
EU REFLEX Project Report

Verum Reflex Presentation


The Report of the European Union's REFLEX Project (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods) was released in November, 2004. The Project studied ELF and RF exposures to various cell types. Swedish RF researcher and epidemiologist Lennart Hardell has sent the link to the entire 291-page report (See below. It's a long download, so be patient).

Of particular interest after as cursory read through -
pp. 1-3 Foreward by Ross Adey
pp. 7-8 Introduction - the goals of the REFLEX Project
pp. 239-242 Section 7.0 POLICY RELATED BENEFITS.

From 7.12 Summary
... the omnipresence of EMF's in infrastructures and consumer products have become a topic of public concern. This is due to the fear of people that based on the many conflicting research data a risk to their health cannot be excluded with some certainty. Therefore, the overall objective of REFLEX was to find out whether or not the fundamental biological processes at the cellular and molecular level support such an assumption. For this purpose, possible effects of EMFs on cellular events controlling key functions, including those involved in carcinogenesis and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, were studied through focussed research. Failure to observe the occurrence of such key critical events in living cells after EMF exposure would have suggested that further research efforts in this field could be suspended and financial resources be reallocated to the investigation of more important issues. But as clearly demonstrated, the results of the REFLEX project show the way into the opposite direction.

Key emphases of the REFLEX Project were to develop reliable exposure equipment, to assure that exposure parameters were consistent and thoroughly documented, and to examine how differences in techniques for cell culture preparation such as staining of specimens yielded differing results. Along with consistency in genotype of study specimens, these emphases are of crucial importance to the replication of studies from one laboratory to another.

From: lennart.hardell@orebroll.se
To: JNewton@emrpolicy.org
Subject: SV: DC Circuit decision - EMR v. FCC
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 08:18:04 +0100

Did you see this of major importance as to regulation of SAR from mobile phones?


Yours sincerely,
Lennart Hardell

Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute, P.O. Box 117, Marshfield VT 05658
Tel: (802) 426-3035 FAX: (802) 426-3030
Web Site: http://www.emrpolicy.org


REFLEX contents (short version):

Informant Andy

7.12 Summary (Participant 1) The policy related benefits of the REFLEXproject consist in the fact that new knowledge has been generated independent of whether one likes it or not. Biological effects of extremely low-frequency (ELF) and radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) the exposure to which is constantly increasing especially in Europe with its high density of population and industry and with the omnipresence of EMFs in infrastructures and consumer products have become a topic of public concern. This is due to the fear of people that based on the many conflicting research data a risk to their health cannot be excluded with some certainty. Therefore, the overall objective of REFLEX was to find out whether or not the fundamental biological processes at the cellular and molecular level support such an assumption. For this purpose, possible effects of EMFs on cellular events controlling key functions, including those involved...

QLK4-CT-1999-01574 / REFLEX / Final Report / page 241 of 259

...in carcinogenesis and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, were studied through focussed research. Failure to observe the occurrence of such key critical events in living cells after EMF exposure would have suggested that further research efforts in this field could be suspended and financial resources be reallocated to the investigation of more important issues. But as clearly demonstrated, the results of the REFLEX project show the way into the opposite direction. The REFLEX project has made a substantial contribution to the data base on biological effects of both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF on in vitro cellular systems. The study was designed to investigate whether or not EMF exposure below the energy density reflected by the present safety levels generates in vitro critical cellular events. Gene mutations, deregulated cell proliferation and suppressed or exaggerated programmed cell death (apoptosis) that are caused by or result in an altered gene and protein expression profile are such critical events, the convergence of which is required for the development of chronic diseases.

Genotoxic effects and a modified expression of numerous genes and proteins after EMF exposure could be demonstrated with great certainty, while effects on cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptosis were much less conclusive. Since all these observations were made in in vitro studies, the results obtained neither preclude nor confirm a health risk due to EMF exposure, but they speak in favour of such a possibility. Because of their fundamental character the findings will be presented to WHO, IARC and ICNIRP. It will be up to these organisations to make use of them for risk evaluation, in combination with findings from animal and epidemiological studies. A major European added value of REFLEX consists also in the fact that the need for further research and especially how it should look alike have clearly been demonstrated. Furthermore, the outcome of the project should stimulate the research and development departments of the electrical, electronic, and telecommunication industry to make use of the methods developed in order to better adjust the state of technology to the conditions of life, and prompt the European governments to ensure multidisciplinary EMF research in order to take care, that the solution of the presently existing problem of uncertainty about a possible health risk for the people in Europe and beyond due to EMF exposure will not be postponed in the far future.


Informant: Panayis Zambellis Luton

From Mast Network


It looks like we have a replication of Henry Lai's study on single and double-strand DNA breaks. Lets see how the trolls at Motorola spin this one!

Don Maisch

Omega see also:

Mobile Phone Radiation Harms DNA

Motorola-Funded EMF Research

Industry Rules RF Controlling Research, Setting Standards and Spinning History

Intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage in a dose-dependent way

Genetic Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Fields


Letter and attachment to the WHO in response to its Precautionary Framework


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Dezember 2004

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