
Votergate 2004 : We Don't Need Paper to Prove Fraud, But We Do Need Money and Leadership, NOW


Informant: nha16

North Carolina to revote but only on state issues

Apparently North Carolina has found that this election was so messed up that they need to revote. They have no jurisdiction however to do so in the Presidential race. Redouble your efforts to get through to the news and our MIA democratic leaders.

Marshall Stern

P.S.- We are beginning to have an impact. This is long hard work. Persist. Don't give up. We can still fix this thing if we out our backs into it.

State Police investigating voter fraud

New Mexico State Police are investigating allegations of voter fraud including one instance in which an as-of-yet unnamed woman is being connected with up to 200 bogus ballots.


From Information Clearing House

God’s Holy Warriors

Natural disorder : A God-fearing majority is set to tyrannise the US

Who Are The “Barbarians”?

Where is the moral “voice of America” that should cry against these atrocities? While Christian leaders moralise about gay marriage and lobbying for the “right to life”, and depriving women of their choice, mass graves of innocent Iraqi women and children are planned.

Shame of Hue and Falluja


From Information Clearing House

Vote Fraud Links


The Lingering Cloud of 9/11


Informant: billder

Black voters 8 times less likely to have their vote counted

Listen to BBC's Greg Palast report on the felonies that have been committed by Republicans in their effort to prevent Democratic votes from being counted: http://www.truthout.org/multimedia.htm

Also see his printed report which was the number-one BBC report, in terms of international audience interest, but which American newspapers refused to print or comment on. http://www.gregpalast.com/

Greg says that Secretary of State Ken Blackwell in Ohio will not even allow the counting of the provisional ballots to begin unless he is threatened with a lawsuit from the Kerry folks, and that does not seem to be forthcoming. Honestly, I find this hard to believe, but that's what he said in this telephone interview.

Greg also claims that black voters -- I think it was in Florida and Ohio -- are eight times less likely to have their votes counted than are whites, and that special efforts have been made by Republican operatives to make sure most blacks either never get to vote -- or if they vote, that their votes are never counted. Why is this? Because 90-95% of all blacks vote Democratic.

Richard Clark

12,000 votes uncounted in Gaston

There will be more.....................dm

From the Charlotte Observer, here in NC ~ this morning~~

Mecklenburg's flawed count = Human error

12,000 votes uncounted in Gaston
Could change outcome of local, statewide races
Staff Writer

GASTONIA - About 12,000 votes cast in Gaston County have not yet been counted, elections director Sandra Page said Tuesday. Page said most early and absentee votes were not included in the county's unofficial election results because of a procedural error.

The inclusion of the votes in the county's results, expected Tuesday afternoon, could change the outcome of several local and statewide races.

Page emphasized that the votes are still in the computer system. She said officials failed to release the votes from the machine on which they were stored into the database where votes were tallied. She said she discovered the error Tuesday morning and results would be updated that afternoon.

"We apologize to anybody for this," she said. "After an election the boards of elections need their time and nothing is official until the board signs off and people need to understand that."

The number of uncounted votes is larger than the current margin of victory in statewide races for Commissioner of Agriculture and Superintendent of Public Instruction.

It is also larger than the margin of victory in several local races, particularly for the board of education.

Charlotte Observer | 11/09/2004 | 12,000 votes uncounted in Gaston


US-Bundesrichter stoppt Guantanamo-Tribunal

Genfer Konventionen: US-Bundesrichter stoppt Guantanamo-Tribunal (10.11.04)

Wegen gravierender Verstöße gegen die Genfer Konventionen hat ein US-Bundesgericht erstmals einen Sonderprozess gegen einen Guantanamo-Häftling als ungesetzlich bezeichnet und gestoppt. Wie die Tagesschau am Dienstag berichtete, wies Richter Robertson alle Anträge der US-Regierung zurück. "Er hat entschieden, dass eine der grundsätzlichen Regeln für Militärgerichte die Möglichkeit für einen Angeklagten sein muss, die vorliegenden Beweise gegen ihn einzusehen", erklärte der Verteidiger des jeremitischen Staatsbürgers Salim Achmed Hamdam. Genau das sei weder in den bisher vier geplanten Militärtribunalen vorgesehen noch in den gleichzeitig stattfindenden so genannten Statusanhörungen gegen alle Guantanamo-Häftlinge, in denen geklärt werden soll, ob sie tatsächlich illegale Kämpfer sind und in Haft bleiben müssen. Die ersten Militärtribunale seit dem 2. Weltkrieg wurden somit für illegal erklärt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


