
Mobilfunk in der Schule - ein Massenexperiment am Kind


Schule und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk in der Schule

Kinder und Mobilfunk

Auch Tiere leiden unter Mobilfunk




DECEMBER 13, 2004


11 AM - 1 PM

Ohio Statehouse
E Broad and High Streets

-reclaim the power of the vote
-protest the selection of GOP slate of electors prior to completion of the RECOUNT
-march in support of fair elections and REVOTE if necessary
-stand in support of those voters who were not allowed to vote
-recount updates, networking, future actions

*Green Party candidate David Cobb, who has called for the RECOUNT, will speak at approximately 12:15 pm.

Bring banners, signs, flags, marching/jazz bands, and your indomitable spirit!

Contact kat l'estrange for more information, 541-510-5646, kat@donotconcede.com



Informant: Lynneserpe

Congressman Ron Paul Denounces National ID Card


Informant: Be Kind Whenever Possible



Protests are planned across the nation this weekend. On Monday, December 13, protesters will gather outside the Ohio State Capitol from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm to demonstrate their outrage that Ohio's electors will cast their votes on the day the recount finally begins.

To see a list of protest activities taking place in your state, check with your local Green Party organization, or these sites:


David Cobb will address the crowd at the Ohio State Capitol on Monday around 12:15 pm with a message he released as a public statement yesterday http://www.votecobb.org/press/2004/dec/pr2004-12-10.php :"It is absolutely outrageous and irresponsible for the Ohio and New Mexico presidential electors to cast their Electoral College votes on December 13th when the outcome of recounts are still unknown. Just as in Florida in 2000, we have to question the integrity of our voting system and those partisan officials who are in charge of it. With allegations of voter intimidation and suppression looming, an impending Congressional investigation, and recounts just beginning, the presidential electors will cast their votes under a cloud of suspicion."



On Monday, December 13, the members of the Electoral College will meet in every state capitol to cast their votes to elect the President and Vice-President of the United States. We call on local groups to protest and make visible the many voting rights violations and election irregularities which call into question the integrity of the 2004 election - and to demand real reforms to protect, extend, and deepen democracy.


1 - Organize protests in the days leading up to the Dec. 13 meeting of the Electoral College, and on December 13 itself:

* Demand that every vote be verified and counted in all states before the Electors cast their votes!

* Call for the implementation of the Voter Bill of Rights http://www.nov3.us/billofrights , which details eleven vital election reforms, including the abolition of the electoral college, a guarantee of a voter-verified paper trail for all voting machines, replacement of partisan oversight of elections with nonpartisan election commissions and prevention of lawless vote suppression and voter intimidation. Deliver the Voter Bill of Rights to your members of Congress and demand their support for these reforms.

2 - Contact your state's Electors to see if you can convince one or more of them to join you at the protest to express their concerns about the state of our democracy. A list of your state's Electors should be available on your state's secretary of state website, or with your state's election board.

3 - Alert local media, using the Electoral College vote as a news hook. We need to break through the media whitewash of the disenfranchisement, vote suppression and fraud that occurred in this election.

4 - List your protests under "Directory of Local Actions" at
http://www.Nov3.US .

This call to action is an initiative of the No Stolen Elections! campaign and is endorsed by United Progressives for Democracy!, CODEPINK, United for Peace and Justice, 51 Capital March, Cobb/LaMarche Green Presidential Campaign, League of Pissed Off Voters, Liberty Tree, Progressive Democrats of America, Democrats.Com, and others. We are seeking national co-sponsors. If your national organization is willing to co-sponsor this call, please contact us at ben@nov3.us


Voter Bill of Rights:

Ohio Recount:

51 Capital March:

Jesse Jackson's Something's Fishy in Ohio:

Election Day Problems:


Here is a listing of actions you can take where you live. If you wish to organize something yourself, there is a link containing helpful guidelines:

Here are some comprehensive sources of vote fraud protest sites:

(1) This one is the most user friendly: you just put in your city and you find out what is near:

(2) This one is very comprehensive but you must scroll down a lot:

(3) This is for just Dec. 12th State Capital Marches Which Has Been Called For All States: Find Organizers and Contact Info:

Informant: NHNE

Join the B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT to Bring U.S. Soldiers Home from Iraq

Phase 2

Informant: ps4erth

Wahlen in den USA und in der Ukraine

Während die internationale Gemeinschaft eine Kontrolle der Stichwahl in der Ukraine fordert, sind die Unregelmäßigkeiten während der Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA in Vergessenheit geraten. Ein Interview mit dem US-Politologen James K. Galbraith...


