
Reality is unravelling for Bush

Even negative attacks on Kerry no longer seem to be working...


The Economic Colonization of Iraq: Illegal and Immoral

The Bush Administration is using the military invasion and occupation of Iraq to advance a corporate globalization agenda that is illegal under international law...


From Information Clearing House

Iraqi Civilian War Casulties

Covering the period of March 21 - July 31, 2003:

Each one of these thousands has a life, memories, hopes. Each one had his moments of sadness, moments of joy and moments of love. In respect to their sacred memory, I would appreciate it if you could spend some minutes reading the database file: read their names, and their personal details, and think about them as human beings, friends, and relatives -- not mere figures and numbers...


Pictures Of The Fallen

These photos were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act

Torture: Bush Reaps What Kennedy Sowed

New photos of American soldiers raping and killing Iraqis will likely emerge in the coming days, as Secretary Rumsfeld obliquely warned us weeks ago. Far more graphic than any images we have yet seen, they will again drag Team Bush through the mud, further mocking their claims to uphold human rights and mucking up their celebration of "Iraqi sovereignty."...


A young soldier's last battle

One U.S. death in Iraq shows the heartbreak behind headlines

From Information Clearing House

You've got a credibility problem, Mr. President

Iraq Trust Gap

A time comes in most administrations when supporters tell the president he has a problem. We find ourselves in that position with President Bush and the war in Iraq. We supported his presidential candidacy. We backed the war in Iraq. But we now wonder: What happened?...



Speech Delivered by Vice President Al Gore

Fenton Communications, 202-822-5200

Thursday, June 24, 2004, 12:30pm

Georgetown University Law Center

When we Americans first began, our biggest danger was clearly in view: we knew from the bitter experience with King George III that the most serious threat to democracy is usually the accumulation of too much power in the hands of an Executive, whether he be a King or a president. Our ingrained American distrust of concentrated power has very little to do with the character or persona of the individual who wields that power. It is the power itself that must be constrained, checked, dispersed and carefully balanced, in order to ensure the survival of freedom. In addition, our founders taught us that public fear is the most dangerous enemy of democracy because under the right circumstances it can trigger the temptation of those who govern themselves to surrender that power to someone who promises strength and offers safety, security and freedom from fear.

It is an extraordinary blessing to live in a nation so carefully designed to protect individual liberty and safeguard self-governance and free communication. But if George Washington could see the current state of his generation’s handiwork and assess the quality of our generation’s stewardship at the beginning of this twenty-first century, what do you suppose he would think about the proposition that our current president claims the unilateral right to arrest and imprison American citizens indefinitely without giving them the right to see a lawyer or inform their families of their whereabouts, and without the necessity of even charging them with any crime. All that is necessary, according to our new president is that he – the president – label any citizen an “unlawful enemy combatant,” and that will be sufficient to justify taking away that citizen’s liberty – even for the rest of his life, if the president so chooses. And there is no appeal.

What would Thomas Jefferson think of the curious and discredited argument from our Justice Department that the president may authorize what plainly amounts to the torture of prisoners – and that any law or treaty, which attempts to constrain his treatment of prisoners in time of war is itself a violation of the constitution our founders put together.

What would Benjamin Franklin think of President Bush’s assertion that he has the inherent power – even without a declaration of war by the Congress – to launch an invasion of any nation on Earth, at any time he chooses, for any reason he wishes, even if that nation poses no imminent threat to the United States.

How long would it take James Madison to dispose of our current President’s recent claim, in Department of Justice legal opinions, that he is no longer subject to the rule of law so long as he is acting in his role as Commander in Chief.

I think it is safe to say that our founders would be genuinely concerned about these recent developments in American democracy and that they would feel that we are now facing a clear and present danger that has the potential to threaten the future of the American experiment.

Shouldn’t we be equally concerned? And shouldn’t we ask ourselves how we have come to this point?

Even though we are now attuned to orange alerts and the potential for terrorist attacks, our founders would almost certainly caution us that the biggest threat to the future of the America we love is still the endemic challenge that democracies have always faced whenever they have appeared in history – a challenge rooted in the inherent difficulty of self governance and the vulnerability to fear that is part of human nature. Again, specifically, the biggest threat to America is that we Americans will acquiesce in the slow and steady accumulation of too much power in the hands of one person.

Having painstakingly created the intricate design of America, our founders knew intimately both its strengths and weaknesses, and during their debates they not only identified the accumulation of power in the hands of the executive as the long-term threat which they considered to be the most serious, but they also worried aloud about one specific scenario in which this threat might become particularly potent – that is, when war transformed America’s president into our commander in chief, they worried that his suddenly increased power might somehow spill over its normal constitutional boundaries and upset the delicate checks and balances they deemed so crucial to the maintenance of liberty.

That is precisely why they took extra care to parse the war powers in the constitution, assigning the conduct of war and command of the troops to the president, but retaining for the Congress the crucial power of deciding whether or not, and when, our nation might decide to go war.

Indeed, this limitation on the power of the executive to make war was seen as crucially important. James Madison wrote in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, “The constitution supposes, what the history of all governments demonstrates, that the Executive is the branch of power most interested in war, and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care, vested the question of war in the legislature.”

In more recent decades, the emergence of new weapons that virtually eliminate the period of time between the decision to go to war and the waging of war have naturally led to a reconsideration of the exact nature of the executive’s war-making power. But the practicalities of modern warfare which necessarily increase the war powers of the President at the expense of Congress do not render moot the concerns our founders had so long ago that the making of war by the president – when added to his other powers – carries with it the potential for unbalancing the careful design of our constitution, and in the process, threatening our liberty.

They were greatly influenced – far more than we can imagine – by a careful reading of the history and human dramas surrounding the democracies of ancient Greece and the Roman republic. They knew, for example, that democracy disappeared in Rome when Caesar crossed the Rubicon in violation of the Senate’s long prohibition against a returning general entering the city while still in command of military forces. Though the Senate lingered in form and was humored for decades, when Caesar impoliticly combined his military commander role with his chief executive role, the Senate – and with it the Republic – withered away. And then for all intents and purposes, the great dream of democracy disappeared from the face of the Earth for seventeen centuries, until its rebirth in our land.

Symbolically, President Bush has been attempting to conflate his commander-in-chief role and his head of government role to maximize the power people are eager to give those who promise to defend them against active threats. But as he does so, we are witnessing some serious erosion of the checks and balances that have always maintained a healthy democracy in America.

In Justice Jackson’s famous concurring opinion in the Youngstown Steel case in the 1950’s, the single most important Supreme Court case on the subject of what powers are inherent to the commander in chief in a time of war, he wrote, “The example of such unlimited executive power that must have most impressed the forefathers was the prerogative exercised by George III, and the description of its evils in the declaration of independence leads me to doubt that they created their new Executive in their image…and if we seek instruction from our own times, we can match it only from the Executive governments we disparagingly describe as totalitarian.”

I am convinced that our founders would counsel us today that the greatest challenge facing our republic is not terrorism but how we react to terrorism, and not war, but how we manage our fears and achieve security without losing our freedom. I am also convinced that they would warn us that democracy itself is in grave danger if we allow any president to use his role as commander in chief to rupture the careful balance between the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches of government. Our current president has gone to war and has come back into “the city” and declared that our nation is now in a permanent state of war, which he says justifies his reinterpretation of the Constitution in ways that increase his personal power at the expense of Congress, the courts, and every individual citizen.

We must surrender some of our traditional American freedoms, he tells us, so that he may have sufficient power to protect us against those who would do us harm. Public fear remains at an unusually high level almost three years after we were attacked on September 11th, 2001. In response to those devastating attacks, the president properly assumed his role as commander in chief and directed a military invasion of the land in which our attackers built their training camps, were harbored and planned their assault. But just as the tide of battle was shifting decisively in our favor, the commander in chief made a controversial decision to divert a major portion of our army to invade another country that, according to the best evidence compiled in a new, exhaustive, bi-partisan study, posed no imminent threat to us and had nothing to do with the attack against us.

