
Parfümierte Waschmittel - Duftstoffe oft Ursache von Kontaktallergien

Als am Samstag wieder darüber in der Zeitung Negativschlagzeile erschien, habe ich nachfolgendes wieder an Henkel und Allergikerbund geschickt. Henkel schrieb heute:

Sehr geehrte Frau Kirst,

vielen Dank für Ihre erneute Rückmeldung.

Aktuell kann ich Ihnen leider kein duftstofffreies Waschmittel anbieten. Ihre Anregung wird von uns selbstverständlich aufgenommen und ist auch von mir an die zuständigen Produkt - Manager und - Entwickler weitergeleitet worden.

Freundliche Grüße
Beate Buss 10.1.05
Henkel Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel GmbH
Consumer Relations
Fon: 0800 111 2290
Fax: 0211 798 2453
Internet: http://www.henkel-waschmittel.de

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

nachfolgenden Artikel fand ich heute in der Zeitung. Sie erinnern sich an meinen Beitrag wegen parfümiertem Waschmittel, Nov. 2004. Man lese den 1. Satz des 2. Abs. genau:

"Am einfachsten wäre es, den Kontakt mit den Allergieauslösern zu meiden....! Hier wäre Ihr Ansatz, wenn verantwortungsbewusstes Vorgehen zum Wohlergehen der Menschen noch etwas zählen würde. Wobei ich insbesondere auf die Kinder hinweisen möchte, die ohne dass sie etwas dagegen tun können, die Duftstoffe bereits durch wohl wollende mütterliche Fürsorge mit parfümierten Waschmitteln in der Wiege zu spüren bekommen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Marianne Kirst 8.1.05
cc: an Allergikerbund und Henkel

Frankfurter Neue Presse - Ratgeber - 08.01.2005

Duftstoffe oft Ursache von Kontaktallergien

Duftstoffe sind nach Nickel die häufigste Ursache einer Kontaktallergie. Mehr als eine Million Menschen in Deutschland reagieren nach Angaben des Ärzteverbandes Deutscher Allergologen (ÄDA) mit rauer, geröteter oder schuppender Haut und Juckreiz auf wohlriechende Substanzen. Hält der Kontakt mit dem Allergieauslöser länger an, können auch Bläschen, Knötchen und schmerzhafte Einrisse auftreten.

Am einfachsten wäre es, den Kontakt mit den Allergieauslösern zu meiden. Allerdings werden allergieauslösende Duftstoffe heutzutage vielen Kosmetika und Haushaltsreinigern zugesetzt. Sie können auch in Lebensmitteln, Getränken und Tabak enthalten sein, räumen die Experten ein.

Seit dem 1. Juli haben es Allergiker etwas leichter. Seitdem müssen EU-weit 26 allergene Duftstoffe auf den Verpackungen von Kosmetika deklariert werden. Dadurch können Allergiekranke vor dem Kauf kontrollieren, ob ein Stoff enthalten ist, auf den sie mit Hautproblemen reagieren. Leider bietet auch die neue Bestimmung Betroffenen aus Sicht der Allergologen keinen vollständigen Schutz, denn viele Duftstoffe würden weiterhin nicht genau deklariert: Ein Parfüm enthält manchmal hunderte verschiedener Duftstoffe, die auf den Packungen nicht einzeln aufgeführt werden können.

Bei Verdacht auf eine Duftstoffallergie sollten die Auslöser von einem auf Allergien spezialisierten Arzt festgestellt werden. Dazu wird ein Hauttest mit einem speziellen Duftstoff-Mix durchgeführt. Zumindest für die Behandlung einer akuten allergischen Reaktion stehen wirksame Arzneimittel zur Verfügung. (ddp)


Sehr geehrte Frau Buss,

oh, oh, das gibt mir aber zu tiefst zu denken, wenn der Allergikerbund Ihrer Entwicklung zugestimmt hat.

Tja, bei leeren Kassen steht die Gesundheit der Menschen hier auch nicht mehr im Vordergrund, sondern der Preis - leider! Nun gut, die Ärzte werden sich über die Zunahme der Allergiker freuen können. Leid tun mir wirklich die Kinder in dieser Gesellschaft, die armen Würmchen erkranken zunehmend an Allergien, welch eine Last auf ihnen schon in jungen Jahren liegt! Die Reizsymptome nehmen zu, da darf man sich nicht wundern, wenn auch mehr Menschen zu MCS-Patienten werden.

