
Threat and Humiliation: Racial Profiling, National Security, and Human Rights in the United States


Sudan: Human Rights Concerns


National Weekend of Faith in Action


Download the 2004 Faith in Action Resource Guidebook:

George Soros Launches Speaking Tour, Ad Campaign Against Bush Iraq Policies

Announces Plans to Visit 12 cities, Mail Speech to 2 Million, Launch Website, and Advertise in Wall Street Journal, Locally General Wesley Clark, Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change Join Soros to Kick-Off Tour...



George Soros on Pres. Bush Iraq and National Security Policy:

Video: At the National Press Club luncheon in Washington, DC, George Soros speaks about President Bush's policy on Iraq and the war on terrorism.

From Information Clearing House


Constitution Restoration Act of 2004

Where and Why I'm Advertising

I have received some questions from people wondering why I am advertising my message and this website on Republican blogs. I am particularly eager to reach moderate Republicans who might vote for Bush out of party loyalty. Much more is at stake than party loyalty and Bush hasn't been particularly loyal to the values and principles of the Republican Party. Just as America has to repudiate the Bush policies so must the Republican Party.

George Soros


Why We Must Not Re-elect President Bush

by George Soros

U.S. Makes Spy Images Inside U.S.


Informant: kevcross5

Handy-Hersteller boykottieren Umweltzeichen «Blauer Engel»



Handys und der Strahlungswahnsinn

Bush and the US Media ignore Nature?s Warnings

Washington, Sep 27 (Prensa Latina) Ignoring global warming -- and so any preparations to safeguard the world for our children and grandchildren -- is but another form of global terrorism, comments Tom Engelhardt, editor of Tomdispatch.com on Monday.

The fellow at The Nation Institute says it"s a way of loading and locking another kind of weapon of mass destruction.

Bizarre and strange have been used to describe Florida"s weather disasters, but the media has blamed Mother Nature for it, not once linking recent meteorological phenomena to global warming.

According to Engelhardt, for the first time in history, four hurricanes – Charley, Frances, Ivan (the Terrible), and now Jeanne -- have smacked into Florida"s long coastline one after another in a single hurricane season (not yet over).

Forget that in March Brazil experienced the South Atlantic"s first hurricane ever -- Brazilian meteorologists didn"t even know what to name it; or that the Atlantic coast of Canada got whacked by Hurricane Juan, "the storm of the century," late last year (and the Canadian government suspects a link to global warming); or that the United States has already experienced a record number of tornados in 2004; or that Japan has had the worst season of typhoons in memory; or that extreme weather events have increased in recent years across the planet, including massive flooding in Europe, Bangladesh, and China, and a deathly summer heat wave that struck Europe in 2003.

Forget the rising sea levels and the increased melt-off toward the poles. Forget that the Bush administration"s closest ally, Tony Blair of Britain, made a major speech, widely ignored in the American press, labeling global warming a danger beyond compare.

In contrast, Engelhardt highlights that the head of at least one country in the path of Hurricane Ivan -- Fidel Castro -- was ready to warn his people about global warming and hurricanes.

It"s often said that, in tossing the Kyoto Agreement out the Ozone hole, relaxing fuel-emission standards, burying or altering governmental global-warming research and the like, the Bush administration, with an Ivan-the-Terrible-style environmental record, has stuck its head in the proverbial sand (probably Tar sands at that).


Informant: Walter Lippmann

What Happened to the Free Press?

How about refuting government propaganda? Article by Jude Wanniski:

The Ivy League Dissects the Neocon Cabal

Thomas J. DiLorenzo on Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire by Ann Norton:


When the Fiends Cry "Kill"


Human Dignity, Crazy Mike, and Indian Country


"Gesteuerte Demokratie ? Wie neoliberale Eliten Politik und Öffentlichkeit beeinflussen"


Wahlhelfer CIA

Angeblich gab es Pläne zu verdeckten Geheimdienstoperationen, welche die Wahlen im Irak im Sinne der US-Regierung beeinflussen sollten...