As the main body of our troops were redeployed for the new invasion, those who organized the attacks against us escaped and many of them are still at large. Indeed, their overall numbers seem to have grown considerably because our invasion of the country that did not pose any imminent threat to us was perceived in their part of the world as a gross injustice, and the way in which we have conducted that war further fueled a sense of rage against the United States in those lands and, according to several studies, has stimulated a wave of new recruits for the terrorist group that attacked us and still wishes us harm.

A little over a year ago, when we launched the war against this second country, Iraq, President Bush repeatedly gave our people the clear impression that Iraq was an ally and partner to the terrorist group that attacked us, al Qaeda, and not only provided a geographic base for them but was also close to providing them weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear bombs. But now the extensive independent investigation by the bipartisan commission formed to study the 9/11 attacks has just reported that there was no meaningful relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda of any kind. And, of course, over the course of this past year we had previously found out that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So now, the President and the Vice President are arguing with this commission, and they are insisting that the commission is wrong and they are right, and that there actually was a working co-operation between Iraq and al Qaeda.

The problem for the President is that he doesn’t have any credible evidence to support his claim, and yet, in spite of that, he persists in making that claim vigorously. So I would like to pause for a moment to address the curious question of why President Bush continues to make this claim that most people know is wrong. And I think it’s particularly important because it is closely connected to the questions of constitutional power with which I began this speech, and will profoundly affect how that power is distributed among our three branches of government.

To begin with, our founders wouldn’t be the least bit surprised at what the modern public opinion polls all tell us about why it’s so important particularly for President Bush to keep the American people from discovering that what he told them about the linkage between Iraq and al Qaeda isn’t true. Among these Americans who still believe there is a linkage, there remains very strong support for the President’s decision to invade Iraq. But among those who accept the commission’s detailed finding that there is no connection, support for the war in Iraq dries up pretty quickly.

And that’s understandable, because if Iraq had nothing to do with the attack or the organization that attacked us, then that means the President took us to war when he didn’t have to. Almost nine hundred of our soldiers have been killed, and almost five thousand have been wounded.

Thus, for all these reasons, President Bush and Vice President Cheney have decided to fight to the rhetorical death over whether or not there’s a meaningful connection between Iraq and al Qaeda. They think that if they lose that argument and people see the truth, then they’ll not only lose support for the controversial decision to go to war, but also lose some of the new power they’ve picked up from the Congress and the courts, and face harsh political consequences at the hands of the American people. As a result, President Bush is now intentionally misleading the American people by continuing to aggressively and brazenly assert a linkage between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

If he is not lying, if they genuinely believe that, that makes them unfit in battle with al Qaeda. If they believe these flimsy scraps, then who would want them in charge? Are they too dishonest or too gullible? Take your pick.

But the truth is gradually emerging in spite of the President’s determined dissembling. Listen, for example, to this editorial from the Financial Times: “There was nothing intrinsically absurd about the WMD fears, or ignoble about the opposition to Saddam’s tyranny – however late Washington developed this. The purported link between Baghdad and al Qaeda, by contrast, was never believed by anyone who knows Iraq and the region. It was and is nonsense.”

Of course the first rationale presented for the war was to destroy Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, which turned out not to exist. Then the rationale was to liberate Iraqis and the Middle East from tyranny, but our troops were not greeted with the promised flowers and are now viewed as an occupying force by 92% of Iraqis, while only 2% see them as liberators.

But right from the start, beginning very soon after the attacks of 9/11, President Bush made a decision to start mentioning Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the same breath in a cynical mantra designed to fuse them together as one in the public’s mind. He repeatedly used this device in a highly disciplined manner to create a false impression in the minds of the American people that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. Usually he was pretty tricky in his exact wording. Indeed, Bush’s consistent and careful artifice is itself evidence that he knew full well that he was telling an artful and important lie -- visibly circumnavigating the truth over and over again as if he had practiced how to avoid encountering the truth. But as I will document in a few moments, he and Vice President Cheney also sometimes departed from their tricky wording and resorted to statements were clearly outright falsehoods. In any case, by the time he was done, public opinion polls showed that fully 70% of the American people had gotten the message he wanted them to get, and had been convinced that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

The myth that Iraq and al Qaeda were working together was no accident – the President and Vice President deliberately ignored warnings before the war from international intelligence services, the CIA, and their own Pentagon that the claim was false. Europe’s top terrorism investigator said in 2002, "We have found no evidence of links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. If there were such links, we would have found them. But we have found no serious connections whatsoever.” A classified October 2002 CIA report given to the White House directly undercut the Iraq-al Qaeda claim. Top officials in the Pentagon told reporters in 2002 that the rhetoric being used by President Bush and Vice President Cheney was “an exaggeration.”

And at least some honest voices within the President’s own party admitted as such. Senator Chuck Hagel, a decorated war hero who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, said point blank, "Saddam is not in league with al Qaeda…I have not seen any intelligence that would lead me to connect Saddam Hussein with al Qaeda."

But those voices did not stop the deliberate campaign to mislead America. Over the course of a year, the President and Vice President used carefully crafted language to scare Americans into believing there was an imminent threat from an Iraq-armed al Qaeda.

In the fall of 2002, the President told the country “You can't distinguish between al-Qaeda and Saddam” and that the “true threat facing our country is an al Qaeda-type network trained and armed by Saddam.” At the same time, Vice President Cheney was repeating his claim that “there is overwhelming evidence there was a connection between al Qaeda and the Iraqi government.”

By the Spring, Secretary of State Powell was in front of the United Nations claiming a “sinister nexus between Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.”

But after the invasion, no ties were found. In June of 2003, the United Nations Security Council’s al Qaeda monitoring agency told reporters his extensive investigation had found no evidence linking the Iraqi regime to al Qaeda. By August, three former Bush administration national security and intelligence officials admitted that the evidence used to make the Iraq-al Qaeda claim was “tenuous, exaggerated and often at odds with the conclusion of key intelligence agencies.” And earlier this year, Knight-Ridder newspapers reported “Senior U.S. officials now say there never was any evidence” of a connection.

So when the bipartisan 9/11 commission issued its report finding “no credible evidence” of an Iraq-al Qaeda connection, it should not have caught the White House off guard. Yet instead of the candor Americans need and deserve from their leaders, there have been more denials and more insistence without evidence. Vice President Cheney insisted even this week that “there clearly was a relationship” and that there is “overwhelming evidence.” Even more shocking, Cheney offered this disgraceful question: “Was Iraq involved with al-Qaeda in the attack on 9/11? We don’t know.” He then claimed that he “probably” had more information than the commission, but has so far refused to provide anything to the commission other than more insults.

The President was even more brazen. He dismissed all questions about his statements by saying “The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda, because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda.” He provided no evidence.

Friends of the administration tried mightily to rehabilitate their cherished but shattered linkage. John Lehman, one of the Republicans on the commission, offered what sounded like new evidence that a Saddam henchman had attended an Al Qaeda meeting. But within hours, the commissions files yielded definitive evidence that it was another man with a similar name – ironically capturing the near-miss quality of Bush’s entire symbolic argument.

They have such an overwhelming political interest in sustaining the belief in the minds of the American people that Hussein was in partnership with bin Laden that they dare not admit the truth lest they look like complete fools for launching our country into a reckless, discretionary war against a nation that posed no immediate threat to us whatsoever. But the damage they have done to our country is not limited to misallocation of military economic political resources. Whenever a chief executive spends prodigious amounts of energy convincing people of lies, he damages the fabric of democracy, and the belief in the fundamental integrity of our self-government.