Eine Bestätigung, wie brutal und skrupellos die Industrie vorgeht aus reinen Gewinnmaximierungsgründen. Weil ein paar Menschen dieses parfümierte Zeug erstrebenswert finden, müssen Abertausende leiden oder sich wieder auf die Suche nach Alternativen begeben! Eine bedauerliche Entwicklung, die sich in dieser Gesellschaft abzeichnet!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Marianne Kirst

cc: iv@daab.de (Deutschen Allergie und Asthmabund e.V., Mönchengladbach, Tel. 02161-10207)

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von: Henkel <vinfo.waschmittel@henkel.com>

Sehr geehrte Frau Kirst,

vielen Dank für Ihre nette e-mail.

Schön, dass Sie uns Ihre Meinung zu unseren Düften im Persil Sensitive und Perwoll mitgeteilt haben.

Entsprechend dem Wunsch vieler Persil Sensitive-Kunden nach einer nicht "neutral" riechenden, sondern leicht duftenden Wäsche haben wir die Rezepturen der Produkte Persil Sensitive Megaperls® und Persil Sensitive Gel mit einem leichten Duft ausgestattet.

Unverändert blieb dabei die Anforderung, für Personen mit besonders empfindlicher Haut einschliesslich bestimmter Hautallergietypen das bestmögliche Produkt zur Verfügung zu stellen... Die weiterhin besonders gute Hautverträglichkeit der Persil Sensitive Megaperls® und Persil Sensitive Gel Rezepturen wurde im Rahmen eines Tests mit Mitgliedern des DAAB (Deutscher Allergie- und Asthmabund e.V.) überprüft und bestätigt.

Wir wissen, dass wir mit der Einführung eines Duftes nicht den persönlichen Wünschen, Anforderungen oder Bedürfnissen aller Kunden entsprechen können.

Wenn Sie auch weiterhin nur ein unparfümiertes Waschmittel verwenden möchten oder können, so können wir Ihnen leider kein Alternativ-Produkt aus unserem Hause anbieten.

Freundliche Grüße
Beate Buss

Henkel Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel GmbH
Consumer Relations
Fon: 0800 111 2290
Fax: 0211 798 2453
Internet: http://www.henkel-waschmittel.de

Zur Weiterleitung an den Vorstand von Henkel

Mir stinkt’s – Henkel und seine parfümierten Waschmittel!

Gratuliere, Henkel hat wieder eine Kundin verloren! Beim Kauf von Kosmetika achte ich darauf, dass die Produkte dermatologisch getestet und „duftlos“ sind. Dass dies so ist, bestätigt sehr dankbar meine makellose Haut!

So geschah es in der Alltagshetze der letzten Tage, dass ich noch schnell das Feinwaschmittel Perwoll Classic aus dem Hause Henkel gekauft habe. Dummerweise habe ich in der Eile natürlich nicht auf die „Zutaten“ geachtet. Doch nur einmal damit Wäsche gewaschen, blieb mir nichts anderes übrig, als nach kurzem Tragen bereits sämtliche Kleidungsstücke erneut ohne jegliche Waschzusätze in klarem Wasser so lange zu waschen, bis endlich die extrem starke Duftnote aus der Wäsche raus war! Meine Augen waren gereizt von dem Duft. Sogar mein wohlriechendes Parfüm, wie mir vor vielen Jahren ein Gentleman ins Ohr hauchte, ein Geruch von „Tabak und Heu – sprich verruchen!“ läge in der Luft, sogar dieses Parfüm war machtlos gegen den aggressiven Duft, den nun meine Wäsche ausstrahlte! Ich werde das Feinwaschmittel jetzt wohl an einen „Liebhaber“ dieses Duftes verschenken müssen. Dass ich auch ohne die neuen „wohlparfümierten“ Persil Megaperls sensitiv leben muss, ist mir klar geworden. Denn nicht nur meine Körperhaut soll sich weiterhin in der „Wäsche“ wohl fühlen, sondern auch meine Nase! Auch sind rote Augen einfach nicht sonderlich attraktiv und der Hauch des Verruchenen passt einfach besser zu mir!

