
The Impending Decline of Saudi Oil Output


Informant: Hopedance

Six Cases of Cancer in the same Road

Thank you Andy and Sylvia,

I am most interested in your theory about DECT phones. When did they first appear?

There have been alot of cases of cancer near where I was yesterday, but these started long before I came to Kensworth. One lady had cancer of the breast and said it was a radio aerial causing it, but there is no aerial where she said it was, but there is one about 300 yards away and of course that was there long before 2001 when the Orange mast was erected.

The same lady told me that there had been about six other cases of cancer in the same road (in fact I had spoken to a lady previously whose husband had had cancer of the jaw - they live opposite the lady with breast cancer). There have also been animals effected nearby- three dogs 1. cancer of mouth. 1. area unknown. 1. small growths appearing on paws which owner has removed by the vet.

Change of subject. I am reading a very interesting book (loaned by Phil Watts, thank you Phil!) The Zapping of America, which gives detailed info re Pandora and the American Embassy etc. The symptom of raised white bloodcell count experienced there made me ask victims in Kensworth to get there white bloodcell count checked last year, but none of them have done it. I found out about two cases 100 metres from the mast last year - the doctors can find no reason for the symptom as there is no infection. How about everyone affected getting their white cell count checked? I thought if there is a high number of cases it may be evidence to use in appeals.

This is the sort of thing the Dept of Health should be looking at instead of spending £10,000,000 on more lab tests.

What does everyone think?

Best regards,

Gill Lyden



Andy Marino wrote this in 1995:

Elevated white blood cell count was also a feature of the Skrunda study. And once again, there is direct association between white cells and nitric oxide production.

This is not an exclusive feature to microwave masts, but EMF in general at low modulation frequencies, which includes power lines.

And yes, this kind of assessment needs to be made over time among people in mast-exposure environments, but it does require that the sources also be removed/switched off for a period as well. Can it really be more expensive to switch some masts off while assessing the "recovery period", than setting up expensive lab operations??



Auftaktveranstaltung zum bayerischen Mobilfunkvolksbegehren in Augsburg

Wir bitten um kurzfristige Berücksichtigung des folgenden Veranstaltungshinweises:

Auftaktveranstaltung zum bayerischen Mobilfunkvolksbegehren
(Eintragungsfrist 5.-18. Juli!) in Augsburg:


Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2005, 19:30 Uhr im Zeughaus in Augsburg (Hollsaal)

Referent: Hans Schütz (Umweltinitiative Pfaffenwinkel e.V., Netzwerk mobilfunkkritischer Initiativen im Pfaffenwinkel)
Im Anschluss Diskussion zur Thematik und zum Volksbegehren!

Die Veranstaltung ist hervorragend geeignet, sich ganz allgemein über die Mobilfunkproblematik und speziell das entsprechende Volksbegehren zu informieren. Insbesondere Eltern und auch Jugendlichen können wir den Besuch der Veranstaltung wärmstens empfehlen, da Herr Schütz als erfahrener Pädagoge sehr anschaulich und leicht verständlich referiert!

*** Bitte noch schnell weitersagen! ***

Nähere Infos zum Volksbegehren:

Bitte gehen Sie unbedingt während der Öffnungszeiten in eines der Eintragungslokale!!!

Auch wenn es sich hier (d.h. bei den Zielen des Volksbegehrens) nur um den berühmten "Tropfen auf den heißen Stein" handelt, der das Kernproblem der heutigen Mobilfunktechniken bei weitem noch nicht löst ... entscheidende Politiker könnten durch Volkes Stimme aber endlich mal massiv wachgerüttelt werden und möglicherweise dann auch weitergehende Verbesserungen zugunsten unserer Gesundheit auf den Weg bringen ...

Herzlichen Gruß

esmog augsburg
Bürgervereinigung zum Schutz der Menschen
vor den Gesundheitsrisiken des Mobilfunks
(Sprecher: E. Winkler, H. Zwick)
Postfach 431173
86071 Augsburg
Telefon 0941/599286150
Telefax 0941/599286150
E-Mail info@esmog-augsburg.de
Homepage http://www.esmog-augsburg.de

Aktionskreis Dachau zum Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk"

Liebe Nachbarn, sehr geehrte Newsletterabonnenten,

in der Anlage finden Sie die Termine der Dachauer Veranstaltungen zum Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk". Die 2-wöchige Eintragungsfrist beginnt am Dienstag den 5. Juli. Wir bitten Sie bei den Veranstaltungen mitzumachen und sich bei den Rathäusern einzutragen, um die erforderliche 10% Hürde zu erreichen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

BV gegen die Mobilfunkanlage in Dachau-Süd, am Heideweg.


