
Evidences that the Bush Administration knew about September 11.


The 9/11 WTC Collapses: Video Analysis



Mitmachen: Pachtland ohne Gentechnik - Den Anbau von Gen-Mais verhindern


Die achte Auflage des Gentechnik-Ratgebers findet ihr ganz aktuell auf unserer Homepage zum Herunterladen:


Gen-Mais sprießt in diesen Wochen aus dem Boden. Gentechnisch verändertes Saatgut der Firma Monsanto wurde in Deutschland ausgesät.

Die gute Nachricht: Von den ursprünglich 1100 geplanten Hektar wurde aufgrund zahlreicher Proteste nun lediglich auf 400 Hektar Gen-Mais angebaut.

Wer sich gegen den Anbau wehren möchte oder als Verbraucher aktiv werden will, kann sich an unserer Mitmachaktion beteiligen. Wir haben Anzeigen vorbereitet, die Flächenbesitzer auf ihre Rechte, den Anbau von Gen-Pflanzen zu verhindern, aufmerksam machen. Viele Zeitungen oder Web-Seiten haben freien Platz, für den sie kostenlose Anzeigen annehmen. Schaltet Freianzeigen in Zeitungen eurer Region oder Web-Seiten, die über das Thema berichten.

Zur Mitmachaktion kommt ihr hier:

Bitte gebt uns Rückmeldung, wie die Zeitungen reagieren und ob ihr Anzeigen unterbringen konntet.

Damit ihr seht, wo genau der Gen-Mais wächst, vielleicht in eurer Nähe oder in der Nachbarschaft von Verwandten, haben wir eine Karte der Anbauflächen zusammengestellt. Ihr findet sie auf unseren Gentechnik-Seiten unter Anbau und Genpflanzen, Artikel Gen-Mais in Deutschland: http://www.greenpeace.de/themen/gentechnik

Bei der Gelegenheit werdet ihr auf den Relaunch der http://www.greenpeace.de -Seiten aufmerksam. In einem klaren und übersichtlichem Layout findet ihr alle wichtigen Infos, die ihr zu Greenpeace-Themen braucht.

Viel Spaß beim Surfen und bis bald,

Euer EinkaufsNetz-Team
Greenpeace e.V.
Grosse Elbstrasse 39
22767 Hamburg
Tel. + 49 40 30618-357
Fax + 49 40 30618-130

Downing Street II

by Ray McGovern,TomPaine.com

Newly leaked documents reveal the extent of the British cabinet's concern over U.S. disrespect for international law.



Phone mast must be stopped

Letters to the Editor

Kenilworth Weekly News

To all who live in Kenilworth.

Vodafone and other phone companies are putting up antennas around the town. If they are given a licence to put one in the electricity substation in Caesar Road it will then put Kenilworth under a blanket of low to medium radiation.

This is something we do not want. It is time for us to tell Warwick District Council enough is enough.

We elect councillors to look after the people of Kenilworth and Warwickshire and not put them under the risk of radiation. The council can do something about this now before it is too late by refusing Vodafone a licence.

If they do give them a licence are they also going to take out a multi-million pound insurance cover against any future claims if it was proven radiation was the cause of people's cancers?

Because you the licensing authority, not knowing that it could not happen, would be partly responsible.

From: Mr D Hands, Oaks Road , Kenilworth.

13 June 2005




Burton Mail

BURTON ’S MP has backed villagers involved in a dispute with a telecommunications company over the installation of a mobile phone mast.

Janet Dean MP has contacted phone giant 02 about the siting of a controversial mast in Stretton.

The company sparked outrage on Monday after contractors began to lay the foundations for a mast in Hillfield Lane , Stretton.

East Staffordshire Borough Council approved a planning application for the mast in January, despite more than 50 objections from residents concerned about health risks.

However at the time the firm agreed to look for an alternative site and said it would notify the council if any work was to begin. It did not do this before contractors began laying the mast’s foundations earlier this week.

Work was halted on the mast in Hillfield Lane on Tuesday and 02 said that a change of contractors meant the work had mistakenly gone ahead.

Mrs Dean said she had telephoned the chief executive of 02 on Tuesday after work had begun on the site.

She said: "I know from Councillor Ron Clarke that residents remain concerned because the company are not at the moment removing the foundations that have been installed.

"While I can understand the reluctance of 02 to remove the foundations until a new site is agreed, I have pressed 02 for reassurances. In particular, I have asked for confirmation that even though planning permission has been obtained for the Hillfield Lane site, the construction of the mast will not go ahead there, providing a suitable alternative site can be agreed."

An 02 spokesman told the Mail at the time work on the mast had been "postponed" and that workers were looking for an alternative site once more.

The spokesman said: "Unfortunately there was a change of personnel and the sites that were going to be looked at were never progressed."

'Cancer street' residents admit loss

by Charlie Stong

Wanstead and Woodford Guardian

AFTER almost four years of fighting, residents living in a street plagued by mobile phone masts admit that big business has finally won the day.

Carnarvon Road in South Woodford was dubbed 'cancer street' in 2001 as we revealed that five out of seven houses next to a mobile phone base station were homes to victims of the disease.

At the time there were 16 masts on the one station in Carnarvon Road, and an independent study revealed the street contained some of the worst microwave levels' of any street in the country.

However, another study in 2002 said that radiation emissions in Carnarvon Road were below Government guidelines.

In May, 2003, three more masts were erected on the Forest House site after a Bristol-based planning inspectorate overturned Redbridge Council's decision to veto the plans. But physicist Dr Peter Wright, who lives in the road and who has in the past helped the cancer victims in their battle against the phone giants, this week reluctantly admitted the companies may have finally won the day.

He said: "It's very sad to say, but we have all but given up the ghost now.

"Sadly everyone these days seems to want a mobile phone. Mobile phone masts are popping up everywhere, the Government earns massive revenue from the industry and the companies are now global.

"Unfortunately, it seems that big business has won the day," he added. Another resident Constance Nash, who is waiting for the all-clear after a fight against breast cancer, feared her disease may have been linked to the masts some of which have been in the street for 20 years. This week, the 84-year-old admitted that she too was getting fed up with the situation and couldn't campaign against the companies any more. The Government received an instant £22.5bn from selling third generation (3G) licences, and the tax from phone companies is now worth more than £1bn per year.

A statement from watchdog PowerWatch said: "They're promoting mobile communications and have made it very difficult for local planning authorities to refuse mast applications."

Ilford North MP Lee Scott has spoken in the House of Commons and signed an early day motion calling on the Government to give more power to local authorities when it comes to rejecting mast applications. He said it was wrong that masts could still not be rejected purely on health grounds.

Dr Wright added: "It's just like smoking. By the time everyone finds out about the dangers people are already doing it. We should change the health grounds law but it seems it is too late."


3:00pm Sunday 12th June 2005

Land buy in doubt

I was so sorry to hear your bad news, Karen.


Land buy in doubt

Hampshire Chronicle

Campaigners battling to stop a mobile phone company erecting a mast on land near a Winchester school could have their plans to buy the land thwarted.

Passions are already running high over the issue, but could get hotter if recommendations made by county council officers to block the purchase are supported by councillors at next week's cabinet meeting on Monday (June 13).

Last week, the Hampshire Chronicle reported that the latest bid by campaigners, who have been fighting the mast for over four years, was to buy the controversial patch of land in Byron Avenue .