U.S. Soldiers' Grilling Fields


For Some Election is Far from Over


Handy Ja, Antenne Nein?


Ein Handy kann von der Belastung her keinesfalls mit einen Mobilfunksender verglichen werden http://omega.twoday.net/stories/601757/

Antennen schauen uns an

Leserbrief aus Bamberg

Weihnachten droht und schon laufen die Mobilfunkbetreiber und Handyhersteller auf "Hochform" auf: Da werden Kinder und Jugendliche beinahe genötigt ihren Eltern zu bearbeiten, Verträge zu unterzeichnen, gut mit Lebkuchen gelockt - wie im Märchen (so geschehen Anfang dieser Woche von T-Mobil am Bahnhofsvorplatz!), da ziehe ich aus meinem Briefkasten täglich 1-2 Angebote zur Anwendung dieser Technik, egal, ob W-Lan-Laptops oder sogenannte Wichtigtuer-Händis, und dies auf Hochglanzpapier. Nein, es können die Druckkosten der Hersteller nicht hoch genug sein, denn die Suchtbindung, auch Kundenbindung genannt, bringt langfristig einen Supergewinn.

Leider muss man die Leute immer wieder erinnern: jedes Handy - und sei es noch so selten benutzt - braucht eine Ketten von Mobilfunkantennen. Schauen Sie sich in Ihrer Nachbarschaft um: irgendwo steht im Umkreis von 500 bis 1000 Metern eine größere oder auch eine kleinere Antenne auf den Dächern oder an Fassaden. Und wer aus seinem Fenster Blickkontakt zu solchen Antennen hat, möge sich schon mal zum Messen der Wohnräume melden.....dafür dürfte der Empfang sehr gut sein.

Engagierte Mitmenschen kämpfen in der Stadt und Landkreis gegen Antennenmasten und Dachantennen, gegen W-Lan in Schulen und Betrieben, - und sie haben Gründe dafür, die in der gesundheitlichen Vorsorge begründet liegen.

Wo gibt es noch echte Rückratbesitzer? Oder haben auch Sie schon Minderwertigkeitskomplexe, wenn sie nicht alles haben, was neu ist? Gegen den Strom schwimmen ist etwas mühsam, aber ungemein befreiend.

Mein Tipp: Keine Handys kaufen und schenken - sondern Rückrat bewahren !

Karin Z.

Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 12.12.2004

Nachruf auf Sieglinde Glessinger

Information von Waltraud Schmöller,
Euschertsfurth 244, 94551 Lalling
Tel. 09904 / 906
E-Mail: elke.kargl@t-online.de

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

letzte Woche ist Frau Sieglinde Glessinger aus Garham plötzlich und unerwartet verstorben.

Sie ist vielen Initiativen und Mobilfunkgegnern bekannt, deshalb bitte ich auch Sie um Weitergabe der Nachricht, wenigstens mit der Information über die Zeit ihrer Beerdigung.

Egal ob persönlich bekannt oder unbekannt, den Besuch ihrer Beerdigung hätte sie verdient und es wäre eine Demonstration die zeigen würde, dass wir nicht alle in das „bequeme Schweigen – weil man ja doch nichts machen kann – verfallen, sind“!

Frau Glessinger hat schon zu Zeiten, wo wir noch nicht daran dachten auf die Gefahren von E-Smog und hauptsächlich Mobilfunk hingewiesen. Sie gehörte mit zu denen die sehr früh auf die schädliche Verbindungsmöglichkeit von Mobilfunk und Amalgam und anderen Chemikallieschen Verbindungen aufmerksam machte.

Sieglinde Glessinger hat sich aber nicht nur mit Worten gewehrt, sie gehörte zu den wenigen, die sich auch für Forschungen zur Verfügung stellte.

Ihre besondere Gabe ohne Hilfsgeräte, nur mit ihrem Körper Strahlenkonzentrationen an bestimmten Stellen festzustellen und vor allem der Mut, dies all jenen die davon betroffen waren, mit zu teilen war außergewöhnlich. Wenn an den von ihr genannten Punkten mit technischen Geräten nachgemessen wurde, musste man ihr vielfach wohl oder übel recht geben.

