

By Dana Priest Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 2, 2005; A01

The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, according to U.S. and foreign officials familiar with the arrangement.

The secret facility is part of a covert prison system set up by the CIA nearly four years ago that at various times has included sites in eight countries, including Thailand, Afghanistan and several democracies in Eastern Europe, as well as a small center at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, according to current and former intelligence officials and diplomats from three continents.

The hidden global internment network is a central element in the CIA's unconventional war on terrorism. It depends on the cooperation of foreign intelligence services, and on keeping even basic information about the system secret from the public, foreign officials and nearly all members of Congress charged with overseeing the CIA's covert actions.

The existence and locations of the facilities -- referred to as "black sites" in classified White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents -- are known to only a handful of officials in the United States and, usually, only to the president and a few top intelligence officers in each host country.

The CIA and the White House, citing national security concerns and the value of the program, have dissuaded Congress from demanding that the agency answer questions in open testimony about the conditions under which captives are held. Virtually nothing is known about who is kept in the facilities, what interrogation methods are employed with them, or how decisions are made about whether they should be detained or for how long.

While the Defense Department has produced volumes of public reports and testimony about its detention practices and rules after the abuse scandals at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and at Guantanamo Bay, the CIA has not even acknowledged the existence of its black sites. To do so, say officials familiar with the program, could open the U.S. government to legal challenges, particularly in foreign courts, and increase the risk of political condemnation at home and abroad.

But the revelations of widespread prisoner abuse in Afghanistan and Iraq by the U.S. military -- which operates under published rules and transparent oversight of Congress -- have increased concern among lawmakers, foreign governments and human rights groups about the opaque CIA system. Those concerns escalated last month, when Vice President Cheney and CIA Director Porter J. Goss asked Congress to exempt CIA employees from legislation already endorsed by 90 senators that would bar cruel and degrading treatment of any prisoner in U.S. custody.

Although the CIA will not acknowledge details of its system, intelligence officials defend the agency's approach, arguing that the successful defense of the country requires that the agency be empowered to hold and interrogate suspected terrorists for as long as necessary and without restrictions imposed by the U.S. legal system or even by the military tribunals established for prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.

The Washington Post is not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries involved in the covert program, at the request of senior U.S. officials. They argued that the disclosure might disrupt counterterrorism efforts in those countries and elsewhere and could make them targets of possible terrorist retaliation.

The secret detention system was conceived in the chaotic and anxious first months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, when the working assumption was that a second strike was imminent.

Since then, the arrangement has been increasingly debated within the CIA, where considerable concern lingers about the legality, morality and practicality of holding even unrepentant terrorists in such isolation and secrecy, perhaps for the duration of their lives. Mid-level and senior CIA officers began arguing two years ago that the system was unsustainable and diverted the agency from its unique espionage mission.

"We never sat down, as far as I know, and came up with a grand strategy," said one former senior intelligence officer who is familiar with the program but not the location of the prisons. "Everything was very reactive. That's how you get to a situation where you pick people up, send them into a netherworld and don't say, 'What are we going to do with them afterwards?' "

It is illegal for the government to hold prisoners in such isolation in secret prisons in the United States, which is why the CIA placed them overseas, according to several former and current intelligence officials and other U.S. government officials. Legal experts and intelligence officials said that the CIA's internment practices also would be considered illegal under the laws of several host countries, where detainees have rights to have a lawyer or to mount a defense against allegations of wrongdoing.

Host countries have signed the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as has the United States. Yet CIA interrogators in the overseas sites are permitted to use the CIA's approved "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," some of which are prohibited by the U.N. convention and by U.S. military law. They include tactics such as "waterboarding," in which a prisoner is made to believe he or she is drowning.

Some detainees apprehended by the CIA and transferred to foreign intelligence agencies have alleged after their release that they were tortured, although it is unclear whether CIA personnel played a role in the alleged abuse. Given the secrecy surrounding CIA detentions, such accusations have heightened concerns among foreign governments and human rights groups about CIA detention and interrogation practices.

The contours of the CIA's detention program have emerged in bits and pieces over the past two years. Parliaments in Canada, Italy, France, Sweden and the Netherlands have opened inquiries into alleged CIA operations that secretly captured their citizens or legal residents and transferred them to the agency's prisons.

More than 100 suspected terrorists have been sent by the CIA into the covert system, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials and foreign sources. This figure, a rough estimate based on information from sources who said their knowledge of the numbers was incomplete, does not include prisoners picked up in Iraq.

The detainees break down roughly into two classes, the sources said.

About 30 are considered major terrorism suspects and have been held under the highest level of secrecy at black sites financed by the CIA and managed by agency personnel, including those in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, according to current and former intelligence officers and two other U.S. government officials. Two locations in this category -- in Thailand and on the grounds of the military prison at Guantanamo Bay -- were closed in 2003 and 2004, respectively.

A second tier -- which these sources believe includes more than 70 detainees -- is a group considered less important, with less direct involvement in terrorism and having limited intelligence value. These prisoners, some of whom were originally taken to black sites, are delivered to intelligence services in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Afghanistan and other countries, a process sometimes known as "rendition." While the first-tier black sites are run by CIA officers, the jails in these countries are operated by the host nations, with CIA financial assistance and, sometimes, direction.

Morocco, Egypt and Jordan have said that they do not torture detainees, although years of State Department human rights reports accuse all three of chronic prisoner abuse.