Alan and Anne Saunders, who live in Chilbolton Avenue , next to the land, said their initial application to the council to gain legal rights had gone smoothly and they had paid a £500 deposit.

But they claimed the county had dragged its heels since over the application and their inquiries about it had been ignored.

In the latest twist, supporters of the bid have been angered by news that the authority has been directed by officers to block the application at Monday's specially-convened cabinet meeting.

Karen Barratt, who has spearheaded the campaign against Orange 's plans and will be speaking at Monday's meeting, said: "I hope the cabinet will ignore this recommendation.

"The points made in the officers' report all relate to maintaining an open aspect of the mast site. The fact that Orange is planning to erect a 12m mast there with a large equipment cabin seems to have escaped the council's notice."

Last week, a HCC spokesman said the matter was complicated because Orange had planning permission and that if the application went further, the mobile phone giant would certainly "fight it".

The cabinet meeting on Monday will be in the main council chamber and will be open to the public.

Call to block telecom mast

by the staff of the Chester-le-Street Advertiser

PLANNERS are being urged to block an application to put up a 12-metre high mobile phone mast in a north Durham estate.

Telecommunications company O2 wants to put the antennae in the middle of the Garden Farm Estate in Chester-le-Street.

The proposal for land south of Carlingford Road has sparked a letter writing campaign from residents who are opposed.

Chester-le-Street District Council has received 600 letters of protest over the issue.

The campaign was started by Garden Farm Residents' Association and supported by south ward councillor Linda Ebbatson.

Coun Ebbatson, who is also council leader, said: "It is a wholly inappropriate site for the installation as it is a central location in the estate, which is virtually open plan.

"It would be very intrusive and affect the visual amenity. We want to upgrade this area - not downgrade."

Other residents are opposed to the mast because of health fears and feel it is too near their properties. The nearest house is ten metres from the site.

Householders also feel the mast will devalue their properties and that potential noise could affect their sleeping patterns.

Protestors fear the mast could affect road safety, could become a distraction for drivers and become a congregating point for children.

O2 wants to strengthen its third generation mobile phone coverage in the area.

No one from the company was available for comment.

Council officers express their reservations about the plan in a report for the planning committee who will make a final decision next week.

It said: "In this instance the height of the proposed installation, relevant to other buildings and street furniture in the area, is considered to represent a form of development inappropriate for the proposed location, which would be harmful to the character and visual amenity of the area.

"It is considered that the applicants have failed to submit the appropriate justification of the need for the development.

"They have failed to adequately demonstrate that any alleged need could not be met via the installation of an antenna on existing buildings in the surrounding area."

The planning committee meets at Chester-le-Street Civic Centre on Monday.


If you want to know if Bush has ever done anything good, go and read the "Bush Revealed" web site. These guys are to the right of Bush and his "Christian" supporters as far as I can tell. Look here when you think Bush has never done anything right!


© Virginia Metze


White House Desperate: Sending Misinformation Out on Cloture Challenge - Intelligence Leaking Out to Undermine Bolton Case


© Virginia Metze

Turning Point On the War?

This past week, widely scattered newspaper editorialists roused themselves from seeming acceptance of the continuing slaughter in Iraq to voice, for the first time in many cases, outright condemnation of the war.

By Greg Mitchell

NEW YORK (June 06, 2005) -- Suddenly there seems to be something in the air -- the smell of death? Or something in the water -- blood? In any case, this past week, widely scattered newspaper editorialists roused themselves from seeming acceptance of the continuing slaughter in Iraq to voice, for the first time in many cases, outright condemnation of the war.

While still refusing to use the "W" word in offering advice to Dubya -- that is, "withdrawal" -- some at least are finally using the "L" word, for lies.

Memorial Day seemed to bring out the anger in some editorial writers, who at that time are normally afraid to say anything about a current conflict that might seem to slight the brave sacrifices of men and women, past and present. Maybe it was the steadily growing Iraqi and American death count, or the increasing examples of White House "disassembling" (to quote the president this week), or the horror stories emerging from Gitmo. [...] Read the rest at Editor & Publisher: http://tinyurl.com/7mvnh

© Virginia Metze

Lawyers Say Minors Held, Beaten at Gitmo


IZMF hält Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für Ärzte ab

Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Prof. Dr. J. Hoppe,

das Verhalten der Ärztekammer widerspricht dem ärztlichen Berufsethos!


Das Informationszentrum für Mobilfunk e.V. - die Interessenvertretung der Mobilfunkbetreiber - kann Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für Ärzte abhalten, die von den Landesärztekammern anerkannt werden! Gilt das auch für Interessenvertreter der Rauschgifthändler? Das würde Ihnen sicher nicht in den Sinn kommen!

Ist Ihnen nicht bekannt, dass seit Jahren durch die gepulste hochfrequente elektromagnetische Mobilfunkstrahlung unzählige Menschen schwer erkranken?

Warum setzen sich ca. 2000 Ärzte für einen gesundheitsverträglichen Mobilfunk ein?!?

Am 21.7.2004 wurde die Nailaer Arztstudie vorgestellt. Die Mobilfunkanlage besteht seit 1993. Die Krebsfälle im Bereich bis zu 400 m um diese Anlage haben sich von 1994 - 1999 verdoppelt und von 1999 - 2004 verdreifacht im Vergleich dem über 400 m entfernten Bereich!! Die Patienten waren im Durchschnitt 8 Jahre jünger!!

Im Freiburger Appell vom 9.10.2002 berichten Ärzte über einen dramatischen Anstieg schwerer chronischer Erkrankungen und ein immer zahlreicheres Auftreten von unterschiedlichen Störungen.

Lt. einer niederländischen Studie, im Auftrag diverser Ministerien, durchgeführt vom technologischen Institut TNO wurden durch UMTS-Signale bei Versuchspersonen ein kribbelndes Gefühl, Kopfschmerzen und Brechreiz ausgelöst!

Die Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell hat eine Zusammenfassung: "Dokumentierte Gesundheitsschäden unter dem Einfluss hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder (Mobilfunkanlagen, DECT, WLAN u.a.)" herausgegeben, die für alle Ärzte interessant wäre. In dieser Unterlage wird von einem neuen, bisher unbekannten Krankheitsbild mit charakteristischem Symptomenkomplex berichtet. Die Aufzählung der einzelnen Symptome würde hier zu weit führen.

Omega siehe „Studie der Bamberger Ärzte“ unter:

Ich habe einen wirklich kompetenten Vortrag von Frau Dr. med. C. Waldmann-Selsam, Bamberg, gehört, den ich als Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Ärzte nur bestens empfehlen kann.

Schalten Sie den Nebelwerfer IZMF ab und bieten Sie den Ärzten eine Fortbildung, die sie auch im Bereich Mobilfunk zu kompetenten Beratern und Helfern der Patienten macht!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Bürgerinitiative Icking zum Schutz vor Strahlenbelastung

G. Pischeltsrieder


Ignoranz vorhandener Wissenschaft


Evidence: More British Documents Leaked


Informant: Carol Wolman


Dean Slams Fox News as GOP 'Propaganda Machine'


Could memo sink Bush?


Please fill up the attached letter with signatures and fax to Conyers.

Carol Wolman


Handy-Nutzer als wandernde Funktürme


Von Dieter Keim, Ilbenstadt


by Bob Herbert
New York Times
June 13, 2005


George W. Bush is in no danger of being ranked among the nation's pre-eminent commanders in chief. Not only has he been unable thus far to win the war in Iraq, but on his watch significant sectors of the proud U.S. military have been rapidly deteriorating.

