
A Better World Is not only Possible, it’s Under Construction

A Better World Is not only Possible, it’s Under Construction! That’s the gift we give ourselves and the world when we stay engaged. Taking a break for the holidays to be with family and friends is important to renew our commitment and energy for the year ahead. The year was full of disappointments, but we’ve also laid solid foundations for the future. Consider the tens of thousands of people who came out to support free and fair elections in 2004. Many are still working on the front lines to ensure all our votes are counted, pressure Congress to make the needed reforms in our imperfect electoral system, and be a visible force to bring about the changes we need. Take heart in what we’ve accomplished this year and face the New Year with renewed optimism about our movement for peace and justice. We’re energized, organized and mobilized!

As the New Year approaches, make a New Year’s resolution to be the most effective activist you can be! Here are three important actions:

January 3: Pro-Democracy Count Every Vote Rally in Columbus, Ohio.

January 6: Act on Election Violations as Congress Meets to Certify the Vote!

January 20: Mark Bush’s inauguration by inaugurating the Second term of the Peace and Justice Movement.

January 3 - Join The Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, along with a coalition of grassroots organizations from across the nation, including CodePink, in a “Pro Democracy Count Every Vote Rally,” in Columbus, Ohio.

The rally will be held at the Capitol Theater, 77 S. High St, across from Ohio State Capitol, starting at 2 p.m. Coalition partners include Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, Moveon.org, Progressive Democrats of America, the anti-war coalition United for Peace and Justice, and the Green Party. For more information link to:

January 6 - Take Action on Election Violations as Congress Meets to Certify the Vote! URGE PROGRESSIVE SENATORS TO TAKE A STAND ON JAN. 6, WHEN CONGRESS MEETS TO CERTIFY THE VOTE.

On January 6, 2005, Congress will meet in joint session to certify the 2004 presidential election. On that day, if one member of the House and one member of the Senate object to the certification of the vote, then all members of Congress will finally discuss these issues. On January 6, 2001, not a single Senator would join with the Representatives who demanded an inquiry into the Florida recount. This year, let’s make our Senators take a stand!

The following seven Senators are some of the most progressive members of the Senate. Please call them immediately, and urge them to defend democracy on January 6. *SPREAD THE WORD TO PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO DO THE SAME UNTIL JANUARY 6.*

Senator Barbara Boxer, (202) 224-3553, senator@boxer.senate.gov

Senator Dick Durbin, (202) 224-2152, dick@durbin.senate.gov

Senator Russ Feingold, (202) 224-5323, russ_feingold@feingold.senate.gov

Senator Tom Harkin, (202) 224-3254, tom_harkin@harkin.senate.gov

Senator Jim Jeffords, (202) 224-5141, Vermont@jeffords.senate.gov

Senator Edward Kennedy, 202/224-4543, senator@kennedy.senate.gov

Senator Patrick Leahy, (202) 224-4242, senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov


While our Senators and Representatives are inside Congress, tallying the electoral college vote, We the People must have a presence outside, bringing attention to the disenfranchisement, suppression and fraud that pervaded the 2004 election and demanding real reforms to extend and protect democracy in America. Please join us at a vigil and rally on January 6th to demonstrate our support for our leaders inside.

Check http://www.nov3.us or http://www.counter-inaugural.org for more information.

If you can’t come to DC, we urge you to organize a protest outside a Senator’s office in your community, and list your event at http://www.nov3.us .

January 20 – Reminder to inaugurate the second term of the Peace and Justice movement by participating in a counter-inauguration. Make your reservations, pack your pink, and join us in Washington D.C. Sign up to join CODEPINK on January 20th:
http://www.codepink.kintera.org/inaugural CODEPINK action plans for the counter-inauguration in Washington, DC will be updated regularly.

FYI: The inaugural parade is open to the general public. Bleacher seats are available from the Presidential Inaugural Committee for $15, $60, and $125, but seats are limited. For more information, call Ticketing Hotline at 202-314-2600 during the hours of 9:00am to 6:00 pm EST, Monday-Friday, or visit http://www.inaugural05.com/ (Could be another CodePink RNC-like infiltration!)

If you can’t come to DC, we encourage you to organize a counter-inauguration in your community. See
http://www.unitedforpeace.org for local inauguration protests that are already in the works, and be sure to tell us about yours so we can help get the word out.

Peace On Earth, Goodwill to All. Celebrate. Resist.

Andrea, Carol, Claire, Dana, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Tiffany
December 24, 2004


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Dezember 2004

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