Handyverbot auf der Alm

Aus der heutigen TZ (28.09.04) (Finde ich eine gute Idee! Manu)


Handyverbot auf der Alm

Kaum mehr ein Rucksack, aus dem es nicht rauspiept,- dödelt oder dudelt. Sogar die Kuhglocken auf den Almen haben durch bimmelnde Handys inzwischen ernst zu nehmende Konkurrenz bekommen. Dabei geht man doch eigentlich rauf auf den Berg, um vom Zivilisationstreß runterzukommen! Und weil das so ist, mögen es die Wirte auf den Almen im Tiroler Wipptal am liebsten "oben ohne" . Was sprich auch dagegen, die Klingelbox abzuschalten., bevor man sich auf dem Hausbankerl zu einer gemütlichen Jause niederlässt? Wanderfreunde, die diese Einstellung zur Abstellung respektieren, werden in der österreichischen Fremdenverkehrsregion mit besonders günstigen Wanderpauschalen belohnt. So kosten zum Beispiel sieben Übernachtungen in einer Frühstückspension inclusive drei geführten Themenwanderungen zu Wasser, Mineralien oder Blumen sowie einem Kräuterlehrgang bei der Kräuterbäuerin nur 155 E pro Peson. Die Wanderkarte der Ferienregion Wipptal bekommt man gratis dazu, Infos zu den Oben-ohne Wanderpauschalen gibt?s beim Tourismusverband in Steinach unter Tel: 0043/5272-6270, im Internet: http://www.wipptal.at

Mobilfunk Bürgerinitiativen aus Baden-Württemberg schließen sich zusammen

Presseerklärung zur Gründung des Netzwerkes „Risiko Mobilfunk Baden-Württemberg“ am 25.September in Villingen-Schwenningen.

Am vergangenen Wochenende haben sich Vertreter von Mobilfunk-kritischen Bürgerinitiativen aus ganz Baden-Württemberg in Villingen-Schwenningen getroffen und das Netzwerk „Risiko Mobilfunk Baden-Württemberg“ gegründet.

In Baden Württemberg gibt es nach Auskunft des neuen Netzwerkes über 100 Bürgerinitiativen, die sich kritisch mit dem Thema Mobilfunk auseinandersetzen. Das gemeinsame Ziel dieser Gruppen ist die Verringerung der Strahlenbelastung, welche von Handys, Schnurlos-Telefonen und Mobilfunk-Sendemasten ausgeht.

Diese Strahlung steht im Verdacht, für vielfältige Gesundheitsschäden verantwortlich zu sein. Diese reichen von Kopfschmerzen und ständiger Müdigkeit, über Hyperaktivität und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten bei Kindern, bis hin zu Tumorerkrankungen. Neben den gesundheitlichen Schäden tritt nach Erfahrungen der Bürgerinitiativen auch ein Verfall der Immobilienpreise in der Nähe von Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen ein.

Daher fordert das neu gegründete Netzwerk „Risiko Mobilfunk Baden-Württemberg“ unter anderem den sofortigen Stopp des weiteren Ausbaus von Mobilfunk-Sendeanlagen, so wie die massive Senkung der Grenzwerte und eine generelle Genehmigungspflicht für Sendeanlagen. Zur Information der Öffentlichkeit plant das Netzwerk im kommenden Jahr gemeinsame Informations- und Aktionstage in vielen Städten im Land.

Erreichen kann man das neue Netzwerk „Risiko Mobilfunk Baden-Württemberg“ im Internet unter


Wearable Truth Detection Unit for Security Screening


Informant: Harry Mobley

Handys machen unfruchtbar


Handys und der Strahlungswahnsinn

Handy-Strahlung: So gefährlich ist sie wirklich

Handy und Zeugungsfähigkeit


Handys können Fruchtbarkeit reduzieren - Einfluss elektromagnetischer Wellen auf die Spermienmotilität

Laptops machen unfruchtbar

Wirkungen von Mobilfunk und anderer EMF auf das Fortpflanzungssystem

Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada

706 earthquakes in California and Nevada in one week!!!!