The Army reported on Friday that it had fallen short of its recruitment goals for a fourth consecutive month. The Marines managed to meet their recruitment target for May, but that was their first successful month this year.

Scrambling to fill its ranks, the Army is signing up more high school dropouts and lower-scoring applicants.

With the war in Iraq going badly and allegations of abuse by military personnel widespread, young men and women are increasingly deciding that there's no upside to a career choice in which the most important skills might be ducking bullets and dodging roadside bombs.

The primary reason the U.S. went to an all-volunteer military in 1973 was to ensure that those who did not want to fight wouldn't have to. That option is now being overwhelmingly exercised, discretion being the clear choice over valor. Young people and their parents alike are turning their backs on the military in droves.

The Army is so desperate for even lukewarm bodies that it is reluctant to release even problem soldiers, troops who are seriously out of shape, or pregnant, or abusing alcohol or drugs. And it is lowering standards for admission to the junior officer ranks. For example, minor criminal offenses that previously would have been prohibitive can now be overlooked.

At the same time Army recruiters have been chasing high school kids with such reckless abandon that a backlash is developing among parents who, in many cases, want the recruiters kept out of their children's schools.

"To the extent that we think students are threatened by recruiters, it's our job to intervene," said Amy Hagopian, a co-chair of the Parent-Teacher-Student Association at Garfield High School in Seattle. Ms. Hagopian, who has an 18-year-old son, complained that recruiters too often put the hard sell on impressionable high school youngsters without informing them of the potential dangers of a life in the military.

Recruiters with the gift of gab go into the schools with a glamorous pitch, bags full of goodies for the kids (T-shirts, donuts, key chains) and a litany of promises they often can't keep. The kids don't hear much about their chances of being maimed or killed, or the trauma that often results from killing someone else.

(A soldier's job is to kill. I can still hear the drill sergeants in basic training screaming at us decades ago: "What are you? What are you?" And we'd scream back: "Killers! Killers!" And the sergeants would say, "What is your purpose?" And we would shout: "To kill! To kill!")

The Army, frantically searching for solutions, is offering enlistments as short as 15 months and considering bonuses worth up to $40,000. But it may be facing a problem too difficult for any amount of money to overcome.

Americans are catching on to the hideousness and apparent futility of the war in Iraq. Five marines were killed in a single bomb attack in western Iraq on Thursday. On Friday, a front-page Washington Post headline described the effort to rebuild the Iraqi military as "Mission Improbable."

A Washington Post-ABC News poll last week found that nearly three-quarters of Americans believe the number of casualties in Iraq is unacceptable, and 60 percent believe the war was not worth fighting.

There's something frankly embarrassing about a government offering trinkets to children to persuade them to go off and fight -- and perhaps die -- in a war that their nation should never have started in the first place. It's highly questionable whether most high school kids are equipped to make an informed decision about joining the military, which is exactly why they're targeted. The additional knowledge and maturity gained in the first few years after high school make it easier for a young man or woman to make a wiser, more meaningful choice, pro or con.

The parents of the kids being sought by recruiters to fight this unpopular war are creating a highly vocal and potentially very effective antiwar movement. In effect, they're saying to their own children: hell no, you won't go.

Informant: NHNE

Netzbetreiber-Märchen und Stoibers Bannmeile


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit der freundlichen Bitte um Veröffentlichung sendet das Aktionsbüro München des Volksbegehrens "Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" Ihnen diese Pressemitteilung:

Stoibers Bannmeilen und Netzbetreiber-Märchen

Münchner Infostände zum Volksbegehren Mobilfunk/ Eintragungszeit von 5. bis 18. Juli

München - Im Vorfeld des Volksbegehrens "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" veranstaltet das Volksbegehren-Aktionsbüro München von Freitag, 17. Juni, bis Samstag, 16. Juli, 17 Infostände in der Münchner Innenstadt. Die Themenschwerpunkte der Stände reichen vom Einfluss der Mobilfunk-Lobby über gesundheitliche Schäden der elektromagnetischen Strahlung bis zu den Bannmeilen um das Haus von Ministerpräsident Edmund Stoiber. Interessierte erhalten an den Ständen themengerechte Broschüren sowie Flyer und Infozettel zum Volksbegehren.
Für Kinder gibt es Luftballons.

Das parteiübergreifende Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" zielt auf eine grundsätzliche Genehmigungspflicht von Mobilfunkantennen und ein größeres Mitspracherecht der Gemeinden bei der Standortwahl der Antennen ab. Befürworter des Begehrens können sich zwischen dem 5. und 18. Juli im Rathaus, dem Kreisverwaltungsreferat oder den zuständigen Bezirksinspektionen eintragen. Mehr Informationen beim Volksbegehren-Aktionsbüro unter Tel. 089/45 23 70 50 und im Internet http://www.mobilfunk-volksbegehren.de .

Die Termine dieser Woche im Einzelnen (evtl. für Infokasten):

Freitag, 17 Juni, 14-18 Uhr, Sendlinger-Tor-Platz (Kino), Thema: "Hodenkrebs durch Handys?"

Samstag, 18. Juni, 11-14 Uhr, Theatiner-/Schrammstr.: "Versorgungsauftrag: Das Märchen der Netzbetreiber"

Samstag, 18. Juni, 15-21 Uhr, Leopoldstr. (Streetlife-Festival): "Als Pflanzen getarnt: Die neuen Handy-Modelle"

Sonntag, 19. Juni, 13-20 Uhr, Leopoldstr. (Streetlife-Festival): "Handys: So stark strahlen die gefährlichsten Modelle"

Volksbegehren Aktionsbüro
Petra Gansneder/Matthias Schäfer
Maronstraße 2
81373 München
Tel. 089/45237050
Fax 089/244310013
E-Mail: info@mobilfunk-volksbegehren.de

Wieder wurde ohne irgendeine biologische Verträglichkeitsprüfung eine gepulste Mikrowellen-Großtechnik eingeführt



Dr. Scheingraber 12-06-05

Der Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V. erhält immer häufiger Anfragen bezüglich der biologischen Auswirkungen von digitalen Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendern. Da wir glauben, dass in Kürze immer mehr Personen davon betroffen sind möchte ich die erst Stellungnahme des AEB zu DVB-T und öffentlich machen.

Ob DVB-T und DAB-T gesundheitsgefährdend sind, kann zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch kein Mensch sicher beantworten. Das Problem ist, dass wieder eine neue, gepulste Mikrowellen-Großtechnik eingeführt wurde, ohne irgendeine biologische Verträglichkeitsprüfung! Wenn man die angewandte Technologie von DVB-T näher betrachtet hat sie eine große Ähnlichkeit mit den UMTS-Signalen. Bei DVB-T handelt es sich um eine Sendetechnik mit einer großen Frequenzbreite von 8 MHz (Megahertz) pro Kanal. Bei eng aneinender stehenden Kanälen kommt es so zu einer Bandbreite von 16 MHz. Im Vergleich, UMTS hat eine Bandbreite von 10 MHz und die GSM-Netze nutzen eine Bandbreite von nur 200 kHz (Kilohertz).

Aus biologischer Sicht sind 2 technische Faktoren für die gesundheitliche Betrachtung sehr wichtig. Welche Leistungsflussdichte (Maß für die übertragene Energie pro Fläche) kommt bei der entsprechenden Person an und wie groß ist die Frequenzbandbreite, auf der gesendet wird, auch unser Körper arbeitet mit breitbandigen Signalen. (Es gibt noch andere wichtige Faktoren, die aber vorerst aus biologischer Sicht außer Betracht bleiben können).