That creates a need for control over the flood of bad news, bad policies and bad decisions also explains their striking attempts to control news coverage.

To take the most recent example, Vice President Cheney was clearly ready to do battle with the news media when he went on CNBC earlier this week to attack news coverage of the 9/11 Commission’s conclusion that Iraq did not work with Al Qaeda. He lashed out at the New York Times for having the nerve to print a headline saying the 9/11 commission “finds no Qaeda-Iraq Tie” – a clear statement of the obvious – and said there is no “fundamental split here now between what the president said and what the commission said.” He tried to deny that he had personally been responsible for helping to create the false impression of linkage between Al Qaeda and Iraq.

Ironically, his interview ended up being fodder for the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Stewart played Cheney’s outright denial that he had ever said that representatives of Al Qaeda and Iraqi intelligence met in Prague. Then Stewart froze Cheney’s image and played the exact video clip in which Cheney had indeed directly claimed linkage between the two, catching him on videotape in a lie. At that point Stewart said, addressing himself to Cheney’s frozen image on the television screen, “It’s my duty to inform you that your pants are on fire.”

Dan Rather says that post-9/11 patriotism has stifled journalists from asking government officials “the toughest of the tough questions.” Rather went so far as to compare Administration efforts to intimidate the press to “necklacing” in apartheid South Africa, while acknowledging it as “an obscene comparison.” “The fear is that you will be necklaced here (in the U.S.), you will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck,” Rather explained. It was CBS, remember, that withheld the Abu Ghraib photographs from the American people for two weeks at the request of the Bush Administration.

Donald Rumsfeld has said that criticism of the Administration’s policy “makes it complicated and more difficult” to fight the war. CNN’s Christiane Amanpour said on CNBC last September, “I think the press was muzzled and I think the press self-muzzled. I’m sorry to say but certainly television, and perhaps to a certain extent my station, was intimidated by the Administration.”

The Administration works closely with a network of “rapid response” digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for “undermining support for our troops.” Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist, was one of the first journalists to regularly expose the President’s consistent distortions of the facts. Krugman writes, “Let’s not overlook the role of intimidation. After 9/11, if you were thinking of saying anything negative of the President…you had to expect right-wing pundits and publications to do all they could to ruin your reputation.

Bush and Cheney are spreading purposeful confusion while punishing reporters who stand in the way. It is understandably difficult for reporters and journalistic institutions to resist this pressure, which, in the case of individual journalists, threatens their livelihoods, and in the case of the broadcasters can lead to other forms of economic retribution. But resist they must, because without a press able to report “without fear or favor” our democracy will disappear.

Recently, the media has engaged in some healthy self-criticism of the way it allowed the White House to mislead the public into war under false pretenses. We are dependent on the media, especially the broadcast media, to never let this happen again. We must help them resist this pressure for everyone’s sake, or we risk other wrong-headed decisions based upon false and misleading impressions.

We are left with an unprecedented, high-intensity conflict every single day between the ideological illusions upon which this administration’s policies have been based and the reality of the world in which the American people live their lives.

When you boil it all down to precisely what went wrong with the Bush Iraq policy, it is actually fairly simple: he adopted an ideologically driven view of Iraq that was tragically at odds with reality. Everything that has gone wrong is in one way or another the result of a spectacular and violent clash between the bundle of misconceptions that he gullibly consumed and the all-too-painful reality that our troops and contractors and diplomats and taxpayers have encountered. Of course, there have been several other collisions between President Bush’s ideology and America’s reality. To take the most prominent example, the transformation of a $5 trillion surplus into a $4 trillion deficit is in its own way just as spectacular a miscalculation as the Iraq war.

But there has been no more bizarre or troubling manifestation of how seriously off track this President’s policies have taken America than the two profound shocks to our nation’s conscience during the last month. First came the extremely disturbing pictures that document strange forms of physical and sexual abuse – and even torture and murder – by some of our soldiers against people they captured as prisoners in Iraq. And then, the second shock came just last week, with strange and perverted legal memoranda from inside the administration, which actually sought to justify torture and to somehow provide a legal rationale for bizarre and sadistic activities conducted in the name of the American people, which, according to any reasonable person, would be recognized as war crimes. In making their analysis, the administration lawyers concluded that the President, whenever he is acting in his role as commander in chief, is above and immune from the “rule of law.” At least we don’t have to guess what our founders would have to say about this bizarre and un-American theory.

By the middle of this week, the uproar caused by the disclosure of this legal analysis had forced the administration to claim they were throwing the memo out and it was, “irrelevant and overbroad.” But no one in the administration has said that the reasoning was wrong. And in fact, a DOJ spokesman says they stand by the tortured definition of torture. In addition the broad analysis regarding the commander-in-chief powers has not been disavowed. And the view of the memo – that it was within commander-in-chief power to order any interrogation techniques necessary to extract information – most certainly contributed to the atmosphere that led to the atrocities committed against the Iraqis at Abu Ghraib. We also know that President Bush rewarded the principle author of this legal monstrosity with a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals. President Bush, meanwhile, continues to place the blame for the horrific consequences of his morally obtuse policies on the young privates and corporals and sergeants who may well be culpable as individuals for their actions, but who were certainly not responsible for the policies which set up the Bush Gulag and led to America’s strategic catastrophe in Iraq.

I call on the administration to disclose all its interrogation policies, including those used by the military in Iraq and Afghanistan and those employed by the CIA at its secret detention centers outside the U.S., as well as all the analyses related to the adoption of those policies.

The Bush administration’s objective of establishing U.S. domination over any potential adversary led to the hubristic, tragic miscalculation of the Iraq war, a painful adventure marked by one disaster after another based on one mistaken assumption after another. But the people who paid the price have been the U.S. soldiers trapped over there and the Iraqis in prison. The top-heavy focus on dominance as a goal for the U.S. role in the world is exactly paralleled in their aspiration for the role of the president to be completely dominant in the constitutional system. Our founders understood even better than Lord Acton the inner meaning of his aphorism that power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely. The goal of dominance necessitates a focus on power. Ironically, all of their didactic messages about how democracies don’t invade other nations fell on their own deaf ears. The pursuit of dominance in foreign and strategic policy led the bush administration to ignore the United nations, do serious damage to our most alliances in the world, violate international law and risk the hatred of the rest of the world. The seductive exercise of unilateral power has led this president to interpret his powers under the constitution in a way that would have been the worst nightmare of our framers.

And the kind of unilateral power he imagines is fools gold in any case. Just as its pursuit in Mesopotamia has led to tragic consequences for our soldiers, the Iraqi people, our alliances, everything we think is important, in the same way the pursuit of a new interpretation of the presidency that weakens the Congress, courts and civil society is not good for either the presidency or the rest of the nation.

If the congress becomes an enfeebled enabler to the executive, and the courts become known for political calculations in their decisions, then the country suffers. The kinds of unnatural, undemocratic activities in which this administration has engaged, in order to aggrandize power, have included censorship of scientific reports, manipulation of budgetary statistics, silencing dissent, and ignoring intelligence. Although there have been other efforts by other presidents to encroach on the legitimate prerogatives of congress and courts, there has never been this kind of systematic abuse of the truth and institutionalization of dishonesty as a routine part of the policy process.

Two hundred and twenty years ago, John Adams wrote, in describing one of America’s most basic founding principles, “The executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them…to the end it may be a government of laws and not of men.”

The last time we had a president who had the idea that he was above the law was when Richard Nixon told an interviewer, “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal… If the president, for example approves something, approves an action because of national security, or, in this case, because of a threat to internal peace and order, of significant order, then the president’s decision in this instance is one that enables those who carry it out to carry it out without violating the law.”