A Letter From Georgia's Congress Woman-Elect - On The Need For Authentic Media


Informant: Friends

Help America Recount


Informant: Lyn

Fear for the future of the Republic

by Ivan Eland

Independent Institute


The Bush administration has been able to get away with badly distorting reality because the public doesn't have as much personal experience with foreign policy and security issues as they do with issues such as education, health care, the economy, etc. In addition, many people were unnerved by the 9/11 attacks and their residual fear prevented them from taking a chance on an unknown quantity such as John Kerry. Unbelievably, despite gross incompetence by the administration in fighting the 'war on terror' and the conflict in Iraq, the public, by wide margins, rated Bush as better able to fight both of them than Kerry...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Another Rigged Election?


Democratic Underground Voter Fraud Board

Active board on voter fraud!

Peace through compassion, information, vigilence, and activism

Informant: Laurel

Tesco quits whaling business


At least 30% of American voters reported errors

At least a third of Americans reported errors with voting machines during the 2004 presedential election. Many of the machines were made by companies which supported Bush's campaign, a clear conflict of interests, and there are reports of machines showing Bush even when Kerry was chosen.

Please read the whole article:

See also:-

Voting machines chose Bush instead of Kerry

"The Insider" - Information Bulletin

Western Shoshone Nation Challenges Bush Administration


We invite all to come and show support for the long standing struggle of the Dann sisters of the Western Shoshone Nation. Please spread the word, ask others to attend the press conference in support. Tlazo, thanks.

Community Development Institute
PO Box 24009
Phoenix, AZ 85074

Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Contact: Tupac Enrique Acosta (602) 254-5230, or (775) 397-1371

Indian Wars Continue in Nevada 2004

Western Shoshone Nation Calls Bush Administration Land Bill a Fraud

Phoenix, AZ – As open war rages in Fallujah, Iraq the home front faces an insurgency of its own, one where the Indigenous Nations stand with principles of spiritual nonviolence to assert their ancestral responsibilities as the true caretakers of the homeland. Western Shoshone Nation elder Carrie Dann will speak today at a press conference in Phoenix to address the violation of the 1863 Ruby Valley Treaty between the United States and the Western Shoshone Nation. The issue was addressed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which in January of 2003 sentenced in a final report by the Commission that the United States claims to Western Shoshone land are illegal and contrary to international human rights law. The IACHR also concluded that the United States had used illegitimate means to assert ownership of the lands.

Said Carrie Dann, "It's disgraceful how the United States makes international statements about human rights and then commits this kind of assault in our own frontyard. It destroys their credibility and moral authority".

After an exhaustive review, the Commission concluded that the United States has been violating the human rights of the Western Shoshone, including the right to equality before the law, the right to judicial protection and due process, and the right to property. The ruling was highly critical of the Indian Claims Commission’s handling of the Dann Sisters’ case. It is the first time that the US has been formally found in violation of international human rights in its treatment of Indigenous Peoples within its border.

In attempt to silence the opposition by the Western Shoshone Nation to the theft and illegal mineral expropriation of Western Shoshone territories, third largest gold producing area in the world, the Bush administration has moved to silence the legitimate land claims of the Western Shoshone under the 1863 Ruby Valley Treaty with a domestic monetary settlement which the Western Shoshone call a fraud and illegal act of aggression against the Western Shoshone Nation.

Press Conference

4:00 PM

802 N. 7th Street, Phoenix

More information:

Western Shoshone Nation Challenges Bush Administration

No Dirty Gold needs your help

Please read the following request from Earthworks calling for your help on the No Dirty Gold Campaign. The Western Shoshone Defense Project is a partner in the No Dirty Gold Campaign with Oxfam America and Earthworks. We are networked with partner communities from Peru to Ghana. The campaign highlights the impacts of gold mining on local communities, in particular the Western Shoshone. Western Shoshone lands are the 3rd largest gold producing area in the world, behind only South Africa and Australia –

One mountain alone, Mt. Tenabo in Crescent Valley, which Congressman Gibbons has slated for a privatization scheme (HR 2869) to Placer Dome (5th largest gold company in the world) has estimated revenues of $7-8 billion. Other multinationals mining in our area include Barrick, Kennecott, Newmont and Marigold. The Bush Administration is heavily tied to the mining industry and we are now threatened by renewed notices of intent to impound Western Shoshone livestock and IRS action against Western Shoshone traditionals. We are also attaching an emergency defender form if you are able to volunteer in any other way. Thank you. http://www.nodirtygold.org.