Bedenkt man, dass die GSM-Netze (D1,D2, E-Plus, O²) nur eine technische Bandbreite von 200 kHz nutzen und mit einer Senderleistungen von durchschnittlich 20 Watt (in Städten weniger) arbeiten, viele Menschen aber bei dieser Sendeleistung und der geringen Frequenzbandbreite schon unter erheblichen Befindlichkeitsstörungen leiden, dann können Sie sich sicher vorstellen was passiert, wenn Sendetechniken benützt werden, die ein 80-fach breiteres Frequenzband hat und eine vielhundertfache Senderleistung benützt.

Dass die alte analoge Rundfunk und Fernsehtechnik relativ wenig biologische Störungen ausgelöst hat, ist weitgehend auf die fast pulsfreie Sendetechnik im Fernsehen zurückzuführen.

Da es keine einzige wissenschaftliche Untersuchung gibt, die sich mit der biologischen Verträglichkeit der DVB-T Signale auseinender gesetzt hat, kann man nur auf Untersuchungen zurückgreifen, die sich mit ähnlichen Signalformen beschäftigt haben. Es gibt da die TNO-Studie aus Holland welche die UMTS-Signale (10 MHz Bandbreite) auf biologischen Auswirkungen untersucht hat. Die Studie kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass breitbandige Signale Befindlichkeitsstörungen wie Schwindel und Übelkeit auslösen, während gleichstarke GSM-Signale (200 kHz Bandbreite) keine Befindlichkeitsstörungen in der Versuchgruppe auslösten!

Wenn die Befürchtungen, die unser Arbeitskreis und andere Umweltärzte haben, zutreffen, dann werden auf die Menschen, die in der Nähe der Sendeanlagen wohnen (das kann eine Entfernung von 1-20 km sein) erhebliche gesundheitliche Störungen langfristig zukommen. Dem Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V. wurden bereits 15 Tage nach Einschalten der digitalen Fernsehsender neue Befindlichkeitsstörungen im Umkreis der Münchner Sendeanlage gemeldet. Eine erste Vergleichsmessung hat eine auf die Leistungsflussdichte bezogene Erhöhung der Immission um 10-20 dB (= 10-100 fach) erbracht. Viele weitere Messungen sind notwendig um ein aussagekräftiges Bild bezüglich der Erhöhung der Leistungsflussdichte zu erhalten. Der AEB e.V. wird das Geschehen weiter verfolgen und berichten.

Erst die Zeit wird zeigen ob unsere Befürchtungen eintreten werden. Wir alle sind Teilnehmer dieses gigantischen Großversuchs an unserer Bevölkerung!

Dr. Claus Scheingraber - Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V.
Taubenstr. 14, 85649 Brunnthal
Tel: 08102-4420 ab 19 Uhr, tags: 089-9038020
Fax: 089-9045369
Mail: Claus.Scheingraber@t-online.de

Terrorangst beglückt Sicherheitsindustrie


Datenfischen im Regierungsbezirk


Mehr Stalking durch Internet und Handy


Expertenanhörung am 09.06.2005 in Soltau

Bi-Mobilfunk Soltau" bi-mobilfunk@gmx.de schrieb am 12.06.05 20:08:57:

Liebe MitstreiterInnen,

in der Anlage befindet sich das Ergebnis des Expertengesprächs (haben wir bereits letzte Woche angekündigt) vom 09.06.2005 in Soltau mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung bzw. Veröffentlichung.

Seit 3 Jahren bemühen wir uns nun schon um mehr Information, Transparenz und Mitspracherecht der BürgerInnen beim Thema Mobilfunk. Ernsthafte Aufmerksamkeit der Stadtverwaltung und der kommunalen Politik erreichten wir erst duch eine Informationsveranstaltung im Juni letzten Jahres: Herr Zwerenz von der Bürgerwelle e.V. referierte (und überzeugte) vor rund 400 Soltauer Bürgern.

Im Anschluss wurde der Arbeitskeis Mobilfunk gegründet ( 6 Vertreter der Bürgerinitiative, 4 Fraktionsmitglieder und 2 Vertreter der Stadtverwaltung); es sollte auf Drängen der politisch Verantwortlichen nun nochmals ein Sachverständiger angehört werden. Da eine Einigung auf einen Experten nicht gelang, (die BI schlug von Anfang an den Medizinphysiker Prof. Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing vor - die Stadt bevorzugte entweder Physiker, die sich ausschließlich mit der elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit von Systemen befassten - ohne jedoch Experten für gesundheitliche Fragen zu sein - oder aber Fachleute, deren Neutralität durch deren nachgewiesene Nähe zu den Mobilfunkbetreibern in Frage zu stellen war), wurden im Ergebnis nun Prof. Dr. von Klitzing und Prof. Dr. David eingeladen.

Wir hoffen, dass wir in Soltau jetzt zeitnah einen sachgerechteren, menschenfreundlicheren Umgang mit der Thematik Mobilfunk erreichen werden - hierfür wird sich die BI-Mobilfunk auf jeden Fall auch weiterhin mit Nachdruck einsetzen!

Viele Grüße und vor allem viel Erfolg bei Euren eigenen Anstrengungen vor Ort!

BI-Mobilfunk Soltau

i.A. A.u. B. Wichmann
Internet: http://www.bi-mobilfunk.com
e-mail: bi-mobilfunk@gmx.de

Nach fast einjähriger Vorbereitungszeit fand nun endlich die Expertenanhörung zu Gefahren des Mobilfunks in Soltau statt. Prof. Dr. David und Prof. Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing sprachen vor Vertretern der Stadt Soltau, der Fraktionen sowie der BI-Mobilfunk. Prof. David, der leider einen sehr unvorbereiteten Eindruck machte, vermochte nicht zu überzeugen. Neben klaren Lügen und sich teilweise widersprechenden Aussagen fiel vor allem die Unkenntnis über aktuelle Studienergebnisse auf (wobei dahin gestellt bleiben mag, ob diese nun real oder nur gespielt war). Hier – ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit – eine Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Falschaussagen, die von Prof. David an diesem Abend präsentiert wurden:

- Bei der ICNIRP, welche die Empfehlungen für die Grenzwerte ausspricht, handle es sich um einen organisatorischen Bestandteil der WHO. (Anmerkung: richtig ist, dass es sich um eine private Nichtregierungsorganisation handelt).

- Prof. David behauptet, dass unmittelbar unterhalb der Sendeanlagen keine Strahlungsintensitäten auftreten. Die aktuelle Untersuchung der IMST GmbH (anerkanntes Prüflabor für Antennen-Messtechnik mit Sitz in Kamp-Lintfort) i.A. des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz, wonach „die Immissionen im direkten Umfeld von Mobilfunk-Basisstationen einer großen Streubreite unterliegen“ und „es an jedem Punkt im Gebäude unter der Antenne mit extremen Schwankungen strahlen kann“, sind ihm nicht bekannt.

Omega siehe hierzu "Gerade unter der Antenne die stärkste Strahlung" unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/342761/

- Prof. David sagt, dass die Auswirkungen auf die Blut-Hirn-Schranke, die in der so genannten Lund-Studie von Prof. Salford nachgewiesen wurden, ausschließlich bei Strahlungsintensitäten oberhalb der gültigen Grenzwerte auftreten. Diese Aussage ist falsch, denn in der Studie wurden lebende Ratten für zwei Stunden der Mikrowellenstrahlung ausgesetzt, welche von einem GSM-Handy vergleichbar dem Gesprächsmodus generiert wurde.

