
Three Simple Things You Can do to Defend the Right to Vote

Across the country come reports of systematic efforts to deprive citizens, particularly African-Americans, of the right to vote. In the key state of Ohio, white suburban precincts had short lines, while black urban precincts--as well as other strong democratic precincts--featured waits of up to 10 hours as a result of the systematic misallocation of voting machines. Voters in the same precincts received supposedly official messages telling them to go to the wrong precinct, or to avoid voting unless they had paid their parking tickets.

Forums led by John Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee have exposed not only evidence of voter suppression but indications of outright fraud in counting the vote. Any suppression or fraud is criminal, and the scale is sufficient to cast doubt on the outcome in OH, and thus on who should be the next President. Nor is Ohio the only state with irregularities.

These actions are in priority order.

1. Call Senator Barbara Boxer at (800) 839-5276 to ask her to challenge the certification of the vote on Jan 6. At least 14 members of the House will challenge the vote, but they need one Senator. Ask Boxer to be that Senator. The 2004 vote does not deserve her assent.

2. Contact the media, starting with the San Francisco Chronicle at letters@sfchronicle.com, and ask them to cover this story, including the fact that many in the Bay Area and California are asking our representatives to stand up to defend the right to vote.

3. Send money to the leading suit to challenge the irregularities in Ohio and compel discovery of important information. The recount, like the original vote, is being obstructed. You can make a tax-deductible donation online at http://freepress.org/store.php#donate (click next to CICJ Election Protection).

Want to do more?

Attend the press conference and rally at Senator Boxer's office, 1700 Montgomery St, San Francisco on Monday, Jan 3 at noon. Meet at the Embarcadero BART at 11am to walk there and present signed petitions. http://usvip.org/DOCS/boxer-jan3.pdf

There are more calls you can make. http://usvip.org/article.asp?id=42
provides phone numbers and scripts. Don't forget, we have two Senators and one Democratic Presidential candidate.

If you can influence the Ohio Congressional delegation, which includes Dennis Kucinich, please do. Politicians, including Boxer, have said that they are taking their cues from Kerry or the OH delegation. Of course, the right to vote belongs to the voters, and the politicians are our representatives, but the reality is that movement by other politicians will help.

Contact additional media: letters@sfchronicle.com, opinion@sacbee.com, letters@latimes.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@washpost.com.
http://www.democraticrenewal.us/resources/mediacontacts.htm provides many more media contacts.

If you are an attorney and are interested in working on the OH case, please contact Gail Jonas who has agreed to coordinate this effort. Gail can be emailed at gejonas@sonic.net or call her at 707 433 6845 or 707 431 8451.

This message is from United for Peace and Justice--Bay Area
http://www.upj-bayarea.org, though for now election stuff is at

Other Bay Area election sites

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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Dezember 2004

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