Aktionskreis Dachau, Günter Kaltner, Holzgartenstraße 15, 85221 Dachau, Tel. 08131/84151 - Fax 08131/84163


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Anbei übersende ich Ihnen die Übersicht sämtlicher Termine des Volksbegehrens „Für Gesundheit beim Mobilfunk“, Aktionskreis Dachau.

1. Das Volksbegehren findet zwischen dem 5. und 18. Juli in ganz Bayern statt.
2. Seit 26.6.2005 werden im Landkreis Dachau flächendeckend Benachrichtigungskarten verteilt.
3. Ab 3.7.2005 werden im Landkreis Dachau auch flächendeckend Flyer verteilt.
4. Ab 26.6.2005 werden im Landkreis ca. 250 (inkl. 100 Plakatständer in Dachau) aufgestellt.
5. Termine auf den Dachauer Wochenmärkten:
Mittwoch 6. Juli 2005 Altstadt 9.00 – 11.30 Uhr
Freitag 8. Juli 2005 vormittag Untere Stadt 9.00 - 11.30 Uhr
Freitag 8. Juli 2005 nachmittag Dachau Ost 14.00 - 16.30 Uhr
Samstag 9. Juli 2005 Altstadt 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr
Mittwoch 13. Juli 2005 Altstadt 9.00 – 11.30 Uhr
Freitag 15. Juli 2005 vormittag Untere Stadt 9.00 – 11.30 Uhr
Freitag 15. Juli 2005 nachmittag Dachau-Ost 14.00 - 16.30 Uhr
Samstag 16. Juli 2005 Altstadt 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr
6. 2 Veranstaltungen sind am 4. Juli 2005 um 20.00 Uhr in Dachau-Pellheim, Gasthof Liegsalz von der ÜB Dachau (gesonderte Pressemeldung der ÜB Dachau und Plakat im Anhang ) und am 7. Juli 2005 im Gasthof Zieglerbräu, Zieglerveranda mit ÖDP-Bundesvorsitzenden Professor Buchner, (gesonderte Pressemitteilung durch Hr. Heim und Plakat im Anhang)
7. Die Zwischenstände des Volksbegehrens werden Ihnen von Frau Doris Krampfl am 6. , 8., 12., 14. und am 16.7.2005 mitgeteilt.
8. Die Öffnungszeiten der einzelnen Gemeinden werden noch mitgeteilt, da diese etwas abweichen können.

Sollten noch Fragen zu dem Volksbegehren, Termine usw. offen sein, können Sie mich unter 08131/84151 anrufen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Günter Kaltner


Informationen zum Volksbegehren und Macht Mobilfunk krank?

Kostenlose Messungen von mitgebrachten schnurlosen Telefonen und Handy’s

Informationsveranstaltung mit stellv. ödp-Kreisvorsitzenden Doris Krampfl und ÜB-Mitglied und Baubiologen Günter Kaltner

Montag, 4.Juli 20:00 Uhr

Gasthof Liegsalz, Dachau-Pellheim, Dorfstraße 6

V.i.S.d.P: "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" –
Aktionskreis Dachau; c/oGünter Kaltner, Holzgartenstraße 15, 85221 Dachau


Macht Mobilfunk krank ?

Informationsveranstaltung mit dem ödp-Bundesvorsitzenden Prof. Klaus Buchner

Donnerstag, 7.Juli 20:00 Uhr
Dachau, Zieglerbräu („Veranda“)
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 8

V.i.S.d.P: "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" –
Aktionskreis Dachau; c/oGünter Kaltner, Holzgartenstraße 15, 85221 Dachau

Global Warming A Threat To Waterfowl


Informant: Andy Caffrey

Establishing the European Military Complex

For eurocrats in Brussels, it's foremost a question of economics and
not security.


In Istanbul berieten Menschenrechtsorganisationen und Intellektuelle über den Krieg in Irak

"Dieses Tribunal wird nicht unbeachtet bleiben"

In Istanbul berieten Menschenrechtsorganisationen und Intellektuelle
drei Tage lang über den Krieg in Irak.