The top 30 al Qaeda prisoners exist in complete isolation from the outside world. Kept in dark, sometimes underground cells, they have no recognized legal rights, and no one outside the CIA is allowed to talk with or even see them, or to otherwise verify their well-being, said current and former and U.S. and foreign government and intelligence officials.

Most of the facilities were built and are maintained with congressionally appropriated funds, but the White House has refused to allow the CIA to brief anyone except the House and Senate intelligence committees' chairmen and vice chairmen on the program's generalities.

The Eastern European countries that the CIA has persuaded to hide al Qaeda captives are democracies that have embraced the rule of law and individual rights after decades of Soviet domination. Each has been trying to cleanse its intelligence services of operatives who have worked on behalf of others -- mainly Russia and organized crime. Origins of the Black Sites

The idea of holding terrorists outside the U.S. legal system was not under consideration before Sept. 11, 2001, not even for Osama bin Laden, according to former government officials. The plan was to bring bin Laden and his top associates into the U.S. justice system for trial or to send them to foreign countries where they would be tried.

"The issue of detaining and interrogating people was never, ever discussed," said a former senior intelligence officer who worked in the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, or CTC, during that period. "It was against the culture and they believed information was best gleaned by other means."

On the day of the attacks, the CIA already had a list of what it called High-Value Targets from the al Qaeda structure, and as the World Trade Center and Pentagon attack plots were unraveled, more names were added to the list. The question of what to do with these people surfaced quickly.

The CTC's chief of operations argued for creating hit teams of case officers and CIA paramilitaries that would covertly infiltrate countries in the Middle East, Africa and even Europe to assassinate people on the list, one by one.

But many CIA officers believed that the al Qaeda leaders would be worth keeping alive to interrogate about their network and other plots. Some officers worried that the CIA would not be very adept at assassination.

"We'd probably shoot ourselves," another former senior CIA official said.

The agency set up prisons under its covert action authority. Under U.S. law, only the president can authorize a covert action, by signing a document called a presidential finding. Findings must not break U.S. law and are reviewed and approved by CIA, Justice Department and White House legal advisers.

Six days after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush signed a sweeping finding that gave the CIA broad authorization to disrupt terrorist activity, including permission to kill, capture and detain members of al Qaeda anywhere in the world.

It could not be determined whether Bush approved a separate finding for the black-sites program, but the consensus among current and former intelligence and other government officials interviewed for this article is that he did not have to.

Rather, they believe that the CIA general counsel's office acted within the parameters of the Sept. 17 finding. The black-site program was approved by a small circle of White House and Justice Department lawyers and officials, according to several former and current U.S. government and intelligence officials. Deals With 2 Countries

Among the first steps was to figure out where the CIA could secretly hold the captives. One early idea was to keep them on ships in international waters, but that was discarded for security and logistics reasons.

CIA officers also searched for a setting like Alcatraz Island. They considered the virtually unvisited islands in Lake Kariba in Zambia, which were edged with craggy cliffs and covered in woods. But poor sanitary conditions could easily lead to fatal diseases, they decided, and besides, they wondered, could the Zambians be trusted with such a secret?

Still without a long-term solution, the CIA began sending suspects it captured in the first month or so after Sept. 11 to its longtime partners, the intelligence services of Egypt and Jordan.

A month later, the CIA found itself with hundreds of prisoners who were captured on battlefields in Afghanistan. A short-term solution was improvised. The agency shoved its highest-value prisoners into metal shipping containers set up on a corner of the Bagram Air Base, which was surrounded with a triple perimeter of concertina-wire fencing. Most prisoners were left in the hands of the Northern Alliance, U.S.-supported opposition forces who were fighting the Taliban.

"I remember asking: What are we going to do with these people?" said a senior CIA officer. "I kept saying, where's the help? We've got to bring in some help. We can't be jailers -- our job is to find Osama."

Then came grisly reports, in the winter of 2001, that prisoners kept by allied Afghan generals in cargo containers had died of asphyxiation. The CIA asked Congress for, and was quickly granted, tens of millions of dollars to establish a larger, long-term system in Afghanistan, parts of which would be used for CIA prisoners.

The largest CIA prison in Afghanistan was code-named the Salt Pit. It was also the CIA's substation and was first housed in an old brick factory outside Kabul. In November 2002, an inexperienced CIA case officer allegedly ordered guards to strip naked an uncooperative young detainee, chain him to the concrete floor and leave him there overnight without blankets. He froze to death, according to four U.S. government officials. The CIA officer has not been charged in the death.

The Salt Pit was protected by surveillance cameras and tough Afghan guards, but the road leading to it was not safe to travel and the jail was eventually moved inside Bagram Air Base. It has since been relocated off the base.

By mid-2002, the CIA had worked out secret black-site deals with two countries, including Thailand and one Eastern European nation, current and former officials said. An estimated $100 million was tucked inside the classified annex of the first supplemental Afghanistan appropriation.

Then the CIA captured its first big detainee, in March 28, 2002. Pakistani forces took Abu Zubaida, al Qaeda's operations chief, into custody and the CIA whisked him to the new black site in Thailand, which included underground interrogation cells, said several former and current intelligence officials. Six months later, Sept. 11 planner Ramzi Binalshibh was also captured in Pakistan and flown to Thailand.

But after published reports revealed the existence of the site in June 2003, Thai officials insisted the CIA shut it down, and the two terrorists were moved elsewhere, according to former government officials involved in the matter. Work between the two countries on counterterrorism has been lukewarm ever since.