Informant: V

Ignore Danger Signs of The Coming Financial Catastrophe at Your Own Risk

Ignore Danger Signs of The Coming Financial Catastrophe at Your Own Risk - Part 1
by Devvy Kidd

Ignore Danger Signs of The Coming Financial Catastrophe at Your Own Risk - Part 2
by Devvy Kidd

The Story We Hear On The News And Read In The Newspapers Is Simply Not Believable


Americans: Vote for President from Overseas


Why plants don't have ADD

Bob Wallace

Strike the Root


The worst offender for improper brain development is the government -- misnamed 'public' -- school system. Forcing kids, and especially boys, to sit for hours a day at the desk, with little movement, interferes with proper brain development. Just remember that Ritalin is being forced down kids' throats because of their behavior in school..


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

While America slept

by Col. David Hackworth (USA, Ret.)



We went to war because we were told Iraq had WMD that threatened our country's security and that Saddam was a key player behind 9-11. Both have been proven to be super whoppers. We were also told that liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk with few U.S. casualties and would cost no more than a billion bucks ? which would quickly be repaid by Iraqi oil. Yet more duplicity. So far I count 1,050 American dead, 7,750 combat wounded and about 30,000 non-battle casualties. And our war costs are already close to a cool $200 billion...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Audit finds large FBI translation backlog

Indianapolis Star


The FBI has a backlog of hundreds of thousands of hours of untranslated audio recordings from terror and espionage investigations, despite large increases in money and personnel for translations since the 2001 terror attacks, a Justice Department audit released Monday said. In addition, the audit by Glenn A. Fine, the agency's inspector general, found more than one-third of al-Qaida intercepts authorized by a secret federal court were not reviewed within 12 hours of collection as required by FBI Director Robert Mueller...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Homeland Security to launch pre-election anti-terror campaign



Already angered by the government's treatment of Yusuf Islam, the American Muslim community is likely to become further enraged when the Bush administration launches a new pre-election antiterrorism campaign this week that will include the likely arrests of hundreds of aliens from Middle Eastern and other countries known to be havens for terrorists. Homeland Security has targeted for possible detention as many as 2,000 foreigners who are believed to be in violation of their visas and about whom there is 'soft intelligence' suggesting possible terror connections...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

CIA planned to influence Iraqi elections

Nixed: CIA planned to influence Iraqi elections

Rediff [India]


The Bush administration has been forced to scale back a plan proposing a covert CIA operation to aid candidates, favoured by Washington, in the Iraq elections after lawmakers raised questions about the idea when it was sent to Capitol Hill. The plan, written several months ago, wanted to help such candidates 'whose opponents might be receiving covert backing from other countries, like Iran' but not necessarily to go so far as to rig the elections, US media reports said." [editor's note: how do you rig the election without going so far as to rig the election? - TLK]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Top Stories from AlterNet for September 28, 2004


Oil and Gas Hold the Reins in the Wild West


From: Greenpeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 17, Issue 20

Final Piece of Police State Puzzle Ready


Informant: Kim Godfrey

Roadmap for the Prosecution

Al Lorentz is a reserve Non-Commissioned Officer currently serving in Iraq. His blazingly clear, succinct article on Iraq has raged over the wires since it was publishee on LewRockwell.com. Now he is facing prosecution.


Ohio Secretary of State Blocks New Voter Registrations

Since the Revolutionary War, generations of Americans have fought and died defending the core responsibility of American citizenship: the right to vote. Veterans for Common Sense is disturbed then, by an announcement by the Ohio Secretary of State that he will block the voting rights of potentially thousands of citizens due to the registrations being printed on the wrong weight paper.


