
Reject John Bolton's nomination as UN Ambassador

On Monday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee began 3 days of hearings into John Bolton's nomination as America's next Ambassador to the United Nations. And as a member of the committee, I was very disturbed by what I heard.

Other than the Secretary of State and the President himself, the UN Ambassador is our country's chief diplomat. But at a time when the United States is working to repair relationships with our allies and rebuild our image around the world, John Bolton is absolutely the wrong choice for this critical job.

Tell your Senators to reject Bolton's nomination today!

After all, John Bolton has shown nothing but contempt for the United Nations throughout his entire career. He has even gone so far as to state that "there is no United Nations" and "if [the UN Headquarters] lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference."

Further, John Bolton has demonstrated a disturbing propensity to politicize the intelligence-gathering process and twist intelligence to suit his needs. In fact, recently Bolton tried to punish two intelligence analysts who disagreed with his views about Cuba's possession of biological weapons. In the aftermath of the Iraq debacle, we can't stand to promote anyone who misuses critical intelligence information.

The confirmation vote for John Bolton's nomination promises to be very close -- your individual lobbying effort could very well make the difference.

So please take 30 seconds right now to sign my petition and tell your Senators how you feel about John Bolton -- before the Foreign Relations Committee votes on Thursday.

Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator


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April 2005

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