Mit großer Hilfsbereitschaft diente sie der Umwelt und Forschung, so stellte sie ihr Wissen auch der Regulierungsbehörde und dem Umweltamt zur Verfügung. Sie nahm auch in Kauf, dass sie von Unwissenden und der Mobilfunklobby belächelt wurde.

Wer Frau Glessinger kannte und mit ihr Kontakt hatte oder wem sie ihr Wissen zur Verfügung stellte, weis, dass wir in ihr eine große und selbstlose Mitstreiterin verloren haben.

Ihre Beerdigung findet am Samstag, den 18.12.04 um 10 Uhr in der Pfarrkirche Garham statt.

Anfahrt: A3 Richtung Passau bzw. aus Österreich Richtung Regensburg, Ausfahrt Garham.
Zugstation: Vilshofen / Ndb. oder Deggendorf. Ab dort Busverbingung: Garham / Hofkirchen. IC-Stationen: Passau oder Plattling.

Beileidsbezeugungen, an: Karin Glessinger, Brunnfeld 20, 94544 Hofkirchen, Tel. / Fax: 08541 /58104

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Waltraud Schmöller


Die engagierte Kämpferin in Sachen Mobilfunk - Frau Sieglinde Glessinger - ist am Montag den 6.12. 2004 völlig unerwartet verstorben. Wir alle verlieren mit Ihr eine Persönlichkeit. Obwohl Frau Glessinger selbst schwer unter der Elektrosensibilität zu leiden hatte, war sie immer für andere Betroffene da und half wo immer sie nur konnte. Sie setzte ihre eigene Fühligkeit als Messgröße ein, um Stellen hoher und höchster Belastung aufzufinden. Mit ihrem erworbenen Wissen war Frau Glessinger selbst Behörden und amtlichen Institutionen eine große Hilfe. Mit ihrem Mut und ihrem niederbayerischen Naturel hat sie selbst vor sogenannten Autoritäten nie gekuscht und auch diesen eindeutig "ihren" Standpunkt klar gemacht. Sie hat mit allen erdenklichen Institutionen und Personen zusammengearbeitet. Auch der Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V. hat einen intensiven Erfahrungsaustausch mit Frau Glessinger gepflegt. Wir verlieren mit dem Tod von Frau Glessinger nicht nur eine mutige Kämpferin gegen den Mobilfunk, sondern auch einen außerordentlich liebenswürdigen Menschen. Ihr Rat und ihre Erfahrung wird uns alle Zeit fehlen. Sie hinterlässt eine sehr große Lücke in unseren Reihen.

Der Arbeitskreis Elektrobiologie e.V. spricht der Familie Glessinger seine aufrichtige Anteilnahme aus. Wir werden Frau Glessinger stets in ehrender Erinnerung behalten.

Für den Arbeitskreis Elektro-Biologie e.V.
Dr. Claus Scheingraber

Auch das Team der Elektrosmognews bedauert das Ableben von Frau Glessinger. Sie war gerade 47 Jahre alt. Wir verdanken ihr, in der Vergangenheit, viele Tipps und Hinweise. Sie wird uns im Kampf gegen den Elektrosmog fehlen.

Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 12.12.2004

Das unendliche Leid der "Versuchs"-Tiere

Tierversuche - Das unendliche Leid der "Versuchs"-Tiere

Auf allen Ebenen des täglichen Lebens erkennen wir heute einen erhöhten Trend zur Brutalität und totalen Rücksichtslosigkeit gegenüber der Mitwelt. In erster Linie sind es die lebende Natur und die Tiere, die in grösserem Ausmass als je zuvor dem Faustrecht des Menschen, seiner oft hemmungslosen Gewalttätigkeit und Technologie ausgeliefert sind.

Schon beim Lesen der offiziellen Statistik stockt einem der Atem. Welche Dinge und in welcher Zahl dann hinter verschlossener Labortür passieren, kann man vermutlich nicht einmal erahnen. Beispiele aus Österreich ....