Dear Student,

You probably already know that each fall and spring, class rings companies start setting up shop on campus to take orders for class rings. What you might not know is where the gold in those rings comes from, and how it was mined and produced.

Gold comes at a heavy price, costing the planet and its people much more than the metal is worth. One of the world's dirtiest industries, gold mining can leave a long-lasting scar on communities, workers, and the environment in places as diverse as Nevada, Ghana, Peru, and Indonesia.

80 percent of all gold is used to make jewelry -- including university class rings. As socially active students, we hope you'll join the No Dirty Gold campaign in driving much-needed reform of the mining industry. Leading retailers of class rings companies, such as Jostens, Balfour, and ArtCarved, must be held accountable for the gold they use in their products. After all, which student wants the symbol of his or her alma mater to be tarnished with dirty gold?

Whether you are purchasing a ring or not, seize this opportunity to deliver a message to the ring representative on your campus urging them to source gold that is more responsibly-produced. There are several ways you can help. One is to organize a tabling event or action outside your college bookstore (or ring sales location). We have all the materials that you will need to organize an action or table:

* a toolkit for student organizers

* informational brochures

* fact sheets

* post cards

* t-shirts

* banners

Check out our website at http://www.nodirtygold.org for more information!

We hope you'll join us in helping students leverage their consumer power over the international mining industry! Send us an email at classrings@nodirtygold.org or give us a call at 202-887-1872 x 202.


Radhika Sarin
No Dirty Gold

Western Shoshone Defense Project
P.O. Box 211308
Crescent Valley, NV 89821
(775) 468-0230
Fax: (775) 468-0237

A List of Articles about Voting Fraud

[some URLs are incomplete]

1. States using e-voting gave Bush mysterious 5% advantage

2.Electronic voting in Ohio gave bush thousands of extra votes

3. Ohio officials block public from observing vote count

4. Voting machines in Florida count backward

5. Bizarre Florida results, county by county

6. Black Box Voting declares fraud via electronic voting machines

7. Exit polls data: accurate except in counties using electronic voting machines

8. Did Kerry concede too soon?

9. Why Kerry really won, by Greg Palast, contributing editor to
Harper's and the BBC, and author of "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: http://www.tompaine.com/articles/kerry_won_.php

10. Was the Ohio election honest and fair?


No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. Turkish proverb

P.O. Box 30433
Santa Barbara, CA 93130-0433
PHONE/FAX 805 962-6603
E-MAIL odell@silcom.com
WEBSITE http://www.owendell.com/

Informant: Hopedance

The Grand Refusal Is Launched


Pittsburgh, PA: November 7, 2004

CONTACT: Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. and Lori Price,

Citizens For Legitimate Government is calling for the Grand Refusal to begin!! Stage one: Do not consume at normal levels; consume less.

Do not purchase any entertainment. Do not buy any surplus goods or other major purchases. Only do what you have to do to survive. And, get others involved. Help get Citizens For Legitimate Government's Grand Refusal Coalition in motion. Help build the Grand Refusal! Stand by for stage 2. Once we reach critical mass, we will launch stage 2. To join CLG's Grand Refusal Coalition, please write: GrandRefusal@legitgov.org or: grandrefusal-
subscribe@lists.legitgov.org --Link to Dr. Rectenwald's essay:

Please forward this announcement to your media contacts and lists!

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., Founder and Chair, Citizens for Legitimate Government, will appear on American AM (Tampa Bay, Florida) Tuesday - November 9, 2004 - 8:30AM EST. Michael will discuss the stolen election, and the Grand Refusal!!

Vote Fraud - Exit Polls Vs Actuals

I've got my blog on. Visit me at http://nayer.blogspot.com/ . I'm working on the U.S. stolen election(s). While there, if you have not already, get your blog on today.

