
Osafia’s activity becomes stronger

“The antennas cause reduction in sexual desire”

Hadid Rashi,

Yediot Haifa 22.4.05

Last week anonymous lighted a fire in a house in Osafia in which a cellular antenna was erected. According to the suspicion, the people who burned also managed to damage the equipment that was in the place. It is an abandoned house whose owner died two years ago and his widow moved to live with her family. The police started investigating but arrested none until now.

Last week a brochure was distributed with the last warning before starting a religious and social boycott on residents who agree to place antennas in their house. In the brochure, 14 Druz Imams warn together with the heads of the Christian community and the Muslim leaders, that every person who will not respond in rejection to erect an antenna in his house, exopses himself to the anger of God and ostracism by the religion leaders. A religious person who will agree to put antenna in his house will be excluded from prayer places, until he removes the antenna. If he is a secular – he is completely ostracized and the public will be asked not to participate in any party that he will do or to participate in his grief in case a disaster will happen to him. None of the people in the village will buy or sell him things.

The mayor and vice mayor signed on the document, whose writers detailed the damage from cellular radiation- “scientific pubilcations link the radiation with cancer, reduction in sexual desire, damage that affects the next generations, learning difficulties, memory damage”, warns prof’ Padel Mansur from volcanic institute, “the main affected are children and women”.

Last Thursday, Dr. Micha Bar Hana, manager of cancer registry was invited to the municipality and claimed that there is no proven connection between the cellular radiation and cancer, but admitted that there is an increase of cancer rate in Dalia and Osafia, 6% more than the national average. The municipality people asked him to start doing a serious survey about the cancer rate in the two village, and Bar Hana prominsed that his institute will start the survey this year.

“62 antennas were in the village” said the mayor Dr. Akram Hason, “I have decided to remove them, even if there is no proven connection to cancer, in order to calm the people down, today there are 19 antennas left and we don’t know their place and they will be removed” he promised.

And non- formal data is that 2 weeks ago 4 people died from cancer in Osafia,

And - there is no cellular reception in the village - the companies turned the antennas off as a revenge because the municipality told them to move all the antennas to a hill near the village and the companies didn’t like this idea.

Iris Atzmon

Osafia residents will file a suit against the cellular companies

Alarm in the Druze city: Increase in the number of cancer cases in Daliat il Carmel & Osafia

The Cellular Antennas are Killing Us

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations


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