
Environmental causes of Alzheimers

Hello: I have very important information to share about prevention and education regarding Alzheimers.

My husband (diagnosed with Alzheimers) and I attended a meeting the other night here in the Minneapolis area. Many possible contributors to Alzheimers were listed such as inactivity, obesity, aging, elevated homocysteine, low education level, high choleterol, inflammation and genetics. I may have left something out but what brought me to attention was the fact that "environmental causes" such as toxic chemicals and low levels of EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation -- also "toxic"), were not even mentioned.

It is well-known that the genetic link accounts for relatively few cases of Alzheimers. That then leaves "environment" and I suppose that can include such things as lifestyle, obesity, etc.

References are often made to the ongoing "nun studies" without mentioning the fact that a connection was found some time ago to Alzheimers and nuns who frequently used sewing machines which put out considerable amounts of EMR.

The 2002 California EMF Study found a connection between EMF levels as low as 4.0 milligauss to brain cancer, Leukemia, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage. The EMF RAPID Conclusions which have yet to be properly presented to Congress, classified low levels of EMF's as a Class B carcinogen with links to Leukemia and other immune deficiencies.

Virtually "any problem" even as seemingly insignificant (which it is not, of course -- circadian rhythm being very important to overall health) as poor quality sleep all the way to cancer can be linked to chronic inflammation.

Both ionizing radiation and nonionizing radiation, at low levels, can cause the identical inflammatory effects that can lead to precancerous changes.

Alzheimers' patients, their families and the general public can not afford to wait for every single detail of the electromagnetic spectrum to be hashed over again and again by the scientific community before some sort of public service announcements are made in regard to the possibility that sleeping close to electric appliances might be causing some harm.

Two of my grandsons were identified with "rare immune deficiencies," the symptoms from which improved dramatically after their beds were moved away from walls opposite electric meters (powerwalls). The reason their conditions were "rare" is because they were infants/toddlers and yet their IgG's showed "an adult pattern." This signifies "aging......" We were told the boys may develop Leukemia.

Guinea pig studies in my home -- placing cages against "powerwall," which is our back bedroom wall, yielded drastic blood changes including severe neutropenia, lymphocytosis and even Reactive Renal Amyloidosis!!!!

We moved the electric clock off the nightstand next to my husband's bed and his neuropsychological testing indicates "improvement." He also started taking Melatonin every night. He stopped having delusions, roaming around in the night and he has improved overall even regarding memory.

I have a newspaper article that the American Cancer Society sent to me back in 1995 recommending that appliances be moved from close proximity to one's bed. Similar information is in a 2001 booklet put out by Florida Power & Light.

Please let me know if you would like additional information or if there is anything else I can do to help you get the word out. Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Prevention and Education regarding Alzheimers

Hello: I have very important information to share about prevention and education regarding Alzheimers.

My husband (diagnosed with Alzheimers) and I attended a meeting the other night here in the Minneapolis area. Many possible contributors to Alzheimers were listed such as inactivity, obesity, aging, elevated homocysteine, low education level, high choleterol, inflammation and genetics. I may have left something out but what brought me to attention was the fact that "environmental causes" such as toxic chemicals and low levels of EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation -- also "toxic"), were not even mentioned.

It is well-known that the genetic link accounts for relatively few cases of Alzheimers. That then leaves "environment" and I suppose that can include such things as lifestyle, obesity, etc.

References are often made to the ongoing "nun studies" without mentioning the fact that a connection was found some time ago to Alzheimers and nuns who frequently used sewing machines which put out considerable amounts of EMR.

The 2002 California EMF Study found a connection between EMF levels as low as 4.0 milligauss to brain cancer, Leukemia, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage. The EMF RAPID Conclusions which have yet to be properly presented to Congress, classified low levels of EMF's as a Class B carcinogen with links to Leukemia and other immune deficiencies.

Virtually "any problem" even as seemingly insignificant (which it is not, of course -- circadian rhythm being very important to overall health) as poor quality sleep all the way to cancer can be linked to chronic inflammation.

Both ionizing radiation and nonionizing radiation, at low levels, can cause the identical inflammatory effects that can lead to precancerous changes.

Alzheimers' patients, their families and the general public can not afford to wait for every single detail of the electromagnetic spectrum to be hashed over again and again by the scientific community before some sort of public service announcements are made in regard to the possibility that sleeping close to electric appliances might be causing some harm.

Two of my grandsons were identified with "rare immune deficiencies," the symptoms from which improved dramatically after their beds were moved away from walls opposite electric meters (powerwalls). The reason their conditions were "rare" is because they were infants/toddlers and yet their IgG's showed "an adult pattern." This signifies "aging......" We were told the boys may develop Leukemia.

