
Prof. with Microchip Implanted Feels "closely connected with the computer"



We'd been so busy the last week, the news out of http://www.ecotalk.org had flown under our radar. There, Lynn Landes, whom we consider the one and only absolutely trustworthy and impeccable reported on voting issues and fraud, has posted a very striking and clear and exhaustive/comprehensive chart on how counties voted in Florida, vis-a-vis the machinery they used. The results from Optical Scan counties gives the lie to the frantic efforts of all Media, even a lot of liberal media, to discount the evidences of fraud as being negligible.

Folks, if you think, if anybody thinks, Landes' chart is negligible, even at first glance, I'm ready for a wrap-around suit.


Informant: m.e. onullder

John Ervin

She also asks and makes the only valid points made thus far, out of all the incredible torrents of drivel we've heard since the "elections."

'04 US Elections :The Mother of all Vote Frauds


Informant: m.e. onullder

Flashbacks and Comments on Nov 2nd


Urgent Recount Actions and Updates


US study exposes children to toxic pesticides




The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), led by Bush appointees, plans to launch a new study in which participating low income families will have their children exposed to toxic pesticides over the course of two years. For taking part in these studies, each family will receive $970, a free video camera, a T-shirt, and a framed certificate of appreciation. In October, the EPA received $2 million to do the study from the American Chemistry Council, a chemical industry front group that includes members such as Dow, Exxon, and Monsanto. The EPA's Linda Sheldon says the study is vital, because so little is known about how small children's bodies absorb harmful chemicals. As of press time, none of the EPA's employees are offering to have their own children take part in this research project. The Organic Consumers Association is calling on the nation's citizens to demand the EPA forgo this project before its scheduled launch in early 2005. Sign petition by clicking here and forward this email to family and friends...





Study Launch Date Suspended Until Early 2005
Offers Public Comment Period

Sign Petition to Stop Pesticide Study on Kids!

11/12/2004: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), led by Bush appointees, plans to launch a new study in which participating low income families will have their children exposed to toxic pesticides over the course of two years. The study entitled CHEERS (Children's

Environmental Exposure Research Study) will look at how chemicals can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed by children ranging from babies to 3 years old.

For taking part in these studies, each family will receive $970, a free video camera, a T-shirt, and a framed certificate of appreciation.

In October, the EPA received $2 million to do the study from the American Chemistry Council, a chemical industry front group that includes members such as Dow, Exxon, and Monsanto (see full list of members on sidebar of this page). Critics of the research claim the study's funders guarantee the results will be biased in favor of the chemical industry, at the expense of the health of the impoverished children serving as test subjects.

Participants for the study were chosen from 6 health clinics and three hospitals in Jacksonville, FL. These medical facilities report that 51% of their births are to non-white mothers and 62% of mothers have only received an elementary or secondary education.

The EPA's Linda Sheldon says the study is vital, because so little is known about how small children's bodies absorb harmful chemicals.

Important Note on Participants of Study: The study layout does not require that participants increase their chemical use, but does mandate that chosen applicants will need to demonstrate that they do regularly use toxic chemicals in and around the home. The concern here is that low income applicants may increase their toxic chemical use for the sake of applying and being eligible for the funding.

Important Note on Suspension of the Study: On November 11th, the EPA announced suspension of the study's launch until early 2005 for the sake of "final review." The Organic Consumers Association is taking this opportunity to call on the nation's citizens to demand the EPA permanently terminate this abuse of low income children by the chemical industry.

Forward this alert to friends and colleagues!

Sign Petition to Stop Pesticide Study on Kids!

Melting Swiss Glaciers Threaten Alps


US Election results 2004


US Pension Agency's Deficit Swells To $23.3 Billion

This is an unbelievable article. They have plundered the future. These are all the 'blue ribbon" retirements people thought were secure for their futures and their children. It did not even last until the ones who worked for it got their benefits, much less security for future generations. These are the under writers and reinsurers, the ones we never heard about until a few years ago as corporate corruption has been revealed. The money priests have been manipulating the revenue streams in their own interest (not money), now the people see it is a huge lie. We will soon find out that we have been "mortgaged" to foreign interests and a corporate government, NOT constitutional, NOT a Republic, NO state rights.... IF WE ALLOW IT ...... Time for the TRUTH to fully come out, we face it and "alter amend or abolish" these outlaw schemes, re establishing our security.

The robots have cooked the books so much that now it is exponentially expanding to ludicrous, unbelievable and amazing scope. DOUBLE in one year... this is NOT SUSTAINABLE.... Two years ago the first articles came out about Pension Guaranty Corp. being in trouble, exposed in the courts with cooked books, the corporate structure falling, the under-lie-ing layer exposed in the courts. We see now it is not based in law but in lies and fabricated records, now abrogated contracts they are severing with the people who worked and trusted the companies they gave their lives for. Now plundered.