In late 2002 or early 2003, the CIA brokered deals with other countries to establish black-site prisons. One of these sites -- which sources said they believed to be the CIA's biggest facility now -- became particularly important when the agency realized it would have a growing number of prisoners and a shrinking number of prisons.

Thailand was closed, and sometime in 2004 the CIA decided it had to give up its small site at Guantanamo Bay. The CIA had planned to convert that into a state-of-the-art facility, operated independently of the military. The CIA pulled out when U.S. courts began to exercise greater control over the military detainees, and agency officials feared judges would soon extend the same type of supervision over their detainees.

In hindsight, say some former and current intelligence officials, the CIA's problems were exacerbated by another decision made within the Counterterrorist Center at Langley.

The CIA program's original scope was to hide and interrogate the two dozen or so al Qaeda leaders believed to be directly responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, or who posed an imminent threat, or had knowledge of the larger al Qaeda network. But as the volume of leads pouring into the CTC from abroad increased, and the capacity of its paramilitary group to seize suspects grew, the CIA began apprehending more people whose intelligence value and links to terrorism were less certain, according to four current and former officials.

The original standard for consigning suspects to the invisible universe was lowered or ignored, they said. "They've got many, many more who don't reach any threshold," one intelligence official said.

Several former and current intelligence officials, as well as several other U.S. government officials with knowledge of the program, express frustration that the White House and the leaders of the intelligence community have not made it a priority to decide whether the secret internment program should continue in its current form, or be replaced by some other approach.

Meanwhile, the debate over the wisdom of the program continues among CIA officers, some of whom also argue that the secrecy surrounding the program is not sustainable.

"It's just a horrible burden," said the intelligence official.

Researcher Julie Tate contributed to this report.

C 2005 The Washington Post Company

Informant: Walter Lippmann


CIA holds terror suspects in secret prisons



The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, according to U.S. and foreign officials familiar with the arrangement. The secret facility is part of a covert prison system set up by the CIA nearly four years ago that at various times has included sites in eight countries, including Thailand, Afghanistan and several democracies in Eastern Europe, as well as a small center at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, according to current and former intelligence officials and diplomats from three continents...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


CIA Runs Secret Terrorism Prisons Abroad

White House hand over those documents

Scooter Libby and Vice President Cheney withheld critical documents in the Senate's investigation of the use and misuse of intelligence in the decision to go to war and in the management of the war.

These documents must be handed over, because the American people deserve answers.

Please join me and Senator Kennedy; ask the White House to hand over those documents.


The American people know the high cost of this misguided war -- 2,000 U.S. soldiers dead, more than 15,000 wounded, hundreds of billions of dollars spent with no end in sight, and a continuing shameful effort by the White House to silence those who try to tell the truth about the war.

We need answers, not cover-ups, by the Administration about these serious issues. Thank you for all your support in trying to get the truth.



Informant: Mofmars3

Former soldier wins landmark case over Gulf War Syndrome

Daniel Martin, 35, who has suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, memory loss and impaired concentration since the 1991 conflict, will receive a disability award under the "umbrella term" of Gulf War Syndrome.


From Information Clearing House

Bush critics conclude U.S. is losing war on terrorism

U.S. terrorism experts Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon have reached a stark conclusion about the war on terrorism: the United States is losing.


From Information Clearing House

Thinking About Impeachment

There is little doubt that the even if the Bush administration doesn't go down in flames, it will go down in history as one of, if not the most incompetent, corrupt and dangerous presidencies in the history of the republic. The question is, with crimes so colossal, why isn't there a public demand for his impeachment?


From Information Clearing House


Breaking The Silence

A hard hitting special report into the "war on terror" by award winning journalist John Pilger


U.S. Discusses Invasion Of Saudi Arabia

The response could include the deployment of three U.S. Army divisions backed by fighter-jets and airborne early-warning and alert aircraft. In all, the U.S.-led mission could include up to 300,000 troops.


From Information Clearing House

Talabani rejects any strike on Syria from Iraq

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said in remarks published on Tuesday he would oppose the use of Iraqi territory as a launchpad for any U.S. military strike on Syria. http://tinyurl.com/7oon3

Arab League denies getting Syrian request for emergency summit :

The spokesman for the 22-member Arab League, Hisham Yusuf, on Tuesday denied getting an official request from Syria to hold an emergency Arab League summit to elicit the combined support for Syria in the face of the United Nations Security Council's resolution 1636, adopted Monday.


Another Trojan Horse from the UN?

It's happening all over again. This time Syria has received the kiss of the White House don just as laid-out in the 1996 neo-con rule book "Clean Break".


From Information Clearing House

Bigger Than Watergate

Bush-Cheney Traitors Deserve Prison, Impeachment

By Ted Rall

Don't let the Republicans distract you. Treasongate isn't just about deposed vice presidential chief of staff Scooter Libby, who has been charged with five felony counts and faces 30 years in prison, or even deputy presidential chief of staff Karl Rove, who may soon be charged as well. The Libby charges clearly point to the real culprit: Dick Cheney.



