
The Cellular Antennas are Killing Us

165 cancer cases were found in one neighbourhood in Osafia.

The Health Ministry started researching the connection between the
cancer cases and the antennas that are erected in the area, and
considers extending the research to Yavne, Modeen, Reut and Tamra.

By Alex Doron

Maariv 20.1.2004

After the villages Zoran and Porat which became famous for their cancer cases multitude that were linked to the radiation from radio antennas, it's time for the Druze village Osafia to fight the cellular companies.

To the meeting of the parliament committee came the representatives of Osafia's "The Women Committee for Fighting the Antennas", who told that in the last 4 years 165 people died of cancer, all of them lived in one neighbourhood where there are cellular antennas. "We decided to unite and stop the monster" said the committe member Mira Abu Zalef. "The cellular companies representatives come as thieves in the night to erect the antennas". Abu Zalef presented herself as a mother of three children who had a brain damage, and added: "I don't want others to go through what I went through. Every day a new cancer case if found". Another committe member, Zahia Naser, was furious: "The Nature and Gardens Authority forbade erecting antennas in the National Park because of concerns for the animals' lives. And what about us? There is no concern about our lives?"

Dr. Micha Bar Hana, manager of the national cancer registry of the Health Ministry reported that he had started a research on Osafia in order to find out the connection between the exposure to electromagnetic radiation and the cancer rate in Osafia, "but we have difficulties in gathering data". Parliament members suggested that the research will be extended also to Yavne, Modeen, Reut and Tamra, which complained about many cancer cases near antennas.

The cellular companies representative, Asaf Aisen, said that the companies check the base stations and give all the data to the Environment's Quality Ministry. He emphasized that the radiation levels "are very low".

Parliament member Ofir Pines informed that he would initiate a law of 3 years in prison for manager of any cellular company that will erect antennas in a pirate way.

Informant: Iris Atzmon


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Osafia residents will file a suit against the cellular companies

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