We are overcoming now.

Informant: J. Nayer Hardin

Odds of Bush gaining by 4 percent in all exit polling states 1 in 50,000


Informant: Skinny



Election stolen, group suspects


Downsizing the Federal Government

by Chris Edwards

Chris Edwards is director of fiscal policy studies at the Cato Institute.

Executive Summary

The federal government is headed toward a financial crisis as a result of chronic overspending, large deficits, and huge future cost increases in Social Security and Medicare. Social Security and Medicare would be big fiscal challenges even if the rest of the government were lean and efficient, but the budget is littered with wasteful and unnecessary programs.

In recent years, mismanagement scandals have occurred in many federal agencies, including the Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Department of Energy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Even the National Zoo in Washington has recently been shaken by scandal. The $2.3 trillion federal government has simply become too big for Congress to oversee.

The good news is that Americans do not need such a big government. Most federal programs are unconstitutional, unnecessary, actively damaging, or properly the responsibility of state governments or the private sector. This study analyzes programs that could be cut to create annual budget savings of $300 billion. If these cuts were phased in over five years, the budget would be balanced by fiscal year 2009 with all of President Bush's tax cuts in place.

Some reform ideas should be applied throughout the government. Business subsidies should be terminated, and commercial activities should be privatized. Also, federal grants to the states should be scaled back. Currently, a complex array of 716 grant programs disgorges more than $400 billion annually to state and local governments, which become strangled in federal regulations. That form of "trickle-down" economics is very inefficient.

Such reforms were on the agenda in the Reagan administration and in the Republican Congress of the mid-1990s. But the need for spending cuts is even more acute today because of the large fiscal imbalances that loom from projected growth in entitlement costs. Spending cuts would not just balance the budget; they would also increase individual freedom and expand the economy. All federal spending displaces private spending, but many federal programs actively damage the economy, cause social ills, despoil the environment, or restrict liberty as well.

Given the government's record of mismanaged and damaging programs reviewed in this report, policymakers should be far more skeptical about the government's ability to solve problems with higher spending.

Full Text of Policy Analysis no. 515 (PDF, 339 KB)

© 2004 The Cato Institute

Informant: foxhall69gtown

More Nat'l Press Coverage on MSNBC Countdown


SF events 11.9 Tue 5pm Powell Mkt. Wed Noon Fed Bldg.




Zwangsbestrahlung durch Mobilfunk


Mobilfunksender strahlen permanent

Mobilfunksender bestrahlen alle Menschen im Umkreis, dieses Gesundheitsrisiko wird unfreiwillig eingegangen http://omega.twoday.net/stories/740413/

Mobilfunk - eine Gefahr für die Gesundheit ?


US Government Corruption - United Action Needed

"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." - Quote from the US Constitution.

The US Constitution's policies are not reality in the USA. Justice doesn't always prevail. It's at the option of the powers that be. Often unjust court decisions are made by judges, district attorneys, lawyers, and magistrates. That results in violations of constitutional rights, motion churning causing excessive legal fees due to the unjust court decisions, and not protecting crime victims resulting in additional terrible crimes upon people that could have been prevented.

There is no domestic tranquility in the USA. The rampant crime that has been going on for decades is keeping us from having tranquility. Although you may have heard some elected officials speak of protecting Americans, the crime facts, statistics, and case examples of court corruption revealed at websites I've built proves we are not being protected. Many more Americans are terrorized, attacked, inflicted with pain and injuries, disabled, and robbed of their lives with perpetrators being Americans than foreign terrorists. That reality has been ignored by our elected officials even though they've been notified about this matter. Unless there are wise reforms of the USA court system, with the way the USA court system is run now 5 out of 6 Americans will be victims of violent crimes during their lifetime. To read more details go to this website:


The 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is useful for Americans to better enable them to protect themselves and their families from criminals. Although I've read about studies proving that in areas where people are allowed to bear arms there is less crime, there is still much violent crime that requires to be dealt with using other methods. Some people, for example children, some disabled people, and some elderly people don't have the capacity to use weapons to protect themselves. Sometimes women have the capacity to use weapons to protect themselves from criminals and sometimes they don't depending upon circumstances. Often women become victims of violent crimes in the home with perpetrators being people they thought they could trust. Subsequently, they weren't prepared to defend themselves. There have been murders of people when they were asleep - absolutely no opportunity for self-defense in those cases.