- Prof. David bestreitet, dass er im Auftrag der Mobilfunkbetreiber bzw. deren Vereinigungen tätig ist. Erst auf wiederholtes Nachfragen gibt er zu, dass u.a. in seinem Namen die Broschüre „frequentia“ für das Forum Mobil, einem von der Schweizer Mobilfunkbranche gegründeten Verein, erstellt wurde. Diese Broschüre wird wegen ihrer bewusst einseitigen und verfälschenden Darstellung zum Thema Elektrosensibilität in der Schweiz mittlerweile als Hetzschrift tituliert.

- Prof. David behauptet, dass das Auftreten negativer gesundheitlicher Aspekte nur in absoluten Einzelfällen zu beobachten sei. Er verschweigt wissentlich, dass diese Phänomene mittlerweile weltweit und in zunehmenden Ausmaß von der Ärzteschaft festgestellt wird. Aktuelles Beispiel: Anhörung von Bamberger Ärzten im Bayerischen Landtag am 29.04.2005, nach der die ausgewerteten ärztlichen Erhebungen in Oberfranken bei 356 Personen unter häuslicher Langzeitbelastung darauf hindeuten, dass die gepulsten hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Felder zu einem neuen, bisher unbekannten Krankheitsbild führen.

Omega siehe hierzu auch "Prof. Dr. Eduard David" unter:

Prof. Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, im Gegensatz zu seinem Vorredner wohltuend sachlich und ohne Effekthascherei, ging auf die Willkür bei der Grenzwertfestsetzung ein. Allein die Tatsache, dass die Grenzwerte am „toten Modell“ erprobt wurden, nur eine Kurzzeitstrahleneinwirkung von 6 Min. berücksichtigt wurde und die Modulationsarten ebenso wie die athermischen Auswirkungen unberücksichtigt blieben, weisen darauf hin, dass kein langfristiger Schutz vor gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen sichergestellt werden kann. Außerdem wurden die Grenzen des rein wissenschaftlichen Ansatzes zur Reproduzierbarkeit von Studien im Zusammenhang mit Bio-Systemen nachdrücklich aufgezeigt. Prof. Dr. von Klitzing berichtete ferner über die nachhaltig negativen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen der Mobilfunkstrahlung bei Kindern.

Zum Schutz der Wohnbevölkerung und besonders sensibler Bereiche wie z.B. Schulen Kindergärten, Krankenhäuser etc. sollten die Sendeanlagen außerhalb der Wohngebiete platziert werden (entscheidend ist nicht die Strahlung, die von der Sendeanlage ausgeht, sondern diejenige, die beim Menschen ankommt - und diese nimmt gemäß Leistungsflussdichtegesetz im Quadrat mit der Entfernung ab). Um die Bevölkerung in den Randbereichen zu schützen, sind die Sektoren der Antennen gezielt auszurichten. Als positives Beispiel ist hier die Stadt Attendorn zu nennen, wo dieses Modell in Kooperation mit den Betreibern verwirklicht werden konnte.

Bezeichnenderweise – wenn auch im Widerspruch zu seinen eigenen Ausführungen – wies Prof. David am Ende des Abends darauf hin, wie immens wichtig er die Aufklärungsarbeit und Aktivitäten der Bürgerinitiativen und Kommunen (...sofern diese denn mitmachen) zur Mitbestimmung bei der Errichtung von Sendeanlagen hält, weil letztlich nur so ein neuer Umgang mit der Thematik erreicht werden kann. Auch würden die Beispiele aus der Vergangenheit (Stichwort: Contergan, Asbest, Holzschutzmittel, Libobay) eindrucksvoll belegen, dass dem Vorsorgegedanken ein besonderer Stellenwert zuzumessen ist. Originalaussage Prof. David: “der heutige Straßenverkehr verursacht eine der im Vergleich zu anderen Risiken höchsten Sterberaten. Hätte man das am Anfang der Automobilentwicklung so vorhergesagt, wäre man nicht ernst genommen worden.“

Dieser Aussage ist aus Sicht der BI Mobilfunk Soltau nichts hinzuzufügen.

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die politisch Verantwortlichen in Soltau nun endlich den Mut und Willen aufbringen werden, in Zusammenarbeit mit den BürgerInnen zielstrebig die vorhandenen Handlungsspielräume zu nutzen. Allem voran ist der gefasste Ratsbeschluss vom 06.05.2004 zu widerrufen, wonach den Betreibern zur Errichtung deren Sendeanlagen sämtliche Soltauer Wohngebiete uneingeschränkt zugesprochen wurden.

Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Videocassette zum Thema Mobilfunk: Live-Vortrag mit Siegfried Zwerenz http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1201484/

DAK-Gesundheitsreport 2005: Wenn die Seele Alarm schlägt

Sehr geehrter Herr Kruse,

im DAK-Magazin Heft 3/2005 steht in dem "Gesundheitsreport 2005: Wenn die Seele Alarm schlägt", dass der Krankenstand gesunken ist. "Im Gegensatz dazu sind psychische Erkrankungen weiter gestiegen. Fast zehn Prozent der Fehltage bei Berufstätigen gehen inzwischen auf sie zurück. Das sind 70 Prozent mehr als 1997! Die DAK beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit dieser Entwicklung."

In Ihren Untersuchungen fehlt jedoch die Problematik der gepulsten Mobilfunksenderstrahlung! Die drastisch überhöhten Grenzwerte betragen für das E-Netz 9.200.000 Mikrowatt/m² und für UMTS 10.000.000 Mikrowatt/m². Schon ab 10 Mikrowatt/m² erkranken viele Menschen! Vorher gesunde Menschen erkranken nachdem in ihrer Nähe ein Mobilfunksender aufgestellt wurde. Sie kennen die Ursache, sind dieser jedoch wehrlos ausgeliefert, da in grob fahrlässiger Weise überhöhte Grenzwerte festgelegt wurden, die vor den Gerichten nicht anfechtbar sind. Das Gefühl der Wehrlosigkeit - wie früher in den Konzentrationslagern - führt natürlich zu Depressionen!!

Es ist sicher sehr sinnvoll auch diese Ursachen zu untersuchen. Die Krankheitskosten durch den Mobilfunk müssen den Betreibern in Rechnung gestellt werden. Es geht dabei nicht nur um Depressionen, sondern um ein neues, bisher unbekanntes Krankheitsbild mit vielen Symptomen, das die Ärzteinitiative Bamberger Appell festgestellt hat.

Omega siehe „Studie der Bamberger Ärzte“ unter:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

G. Pischeltsrieder

News of the Absurd About U.S. and International Media

Today, the military reported U.S. service member deaths in Iraq passed 1,700, with more than 12,000 wounded, and more than 55,000 medically evacuated. If, as an informed citizen you are wondering why the U.S. and world press are not covering the "Downing Street Memo" and the lies that led to the Iraq War, then don't read the article below...



Horrors of war in Iraq continue to haunt U.S. Marine corporal

As his new bride, Amanda, and her friends chuckle at stories over dinner, Jack Self stares in silence. He doesn't laugh much anymore. Jack has spent half of the last two years patrolling the cities of Iraq, dodging sniper fire and roadside bombs, and watching friends die. The 26-year-old Marine corporal no longer sees the humor in everyday life.