200.000 Tiere für Versuche in Österreich, 10 Mio. für Versuche in der EU, von der Maus bis zum Menschenaffen .... Artikel LESEN:

Nachricht von hese-project

Der EU-Haftbefehl

ACHTUNG: Sie sind vermutlich ein Verbrecher: Der EU-Haftbefehl

Jedem der sich nur etwas mit den Entscheidungskremien und Machträgern der EU befaßt, ist klar, dass die EU keine Spur von demokratischer Institution ist. Inzwischen übertrifft ein undemokratischer Vertrag den anderen, und Menge und Inhalt dieser Verordnungen die dann für ganz Europa gelten sind selbst für Europaparlametarier unüberblickbar.

............. Der „Europäische Haftbefehl“ kann für JEDEN Bewohner Europas zur Katastrophe werden! ..... Demnach kann JEDER für eine tatsächlich oder angeblich begangene Handlung auf Ersuchen an jeden beliebigen EU-Staat ausgeliefert werden, AUCH wenn die Handlung im Heimatland gar nicht strafbar ist, sondern nur nach dem Strafgesetz des um Auslieferung ersuchenden Staates.

Ja, es ist noch nicht einmal notwendig, die Tat im auslieferungsersuchenden Land begangen zu haben! Und wenn es sich bei dieser realen oder Ihnen auch nur unterstellten Tat um eine solche handelt, die auf einer Liste von insgesamt 32 Straftaten steht, auf die sich alle EU-Länder geeinigt haben (ungeachtet der jeweiligen nationalen Gesetzgebung!), dann findet in Ihrer Heimat keinerlei Überprüfung statt, ob Sie auch wirklich schuldig sind!

Einige dieser 32 Straftaten lauten: ............................
Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Vereinigung (wer bestimmt, was kriminell ist?)
Terrorismus (ein seeehr dehnbarer Begriff)
Korruption (noch so ein Gummibegriff)
Rassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit (die Totschlagkeule schlechthin!!)

Quelle: http://www.initiative.cc/Artikel/2004_12_12%20EU%20Haftbefehl.htm

Nachricht von hese-project

Helena Bonham Carter and Emma Thompson carries out a particular war

Just received article below from Spain!

Colette O'Connell

Helena Bonham Carter and Emma Thompson carries out a particular war and not in the great screen. The actresses have won one first battle against the post installation of movable telephony of third generation in the proximities of three London schools and famous recording studios. Both have been united to the families who were against to the positioning of a post of that type in the tile roof of the Air Studios, of the musical producer George Martin, where they have recorded the Beatles, Robbie Williams and U2, among others.

The stars convinced the legendary producer so that it did not give permission to install them in the studies since, according to their critical, those posts for the reception of the signal of the satellite elevate the incidence of the cases of cancer, they disturb the dream and they can cause other problems of health. "Estoy in agreement with those who protests against those posts. Nobody knows for sure what negative effects have on the health of gente", Bonham commented Carter, of 38 year in the newspaper The Standard Evening the parents of the students of the three affected schools of the district of Hampstead, in the north of the capital, were satisfied by the gained victory thanks to the support with those famous ones.

A tribute to S.A.T and all mast campaigners

Having only ever had the threat of a mast in my backyard, which did not materialise, I have enormous respect and admiration for those who carry on campaigning against masts despite dwindling support and lack of fellow campaigners.

With the Sidlesham Public Inquiry re-opening on the 14th December 2004 in Chichester, and knowing some of the personal circumstances involved, I just felt that these few should know how much they are appreciated now by a relatively few people in the order of things. I also want them to know that in the future, and with hindsight they will be remembered and respected by many.

Then people may wish that they had acted differently!

I offer this tribute to them for their courage and perseverence and also encompass all other campaign groups who are in the same position and against great odds.

