
NY Times Responds to FAIR on Fallujah Killings


Media Outlets Covering Congressional Ohio Vote Irregularities Forum


December 7, 2004

Dena Graziano (202) 226-6888

Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
Fourteenth District, Michigan
Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary Dean, Congressional Black Caucus


WASHINGTON, DC - Radio Pacifica will carry a live broadcast, Wednesday, of the Congressional forum held by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. regarding election irregularities in the pivotal state of Ohio during the 2004 Presidential election.

Radio Pacifica affiliates will broadcast the forum as part of the Andrea Lewis Show beginning at 10 AM eastern time, and it will be streamed live on the internet at http://www.pacifica.org and http://www.kpfa.org . In addition, NBC television, and numerous other media outlets will be covering the forum.

Testimony and other material concerning the hearing can be accessed at the House Judiciary Committee Democratic website,
http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/index.html . This site will be updated continuously Tuesday and Wednesday.

Interested parties can submit questions they wish to be addressed at the forum at:


WHAT: "Preserving Democracy ­ What went wrong in Ohio?"

WHEN: Wednesday, December 8th @ 10:00am

WHERE: 2237 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

WHO: Members: Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Robert Scott, Rep. Melvin Watt, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Robert Wexler Witnesses: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Founder Rainbow Push Coalition; Ralph Neas, President, People For the American Way; Prof. Robert Fitrakis, Editor, The Free Press; Cliff Arnebeck, Arnebeck Associates; Steve Rosenfeld, Senior Producer, Air America Radio; David Cobb, Green Party Nominee 2004 Presidential Candidate; Greg Palast, Independent Journalist; Jon Greenbaum, Director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law; Ellie Smeal, Executive Director, The Feminist Majority; John Bonifaz, General Counsel, National Voting Institute; Prof. Steve Freeman, University of Pennsylvania; Shawnta Walcott, Communications Director, Zogby International.


Pacifica Radio Network and KPFA Present:

Congressman John Conyers, Jr. Live from Capitol Hill, a Forum on Voting Discrepancies in Ohio with national Affairs Correspondent Larry Bensky and KPFA Morning Show host, Andrea Lewis

Wednesday, December 8th, 10 AM - 2 PM EST

Discussion will focus on voting problems in Ohio and elsewhere, particularly the disenfranchisement of Black voters.

Panel and Witnesses Invited include:

Ralph Neas, People For the American Way
Jon Greenbaum or Jonah Goldman, Lawyer Committee For Civil Rights Under Law
Ellie Smeal from Feminist Majority
Bob Fitrakis, Free Press
Cliff Arnebeck
Rev. Jesse Jackson (tentative yes)
John Bonifaz, National Voting Institute
Steve Rosenfeld, producer
Hilary Shelton, NAACP
Greg Moore, NAACP Voting Fund
Greg Palast
Dorri Steinhoff (CASE Ohio)
Rep. Kucinich
Rep. Brown
Rep. Jones
Rep. Ryan
Rep. Nadler
Rep. Wexler
Rep. Scott
Madeline Albright, former Secretary of State
John Zogby, pollster

(for our affiliate stations:
technical questions: Jim Bennett 510 848-6767 ext 214
production questions: Stephenie Hendricks 415 258-9151)

Advocacy Groups and the 2004 Elections

Informant: NHNE

Krebs durch Mikrowellenöfen


Informant: Brigitte


Mikrowellenöfen - Ein Rezept für Krebs


Microwave oven info


Nicht nur fürs Kochen: Mikrowellen als Waffe gegen Angreifer


Mikrowellenwaffen-Verbrechen: Mikrowellenöfen



Handy-Strahlung : So gefährlich ist sie wirklich

Erbgut wird geschädigt, im Gehirn entstehen Löcher

Handystrahlung ist für den Menschen weitgehend ungefährlich: Das galt bisher. Eine von der EU finanzierte, internationale Studie, an der auch Forscher der Uni-Klinik Benjamin Franklin (Steglitz) beteiligt waren, kommt jetzt zu ganz anderen Ergebnissen: Handy-übliche Strahlungen bewirken schwere Zellschädigungen, knacken die DNS, die das Erbgut trägt. Das bewiesen zwölf Forscherteams in sieben europäischen Ländern. Unabhängig voneinander. Schlimmer noch: Nach Auskunft des Wiener Wissenschaftlers Hugo Rüdiger, einem der Forscher, hat die Industrie in den vergangenen Monaten in Brüssel massiv versucht, die Ergebnisse zu unterdrücken. In den kommenden Tagen wird die Studie trotzdem vorgestellt.