Fortunately for our country, Nixon was forced to resign as President before he could implement his outlandish interpretation of the Constitution, but not before his defiance of the Congress and the courts created a serious constitutional crisis.

The two top Justice Department officials under President Nixon, Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshaus, turned out to be men of great integrity, and even though they were loyal Republicans, they were more loyal to the constitution and resigned on principle rather than implement what they saw as abuses of power by Nixon. Then Congress, also on a bipartisan basis, bravely resisted Nixon’s abuse of power and launched impeachment proceedings.

In some ways, our current President is actually claiming significantly more extra-constitutional power, vis-à-vis Congress and the courts, than Nixon did. For example, Nixon never claimed that he could imprison American citizens indefinitely without charging them with a crime and without letting the see a lawyer or notify their families. And this time, the attorney general, John Ashcroft, is hardly the kind of man who would resign on principle to impede an abuse of power. In fact, whenever there is an opportunity to abuse power in this administration, Ashcroft seems to be leading the charge. And it is Ashcroft who picked the staff lawyers at Justice responsible for the embarrassing memos justifying and enabling torture.

Moreover, in sharp contrast to the courageous 93rd Congress that saved the country from Richard Nixon’s sinister abuses, the current Congress has virtually abdicated its constitutional role to serve as an independent and coequal branch of government.

Instead, this Republican-led Congress is content, for the most part, to take orders from the President on what they vote for and what they don’t vote for. The Republican leaders of the House and Senate have even started blocking Democrats from attending conference committee meetings, where legislation takes its final form, and instead, they let the President’s staff come to the meetings and write key parts of the laws for them. (Come to think of it, the decline and lack of independence shown by this Congress would shock our founders more than anything else, because they believed that the power of the Congress was the most important check and balance against the unhealthy exercise of too much power by the Executive branch.)

This administration has not been content just to reduce the Congress to subservience. It has also engaged in unprecedented secrecy, denying the American people access to crucial information with which they might hold government officials accountable for their actions, and a systematic effort to manipulate and intimidate the media into presenting a more favorable image of the Administration to the American people.

Listen to what U.S. News and World Report has to say about their secrecy: "The Bush administration has quietly but efficiently dropped a shroud of secrecy across many critical operations of the federal government – cloaking its own affairs from scrutiny and removing from the public domain important information on health, safety, and environmental matters."

Here are just a few examples, and for each one, you have to ask, what are they hiding, and why are they hiding it?

More than 6000 documents have been removed by the Bush Administration from governmental Web sites. To cite only one example, a document on the EPA Web site giving citizens crucial information on how to identify chemical hazards to their families. Some have speculated that the principle threat to the Bush administration is a threat by the chemical hazards if the information remains available to American citizens.

To head off complaints from our nation’s Governors over how much they receive under federal programs, the Bush Administration simply stopped printing the primary state budget report.

To muddy the clear consensus of the scientific community on global warming, the White House directed major changes and deletions to an EPA report that were so egregious that the agency said it was too embarrassed to use the language.

They’ve kept hidden from view Cheney’s ultra-secret energy task force. They have fought a pitched battle in the courts for more than three years to continue denying the American people the ability to know which special interests and lobbyists advised with Vice President Cheney on the design of the new laws.

And when mass layoffs became too embarrassing they simply stopped publishing the regular layoff report that economists and others have been receiving for decades. For this administration, the truth hurts, when the truth is available to the American people. They find bliss in the ignorance of the people. What are they hiding, and why are they hiding it?

In the end, for this administration, it is all about power. This lie about the invented connection between al Qaeda and Iraq was and is the key to justifying the current ongoing Constitutional power grab by the President. So long as their big flamboyant lie remains an established fact in the public’s mind, President Bush will be seen as justified in taking for himself the power to make war on his whim. He will be seen as justified in acting to selectively suspend civil liberties – again on his personal discretion – and he will continue to intimidate the press and thereby distort the political reality experienced by the American people during his bid for re-election.

War is lawful violence, but even in its midst we acknowledge the need for rules. We know that in our wars there have been descents from these standards, often the result of spontaneous anger arising out of the passion of battle. But we have never before, to my knowledge, had a situation in which the framework for this kind of violence has been created by the President, nor have we had a situation where these things were mandated by directives signed by the Secretary of Defense, as it is alleged, and supported by the National Security Advisor.

Always before, we could look to the Chief Executive as the point from which redress would come and law be upheld. That was one of the great prides of our country: humane leadership, faithful to the law. What we have now, however, is the result of decisions taken by a President and an administration for whom the best law is NO law, so long as law threatens to constrain their political will. And where the constraints of law cannot be prevented or eliminated, then they maneuver it to be weakened by evasion, by delay, by hair-splitting, by obstruction, and by failure to enforce on the part of those sworn to uphold the law.

In these circumstances, we need investigation of the facts under oath, and in the face of penalties for evasion and perjury. We need investigation by an aroused congress whose bipartisan members know they stand before the judgment of history. We cannot depend up on a debased department of Justice given over to the hands of zealots. “Congressional oversight” and “special prosecution” are words that should hang in the air. If our honor as a nation is to be restored, it is not by allowing the mighty to shield themselves by bringing the law to bear against their pawns: it is by bringing the law to bear against the mighty themselves. Our dignity and honor as a nation never came from our perfection as a society or as a people: it came from the belief that in the end, this was a country which would pursue justice as the compass pursues the pole: that although we might deviate, we would return and find our path. This is what we must now do.


Informant: Steve Smith

CIA insider says US fighting wrong war



A career CIA officer claims in a new book that America is losing the war on terror, in part because of the invasion of Iraq, which, he says, distracted the United States from the war against terrorism and further fueled al-Qaida's struggle against the United States. The author, who writes as 'Anonymous,' is a 22-year veteran of the CIA and still works for the intelligence agency, which allowed him to publish the book after reviewing it for classified information...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Australia: Media Lies

The role of The Australian newspaper in pushing the war agenda was essential. Like every other Murdoch newspaper around the world, dutifully pushing their master's wishes...


From Information Clearing House

US 'losing fight against terror'

Iraq's alleged links with al-Qaeda were among reasons advanced by the Bush administration for its invasion of Iraq - an operation the book brands as an "avaricious, premeditated, unprovoked war against a foe who posed no immediate threat"...


From Information Clearing House

The predatory policies of the world's de facto government

That the US operates outside the law, as a de facto world ruler, has been amply evident for some time, and is hardly specific to the Bush presidency. No man-made law binds the US military machine and the country's intelligence apparatus...


From Information Clearing House

Human rights fall victim to the "War on Terror"

Governments in the region and the US government have treated nationals and residents of the area with a disturbing disregard for the rule of law and fundamental human rights standards...


From Information Clearing House

Blair Criticises US War Prosecutions Immunity Bid

American efforts to protect its soldiers from international prosecution for war crimes were attacked as “misjudged” by the Prime Minister today...


Saudi Shiite leader recounts ordeal at Abu Ghraib

A Saudi just freed from Iraq’s infamous Abu Ghraib prison said in remarks published on Wednesday he had seen prisoners tortured and others die from lack of medical treatment or from shelling of the facility...


Bush reserved right to torture

President Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture laws and treaties covering prisoners of war after the invasion of Afghanistan, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorized guards to strip detainees and threaten them with dogs, documents released yesterday show....


From Information Clearing House

The pretence of an independent Iraq

The new government has a few cards in its hands, but the resistance to the occupation is growing...