Guinea pig studies in my home -- placing cages against "powerwall," which is our back bedroom wall, yielded drastic blood changes including severe neutropenia, lymphocytosis and even Reactive Renal Amyloidosis!!!!

We moved the electric clock off the nightstand next to my husband's bed and his neuropsychological testing indicates "improvement." He also started taking Melatonin every night. He stopped having delusions, roaming around in the night and he has improved overall even regarding memory.

I have a newspaper article that the American Cancer Society sent to me back in 1995 recommending that appliances be moved from close proximity to one's bed. Similar information is in a 2001 booklet put out by Florida Power & Light.

Please let me know if you would like additional information or if there is anything else I can do to help you get the word out. Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com

Appalachia Mountaintop Removal Protest

Appalachians are struggling to defend their mountains in Canada too...

Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 23:12:40 -0000
From: Timothy Schwinghamer
Subject: Urgent appeal for messages of solidarity

Please pass on our message to other environmentalists and activists.

The tiny rural community of Upper Leitches Creek, on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, is being made uninhabitable by the Alva Construction Company's mining operation.

Please send a message of solidarity.

I am sending out this email because Alva Construction has been disrupting the quiet rural life of my home community, Upper Leitches Creek, Cape Breton Island. Their open-pit surface mining operation has made my community dangerous. The noise of their crusher corrupts the air. Their mining operation is defaces the earth obscenely. They have hollowed out a vast pit on the side of the Hill of Boisdale. The runoff is poisoning ancient mountain streams where fish and wild herbs grow. Their operation encroaches, on the habitat of endangered lynx, and wetlands where endangered white orchids grow. Alva Construction is mining gravel.

Their enormous trucks travel too frequently and too fast on the Upper Leitches Creek Road. These trucks are often too heavy to be able to stay on the right side of our winding rural route. The weight of the trucks has torn up the ashphalt, and has turned the road into a death trap. This is a road where little children would usually play, and where older people enjoyed long quiet walks in the Appalachian forest. The people of Upper Leitches Creek respect the forest and have a deep connection to the land where we live. Many creatures (lynxes, bald eagles, partridges, deer, wolves, etc.) share this space and depend on the forest and the creeks. Many people in this area depend on a healthy forest for their continued livelihood and subsistence.

Alva Construction placed a notice in the Cape Breton Post (newspaper) regarding their quarry expansion. Copies of Alva Construction's environmental assessment registration information may be examined at http://www.gov.ns.ca/enla/ea/leitchesquarry.asp , where I invite you to also leave your comments!

You can also submit comments to:

Environmental Assessment Branch, Nova Scotia Environment & Labour, PO Box 697 Halifax NS B3J2T8 You can also call (902) 424-3230 FAX (902) 424-0503 e-mail at EA@gov.ns.ca

Please do so before April 18.

My family looked over the rather massive Environmental Assessment this morning. We hope that, now that you are aware of the concerns of our tiny home community, that you will be able to send a message of solidarity on the behalf of Upper Leitches Creek. (My family is doing everything we can. We have had numerous phone contacts with supporters. Although I have hope, the other members of my family are particularly afraid that with the twinning of the provincial highway, municipal work on water supply services, the Sydney Tar Ponds clean up project, and now possibly the opening of closed mines, that the disturbance may be unendurable.) The newspaper estimated a project lifespan of 20 years.

Please help us fight. The interests of a private company, whose owners live on the mainland, ought not outweigh the interests of a whole rural community. No profit from Alva's operation is seen by the people in our community. The earth is being despoiled by natural resource profiteers, in collusion with the economic elite and regional politicians. Our community is united, we are organizing non- hierarchically, and our dissent is unanimous.

Your support would be helpful!

With Love and Hope for the Endurance Earth,

Sandra and Timothy Schwinghamer and David Brown Upper Leitches Creek, Nova Scotia, Canada

And email Timothy your questions, umschwin@cc.umanitoba.ca


please forward far and wide.

For Immediate Release
24 September 2004
For more information contact:

Pete Ramey – (276) 523-2772
Abigail Singer – (224) 558-9208

Appalachian Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest Mountaintop Removal: “March for Change” in honor of the families and children of Appalachian coalfields

Appalachia, VA – Saturday, September 25th, 2004, citizens of Appalachia will take to the streets to protest mountaintop removal at 12 noon in the park. The march will leave the park at 12 noon and travel through town to a mountaintop removal site in Inman where, on August 20th, a boulder from a mountaintop removal mine killed a 3-year-old boy in his bed. Citizens are demanding that this dangerous method of coal extraction be outlawed in their communities, and demanding A&G Coal Company to take responsibility for the boy’s death.