Time to open all the books, see who has been siphoning all the revenue for generations. Time to REALLY LOOK at what "corporate America" is at this time. It is now exposed the people's interest is a pot of gold that contains monopoly money, paper notes not backed by anything, not real, worth less every day right now plummeting. We have to restore our Republic. WE HAVE TO STOP THE LIES IN THE COURTROOMS NOW.... that is how they have accomplished their schemes and enforce it. It is FRAUD.

pamela gaston

US Pension Agency's Deficit Swells To $23.3 Billion

US Pension Agency's Deficit
Swells To $23.3 Billion
By Susan Cornwell

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The deficit at the federal agency that rescues failed U.S. corporate pensions more than doubled to $23.3 billion in fiscal year 2004, officials said on Monday, with analysts largely blaming bankrupt airlines.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. insures the traditional "defined benefit" pensions of about 44 million workers. It started the year with a then-record deficit of $11.2 billion in its program for pension plans sponsored by a single employer.

The agency was hit by a $14.7 billion loss from "completed and probable" pension plan terminations during the year ending Sept. 30, which was only partially offset by premium and investment income.

While the agency did not name the companies whose pension plans had caused the flood of red ink, the PBGC said its largest exposure came from the transportation, communications and utilities sector.

Analysts said looming liabilities from struggling airlines clearly had hurt the PBGC balance sheet.

Expected pension plan terminations at bankrupt carriers United Airlines and US Airways must have figured in the loss because both companies plan to scrap employee plans to save money, said Douglas Elliott, president of the Center on Federal Financial Institutions, a think tank in Washington.

"The legal threshold for including the amount is only that they are 'probable' terminations," Elliott said. "So United has got to be in there as well as US Air."

"These guys are in trouble," he said of the PBGC.

The PBGC has said in court that termination of pension plans at United, a unit of UAL Corp., would add $6.4 billion to its liabilities. The agency would have to pick up $2.1 billion in liabilities at US Airways' if that airline scraps its three remaining defined benefit plans.


The chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Rep. John Boehner, said airlines' woes were aggravating the trend in underfunded pension plans. The PBGC slipped into a deficit in 2002 after having to rescue failed pension plans in the steel industry.

While the agency is funded by corporate premiums, its problems are "putting taxpayers' interests in real jeopardy," said Boehner, a Republican from Ohio.

He vowed to move forward with comprehensive legislation to reform and strengthen traditional "defined benefit" pensions, which have a fixed payout at retirement.

In addition to losses booked for fiscal 2004, the PBGC calculated its "reasonably possible" exposure, which is an estimate of the amount of unfunded benefits in pension plans sponsored by companies at greater risk of default. This was estimated at $96 billion, up from $82 billion a year earlier.

Total underfunding of pensions at U.S. companies whose single-employer pension plans are insured by the PBGC jumped in fiscal 2004 to $450 billion -- up from $350 billion a year earlier.

The PBGC's separate insurance program for multi-employer pensions had a deficit of $236 million in fiscal 2004 -- smaller than the deficit of $261 million a year earlier.

Copyright © 2004 Reuters Limited.


STOP FUNDING FOR MANDATORY MENTAL SCREENING - DO NOT LET THIS PROGRAM BE ENFORCED ANYWHERE .... SET FOR NATIONAL ENFORCEMENT NEXT YEAR .... STOP THE FUNDING NOW !!!! STOP all outlaw bar attorneys, judges and agents who would enforce it - STOP outlaw draconian mandatory rules and permanent shared databases NOW !!!

pamela gaston

From: shining@direcway.com
The Liberty Committee kentsnyder@thelibertycommittee.org

From: The Liberty Committee
Subject: Screening kids, pt. 3
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 19:52:00 -0800


November 15, 2004

Congressman Ron Paul's letter expressing opposition to mandatory mental health screening of children was sent to Chairman Ralph Regula last Friday. Twenty-two other House members signed Dr. Paul's letter. Those additional signatures were added in large part due to your efforts. Thank you!

We must now focus our efforts on House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Mr. DeLay can be extremely helpful to our cause.

The House will likely pass an omnibus spending bill by this Saturday. It must include language prohibiting money from being spent on mandatory mental-health screening of kids; otherwise, the screening programs already operating in Texas and Illinois will be implemented nationwide.

Should the government subject your children to mandatory mental-health screening without your consent? We say "NO!"