From Information Clearing House

Petition Requesting Support of Environmental Illnesses

Hello everyone,

A bunch of us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MCS-Canada/
have created the petition below to ask the leaders of all the Canadian political parties to pledge to support and work on issues on behalf of us with Environmental Illnesses. If you agree with what is written and would like to participate with the petition please do the following:

Copy and paste the petition into a new email

Add your name, city and province

Send it back to me at the email address listed ( poulin@isp.com )

Please feel free to forward it on to other Canadian MCSers as well and have them follow the same procedure.

I will collate the info onto one or several pages so all the information is together and then send the completed petition to the national headquarters for each of the political parties. Please respond ASAP so we can get this out to the parties and get their response before the election.

Thank you.
Bonita Poulin

Petition Requesting Support of Environmental Illnesses

We, the undersigned, are a group of Canadians injured by the toxic effects of chemicals and are connected with many more such groups. According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, approximately 12-15% of the populations of industrialized countries suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity a.k.a. chemically induced illnesses, diseases and injury, a condition in which they experience severe adverse reactions from exposures to tens of thousands of common toxic and neuro-toxic chemicals which are now ubiquitous in our society.

We would like to throw our support behind a political party that will recognize and help those disabled by Environmental Illnesses, especially Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia. These emerging illnesses are poorly recognized and understood by mainstream medicine. There are few diagnostic tests and treatments and those of us afflicted have been fighting an uphill battle to get proper diagnosis, health care, safe temporary and permanent housing, accommodation in the workplace and accessibility to public places. Specifically this is what we need:

a) Recognition of Environmental Illness and related emerging illnesses by mainstream medicine, Health Canada, Insurance Companies and Provincial Health Care Plans. This would include funding for research on these illnesses that has not been addressed by pharmaceutical companies.

b) Supporting the right of Canadians to have access to cost effective, alternative health care treatments, natural medicines such as vitamins and supplements as well as safe foods free from pesticides, hormones and Genetic Modification such as by supporting and passing into law bills like Greg Thompson's Bill C-416.

c) Both temporary and permanent safe, low cost housing options for people with Environmental Illness and especially Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.

d) Good environmental policies and the willingness to support issues such as pesticide bans and laying fines against environmental polluters, creating cleaner air for all Canadians.

e) Consideration of chemical sensitivities in issues of access to public places, accommodation in the workplace and support for caregivers.

If you are willing to pledge to support and work on these issues on behalf of us with Environmental Illnesses, we will support you publicly in the upcoming election campaign. Please reply to poulin@isp.com

Name City & Province

Bonita Poulin
Brockville, Ont.
June 16, 2004

Informant: Deborah Barrie

World Bank ignores own analysis

Don't make the effort to tell the World Bank what it got wrong. They know it since ages - and just love to read your valuable comments, while relaxing in the Bahamas. So don't waist your time and money by giving them your good advice, as they request (during a laughable 30 day period at:


they just would be happy that they had forestalled all your arguments already and in any case just like to know - free of charge of course - how far they could go in their continued robbing frenzy!

But make the following efforts:
a) Indigenous peoples: Initiate a vote of No Confidence in parliament, wherever a national government continues to dish out your country and/or assets and money to the WB or its so called affiliates!

b) Local communities: Don't allow any World Bank official or agent into your area.

c) Consumers: Boycott any World Bank financed project (even if it comes as "money for the poor!" (like the micro-credit scams) or "money for the environment!" (like the GEF-scams). Don't forget all this money comes at a price ! - and that price you and your children will have to pay ! Watch out – already many NGOs are in the pocket of the WB!

d) Workers (manual or academic): Don't seek employment with the WB or in WB financed projects - you might get some of the looted money, but your children and fellow humans have to pay for it by being robbed or enslaved.

World Bank ignores own analysis

Indigenous peoples and local communities not even recognized as equal partners ! Neo-colonial business as usual ! World Bank in new robbing frenzy !

Last Friday the long expected answer by the World Bank management to the Extractive Industries Review (EIR) for the sectors of oil, gas, mining and chemicals production was made publicly available. See:


The EIR, a report commissioned by the World Bank itself, has examined the role of the World Bank in the raw material sector and found serious flaws in World Bank's policy as well as with the management of its programs and projects.

But, as can be seen in the report itself


the World Bank wants to continue as before. This is nothing new, since the World Bank also flawed other attempts to improve it in terms of its social and environmental responsibility in other sectors, like forestry or agriculture, where the WB, instead of improving the situation for the peasants and consumers at present is investing strongly in Genetic Engineering (GE), which is masterminded by the transnational corporations.

Non-Governmental Organizations the world over are disappointed and angry about the answers given by the World Bank to this report. Though the EIR has clearly determined that the raw material sector is not able to reduce poverty as long as certain minimum requirements are not fulfilled, the World Bank just wants to continue like before and ignores the results of its own analysis. While a short while ago the World Bank admitted that 20 years of their "work" had not helped Africa, today they present themselves with slimy words again as good-doers since 60 years, which were 60 years of robbing nations and peoples and people of their assets !

The biggest shame: The WB is not even willing to take up core issues of the EIR recommendations, like the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples to refuse or to agree to WB projects. "Consultation" is the only level they want to commit themselves to in the interaction with local people. This means as before: They allow you to speak, but you have no right to decide - and this in your own house and concerning the assets of your own territories !

The diplomatic language and insulting rhetoric used in the response by the World Bank intends to blur the clear view of the observer, but it can not hide that the envisaged hardly differs from the current policy and thereby does not meet in any way the EIR recommendations. Thereby the World Bank finally terminates its socially justified work-permit and underdeveloped as well as the developing countries should follow swift by terminating their stay. The World Bank must not any longer be allowed to operate outside the G8 countries - let them play with each other.

The World Bank also rejects another EIR recommendation, whereby the WB would have to withdraw until 2008 from the oil sector, since it has been proven that the poor of a country never benefited from such activities. Already at the much-celebrated renewable energies conference in Bonn / Germany this year, the World Bank had been criticized for their halfhearted announcements concerning the promotion of renewable energies. With "business as usual" and how it is presented now again by the WB nothing will change. The poor, which allegedly are placed at the "heart" of the World Bank, are still only there to serve the bankers and other robber clans of the taker societies and because the megalomaniac G8+1 need them to survive only under the condition to surrender their assets and to work for them.

Maybe you just can tell the World Bank to bugger off:



US Senate to remain silent on abuse


Informant: Heidi Chesney

"Arbeitsmarktreform" rückabwickeln


Sozialforum Witten

Mieterforum Ruhr


Kurth rechnet mit Verdrängungen arbeitsloser Mieter
Mietervereine und Sozialforum fordern: "Arbeitsmarktreform" rückabwickeln!

Mieterforum Ruhr hat heute die Bundestagsabeordneten von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Markus Kurth (Dortmund, Sozialpolitischer Sprecher der Fraktion) und Imingard-Schewe Gerigk (Herdecke), aufgefordert, die Hartz IV-"Reformen" für gescheitert zu erklären und sich für die sofortige Rückabwicklung einzusetzen, damit die Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfezahlungen auch nach dem 31.12.2004 garantiert sind. Das Sozialforum Witten hat sich angeschlossen. "Die Umsetzung dieses im Ansatz verfehlten und in der Umsetzung vermurksten Schreckenspakets ist nicht zu verantworten", betonen beide Bündnisse.

Auf einer Fachveranstaltung der Grünen in Witten räumte Markus Kurth ein, dass mit der Übertragung bisheriger Sozialhilferegeln auf die Arbeitslosenhilfeempfänger eine massive Vertreibung der arbeitslosen Mieter einsetzen könne. Die Kommunen könnten aber durch eine sensible Politik einer Getto-Bildung entgegenwirken.