Lesen Sie auch:

Wie seriös ist...

Die furchtbaren Ergebnisse:

Quelle: http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-kurier/berlin/64068.html

Kampagne gegen "zerstörerische Praktiken im Goldabbau"

Betrifft Weihnachtseinkäufe: Kampagne gegen "zerstörerische Praktiken im Goldabbau" (07.12.04)

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation FIAN-Deutschland ruft Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher dazu auf, sich für ein Ende "der zerstörerischen Praktiken im Goldabbau" einzusetzen. "Gold-Bergbau ist eine der schmutzigsten Industrien der Welt und sorgt immer wieder für Menschenrechtsverletzungen", so Ulrich Müller von FIAN Deutschland. "Gerade in der Weihnachtszeit wollen wir darüber aufklären und um Unterstützung für einen Wandel der Bergbau-Industrie werben". Dazu startet FIAN heute eine Internet-Aktion im Rahmen der internationalen No Dirty Gold-Kampagne. Azf der Website http://www.nodirtygold.org/deutsch.cfm kann man online Einzelhändler und Hersteller von Goldschmuck auffordern, sich gegenüber der Bergbau-Industrie für ein Ende des Goldabbaus auf Kosten der Umwelt, der einheimischen Bevölkerung und der ArbeiterInnen einzusetzen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Working to Make Every Vote Count

The Cobb-LaMarche Campaign
Working to Make Every Vote Count!

Greetings, Recount News Readers

This message is partly a test to see if the listserv is now functioning
properly, and to let you all know we haven't disappeared into a black
hole; in fact, things are progressing "on the ground" in Ohio, with a line-up of regional coordinators receiving training this weekend, and now putting into place coordinators for each of Ohio's 88 counties.

What we know, adn don't know, so far: the start date for the recount is still unclear. We expect it will be mid-December, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more. You can find the most up-to-date information on our website http://www.votecobb.org

We are also finalizing a line-up of state coordinators, so folks in
each state will be able to be in touch with others in their state, help coordinate travel plans and plan local activities if there is such interest.

Thanks to all who have volutneers and supported the recount effort -
for lending your voices to those calling for fair, democratic and
accessible elections!

Holly Hart
Volunteer Coordinator, Cobb/LaMarche'04 - Ohio Recount

Informant: Diana Davies


Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request


Informant: Diana Davies

Voting complaints highlight role of press in democracy


Informant: Diana Davies

Democrats vow to continue probe into Ohio voting


Informant: Diana Davies

Urge the Administration to Release all Torture-Related Documents

From: Matt Howes, National Internet Organizer, ACLU

To: ACLU Action Network Members

Subject: Urge the Administration to Release all Torture-Related Documents

1) Urge the Administration to Release all Torture-Related Documents
2) You can shape the future of the Action Network!

For months now, the Bush White House has refused to release dozens of documents related to the Administration's policies on the detention, interrogation and torture of foreign prisoners. But President Bush's nomination of Alberto Gonzales, who is widely regarded as one of the key architects of those policies, to be the nation's top law enforcement officer should finally allow the Senate to insist on receiving these crucial documents.

Despite requests in congressional hearings and a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, the Bush Administration continues to refuse to release dozens of documents that reportedly show how policy changes that Gonzales recommended be made at the White House and at top levels of government trickled down to decisions by the military and the CIA for holding prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The American people deserve to know the truth about these policies. Unless senators receive these documents, they cannot know the true story of how Gonzales’ actions relate to some of the worst violations of human rights committed by our country against foreign prisoners.