The pharmaceutical industry says "yes" because it wants millions of new customers for drugs such as Ritalin. The psychiatry/psychology/counseling establishment says "yes" because they want millions of new patients. These groups are represented by the most powerful and highest paid lobbyists in Washington and they are working this week to satisfy their clients -- at the expense of your rights as parents and the well-being of your children.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons warned the public five days ago that universal psychiatric screening and drugging of children is "a dangerous scheme that will heap even more coercive pressure on parents to medicate children with potentially dangerous side effects."

Congressman Ron Paul, a physician for over 30 years, abhors the "notion of federal bureaucrats ordering potentially millions of youngsters to take psychotropic drugs like Ritalin."

We must stop this new federal program before it gets millions of dollars to spend. As Dr. Paul cautions, "Anyone who understands bureaucracies knows they assume more and more power incrementally. A few scattered state programs over time will be replaced by a federal program implemented in a few select cities. Once the limited federal program is accepted, it will be expanded nationwide."

We have until this Saturday at the latest. Urge House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to help. Ask him to make sure the omnibus spending bill or final committee report on Labor/HHS appropriations includes the following language: "None of the funds made available for State incentive grants for transformation should be used for any programs of mandatory or universal mental-health screening that performs mental-health screening on anyone under 18 years of age without the express, written permission of the parents or legal guardians of each individual involved."

Mr. DeLay has a copy of the letter Dr. Paul and 22 of his colleagues sent to Chairman Regula, so he knows about it.

Mr. DeLay's office telephone number is 202-225-4000. His fax number is 202-225-5117. An E-mail form is at

Also, please spread the word. Thank you!


Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

From: Leonard Henderson
1601 N. Tucson Blvd. Suite 9
Tucson, AZ 85716-3450
Phone: (800) 635-1196
Hotline: (800) 419-4777

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
Omnia pro aegroto




From: Leonard Henderson

The Drugging of Our Children
By Gary Null

All of a sudden, it seems, millions of American children are said to be afflicted with mental illnesses. And they’re being put on strong medications—over periods of years—as treatment. Isn’t it time we stopped and looked at what the mental health establishment is getting us to do to our children?


Please forward widely

Voter Fraud in Florida and Ohio, plus other States in Accordance

I just went to the below url site and found that there is only 42,754 signatures to have an investigation by the FBI for voter fraud in Florida and Ohio, plus other states in accordance, which by all evidence has occurred in this past election.

We the People of these Great United States of America need to sign the petition. You will find the name of John Kerry in the last page of signatures and I plead you will also, as an American, registered voter or not registered, sign the petition. This is only one available defense against the present administration. I will not list any crimes here in this post, but you can read or watch TV and know of what I refer.

Thank you for reading and I plead again, as an American citizen, PLEASE go to the below link and sign.


Thank you,


Rally Against Japanese Dolphin and Whale Slaughter


Rally Against Japanese Dolphin and Whale Slaughter
16-11-2004 18:00

Ont. demands tougher protection for Great Lakes in U.S. water-taking deal


Informant: lynnzy

Mobilfunk und Pisa-Studie

Handys machen Schüler dumm

Jedes fünfte Kind in Deutschland entwicklungsgestört


Schule und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF?

Handys machen Schüler dumm

Münchener Stadträtin klagt: Handys machen Schüler dumm!

Abendzeitung Mittwoch 08.10.03

München Handy-Alarm an Münchens Schulen: Die Stadträtin Mechthild von Walter (ödp) fordert ein generelles Handy-Verbot: "Die Dauer-Bestrahlung durch Mobiltelefone kann eine Ursache für die schwachen Schul-Leistungen sein, die in der Pisa-Studie dokumentiert werden." Und auch die Lehrer greifen durch. Klingelt es während des Unterrichts, wird das Handy eingezogen.

Handy-Wahn an den Schulen

Lernen unter Dauer-Klingeln-Lehrer gehen auf die Barrikaden

Es piepst, es klingelt, und es vibriert. In Schulranzen, unter den Tischen und zwischen den Heften. Handy-Alarm an Münchens Schulen! Lehrer sind genervt, Schüler können sich nicht konzentrieren. Stadträtin Mechthild von Walter (ödp) fordert nun ein generelles Handy-Verbot an Schulen. "Unter Umständen ist die Dauer-Bestrahlung durch Mobiltelefone eine der Ursache schwachen Schulleistungen, die in der Pisa-Studie dokumentiert wurden", meint Sie. Vor allem eine Studie der Uni Mainz alarmierte die Stadträtin, die selbst kein Handy besitzt. Demnach führt die Handy-Strahlung zu einer Minderung der Gedächtnisleistung. Heute wird das Thema im Schulausschuss diskutiert. Lehrer haben indes weiniger mit den gesundheitlichen, als vielmehr mit den alltäglichen Konsequenzen des Handy-Gebimmels zu kämpfen.