Due to these vulnerabilities that affect people more than the 2nd Amendment is needed. We need a court system where all of the judges will always enforce wise laws, always honor the evidence, always rescue crime victims from perpetrators, and always run the courts in such a way as to discourage crimes. We need state legislatures that will make and put into practice needed wise court and law reforms that will work to get a handle on the court system inadequacies, incompetence, and corruption that allow unjust court decisions and violent crimes not being dealt with properly.

Over a period of more than 20 years individual citizen activists and small groups of citizen activists have often lobbied the elected officials, which are mainly from the Democrat and Republican parties, but they brush us off - providing no representation.

Subsequently, elections aren't making a difference for these serious societal problems. However, we must not give up as other methods of citizen activism will work. Having observed that the elected officials do listen to requests of a large organized group of citizen activists, I have decided to start such a large organized group of citizen activists. I have also prepared websites to educate people with crime statistics, facts, and case examples of court system inadequacies, incompetence, and corruption. The hope is that citizens will be inspired to become volunteer citizen activists for this court and law reforms movement.

A yahoo group forum has been set up. This is a good place to relate your knowledge and opinions, unjust court experiences you have had or other people have had, crimes experienced by you, your family, and friends, crimes and court cases in current or past news, present and discuss proposed court and law reforms, join in networking and strategizing for this court and law reforms movement. Sign up for this yahoo group forum at:


Please spread this message far, such as by forwarding this e-mail to many people such as family, friends, acquaintances, people on business mailing lists, professional association lists, club member lists, church member lists, and any other lists you may have. Then they will have access to read the information and hopefully forward this e-mail to even more people. By using this viral advertising method as I have just described for this cause there is hope to grow this cause to be just as powerful as large organized groups such as AARP. Everyday Americans are becoming victims of terrible crimes, terrorized, inflicted with pain and injuries, and sometimes disabilities and robbed of their lives due to court system inadequacies, incompetence, and corruption. The sooner we build the powerful large organized group we need to have influence with the elected officials the better. Thank you for any assistance.


Deborah Reid
Founder and Director
Wisdom for Courts, Laws and Society

Painful Questions


Computer glitch still baffles county clerk

Oh my, I VOTED THERE! WE'RE SCREWED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emil Zysk

Computer glitch still baffles county clerk

By Kristin Miller, The News-Dispatch

LaPORTE - The day after a two-and-a-half-hour delay in counting ballots due to a glitch in a computer program, LaPorte County election officials are still trying to figure out what happened. "Maybe there was a power surge," LaPorte County Clerk Lynne Spevak said. "Something zapped it."

At about 7 p.m. Tuesday, it was noticed that the first two or three printouts from individual precinct reports all listed an identical number of voters. Each precinct was listed as having 300 registered voters.

That means the total number of voters for the county would be 22,200, although there are actually more than 79,000 registered voters.

Vote counting resumed at about 9:30 p.m.

Spevak said workers at the clerk's office thought a computer correction could be done once they received a software patch from Election Systems and Software, the Chicago company that provided the tabulation software. However, the patch did not work.

"We thought we could get a copy of it e-mailed file to us and start all over, but once the program was downloaded from Chicago, it still didn't work right," Spevak said.

Spevak said the Board of Election was in contact with Indianapolis to see if they could certify the vote. She said Wednesday that LaPorte County election officials might have to manually input the information so that the ballots could be certified with the state.


An uncivil war

by Matthew Continetti

The Weekly Standard


Stung by defeat, puzzled and adrift, Democrats spent much of the past week turning to history, looking back at the great many-colored tapestry of the American past, in order to find where we -- the people -- find ourselves, now that George W. Bush has been reelected. And after consulting textbooks, and opening biographical dictionaries, and talking to some of the most renowned figures in the American academy, they have settled on an answer: America is on the brink of civil war...