"God and the Constitution gave us the right to live in our homes without anybody destroying us," Pete Ramey, local coal field resident, said. “If we stand together as a group of people, I'm confident they'll have to do something.”

The August 20th death of 3-year-old Jeremy Davidson has the group determined to fight harder. "It would be a shame if that little boy lost his life in vain," Ramey said.

Members of Katuah Earth First! will be joining Appalachia residents for the march.

“Mountaintop removal destroys the ecology and culture of the Appalachian Mountains,” said john johnson, a resident of the southeast Tennessee coal fields with Katuah Earth First!. “The corporations who engage in mountaintop removal are morally bankrupt and put the almighty dollar ahead of human life and nature.”

“The forests, rivers, and cultural heritage are what make life possible and desirable in the Appalachian Mountains,” said Amanda Womac, a student activist with Katuah Earth First!. “As citizens of this region, it is our duty to take a stand against the corporations out to destroy our livelihoods.”

Location: Meeting at the park in Appalachia VA and marching to Inman, site of mountaintop removal operation that claimed the life of Jeremy Davidson.

Directions: From US 23 N take first Big Stone Gap exit....go LEFT at stop sign. Go through next two lights and to bottom of hill to intersection. Turn RIGHT and continue through the next four lights, past car dealership, gas station, and pizza delivery place. Follow this road for approximately three miles to Appalachia VA. Go through the first traffic light and through town. At the second light near town hall, bear right across creek toward grocery store. At intersection, turn RIGHT...go across railroad tracks and across river. Go STRAIGHT through stop sign and park will be ahead on your right. Park wherever available.

For more information:
Marlene and Larry Bush – (276) 565-0344
Steven Swiney – (276) 565-2323
Ronnie Willis – (276) 565-3421
Amanda Womac – (865) 522-6527
Chris Irwin – (865) 633-8483


Gorbachev Launches Global Campaign Against WMDs


Galapagos Needs Your Help


Galapagos Update

By Captain Paul Watson

It has been a month since the rangers won their battle and ended their strike ended in the Galapagos National Park.

Fausto Cepeda, the Director appointed in September by the President of Ecuador, was fired.

Sea Shepherd members' support along with groups like Wild Aid and the WWF went a long ways in convincing the Ecuadorian government that the demands of the rangers should be met.

Sea Shepherd created a controversy by calling for a boycott of tourism to the islands and when bookings began to be cancelled the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism responded by threatening Sea Shepherd with legal action.

We ignored the threat. It was good leverage and we responded to the Ministry of Tourism to have the government bring the situation under control in the Galapagos. The problem would not be solved by re-directing their anger at the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

The rangers were striking because the President of Ecuador had appointed Fausto Cepeda as the new director of the Park after firing Director Edwin Naula. Edwin Naula was a strong advocate of conservation whereas Cepeda was openly a sympathizer of the fishing industry. For Cepeda to have remained in that position would have been a disaster.

The rangers barricaded themselves in the Park. Cepeda led a gang of fishermen to the Park, where they broke down the barricades and attacked the rangers with rocks, clubs and Molotov cocktails, injuring a number of the rangers.

Finally the Ecuadorian government, embarrassed by the fishermen's violence in support of Cepeda, gave into the demands of the rangers and Cepeda was fired.

Naula was not reinstated unfortunately, because he is not a member of the political party in power. However, the government agreed to set up a panel to oversee the selection of a new director and placed credible conservation advocates on the panel including Dr. Godfrey Merlen. Furthermore the government agreed that the director will be selected for technical and not political reasons. This is a major and positive concession.

The government is also aware that something must be done to curb the violence of the fishermen. As a result, 18 fishermen have been arrested and will be prosecuted for the violence they initiated against the rangers.

The fishermen are still demanding to be allowed to fin sharks for the Asian market and this must be resisted.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society patrol vessel Sirenian is now completing her 4th year of operations in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

We are currently raising funds for repairs and maintenance to keep the ship operating in the search for illegal fishing operations.

21.10.2004 21:23

Informant: EF! Media Center



Protect Wilderness in Bighorn National Forest


Homeland Insecurity


Matthew Brzezinski
Friday 10:25 AM

Americans have been duped into thinking that the Iraq invasion was a counterterrorism measure. Yet preventing another 9/11 has more to do with securing America's ports, bridges and chemical plants. Investigative reporter Brzezinski delivers an alarming report on the practical efforts to protect America since 9/11. And be sure to check out the sidebar on how homeland security is nickeled and dimed while the U.S. government hemorrhages money in Iraq:

Source: http://www.tompaine.com/opinion/#002023

The Future Is Haiti?

Forest Networking a Project of Forests.org, Inc.