Sicher wird das Haus Henkel eines Tages auch bemerken, dass es einem konsumschädigenden Irrtum unterlegen ist. „Ach, dass der Mensch so häufig irrt und nie recht weiß, was kommen wird,“ sprach einst Wilhelm Busch. Parfümierte Wäsche für Leute, die sich nicht regelmäßig waschen oder sich kein eigenes Parfüm mehr leisten können? Irgendwie erinnert mich dies an Sozialismus und Kernseifenduft!

Doch etwas Positives hat auch duftende Wäsche – es ist eine gesunde Basis für intelligente Konkurrenzunternehmen, allergikerfreundliche unparfümierte Produkte herzustellen, denn fast in jedem Haushalt lebt heutzutage mindestens ein Allergiker, der dankbar danach greift!

Marianne Kirst

Duftstoffe sind eine häufige Ursache für Kontaktallergien

The Animals have been showing erratic behaiviors for this past year

I see that more is going on in Yellowstone and animals, we have seen massive die offs now Bears are freeking out and headed east, scientist shaking there head in wonder, the animals have been showing erratic behaiviors for this past year, and also all these earthquakes and volcanoes and whicked weather.

Anyway, Gods creatures are catching on to something we are still searching for, they know something we can not understand yet, we have all these news and computers and research and analissis, and here the animals simply sence it!

We seem to be so complicated being humans, we think we are so intellegent, yet the animals who are not educated and can not talk, well ANIMALS, they are Gods creatures too, and some how threw the energys of life it has a sence that something big is happening, the flow of Nature, Harmany has been all shook up!

So Sad, Valerie Fine

The Phony News Conspiracy


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

The Mugging of Democracy

We've compiled the latest and all articles on the voting fraud situation and thought it best to send it out to you! As mutually concerned citizens for our democracy and our right to vote and have our votes be counted, we thought you would appreciate! Please check back as we're updating daily and you can check here for links and ongoing news regarding the legitimacy of our voting process. If you choose to be active in helping restore our voting rights, you'll find the links for those organizations, also. Please pass it on!

Article and thread by Anthony Wade:

Two threads devoted to links, articles, and information:

Knowledge is power and activism is democracy in action.



No matter who wins, resistance will continue


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

Samuel Adams - Liberty - Freedom

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men." -- Samuel Adams

From: Biophilos

Renewing Our Defense of Liberty

The re-election of George W. Bush, whose administration has shown a profound disregard for fundamental rights, means our work is now more essential than ever.

The fact is, without a vigorous, spirited movement for freedom, their unrelenting assault on civil liberties could change the face of our democracy.

With you at our side, the ACLU is ready, willing and able to lead that movement.

In the months ahead, they will come after our freedoms under cover of the war on terror. They will stage a full-court press in support of their dangerous social issues agenda. With their political opponents weakened and with the knowledge that they will never have to face the voters again, they see a golden opportunity. They won't let it go to waste. We expect them to move rapidly on everything from funding religion to escalating assaults on abortion to outlawing same-sex marriage.

Over the past four years, the ACLU and its members have shown that we can be successful defending freedom even in the most inhospitable climate. We have built bipartisan support for challenging the Patriot Act and inspired a chorus of voices questioning many of its damaging provisions. We have challenged the Patriot Act in court and won. We have squelched government programs designed to spy on Americans. We have won legal victories curtailing executive power. We have defeated the first-ever federal abortion ban in court.

This fight is far from over. Here at the ACLU we will continue to stand by the values of justice and liberty for all.

To put it simply: We refuse to surrender our freedom. I hope you will pledge to do the same.

Together we will stay the course, meet all challenges, and beat back every attempt to restrict our civil liberties.


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU

P.S. You may have seen our full page advertisement in the New York Times today. This is just the beginning of a bold campaign to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Please go to http://www.CivilLibertiesNow.org to stay involved with the fight.

Allegations Of Voter Fraud In US Election Begin To Surface

Nov 05, 2004

by Scoop Co-Editor, Alastair Thompson

Within parts of the U.S. progressive community there is already widespread concern that electronic voting fraud may provide an explanation for the astonishing 8 million vote gain made by George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential U.S. election.