Military's stop-loss orders put service members' futures in limbo

The back door draft continues. The Bush Administration's back door draft, when combined with pre-emptive and unilateral wars, spells ruin and disaster for our Nation's defenses in the long term. "In a year and a half or two years, there are going to be huge (personnel) shortages," said Andrew Exum, a retired Army captain who served in Afghanistan. "You can't keep these guys in for good." "The stop-loss is having a tremendous impact on morale," said Charles Moskos, a sociology professor at Northwestern University who specializes in the military.


Erneut Polizeigewalt gegen GenfoodmäherInnen


Verfahren zum Abbau von Radioaktivität

Radioaktivität kann neutralisiert werden - Beweise

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

die nachfolgende Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zum Abbau von Radioaktivität habe ich in den rückliegenden Jahren unterstützt bzw. auch finanziell gefördert. In der Zwischenzeit liegen Beweise für die Funktionalität des Verfahrens vor, die nicht mehr angezweifelt werden können. Ich bitte Sie um größtmögliche Verbreitung dieser Nachricht, damit die Umweltbelastungen, die zur Zeit noch durch Radioaktivität entstehen, zukünftig neutralisiert werden.

Zudem könnte die Erzeugung von Kernenergie zukünftig preisgünstiger wie auch die Nutzung sicher gemacht werden.

Neue Versuchsreihen eines optimierten Verfahrens zeigen, daß die Aktivität von Thorium 232 sogar innerhalb weniger Stunden fast neutralisiert werden kann.

Beste Grüße
Gerd Ernst Zesar

Thorium Th 232 Halbwertszeit lt. Lehrbuch 14 Milliarden Jahre
Messungen Uni-Bremen Landesmessstelle für Radioaktivität vom 30. 6. 04:
Meßresultat: 1370 +/- 200 Bq pro Thorium-Glühstrumpf

Messungen Uni-Bremen Landesmessstelle für Radioaktivität vom 13. 7. 04:
Messresultat: 68 +/- 15 Bq pro Thorium-Glühstrumpf

Der Abbau vollzog sich innerhalb von nur 2 Wochen.

Bei der ersten und zweiten Messung wurden die Aktivitäten desselben Glühstrumpfes gemessen.

Zwischen der ersten und zweiten Messung wurde der Glühstrumpf einem bahnbrechenden Verfahren zum Abbau von Radioaktivität unterzogen.

Beweise, daß es sich tatsächlich um denselben Glühstrumpf handelt, sind über ein Protokoll der Stadt Syke (Amtsiegel Bürgermeister) erbracht.

Die Ablichtungen der Protokolle und der Messergebnisse liegen hier vor.

Aussagen des Erfinders Dieter Enger:
„Ein Austausch der Proben wurde durch Plomben gesichert und zusätzlich durch die Sparkasse, der Universität Bremen (Prof. Dr. Heyser) und von der Stadt Syke bestätigt.

Meine Aussagen und die vorgelegten Beweise lassen sich nicht widerlegen. Aber immer wieder schnell und aufs Neue nachweisen, ohne daß ich gezwungen bin, den Mechanismus zum Abbau von Radioaktivität offenzulegen (Patentierung!).

1. Günzburg (dpa) Im bayerischen Grundremmingen: Baubeginn für größtes atomares Zwischenlager in Deutschland. Gegen das Zwischenlager sind Klagen vor dem bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshof anhängig.

2. Atomkraftwerk Unterweser erhält Zwischenlager für alte Brennstäbe.

Wer von Verfallzeiten in Bezug auf den in Fässern eingelagerten Atommüll spricht (oder die Lagerung genehmigt), muß auch sagen können, wie die Natur die Radioaktivität abbaut. Nur das ist die Grundlage für Verfallzeiten von Radioaktivität. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde folglich das Recht des Bürgers auf körperliche Unversehrtheit außer Kraft gesetzt. Und dies steht im Widerspruch zu unserem Grundgesetz und Verfassung.