September 24, 2004

OVERVIEW & COMMENTARY by Glen Barry, Ph.D., Forests.org

I have seen the future and it is Haiti. The consequences of deforestation, poverty and inequity, combined with changing climate, are on display. The path to avoid such a future, and achieve local and global ecological sustainability, is clear. Unfortunately, it depends upon wisdom, ecological intuition and justice - not bombing - thus current leaders may be disadvantaged. Forests.org calls for a major international program to ecologically restore landscapes whose ecosystems have been destroyed and are no longer functioning. This will involve mixed plantings of trees suitable to meeting human needs; i.e. food, shelter and fuel. It will also require assembling new natural forests and grasslands composed of native species, planted along environmentally sensitive areas such as water sources and steep slopes. Man centered and nature centered forests must be intermingled and contiguous.

Further, there will be no respite for environmental refugees until the human population is stabilized and then reduced using non-coercive means. This will require generations of one child households as the global norm. And finally, the atrocious sums of money being poured into militarism by our "leaders" must be rechanneled towards meeting basic human needs. Ecological collapse is just as real in the shiny and bright cities of the North. Imagine Phoenix in summer with no water or electricity (not impossible). I hope that you can intuit that humans are utterly dependent upon the Earth - yet we are failing Gaia and all her life badly.


Deadly Floods in Haiti Blamed on Deforestation, Poverty
Associated Press
Archived: http://forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=35207

Russia Prepares to Ratify Kyoto Protocol
LA Times
Archived: http://forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=35193

Ecuador's Largest National Park Opened for Oil Development
Environment News Service
Archived: http://forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=35199

Networked by Forests.org, Inc., gbarry@forests.org

Overseas Voter Website Censored by U.S. Government


What's Censored?

The International Herald Tribune reported on September 20th that "the Pentagon has begun restricting international access to the official Web site intended to help overseas absentee voters cast ballots."

Pentagon spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Ellen Krenke confirmed that a number of Internet service providers worldwide had been blacklisted "to thwart hackers." Such measures are generally recognized to be ineffective against hackers while blocking legitimate users.

Apparently, the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website is now blocked to civilians overseas trying to find out how to obtain absentee ballots in at least 25 countries--including Japan, France, Great Britain, and Spain--although military personnel overseas have other mechanisms for requesting absentee ballots.

More here:

Overseas Voter Website Censored by U.S. Government

Also see:

Voting Roadblocks for Some Americans Abroad

Informant: Daniel Mio

Are environmental exemptions for the U.S. military justified?


Informant: Teresa Binstock

New 9/11 bill being written in secret


An Attack on Democracy

Labour must dare to speak for Britain - and Iraq

UK: Labour must dare to speak for Britain - and Iraq:

Holding Blair to account is not only right, it is in the party's own interests...


From Information Clearing House

US Lawmaker Blasts FDA Over Antidepressants Risk

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 15:47:08 EDT

Subject:[drugawareness] Breaking News From Congressional Hearings


"Barton and other lawmakers criticized the agency's handling of an investigation of the connection between widely prescribed antidepressants and suicidal behavior in children and teens.

"The fact that children taking antidepressants were experiencing psychiatric adverse events at greater rates than adults was known at the agency as far back as 1996 and 1997," Barton, a Texas Republican, said at a hearing of the oversight and investigations subcommittee.

"I want to know: what did the agency do to respond to these concerns?" Barton said.

"Recent questions about youth antidepressant use began in May 2003 when another FDA reviewer raised concerns that the drugs might increase the chances of suicidal acts. But top agency officials did not publicly confirm a link until last week."


"An FDA analysis estimated 2 percent to 3 percent of children and teens who take antidepressants might have an elevated risk for suicidal behavior. But no suicides occurred in studies of more than 4,000 children as young as six."


Dr. Tracy

Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D.,
Executive Director, International Coalition For Drug Awareness Author: Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? - Our Serotonin Nightmare & audio tape on safe withdrawal: "Help! I Can't Get Off My Antidepressant!"
Website: http://www.drugawareness.org

US Lawmaker Blasts FDA Over Antidepressants Risk

Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:52 PM ET

by Lisa Richwine

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Food and Drug Administration staff first questioned the possibility of a link between antidepressant use and suicidal behavior in youth as far back as eight years ago, a senior U.S. lawmaker charged on Thursday.

Rep. Joe Barton, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said one FDA medical reviewer raised the question of whether Pfizer Inc.'s Zoloft had increased the risk of suicidal behavior in pediatric clinical trials in a 1996 review.

Barton and other lawmakers criticized the agency's handling of an investigation of the connection between widely prescribed antidepressants and suicidal behavior in children and teens.

"The fact that children taking antidepressants were experiencing psychiatric adverse events at greater rates than adults was known at the agency as far back as 1996 and 1997," Barton, a Texas Republican, said at a hearing of the oversight and investigations subcommittee.