Save the Dolphins


Stealth Recruiting Database by Pentagon Violates Parental Rights and Student Privacy

PO Box 656
Sparks, NV 89432
(775) 356-9009

Please forward this message to your family and friends!

For Immediate Release

June 28, 2005

Stealth Recruiting Database by Pentagon Violates Parental Rights and Student Privacy


Last weeks revelation that the Pentagon hired an outside marketing firm to compile an extensive database of high school and college age students who meet minimum requirements for military service has earned the scrutiny of privacy rights advocates and the anger of moms across the country.

The Pentagon has violated the law and infringed on parental rights by compiling an extensive database of personal information on American teenagers, charges the chairman of a national anti-conscription movement.

“We’re outraged by the Pentagon’s predatory and illegal actions,” stated Janine Hansen, Chairman of Mothers Against the Draft (MAD). “Particularly troubling is the fact that the Pentagon compiled this massive, centralized database in secrecy, and has been using it for three years before giving public notice as required by the Privacy Act.”

The Joint Advertising and Market Research Recruiting Database (JAMRS), created with the aid of a private marketing firm, contains extensive information on 30 million young Americans between the ages of 16 to 25. Updated daily with new records, JAMRS includes such information as social security number, ethnicity, grade point average, areas of study, height, weight, postal and email address, selective service registration, and phone number.

“The very existence of the database is an unlawful and unwarranted violation of the privacy rights of our children,” declared Debbie Hopper, MAD’s Vice Chairman. “It’s also a clear warning to every mother in America that the Department of Defense, desperate to fill boots on the ground in Iraq , is more than willing to circumvent the law to ensure that no child is left un-recruited.”

“The military manpower problem is real and significant,” said Hansen. “When there aren’t enough volunteers, Congress is left with few choices. They can significantly raise taxes to support a mercenary force, change our foreign policy and reduce our overseas military commitments, or resort to the draft or some other form of compulsory national service to fill the gap.”

“We’re not anticipating a military draft like what we saw during the Vietnam War,” said Hopper. “We think it far more likely that we’ll see legislation mandating two years of ‘national service’ for all young men and women, perhaps coupled with a skills draft of older citizens who are doctors, nurses, EMT’s, Arabic linguists, and others who possess ‘special skills’ sorely needed by the military.”

“Conditions are growing ripe for such a push,” said Hansen. “It’s time for Congress to stop dodging the draft issue. The mothers of American have an absolute right to know if our elected representatives support a draft or other forms of involuntary national service. And our representatives have an absolute duty to tell us the truth.”

Parents can take action to protect their children’s privacy by submitting a request in writing to the Joint Advertising and Mark et Research Study Office. Opt-out forms and mailing instructions are available on MAD’s website at http://www.mothersagainstthedraft.org .

For more information or to arrange an interview with Janine Hansen, Chairman of MAD please call 775-356-9009. To interview Debbie Hopper, MAD Vice Chairman, please call 636-861-7052.

Lose A Bully, Gain A Legacy

by Don Kraus, TomPaine.com

If the president cares about his legacy, he will nominate a U.N. ambassador with a reputation for cooperation, not contention.


Stay The Crooked Course

by Ray McGovern, TomPaine.com

Tonight, President Bush will tell the nation we must stay the course. One outspoken general knows that's losing advice.


Big Media


Rights Groups Detail Growing Police State


Informant: Chris

British Officials Predicted "Disaster" in Iraq


Senator Durbin Defends America's Values


An Axis of Demagogues Just Got More Dangerous


Embryonic Stem Cell Research




From ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space

A Call to Americans


A Guide to the President's Speech


Federal Funding for Mental Health Screening of Kids


Grass-Roots Morality


A Defeat Bred in Deceit


Iraq one year on: A bloody mess




Informant: DitziSis


You've heard it plenty of times: The Saudis are exporting Islamist militancy throughout the Middle East and beyond, and Americans are picking up the tab, with the $30 billion we spend annually on Saudi oil helping to finance fundamentalist mosques and madrassas. "We are financing both sides in the war on terrorism," observed Thomas L. Friedman in a March New York Times column. And we're doing so faster than ever, because oil now fetches nearly $60 a barrel--more than twice the pre-September 11 price. The only solution, experts say, is to spend less on fossil fuel and more on renewable energy--a double whammy of environmentalism and power politics that Friedman has dubbed the "geo-green strategy." Cutting dependence on foreign oil is "America's best weapon against terrorism," argues the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (a hawkish think tank whose energy proposals have been backed by green groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council). The group says it would "invalidate the social contract between the leaders and their people and stem the flow of resources to the religious establishment."