Already there a variety of odd phenomena which have aroused suspicions about this possibility:

For example:

- In Florida Bush received a million extra votes, while Kerry received only 500,000 extra votes, in spite of a massive Democratic Get-Out-The-Vote(GOTV) and registration campaign in that state;

- In Florida's Broward County, a democratic stronghold and heavily black community, unauditable voting machines recorded a 33% (70,000+) vote gain on Bush's 2000 results and a much smaller gain to Kerry - again Broward was the scene of a massive GOTV campaign;

- In several places voters reported
http://www.infozine.com/news/stories/op/storiesView/sid/4154/ voting for Kerry but noticing the machine record their vote for Bush;

- Recollections, reported here at Scoop.co.nz in 2003, that there is evidence of vote fraud in Florida in 2000 involving security holes in voting systems;

- Observations that many of the security flaws reported in mid 2003 in vote counting systems remained in place for the 2004 count last night (see. http://www.blackboxvoting.org/ for details.)

But by far the most wide source of public suspicion about the results came from the stark difference between the exit polls, which showed strong Kerry leads in many battleground states including Ohio and Florida, and the actual results in those same states. Bush achieved a 5% margin of victory in Florida and came very close to winning Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Add in the fact that the reported exit poll results were changed in the early hours of Wednesday morning, and there was a recipe for suspicion brewing in the online internet vote fraud community last night.

In order to attempt to get a firmer hold on the extent of vote fraud if it did occur Faun Otter (a veteran of the U.S. based vote fraud investigative community) conducted the following preliminary analysis comparing the initial exit poll results (note this link takes you to the revised results) vs actual results.

Analysis Of Exit Polls Vs. Supposed Ballot Counts

Grab one site which lists the exit polls before they were "corrected."

(Correction is the procedure by which the exit polls are retrofitted to match the figures provided by the vote counting machines. It is easily done by changing the exit poll results, such as the 2.00 a.m. flip-flop of the Nevada exit poll scores which was done without any change to the sample size. A slightly less obvious sleight of hand is to alter the weighting. Weighting is the name for a multiplier used to correct sample subgroups to match the proportions in the whole of a state population. Thus an exit poll can be 'corrected' by saying something to the effect,

"Oh well, the vote results show we must have under sampled Republicans and therefore we'll multiply that subgroup of the exit poll sample by 1.5 to make our results fit the figures the ballot counting machines are spitting out.")

Here is one list as an example of raw (pre-correction) exit poll data:


[Note another list was published on Scoop.co.nz HERE - Scoop editor]

Then take a look at the results by state, such as on this chart:


There is a bit of math involved but don't worry, I taught market research at a University - a place where Republicans fear to tread, according to the media's own polls! The Bush people argue that the exit polls are skewed by the methodology employed. It is odd that they don't say what that error producing part of the methodology might be. A skew means a systematic error is introduced by the test protocol and causes a consistent shift in one direction.

IF this was true, then all the exit polls would show the same sort of shift from 'actual' results.

The GOP offer an alternative argument that the exit polls are not large enough samples and therefore the results are off by a large random error.

IF this was true, then the exit polls should scatter on either side of the actual result, especially if the final result is close to 50/50.

So what do we actually see when comparing exit polls with actual results?

There is skew - but ONLY in states which the Republicans had previously stated to be target states in play. The skew is in the same direction every time; that is to say in favor of Bush.

The exit poll results are not scattered about the mean as the alternative theory predicts.

They are all on the Kerry side of the vote counts as issued by the states except for a hand full of states which hit amazingly close to the exit poll figures.

Here are the figures. They list the four contemporaneous and uncorrected exit polls. Kerry is listed first and Bush second in each pair of figures. Published = the figure presented as the vote count as of 10.00 a.m. EST on 11/3/04

Poll one 45-55 Final 45-55 Published 44-55
Poll one 48-51 2nd 48-50 3rd 46-53 Published 46-53

Poll one 42-57 Final 43-56 Published 42-57

Poll one 51-48 Published 51-48 Published 51-48

Poll one 49-49 3rd 50-48 Final 49-49 Published 49-50

New Mexico
Poll one 50-48 2nd 50-48 3rd 50-48 Final 50-49 Published 49-50

Maine 3rd poll 55-44 Published 53-45

3rd poll 48-49 Published 48-51

3rd poll 45-54 Published 45-54

Final 46-54 Published 46-53

These tracking polls were right where you would expect them to be and within the margin of error. However, if we look at some other states, the figures are beyond curious. either the exit polls were wrong or the vote count is wrong:

Poll one 52-48 3rd 51-46 Final 52-47 Published 50-49
Poll one 60-40 3rd 54-45 Final 53-46 Published 51-49

Poll one 52-48 2nd 50-49 3rd 50-49 Final 51-49 Published 49-51

Poll one 51-48 2nd 50-49 3rd 50-49 Final 51-49 Published 47-52

Poll one 58-40 3rd 58-40 Final 54-44 Published 51-48

New Hampshire
Poll one 57-41 3rd 58-41 Published 50-49

North Carolina
Poll one 3rd 49-51 Final 48-52 Published 43-56

Taking the figures and measuring the size and direction of the poll to supposed vote count discrepancy, we find the variance between the exit poll and the final result:

Bush plus 4%
Bush plus 5%

Bush plus 4%

Bush plus 7%

Bush plus 7%

New Hampshire
Bush plus 15%

North Carolina'
Bush plus 9%

In summary election results appear to have been tampered with to give Bush some unearned electoral votes.


Informant: Lotus

Irakische Ärzte : US-Gefängnisfolter geht weiter

Berlin (dpa) - In US-Gefängnissen im Irak wird nach Angaben irakischer Ärzte weiter gefoltert. Der Chefarzt eines psychiatrischen Krankenhauses in Bagdad, Hashim Al-Zainy, sagte am Freitag in Berlin, zwar dürfe sein Personal nicht in die amerikanischen Gefängnisse, viele Entlassene kämen aber traumatisiert in seine Klinik. Die Ärztin Maysem M. Abdul-Wahab sagte: «Es ist in unserer Kultur eine große Schmach, als Mann von einer Frau gedemütigt zu werden.» Es dauere Jahre, bis die Opfer wieder Vertrauen fassten. Ohne internationale Hilfe könnten die Folteropfer kaum versorgt werden. «Die Menschen, die wir behandeln, haben keine Familie, keinen Besitz und keine Ziele mehr für die Zukunft.» Die beiden Ärzte nehmen an diesem Samstag an der Tagung «Folter und Humanität» des Vereins Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges (IPPNW) in Berlin teil. Die internationale humanitäre Organisation setzt sich weltweit für eine präventive Medizin ein. In Not- und Kriegssituationen hilft sie mit medizinischem Personal, Leiden zu mindern. Auf der Tagung werden neben den irakischen Ärzten auch deutsche Psychiater und Wissenschaftler referieren.

© Copyright 1998-2003 NetDoktor.de - All rights reserved


The Skull and Bones Brothers Tag Team

Can anyone but a fool now believe John Kerry was not planning to throw this election from the start? Any doubts should have been ditched Wednesday morning after he stabbed his running mate in the back, the latter whom boldly promised no concession would be quickly forthcoming mere hours before. Millions of Democrats - Kerry supporters - feel intense betrayal from "their" candidate's inability to keep a simple but essential promise: to assure that every person's vote would count, to not give up until all votes were tabulated. A huge percentage of the electorate is today disillusioned, not just because a wholly criminal element is assured more years to work its evil, but that their hundreds of millions of dollars, tens of thousands of hours of labors, creativity, honesty, hope, was flushed down the hole by a short, entirely premature, possibly never necessary phone call by John Kerry. George W. Bush & John Kerry, fraternal members of a most-secret brotherhood, Skull & Bones, with bizarre rituals and sinister oaths we have only glimpses of. Would such brothers really oppose each other?

Kerry has single-handedly shattered the hopes of tens of millions. Is this accidental? Is this an unavoidable consequence of trying to "heal the divide" amongst Americans?