"I want to know: what did the agency do to respond to these concerns?" Barton said.

Recent questions about youth antidepressant use began in May 2003 when another FDA reviewer raised concerns that the drugs might increase the chances of suicidal acts. But top agency officials did not publicly confirm a link until last week.

Dr. Robert Temple, director of the FDA's Office of Medical Policy, defended the agency's handling of the controversy. He said data were unclear and officials wanted to be certain of the risks before warning doctors and the public.

"The agency realizes its responsibility to the public to find the right answer to this question," Temple said in remarks prepared for delivery at the hearing.


The committee was scheduled to hear from Dr. Andrew Mosholder, the FDA reviewer who told officials months ago he felt the drugs could make youth suicide-prone. His supervisors disagreed and kept him from presenting his analysis at a public advisory committee meeting in February.

The FDA now is drafting new warnings for all antidepressants about the possibility of suicidal thoughts and actions among youth who take the drugs. A panel of outside experts has recommended the drug labels highlight the risk in a "black box," the strongest type of warning for prescription drugs.

An FDA analysis estimated 2 percent to 3 percent of children and teens who take antidepressants might have an elevated risk for suicidal behavior. But no suicides occurred in studies of more than 4,000 children as young as six.

Antidepressants include Eli Lilly and Co.'s Prozac, Pfizer's Zoloft, GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Paxil, Forest Laboratories Inc.'s Celexa and Wyeth's Effexor. Prozac also is sold under the generic name fluoxetine.

© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.

Informant: DitziSis

Abuse, Torture and Rape Reported at Unlisted U.S.-run Prisons in Iraq

To nobodies surprise I guess...the order had to have come from above


Abuse, Torture and Rape Reported at Unlisted U.S.-run Prisons in Iraq
by Lisa Ashkenaz Croke (bio)


Free Speech, Patriot II, Freedom Concert, and more


Strophantin vor dem AUS?


Inside New York's Pier 57 Detention Center


by Jacob Richards and Connie Murillo

The Memory Hole


On 31 August 2004, during the Republican National Convention in New York City, around 1,200 people were arrested and sent to a makeshift detention/processing center, which used to house city buses, at Pier 57. (Over 1,800 were arrested during the entire RNC.)

Images from inside the facility are rare. The photos and videos featured here come from Jacob Richards and Connie Murillo, who were arrested that day. A couple of these photos were posted to NYC Indymedia, but Richards and Murillo have kindly allowed The Memory Hole to post more photos and several videos. Regarding how the images were taken and smuggled out, they write:

"It was a Sony digital camera. We were arrested around 10pm on 17th street around 5th ave, on Tuesday, August 31st. Pier 57 was a zoo. The degree of search depended on what officer you got. Some were thorough, some were not. The camera remained in my pocket through the first search before entering the large cage. Once in there, we were searched again. This time, I handed my camera and wallet to someone who had already been searched. I got it back after the second search and took what pictures and film I could. I was worried about getting the camera confiscated, so quality suffered, plus it's a little hard to take pictures with my hands still in cuffs behind my back. (Jacob's cuffs were later removed and he took some over head shots.)

During various searches while in Pier 57 and central booking, several friends helped by holding the memory card, which I removed from the camera (that later got confiscated). Most of the time it just stayed in my pocket."


Informant: NHNE

Ein-Euro Jobs Illegal

Quelle: http://www.wahlalternative-2006.de/ftopicp-1090.html

Heute hat sich ein bemerkenswerter Leserbrief in die FAZ verirrt den ich auszugsweise wiedergebe.

"...Bezieher von Arbeitslosengeld II sind ab 1. Januar 2005 gezwungen, die neuen Ein-Euro-Jobs anzunehmen, wollen sie ihre Unterstützung - und damit ihr Recht auf (Über) Leben - nicht verlieren. Dies widerspricht eindeutig internationalem Recht, das auch in Deutschland Gültigkeit besitzt: Artikel II des ILO-Übereinkommens über Zwangs und Pflichtarbeiten definiert sie als "jede Art von Arbeit oder Dienstleistung, die von einer Person unter Androhung irgendeiner Strafe verlangt wird und für die sie sich nicht freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellt hat." Solche Arbeiten sind ausdrücklich verboten, und zwar sowohl nach dem Artikel 8 III des Internationalen Packts über bürgerliche und politische Rechte (in Deutschland in Kraft getreten am 23.März 1976) als auch nach dem ILO Übereinkommen Nr. 29 und Nr. 105 über die Abschaffung von Zwangsarbeit vom 5.Juni 1957. Ausgenommen sind nur Arbeitspflichten im Rahmen des Militärdienstes, im Katastrophenfall oder Arbeitspflichten, die auf ein Strafurteil basieren....."