Scheinbar einziger Ausweg: drastisches Durchgreifen. Schon 2001 legte das Kulturministerium fest, das Mobiltelefone während des Unterrichts ausgeschaltet sein müssen. "Bei Prüfungen gilt sogar das Mitführen eines Handy in der Tasche als Unterschleif", so Peter Bendel, Sprecher des Kultusministeriums. "Wer erwischt wird, kassiert eine Sechs." Klingt gut in der Theorie, ist in der Praxis aber offenbar nicht durchsetzbar: "Ich habe meine Tochter unter anderem wegen des permanenten Handy-Gebimmels nach sechs Wochen vom Gisela-Gymnasium genommen", berichtet der Schwabinger Pascal M. Das Kind habe sich nicht mehr konzentrieren können. Niemand habe durchgegriffen. „Diesen Vorwurf weise ich strikt zurück", sagt Direktorin Marianne Achatz, "sogar bei Schulfahrten sammeln wir die Handys ein. Wir legen großen Wert darauf, dass Kommunikation direkt, nicht indirekt statt findet. Das gilt auch für den Unterricht."

Die Bemühungen der Schule, dem Geklingel Einhalt zu gebieten reicht weit. "Wir haben sogar schon beim Abi die Klotüren ausgehängt, damit keiner per Handy spicken kann", sagt Bina Lößl, Direktorin des Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium. Es wurde ein Schüler vor Jahren beim Spicken in der Abi-Prüfung erwischt. Heute ist man dort streng: Wenn's im Unterricht bimmelt, ist das Handy für Monate weg, eingesperrt bei Direktor Norbert Dmoch. "Ich führe dann ein Gespräch mit dem Schüler und behalten das Handy, je nach Einsichtigkeit, für mehrere Wochen. Das wirkt."

Ebenfalls ein Mittel zum Weck: Verweis. Und auch am Willi-Graf-Gymnasium ist man rigoros: "Einkassierte Handys können nur von den Eltern abgeholt werden", so Direktor Dieter Spies. "Wir haben im Kollegium sogar schon darüber beraten, ob wir Handys generell verbieten sollen", sagt Klaus George, Direktor der Fachoberschule in der Lindwurmstraße.

Ganz verstehen kann man den Handy-Wahn der Jugend an den Schulen nicht. Klaus George: "Seltsam, dass junge Leute ein fernmündliches Mitteilungsbedürfnis haben - sich aber sonst ausschweigen."

Von Daniela Transiskus

AZ-Umfrage: Wofür brauchen Sie das Handy in der Schule?

Gymnasial Schüler ca. 18 Jahre Antworten:

"Wenn mich wichtige Leute im Unterricht per Handy anrufen, dann sage ich, ich muss aufs Klo und telefoniere draußen."

"Ich schicke im Unterricht viele SMS - an meine Freunde in der Parallelklasse. Oder ich verabrede mich mit Kumpels, wo wir abends saufen."

"Ich benutze mein Handy zum SMS - Schreiben an Leuten, die nicht in der Klasse sind. Wäre es verboten, würde ich es trotzdem weiter benutzen."

"Ich schreibe in der Pause viele SMS an Freunde. Im Unterricht weniger, das lässt sich nicht vereinbaren - man muss sich dich konzentrieren."

"Wir benutzen unser Handys nicht in der Schule. Das ist nicht nötig, vormittags ruft doch eh keiner an. Ein Verbot wäre o.k."

"Ich spiele viel ,Snake 2; in Physik. Den Stoff les ich dann zuhause. Zurzeit stehe ich auf einer Vier.

Kommentar vom izgmf:

In Anbetracht der Antworten von den Jugendlichen auf die AZ-Umfrage ist mir jetzt klar, warum die Pisa-Studie unseren Jugendlichen einen so schlechten Bildungsstand attestieren musste.

Schwätzen mit modernster Technik von Klassenzimmer zu Klassenzimmer.

Nachdem viele der Jugendlichen nicht in der Lage sind mit der Technik vernünftig umzugehen, ist ein Verbot das letzte Mittel, welches dann auch eingesetzt werden sollte.

Leserbriefe können an E-Mail: lokales@abendzeitung.de gesendet werden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Informationszentrum gegen Mobilfunk

Heidrun Schall

Schule und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk und Pisa-Studie

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF?