Walmart international Wal-Mart: die hohen Kosten von zu tiefen Preisen

Ein Konzern bekommt es mit der Angst zu tun. Leider nicht vor den Gewerkschaften, da macht man sich keine Sorgen, notfalls schließt man eben einen Laden, wenn ein Betriebsrat gegründet werden soll. Nein. Es sind die ständigen Störungen von so kleinen Gruppen wie „Wal-Mart Watch“ oder „Wake Up Wal-Mart“, die langsam Wirkung zeigen. Jetzt kommt auch noch ein Film mit dem Titel "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" heraus und jetzt ist Schluß mit lustig. Der Konzern rüstet sich mit einem Krisenzentrum. Er will expandieren, neue Käuferstrukturen gewinnen und ist es leid, permanent in den Schmutz gezogen zu werden. Eine kurze Zusammenfassung über die Strategieänderung eines Weltkonzerns von Ralf Pandorf vom 01.11.2005


Can anybody say Halliburton? Now Gilead

Can anybody say Halliburton? Now Gilead.


CLG News wrote:

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

01 November 2005 http://www.legitgov.org/ All links to articles as summarized below are available here:
http://www.legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu --Defense Secretary, ex-chairman of flu treatment rights holder, sees portfolio value growing. 31 Oct
2005 The prospect of a bird flu outbreak is proving to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu, the influenza remedy that's now the most-sought after drug in the world. Rumsfeld served as Gilead's chairman from 1997 until he joined the Bush regime in 2001, and he still holds a Gilead stake valued at between $5 million and $25 million, according to federal financial disclosures filed by Rumsfeld. The forms don't reveal the exact number of shares Rumsfeld owns, but in the past six months fears of a pandemic and the ensuing scramble for Tamiflu have sent Gilead's stock from $35 to $47. http://www.legitgov.org/flu_oddities.html

U.S. Military Wants to Own the Weather 31 Oct 2005 Military officials and weather modification experts could be on the verge of joining forces to better gauge, react to, and possibly nullify future hostile forces churned out by Mother Nature. While some consider the idea farfetched, some military tacticians have already pondered ways to turn weather into a weapon. [Uh, I think the horse has already left *that* barn.]

U.S. Ranks 44th in Worldwide Press Freedom Index --Nation's openness sinking after Sept. 11, northern Europe tops the list 01 Nov 2005 The annual worldwide press freedom index from Reporters Without Borders shows the United States, which is supposedly spreading freedom and liberty throughout the world, is in a fast decline regarding the freedom of its own press... A full list can be found at the RSF Web site.

Howard Dean: Indict Dick Cheney 31 Oct 2005 Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean is urging Leakgate Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to indict Vice President Dick Cheney if he had anything to do with the decision of his chief of staff, Lewis Libby, to leak CIA employee Valerie Plame's identity to the media.

"This is a firing offence." Wilson Demands Rove's Sacking 01 Nov 2005 Joseph Wilson, the former US diplomat in the eye of the CIA-leak storm, has demanded the scalp of top White House political aide Karl Rove, over a scandal which has already toppled one key official... "I don't believe that Mr Rove should be permitted to resign. I believe this is a firing offence," he said.

Republicans join call for Rove to resign 01 Nov 2005 Both Republicans and Democrats have called for a radical overhaul of the Bush Administration, increasing the pressure on the US pResident to force Karl Rove, his closest political adviser, to resign over the CIA leak affair.

Libby defiant as Senate investigates Rove's role 01 Nov 2005 An official said yesterday that Lewis "Scooter" Libby would appear in a federal court in Washington on Thursday morning, where he would be formally charged, or arraigned. Mr Libby, 55, has made it clear he will plead not guilty. He was replaced yesterday by David Addington, a longtime aide to Vice-President [sic] Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser. Mr Addington was among the authors of a White House memo justifying torture of terrorism suspects.

Cheney Promotes Individuals Named In Indictment By Faiz 31 Oct 2005 "The White House announced today that it is elevating two members of Cheney’s staff who are named in the Scooter Libby indictment... 'The Vice President today appointed David S. Addington of Virginia to be the chief of staff to the Vice President. The Vice President also appointed John P. Hannah of the District of Columbia as the Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs.' Both Addington and Hannah are named in the indictment."

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright © 2005, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved. CLG Founder and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.


From ufpj-news

2008 will perhaps be the last election, ending the republic

As the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen so, with 8 years to prepare, 2008 will perhaps be the last such election, ending the republic unless that 70 percent who are beginning to grasp just what is going on join together in a popular movement dedicated to ending pre-emptive wars and restoring the nation to its traditional tax base which repaired levees, educated the citizenry and at regular intervals repaired the wall that Thomas Jefferson wisely put in place to separate church from state. Join the demonstrations this Wednesday, November 2, to launch a movement to drive out the Bush regime. For the location nearest you, see http://www.worldcantwait.org .

Gore Vidal

Informant: C. Clark Kissinger

From ufpj-news

Labor Dept. Is Rebuked over Pact with Wal-Mart

The Labor Department's inspector general strongly criticized department officials yesterday for making "significant concessions" to Wal-Mart, and for "serious breakdowns" in procedures by promising Wal-Mart stores 15-days-advanced-notice of inspections for child labor violations.


Malawi Is Burning, and Deforestation Erodes Economy

Malawi is losing nearly 200 square miles of its forests annually, a deforestation rate of 2.8 percent that the Southern Africa Development Community says is one of the highest in sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the wood goes to make charcoal for cooking fires.


Drought Deepens Poverty, Starving More Africans

A recent report by the United States Agency for International Development said that Malawi "is now in a near constant state of food shortage, with persistently high levels of nutritional deprivation." Most Malawians cannot finance even a minimally adequate diet.


Nothing Shakin' on Shakedown Street?