Für den Abbau von Thorium 232 1370 +/- 200 Bq benötige ich ein paar Tage. Kurz gesagt stellt der Atommüll kein Problem für die Zukunft mehr da.

Wer die Messungen anzweifeln will, soll erst mal erklären wie es möglich ist, daß nach Aussage der Wissenschaft die Halbwertzeit 14 Milliarden Jahre beträgt und den Nachweis erbringen, daß die Verfallzeiten für eingelagerten Atommüll in den Fässern tatsächlich stattfinden bzw. auch stattgefunden haben.“ Eine diesbezügliche Beweisführung steht bis heute noch aus.



Truths Worth Telling



America can learn from our mistakes in the past so we don't repeat them. According to the poignant and persuasive argument laid out by Daniel Ellsberg, "Surely there are officials in the present administration who recognize that the United States has been misled into a war in Iraq, but who have so far kept their silence - as I long did about the war in Vietnam. To them I have a personal message: don't repeat my mistakes. Don't wait until more troops are sent, and thousands more have died, before telling truths that could end a war and save lives. Do what I wish I had done in 1964: go to the press, to Congress, and document your claims."


Horrorkatalog der Union macht Arbeitnehmer zu Freiwild

URL: http://sozialisten.de/presse/presseerklaerungen/view_html?zid=23914
Datum: 28.09.2004
© www.sozialisten.de

Zu den arbeitsmarktpolitischen Plänen der Union erklärt PDS-Bundesgeschäftsführer Rolf Kutzmutz:

Im Leitantrag an ihren nächsten Parteitag entrechtet die Union die Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer massiv. Weitere Aushöhlung des Kündigungsschutzes, Verlängerung der Arbeitszeit ohne Lohnausgleich, Verschiebung der Angleichung der Löhne in Ost und West auf den St. Nimmerleinstag, Einschränkung der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung - die Union startet einen Generalangriff auf die letzten Reste der sozialen Marktwirtschaft in Deutschland. Dieser Horrorkatalog schafft keinen einzigen Arbeitsplatz, macht aber lohnabhängig Beschäftigte zu Freiwild. Kein Wunder, dass diese Vorstellungen erst nach den Wahlen an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht wurden. Die Union entpuppt sich einmal mehr als willfähriger Erfüllungsgehilfe der Unternehmerverbände.

Handy in Bus und Bahn belastet Passagiere stark

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit übersenden wir Ihnen unsere Pressemitteilung zum Thema Elektrosmog, wie hoch ist die Strahlenbelastung beim handytelefonierten in einem Linienbus. Erstmals ein Projekt, wo Mobilfunkgegner, Industrie und Stadt zusammen kooperiert haben.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus München-Nord

Informationszentrum gegen Mobilfunk
Heidrun Schall

Omega dazu folgender Kommentar unter:
Eine Entwarnung, eine Beruhigungspille?

Handy in Bus und Bahn belastet Passagiere stark

Can Hurricanes Be Used As WMDs ?

by Michael Shore


What the masses of human beings all over the world have not been told is that it is possible to control and manipulate weather with a technology called "SCALER WEAPON TECHNOLOGY" These weapons have other major capabilities that are even more dangerous than atomic weapons. Scaler Weapons could literally destroy the world and it is of the utmost urgency that human beings all over the world must be told of the existence of this devastating technology!

Nikola Tesla, one of the most incredible inventors of all time, developed this SCALER TECHNOLOGY in the early 1900's. Every major technology currently being used today was invented by Tesla including alternating current, television, radio, robotics etc. etc. Tesla invented an advanced technology to provide FREE ENERGY to the planet anywhere, and mainly for this reason the "powers that be" ELIMINATED Tesla's name from history books to suppress the development of Tesla's FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY. Can you imagine a world, where OIL, HYDRO ELECTRIC ENERGY AND NUCLEAR ENERGY would be obsolete and no longer necessary as a major energy source?