Schule und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk in der Schule


Mobilfunk in der Schule - ein Massenexperiment am Kind

Elektrosmog im Klassenzimmer

Handy-Verbot an Schulen

Verstrahlte Zukunft

Ringsum stehen 15 Sendeanlagen, die ungehindert in die Klassenräume strahlen

Russland: Mobiltelefone und Krebs bei Kindern

Handys machen Schüler dumm

Mobilfunk und Pisa-Studie

Kinder und Mobilfunk

Strahlenalarm im Bremer Süden

Kapitalverbrechen an unseren Kindern

"Mobiles Lernen"

WLAN in Schulen

Mit dem Laptop in den Unterricht

Gewerkschaft warnt vor W-LAN im Klassenzimmer

WLAN via Laptops

Gesundheitsgefahren durch kabellose Laptops

Jugend: Jeder Dritte leidet unter Nervosität und Kopfschmerz

Kritischer Umgang mit Mobilfunk bei Schülerinnen und Schülern

Lehrer wollen strikter gegen Sucht vorgehen


Mehr Mobiltelefone in Zuckertüten


Neuer Zündstoff für Diskussion über Handy-Gefahr

Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Handy - Mensch wenn ich das gewußt hätte

Schools & Cellular Antennas

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF?

Ringsum stehen 15 Sendeanlagen, die ungehindert in die Klassenräume strahlen

KinderKanal "logo" 15.11.04: Sendung im KiKa am 15.11.04 über Strahlenbelastung in Bremer Schule!

Die Jugendlichen schilderten vor der Kamera bei Betreten der Klassenräume Symptome wie Druckanstieg im Kopf zu spüren, der sich aber von normalem Kopfweh unterscheide, bis hin zu "Brummen" im Kopf.

Ringsum stehen 15 Sendeanlagen, die ungehindert in die Klassenräume strahlen. Für das zuständige Gesundheitsamt bestehe jedoch kein Handlungsgrund, da die Grenzwerte nicht überschritten werden. Außerdem gäbe es bisher keinen wissenschaftlichen Beweis für Gesundheitsgefahren und Beeinflussung des Wohlbefindens durch Mobilfunk.

Man muss sich nicht wundern, dass sich in Deutschland nichts bewegt, denn nicht nur in Bremen sitzen solche Ignoranten an der Spitze des Gesundheitsamtes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Strahlenalarm im Bremer Süden

Kinder und Mobilfunk

Kritischer Umgang mit Mobilfunk bei Schülerinnen und Schülern

The Times They Are A Changin'


Yes, The Times They Are A Changin'

Informant: Friends

Dentist's Cancer Warning

Sent: 10 November 2004 13:55

Subject: FW: Dentist's Cancer Warning

It was reported in the Birmingham Evening Mail yesterday that a Top city dentist has warned of spiralling mouth cancer in the West Midlands. John Hamburger, a senior lecturer at Birmingham Dental Hospital, said the disease was on the increase among teenagers and children as well as the elderly. Smoking and heavy drinking raise the risk of contracting mouth cancer, which is the sixth most common cancer in the western world. But Mr Hamburger said: The good news is that the great majority of these cancers can be detected by dentists at routine dental check-ups. Early tumours can be very successfully treated.

It is not surprising that we are now seeing an increase of mouth cancers in teenagers and children as well as the elderly. Since when did our children all start smoking and drinking heavily? One thing our children most certainly have in common is the over use of mobile phones. “RADIATION” has got to be the cause.

I am calling on all our Scientists, Politicians, Health Officials, every Mother and Father to stand up and say ENOUGH! It is not rocket science.

Due to the demand on Dentists, the latest advice has been to reduce visits to once every two years. We want prevention not cure, stop this madness before it starts.

Sir William Stewart Head of Health Protection for the UK has called for caution especially for children under the age of sixteen, when is anyone going to listen? We need radiation warning signs on the phones. Emergency use only phones for children, allowing them to use the lowest radiation phones on the market with access to input emergency use only phone numbers. This would not only help protect their health but would also cut down crime rate from bullying by text messages, stealing phones and stop access to unsuitable websites.

There is an IMMEDATE URGENT need to STOP putting the Health and Wealth of the Mobile Phone Industry and Government before the Health of the Nation.

I want a future for our Children, not one filled with fear, pain, anxiety and possible death from CANCER as a result of preventable over exposure to radiation.

Eileen O’Connor

From: Mast Network


NOVEMBER 22, 2004!


H.ome from Iraq!

"I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it." --George W. Bush, 11/4/04


We United States citizens have allowed the Bush Administration to effectively bankrupt the U.S. economy by using OUR taxpayer dollars to fund an illegal, preemptive war on Iraq. To date, over 1,200 U.S. soldiers and an estimated 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died and nearly 8,500 U.S. soldiers have been wounded in this illegal war.