Power Failure

No one would support a crime bill that didn't mention murder, a Social Security bill that said nothing about benefits, or an anti-terrorism bill without provisions concerning the capture of terrorists. But, this week, the Senate is debating the equivalent, as it considers an omnibus energy bill that says nothing about the number-one problem in U.S. energy policy: rising petroleum consumption by cars, SUVs, and trucks. This issue swamps all other energy policy concerns combined. Yet the administration's energy bill, more than four years in the making, does absolutely nothing to mandate or even encourage higher miles-per-gallon (MPG) performance by U.S. vehicles. This makes the energy bill one of the most preposterous pieces of major legislation ever seriously considered by the U.S. Congress, which, we realize, is saying a lot.


The Army's Hard Sell

The all-volunteer Army is not working. The problem with such an Army is that there are limited numbers of people who will freely choose to participate in an enterprise in which they may well be shot, blown up, burned to death or suffer some other excruciating fate.


The Journey is the Destination - Shift the Paradigm from Conflict to UNITY

G8--Our Agenda - "Our World Working For All Of Us"

Please forward to your contacts

This gathering could turn out to be the biggest ever, bigger than Woodstock or the Isle of White both in size and significance – an ocean of humanity expressing the cry from deep in the heart of our generation for a better way of running the anthill that is our global culture – each of us a drop in that ocean.

"Each and every drop entering the ocean immediately becomes the ocean"

Why are we demonstrating at the G8?

What is it really all about?

What do we realistically hope to achieve?

What is possible in the realpolitik?

Africa, global warming, third world debt, Iraq etc are only symptoms, a metaphor for what we are all dissatisfied about.

Africa and the other issues expose the lack of integrity that is driving and has driven global behavior for thousands of years both in the macro of global trade and in the micro of our individual relationships with each other.

When I look in the mirror, I can see all the garbage of this world operating within me also as I conduct my life in the daily scramble to survive another day on this spinning lump of rock.

How do I interact with my neighbors and friends? - Global peace begins right here with me and then spills out radiating throughout the global culture.

The beauty of these times is that there is no escape from this reality anymore. Extinction is the only way out. Either we face our issues individually and globally or our civilisation will cease to exist.

Live 8 @ the G8 is the heart of the people crying out for something different, a new way of operating. Each of us is a single blade of grass cracking the concrete. This has been building for a long time since the first wave in the sixties -- it now comes of age.

It is important that we operate in this situation with the consciousness of "the journey is the destination".

The issues that we are addressing are ignorance - fear, selfishness, and the resulting dishonesty. What is important is that we understand that this is an evolutionary moment; it is in innocence, that the human race is where it is.

Down from the trees, but not yet walking upright. We are monkeys barely out of the jungle squeezing this amazing civilisation out of the rocks.

We must move beyond finger pointing, blame, and demonisation. Move beyond "protesting against" to "demonstrating FOR"

Say Yes To Peace

We must leave the "Them and Us" paradigm back in the second millennium where it has already created too much havoc. The time has come for us to move together in partnership for:

"Our world working for all of us without exception"

In my opinion, this is what we are demonstrating about.

If we go to Edinburgh with hatred, negativity and blame in our hearts and minds, we will be part of the problem, not the solution.The result will be more of the same if not worse.

""You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink"
BUT ………. You can sprinkle salt in its food.

We must truly "BE THE CHANGE that we want to see in the world" – BE IT NOW!

Each and every breath – Remember, honey is sweeter and more attractive than vinegar.

We are Dancing our Dream of a better world Awake into Reality.

Bring CHALK to Edinburgh – express yourselves for all to see. Bring extra CHALK to share with others:


Message in a bottle

Bring musical instruments, noisemakers lets create the biggest band ever http://www.infinitepossibility.org/magic/index.html


Social Acupuncture

"changing our world by changing our conversation"

Activism for the new millennium "when the conversation reaches critical mass, it transforms into ACTION".


