
US Count Votes Gains Staff, Readies For Archival Kickoff

December 23, 2004

USCountVotes - a new volunteer scientific project to investigate the accuracy of elections in America - formed in December 2004 to objectively investigate the accuracy of elections in every part of America. Our goal is to provide statistically-valid methods to help detect any and all precincts with probable vote-counting errors.

New staff announcement:

Just one week after launching our new web site, US Count Votes has committed itself to hire its first full-time paid staff person. Thomas Knight has been in the IT industry for over 9 years, specializing in software development and system administration. He is currently wrapping up the programming and testing needed to prepare for the launch of US Count Votes' election data archival system - the first step in our data-gathering and analyzing mission.

Submit your local media contacts:

In order to ensure that USCountVotes public archive and statistical analyses gets full public exposure when we announce its launch, Thomas Knight has programmed a "media collector" online form. Please help us to build a comprehensive national media contact list, covering every state in the US, by submitting the names and contact information of newspapers, broadcast media outlets and independent journalists that you know at:

Volunteer opportunities for data collection:

US Count Votes plans to begin accepting data documents for its archive from its civic volunteers before the end of the year. Volunteers in each state are needed who can collect precinct-level data for every jurisdiction in the US, starting with the 2004 elections. We're encouraging you to sign up for our state volunteer mailing list now, so that you may team up and coordinate with other volunteers, and we can notify you just as soon as we're ready to go.

About USCountVotes:

USCountVotes will create a single database containing precinct-level election results for the entire United States. All data and analysis will be published and there will be free public access to the data, via the Internet, that will allow anyone to verify the results. This data will then be analyzed by statisticians.

If the database and analytic tools can be put in place by the national election in November 2006, for the first time in American history, it could be possible for candidates to be reliably warned of indications of machine or human-caused vote count errors, in time to challenge the results. With a sound scientific approach and methodology, it may be possible for US Count Votes project staff to serve as expert witnesses, or to help develop statistical evidence in support of legal filings.

Please visit USCountVotes online at http://www.uscountvotes.org for additional information.

Contact: Bruce O'Dell at 612-309-1330 bruce@uscountvotes.org

Thomas G. Knight
System Administrator


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Dezember 2004

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