May we all unite as one voice to defeat these enemies that faces us all

Sandi Lawrence


Life offers us the opportunity to become a Spiritual Warrior. A warrior is one who bravely goes into those dark areas within themselves to ferret out the Truth of their being. It takes great courage, stamina and endurance to become a Spiritual Warrior. The path is narrow, the terrain rough and rocky. You will walk alone: through the dark caves, up those steep climbs and through the dense thick forest. You will meet your dark side. The faces of fear, deceit, and sadness all await your arrival. No one can take this journey but you. There comes a time, in each of our lives, when we are given the choice to follow this path. Should we decide to embark on this journey, we can never turn back.... Our lives are changed forever. On this journey, there are many different places we can choose to slip into and hide. But the path goes on. The Spiritual Warrior stays the course, wounded at times, exhausted and out of energy. Many times, the Warrior will struggle back to their feet to take only a few steps before falling again. Rested, they forge on, continuing the treacherous path. The journey continues. The Spiritual Warrior stays the course. Weakened, but never broken. One day, the battle, loneliness and desperate fights are over. The sun breaks through the clouds; the birds begin to sing their sweet melodies. There is a change in the energy. A deep change within the self. The warrior has fought the courageous fight. The battle of the dark night of the soul is won. New energy now fills the Warrior. A new path is now laid before them. A gentler path filled with the inner-knowing of one who has personal empowerment. With their personal battle won, they are filled with joy. A new awareness that they are one with the Spirit beams as they go forth to show others the way. They are not permitted to walk the path for others. They can only love, guide and be a living example of the Truth of their being. (Author unknown)

From Mast Network

Microchips in Your Passport and Drivers License


Das schwierige Leben ohne Amtsgeheimnis


Aktion für das Recht auf Information:
Behördenunterlagen dürfen nicht länger unter Verschluss bleiben!
Möglichkeit sich in eine Unterstützerliste einzutragen:

Liste der Montagsdemos

Attac-Liste der Montagsdemos

77 Percent Want Rumsfeld Fired

Poll Shows 77 Percent Want Rumsfeld Fired

U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld keeps failing our Nation. We know Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction and no ties to 9/11 terrorists. We also know the planning for the war remains a disaster: The lack of Iraqi oil money has cost U.S. taxpayers $200 billion; not enough troops were deployed to secure the peace; our soldiers don't have the proper equipment to win; and the "stop loss" back door draft forces soldiers to remain on the front lines after their volunteer contracts expire.


Serious Doubts Persist About Ohio and Nationwide Election Results

This critical news should be on the front page of every newspaper in America: "Ohio's Republican Secretary of State, Kenneth Blackwell, has conceded that a recount would likely alter the vote tally somewhat." This is a clear admission that our election system is broken. If it is broken, then the legitimacy of the 2004 election remains in question. This deprives the people of liberty and justice if we can't have confidence in our system of representative government.


Cell phones and the brain

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, July, 2002 by John D. MacArthur

Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with Furl.net. Get started now. (It's free.)
Continued from page 1.

The chemical neurotransmitter dopamine is uniquely vulnerable to free radical damage. Many researchers believe that some diseases of aging -- most notably, Parkinson's disease -- are associated with the loss of dopamine-using neurons. Lorraine Iacovitti, PhD, showed in animal experiments that melatonin was effective in blocking the oxidative damage to these brain cells. Her results indicate "melatonin possesses the remarkable ability to rescue dopamine neurons from cell death in several experimental paradigms associated with oxidative stress." (7)

Past research has demonstrated a correlation between EMFs and decreased levels of melatonin in the body, but results have been inconsistent. Numerous factors are involved, including one's natural melatonin levels and the length of exposure. A recent study suggests there may be a "cumulative effect of magnetic field exposure on the stability of individual melatonin measurements over time." (8)

EMFs are characterized by many variables, such as the orientation of the magnetic field and its polarity. In a study of electric utility workers, Dr. Jim Burch of Colorado State University has shown that certain EMF environments have a greater effect on melatonin levels. The key difference may be the polarization of the magnetic field. (9) Burch's preliminary results agree with a series of animal studies by Dr. Masamichi Kato at Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan. (10)

DNA Conducts Electricity

Swiss scientists at the University of Basel reported in March 1999 that DNA conducts electricity as well as a good semiconductor. A few months later, a research team from the Georgia Institute of Technology actually observed the complicated process by which an electrical charge moves through DNA.

"It's not at all like a conductor or a wire," said lead author Dr. Gary B. Schuster. He compared the charge transport mechanism to the movement of a Slinky, the large spring used as a toy. When an electrical charge is injected into DNA, the DNA responds by changing its structure to accommodate and distribute the charge over several of its structural base pairs. This creates a local distortion that, just like the compression in a Slinky, can move in the DNA.