See you all in Edinburgh

I am looking for a someone with a broadcast quality camera for a documentary project – e mail me privately if you are going to be at the G8 gathering and are interested in a possible collaboration.


"there is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation – Reclaim the Conversation – Our New World Order IS Love".



Schily-Pläne werden realisiert: Käfighaltung in Libyen

„Schily-Pläne werden realisiert: Flüchtlingslager in Nordafrika im Aufbau. Auswahl billiger Arbeitskräfte für EU angestrebt. Schnellboote und High-Tech-Gerät zur Überwachung aus der BRD. Die libysche Grenzpolizei wird einem EU-Kommando unter deutscher Beteiligung zugeordnet und soll afrikanische Migranten im Mittelmeer abfangen…“

Junge Welt-Bericht vom 25.06.2005

Die Meldung in der jungen Welt bezieht sich auf einen ausführlicheren, deutschsprachigen Bericht von „German Foreign Policy“ vom 24.06.2005


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 17

Viele Arbeiter begrüßen Ablehnung der EU-Verfassung

Ver.di hat bislang keine klare Position - einige Basisgewerkschafter aber sehr wohl.

Ein Interview von Hans-Gerd Öfinger mit Marcel Bathis, Sprecher der ver.di-Vertrauensleute bei der Frankfurter Rundschau, in junge Welt vom 25.06.2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 17

„Beschäftigungsorientiertes Fallmanagement im SGB II“ - betreutes Privatleben?

Erwiderung von Antonin Dick vom 26. Juni 2005 auf den bei LabourNet veröffentlichten Diskussionsbeitrag von Rainer Göckler zu seiner Kritik an dem von ihm vorgelegten Text zum sogenannten Fallmanagement. (pdf)


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 26, Eintrag 17

Kriminalität - Horror auf dem Handy


Bush Administration Manipulates Science in Grazing Report


Bush seeking military control of space


From Global Network

Wireless Microwaves and Health

Thought you may find this of interest from May edition 2004 of WDDTY vol 15. no 2.

Wireless microwaves and health.jpg


The Last Throes of US Dominance


Informant: Kev Hall

Is Cheney the new "Baghdad Bob?"


Is it just me, or is Vice President Cheney, who repeated Thursday that the Iraq insurgency is in its final throes, starting to sound like former Saddam spokesman 'Baghdad Bob?' Is it time to start calling him 'D.C. Dick?' Yesterday, after a week of serious criticism, for claiming that the insurgency in Iraq was in its 'last throes,' Cheney refused to back down, even after Gen. John Abizaid, our top military commander for the Middle East, proclaimed that the insurgency, in fact, was as strong as ever, and 'a lot of work' remained to be done to defeat it. ... Yet Cheney said on Thursday, 'If you look at what the dictionary says about 'throes,' it can still be a violent period.' He compared this time to the end of World War II when tough battles 'occurred just a few months before the end. I see this as a similar situation.' Give this man a beret!


from Editor and Publisher, by Greg Mitchell

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Press apologists for torture

No matter what comes out, we are surrounded by a smug arrogance, a self-righteous 'defense' that says, 'My country can do no wrong.' In the air is a firm and determined premise: If 'My' country does it, it automatically becomes right and justifiable. Too often, those of us who demand we act in accord with our constitution, international law, common decency, and the values laid down by our founding fathers are accused of 'treason'...


from CounterPunch, by Leigh Saavedra

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Constitution Death Pool


Right now, the Constitution is under an unprecedented assault. In recent times, we have seen the anti-First Amendment law known as the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act, Supreme Court assaults on the Fifth and Tenth Amendments, and more assaults on the Second Amendment than we can possibly count. This blog will be a venue for us to chronicle the actions of those who would trample our Constitutional rights in the name of political expediency. We will also be making an effort to coordinate contact with elected officials to let them know that we do not appreciate the paths our government has taken in recent times...