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 5th, 2004

Diebold CEO in Ohio 'Committed to Delivering Election to Bush'

The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
The Aug. 14 letter from Walden O'Dell, chief executive of Diebold Inc. - who has become active in the re-election effort of President Bush - prompted Democrats this week to question the propriety of allowing O'Dell's company to calculate votes in the 2004 presidential election.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 5th, 2004

Electronic Voting Machine Woes Reported

Voters said they intended to select John Kerry but when the computer asked them to verify the choice, it showed them instead opting for President Bush

Voters nationwide reported some 1,100 problems with electronic voting machines on Tuesday, including trouble choosing their intended candidates. The e-voting glitches reported to the Election Protection Coalition, an umbrella group of volunteer poll monitors that set up a telephone hotline, included malfunctions blamed on everything from power outages to incompetent poll workers. But there were also several dozen voters in six states — particularly Democrats in Florida — who said the wrong candidates appeared on their touch-screen machine's checkout screen, the coalition said. In many cases, voters said they intended to select John Kerry but when the computer asked them to verify the choice it showed them instead opting for President Bush, the group said.

Ralph G. Neas, president of People for the American Way Foundation, which helped form the coalition, called the summary screen problem "troubling but anecdotal."


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 5th, 2004

County Judge Impounds Voting Machine

It may be a while before the results of the presidential race in Pennsylvania are announced. Aside from some question about provisional ballots, a judge in Allegheny County has reportedly impounded an entire voting machine. As many as 60 polling places in our area ran out of provisional ballots, which voters use if they can't prove that they're registered. Apparently some precincts let those voters go ahead and vote on machines -- even if they couldn't prove that they were actually registered.

The move provoked a court-challenge by the Republicans -- and late tonight, Common Pleas Judge Lawrence O'Toole impounded one of the voting machines from Litchfield Tower at the University of Pittsburgh.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 5th, 2004

Maryland E-Voting Controversy continues in Presidential Race

A voter advocacy group monitoring the use of electronic voting machines in Maryland reports a number of software glitches occurred during yesterday’s presidential election, but state election officials said the allegations were baseless. The software running on the touch-screen machines used across the state failed to record some votes correctly, jumped to other pages on the ballot without being prompted by the voter and inadvertently omitted some political races, according to TrueVoteMD, a nonpartisan citizens’ group focused on protecting voting integrity. “We have received hundreds of calls from across the state,” said Bob Ferraro, the group’s co-director, said Tuesday afternoon.

The group set up a voter hotline and deployed 600 poll watchers throughout Maryland to monitor its new touch screen voting machines manufactured by Diebold Inc. of North Canton, Ohio.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - November 5th, 2004





Grand Theft Election


Informant: Skinny

E-Voting Machines Give Bush Mysterious 5% Edge


Informant: Skinny

Oceana Protects Dolphins From Sonar in Canary Islands

I just wanted to send you a brief note to tell you about an exciting victory that was just won by Oceana Europe http://europe.oceana.org/

You're probably already familiar with the issue of how the sonar used by US and other naval military vessels can interfere with the natural mechanisms that dolphins and other cetaceans use to navigate underwater. This can lead to these dolphins losing their way and becoming stranded on shore -- a potentially fatal risk.

(If not, here's a link to a report we've prepared on the subject that you can read online:

* Oceana report on military sonar and cetacean strandings

Definitely check it out!)

Oceana Europe has been tackling this issue head-on, and this week they won a really important victory: they have convinced the government of Spain to stop the US and other navies from using this sonar equipment in the Canary Islands, where over 80 cetaceans, mostly beaked whales, have been stranded during military exercises over the last 20 years -- one of the highest numbers of strandings anywhere in the world. http://europe.oceana.org/english/news/congratulates_bono_for_moratorium.htm

Our European staff played such a key leadership role in this issue that the Spanish government even consulted with them when writing the speech to announce the decision to that nation's Congress! Their accomplishment shows how much respect Oceana is gaining around the world, thanks in no small part to your ongoing support.

I wanted to tell you about this victory so that you could see the progress we're making around the world on preserving and defending the oceans and the life within them. It's a big challenge, but with the commitment of dedicated people like our European team and citizens like you around the world, I know that we'll succeed!

For the oceans,

Jason Lefkowitz
E-Activism Manager

Orwell was just 20 Years off


From Information Clearing House

The World is fated to four more Years of brutal Confrontation

Bush will now celebrate by putting Falluja to the torch:

The depressing Reality of this messianic President's new Empire

What will he do with his second term? The one thing you can rule out is that he will seek to heal political divisions...


From Information Clearing House

A moral dilemma

The evangelical churches became instruments of political organisation. Ideology was enforced as theology, turning nonconformity into sin, and the faithful, following voter guides with biblical literalism, were shepherded to the polls as though to the rapture.