Senator Harry Reid threw down a scathing condemnation of the Bush administration and the war in a statement he read on the Senate floor on Tuesday. Senate Democrats followed this up with a meaty threat: they will shut down the Senate every day until these issues are addressed fully and completely. Stay tuned. The next two weeks will almost certainly determine how this whole thing shakes out.


New Study Warns of Total Loss of Arctic Tundra


Informant: NHNE


It's been 5 long years since George Bush stole the White House, 4 years since he failed to prevent 9/11 and then seized dictatorial powers through the USA Patriot Act, and 3 years since he started selling the invasion of Iraq on the basis of pure lies.

For 5 long years, we've been urging Democrats in Congress to fight back.

Today, finally, Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats stood up for Truth, Justice, the American Way - and the majority of Americans who oppose Bush's far-right agenda. Reid's speech was powerful:

Democrats forced the Senate into an unusual closed session to discuss the Senate Intelligence Committee Chair's refusal to conduct the "phase 2" investigation into White House war lies that his committee agreed in February 2004 to conduct. Republicans howled in outrage at being outmaneuvered by the Democrats, but ultimately they capitulated and agreed to issue the long-promised report by November 14.

This is a huge, fantastic victory.

And you, the members of Democrats.com, deserve a lot of the credit - because for 5 years, you stubbornly refused to accept the order from the White House, the Republican Party, and the Republican-controlled media to "get over it" - Stolen Election 2000.

I would especially like to thank those of you who have contributed to Democrats.com over the years and made our exhausting but crucial work possible.

So let's take a moment to celebrate the beginning of the end of our long national nightmare.


OK, enough celebrating - now let's get back to work :)

Bob Fertik


THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT: Hold a Vigil or Rally Against Bush on Wednesday

Wednesday, November 2nd, is the one-year anniversary of the election. Numerous organizations are working together to create vigils and rallies around the country against the war and against the Bush regime. After Downing Street Co-Founder David Swanson will speak at the rally at the White House at 11 a.m. Go here to find an event near you: http://www.worldcantwait.net


Cities for Peace (now under the auspices of Cities for Progress at http://www.citiesforprogress.org ), an After Downing Street Member group, congratulates you all and After Downing Street on the fantastic efforts and success in Washington and around the country on September 24th! We invite and urge you also to participate in a local activity that has the potential to grab lots of media attention, to raise even higher the level of public discussion on the issue of peace in Iraq and of Federal Budget Priorities. Please join 60 other cities, including Chicago and Philadelphia, in passing a Bring the Troops Home Now! Resolution in your community.

There are several underway currently, including in NYC. Please plug into existing efforts and start new ones where they do not exist. Here is our Cities for Peace Bring the Troops Home Now Resolution Tool Kit, that will help you to get the ball rolling:

Please keep us abreast of your efforts and let us post your successes and Lessons Learned along the way!

Peace, Karen Dolan, Director, Cities for Progress/Cities for Peace kdolan@igc.org Malia Lazu, Field Director, Cities for Progress, malia@ips-dc.org


Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) has introduced a Resolution of Inquiry to demand the White House turn over all white papers, minutes, notes, emails or other communications kept by the White House Iraq Group (WHIG).

This Resolution must be voted on in the House International Relations Committee by November 9th, 2005. The same committee, on September 14, came within one vote of passing a Resolution of Inquiry into the Downing Street Memo (H. Res. 375).

We need volunteer organizers during the next week to help pass H. Res 505. Contact Sophie, Field Coordinator, at 415-789-8469 or lobbykit@yahoo.com

Talking Points on H. Res. 505:

Email Your Congress Member:

More Information and How to Get Involved:


Dick Cheney is personally to blame for the illegal and disastrous invasion of Iraq. Behind the scenes, Cheney was in charge of the war planning effort. In public, Cheney uttered the Administration's most egregious and bald-faced lies - especially about Iraq's non-existent nuclear program. When his nuclear lies were exposed by Ambassador Joe Wilson, Cheney personally participated in the criminal campaign to destroy Joe Wilson by outing his wife. Cheney refuses to take any responsibility for the war or for his crimes, and his former chief of staff, Scooter Libby, committed perjury and obstruction of justice to keep Cheney from being indicted. The United States cannot tolerate a criminal hiding from Justice in the White House. Congress must demand Cheney's immediate resignation.



George Bush's nomination of Sam Alito to the Supreme Court is unacceptable. In his 15 years on the Court of Appeals, Alito has compiled a record of right-wing judicial extremism: requiring battered women to notify their husbands before an abortion; prohibiting Congress from restricting the sale of machine guns; prohibiting Congress from enacting Family and Medical Leave; allowing employers to discriminate against workers with AIDS; even allowing police to strip-search a 10-year-old girl. Alito's financial dealings are also unacceptable: he ruled on a Vanguard case while he had a large investment there, and accepted an unexplained gift of as much as $250,000 in ExxonMobil stock. Bush chose Alito simply to reward his far-right supporters. Sam Alito would be the deciding vote on the most fundamental questions of our time, and he would invariably vote against personal freedom and in favor of a corporate theocratic dictatorship.