from Constitution Death Pool, by "Vic" -- Hat Tip to War on Guns blog

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Your castle no more

Th[e] decision in the Kelo v. New London case is another giant step toward classical corporatism or fascism in America. In this case the city council of New London, CT, decided to condemn and take the homes and businesses of a number of citizens, including the Derys and Susette Kelo, who filed the case, in the name of economic development. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows governments to take property by eminent domain, as long as just compensation is paid, but only for public uses. These uses have always been understood to be necessary government-provided infrastructure such as courthouses or roads. Otherwise, property should be sacrosanct. Individuals, businesses or governments might seek to purchase it, but if the owner does not wish to sell, that is his or her right -- meaning one need not secure the permission or blessing of neighbors, government or 'society' to own property. But in recent decades politicians have made increasingly brazen elitist attempts to remodel our lives and communities." (06/27/05)


from Washington Times, by Edward Hudgins

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Government as mass psychosis


Everything about the government is an illusion. Constitutions, flags, laws, uniforms, borders –- these constructs are artificial. They may have strong cultural manifestations and incite people to behave in distinct ways toward each other, but in the end it is people, and not nations, that act...


from Strike the Root, by Anthony Gregory

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Phantom Menace

The Washington agencies of national security display a distressing detachment from the realities of the American situation in the Middle East. The Army, its Reserve, and the Marine Corps are overcommitted, with deteriorating morale. The volunteer military cannot find the recruits it needs. Conscription is politically unthinkable but could become the only alternative. In these circumstances, the Defense Department, which has been unable to supply body and vehicle armor in adequate quantities, is preoccupied with new nuclear weapons and space wars. It wants vast new expenditures on projects with no relevance to present realities -- new and 'more usable' nuclear weapons, including earth-penetrating 'bunker busters.' The need is highly debatable, and the political costs of developing new nuclear weapons enormous... (for publication 07/04/05)


from The American Conservative, by William Pfaff

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America's perverse "public" media


The Soviet Union had no free press, privately owned, politically independent, competing publications dealing with ideas and whatever else readers would find of interest. The old USSR had Pravda and other state run newspapers and broadcast outlets. This kind of media exists in other parts of the world but the United States of America was to be a haven for a completely free press. Sadly, even there broadcast media fell into the hands of government .... Still, even with this intrusiveness, radio and TV do not get funded by monies extorted via taxation. There is still a pretty good semblance of competition on the airwaves, especially with the arrival a few decades ago of cable TV and the Internet. One thing is, however, way over the top in American media affairs. This is the prominence of National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service...


from Free Market News Network, by Tibor R. Machan

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Trading, not invading


On the one hand, when dealing with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the ayatollahs' Iran, Kim Jong Il's North Korea, and Fidel Castro's Cuba, President Bush and his aides have insisted that economic sanctions, diplomatic isolation, and the use of military power ('regime change') -- an approach that can be described as U.S. 'destructive disengagement' toward these governments -- are the only way to transform totalitarian systems and authoritarian regimes into democracies and free-market economies. On the other hand, when it comes to communist-ruled Vietnam -- it is less democratic than Iran and has less religious freedom than Saddam Hussein permitted in Iraq -- President Bush has been pursuing a policy of 'constructive engagement' based on the notion that expanding diplomatic and economic ties with an authoritarian government is the most effective way to help move it in the direction of free markets and democracy...


from AntiWar.Com, by Leon Hadar

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Protestgruppen können effektiv Druck machen


Private property in peril


Aside from violating the fundamental law of the Constitution, Kelo subverts the free market's system of voluntary exchange. Prior to Kelo, if Corporation X, for example, desired to purchase a parcel of land to build a hotel, it had to make a satisfactory offer to the owner. If the parties agreed on a price, a voluntary transaction resulted in which both parties felt they benefited. Under Kelo, if the property owner does not agree to Corporation X's terms, then Corporation X has the option of persuading the government to exercise the power of eminent domain. Corporation X need only allege that its proposed hotel will be a more productive use of the property...


from Independent Institute, by William J. Watkins Jr.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

We're all Indians now


The Supreme Soviet has declared, in effect, that there is no such thing as private property. If someone, government representative or not, desires to take your land and your home and do something with it, it can be done so long as the thief can demonstrate improvement to the public good. Property taxes, effectively rent paid to your local government, were bad enough. Now they've come right out and said that you no longer own your home. If some developer wants to tear up a place you've spent 40 years putting your heart and soul into so he can build a Wal*Mart, you have no defense, no recourse, and no hope. Just like the Indians one or two centuries ago, men with guns will appear to shove you away and onto a different but worthless piece of ground to start over...


from The Libertarian Enterprise, by Francis A Ney, Jr.