The Forgotten Spirit of the Magna Carta

In 1215, disgruntled English barons unwittingly won a great victory for Western liberty. After King John waged several unsuccessful, senseless wars, the barons, sick of financing wars in which they had no interest, temporarily ended John's despotism by forcing him to sign the Magna Carta. Though the Great Charter mostly reflected selfish baronial interests, it set an important precedent that influenced British and American legal thought: it placed the central government under the rule of law. America's Founding Fathers made sure to incorporate the spirit of the Magna Carta into the Constitution, placing strict limits on the central government, particularly the executive branch.


Gary Webb's Last Story: The Killing Game


R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter Gary Webb, a courageous investigative journalist who was the target of one of the most ferocious media attacks on any reporter in recent history, ... http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1213-31.htm

Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered Credible sources who were close to Gary Webb have stated that he was ... Ricky Ross, one of Gary Webb's primary sources had spoken to Gary in the days ... http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/141204webbmurdered.htm

Democracy Now! | Investigative Reporter Gary Webb Who Linked CIA ... Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of ... Read Robert Parry's article: "America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb" ... http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/12/13/1457240

Consortiumnews.com In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a ... So when Gary Webb revived the contra-cocaine issue in August 1996 with a ... http://www.consortiumnews.com/2004/121304.html

GARY WEBB - PULITZER PRIZE WINNER, DEAD OF REPORTED SUICIDE Events since Sept 11, 2001 have shown that FTW has been ahead of the curve in predicting the current crisis. We offer our readers an accurate map of how the ... http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/121304_gary_webb.shtml

R.I.P. Gary Webb -- Unembedded Reporter || kuro5hin.org The story of the life and death of Gary Webb says much about the state of ... It is likely that Gary Webb committed suicide. According to a journalist who ... http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/12/14/3719/5652

Online NewsHour Forum: Gary Webb - CIA-Contras-Crack Cocaine ... Read "Dark Alliance," Gary Webb's three part series linking the proliferation ... Gary Webb responds:. The CIA has denied an accusation that was never made. ... http://www.pbs.org/newshour/forum/october96/crack_contra_11-1.html

The NarcoSphere || Gary Webb: Do What He Did Did the press reports say that moving men found Gary Webb’s note on the door? ... I never met Gary Webb, and I came to his work late, about the time I was ... http://narcosphere.narconews.com/story/2004/12/15/184725/08

Alexander Cockburn: Why They Hated Gary Webb My Last Talk with Gary Webb: "I Knew It Was the Truth and That's What Kept Me Going" ... Gary Webb: a Great Reporter, Trashed by the CIA's Claque ... http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn12182004.html


Gary Webb: More Pieces In The Suicided Puzzle - Pt 1 Gary Webb: More Pieces In The Suicided Puzzle - Pt 2

PT1 By Charlene Fassa


"Any hack can safely rail away at foreign powers beyond the sea; but a good writer is a critic of the society he lives in."

- Edward Abbey

"An open and shut case..."

There comes a time when you just have to stand back and take a look at the big picture. This is one of those times. On the morning of December 10th 2004, 49 year old, Gary Webb was found dead in his modest, recently sold Carmichael, California home. Webb allegedly died from two *self-inflicted* gunshot wounds to the head from a .38 caliber pistol. The Sacramento coroner, Mr. Lyons, hastily ruled Webb's death a suicide heralded by his now infamous pronouncement: "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots," he said, "but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility." Which brings up another possibility, as the Gershwin song goes, that "it ain't necessarily so." I'm referring to the lingering and distinct possibility-- no make that probability-- that Gary Webb was murdered. While I agree with Mr. Lyons that it's unusual for a suicide to "have two shots" notice how cleverly Mr. Lyons fails to mention another more important detail such as it's virtually impossible to have a suicide case with two shots to the head via a .38 revolver? Think about that for a moment. Doesn't this deceptive statement make one suspicious that a well orchestrated, top-down cover-up operation is underway? Or is this merely a minor oversight by a government official whose expertise is determining the cause of death? Here's what the iconoclastic, egdy, political commentator Vox had to say on December 23, 2004 about Webb's alleged 'suicide' that had occurred only a few days prior (posted on his website http://www.voxfux.com ).

Vox Excerpts

"... So we need to know who told the coroner to say it was suicide. The coroner knows who told him to say it was suicide and that person knows who told them to say it was suicide, and so on and so forth until you arrive at the group who ordered the hit. But to claim that after the first shot to the face the guy then re-cocks his pistol, aims and fires a second shot - it is impossible for a thinking person to accept this. And anyone with the skills that Webb had would get it right the first time. No, this was a hit job...

Either way it is impossible for a thinking person to accept... and that is the point. Since the control mechanisms of human thought have been so completely implemented, there will be no questioning of anything as depicted on the news by the great masses of people, they simply accept, uncritically, that which is broadcast. Yet for the thinking people, the implausibility of the "Two Shot" story being a suicide is PRECISELY the point. They don't want thinking people to accept and believe that it was a suicide, that is precisely WHY they went with the two shot to the face story in the first place... er... third place.

It's designed to put a chill in the spines of those with the sensibilities and experience to detect this targeted threat meme. To put a chill in thinking people's spines. By saying, look, we can do what we want, and there is not a thing anyone can do about it. "Just look at poor 'nutjob' gary, ha ha ha, imagine what it must have looked like, him getting off that second shot into his own face, ha ha ha." This is how they think. These are the methodologies of the illuminati, this is the very face of evil." (end of excerpts) Or this from Robert Chambers of the UK Independent: "I first heard about Webb eight years ago, ". . .

From the Paris-based journalist Paul Moreira. Moreira ­ a senior news producer for Canal Plus ­ has established a reputation for courage and independence of mind in his own foreign reporting, and was recently described by Le Monde as "the Che Guevara of news media." Shortly before I left for Sacramento, Moreira, who knew Webb, had shown me unbroadcast footage which shows the French reporter making a phone call to a media commentator in the US, asking him about Webb's death." " 'I told Gary not to go near this story," his source replies, in an emotional voice. " 'You do not understand the power of these people,' " he adds, referring to the US intelligence services. " 'Do not quote me. Do not quote me on anything. '" "You sound very scared," Moreira remarks.

" 'I am scared," the voice replies. ' " 'Look at what happened to Gary Webb. Do something else with your life,' " the voice urges. " ' Like enjoy it.' "


Ted Gunderson: Retired FBI expert in analyzing and reconstructing crime scenes. On Dec. 1, 2005 I spoke with Ted Gunderson about Webb's death. Mr. Gunderson is a retired FBI agent who enjoyed a distinguished career with the FBI that spanned 27 plus years. Prior to his retirement in 1979 Mr. Gunderson was a "senior special agent-in-charge" with a $22 million annual budget at his disposal and over 700 persons under his charge. Mr Gunderson told me, "my expertise is analyzing and reconstructing crime scenes." He said, "Gary Webb was MURDERED. "He (Webb) resisted the first shot {to the head that exited via jaw} so he was shot again with the second shot going into the head {brain}." I asked Mr. Gunderson what he thought about the "two shots" to the head suicide theory that posits Webb "simply missed " his brain with the first shot, so he had to shoot himself again, this time successfully hitting the brain with a .38 revolver? Without hesitation Gunderson exclaimed, "impossible!"

