
Buy 3G handsets or sign up to 3G services and you are helping to pay for and justify 3G masts being erected all over the country

The majority of new Mobile Phone Masts are 3G. If you or your friends and relatives buy 3G handsets or sign up to 3G services you and they are helping to pay for and justify 3G masts being erected all over the country. Since the 3G business case was set out before the widespread adoption of broadband internet access and widespread wi-fi access points 3G operators are desperately trying to get people to sign up for services no one is really interested in.

If we promote a boycott and mount an-anti 3G campaign we really can kill off 3G and those new masts. Killing TETRA is down to members of the emergency services and government to stand up to it, but for 3G it is all commercial organisations. If 3G doesn't pay, operators will not pay to keep the 3G infrastructure in place, and will not expand it. We can then hope for fewer masts. If we let Stephen Fry and Elton John etc. sell millions of handsets for 3G we can forget about getting rid of the new crop of masts for ever. It's simple economics.

Please display the "3G It's a LEMON" poster on your campaign websites, print it out and distribute it widely in your area, display it in your windows at home and in your cars, even print them on to T-shirts (kits now cheaply available from WH Smith etc.) - let's fight back for a change. If you have press contacts, please get more publicity for the campaign.

For downloads of our "3G It's a Lemon" campaign poster go to:
http://nomasts.org.uk/images/stories/3g_its_a_lemon.gif .

For any suggestions or improvements to the poster, please post a comment on http://nomasts.org.uk .

Thanks a lot.

Harelands Against the Masts

Mobile mad: the wisdom of a wireless world


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April 2005

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