A growing number of people of all political persuasions are renouncing this illegal war as a grotesque failure. To George W. Bush we say, "Enough is enough!" It's time we citizens take control of how our money is spent! It's time we, the people, TAKE BACK AMERICA!

We must band together as a UNITED FRONT to stop the funding of the illegal, genocidal war on Iraq and bring ALL U.S. soldiers safely home.

Preventing the flow of capital to the government is the only way that the Bush Administration will comply with our demand. This can be accomplished through a MASSIVE, collective, cooperative CASH-flow boycott.


WHEN: Monday, November 22, 2004*
(Phase I)

WHERE: banks, savings & loans, credit unions, ATMs--nationwide


Bring all United States soldiers safely home from Iraq.

1) On Monday, November 22, 2004, withdraw as much CASH as you can afford to NOT SPEND from your bank, savings & loan, credit union, or ATM until all U.S. soldiers are safely home from Iraq.

The amount of CASH can be $5, $10, $20 or more, whatever you can afford to NOT SPEND until all United States soldiers are safely home from Iraq.


If you withdraw CASH from your ATM, black out your account number on your receipt. Write: B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT on the receipt, and put it in an ATM envelope. Insert the envelope in the ATM message slot.

If you withdraw CASH from a bank, inform the teller or bank manager that you are participating in the B.U.S.H. Boycott and will REDEPOSIT this CASH when all United States soldiers are safely home from Iraq.

Email, fax, call, write government representatives, the media, corporations, businesses, and financial institutions explaining that you have withdrawn CASH from your savings account, that you will not spend, lend or invest your CASH, and that you will REDEPOSIT your CASH when all United States soldiers are safely home from Iraq.

3) Put YOUR CASH in a safe place. Do not spend, lend, or invest it. Think of it as an investment in our children's future.

4) Tell everyone you know about the B.U.S.H. boycott.

5) The B.U.S.H. Boycott is a grassroots effort created and supported by concerned citizens who want the illegal war on Iraq to end. It is not controlled by the media, political pundits, or corporate America. Its success depends soley on we, the people of the United States of

*THE B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT, will be REPEATED on the following dates:

Wednesday, December 22, 2004, Phase 2.

Thursday, January 20, 2005, Phase 3.


Informant: ps4erth



Biophilos wrote:

I have seen this tactic used by the Greens long ago in Germany........why not........hit em where it hurts in their pocketbook.....

If every one was to do this the War in Iraq would collaspe in no time.....and the Congress would have to use its powers to respond to a President and his Oligarchic Elite who for all practical purposes have become Tyrannts and Dictators........American Style

Though I would like to add , that perhaps a website should be set up, and people making a pledge that they will do so.......doing this will let them know that they are connected to thousands of others who are doing so.....and not feel that their action is isolated and limited with no impact.....

If I were to do this , I would first get all these pledges.......simply and acknowledgment, and agreement to do so on a certain date.......and then let people see that there are hundreds of thousands of people willing to make this non-violent effort to influence policy and the policy makers and supporters.....


I think this is an excellent idea and plan to withdraw all but essential funds on November 22nd. As a further step, I have cancelled my satellite TV, magazine, and newspaper subscriptions, decided not to buy a new car, opted to cancel plans for Thanksgiving dinner, and am seriously considering nixing Christmas.

The only thing fascists understand is money, and if enough consumers close their wallets, it will eventually have an impact. I urge everyone to seek ways to curtail spending until every one of our soldiers is back on these shores.

Citizens for Legitimate Government http://legitgov.org/index.html has started something called the "Great Refusal" which is similar to this strategy. You might want to visit their site and enlist.


My B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT Experience

Informant: ps4erth

Private Company Still ‘Controls’ Election Outcome


Informant: CS Camper

The ballots at the back of the bus

by Greg Palast

In These Times


This past February, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell told the president of the State Senate, 'The possibility of a close election with punch cards as the state's primary voting device invites a Florida-like calamity.' Blackwell, co-chair of Bush-Cheney reelection campaign, wasn't warning his fellow Republican of disaster; he was boasting of an opportunity to deliver Ohio for Team Bush no matter what the voters wanted. And this past Election Day most voters in Ohio wanted JFK, not GWB. But their choice won't count because their votes won't be counted. The ballots that add up to a majority for John Kerry in Ohio are locked up in two Republican hidey-holes: 'spoiled' and 'provisional...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Do you feel safe yet?