The charge transfer stops when it encounters a specific pairing of two chemical bases (guanine), where it then oxidizes the guanine and causes strand breaks that can lead to genetic mutations. (11)

Normally, DNA is capable of efficiently repairing itself. Through a homeostatic mechanism, cells maintain a delicate balance between spontaneous and induced DNA damage. By causing an increase in free radicals, however, EMFs may alter this balance.

Cell Division Errors and Aging

A study published in the March 31, 2000 edition of Science indicates that the source of many, if not all illnesses of aging, may be due to gradual genetic changes. Lead researcher Danith Ly, PhD, theorized that genes go awry because they are damaged by free radicals.

"This study suggests that aging is really a disease of quality control. In this case the manufactured product is a new cell," says co-author Richard A. Lerner, MD, president of The Scripps Research Institute. While the research is not conclusive, Lerner says the process begins slowly in middle age and gradually accelerates as we get older. In tissues throughout the body, an increase in cell division errors leads to altered gene expression which causes the loss of tissue function -- culminating in the diseases and conditions associated with human aging. (12)

In 1999, Swedish researchers exposed mice to EMFs generated by actual outdoor electric transmission power lines (220 kV). After 32 days of exposure, a highly significant change was observed in the animals' brain cells. The researchers said their "data indicate that transmission lines of this type may induce genotoxic effects in mice, seen as changes in the DNA migration." (13)

Heat Shock

The Scripps study also revealed links to specific age-related disorders. In Alzheimer's disease, there was evidence for the overexpression of a small protein associated with heat shock. Other studies have confirmed the presence of alpha Bcrystallin and other heat shock proteins in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's as well as in those with Parkinson's disease. Furthermore, the myclinproducing cells (oligodendrocytes) were among those most affected. (14-17)

Swedish researchers at the University of Goteborg have shown an association between Alzheimer's disease and altered lipid composition in myelin, indicating that demyelination is a primary event in late-onset form Alzheimer's disease. (18, 19)

In a significant new study titled "Cell biology: Non-thermal heat-shock response to microwaves," worms were continuously exposed to microwave radiation of the sort emitted by cell phones. The researchers showed that "prolonged exposure to low-intensity microwave fields can induce heat-shock responses in the soil nematode Caenouhabditis elegans. This effect appears to be non-thermal, suggesting that current exposure limits set for microwave equipment may need to be reconsidered." (20)

Keeping brain cells from overheating is one of the bloodstream's functions. Blood not only delivers oxygen, glucose, and nutrients, and removes toxins; it also cools the brain. An efficient cerebral vascular system enabled the evolution of intelligence, and healthy blood vessels continue to be necessary for proper cognitive function -- and for protection against neurodegenerative diseases -- especially since both "epidemiologic and pathologic observations suggest that vascular factors may contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease." (21)

The summer 1999 heat wave in the Midwest revealed another piece to the neurological health puzzle. The US Centers for Disease Control found that psychiatric medicines could make the mentally ill especially vulnerable to death from intense summer heat. This is because antidepressants that target the brain can interfere with the body's thermoregulatory system. (22)

Heat Stress from EMFs

To protect body tissue from being overheated, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set the maximum allowed "specific absorption rate" (SAR) from cell phones at 1.6 W/Kg (watts per kilogram). This is partial-body exposure, as averaged over one gram of tissue. The whole-body threshold is 0.08 W/Kg.

This thermal threshold is itself problematical, because it is based on the body's ability to maintain homeostasis during heating from the radiofrequency radiation. But even if the body's thermoregulatory mechanism succeeds in distributing the heat and maintaining the temperature at the pre-irradiation value, a certain stress still develops.

A pioneer in the bioeffects of electromagnetic fields, Robert O. Becker, MD, emphasizes the role of EMFs in producing stress. In his landmark 1990 book, Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution; The Promise of Electromedicine, he points out that exposure to any abnormal electromagnetic field produces a stress response. After prolonged exposure, the body's stress response system can be exhausted and the immune system compromised. In such a state, animals and humans could become more susceptible to cancer and infectious diseases.

Dr. Becker refers to experiments conducted in the early 1980s by the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine that were reported in the September 1986 issue of Scientific American. Test animals were continuously exposed for long periods to microwaves at a power density twenty times lower than the safe thermal level. They develoyed a fourfold increase in cancers of the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands -- the primary organs though which the body mediates stress.