Mit besten Dank an: Dr. Axel Bust-Bartels.

Na da hat sich ein sachkundiger Zeitgenosse zu Wort gemeldet. Das Arbeits- und Sozialämter es mit den eigenen Gesetzen nicht so genau nehmen kennt man ja. Mit denen kannst es ja machen. Klag mal dagegen wenn du kein Geld hast oder keine Reserven hast um eine Sperre zu überstehen. Wer keine Geldreserven hat, ist den Bürokraten faktisch rechtlos ausgeliefert. Oder es bleibt nur die Verzweiflungstat übrig. Und die wirds geben.

Ein-Euro-Jobs müssen nicht sein

"Moderne Sklavenarbeit": Sozialverband gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs in der Privatwirtschaft

Hartz IV - ALG II - Ein-Euro Jobs - Zwangsarbeit - Verfolgungsbetreuung

Siemens bezahlte Vorsitzende des Forschungsausschusses

Has Tortuga vanished ?

September 24th 2004

Earth Changes TV Breaking News

ECTV Exclusive: Tortuga Island Disaster Now Confirmed
by Mitch Battros - ECTV

I have now received no less than six news agency confirmations reporting the small island of Tortuga has "vanished". The entire island along with its 26,000 inhabitants have been washed away by "large waves". This unthinkable event happened as a result of hurricane `Jeanne', which has also killed over 2,000 people and
displaced 250,000 in Haiti.

An expedition of United Nations officials were dispatched via two helicopters to evaluate the damage to the island of "Tortuga". A radio transmission was sent back to base on the island of Haiti. The message stated "we can't find the island". It is reported the tandem UN helicopters circled for a long period, most likely in stark disbelief nothing was to be found. Not a trace of life or land. It is now reported all 26,000 may have perished.

I'm not sure I have ever heard of such a disaster. I know of tsunami's having killed hundreds, maybe even a few thousand, but I have never heard of a whole community being wiped out in minutes. Total families are gone. A complete island missing. And a hurricane who has yet to see the end of its deadly way.

The Russian news agency "Gorodfm" filed the following report: (As translated) "United Nations helicopters made flight over that area but have seen only storming sea. The area of Tortuga is 180 square kilometers; population is made 26 000 human beings. Today helicopters of the United Nations will make repeated flight of region."


September 24th 2004

Earth Changes TV Breaking News

ECTV Makes Last Night's Interview Available to All
by Mitch Battros - ECTV

I believe this story should be `heard' as well as read. Therefore, I am making last nights breath taking interview with Dr. Kristen Neilson available to all.

You will hear step by step how this remarkable and tragic story evolves "live" on the air. In addition, I have made a list below of links from around the world who are confirming the tragic event of a whole island and 26,000 of its inhabitants being swept away by "large waves".

Mitch Battros with Dr. Kristen Neiling Audio Interview (55 min's)


Below is a list of international news agencies who have reported on the small island of "Tortuga" vanishing as a result of hurricane "Jeanne".

Italy Global News Agency

The International – Portugal

Belt Iberica News Agency – Spain


Noticias News Agency- Barcelona

Gorodfm News - Russia

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV


Informant: Pam


You can bypass all the bull media by gonig dircetly to the island and its inhabitants at this website: http://stormcarib.com/

First hand reports of the inhabitants tell you like it is during the storms.

As usual Mitch Btaros exaggerating his numbers.

Take care,



Informant: A Voice for Children

Top Stories from AlterNet for September 24, 2004


Abuse, Torture and Rape Reported at 25 Unlisted U.S.-Run Prisons in Iraq

According to the new web site, The News Standard, "American legal investigators have discovered evidence of abuse, torture and rape throughout the US-run prison system in Iraq. A Michigan legal team meeting with former detainees in Baghdad during an August fact-finding mission gathered evidence supporting claims of prisoner abuse at some 25 US-run detention centers, most of them so far not publicly mentioned as being embroiled in the Iraq torture scandal."


Monsanto kauft Indien stückchenweise

Bauernbewegungen in Indien / KRRS

Im Zuge der Liberalisierung des Welthandels verelendet ein immer grösserer Teil der Weltbevölkerung, so auch in Indien. Gleichzeitig finden Proteste von Hunderttausenden von Indern und Inderinnen statt, gerichtet gegen die multinationalen Konzerne und gegen die Institutionen, die die Globalisierung der Wirtschaft fördern.