Tesla desired to give his "Free Energy" technology to the world, and for this reason his funding was cut off by Westinghouse and others, and he was never permitted to be recognized for his monumental achievements. The New World Order prefers that no one know that Tesla ever existed, so that they can withhold this incredible technology from the People!

After Tesla died, the U.S. and Russia raced to confiscate all of Tesla's papers. In Tesla's writings and drawings was SCALER TECHNOLOGY. This amazing technology can also be used to HEAL PEOPLE FROM MANY DISEASES in a simple way. The current multi-billion dollar Medical Doctor industry and multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry would not be too thrilled about Tesla's technology being used to replace their "primitive" but highly profitable industries either. So human beings are forced to continue to suffer from diseases that can be easily and successfully treated using Tesla's Scaler technology. Sounds too good to be true? But it is TRUE!

Scaler technology can also be used in an EVIL WAY and has the potential to cause huge amounts of damage by using weather as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. This technology EXISTS NOW {see links below}. In fact some government officials have tried in vain to get a law on the books that says that Scaler Weapons cannot be used by any Nation to manipulate weather to be used as a "WEAPON".

Unfortunately the U.S., Russia, and Japan and possibly other Nations made the decision to use Scaler technology in an EVIL way, which could include using Scaler technology as a WEATHER WEAPON.

Could four hurricanes hitting Florida in one year be a large scale first in the use of this kind of "weaponry". Someone should check it out. The people must be told about this possibility so steps can be taken to prevent the use of this technology for devious reasons.

It should also be noted that this technology can be used to HELP humanity in a very major good way too.




Michael Shore

Informant: V

Mobile Phones and Brain Damage

Rats exposed to mobile phones for two hours showed brain damages that persisted 50 days later. But current exposure standards are still highly inadequate to protect the public. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reports

Sources for this article are posted on ISIS members' website. Details here.

Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Researchers found "highly significant" evidence for damages to brain cells in rats exposed for 2 hrs to microwaves from mobile phones; and these damages were still seen 50 days after the exposure.

One quarter of the world's population is now exposing themselves to microwaves from hand-held mobile phones. The research team in Lundt University, Sweden, led by Leif Salford, referred to this as "the largest human biologic experiment ever". They point out that soon, microwaves will be emitted by an abundance of other appliances in the `cordless' office and in the home.

Most researchers have concentrated on the question of whether radiofrequency electromagnetic fields can induce or promote cancer, but the evidence appears conflicting.


Sir William Stewart hit out at mobile phones lobby but exposure limits still highly inadequate

In his keynote address to a Children with Leukemia conference in September 2004,

Sir William Stewart, who chaired an enquiry that resulted in the Stewart Report on Mobile Phones and Health in 2000, hit out at the mobile phones lobby for reporting that, "Stewart report says there are no adverse health effect for mobile phones". He said there are biological effects below the current exposure guidelines, and people can vary in their susceptibility. He had warned that children may be more susceptible, and should limit their use of mobile phones.

In his speech, he also said, "Don't ignore non-peer reviewed findings." These have to be carefully independently confirmed, and have to be put to the public "simply and clearly". Not only the results reporting impacts of mobile phones on health need to be independently confirmed, but also negative findings of no impacts. At the moment, there is a bias towards accepting negative findings without question.

A recent health survey carried out in La Ňora, Mucia, Spain, nearly two 900/1800Mhz mobile phone base stations showed statistically association between the measured electric field and a number of symptoms, especially depressive tendency, fatigue, sleeping disorder, difficulty in concentration and cardiovascular problems, and also loss of memory, visual disorder and dizziness. It confirms the findings of several earlier published studies. On the basis of this work, D. Oberfeld Gerd of the Public Health Department of Salzburg, Austria, is advising a reduction of exposure levels to no more than 1 microWatt/m2. The current exposure limit set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines is 10 W/m2, or 10 million times that recommended.

