
Thank You from Turn Your Back on Bush

Turn Your Back on Bush keeps getting bigger and bigger, and we wanted to stop and thank all of you for your tremendous support.

Helping us reach out

Last week we asked for contributions to help us hire a PR firm to handle the huge rush of press requests we've received. You came through, and Abernathy Associates is already getting us more press coverage and helping us make contact with unions and other groups who can help out. Abernathy Associates handles the press for many large unions and non-profits including the AFL-CIO, SEIU, UNITE, and TWU, and they've generously reduced their rate to help us make this action happen. We're getting more press than we could have hoped for and it just keeps coming - check out our new media page at http://www.turnyourbackonbush.org/media.html for the latest coverage.

A lot of help from our friends

And, so many individuals across the country have stepped up to help out! We have volunteer state organizers in 35 states and we're adding more every day. And every one of those organizers has volunteers helping them get the word out. If you'd like to volunteer find your state organizer at http://www.TurnYourBackonBush.org/organize.html

More details on the action

Details about the day of this action are starting to come together. Look on our About this Action page at http://www.TurnYourBackonBush.org/about.html - we'll be adding more info as we get it.

This is a nonviolent action - we've added training materials and more information about nonviolence at http://www.TurnYourBackonBush.org/nonviolence.html. Please check these out right away to prepare for this action.

People from 45 states have committed to join us in DC, and we're still weeks away from the inauguration - for only seven weeks of work, that's a huge accomplishment. And we're pushing on for all 50 states!

We couldn't do this without you

This action started as two people, an idea, and a website seven weeks ago. We had no money and no organization. Now we're four weeks away and every day we're gaining strength. We're deeply moved by every one of you who has stepped forward with time, money and words of encouragement.

Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
The Turn Your Back on Bush team


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Dezember 2004

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