
Talk to Congress about Rumsfeld and Social Security

This week based on your requests at the People's Email Network we have started two new issue pages where you can with one click send your personal message to all your members of Congress at the same time. Your 8,000 messages this last week through our site alone on the question of contesting the election have attracted a great deal of interest by the House Judiciary Committee in particular and we have put your submissions to them into digest mode for their ease and convenience of delivery. If you have not yet cast your vote on that issue please do so now.


As the first new question we ask if Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should now resign based on his mishandling of our military. Some surprising voices are giving him a vote of no confidence. What do you say?


And at the same time the debate is heating up as to Social Security. Some say we have to destroy the system in order to save it. However, most economists say there is no pressing crisis and that the proposals on the table will turn the system into a high commission dice roll. Make your voice heard with one click at


And remember, if you would like for us to set up a custom issue action page for your own favorite issue, please email your request and we will set one up for you for no charge. Just show that you have a constituency who will participate on the site.

Please post this link everywhere you can to everyone you know.


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Dezember 2004

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