A colleague and one of Webb's mentors at the "Cleveland Plain Dealer schooled Webb: "The Big One was the reporter's Holy Grail, the tip that led you from the daily morass of press conferences and of cop calls and on to the trail of The Biggest Story You'd Ever Write, the one that would turn the rest of your career into an anticlimax."

" The Big One," Webb recollected, "would be like a bullet with your name on it. You'd never hear it coming." Unfortunately Webb's "Big One" turned out to be two bullets to the head. http://www.ajr.org/Article.asp?id=3874

Gary Webb speaks at the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism
Photo D.R. Jeremy Bigwood 2003

More- http://rense.com/general69/webb1.htm

Informant: Milo


America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb


Reenacting the 1776 American Revolution



Iran Is Not Guilty


Web of cold-blooded lies


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Land of the Free – Say What?


Bush-Style Privatization: More and More Problems


Informant: Lew Rockwell

A Nation of Neurotics


Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal


Military deaths top 1,700 as Bush administration grasps at straws


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Nachbericht zum Vortrag "Macht Mobilfunk krank?"

Auf großes Interesse stieß am Donnerstag, 9. Juni, der Vortrag "Macht Mobilfunk krank?" des ödp-Bundesvorsitzenden Klaus Buchner in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung. Etwa 90 Münchner waren gekommen, um sich über die Strahlenbelastung durch Mobilfunk sowie das bayerische Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" zu informieren.

Das Übertragungsverfahren für den Mobilfunk der dritten Generation, UMTS, steht unmittelbar vor seiner flächendeckenden Einführung. Im Zuge dessen werden Mobilfunkanlagen ausgebaut, bereits bestehende Antennen "aufgerüstet". Die ständige Strahlung nimmt also deutlich zu, charakterisierte der Professor für Mathematik an der TU München die zukünftige Entwicklung.

Mehrere repräsentative Untersuchungen, darunter die erst 2003 abgeschlossene "Reflex"-Studie oder die 2004 veröffentlichte "Naila"-Studie, belegen einen Zusammenhang zwischen Magnet- oder Hochfrequenzfeldern und der Schädigung des Erbgutes beziehungsweise dem Risiko, an einem Krebsleiden zu erkranken. Ferner ergaben Forschungen an der Univerität Lund in Schweden, dass die Strahlung von mobilen Telefonen die Blut-Hirn-Schranke öffnen kann. Die Folge: zahlreiche Gifte gelangen so nahezu ungehindert in das Gehirn.

"Das Problem ist die Gesetzgebung", betonte Buchner. So sind die Grenzwerte der 26. Bundesimmissionsschutz-Verordnung zu niedrig angesetzt, da sie von vor 20 Jahren stammen. Für die gepulste Hochfrequenzstrahlung müssten jedoch völlig neue Grenzwerte festgelegt werden, forderte er. Dies lehnt der Bund jedoch bisher ab. Da auf Bundesebene ein Volksbegehren nicht möglich ist, will das von der ödp initiierte und von den Freien Wählern unterstütze Volksbegehren "Für Gesundheitsvorsorge beim Mobilfunk" die Strahlenbelastung durch eine bessere Auswahl der Sendemasten deutlich reduzieren. So sollen nach dem Vorsorgeprinzip Sendeanlagen nicht in Wohngebieten, bei Kindergärten oder Schulen errichtet werden. Daher müssen auch Sendemasten bis zu einer Höhe von zehn Metern dem Genehmigungsverfahren unterliegen.

Das Mobilfunk-Volksbegehren vom 5. bis 18. Juli wird bisher von 700 Ärzten, Apothekern, Bürgermeistern, dem Bund Naturschutz unterstützt sowie vom Bayerischen Haus-, Wohnungs- und Grundbesitzerverband befürwortet.


Bildunterschrift: Der ödp-Bundesvorsitzende Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner ...

Bildunterschrift: ... spricht vor 90 Zuhörern zum Thema "Macht Mobilfunk krank?"

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Hollemann

Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397
E-Mail m.hollemann@oedp-muenchen.de

Beckett exposes G8 rift on global warming


Informant: NHNE

Extraordinarily rancid justice


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Big food strikes back


Legislation aiming to prevent counties, towns and cities from making local decisions about our food supply is being introduced in states across the nation. Fifteen states recently have introduced legislation removing local control of plants and seeds. Eleven of these states have already passed the provisions into law. These highly orchestrated industry actions are in response to recent local decisions to safeguard sustainable food systems. To date, initiatives in three California counties have restricted the cultivation of genetically modified crops, livestock, and other organisms and nearly 100 New England towns have passed various resolutions in support of limits on genetically engineered crops. These laws are industry's stealth response to a growing effort by people to protect their communities at the local level...


from Guerilla News Network, by Britt Bailey and Brian Tokar

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Federal power daze


The chief author of our Constitution, James Madison, had little patience for those who accused him and his allies of trying to create a large, intrusive federal government. In 1788, he noted pointedly the 'powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those of the states, by contrast, are numerous and indefinite.' Last week, addressing the same question, the Supreme Court said, 'James who?' In recent years, the justices had flirted with restoring to the states some authority they once exercised. ... But the new romance didn't last. The court's decision to uphold the federal ban on medical marijuana is a victory for those who think the federal government should be free to poke its snout anywhere it wants -- an approach, conservatives should note, consistently favored by the Bush administration...


from Washington Times, by Steve Chapman

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Separating school and state


Three recent dispatches from the education battlefront: * Kansans debating how the development of life on earth should be taught in public schools -- as the unintended result of random evolution or the complex product of an evolution shaped by intelligent design. ... * In Massachusetts, a father named David Parker in a war with his local school board when he objected to a kindergarten 'diversity' curriculum that depicted gay and lesbian couples raising children. ... * Luke Whitson, a 10-year-old [elementary schoolboy] in Knoxville, TN, liked reading the Bible with his friends during recess. But when a parent complained, the public school's principal 'demanded that they ... put their Bibles away, and ... cease bringing their Bibles to school.' ... Once there was a solid consensus about how public schools should be run. ... But as these battles and countless others make clear, that day is past...


from Boston Globe, by Jeff Jacoby

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Patriot Act, Part II: The political tug of war intensifies


In seemingly short order, discussion around the Patriot Act has shifted from defense to offense. Just two months ago, when Congress set out to consider renewal of the antiterrorism law, civil libertarians were hopeful they could rein in aspects that they felt went too far. Now, supporters of an enhanced Patriot Act appear to be making headway as they push to give the FBI new powers. ... Opponents of an enhanced Patriot Act are caught in a paradox that makes it difficult for them to prove that abuses have occurred, because of the secret elements of the law. Civil liberties advocates from both parties are concerned that people's rights are being violated without their knowing it, because under certain controversial provisions, organizations whose records have been seized are barred by law from informing the person under investigation... [Editor's note: Join in the fight to "sunset" the Patriot Act ... Urge Congress to oppose expansion of the Patriot Act - MLS]


from Christian Science Monitor, by Linda Feldmann

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Support our torturers


If anyone is wondering why US occupation troops (ignore the misleading garbage about 'coalition forces') are increasingly detested and regarded with fear and contempt by more and more Iraqis as the days go by, there is no need to look further than their act of swaggering incompetence on May 30, because it is typical of what they have been doing in Iraq since the invasion. The only reason we know about this particular case of arrogance and stupidity on the part of a bunch of clumsy thugs is because the man concerned, Dr Mohsen Abdul Hamid, is a major political figure. The citizens of the United States didn't hear much about the shambles, and they know nothing whatever about all the other outrages because they do not involve high profile people. All the other smash crash and bash operations of cloddish violence against the civil population are reported only in non-US media...


from CounterPunch, by Brian Cloughley

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The new blacklist


Spurred on by a biblical injunction evangelicals call 'The Great Commission,' and emboldened by George W. Bush's re-election, which is perceived as a 'mandate from God,' the Christian right has launched a series of boycotts and pressure campaigns aimed at corporate America -- and at its sponsorship of entertainment, programs and activities the Christers don't like. And it's working. Just three weeks ago, the Rev. Donald Wildmon's American Family Association (AFA) announced it was ending its boycott of corporate giant Procter & Gamble -- maker of household staples like Tide and Crest -- for being pro-gay. Why? Because the AFA's boycott (which the organization says enlisted 400,000 families) had succeeded in getting P&G to pull its millions of dollars in advertising from TV shows like Will & Grace and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy...


from LA Weekly, by Doug Ireland

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What price freedom?


