
Stand up for energy independence - sign the Re-energize America pledge

Today is Earth Day and this year the environmental community is taking an exciting new step to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. On Monday, a diverse group of leaders with backgrounds in national security, job growth, faith-based stewardship, and the Western way of life came together to speak out against our dependence on fossil fuels and the importance of investing in renewable energy NOW!

This Earth Day you can become a part of this growing movement to Re-energize America by visiting our website at http://www.ReenergizeAmerica.org and signing our pledge to reduce our dependence on oil now!

Reducing our dependence on oil isn't just an environmental issue, it's an American issue. By signing this pledge you’ll be joining some interesting allies, including not just environmentalists, but also national security experts, ranchers, labor leaders, and religious leaders.

This diverse group of constituencies understands that the best way to reduce our dependence on oil is to harness clean, renewable energy sources and alternative energy technologies here at home, and to vastly improve energy efficiency. Expanding our energy choices will stimulate innovation, create jobs, strengthen our national security and stop global warming.

Tweeti Blancett, a sixth generation rancher from Aztec, New Mexico who spoke at Monday's event said "we must form an alliance with farmers, ranchers, conservationists, hunters and fishermen, liberals and conservatives, and Republicans and Democrats to Re-Energize America."

This Earth Day, it’s time to put American ingenuity back to work developing clean, safe, and efficient energy right here at home. We have the technologies to produce cars that burn less gas, generate electricity from wind and sun, clean up power plants, create appliances and entire buildings that use less power, and create new markets for American farmers by growing biofuels. Click here to sign the Re-energize America pledge to help make these ideas reality! http://ga3.org/ct/ApAwcv71Umex/

Please help us spread the word about this growing national campaign to Re-energize America; forward this email to your friends, family and co-workers!

Thanks for your help!


Katelyn Sabochik
Online Campaign Manager


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April 2005

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