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

Liberty For All


The Bush White House has betrayed both America and the Republican Party. The steady growth of government is drowning the hopes of women and men from all parties and all parts of our nation. Using the rhetoric of freedom the White House is calling up the reality of fascism. None of us is immune. ... We are no longer safe from our own government...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

UK Japanese whaler fleet slammed

Greenpeace has strongly criticised the Japanese whaling fleet, as it set sail for the Antarctic on a new 'scientific' campaign. The expedition has been sanctioned on research grounds, as the whalers attempt to clarify the impact whales have on fish stocks - aim which has been...

Read the article: http://www.greenconsumerguide.com/index.php?news=2289

From: Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 19, Issue 13

Aust to join fight to stamp out illegal logging


From: Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 19, Issue 13

Ballots in Ohio May Be Fully Counted

The Green Party raised the required $113,600 fee to force the state of Ohio to count all the votes in Ohio. If they can pay the money, then they earned the right to have each and every ballot fairly, accurately, and openly counted.


About the recent US elections


„NEIN“ zu allen Stromversorgungsprojekten welche im Hochspannungsleitungverfahren in Frankreich wie auch in Europa geplant sind

Collectif d’associations NON à la THT
8 Rue Ampère,
66270 Le Soler, France.

tél : 04 68 38 08 21 06 21 27 66 83
fax : 04 68 92 79 02

den 06 November 2004

Sehr gehrte Freunde

Im Rahmen der Anti-THT (Très Haute Tension), gegen die neue Erstellung bzw. Erweiterung der Hochspannungsleitung 2x 400Kw zwischen Spanien und Franckreich, werden wir ein Europäsche Treffen in Arles-sur-Tech, Pyrennées Orientales bei Perpignen am 27 und 28 November 2004 vorsehen. Wir möchten Kollegen auch vom Ausland welche sich mit dieser Materie gut auskennen treffen, so dass wir die Erfahrungen und Aktionen koordiniert vornehmen können.

Unseres Ziel ist nicht nur ein „NEIN“ für die Pyrennées Orientales, aber ein generelles „NEIN“ zu aller Stromversorgungsprojekte welche im heutiges Hochspannungsleitungverfahren in Frankreich als auch in Europa geplant sind. Diese Begegnung könnte ein Katalysator Effekt gewinnen in dem wir die Basis einer Federale Europäsche Bewegung gegen die THT gründen. Durch diese Europäsche Bewegung konnten wir einen größeren Erfolg erwarten, um die Behörden zu fordern ihrer schädlichen Stromversorgung zu überdachten.

Arles sur Tech im unteren Tal des Vallespir ist ein mittelalterliche Siedlung welche die nötige Infrastruktur bietet um so eine Veranstaltung ermöglichen.

Bei Interesse wird Ihres Erscheinen uns erfreuen. Bitte geben Sie uns so schnell wie möglich Nachricht und zwar vor dem 20. November mit Telefon, ihre Adresse und Anzahl Teilnehmer. Programm und Detail werden nachgeliefert. Sollte Fragen offen bleiben können sie uns erreichen mit Telefon: 0033. oder Email: antoine.tritsch@wanadoo.fr

Mit freundliche Gruß
Für denn Komitee „ Le Collectif Non à la THT “

Antoine TRITSCH Montbolo

Collectif d’associations NON à la THT
8 Rue Ampère,
66270 Le Soler, France.

tél : 04 68 38 08 21 06 21 27 66 83
fax : 04 68 92 79 02

Dienstag 15. November 2004

Sehr gehrte Freunde

Im Rahmen des Umweltschutzes gegen die Neuerstellung und oder Erweiterung der Hochspannungsleitung Anti-THT (Très Haute Tension), seit Ihr auch sensibilisiert. Wir möchten Sie erinnern dass wir ein Europäsche Treffen in Arles-sur-Tech, Pyrennées Orientales bei Perpignan am 27 und 28 November 2004 vorsehen. Da wir von Ihrer Seite, noch keine Antwort erhalten haben, wollen wir noch hoffen auf Ihres Erscheinen, um unsere Kräfte zu bestärken, es ist noch nicht zu spät, und Ihres erscheinen wurde uns noch mehr motivieren.

Für Unterkunft melden Sie sich an dieser Telefon Nummer 0033.4.68393782 oder E-Mail : cslbv@wanadoo.fr.