« Hunderttausende von Bauern und Bäuerinnen in ganz Indien protestieren gegen Monsanto. Am 28. November 1998 setzten sie das erste Feld in Brand, auf dem Monsanto Feldversuche mit genetisch manipuliertem Saatgut durchgeführt hat. Die Feldversuche liefen seit drei Monaten, die Öffentlichkeit hat aber erst kürzlich davon erfahren. Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen der Bauernbewegung stürmten am 1. Dezember das Bürogebäude von Monsanto in Hyderabad, woraufhin die Regierung des Bundesstaats Andhra Paresh Monsanto aufforderte, die Feldversuche in diesem Staat abzubrechen. » Dies berichtet ein Aktivist der Bauernbewegung des Staats Karnataka (KRRS). Das von Monsanto getestete Saatgut ist nicht nur resistent gegen den Baumwollwurm, sondern auch steril, das heisst, es kann sich nicht vermehren. Wird das Saatgut wie von Monsanto geplant vermarktet, können die Bauern nicht mehr, der Tradition gemäss, einen Teil der Ernte zur Wiederaussaat zurückbehalten. Statt dessen müssen sie neues Saatgut von Monsanto kaufen und verschulden sich damit weiter. « Gleichzeitig mit der Biodiversität wird auch die Sicherheit der Nahrungsmittelversorgung beendet », erklärt ein Aktivist von KRRS.
Gegen diese Gefahr, die Abhängigkeit und die Umgehung jahrhundertealter Traditionen wehren sich die Bauernbewegungen. Gleichzeitig bilden ihre Proteste den Auftakt zu einer Kampagne der direkten Aktion gegen Konzerne, die in die Biotechnologie investieren. Das Ziel besteht darin, die Multis zum Verlassen des Landes zu zwingen und gleichzeitig zu internationalem Widerstand aufzurufen.

... mehr auf den Websiten http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/icc/icc-dui/KRRS-dui.htm

Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner

Wunderwaffe des Tages

Kommentar Harald Neuber

US-Mikrowellenkanone gegen Aufständische und Demonstranten im Test

Nach und nach entpuppt sich der Irak-Krieg als gigantisches Experimentierfeld für Washingtons Rüstungsindustrie. Wie die US-amerikanische Militärzeitschrift Stars and Stripes in ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe berichtet, sollen bis zum kommenden Sommer vier bis sechs neuartige Strahlenkanonen in das besetzte Land geschafft werden. Auf Geländewagen montierte Antennen werden dort bei Bedarf Mikrowellen mit einer Frequenz von 95 Gigaherz abstrahlen, die knapp einen Millimeter in die Haut eindringen. Eingesetzt werden soll die neue Wunderwaffe gegen Demonstranten und Aufständische. Von den Strahlen getroffen, verspürten die einen unerträglichen Schmerz und liefen auseinander. Gesundheitlich sei dies völlig ungefährlich, wie Militärs versichern. Soweit die Theorie. Die Praxis könnte anders aussehen.

Tatsächlich verfügt das »Büro für eine Transformation der Streitkräfte« der US-Armee über keine Langzeitstudie, die über gesundheitliche Folgeschäden Aufschluß gibt. So geht es dann auch im Irak nicht um den Einsatz »humaner« oder »nichttödlicher« Waffen, sondern um systematische Feldversuche. Darstellungen der Entwickler über die Unbedenklichkeit der Systeme sind keinen Pfifferling wert. Schließlich wurde auch zu Beginn des Vietnamkrieges versichert, daß der Einsatz des Entlaubungsmittels Agent Orange völlig unbedenklich sei. Doch bis heute werden in Vietnam durch die Verseuchungen mißgebildete Kinder geboren. Kein US-amerikanischer Militär wurde dafür je zur Verantwortung gezogen.

Wie damals in Vietnam nutzt die nationale Rüstungsindustrie die US-Gewaltherrschaft im Irak für Menschenversuche. Wie Stars and Stripes in einem Nebensatz erwähnt, sind bereits jetzt zahlreiche weitere sogenannte nichttödliche Waffen mit akustischer und optischer Wirkung in Irak im Einsatz. Bestehen sie die »Probezeit« nicht, wird die Öffentlichkeit wohl erst in Jahren oder Jahrzehnten über die Folgen informiert. Spätestens dann, wenn keiner der Verantwortlichen mehr belangt werden kann.

© junge welt


Nachricht von Knut W. Schlanert

Inverssuche beunruhigt Daten- und Verbraucherschützer

Telekommunikation: Telefonnummer wird zum Schlüssel für Name und Anschrift

VDI nachrichten, Bonn, 24. 9. 04

Ab Oktober verraten Telefon-Auskunftsdienste zur Telefonnummer den zugehörigen Namen samt Anschrift. Telefonkunden haben nur noch wenige Tage, um bei ihren Festnetz- und Mobilfunk-Anbietern für den Start Widerspruch einzulegen.