Take Action! Urge your Senators to demand that Gonzales and the Bush Administration release all of the torture-related documents before considering Gonzales as Attorney General.

Click here for more information and to take action:


2) You can shape the future of the Action Network!

In the coming months, the ACLU will launch a significant renovation of our online advocacy system. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and information you need to be even more active in the fight for civil liberties.

We're looking for your ideas and suggestions. What kind of improvements would help you become more involved? What kind of information do you need, but do not currently receive? How could we enhance our program and our site?

Click here to complete the survey and give your suggestions:


This Report Blows the Lid Off of E-Voting Manipulation in South Florida


Informant: ItalysBadBoy

Gasoline Boycott Day January 20, 2005

Citizens Take Charge!

Informant: lynnzy

U.S. Elections Undermine America in Eastern Europe

December 7, 2004

Introducing a new commentary from Foreign Policy In Focus

U.S. Elections Undermine America in Eastern Europe
by Nat Parry

Through the 1990s, many Eastern Europeans considered the U.S. a model to follow, as an example of how successful nations can be when they embrace free-market economic policies and enshrine respect for individual liberties and civil rights. Now, thanks to irregularities in U.S. elections, America's moral leadership is eroding in the eyes of Eastern Europeans.

Parliamentarians who are accustomed to the U.S. observing their own elections and exerting political pressure to expand democracy were shocked by what they saw first-hand and heard about in detailed reports on November 2.An Albanian lawmaker said these incidents reminded her of anti-democratic tactics in Albania, and pointed out that when these abuses happen in the U.S., they encourage anti-democratic forces everywhere. And, Belarus, one of Europe's least democratic countries, appears to be using U.S. electoral flaws to excuse their own corrupt practices.

Foreign Policy In Focus (online at http://www.fpif.org) analyst Nat Parry has worked with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as a research assistant and program officer periodically since 2001.

See new FPIF commentary online at:

With printer-friendly pdf version at:

Gaspreis-Erhöhungen nicht zahlen

MBI - Wählergemeinschaft Mülheimer Bürger Initiativen,
Geschäftsstelle: Kohlenkamp 1, 45468 Mülheim
Tel.: 0208-3899810, Fax: 3899811, e-mail: mbi@mbi-mh.de

Mülheim, den 7. Dez. 2004

Die MBI empfehlen allen Gaskunden zu überprüfen, inwieweit sie Einspruch gegen Gaspreiserhöhungen einlegen können. Widerspruch gegen Gaspreiserhöhung, als Musterbrief von der Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg e.V. Stand: 18. November 2004, ist herunterzuladen als pdf-Datei (15 KB) über

Bereits 50.000 Menschen haben Einsprüche eingelegt und die Chancen stehen nicht schlecht. Mehr bei der Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg:

Es grenzt schon an moderne Wegelagerei, wie sich Konzerne wie RWE und Eon, kommunale Stadtwerke und Beteiligungsgesellschaften mit dem scheinbaren Automatismus der Gaspreisbindung an den Ölpreis nahezu hemmungslos beim Verbraucher bedienen. Ein anschauliches Beispiel liefert die Stadt Mülheim a.d. Ruhr:

Gaspreise: Schamlose Abzockerei durch Politik und Konzerne!?

Der Mülheimer Gasversorger MEDL (Mülheimer Energie-Dienstleister) gehört zu 51% der Stadt, zu 49% der RWE-Tochter Rhenag. Die MEDL wirft Jahr für Jahr sehr hohe Überschüsse ab, welche für die meisten Privatfirmen schwindelerregend wären, halt ganz so, als sei das Gasgeschäft eine Lizenz zum Gelddrucken.

Das freut die Kommunalpolitiker doppelt: Neben zig Millionen Euro für den heruntergewirtschafteten, bankrotten Haushalt übernimmt die MEDL über Sponsoring u.a. im Sportbereich Aufgaben, die Kommune und Land nicht mehr können, natürlich aber nur, wenn dies den Kleinfürsten der großen Parteien genehm ist.

