
The Hunting Of The President

Congress is back in session and there's momentum building behind the Downing Street Memo.



Losing The American Revolution

by Bill Moyers,TomPaine.com

It wasn't supposed to be this way. America was not meant to have a "government of the few at the expense of the many."




Iraq, Tony & the Truth

The BBC has produced a documentary that US television news producers might want to learn from. Although aired weeks before the Sunday Times broke the story of the Downing Street Minutes, this program discussed those minutes without naming them. BBC documentary "Iraq, Tony and the truth?" broadcast on BBC on March 20, 2005.


Jack Topel


Der Fluch der Städte: Erschreckendes Ausmaß der Umweltzerstörung

Das Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen dokumentiert das erschreckende Ausmaß der Umweltzerstörung der letzten Jahrzehnte anhand von vergleichenden Satellitenfotos.


Der Anfang vom Ende der amerikanischen Republik?

Bush als absoluter Monarch von Guantanamo

Der Anfang vom Ende der amerikanischen Republik? Das Guantanamo Virus IV.


Software-Patente: Bundesregierung arbeitet in Brüssel gegen Bundestag


Der Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur (FFII) wirft der Bundesregierung vor, bei der EU gegen eine klare Entscheidung des Bundestages gegen Software-Patente zu arbeiten. Wie aus dem FFII vorliegenden detaillierten Berichten der Arbeitsgruppensitzungen des EU-Ministerrats vom 27. Mai und 3. Juni hervorgehe, führten Patent-Attachés und Beamte des Bundesjustizministeriums unter Ministerin Brigitte Zypries (SPD) in Geheimsitzungen des EU-Ministerrats Bemühungen an, die Monopolisierbarkeit von computergestützten Organisationsabläufen und Rechenregeln noch während der zweiten Lesung des Europäischen Parlaments gegen die bisherige Mehrheit des Europäischen Parlaments durchzusetzen. Dem Bundestag solle so die Gelegenheit für eine weitere Beschäftigung mit dem Thema genommen werden. Das deutsche Parlament hatte sich einstimmig gegen die Pläne der EU-Kommission gestellt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Für einen Politikwechsel

Diskussionsforum unter: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/politikwechsel/

DGB warnt Union: Nicht tiefer ins soziale Netz schneiden


Studien von Zweifel: Industrie sponserte Tabakforschung

Montag, 6. Juni 2005

Hamburg (dpa) - Hochrangige deutsche Gesundheitswissenschaftler sollen sich nach einem Bericht des Nachrichtenmagazins «Spiegel» jahrelang Studienprojekte von der Tabakindustrie haben zahlen lassen. Firmeninterne Dokumente würden zeigen, wie die Zigarettenkonzerne die Forscher benutzten, um die Gefahren des Rauchens herunterzuspielen. Nach dem Bericht haben führende Wissenschaftler bis Anfang der neunziger Jahre zum Teil sechsstellige Beträge bekommen. Indirekt über Stiftungen hätten die Konzerne angeblich Studien bezahlt. «Es ist besonders verwerflich, dass sich ausgerechnet Gesundheitswissenschaftler von der Tabakindustrie haben kaufen lassen», sagte Martina Pötschke-Langer, Leiterin des Zentrums für Tabakkontrolle der Weltgesundheitsorganisation in Heidelberg, dem «Spiegel». Die WHO hatte schon früher darauf hingewiesen, dass internationale Tabakkonzerne unabhängige Experten bezahlt und für ihre Zwecke genutzt haben sollen.



Apropos Nikotinsucht

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO hat 50 Jahre gebraucht, um zuzugeben, dass Rauchen gesundheitsschädigend ist. Dieselbe WHO hat nebenher zusätzliche 30 Jahre gebraucht, um zuzugeben, dass Passivrauchen der Gesundheit abträglich ist.

Mit Dutzenden von ihr selbst finanzierten wissenschaftlichen Gutachten hat es die Tabakindustrie verstanden, sich jahrzehntelang vor jeglichen Schadenersatzforderungen zu schützen.

Hier ein Bericht über die Expertenbefragung am letzten grossen Tabakprozess in den USA:

Gunther, der Fachexperte der Tabakkonzerne, war nicht da, um irgend etwas zu beweisen. Seine Aufgabe war es lediglich, den Experten der Anklage dauernd zu widersprechen und so viel Schlamm aufzuwühlen, dass die Geschworenen nicht mehr wussten, wie gefährlich Rauchen nun wirklich war. Er konnte nicht beweisen, dass Rauchen keinen Lungenkrebs verursacht und deshalb argumentierte er, dass sämtliche Untersuchungen keinen Beweis dafür erbracht hätten, dass Rauchen tatsächlich diese Folgen hatte. „Dazu sind weitere Forschungen erforderlich“ sagte er alle 10 Minuten.