Sir William now chairs the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), which is being merged into the Health Agency. The NRPB is due to publish advice to the government that the ICNIRP standards - already shown to be highly inadequate - should be adopted for the UK. As the NRPB's own report admits, the standards are "intended to prevent adverse effects due to excessive whole- and partial-body heating", totally ignoring non- thermal effects, which are increasingly documented in many laboratories all over the world.

Mobile phones undermine the blood-brain barrier

Lundt and colleagues have been studying the effects of 915MHz radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in rats since 1988. "In a series of more than 1,600 animals, we have proven that subthermal power densities from both pulse- modulated and continuous RF EMFs - including those from ...mobile phones - have the potency to significantly open the blood-brain barrier such that the animal's own albumin passes out of the bloodstream into the brain tissue and accumulates in the neurons and glial cells surrounding the capillaries."

These results have been duplicated in at least two other laboratories. One group showed that the animals' own albumin injected into the brain of rats led to damage of the neurons at the site of injection when the concentration of albumin in the injected solution is at least 25% of that in the blood.

Brain damage persists 50 days after exposure

In a study published in June 2003, Salford and colleagues exposed rats to RF EMF in special transverse electromagnetic transmission line chambers (TEM-cells) designed by scaling down previously constructed cells at the National Bureau of Standards. These cells generate uniform EMF s for standard measurements. A mobile phone with a programmable power output was connected via a coaxial cable to the TEM-cell; and no voice modulation was applied. The TEM-cell is enclosed in a wooden box (15x15x15 cm) that supports the outer conduction and central plate. The outer conductor is made of brass net and is attached to the inner walls of the box. The centre plate, or septum, is made of aluminium. The TEM cells were placed in a temperature-controlled room, where room air is circulated through holes in the wooden box.

The rats were placed in plastic trays (12x12x7cm) to avoid contact with the central plate and outer conductor. Thirty-two male and female Fisher 344 rats 12-26 weeks old and weighing 282 + 91 gm were divided into four groups of eight rats each. Three experimental groups of rats were exposed to peak power densities of 0.24, 2.4 and 24 W/m2, resulting in average whole-body SARs (specific absorption rates) of 2mW/kg, 20 mW/kg and 200 mW/kg respectively. The fourth (control) group of rats was simultaneously kept for 2 hr in non-activated TEM-cells. The animals in each exposure group were allowed to survive for about 50 days after exposure and carefully observed daily for neurologic and behavioural abnormalities.

At the end of the period, the brains were removed and sectioned and stained.

The exposed rat brain showed multiple spots of albumin leaking out from the blood vessels. On high power, dark, dead neurons can be seen interspersed with the living ones. There is an apparent dose-response relationship between the level of exposure and the number of dead neurons found.

Previous studies by the same group showed that albumin leakage into the brain occurs within hours after exposure in about 40% of the animals. But in the present study, there is still albumin leakage after 50 days. This suggests that there might have been a "vicious circle" started by the initial leakage, leading to long lasting effects.

Teenagers most affected

The researchers pointed out that 12-26 week old rats are comparable in age to human teenagers, the most frequent users of mobile phones. This level of damage to the nerve cells is worrying, as "it may result in reduced brain reserve capacity". In other words, the teenagers' brains may age prematurely. A study by retail analysts Mintel found that up to 80% of 11 to 14 year-olds have a mobile phone in the United Kingdom.

There is now evidence that a wide range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum can have biological effects from DNA damage in brain cells to childhood leukemia (see "Electromagnetic fields, leukaemia & DNA damage", this series).

Source: http://www.i-sis.org.uk/MPABD.php

Fields of Influence - Mobile phones "the largest human biologic experiment"

Mobile Phones Break DNA & Scramble Genomes


Das Damokles-Schwert über unseren Köpfen


Hohe Masten - weniger Strahlenbelastung ?