Die MEDL erhöhte zum 1. November die Gaspreise um ca. 10%, liegt damit weiterhin im oberen Mittelfeld der NRW-Gasversorger. Begründet wurde das mit den Ölpreiserhöhungen von vor 6 Monaten (sog. backlog). Da aber die wirkliche Öplreisexplosion und im Gefolge Preiserhöhungen der Gaslieferanten wie Eon-Tochter Ruhrgas oder die russische Gasprom erst danach stattfand, könnte die MEDL mit dem gleichen Argument die Gaspreise im Frühjahr oder Frühsommer erneut drastisch erhöhen, ohne direkte Rechtfertigungsprobleme zu bekommen, ohne dass irgendeine Regulierungsstelle etwas tun könnte!

Um aber gerade angesichts von Hartz IV ab Jan. und breitgestreuten Lohnkürzungen vieler Menschen seit Monaten für eine Gaspreisstabilität zu sorgen, stellten die MBI den Antrag an den Hauptausschuss am 25.11.04, den Finanzausschuss am 2911.04 und den Rat der Stadt Mülheim am 2.12.04, der MEDL als dem lokalen Gasversorger zu empfehlen, in 2005 anstehende nächste Gaspreiserhöhung auch aus sozialen Gründen heraus nicht durchzuführen vgl.

Die Stadt als Mehrheitsgesellschafter kann das sicher tun, zudem ja 0,0% Risiko besteht, dass dadurch die MEDL auch nur weniger Reingewinne machen würde als etwa im Jahr zuvor! Was passierte nun mit diesem durchaus diskutablem Antrag, der zwei Drittel der Mülheimer Bevölkerung direkt betrifft?

Im Hauptausschuss erklärte der Kämmerer knapp, dass die MEDL nur im Mittelfeld der NRW-Gaspreise liege, eine Begrenzung bzw. das beantragte Moratorium deshalb auch nicht angebracht sei und die gewählten "Volksvertreter" von SPD, CDU, Grünen und FDP gaben sich damit zufrieden und stimmten wortlos gegen den Antrag. Im Finanzausschuss das gleiche Spiel und im Rat stimmten sie gar den Punkt kommentarlos "einfach" von der Tagesordnung.

Soweit dazu, wie die sog. Volks- und Altparteien die Probleme des Volkes nicht zur Kenntnis, geschweige denn ernst nehmen!

P.S.: Wenigstens der MEDL-Chef zeigte etwas mehr Sensibilität: Er empfahl den Gaskunden, sich dringend Rücklagen zu bilden, um nicht bei den kommenden Jahresabrechnungen aus allen Wolken zu fallen!

15,000 tribal Papuans face genocide

15,000 tribal Papuans face genocide on the side of Glacier Mountain-PLEASE HELP


Global Warming Fast Facts


Informant: NHNE




National Priorities Project


NPP's Latest Publication: Americans Pay High Cost for War

State-by-state data on the number of soldiers killed and wounded, the dollar cost, and the number of reservists and National Guard troops on active duty are presented in the context of worsening conditions in Iraq as well as expert opinions on national security policy.

War affects everyone, not just those directly involved in the fighting. This webpage is a simple attempt to demonstrate one of the more quantifiable effects of war: the financial burden it places on our tax dollars.

To the right you will find a running total of the amount of money spent by the US Government to finance the war in Iraq. This total is based on estimates from Congressional appropriations
http://www.nationalpriorities.org/costofwar/numbers.html . Below the total are a number of different ways that we could have chosen to use the money.

Try clicking on them; you might be surprised to learn what a difference we could have made.

The War in Iraq Cost the United States:
$148,821,653,526 (and counting...)

Informant: NHNE

Long-term sickness and mobile phone use

Please, note that the following articles now have appeared in printing [if you have the capacity, please, be so kind and spread this message around]:

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "1997 - A curious year in Sweden", Eur J Cancer, Prev 2004; 13: 535-538

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Long-term sickness and mobile phone use", J Aust, Coll Nutr & Env Med, 2004; 23: 11-12

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm



by Douglas Jehl
New York Times

December 7, 2004


WASHINGTON - A classified cable sent by the Central Intelligence Agency's station chief in Baghdad has warned that the situation in Iraq is deteriorating and may not rebound any time soon, according to government officials.