Wo wohnt der Tierfreund, der seine entlaufene Katze per Straßenaushang sucht? Und wo wohnt der Inserent, der nun seinen Mercedes SL verkaufen will? Bislang durften die Telefongesellschaften auf solche Fragen keine Auskunft geben. Doch das neue Telekommunikationsgesetz erlaubt nun die Inverssuche unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen. Sie kann über Telefonauskünfte, über CD-Roms oder Verzeichnisse im Internet erfolgen.

Nicht nur für ehrliche Finder, sondern auch für vorausschauende Diebe dürfte die Auskunft von Name und Adresse des Telefonkunden nützlich sein. Während Privatpersonen sich Sorgen um ihre Privatsphäre machen, werden Berufsgruppen wie Journalisten, Privatdetektive und Marketingprofis von dem neuen Service profitieren.

Die Auskunftsdienste Telix, Infoportal und Telegate haben bereits angekündigt, die Inverssuche ab Oktober anzubieten. Auch der CD-Rom-Anbieter Klicktel will im 4. Quartal eine CD-Rom herausgeben, die die Inverssuche ermöglicht. Wenn ein Suchender anhand einer Telefonnummer den Namen und die Anschrift des Rufnummern-Inhabers erfragt, ist es gleichgültig, zu welchem Zweck er diese persönlichen Daten nutzen will.

Daten- und Verbraucherschützer warnen allerdings vor Missbrauch der Inverssuche und raten Telefonkunden, genau zu prüfen, ob sie die neue Möglichkeit zulassen wollen. Der Bundesdatenbeauftragte Peter Schaar weist auf die rechtlichen Vorgaben hin, die erfüllt sein müssen, bevor ein solcher Dienst angeboten werden darf: "Eine solche Inverssuche ist nur dann erlaubt, wenn der Kunde im Telefonbuch oder einem öffentlichen elektronischen Kundenverzeichnis eingetragen ist und gegen eine Inverssuche keinen Widerspruch eingelegt hat."

Jeder Diensteanbieter muss seine Kunden auf dieses Widerspruchsrecht hinweisen. Helga Zander-Hayat, Telekommunikationsjuristin der Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen, ergänzt: "Bei der Inverssuche dürfen Angaben zum Beruf oder zu Branchen, die ebenfalls in Teilnehmerverzeichnissen stehen, nicht genannt werden."

Allgemein gilt: Wer bislang nicht in den Telefonbüchern oder öffentlichen elektronischen Kundenverzeichnissen verzeichnet war, wird über die Inverssuche auch nicht gefunden.

VDI nachrichten, Bonn, 24. 9. 04 - Ab Oktober verraten Telefon-Auskunftsdienste zur Telefonnummer den zugehörigen Namen samt Anschrift. Telefonkunden haben nur noch wenige Tage, um bei ihren Festnetz- und Mobilfunk-Anbietern für den Start Widerspruch einzulegen.

Zahlreiche Telekom-Kunden erhielten schon im Juni ein Schreiben, das auf die Neuerung hinwies. Vier Wochen hatten sie Zeit, um die Inverssuche zu sperren, damit die Daten keinesfalls an die Auskunftsdienste weitergegeben werden. Diese Frist verlängerte die T-Com bis zum 27. September stillschweigend. Am 30. September stellt der T-Com-Redaktionsdienst, der die Telefondaten aller Netzbetreiber erhält, die Daten den Auskunftsdiensten zur Verfügung.

Verpasst ein Kunde die Frist, sei dies, sagte T-Com-Sprecher Rüdiger Gräve den VDI nachrichten, nur bei den CD-Rom-Auskunftsdiensten kritisch, da alle anderen Auskunftsdienste täglich aktualisiert werden. Allerdings ändern sich bei CD-Roms jährlich 30 % der Datensätze. Eine Auskunfts-CD-Rom ist daher für ihre Nutzer nur von zeitlich begrenztem Nutzen. Während die Deutsche Telekom mit ihrem Auskunftsdienst die Inverssuche generell ermöglicht, will der Telefonanbieter ISIS die Daten seiner Kunden grundsätzlich nicht an Auskunftsdienste freigeben, außer wenn der Kunde dies gestattet.


Widerspruch einlegen

Grundsätzlich kann ein Telefonkunde die Inverssuche jederzeit sperren lassen. Telekom-Kunden können die Nummer 013 75/10 33 00 für 12 Cent pro Verbindung anzurufen, um ihre Nummer für die Inverssuche sperren zu lassen. Bei ISDN-Anschlüssen werden sämtliche zum Anschluss gehörigen Nummern gesperrt. Widerspruch ist auch per Brief oder Fax möglich. Vodafone-Kunden müssen eine auf der Vodafone-Website erhältliche Widerspruchserklärung ausfüllen und an den Anbieter faxen. csh



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