Remember Kelo


I confess that I am having trouble summoning the appropriate outrage at Kelo v. New London, the Supreme Court decision that permits states and local governments to use eminent domain powers to transfer land from one private owner to another. This assault on the rights of poor and middle-class homeowners for the benefit of corporations and developers is indeed outrageous. We should all be angry. But the real villains are not senior citizens on a bench in Washington D.C, but the politicians, bureaucrats, and developers who conspire to steal land in our communities...


from Liberty For All, by James Leroy Wilson

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Blair defends ID cards after experts blast plan

Tony Blair faced a dual assault on the Government's proposals for ID cards yesterday, with leading academics and the official information watchdog condemning plans for a national identity database covering every individual in Britain. A 300-page report by staff at the London School of Economics made fundamental criticisms of the justification, technology and scope of the ID cards scheme. The report warned that it could pose a 'far greater risk to the safety and security of UK citizens' than any of the problems it is intended to address. In a second blow to the Government's proposals, Richard Thomas, the information commissioner, also strongly attacked plans for a national identity register as 'unwarranted and intrusive.' He said ID cards could be used to track people's lives and help create a 'surveillance society...


from Independent [UK]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Score of Muslim men jailed without charges


Operating behind a wall of secrecy, the U.S. Department of Justice thrust scores of Muslim men living in the United States into a Kafkaesque world of indefinite detention without charge and baseless accusations of terrorist links, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a report released today. Following the September 11 attacks, the Justice Department held the 70 men -- all but one Muslim -- under a narrow federal law that permits the arrest and brief detention of 'material witnesses' who have important information about a crime, if they might otherwise flee to avoid testifying before a grand jury or in court. Although federal officials suspected the men of involvement in terrorism, it held them as material witnesses, not criminal suspects. Almost half of the witnesses were never brought before a grand jury or court to testify. The U.S. government has apologized to 13 for wrongfully detaining them. Only a handful were ever charged with crimes related to terrorism...


from ACLU

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senators seek rules for Gitmo detainees


Two Democratic senators, just back from Guantanamo Bay, said Monday that Congress should come up with concrete rules for handling detainees at the U.S. prison there. Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Ben Nelson of Nebraska said more precise rules would help ensure that prisoners would not be abused and that the United States would not suffer further embarrassments because of the way detainees were treated...


from Cincinnati Enquirer

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Halliburton's Iraq deals "contract abuse"


A top Army procurement official said today Halliburton's deals in Iraq were the worst example of contract abuse she had seen as Pentagon auditors flagged over $1 billion of potential overcharges by the Texas-based firm. Bunny Greenhouse, the Army Corps of Engineers' top contracting official-turned whistle-blower, said in testimony at a hearing by Democrats on Capitol Hill that 'every aspect' of Halliburton's oil contract in Iraq had been under the control of the Office of the Secretary of Defense...


from Houston Chronicle

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Disapproval of Bush at high point


The number of Americans disapproving of President Bush's job performance has risen to the highest level of his presidency, according to the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Monday. According to the poll, 53 percent of respondents said they disapproved of Bush's performance, compared to 45 percent who approved. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points. The 53 percent figure was the highest disapproval rating recorded in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll since Bush became president in January 2001...


from CNN

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Whose God Is Their Co-Pilot?


Informant: NHNE

Sept. 24-26, 2005: End the War on Iraq! Massive Mobilization in Washington, D.C.


On Defensive, Bush to Deliver "Stay the Course" Speech at Ft. Bragg


Informant: Martin Greenhut

Bush Lies Again: UN Access to Guantanamo Torture Center Denied

Bush: Guantanamo Detainees Receiving Humane Treatment

Informant: Charles Bremer

Iraq Torture Investigators Reveal Scores of New Cases


Informant: Charles Bremer

Abuse of U.S. Prisoners Abroad

Bush Calls "Water Boarding", Torture by Drowning, Humane

Informant: Charles Bremer

AI Call For Prosecutions Of Officials For Torture


Informant: Charles Bremer

U.K. illegally detaining asylum-seekers


Informant: Charles Bremer

Human rights experts demand access to Guantanamo


Informant: Charles Bremer

Downing Street Minutes to Hit House Floor


Informant: Martin Greenhut

Downing Street Minutes to Hit House Floor June 28th

Informant: Carol Wolman



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