Not the End By Senator Edward Kennedy

Redemption For The Media By Alexandra Walker, TomPaine.com

The World Can't Wait By Russ Baker, www.TomPaine.com

Tomorrow Is the Beginning of the End By Debra Sweet, National Co-ordinator, the World Can't Wait

U.S. frees 500 prisoners from Iraq's Abu Ghraib By Reuters

Kristof Again Presses Cheney to Explain or Resign By Editor and Publisher http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/4281

Is Impeachment the Answer? By Robert Parry
http://www.consortiumnews.com http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/4264

The True Cost of War By Cindy Sheehan

Why Aren't the Democrats Screaming Bloody Murder? By Laura Santina, CommonDreams.org

Experts to Recommend Shifting to Small Cellular Antennas

The new "Solution" for antennas in Israel

I give some further backgound on the new "solution" that is described below at the end of this short article.

Iris Atzmon.


Experts to Recommend Shifting to Small Cellular Antennas
13:15 Oct 20, '05 / 17 Tishrei 5766

(IsraelNN.com) A fact-finding committee made of representatives of the Transportation, Communications and Interior Ministries is due to present its findings to the government by November 10th.

The committee began investigation a solution to the growing concerns and mounting resistance to the large cellular antennas that are becoming increasingly commonplace on the Israeli landscape.

According to some experts, including Prof. Eliyahu Richter who heads the Department of Industrial and Environmental Medicine at Hadassah Medical School, moving to a large quantity of smaller antennas to replace the fewer larger ones would result in less electromagnetic emissions per antenna, explaining that the closer antennas are situated to one another, the less the emissions.

Richter did acknowledge that even to this school of thought there is a down side, stating that this would significantly lower the emissions from each antenna but it would create a situation that everyone would be constantly exposed to continuous low-level emissions, even persons who do not use cellular telephones. He added that we are still uncertain as to the long-term effects of exposure and this has many people most concerned.

The governmental committee was the idea of our Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, as a get-away from the threat on the companies several months ago, when the Interior minister Ofir Pines tried to change the current law of the cellular antennas. Pines wanted to give the public the right to resist antennas (which does not exist now by law) and to give compensation for the loss of property value. His suggestion had the support of most of the ministers, but the companies did a very good job at the last moment and his suggestion was not given a chance to be even discussed in the ministers meeting when Sharon decided to set a committee with no authorities, in order to discuss the public health issue etc and to buy time. With the excuse that they cannot inform the public on new antennas because of "security" reasons, the companies caused to turn Pines' offer down. It doesn't matter that his suggestion was not on new antennas but on existing ones, but as he said himself: "the whole world and its wife wanted to kill the suggestion". Several years ago when he wanted to put warning labels on cell phones, the next day the celluar companies representatives flew especially to Israel from Europe and came to his office. Then, he says, he understood with what kind of power he was dealing. Anyway, the first city to adopt the new change and put many small antennas is Modiin, near Jerusalem it will be a test case, but it's not so easy: the residents resist it, they gathered 2300 signatures. I suggested them to demand their mayor to show them a certificate/ approval from the Helsinki Committee which says that he has approval to do human experiments on them, anyway they are equiped with studies and we'll see how it develops. The trick of the small antennas is to neutralize the public right to resist antennas - these antennas require no permission, and they will be hidden in street lamps. The residents said to the TV today: we don't want the phone third generation, we want third generation for our kids !! The mayor was convinced by the environmental ministry that more antennas are less radiation from antennas and from phones, and the municipality will receive 2.5 million shekels from the cell companies and he says that the people will understand that it's for their benefit in the future. In a conference that was held in the city about 2 weeks ago, a cancer patient asked Dr. Stelian Galberg from the Env. ministry, who advances the new "solution", whether he wanted to come to her funeral. He answered that he hoped everything would be allright.

Omega see also http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Stelian+Galberg

The companies reaction to the TV news programm about Modiin today, was that the solution is based on the equation that was presented on the TV screen like this: MORE ANTENNAS = LESS RADIATION. After Modiin they plan to do it in the rest of the country.

Eyes wide open

This touched me deeply. Please pass it on far and wide if you feel so inclined.

In Peace, Sally

American Friends Service Committee: http://www.afsc.org/iraq/movie.htm

Informant: Hopedance

Military Recruiters Enlist Lower and Middle Income Youth


Pro-War Liberals Frozen in the Headlights


What's Eating George Bush?


Traitors Deserve Prison, Impeachment



Group Organizes Walkout by Students to Protest War


Mass Argentine Protest Planned for Bush's Visit


US is Losing War on Terror


Rebutle to Bush supporter's justification for the war in Iraq


Sharing my rebutle to Bush supporter's justification for the war in Iraq

The following are just a few examples of how screwy is the rational of the author of the article you provided. I'm not even going to go into dozens of areas not being addressed.

Now, if there is anything I'm wrong about in my comments, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know. I took time, which is at a premium for me, to reply and I hope you do the same.

Jack Topel

ps: I could have written pages addressing the rest of the article but I realize people don't usually make the time. However, this much should make my point.

-------Original Message-------

Subject: FW: Important bit of history

THE following is a long, but TERRIFIC, perspective on our world today.... Raymond S. Kraft, the writer of this bit of history PLUS, went all out on this piece. If it doesn't start a lot of discussion nothing will.

...." We have to help the Reformation win, and to do that we have to fight the Inquisition, i.e., the Wahhabi movement, Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist movements. We have to do it somewhere. We cannot do it everywhere at once so we have created a focal point for the battle now, at the time and place of our choosing, in Iraq....

If the strategy above is the one to follow, why didn't we go to where the Wahhabi, whom are the most radical, powerful, and well funded Islamic group was ALREADY concentrated in, as we did with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan?