Informant. Thomas L. Knapp

155,000 Ballots Uncounted in Ohio

155,000 Ballots Uncounted in Ohio; More Votes than Voters in Some Precincts

The article below reports that "Ohio election officials said Monday that they would begin this week the final count of 155,428 provisional ballots and an unknown number of overseas absentee ballots that were cast in the presidential election." The article claims "irregularities and problems have cropped up nonetheless. On Friday, officials in Franklin County — which includes state capital Columbus — acknowledged that they may have improperly counted votes for Bush because of a touch-screen voting system malfunction. A precinct in the county reported that a 4,000-vote margin won by Bush appeared to exceed the number of registered voters."


One Ohio County had 93,000 More Votes than Voters

MSNBC: One Ohio County had 93,000 More Votes than Voters

Buried in the article below is this interesting diamond. Here are the "remarkable results out of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In 29 precincts there, the County’s website shows, we had the most unexpected results in years: more votes than voters. I’ll repeat that: more votes than voters. 93,000 more votes than voters. Oops. Talk about successful get-out-the-vote campaigns! What a triumph for democracy in Fairview Park, twelve miles west of downtown Cleveland. Only 13,342 registered voters there, but they cast 18,472 votes." Obvious discrepancies such as this should be investigated because they may have impacted the outcome of the election.


Anti-War Protests Resume

The article below represents one of many anti-war protests that spontaneously arose in the past few days across America and the world.




Post-Election Analysis


On Media and the Election


VoterGate Updates & More About What To Do


The Muddle of the Road


Wir leben nicht über unsere Verhältnisse, sondern unter unseren Möglichkeiten

Datum: 09.11.2004
© www.sozialisten.de


Wir leben nicht über unsere Verhältnisse, sondern unter unseren

Arbeitszeitverlängerung, weniger Urlaub und weniger Feiertage sollen den Bundeshauhalt entlasten beziehungsweise den Aufschwung bringen. Abgesehen davon, dass die Verzichtsforderungen ausschließlich an die Adresse der abhängig Beschäftigten gehen, sind sie weder begründbar, noch Erfolg versprechend. Wir leben nicht über unsere Verhältnisse, sondern unter unseren Möglichkeiten, meint Harald Werner, der gewerkschaftspolitische Sprecher des Parteivorstandes.

Nach dem weder die Hartz-Gesetze, noch die drastischen Steuergeschenke, die den Unternehmen in den vergangen Jahren ausgereicht wurden, für Wachstum und Beschäftigung sorgen konnten, will die rot-grüne Bundesregierung die Dosis der unwirksamen Rezeptur nochmals erhöhen. Weil in Eichels Steuerbilanz ein neues fünf Milliarden Loch klafft und das Staatsdefizit wieder einmal über der Maastricht-Grenze liegt, setzen Bundesregierung und Arbeitgeber wieder einmal auf längere Arbeitszeiten und sinkende Lohnkosten. Immer lauter wird die Behauptung, dass Deutschland über seine Verhältnisse lebt. Die Begründung hält allerdings keiner Überprüfung stand, wenn man sie auf diejenigen anwendet, von denen neue Opfer verlangt werden. Die Arbeitseinkommen der abhängig Beschäftigten befinden sich seit drei Jahren im Sinkflug und ihre Kaufkraft liegt inzwischen um 2,8 Prozent unter dem Niveau von 1991. Und während die Arbeitsleistung je Beschäftigten um 16,7 Prozent zunahm, sank die Zahl der bezahlten Arbeitsstunden in Folge des Stellenabbaus um rund acht Prozent, so dass schon seit einem guten Jahrzehnt für weniger Geld länger gearbeitet wird. Mehr Arbeitsplätze hat das nicht gebracht, eher das Gegenteil.

Wenn hierzulande jemand über unsere Verhältnisse lebt, dann sind es die Bezieher von Gewinn- und Vermögenseinkommen, die im gleichen Zeitraum, in dem die Arbeitseinkommen stagnierten oder abnahmen, um fast 60 Prozent gestiegen sind. Hauptsächlich deshalb, weil die Produktivitätsfortschritte einseitig an die Bezieher von Gewinneinkommen weiter gereicht wurden. Fast mehr noch allerdings durch Eichels Steuergeschenke. Nun haben die Steuerschätzer die Quittung präsentiert und was fordert die Bundesregierung? Die Beschäftigten sollen auf Feier- und Urlaubtage verzichten, um zum gleichen Geld mehr zu produzieren.