The cable, sent late last month as the officer ended a yearlong tour, presented a bleak assessment on matters of politics, economics and security, the officials said. They said its basic conclusions had been echoed in briefings presented by a senior C.I.A. official who recently visited Iraq.

The officials described the two assessments as having been "mixed," saying that they did describe Iraq as having made important progress, particularly in terms of its political process, and credited Iraqis with being resilient.

But over all, the officials described the station chief's cable in particular as an unvarnished assessment of the difficulties ahead in Iraq. They said it warned that the security situation was likely to get worse, including more violence and sectarian clashes, unless there were marked improvements soon on the part of the Iraqi government, in terms of its ability to assert authority and to build the economy.

Together, the appraisals, which follow several other such warnings from officials in Washington and in the field, were much more pessimistic than the public picture being offered by the Bush administration before the elections scheduled for Iraq next month, the officials said. The cable was sent to C.I.A. headquarters after American forces completed what military commanders have described as a significant victory, with the retaking of Falluja, a principal base of the Iraqi insurgency, in mid-November.

The American ambassador to Iraq, John D. Negroponte, was said by the officials to have filed a written dissent, objecting to one finding as too harsh, on the ground that the United States had made more progress than was described in combating the Iraqi insurgency. But the top American military commander in Iraq, Gen. George W. Casey Jr., also reviewed the cable and initially offered no objections, the officials said. One official said, however, that General Casey may have voiced objections in recent days.

The station chief's cable has been widely disseminated outside the C.I.A., and was initially described by a government official who read the document and who praised it as unusually candid. Other government officials who have read or been briefed on the document later described its contents. The officials refused to be identified by name or affiliation because of the delicacy of the issue. The station chief cannot be publicly identified because he continues to work undercover.

Asked about the cable, a White House spokesman, Sean McCormack, said he could not discuss intelligence matters. A C.I.A. spokesman would say only that he could not comment on any classified document.

It was not clear how the White House was responding to the station chief's cable. In recent months, some Republicans, including Senator John McCain of Arizona, have accused the agency of seeking to undermine President Bush by disclosing intelligence reports whose conclusions contradict the administration or its policies. But senior intelligence officials including John E. McLaughlin, the departing deputy director of central intelligence, have disputed those assertions. One government official said the new assessments might suggest that Porter J. Goss, the new director of central intelligence, was willing to listen to views different from those publicly expressed by the administration.

A separate, more formal, National Intelligence Estimate prepared in July and sent to the White House in August by American intelligence agencies also presented a dark forecast for Iraq's future through the end of 2005. Among three possible developments described in that document, the best case was tenuous stability and the worst case included a chain of events leading to civil war.

After news reports disclosed the existence of the National Intelligence Estimate, which also remains classified, President Bush initially dismissed the conclusions as nothing more than a guess. Since then, however, violence in Iraq has increased, including the recent formation of a Shiite militia intended to carry out attacks on Sunni militants.

The end-of-tour cable from the station chief, spelling out an assessment of the situation on the ground, is a less-formal product than a National Intelligence Estimate. But it was drafted by an officer who is highly regarded within the C.I.A. and who, as station chief in Baghdad, has been the top American intelligence official in Iraq since December 2003. The station chief overseas an intelligence operation that includes about 300 people, making Baghdad the largest C.I.A. station since Saigon during the Vietnam War era.

The senior C.I.A. official who visited Iraq and then briefed counterparts from other government agencies was Michael Kostiw, a senior adviser to Mr. Goss. One government official who knew about Mr. Kostiw's briefings described them as "an honest portrayal of the situation on the ground."

Since they took office in September, Mr. Goss and his aides have sought to discourage unauthorized disclosures of information. In a memorandum sent to C.I.A. employees last month, Mr. Goss said the job of the intelligence agency was to "provide the intelligence as we see it" but also to "support the administration and its policies in our work."