Kommunalbeamte betonten, dass dafür keinerlei finanzieller Spielraum bestehe. Das Sozialhilferechtsprechung eröffne die Möglichkeit von Leistungskürzungen, wenn die höhere Wohnkosten als in den kommunalen Regelen festgesetzt nicht (durch Umzug) gesenkt würden. Es gebe zwar wahrscheinlich nicht genügend billige Wohnungen, trotzdem werde es zu Kürzungen kommen.

Kurth erinnerte die Kommunen an ihre Verantwortung für die soziale Nachhaltigkeit. Derartige Maßnahmen könnten zu Obdachlosigkeit, Schwarzarbeit und sogar Kriminalität führen. Die Folgekosten für die Kommunen (!) seien dann immens.

Das Arbeitsministrium hatte zuvor in einem Schreiben mitgeteilt, dass es nicht beabsichtige von der Möglichkeit des Erlasses einer Verordnung zu der "Angemessenheit" der Wohnkosten nach SGB II Gebrauch zu machen. Dies bisherigen kommunalen Regeln - bzw. die BSHG-Rechtsprechung - sollten angewandt werden. Dies bedeutet, dass sich ab 1.1.2004 im EN Kreis die Zahl der Menschen, deren Wohnkosten direkt und komplett von kommunalen Zahlungen abhängt, mindestens verdoppelt.

Die Obergrenzen für "angemessene" Wohnkosten liegen nach den bisherigen Regeln in allen Städten im unteren Bereich der Mietspiegel (wie es nach Rechtsprechung auch zulässig ist). Teilweise sind dafür Wohnungen gar nicht oder nur mit Mühe zu finden. Leistungsempfänger mit höheren Wohnkosten werden nach altem und neuem Recht aufgefordert, ihre Wohnkosten zu senken. Erfolgt dies nicht, kann nach einem halben Jahr die Leistung empfindlich gekürzt werden.

Nach Ansicht des Sozialforums hat die Blindheit gegenüber den sozialen Konsequenzen der Reform System. Zusätzlich haben die zahlreichen handwerklichen Fehler und die unausgegorenen Kompromisse im Vermittlungsausschuss auch den besseren Ideen im Hartz-Konzept den Garaus gemacht. Das Resultat ist ein Gesetzeskonvolut, das von keinem Menschen akzeptiert werden kann, dem die sozial nachhaltige Funktionsfähigkeit unserer Städte ein Anliegen ist.

Nach dem Scheitern des Kompromisses mit den CDU-Ländern, den zahlreichen weiterhin ungeklärten Fragen zur Umsetzung und Finanzierung, den sicheren Wahlniederlagen sowie der wachsenden Kritik auch in der SPD sollte die Bundesregierung den Mut aufbringen, dieses Projekt für gescheitert zu erklären. Für theoretisch denkbare umfassende Nachbesserungen an dem Gesetzespaket ist es jetzt zu spät. Bevor die Diskussion um die notwendige Neugestaltung der Arbeitsmarktpolitik wieder aufgenommen wird, muss erst einmal gewährleistet werden, dass die frühere Rechtslage weiter gilt und finanziert ist.

Die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt lässt sich nicht von all den anderen Integrationsleistungen abkoppeln, die auch Arbeitslose in ihrem Alltag erbringen, und für die sie zum Beispiel auf sichere Wohnverhältnisse und ausreichende Einkommen angewiesen sind. Das sollten gerade die Grünen als "Bürger- und Menschenrechtspartei" nachvollziehen können.

Knut Unger
Email: unger@mvwit.de
MieterInnenverein Witten u. Umg. e.V. / Habitat-Netz. e.V.
Postfach 1928, 58409 Witten
Bahnhofstr. 46, 58452 Witten
Geschäftsstelle Tel. 02302-51793
Direkt/ Habitat-Netz: 02302-276171
Fax. 02302-27320

Law Professors' Letter to Congress

Text and Signers:

Letter sent to the United States Congress regarding recent human rights issues in Iraq

June 16, 2004

To: Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

As members of university faculties in law, international relations, diplomacy, and public policy, we write to register our objection to the systematic violation of human rights practiced or permitted by authorities of the United States within occupied Iraq during recent months: we request Congressional action to ensure accountability for such violations and to safeguard against such egregious abuses in the future. Current circumstances require that all transcend partisan politics or considerations. Action by Congress is necessary to promote a rule of law produced and enforced through a democratic process and to protect the physical and psychological integrity of all people consistent with the traditions of our nation.

I. Accountability for human rights violations

Congressional action is necessary to examine and ensure accountability for the organizational and individual failures that allowed persons within the control of U.S. forces to be subjected to acts of torture and to cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.

There can be no doubt that the acts of abuse in Abu Ghraib prison constitute violations of both the domestic and international legal obligations of the United States and its agents. Executive Branch officials have admitted as much. International humanitarian law provides that those classified as prisoners of war are entitled to special protections against such abuses under the Third Geneva Convention, ratified by the United States in 1955. Inhabitants of occupied territories are protected under the Fourth Geneva Convention, also ratified by the United States in 1955, against physical or moral coercion to obtain information from them. The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, ratified by the United States in 1994, requires that States party take measures to prevent both torture, and other acts of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. The Constitution of the United States protects prisoners from cruel and unusual punishment.

Accepting the applicability of international and domestic law, military officials have initiated prosecutions of lower level personnel. That response, while necessary, is clearly insufficient. Congress has an obligation to investigate and assess responsibility at all levels of the Executive Branch from the highest officers on down for the abuses in Abu Ghraib and other Iraqi prisons.

Despite clear and repeated notice [1], abuse of detainees has been both frequent and pervasive during the military occupation of Iraq. The fact that military officials failed after such notice to identify and eradicate the pattern of abuse itself constitutes a grave breach of responsibility.

In addition, a growing body of evidence indicates that the abuses practiced on detainees under American control are the consequence of policies developed at the highest levels in the months and years immediately preceding the scandal. First, there are reports that harsh interrogation tactics, designed for use against only the most serious terrorist suspects and themselves violative of humanitarian law, have been authorized and applied generally against detainees in Iraq. Second, authorization to coerce detainees to speak creates the potential for grave abuse. It is thus evident that very clear lines must be established and vigorously policed. Yet authorities failed to supervise subordinates adequately, or to establish minimal safeguards against abuse. Third, the dilatory response by military and other officials to reports by international agencies, human rights groups, and the media concerning egregious abuse operated as a predictable signal to those on various levels below that their admittedly illegal conduct was condoned, accepted, or encouraged. Fourth, Executive Branch officials have diverged from past practice by asserting presidential power to designate certain prisoners as not entitled to any judicial or other meaningful review of any aspects of the legality of their confinement, including imposition of torture. That approach to detainees created a culture facilitating disregard for the protections required to be accorded prisoners in Iraq.

II. Democratic definition of policies involving coercion

Military and intelligence officials have acknowledged that official U.S. policy now involves use of coercive methods that are morally questionable and that may violate international and domestic law. The question whether various forms of coercion against persons under American control can be justified goes to the heart of our identity as a democratic community.

Given the profound problems it may raise as a moral, legal, and constitutional matter, any decision to adopt a coercive interrogation policy and the definition of any such policy, if adopted, should be made within the strict confines of a democratic process. While the Executive Branch should retain sufficient authority to conduct military affairs, basic principles and policies regarding human rights must be defined by a representative and accountable body acting in transparent and deliberative fashion. In turn, the courts must retain ultimate responsibility for judicial oversight in order to ensure that the law meets constitutional requirements.

Thus, insofar as Executive Branch officials have authored and implemented a coercive interrogation policy, that policy must be submitted to Congress for examination and debate. Congress should determine afresh its wisdom, its consistency with basic democratic principles of humane treatment, and its conformity with international and domestic law. If any such policy were to be adopted by Congress, the reviewability of such law through the operation of the courts in due course must be assured.