Nicht nur sozial gerechter, sondern vor allem sinnvoller wäre allerdings eine Rückkehr zur leistungsgerechten Besteuerung. Eine Korrektur der Unternehmenssteuerreform und die Wiedererhebung der Vermögenssteuer würde nämlich nicht nur Eichels Haushaltsloch schließen, sondern obendrein Mittel für staatliche Investitionen einbringen, mit denen dann wiederum neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen würden. Und weil die Bundesregierung darauf verzichtet, lebt dieses Land nicht über seine Verhältnisse, sondern unter seinen Möglichkeiten.

Mahnwache gegen Mobilfunksender


Quelle: http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/elektrosmog-liste/message/4517

Bush's 'Incredible' Vote Tallies


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Undervotes are an unknown

The undervotes are an unknown quantity at this point -- they would probably be counted only in a recount. The mysterious 97,000 extra votes in Cuyahoga may have an innocent explanation having to do with them assigning all the absentee ballots for a certain area to one precinct when they count the totals. Still a strange way to do math, and I'm not convinced it's 100% kosher even now, but the "extra votes" do correlate with the number of absentee ballots reported, so as long as *those* are legit (at this point I'm not 100% convinced anything is legit), that particular mystery is solved.

I do think they need to recount Ohio, period. Even though they aren't done counting yet, they just plain need a recount regardless, and preferably a hand-recount in some precincts. We need to know what's really there.


A great Nation deserves the Truth


Informant: Heather Weimer

Why They Hate Us


Informant: hotmail1429

Take Action : Protest the Attack on Falluja

November 8, 2004

George Bush didn’t waste time. He decided to quickly use his “political capital” to widen the war in Iraq by launching an all-out assault on Falluja. We know you are all exhausted from the election work, but we can’t let this attack happen without protesting the horrendous escalation of violence.

As we write, U.S. warplanes are dropping huge bombs on civilian neighborhoods, and ground troops are entering the city. One hospital, Nazzal Emergency Hospital, was destroyed in an air strike; another, Falluja General Hospital, has been seized by U.S. forces, making it unlikely that injured civilians will be able to go there for treatment. The estimated 50,000 civilians who remain in Falluja lack running water, electricity, and food.

There will undoubtedly be many civilian injuries and deaths: during the last siege of Falluja in April, at least 600 Iraqis were killed, most of them civilians. The death toll is expected to be high on the U.S. side as well: Marine commanders have warned that deaths among U.S. forces could reach levels not seen since the Vietnam War.

The U.S. assault on Falluja is a catastrophic action that will result in horrific and unnecessary bloodshed, fuel anger and resentment against the U.S., and swell the ranks of terrorist groups rather than eradicating terrorism. We need to raise our voices in opposition to this attack, insist that the U.S. return to peace negotiations, and call for our troops to be brought home now.

Please consider taking one of the following actions:


We need to be vocal and visible in our opposition to the assault on Falluja. Organize actions this week outside local Congressional offices, while Congress is in recess, or in a high-profile location in your community.

Be sure to list your actions on the United for Peace and Justice calendar ( http://www.unitedforpeace.org ) so we can publicize and amplify all of our voices.

Ideas for action include:

* candlelight vigils to mourn the deaths that will be caused by this attack

* creative/visual street protests that use coffins or enlarged images of Iraqi civilian casualties or people dressed as bloodied and bandaged civilians or soldiers

* sit-ins inside Congressional offices

* meetings with members of Congress

* collaborations with Veterans For Peace groups on Veterans Day events (Thursday, 11/11), emphasizing the message that in order to support our future veterans, we need to get them out of Falluja and out of Iraq

* holding banners (pink, of course) and/or distributing leaflets at busy intersections, shopping districts, or other high-traffic locations


Flood your local media outlets with messages of opposition to the assault on Falluja, and demand that they talk about the civilians who are being killed and injured. Millions of people listen to talk radio every day: organize people to call the shows in your area and speak out. Write letters to the editor and send in opinion pieces. Ask reporters if they would like to interview an anti-war activist.


Call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 225-3121 and ask to be transferred to your Representative or Senator.

Get up-to-date news from Iraq by subscribing to Occupation Watch’s email list at http://www.occupationwatch.org.

Thank you for taking the time to show your horror at the escalating violence and call for an end to the US occupation of Iraq.

In peace,
Andrea, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Tiffany




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