"As agency employees we do not identify with, support or champion opposition to the administration or its policies," Mr. Goss said in that memorandum, saying that he was seeking "to clarify beyond doubt the rules of the road." The memorandum urged intelligence employees to "let the facts alone speak to the policy maker."

Mr. Goss himself made his first foreign trip as the intelligence director last week, with stops that included several days in Britain and a day in Afghanistan, but he did not visit Iraq, the government officials said.

At the White House on Monday, President Bush himself offered no hint of pessimism as he met with Iraq's president, Sheik Ghazi al-Yawar. Despite the security challenges, Mr. Bush said, the United States continues to favor the voting scheduled for Iraq on Jan. 30 to "send the clear message to the few people in Iraq that are trying to stop the march toward democracy that they cannot stop elections."

"The American people must understand that democracy just doesn't happen overnight," he said. "It is a process. It is an evolution. After all, look at our own history. We had great principles enunciated in our Declarations of Independence and our Constitution, yet, we had slavery for a hundred years. It takes a while for democracy to take hold. And this is a major first step in a society which enables people to express their beliefs and their opinions."

Informant: NHNE

Mandatory mental health screening program would dose pregnant women with prescription drugs that cause birth defects


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 6th, 2004

Americans must work for Right to be both safe and free


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 6th, 2004

Secret Patriot Act II strips American Citizens of all of their Rights


Evidence to the Power Inquiry

As promised, here is a first draft of evidence on Tetra to the Power Inquiry - http://www.powerinquiry.org :

It needs more work. Much is a reworking of Jay Griffith's excellent article in the "Ecologist" and as such needs more explicit attribution in places.

There are areas that need more justification. I need a rest from it. Any offers to improve it? Any suggestions?

David Smith

From Mast Network

Dead voters on rolls, other glitches found in 6 key states


Turn your back on Bush


White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software


Time to Make one Last Push Against the National ID Card


Mobilfunk-Anlagen : Starke Strahlung auch direkt unter der Antenne


In unserer HLV INFO hatten wir von der bundesweiten Studie über Mobilfunk-Strahlung durch Mobilfunk-Senderantennen berichtet.

Diese Studie wurde wie schon bekannt, im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz (BFS) von der in Kamp-Linfort ansässigen IMST GmbH über eine 117 Seiten umfassende Analyse erstellt.

Das Computer & Communications-Magazin CHIP berichtet hierüber in einem zweiseitigem Extrakt auf den Seiten 14 und 15.

Die Ausgabe 01/2005 ist bereits im Handel und kostet ohne CD € 1,99. Es empfiehlt sich, das Original wegen prominenter und farblicher Darstellung zu kaufen.

In dem Kurzbericht wird über die Ergebnisse des anerkannten Prüflabors IMST, welches lt. Insiderkreisen keineswegs mobilfunkkritisch tendiert, berichtet. Insofern erlangt die Analyse auch eine besondere Informationsbeachtung.

So heißt es u.a.:

"Eine seriöse Studie besagt: Die Ausbreitung von Mobilfunk-Strahlung verläuft chaotischer als bisher angenommen. Brisant: Auch in Häusern direkt unter den Antennen treten überraschend hohe Immisionen auf. Als Ergebnis der Messungen an über 341 Messpunkten in Deutschland wurde festgestellt, dass die Immissionen im direkten Umfeld von Mobilfunk-Basisstationen einer großen Streubreite unterliegen".

Wie in der Studie weiter zu lesen ist, sind bezüglich der Strahlungsstreuung bisher als "klassisch" geltende Regeln in Zweifel geraten.

Wir als pdf-Datei die beiden besagten Seiten des Berichtes bei:

Die komplette 117 seitige Analyse können Sie herunterladen: beim DMFP (Deutsches Mobilfunkforschungsprogramm) findet sich unter


eine Projektbeschreibung und unter Ziff. 2 "Analyse der Immissionsverteilung" ist ein Abruf der PDF.Datei möglich.

Alfred Tittmann

Gerade unter der Antenne die stärkste Strahlung


Arbeitslose unerwünscht



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Dezember 2004

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