The cellular stress response is a protective mechanism that enables cells to survive, it is activated by a wide variety of environmental stimuli, such as high temperature, oxygen starvation, and heavy metals, as well as EMFs. Cells essentially perceive man-made electromagnetic fields as potentially harmful.

Thermal vs. Non-Thermal Stress Response

Ongoing research by Columbia University scientists Reba Goodman and Martin Blank has focused on how EMFs cause stress in cells. They found that the "cellular response to low frequency magnetic fields is activated by unusually weak stimuli, and involves pathways only partially associated with heat shock stress." (23)

To provide a more realistic basis for new cell phone safety standards, Goodman and Blank have recently focused on the bioeffects of radiofrequency radiation. They discovered remarkable similarities in the biological responses to both the low and the high frequency fields emanating from cell phones. What's more, preliminary results showed that "the energy required to induce stress proteins with low frequency EM fields is 14 orders of magnitude lower than required by temperature increase." (24)


51 state capital march

Find the contact info for the protest in your state tomorrow. Make them hear us! Forward to friends and contacts. As always, scroll down for my free sticker offer: http://danielpwelch.com/#bstick. Keep spreading the word, and keep up the fight. Peace, Danny



Volunteer to help out anyway you can!!

Everybody who will be coming to the march needs to check in with their state coordinator now. We need to come together and gauge where everyone is in this action. Everyone, individuals, small groups, organizations PLEASE CHECK IN WITH YOUR STATE COORDINATOR AND LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE COMING. Volunteering to your state coordinator is also requested, there will be small tasks that they will need help with and you can ease their load. Please get involved and help in any way you can.

If you need a ride, post on your state's board.

Plans for each state are being continously updated with speakers, organizations, times, places, etc. Please check back often to stay up to date.

Just because you don't see your state in the list, does not mean there won't be people at your capital.



Arizona - state message board

State Coordinator: Jeff Farrias
Email: jefffarias@qwest.net
City: Phoenix

Logistics Coordinator:
Email: mshelbyinaz@aol.com
City: Phoenix

Communication Coordinator:
Email: cliff@thisismyplanet.com
City: Phoenix

Capital City: Phoenix , AZ
Capital Address1: 1700 West Washington, Phoenix
Rally Begins: 12 NOON
[followed by all other state contacts... http://www.51capitalmarch.com/stateContacts.shtml]

I have a bunch of ILLEGITIMATE SON OF A BUSH stickers and I want to make use of them. I'll send to anyone who sends me a self-addressed, stamped envelope: They're 3 x 11 white lettering on blue background.

Send to my work address so I don't have my home address out there--just make sure to note attn: Dan Welch

Attn: Dan Welch
c/o The Greenhouse School
145 Loring Avenue
Salem, MA 01970

If you want a big batch, send a check for a buck apiece and I'll do the best I can. I'll eat the excess shipping costs if you buy a bunch (say 20 or more). Tell friends! I'll keep doing it until I run out. Thanks to John Lenzi who printed them up for us. Peace, Danny


Daniel P. Welch

Folter - Torture


Guantanamo Torture Continues, Says Shackled Briton


More Ohio Voting Problems Reported


20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

by Angry Girl


Did you know....

1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.


2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry.


3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.


4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."


5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.


6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee.


7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates.


8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S. votes.


9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.


10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.


11. Diebold is based in Ohio.


12. Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as senior managers and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states.


13. Jeff Dean, Diebold's Senior Vice-President and senior programmer on Diebold's central compiler code, was convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree.


14. Diebold Senior Vice-President Jeff Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years.


15. None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio.


16. California banned the use of Diebold machines because the security was so bad. Despite Diebold's claims that the audit logs could not be hacked, a chimpanzee was able to do it! (See the movie here http://blackboxvoting.org/baxter/baxterVPR.mov )


17. 30% of all U.S. votes are carried out on unverifiable touch screen voting machines with no paper trail.


18. All -- not some -- but all the voting machine errors detected and reported in Florida went in favor of Bush or Republican candidates.


19. The governor of the state of Florida, Jeb Bush, is the President's brother.


20. Serious voting anomalies in Florida -- again always favoring Bush -- have been mathematically demonstrated and experts are recommending further investigation.


Informant: ItalysBadBoy


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