The reason... Their base and funding comes from the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia...the same bunch who bailed Bush from his failed oil businesses in Texas.

Instead, we go after the paper tiger of Saddam Husein and created the most powerful recruitment tool for radical Muslims causing the very OPPOSITE of what we are trying to accomplish!!!

...If the Inquisition wins, then the Wahhabi's, the Jihad is, will control the Middle East, and the OPEC oil, and the US, European, and Asian economies, the techno-industrial economies, will be at the mercy of OPEC - not an OPEC dominated by the well-educated and rational Saudis of today, but an OPEC dominated by the Jihadis.

You want gas in your car? You want heating oil next winter? You want jobs? You want the dollar to be worth anything? You better hope the Jihad, the Muslim Inquisition, loses, and the Islamic Reformation wins...

Yes, the rational for the Saudi Arabian rules for supporting their radical Wahhabi sect (to the tune of over 7 billion dollars as of 2003) was to buy protection so they don't for their own royal family.

The reason we may not be able to put gas in our cars and heat our homes will not be because of OPEC but because of the outrageous profits oil companies are reaping (you heard the recent news on this...right?)

As far a the value of the dollar...TOO LATE! it is already in the toilet and being "flushed" further by the minute. Did you see the e-mail I sent from Bloomberg Market News? Bill Gates was quietly dumping dollars and now he is doing it openly. OUR fiscal policies... mainly from the printing of trillions of dollars per year by the Federal Reserve are the major culprit...NOT ISLAMIC RADICALS.

Finally, I don't think I need to explain that we are already losing millions of jobs due to out sourcing...and these are not going to Islamic countries! (lets leave the Islamic radicals out of this one)

...(2) We created a battle, a confrontation, a flash point, with Islamic terrorism in Iraq. We have focused the battle. We are killing bad guys there and the ones we get there we won't have to get here, or somewhere else...

Forgive me for being blunt, but the rational above is absolutely moronic!!!

It is obvious that the author of this article has not read the translations of the speeches from Osama Bi Ladin. I have - as provided by researcher Howard Bloom.

It is an honor in their culture to sacrifice their or their childrens' lives for the Jihad. He further states that for every American son killed they can afford to have seven and have PLENTY left over. There are over a billion Muslims in the world. If only 10% are under the control and manipulation of radicals such as the Wahhabi's - to do the fighting and dying - that adds to a whole bunch of insurgents. We better hope they don't come after us in a focus point like Iraq!!

Finally, these guys can attack us anywhere at any time they really want. London and Madrid are 2 recent examples.

Jack Topel

Congress must investigate lies, leaks



Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu


Keep the CIA covered by the McCain torture prohibition


FBI E-Mail Refers to Presidential Order Authorizing Inhumane Interrogation Techniques






The Torture State: It's the presidential state


Don’t Divert: Keep Opposing the Iraq War


No New Weapons of Mass Murder at least for the moment


Nationalism and Anti-Americanism


If It's Good Enough for 'Scooter' it's good enough for his bosses


Antiwar Voices say to Kent State - "Hands Off Dave!"


"...My son, Casey Austin Sheehan, was recruited out of college and his recruiter promised him the sun and moon to enlist and delivered only an early grave. Not only should Mr. Airhart not be fined, suspended or expelled for his heroic act, but he should be given some kind of commendation from the college administration." --- Cindy Sheehan, statement of support for David Airhart and Kent State students.

"Surely, the memory of that shameful episode at Kent State in 1970 would be enough to make the university administration sensitive to unjust wars and the right of protest." - Howard Zinn, from his letter to the President Cartwright, Kent State University

"Soldiers like us know than even if the heart continues to beat the spirit may die in many important ways, and we know that we can leave a war zone, but the war never leaves us. Thank you, David, for your action. Hell may be within us, but so is our freedom, never let go of it.” -- Camilo Mejia

Anthony Arnove, Bonnie Weinstein, Brian Willson, Camilo Mejia, Charles Jenks, Charles Peterson, Cindy Sheehan, Dave Zirin, David Swanson, Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Gilda Carbonaro, Hadas Thier, Howard Zinn, Jeffrey St. Clair, Justino Rodriguez, Michael Letwin for New York City Labor Against the War, Mitchel Cohen, Nick Bergreen, Nicole Robinson, Norman Solomon, Pablo Paredes, Phil Gasper, Rania Masri, Rebecca Sambol, Sally Shaw, Sheri Leafgren, Sherry Wolf, Stan Goff, Sunny Miller for Traprock Peace Center, Tariq Khan and Ward Reilly have taken a stand on behalf of students at Kent State University.

In this remarkable collection of letters, they object to military recruitment on campus and support the rights of students to protest it. They demand that Kent State stop its disciplinary hearing against David Airhart, a student and veteran of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, who non-violently demonstrated for peace at Kent State on October 19th.

For the simple act of using a climbing wall erected by recruiters on campus, and then displaying a banner that read "Kent, Ohio for Peace", he was chased off the wall by recruiters who climbed up after him. As David was trying to get down, he was physically pulled off the wall by a recruiter. The recruiters face no inquiry; David, charged with disorderly conduct, is now facing a disciplinary hearing and possible expulsion from Kent State.

Kent State and Jackson State - where 6 students were killed in 1970 - are hallowed ground for the peace movement. After an autumn of repressions at Holyoke Community College, George Mason University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison - where students protesters have been harassed, attacked or brutalized - students at Kent State have taken a stand. And veterans of war and peace are coming to their defense.