Beiliegend das Programm
Mit freundliche Gruß

Für denn Komitee „ Le Collectif Non à la THT “

A. TRITSCH Montbolo

Buts : Grand rassemblement des populations des Pyrénées Orientales et de Catalogne.
Rencontres entre les différentes associations européennes qui s’opposent aux lignes THT (France, Espagne, Italie, Belgique, Angleterre…) Des liens sont déjà tissés entre les associations des deux versants des Pyrénées. Les forums et tables rondes permettront d’échanger et de réfléchir sur des stratégies, des moyens d’action… Les actes de ces journées seront adressés à Monsieur Jacques CHIRAC et Monsieur ZAPATERO avant le sommet France Espagne du 7décembre 2004 ainsi qu’aux commissaires européens concernés.

Samedi 27 novembre :
10 h : Ouverture des rencontres en présence des élus départementaux régionaux et nationaux.
Suivra un grand rassemblement des populations, réunion publique débat.
14 h à 18 h : Conférences débat :
- André JOFFRE Énergie solaire
- Yves JAUTARD Habitat et énergies renouvelables
- Jean Pierre LENTIN Champs électromagnétiques et santé
Tables rondes des associations :
- Moyens de lutte et questions juridiques.
- THT et économie.

Dimanche 28 novembre :
10 h à 12 h : Conférences :
- Pierre Le RUZ Champs électromagnétiques et santé.
- Patrice OCERAIES Impacts sur les Paysages et moyens d’action.
Tables rondes des associations:
- Coordination et fédération des associations.
- THT environnement et santé
14 h à 17 h : Conférences :
- Igor KNIBIEHLY Impact sur le tourisme.
- Sven BETOIN Bois énergie.
Table ronde de synthèse

Mais aussi :
Soirées festives avec chanteurs et groupes
Expo Photos (Photos de P PALAU).
Forum associations, projections etc.
De nombreux groupes animeront ces journées en dehors des soirées : Bandas, coblas, castellers etc.
Un grand marché de produits locaux se tiendra le samedi et le dimanche.
Une course VTT le dimanche matin.
Les rencontres permettront aux participants de prendre des repas sur place.
L’affiche de ces rencontres est l’œuvre des PRITCHARDS.

L’exceptionnelle ampleur et variété de ces rencontres n’ont été possibles que grâce à la participation bénévole : des conférenciers, des artistes, des organisateurs de la course VTT, des dessinateurs, des photographes et de l’immense« armée » des membres et sympathisants du Collectif NON à la THT, mais également grâce à l’aide des municipalités d’ARLES et d’AMELIE.

Contacts associations : tél : 04 68 38 08 21 06 21 27 66 83
fax : 04 68 92 79 02

„NEIN“ zu allen Stromversorgungsprojekten welche im Hochspannungsleitungverfahren in Frankreich wie auch in Europa geplant sind

Collectif d’associations NON à la THT
8 Rue Ampère,
66270 Le Soler, France.

tél : 04 68 38 08 21 06 21 27 66 83
fax : 04 68 92 79 02

den 06 November 2004

Sehr gehrte Freunde

Im Rahmen der Anti-THT (Très Haute Tension), gegen die neue Erstellung bzw. Erweiterung der Hochspannungsleitung 2x 400Kw zwischen Spanien und Franckreich, werden wir ein Europäsche Treffen in Arles-sur-Tech, Pyrennées Orientales bei Perpignen am 27 und 28 November 2004 vorsehen. Wir möchten Kollegen auch vom Ausland welche sich mit dieser Materie gut auskennen treffen, so dass wir die Erfahrungen und Aktionen koordiniert vornehmen können.

Unseres Ziel ist nicht nur ein „NEIN“ für die Pyrennées Orientales, aber ein generelles „NEIN“ zu aller Stromversorgungsprojekte welche im heutiges Hochspannungsleitungverfahren in Frankreich als auch in Europa geplant sind. Diese Begegnung könnte ein Katalysator Effekt gewinnen in dem wir die Basis einer Federale Europäsche Bewegung gegen die THT gründen. Durch diese Europäsche Bewegung konnten wir einen größeren Erfolg erwarten, um die Behörden zu fordern ihrer schädlichen Stromversorgung zu überdachten.

Arles sur Tech im unteren Tal des Vallespir ist ein mittelalterliche Siedlung welche die nötige Infrastruktur bietet um so eine Veranstaltung ermöglichen.

Bei Interesse wird Ihres Erscheinen uns erfreuen. Bitte geben Sie uns so schnell wie möglich Nachricht und zwar vor dem 20. November mit Telefon, ihre Adresse und Anzahl Teilnehmer. Programm und Detail werden nachgeliefert. Sollte Fragen offen bleiben können sie uns erreichen mit Telefon: 0033. oder Email: antoine.tritsch@wanadoo.fr

Mit freundliche Gruß
Für denn Komitee „ Le Collectif Non à la THT “

Antoine TRITSCH Montbolo


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November 2004

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