Diese Zeilen stammen aus dem Buch „Das Urteil“ von John Crisham über die grossen Sammelklagen gegen die Tabakkonzerne in den USA. Sehr lesenswert und dazu erst noch hochspannende Unterhaltung. Denn genau so wie Crisham die kriminellen Umtriebe der Tabakmafia beschreibt, agieren heute die Mobilfunkbetreiber. Oder kommt etwa jemandem der obige Buchauszug nicht höchst bekannt vor?

Von 1954 bis 1960 durften die Zigarettenhersteller behördlich bewilligt und von der Lehrerschaft geduldet, vor und in allen Schulhäusern der Schweiz massenhaft Gratismuster verteilen, teilweise sogar in den Korridoren und Klassenzimmern der Oberstufen.

Heute werden Gratishandys abgegeben.



Phone mast laws ‘must change’

Wanstead and Woodford Guardian

By Charlie Stong

NEW Ilford North MP Lee Scott has called on the Government to give local councils more freedom in deciding the fate of mobile phone masts.

Mr Scott last week backed a House of Commons motion calling for health grounds to be taken into account when antennae are planned near homes, schools and hospitals.

At present there is still very little leeway for councils to refuse masts. Currently, they can only refuse applications if they are within conservation areas or motorists' sight lines and causing a safety risk.

A Dutch study in 2003 showed that people exposed to radio-frequency waves, similar to those given out by some Third Generation (3G) masts, suffered reactions which could lead to health problems.

And the Government has now commissioned a study to examine whether the number of masts can be reduced by firms sharing them.

However, a study produced last year by the Advisory Group on Non-ironising Radiation (AGNIR) concluded that exposure levels to mobile phone masts were unlikely to pose a health risk.

Mr Scott said it was important that the fate of individual cases was left with councillors at a local level. He said: "Currently mobile phone mast applications cannot be rejected on health grounds and I think that is wrong. I believe the burden of proof should be on the mobile phone companies to prove they are safe, not on the residents and local authorities to prove they are unsafe."

Mobile phone masts have proved a bone of contention in recent years in Wanstead and Woodford.

In January last year the Wanstead and Woodford Guardian reported how hundreds of residents had united in their fight against phone masts, a move that was sparked after a planned antenna in High Road, Woodford Green.

Then, in February this year, a campaign started against a 3G transmitter just 150 yards from Oakdale Infants and Junior School in Woodville Road, South Woodford.

Another campaign was launched last week over plans for a mast near Snaresbrook Primary School .

But the most alarming case is that of Carnarvon Road , Woodford Green.

In 2001 the Guardian reported that out of seven houses next to a mobile phone station in Carnarvon Road , five were home to cancer victims. Mr Scott added: "As it stands, local authorities have little control over the granting or refusing of masts and this has to change."


3:00pm Saturday 4th June 2005

Torture In The U.S. Gulag


Informant: Charles Bremer

Abu’s Secret Syrian Rendezvous: Another Bush Lie


From Our bill of rights

Mens Rea and WMD


Informant: Carol Wolman





From Watergate to Downing Street: Lying for War


Informant: Carol Wolman


Bush lies should get him tossed out


Informant: Carol Wolman


Losing hearts, minds and battles in Iraq


Informant: Charles Bremer

Ralph Nader on the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney

For those of you who missed Ralph Nader on CSPAN's Washington Journal on Sunday June 5, at 10am est, you can watch the hour long interview with callers' questions archived on CSPAN's website here:

Check CSPAN 1, 2, and 3's listings for Washington Journal's replay on your local cable affililiate.

Ralph spoke about the case of impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. His editorial was coauthored with Kevin Zeese and was published in the Boston Globe on May 31, 2005. You can view the article by clicking the link below.


Enjoy the show.

The Nader-Camejo Team


Huge task against total destruction of mountains for eternity

...summer camp outs in Appalachia.

Bomber Bolton


State Sanctified Murder


Take Back the Future


A Lie of Historic Proportions


Success in Treating Autism?



EU-Verfassung - was steht eigentlich dahinter?


Nachricht von Gerd Zesar

Leukaemia, Cot Death linked to powerlines in two new studies


Video Coverage of The Downing Street Memo

C-Span's Video - coverage of The Downing Street Memo

Note: May need to click on WMV Link to view, which appears at bottom of screen below.

C-SPAN's Washington Journal Features Steve Cobble

By Mark Williams
Posted on Sat Jun 4th, 2005 at 09:17:22 AM EST

WMV Link

The Downing Street Memo still hasn't gotten any play in the mainstream media but today's Washington Journal featured Steve Cobble, the co-founder of AfterDowningStreet.org. Steve Cobble was joined by Kevin Aylward from Wizbang (right-wing blog).