Religious right relishes chance to push agenda :

Abortion and gay marriage to be targeted as moral crusaders demand election payback...


From Information Clearing House

A four-year nightmare

Russian Observer Shocked by U.S. Election Procedures

A Russian parliamentarian taking part in international monitoring of the U.S. presidential elections has said that the elections were held in violation of U.S. law and that that he was shocked after seeing how the elections were held.


From Information Clearing House

You can't Say That

Americans Endorse War, Religious Fanaticism And State Terrorism

Election 2004: Americans Endorse War, Religious Fanaticism And State Terrorism

“Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell.

What few people in America understand, despite the astute observations of millions of individuals around the world, is that we are living in an empire, and we are no longer living in a democracy.



Mourn and Organize


Group Finds Voting Irregularities in South


Links to Information on Election Fraud

I believe the story of the day is not that Bush won the election but real possibility that the Bushies committed election fraud to maintain power. Considering how many people have fought and died for the right to vote, we should be in the forefront of defending this basic democratic right no matter how we feel about Kerry and the Democratic Party.

Here are some links that I hope prove useful and informative.


A site created before the recent elections with lots of well-researched data

The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy

Florida numbers vs 2000 - something is wrong

Why Did CNN Change Their Exit Poll Data for Ohio After 1:00 AM?

The CNN Exit Poll data on the CNN web site was later changed. Why?
Please note the time stamp of 1:05 AM.

"If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines"

Could the Associated Press (AP) Rig the Election? (Check updates at bottom)
by Lynn Landes 10/22/04

Black Box Voting has taken the position that fraud took place in the 2004 election through electronic voting machines. We base this on hard evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside information, and other data indicative of manipulationof electronic voting systems. What we do not know is the specific scope of the fraud. We are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence-- red flags, exit polls -- but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in the most massive Freedom of Information action in history.

The Theft of Your Vote Is Just a Chip Away
By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet. Posted July 30, 2003.

World Government Fronts - Psycho-social Change Agents


Informant: Terry Melanson

A Storm Is Coming


A Day of Infamy


Kerry won - but now what ?


Over 80 Election Theft Links


Der große Lauschangriff


Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner

Outrage in Ohio : Citizen Patriots storm State House


Long Night’s Journey


Informant: Bigraccoon

More Evidence The Vote Was Rigged

From Wayne Nash


I don't want rain on the parade but I am getting quite a few emails from various sources citing possible irregularities with the voting process. So, I did a little research myself on the net to see what I could find. As a political scientist I could not resist.

Regardless of the veracity of any claim to possible irregularities I suggest that this question of legitimacy of the process needs to be addressed if everyone casting their vote is to feel that their vote is being properly counted. No one can feel disenfranchised in a real democracy. Otherwise, you end up with a dictatorship and not a democracy at all.

Unless BOTH sides feel the system is verifiable then you may end up with a banana republic 'democracy'. This is not question of who won the election. It is a matter of much greater importance; the legitimacy of the democratic process itself.

Here are a couple of sites which address the issue:

1. http://www.openvotingconsortium.org/
2. http://www.electoral-vote.com/

On this last web site I found this interesting bit of information:

"Various people sent me mail saying that it is awfully fishy that the exit polls and final results were substantially different in some places. I hope someone will follow this up and actually do a careful analysis. Does anyone know of a Website containing all the exit poll data? If we go to computerized voting without a paper trail and the machines can be set up to cheat, that is the end of our democracy. Switching 5 votes per machine is probably all it would take to throw an election and nobody would ever see it unless someone compares the computer totals and exit polls. I am still very concerned about the remark of Walden O'Dell a Republican fund raiser and CEO of Diebold, which makes voting machines saying he would deliver Ohio for President Bush. Someone (not me) should look into this carefully. The major newspapers actually recounted all the votes in Florida last time. Maybe this year's project should be looking at the exit polls. If there are descrepancies between the exit polls and the final results in touch-screen counties but not in paper-ballot counties, that would be a signal. At the very least it could be a good masters thesis for a political science student. The Open voting consortium is a group addressing the subject of verifiable voting."

Could there be a possible problem here? Let's see...

* In states where there were paper ballots the results exactly matched the exit polls.