The old man sat in the shade in the mine opening, his body wracked with pain. It had been many long years since he had come to this spot, fearing that he would not be able to resist the temptation of a new life, in a new, free world. Held to this world by love of his wife and children, and now, his grandchildren, he had waited, hoping beyond hope that either his wife or children would believe his stories, and make the leap of faith to the new world, or that the disastrous government policies would change before his country became a full police state. Now, it was too late...


from The Libertarian Enterprise, by Ron Beatty

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The scalping party


[C]overing up American atrocities has proved a thoroughly bipartisan business. The Democrats, after all, are currently considering the bomber of Belgrade, General Wesley Clark, as their potential knight on a white horse. The Bush administration, meanwhile, blackmails governments everywhere with threats of aid cuts and trade sanctions unless they exempt U.S. troops from the jurisdiction of the new International Criminal Court. The United States, of course, has good reason to claim immunity from the very Nuremburg principles it helped establish in 1946-47...


from Mother Jones, by Mike Davis

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Out of the Gray Zone


If you hate all the cameras, ID nonsense and petty rules about each breath you take, you are in for a gut wrenching time in the Gray Zone. The nanny state has gone completely insane and our fears about being watched every second while drugged into compliance see the logical outcome here. In a population that is pretty much docile and overwhelmed with the power of the state, however, there is still a remnant that will not bend the knee or become one with their oppressors. This is the story of one such young man with every conceivable disadvantage and no spark of liberty in his life except that which comes from deep within himself and inspired by the music and lyrics of a rock music group that is suddenly banned...


from The Price of Liberty, by Sue Callaway

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The real nuclear option


'The deal of a lifetime.' 'The Compromise of the Century.' 'Statesmanship of the highest order.' Whatever the pundits call it, the nation's attention was riveted recently on the drama playing itself out in the U.S. Senate on the 'nuclear option.' ... In fact, this stage play was a tragic distraction. The real nuclear option, one that truly threatens the foundations of our republic, has been hardly noticed in the hubbub over judicial filibusters. ... It is the fast-track campaign to expand the Patriot Act; a drive orchestrated quietly but firmly by the White House. If it succeeds, the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, on which the fundamental notion of privacy is based, will have been obliterated as surely as if targeted by a nuclear bomb... [editor's note: The more I read of this guy, the more I think he really HAS found his soul again! - SAT]


from Washington Times, by Bob Barr

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

End the charade


The cognitive dissonance required to believe the Bush administration is approaching critical mass. Some semblance of victory in the War on Method has been declared at least four times that I recall, and yet American troops are still being murdered on a weekly basis in free and democratic Iraq. The armed forces are now reduced to lying about who killed its poster boys, putting its own troops on trial and revising its recruitment targets to disguise the fact that no amount of media triumphalism suffices to convince most young Americans that extending the Pax Americana to the Middle East is worth death by improvised explosive device. Bear in mind that I am not an opponent of the American military -- I know too many good men serving in its various branches to view it in a negative light. To hold our men and women in uniform responsible for the manifest failures of their commander in chief and his administration would be tantamount to blaming the car for crashing when its intoxicated driver failed to see a red light and ended up driving through a store window...


from WorldNetDaily, by Vox Day

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Governor mobilizes evangelicals


Even for Texas, the scene was remarkable: The governor, flanked by an out-of-state televangelist and religious right leaders, signing legislation in a church school gymnasium amid shouts of 'amen' from backers who just as well could have been attending a revival. It wasn't just the blatant blend of church and state that made the gathering in Fort Worth unusual. Advance publicity also attracted about 300 angry protesters -- unheard of for the routine business of ceremonial bill signings. Now some wonder whether Gov. Rick Perry overplayed his hand last week trying to stick to the playbook used by old friend George W. Bush and political whiz Karl Rove, mobilizing evangelicals for last year's presidential race...


from My Way News -- Hat Tip to Talk Left

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cheney insists Guantanamo to stay open


Vice President Dick Cheney says there are no present plans to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay where terrorism suspects are held, despite a growing chorus of calls -- including one from a Republican lawmaker -- to do so. 'The important thing here to understand is that the people that are at Guantanamo are bad people,' he said...


from MSNBC

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Handys in der Hosentasche können unfruchtbar machen

Das Online-Portal "inside-handy" greift in einer Meldung die Ergebnisse einer Studie der britischen Royal Society auf, der zufolge Handys, die in der Hosentasche befördert werden, möglicherweise unfruchtbar machen können. Die Studie wurde an der University of Western Australia durchgeführt.


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 10.06.2005

Secret vote on Patriot Act angers some conservatives


A closed-door vote by the Senate Intelligence Committee to expand law enforcement powers under the USA Patriot Act is prompting sharp criticism from some conservative leaders who are otherwise among the most vocal allies of President Bush and the Republican leadership. The conservative leaders, who have formed a coalition with critics on the left, including the American Civil Liberties Union, vowed to press their concerns in public statements, rallies and advertising...


from Houston Chronicle

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition


Informant: Shanti Renfrew and Charles Bremer

Democracy in Action?


Court Files Shed Light on DeLay's PAC Ties


Paying a Price over 'Coingate'


Republican Urges Closing Guantanamo Facility


Dean Urges Appeal to Moral Values


Interrogating Ourselves: The Silence after Abu Ghraib


Return of the Body Counts


White House Presents Misleading Terror Data


Effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic field on TSH and thyroid hormones in rats


From the abstract: In this study, the effects of exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field (EMF) on serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and triiodothronine-thyroxin (T(3)-T(4)) hormones levels of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were studied. The concentration of TSH and T(3)-T(4) hormones in the rat serum was measured by using an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) method for TSH and a radio-immunoassay (RIA) method for T(3) and T(4) hormones. TSH values and T(3)-T(4) at the 900 MHz EMF group were significantly lower than the sham-exposed group (p<0.01). There were no statistically significant differences in serum TSH values and T(3)-T(4) hormone concentrations between the control and the sham-exposed group (p>0.05). These results indicate that 900 MHz EMF emitted by cellular telephones decrease serum TSH and T(3)-T(4) levels.

Bibliographic Information: Koyu A, Cesur G, Ozguner F, Akdogan M, Mollaoglu H, Ozen S. ;Toxicol Lett. 2005 Jul 4;157(3):257-62


Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 10.06.2005

A New Kind of Solar Storm


Informant: Tim Edwards


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