Read Nicole Robinson's full account of David Airhart's quiet yet bold demonstration, the assault on him by military recruiters, and the Kent State administration's repression against him and free speech at the Campus Antiwar Network's site:


Statements of support and letters to Kent State are published on the "Hands Off Dave" Blog at


More statements are welcome, and we encourage people to contact the Kent State administration (contact information below).

The statements and letters support David, Kent State students, and all students who wish to exercise their rights of free speech on campus.

Anthony Arnove

Bonnie Weinstein

Brian Willson

Camilo Mejia

Charles Jenks

Charles T. Peterson

Cindy Sheehan

Dave Zirin

David Swanson

Elizabeth Wrigley-Field

Gilda Carbonaro

Hadas Thier, Justino Rodriguez and Nick Bergreen of the City College 4

Howard Zinn

Jeffrey St. Clair

Michael Letwin, New York City Labor Against the War

Mitchel Cohen

Nicole Robinson

Norman Solomon

Pablo Paredes

Phil Gasper

Rania Masri

Rebecca Sambol

Sally Shaw

Sheri Leafgren, Kent State

Sherry Wolf

Stan Goff

Sunny Miller for Traprock Peace Center

Tariq Khan

Ward Reilly

David is facing a disciplinary hearing in mid-November.

Call/email the Kent State University administration to tell them how you feel.

Carol Cartwright - University President: 330.672.2210 Carol.cartwright@kent.edu

Greg Jarvie - Dean of Undergraduate Students: 330.672.9494 Gjarvie@kent.edu

William Ross - Executive Director of the Undergraduate Student Senate: 330.672.3207 wross@kent.edu

Statements and letters in support of the Kent State students may be forwarded to Traprock Peace Center, which is posting an index of statements and letters. (Traprock is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization. In consultation with the Kent State Antiwar Coalition and the Campus Antiwar Network, Traprock reserves its right to exercise its discretion in posting any submitted material.)

Please sign the online petition by the Campus Antiwar Network at

The petition reads:

To the administration of Kent State University:

"We, the undersigned, oppose disciplinary and criminal sanctions against Dave Airhart (a Kent State Student and Iraq war veteran) by Kent city police and Kent State University for demonstrating his opposition to the war in Iraq.

Not only because we believe that students should have the right to express their opposition to the war in Iraq and because we believe that the war is unjust, but also because we believe that the administration is using the charge of “disorderly conduct” to punish Dave Airhart for his ideas, we call on the city of Kent, OH and the administration of Kent State University to suspend all proceedings against Dave Airhart."

There is an excellent report on the Kent State situation in Socialist Worker -


It includes comments from David Airhart and quotes from the above linked statements.

Charles Jenks
Chair of Advisory Board and Web Manager Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-7427 fax 413-773-7507

From ufpj-news

A New Weapon for Wal-Mart: A War Room


Informant: NHNE

Deja vu all over again

San Francisco Chronicle
by Jon Carroll


I dunno, does it seem like 1998 to you? Or maybe 1973? You know -- the president in a second term, a scandal erupts, everyone in the White House saying they're not paying attention and instead doing what the American people elected them to do. The president tries to stay above it all, but loses supporters as more details emerge. Nothing else seems to get done, even though there is much else to do. In both previous cases, it wasn't so much the initial act as the cover-up that prolonged the story. The lesson about the malign nature of cover-ups was much noted both times -- 'if only he'd come clean right away,' people murmured -- but that lesson has not been learned. Maybe that will always be the case; every administration has its own form of hubris, its own feeling of invincibility. Heck, people drive without seat belts and fail to evacuate hurricane zones -- the 'special me' notion is widespread...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A moment of truth

by Elaine Cassel


The media is filled with Republican pundits, right-wring Christians, and arrogant politicians lambasting Patrick Fitzgerald for prosecuting Scooter Libby for lying to the FBI and the grand jury. Not a 'real' crime, sniffs Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who, surely, being from Texas, must know a lot about lies. Big lies, and how to tell them. Why is it that these Republicans choose not to embrace the truth, and telling the truth, as a revered 'family value' or American 'virtue?' It's because lying is part and parcel of their overarching policy -- a policy that is to its core, aggressive, yet weak, self-serving and subversive, manipulative, and antisocial."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Taxpayer revolt starts with state bill of rights

by Dick Armey


"A taxpayer revolt is sweeping the nation with a battle cry for a 'Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights.' The latest count finds activists working with legislators in at least 22 states, from Georgia to Alaska, California to Vermont, to enact a Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights (TABOR), a tax-and-expenditure limit on state government that requires voter approval of spending over certain reasonable benchmarks. Taxpayers are up in arms because politicians are wasting too much of their hard earned money, and they want it to stop. Taxpayers agree with Armey’s Axiom: No one spends someone else’s money as wisely as he spends his own...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Are institutional investors taking over the world?

The politicization of public companies
Competitive Enterprise Institute
by Ivan Osorio


Are institutional investors taking over the world? Maybe not, but their importance in the public policy arena is growing, enough for the Federalist Society -- you know, the conservative legal cabal of which liberals speak in hushed tones -- to notice. It's a good thing they did. A recent Federalist Society panel took up this question, 'Unions as Shareholders: Doing Their Duty or Misusing Pension Fund Influence?' Before answering this question, we need to answer another: What is an institutional investment manager's fiduciary duty?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


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