Given the accumulation of reliable evidence demonstrating the practice of torture and degrading treatment of detainees by U.S. forces, and given Executive responsibility for creating the conditions enabling such practice to occur, and with regard for democratic responsibility with respect to these issues at the heart of our understanding of our nation, its culture and values, we ask that Congress take action to:

(1) assess responsibility for the abuses that have taken place, identifying the officials at all levels who must be held accountable for enabling these abuses to occur and for the failure to investigate them, and determining what sanctions, including impeachment and removal from office of any civil officer of the United States responsible, may be appropriate;

(2) decide whether the U.S. should have an official policy of coercion in connection with interrogation, and if so what form it should take as well as what safeguards it should include to protect against abuses in violation of the policy.


[The undersigned]

[1] As summarized in a recent letter to President Bush:

For the past year and a half, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, Newsday, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor, and other leading newspapers have repeatedly quoted unnamed U.S. intelligence officials boasting about the use of torture and other ill-treatment of prisoners. Numerous detainees have been killed or attempted suicide in custody in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay prompting unprecedented expressions of concern by the International Committee of the Red Cross; suspects have been turned over to the foreign intelligence services of countries, such as Syria, with records of brutal torture; the ICRC has also specifically expressed concern about conditions at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq; and now, the US military's own inquiry has found "systemic and illegal abuse of detainees" at Abu Ghraib.

Letter of May 7, 2004 to President George W. Bush from William Schulz, Amnesty International USA, et al.


Informant: Laurel

Torture Trail


Informant: Laurel

Nation's Largest Union Calls for End to U.S. Occupation of Iraq


Nearly 4000 delegates of Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the nation's largest with 1.6 million members, voted unanimously at the union's national convention in San Francisco today to end U.S. occupation of Iraq and to bring U.S. troops stationed there home.

The strongly worded resolution pointed to military intervention aboard and attacks on workers at home. The resolution charged the Bush administration (backed by a majority in Congress) with responsibility for declining wages and benefits, deunionization, cuts in public services, crumbling health care and educational systems, cuts in veterans benefits, escalating public debt, and eroding economic, social and personal security.

The union proclaimed, "We cannot solve these economic and social problems without addressing U.S. foreign policy and its consequences."

It accused the Bush administration of using "deception, lies and false promises to the American people and the world" to launch a "unilateral, preemptive war" in Iraq, causing the death of thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of U.S. soldiers, and costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

The resolution aligned SEIU with the principles contained in the Mission Statement of U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW), a national network of labor organizations founded in 2003 to oppose war in Iraq and the Bush administration's foreign policies of unilateralism, militarism and preemptive war. USLAW has more than 70 affiliated labor organizations, including a dozen SEIU's largest local unions.

Those principles include
* a just foreign policy based on international law and global justice;
* an end to U.S. occupation of Iraq;
* redirecting the nation's resources from "inflated military
spending" to meeting human needs;
* supporting U.S. troops by bringing them safely home;
* protecting labor, civil and immigrant rights and civil liberties; and
* solidarity with workers around the world struggling for labor and human rights, and those in the U.S. who support U.S. foreign and domestic policies that "reflect our nation's highest ideals."

The union resolved to work with all religious, community, political and foreign policy groups (such as USLAW) that are committed to a set of principles delineated by SEIU President Andy Stern in a letter to President Bush in January 2003, which include: war as a last option, not first resort; peaceful multilateral solutions to international disputes; a foreign policy that prioritizes improving the lives of people around the world; and protecting at home those rights and freedoms the administration claims it seeks for people abroad.

The resolution was adopted without dissent after a half dozen or more local union leaders rose to passionately advocate its passage. The resolution had been submitted by the SEIU International Executive Board for convention action based on resolutions submitted by Locals 49, 250, 535, 615, 715, 790, 1199NE, 1199P, and 1199NW.

The full text of the resolution is available on the USLAW website at http://uslaboragainstwar.org/article.php?id=5382

U.S. Labor Against War (USLAW)
PMB 153
1718 "M" Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20036

Bob Muehlenkamp and Gene Bruskin, Co-convenors
Amy Newell, National Organizer
Michael Eisenscher, Organizer & Web Coordinator
Adrienne Nicosia, Administrative Staff

Informant: Farah

FBI documents confirm ALA USA PATRIOT Act concerns


June 22, 2004

(CHICAGO) Just-released Federal Bureau of Investigation documents indicate that the FBI sought to use Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act less than one month after Attorney General John Ashcroft told American Library Association (ALA) President Carla Hayden and the American public that this power had never been used. The records, turned over to the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) and other First Amendment organizations, do not indicate how many times the FBI has invoked Section 215 since October 2003.

"These documents demonstrate there is no validity in the Department of Justice's ongoing suggestions that librarians and other critics of PATRIOT Act provisions are 'hysterical,'" Hayden said. "The guidance memo confirms the ALA's understanding of the scope and nature of the business records authority granted by Section 215 and that the judicial review is of a lower legal standard than was previously provided in U.S. law."

The records about the government's use of the PATRIOT Act were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in October 2003 on behalf of the FTRF, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Privacy Information Center and the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression. Five documents were released, including a guidance memorandum on Business Records Orders and an email that acknowledges that Section 215 can be used to obtain physical objects - including a person's apartment key - in addition to records. To see electronic versions of the documents, please go to


A further release is expected in July.

To read more about the ALA's objections to USA PATRIOT Act, please visit


As part of the Campaign for Reader Privacy http://www.readerprivacy.org , the ALA has helped gather more than 130,000 signatures seeking amendments to the Act.

Larra Clark, Press Officer

Informant: Michael Novick


Four years ago, we launched one of our most successful cyberactivist campaigns ever, against Coca-Cola's use of climate-killing chemicals in their refrigerants at the Sydney Olympics:


Thanks to folks around the world who emailed the CEO, posted banners, sent postcards, and downloaded stickers to put on Coke machines, the soft-drink giant bowed to pressure and vowed to phase out HCFCs by 2004. This week, Coke was joined by Unilever and McDonalds in making good on that pledge, adopting a Greenpeace solution, Greenfreeze technology, which has revolutionized the refrigeration industry:



The Greenpeace ship Esperanza has arrived in Iceland to maintain the pressure to stop Icelandic whaling. Plans to kill 250 whales this year, including fin and sei whales, have been shelved in favour of a hunt of only 25 minke whales -- a massive step backwards in the face of domestic resistance, absence of market, and the kind of international outcry that you've helped build around this issue.

But we need to be clear: while we welcome this positive step forward from Iceland, WE WON'T BE TRAVELLING TO ICELAND UNTIL THE WHALING PROGRAMME STOPS COMPLETELY.

We're concerned the whaling interests might believe they can continue whaling at reduced numbers as a way to escape the glare of publicity and opposition. So let's send the government a little reminder that our offer was absolute: we will visit the beautiful shores of Iceland only when the whaling programme ends completely:



In the last mailing we asked you to take action for Bhopal. Over 3000 of you responded and helped turn around the position of the Indian government. It finally bowed to pressure and agreed to allow a US Court to possibly rule that Dow Chemical should clean up the site of the ongoing Bhopal disaster. Thank you!

More info:



China is the homeland and biodiversity epicentre of the soya bean, but thanks to genetically engineered (GE) soya all of this is now under threat. We are asking Bunge Incorporated, one of the world's largest traders and processors of soya and the largest supplier of soya in the world to stop supplying GE soya to the Chinese market. To help drive that message home, Greenpeace China is asking our cyberactivists everywhere to write to Bunge:

Dear ,

This is XXX. Recently I have participated in a cyber action to help protect the biodiversity of soya in China, and I would like to invite you to join this meaningful action as well.