Link to: After Downing Street Dot Org

Jack Topel


Graft Driving Amazon Deforestation

Graft Driving Amazon Deforestation - Campaigners

Japanese Whale Eaters Dig in Despite Foreign Outcry


Sweden Wants Liability Law for Antarctic Pollution


Blair Looks to Sell Bush on Africa and Global Warming


UN Asked to Ban Fishing Practice, Save Sea Turtle




The US Government no longer obeys it's own laws?

Charles Bremer

Hofer Appell


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Ärzteappelle gegen ungezügelten Mobilfunk

History matters


Students of American history know that had the French not arrived in time to support the colonials in their struggle to secede from the British Empire, modern investors might now be concerned with how the American pound was faring against the Euro. While the French were motivated primarily by the opportunity to have another whack at the British, it is nonetheless true that Americans owed the outcome of the so-called 'Revolutionary War' to France's intervention. There is a more recent indebtedness to France that most Americans lack the decency to acknowledge: the refusal of Chirac's regime to join forces with George W. Bush's unprovoked aggression against Iraq, the first step in a neocon-inspired effort to get the world to prostrate itself at the feet of American emperors. By refusing to join with such lap dogs as Tony Blair -- eager to roll over in exchange for any morsel of recognition from the grand imperator -- the French became a symbol to other nations of the importance of pursuing a course of principled integrity in dealing with others...


from LewRockwell.Com, by Butler Shaffer

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

On the use of state terrorism


State terrorism is the use of state violence against innocent civilians to create fear in pursuit of a political objective. ... Early examples of successful overt state terrorism were the 1937 bombing of Guernica and the 1945 atomic snuffing out of hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese lives in a matter of minutes, which caused the Japanese empire to dissolve and its rulers and people to submit to foreign occupation. However, non-atomic overt state terrorism has frequently been unsuccessful, since it sometimes produces a reaction of liberatory retaliation as well as fear and submission. Examples are the 1940 Luftwaffe bombing of London, the 1965-72 napalming of large areas of Vietnam, and the 2003 'shock and awe' bombing of Bagdad. A key factor in the failure or success of overt state terrorism seems to be the liberation-domination dichotomy...


from CounterPunch, by Tom Crumpacker

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America: Police state incorporated


It may have been ably stated by every writer of the past millenium, that the law exists not to end crime, but to persecute the poor and elevate the rich. There are laws, on the lawbooks of this date, which a person can be arrested for, including: Obstruction of a Public Passage, Intent to Impersonate a Sidewalk, Leaning with Intent to Fall, Obstruction of the Flight Path of a Pigeon, Begging, Vagrancy (not having photo identification on you), Transience (not having a home), Disrespecting a Police Officer, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the Peace, Obstruction of the Due Process of Law, the list goes on, with a law existing that prohibits almost every erroneous activity. At the height of this police state, we find the crime of Vagrancy, that it is illegal to not have either money (which will be quickly appropriated by any investigating officer) or photo ID, which shows shades of 1984 and F451. The police do not arrest people on violating these crimes. That is the popular misconception of the rule. If you walk on the sidewalk, you are fulfilling the requirements for the crime of 'Obstruction of a Public Passage...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Close Camp Delta


But just as Guantanamo has become a powerful negative symbol, it has the potential to be a positive one if the United States is willing to take steps to recognize the possibility. One step, and it is a bold one, would be to shut down the Guantanamo prison -- to close its doors and, in doing so, open a public debate among members of Congress, military officers and intelligence and law enforcement leaders on interrogation and detention practices around the world...


from Baltimore Sun, by Michael Posner

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The fundamentalist attack on church/state separation


The right-wing's multi-front war on American democracy now aims at our core belief in separation of church and state. It includes an attempt to say the founding fathers endorsed the idea that this is a 'Christian nation,' with an official religion. But the founders -- and a vast majority of Americans -- repeatedly, vehemently and with stunning clarity denounced, rejected and despised such beliefs. Nowhere in the Constitution they wrote does the word 'Christian' or the name of Christ appear. The very first phrase of the First Amendment demands that 'Congress shall make no law concerning an establishment of religion.' One major reason Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Tom Paine, Ethan Allen and the vast majority of early Americans rejected the merger of church and state was the lingering stench of Puritan intolerance...