Kommentar von Siegfried Zwerenz:

Mit hohen Masten wird die Infrastruktur bereitgestellt für die Erweiterung der Richtfunknetze und der Mobilfunknetze!

Es geht um Folgendes:

Die Einbindung der einzelnen Sendestationen in das Netz eines Betreibers über Richtfunk ist kostenmäßig viel günstiger als mittels erdverlegter Kabel. Die Richtfunkantennen müssen dazu untereinander Sichtkontakt haben – daher die hohen oder erhöht stehenden Masten im Außenbereich. Von hier aus können die in den Innenbereichen noch zu erwartenden Sender leicht per Richtfunk angebunden werden.

Mit der Forderung, die Masten in den Außenbereichen zu bauen, unterstützt man also die Pläne der Betreiber, weil dadurch der Weg für weitere Sender in den Innenbereichen geebnet wird.

Oft hört man von Mastengegnern das Argument, sie würden ihr Handy unbedingt brauchen. Irgendeinen “wichtigen Grund“ werden aber auch alle anderen Millionen Menschen haben und damit auch den Anspruch auf ein Handy. Also was tun?

Es ist wohl klar, dass ein Mastengegner konsequenterweise auch sein eigenes Verhalten überdenken sollte. Denn die Handynutzer sorgen selbst dafür, dass immer mehr Masten gebaut werden müssen.

Wir sehen aus diesen Ausführungen, dass es nicht möglich ist, ein Mobilfunknetz mit der zur Zeit noch erlaubten Technologie
zur Zeit noch erlaubten Technologie aufzubauen und gleichzeitig den Gesundheitsschutz für die Menschen zu sichern.

Bei der heute verwendeten Technologie wird bewußt eine unübersehbare Schädigung der Volksgesundheit in Kauf genommen.

Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass unsere Gesundheit wieder zum höchsten Gut wird.

Handy und Gesundheit


Schnurlos verbunden

Macht das Handy krank?

Was jeder über gesundheitliche Wirkungen von Handys und Sendestationen wissen sollte

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Krebs und Mobilfunk

Handys können Fruchtbarkeit reduzieren - Einfluss elektromagnetischer Wellen auf die Spermienmotilität - Kinderlos durch Mobilfunkstrahlung?

Handys machen unfruchtbar

Zahl Hodenkrebserkrankter steigt

Mobilfunk und Epilepsie

Dauerstress durch Handys?

Kritischer Umgang mit Mobilfunk bei Schülerinnen und Schülern

Handys und der Strahlungswahnsinn

Handy-Strahlung: So gefährlich ist sie wirklich

Flick und Bush


Omega siehe hierzu auch:
American Dynasty

American Dynasty


Bush's dismal policy failures in tax cuts and Iraq are being sold as achievements


Informant: Will Affleck-Asch

Abuse, Torture and Rape Reported at Unlisted U.S.-run Prisons in Iraq


End of the Wild


Informant: radtimes





Positive Aging Act of 2004


Präzisionsschläge sorgen für Kollateralschaden

Neue Terminologie für alte Prinzipien der Kriegspropaganda


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September 2004

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Wenn das Telefon krank...
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Starmail - 8. Apr, 08:39
Familie Lange aus Bonn...
http://twitter.com/WILABon n/status/97313783480574361 6
Starmail - 15. Mär, 14:10
Dänische Studie findet...
https://omega.twoday.net/st ories/3035537/ -------- HLV...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:48
Schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen ...
Bitte schenken Sie uns Beachtung: Interessengemeinschaft...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 22:01
Effects of cellular phone...
http://www.buergerwelle.de /pdf/effects_of_cellular_p hone_emissions_on_sperm_mo tility_in_rats.htm [...
Starmail - 27. Nov, 11:08


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