China is the homeland and center of diversity for soya. Soya originated in China and has a cultivation history spanning over 5,000 years. China has more soya varieties than anywhere else in the world. The genetic diversity of soya is a global heritage and vital to sustainable development of agriculture.

However, the homeland of soya is facing the risk of contamination by genetically engineered (GE) soya. GE soya is banned for growing in China, but import of GE soya is rising. Last year China imported a record-high 20 million tons of soya and it is estimated that 70% was GE soya. Every grain of GE soya is a seed, and if it was planted in the farm, it will multiply and spread. Mexico, the homeland of maize, has already found contamination of maize by imported GE maize from the U.S. If we do not take actions now, the homeland of soya will soon face irreversible contamination.

Greenpeace is campaigning globally against GE soya and determined to protect China, the homeland of soya, from contamination by GE soya.

Take action, be part of the global effort to build the Cyber Great Wall and keep GE soya away from the world, especially from China, the homeland of soya!

To protect the homeland of soya, we demand companies to stop importing GE soya into China because every grain of GE soya imported into China is a potential source of contamination.

Write to Bunge Ltd., the leading supplier of soya products to China, to commit to a global commitment to supply only non-GE soya, but particular to supply only non-GE soya to China because of the major risk GE soya poses to the homeland of soya. As one of the world’s leading traders and processors of soya, Bunge has a responsibility to protect the homeland of soya, a global heritage for all.

Click here to write to Bunge:



Participants will be allocated a section of "Cyber Great Wall" where they can add a comment about their opposition to genetically manipulated food. As the participation grows, so will the Cyber Great Wall - a solid symbol of our determination to keep the new GE "barbarians" out of China and ultimately, out of global food supplies. You can view the Cyber Great Wall here:


Raubbauholz bei Drogeriemarkt Rossmann?

Stand: 24.06.2004

Aktion - Handelt die Drogeriemarktkette Rossmann mit Raubbauholz?


Die bisherige Kundeninformationen der Drogeriemarktkette Rossmann zur Herkunft der angebotenen Tropenholzmöbel ist mehr Augenwischerei als Beleg für eine nachhaltig bewirtschaftete Holzproduktion.


How Canada Was Secretly Given Away...

Harry Mobley:
This is the plan to control the water.....and you.


The Quebec Referendum
The Grand Canal Project
US-Canadian Continental Union by 2005

The series of postings that you are about to see tell a story so amazing, so full of callous corruption and greed, so destructive to the Quebec and Cree peoples and to the Canadian nation, and so *well-concealed* by those in the Canadian media who are *fully aware* of these details, that you deserve a full and clear introduction to each of the main narrators:


SEIU Convention Calls for End to U.S. Occupation of Iraq and Return of U.S. Troops

Nation's largest union adopts tough antiwar stand without dissent.

June 22nd, 2004
Opposition To Current US Iraq Policy

Our nation faces growing domestic challenges - unemployment, declining wages and benefits, deunionization of the workforce, reduced public services, crumbling health care and educational systems, cuts in veterans benefits, escalating public debt, and decreased economic, social and personal security. Massive military spending, combined with tax cuts for the rich, is creating massive federal deficits and huge cuts in state public services. This crisis is a product of the Bush Administration's policies (backed by a majority in Congress) of military intervention abroad and attacks on working peoples' rights at home. Only corporations and the wealthy have benefited.

We cannot solve these economic and social problems without addressing U.S. foreign policy and its consequences.

Last January, 2003, with the approval of the International Union Executive Board, International Union President Andrew L. Stern sent a letter to President George Bush expressing our concerns and outlining the following four important principles:

1. War involves enormous risks to our families and our communities and must be a last option, not the first.
2. The goal of our foreign policy must be to promote a safer and more just world - promoting peaceful, multilateral solutions for disputes.
3. U.S. foreign policy must give high priority to improving the lives of people around the world.
4. The rights and freedoms our government says it is fighting for abroad must be protected at home.

President Stern's letter ended with these words: We urge you not to invade Iraq in violation of these principles and ask you to work with the Congress and the United Nations to set a course that will provide lasting security for all. That is the best way to honor those who died on September 11, who serve in our armed forces, and who work hard every day to make America work by providing the services our communities depend upon.

As recently confirmed by the 9/11 Commission, in violation of the above principles, and based on deception, lies and false promises to the American people and the World, the Bush Administration launched its unilateral, preemptive war against Iraq. The war in Iraq has resulted in the death of thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of US soldiers. Already more of our soldiers, our sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, have died in this war than any other war since Vietnam. And, this war is costing our nation's taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

Just as President Stern warned in our January, 2003 letter to President Bush, the foreign policy of the Bush administration has weakened rather than strengthened security in the U.S., creating enemies around the world and alienating long-time allies.
In October of 2003 nearly 200 delegates representing over 100 labor organizations, including SEIU Locals representing nearly 400,000 SEIU members, created a permanent coalition called U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW) to encourage and promote debate within the labor movement on the critical questions of war and peace facing our nation; to work to address the impact that US foreign policy has on workers, their jobs, their rights and liberties, their families, unions and communities; and to promote the extension of labor rights to workers in Iraq now.

Therefore be it resolved:

That SEIU supports the principles in the Mission Statement adopted at the National Labor Assembly of US Labor Against The War (USLAW), October 25, 2003, namely:
A Just Foreign Policy based on International law and global justice that promotes genuine security and prosperity at home and abroad;

An end to the U.S. Occupation of Iraq;
The Redirecting of the Nation's Resources from inflated military spending to meeting the needs of working families for health care, education, a clean environment, housing and a decent standard of living;

Supporting Our Troops and their families by bringing our troops home safely, by not recklessly putting them in harms way, by providing adequate veterans' benefits and promoting domestic policies that prioritize the needs of working people who make up the bulk of the military;
Protecting Workers Rights, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties and the Rights of Immigrants by promoting democracy, not subverting it; and

Solidarity with workers around the world who are struggling for their own labor and human rights, and with those in the U.S. who want US foreign and domestic policies to reflect our nation's highest ideals.
Be It Further Resolved:

That SEIU will work with all religious, community, political, and foreign policy groups (such as USLAW) who support the principles outlined in the January 2004 letter to President Bush and further elaborated in this resolution.
Submitted by: International Executive Board Referred to: Resolutions Committee

[adopted unanimously by convention action on June 22, 2004]


Informant: Farah

Growing Calls to Get All US Troops Out of Iraq


Afghan Detainees Routinely Tortured and Humiliated by US Troops


Facing Humiliating Defeat, US Abandons Move to Exempt Troops from War Crimes


U.S. Immunity In Iraq Will Go Beyond June 30

The US has sidelined the UN Security council, world opinion... and even the so-called "sovereign" government of Iraq, to unilaterally declare US troops IMMUNE from prosecution for killing Iraqis! So much for Iraqi independence and sovereignty, so much for international law, so much for decency.

Mark Vallen

U.S. Immunity In Iraq Will Go Beyond June 30

By Robin Wright

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 24, 2004

The Bush administration has decided to take the unusual step of bestowing on its own troops and personnel immunity from prosecution by Iraqi courts for killing Iraqis or destroying local property after the occupation ends and political power is transferred to an interim Iraqi government, U.S. officials said.

The administration plans to accomplish that step -- which would bypass the most contentious remaining issue before the transfer of power -- by extending an order that has been in place during the year-long occupation of Iraq. Order 17 gives all foreign personnel in the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority immunity from "local criminal, civil and administrative jurisdiction and from any form of arrest or detention other than by persons acting on behalf of their parent states...

... the full story can be read at:

Australia encourages Great Barrier Reef oil exploration

Australia has increased tax concessions to encourage oil exploration in the far reaches of the Great Barrier Reef, angering environmentalists who warn an oil spill could destroy the world's largest living reef system...



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