from Free Press, by Harvey Wasserman

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Limits of Regime Change


Engaging talk

Hawks in the administration of President George W Bush may think they are tough, but their dreams of 'regime change' in Iran and North Korea are increasingly deluded, not to say dangerous, according to their hard-edged realist rivals, who have become increasingly outspoken in recent weeks. Their latest broadside comes in the form of an article by Richard Haass, president of the influential Council on Foreign Relations, in the forthcoming edition of the journal Foreign Affairs titled 'The Limits of Regime Change...


from Asia Times, by Jim Lobe

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Biden: US needs to close Cuba prison


A leading Senate Democrat said Sunday the United States needs to move toward shutting down the military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 'This has become the greatest propaganda tool that exists for recruiting of terrorists around the world. And it is unnecessary to be in that position,' said Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del. A Pentagon report released Friday detailed incidents in which U.S. guards at Guantanamo desecrated the Quran. Last month, Amnesty International called the detention center for alleged terrorists 'the gulag of our time,' a charge Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld dismissed as 'reprehensible...


from USA Today

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rights group leader says US has secret jails


The chief of Amnesty International USA alleged Sunday that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp is part of a worldwide network of U.S. jails, some of them secret, where prisoners are mistreated and even killed. William Schulz, executive director of Amnesty's Washington-based branch, speaking on 'Fox News Sunday,' defended the human rights group's recent criticism of U.S. treatment of detainees at the naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba...


from CNN

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


From Karen Barratt

It's not all good news on the radio/TV front. I wrote to the Radio Times a few months back (see letter below - not published) about The Archers. Other listeners will know that the situation has not improved. The characters spend as much time talking and texting as they do ploughing these days. One of the scriptwriters must be sleeping with a telecom person.

Dear Sir,

Is the Archers being sponsored by the telecom industry? When I tuned in on Monday 31 January, Bert Fry appeared to be doing a commercial for mobile phones. It’s true that many of the plot lines have been developed with the aid of this technology, mostly illicit affairs, but although nobody in Ambridge seems to have a reception problem, we have never had a campaign against a phone mast in the village, not even by Lynda Snell. So, where are they sited ? Lakey Hill would be perfect technically but is probably a site of outstanding natural beauty. There might be a hidden one inside the church but the bell ringers would have noticed. Streetlamps might be possible but I lived in the country once and there weren’t any.

The scriptwriters have also failed to advise certain characters that they shouldn’t being using mobiles at all (Brian-epilepsy, Ruth-remission from cancer, and anyone who happens to be pregnant, regardless of which Grundy is the father.) If the Archers were a Russian soap, promoting Russian government advice none of the aforementioned characters would be let anywhere near a mobile phone.

Thank goodness it’s only fiction and doesn’t happen in real life.

Warning from Gore on future: Global warming called an emergency


Informant: NHNE

Virtual Reality TV 55 Degrees North

Here is my small contribution


Congratulations to the writer and producer of episode three of this terrific series for making thousands of people happy, as well as providing good entertainment.

How did you achieve this? You introduced the reality of a serious problem for ordinary folk up and down the UK.

By depicting the true responses of ordinary people towards phone masts, and how concerned people are when these masts are placed near homes (or on them!), or near schools, hospitals and other sensitive sites, and in clusters, you have truly served the communities of the UK. Our gratitude and thanks go out to all involved.

I am the Advice Line Co-ordinator for Mast Sanity and speak to people across the UK. I also receive emails as TETRA Coord, and SW England Coord.

Mast Sanity is a voluntary organization with charity status that offers free advice and support to anyone with mast queries or problems.

Phone masts are a serious issue for so many communities who are worried about health issues, and these people are also concerned about Government interference in the planning process.

Last night I put out the news of your program and I am already receiving responses of delight. I know I was dizzy with happiness just to see reality on the Beeb with no government officials or mobile phone companies talking over it to say masts are safe!

Some people were really disappointed to have missed the program, so can you please show it again soon, just for them? Or can mast Sanity have a copy to show our thousands of campaigners? Maybe you could provide a link through your website!

Keep up the good work, give us more of this, we love it. How about a story line in Eastenders?

Yours sincerely,
Sandi Lawrence

Here is the link if you want to write a comment


Just a quick mention about last nights episode in case nobody saw it.

Following on from last weeks episode which gave great prominence to the anti mast campaign, last nights episode also raised the issue. In the first 5 minutes the 2 main character were looking to buy a house. They were looking into the area and said "make sure there are no mobile phone masts nearby". They then were looking into nearby schools and again, "check there are no mobile phone masts nearby". All good publicity for the cause. The script writers or producers must be fellow campaigners!

55 Degrees North, 7.20 BBC1 Last Night (Sunday 12th)

Specter to Push for Foreign Detainee Rules

The continuing uproar over U.S. treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib has a top Senate Republican looking at the need to clarify in law the rights of foreign detainees.



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