* In states where there were only electronic 'touch-screen' paperless voting machines Bush showed an inexplicable 5-8 point or more difference from the polls, contradicting otherwise accurate exit polls.

* The software used in these voting machines is so sophisticated that you can't even check out the programming because it disappears leaving nothing to verify, no source code, no nothing.

Below are 3 articles explaining how these E-voting programs work. The man who published these articles is apparently an expert on this E-voting subject and a computer scientist.

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Another site takes the subject seriously...


* SoCalDem has done a statistical analysis... ...on several swing states, and EVERY STATE that has EVoting but no paper trails has an unexplained advantage for Bush of around +5% when comparing exit polls to actual results.

* In EVERY STATE that has paper audit trails on their EVoting, the exit poll results match the actual results reported within the margin of error.

* Analysis of the polling data vs actual data and voting systems supports the hypothesis that evoting may be to blame in the discrepancies.

* The media was a bit taken aback that the results didn't match the exit polls AT ALL. Most of the commentators were scratching their head in disbelief at the results. The media has gracefully claimed they "just got it wrong."

Some examples?


Kerry leads Female voters by 7%, Bush leads male voters by 7%. Male vs. Female voter turnout is 47% M, 53% F. That means Kerry statistically has a 7% edge in exit polling in Wisconsin.

Actual results however show Bush ahead by 1%, an unexplained difference of 8%.


Kerry leads in the exit polls by a clear margin, but is still behind in the reported results. This state is even closer.

Actual is just 1% favor of Bush. Exit polls show Kerry with a wider margin. Women favored Kerry by 8% here out of 52% of total voters. Men favored Bush by just 6% out of 48% of total voters. Actual reported results don't match exit polling AT ALL in Nevada.

Easy Programming?

According to the programmer cited above here is how easy it is to "make magic" ...

We need COUNTERS - (B) = Bush; (K) = Kerry; (V) = Vote; (T) =Tally

More- http://www.rense.com/general59/rig.htm

Informant: intruthwetrust

Sorry Everybody - US after Election 2004

Submitted Apologies to the World

Informant: ItalysBadBoy

ZNet Post Election Update


We do not concede our Democratic Rights

To: Urgent Response Network
From: No Stolen Elections!

While hundreds of thousands of votes in Ohio have yet to be counted and reports of voter disenfranchisement throughout the country - particularly among minority, immigrant, young, and low-income Americans - continue to pour-in and questions are left to be answered about the massive gap between early polling data and the final total in Florida - a state where half of the voting populous used touch-screen machines that leave no paper trail, John Kerry just conceded the presidential election.


Thousands of people in nearly 40 cities took to the streets yesterday. No one has the authority to undermine our rights, to silence our voices and our vote. There are many unanswered questions about the integrity of this election and we need to continue to demand answers. We urge you to continue your efforts to protect voters’ rights and push for investigations into voting irregularities, and to transform your frustration, depression, and outrage into action.


1) MONITOR OHIO. Watch the situation in Ohio and be ready to respond to calls of support from Ohio groups. Read the reports by
http://www.blackboxvoting.org/ and by Greg Palast
http://www.tompaine.com/articles/kerry_won.php alleging that Ohio's touchscreen machines skewed the election. See also

2) MEET-UP with members of your community. Have a community meeting to create a space to speak-out and discuss voting irregularities in your community, what happened nationally, and where do we go from here to demand accountability. Post your meeting on-line at http://www.Nov3.US - click on "Directory of Local Actions."

3) CONNECT with the Urgent Response Network:
1. Sign the Pledge of Action, and check your email for alerts
2. Check this and related websites regularly
3. Sign up to receive text-message alerts on your cell phone
4. Call 917-779-0013 for an automated voice mail message

4) INFORM YOURSELF about and advocate for the full platform of voting rights, election, and structural reforms that will democratize America.
Go to http://www.Nov3.Us and click on "Defend Voting Rights,"
"Reform Our Elections," and "Deepen Our Democracy," for some great places to start.

Again, stand by, be vigilant, and don’t forget that all of your efforts for peace, justice, and democracy are going to create positive change in the long run . . . . AND MARK YOUR CALENDARS: JANUARY 20, 2005, INAUGURATION DAY, WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW THE NATION OUR MOVEMENT IS STRONG!

Informant: Planttrees


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