
Time has come for precautionary policies to reduce exposures from power-frequency EMFs

Microwave News is back!

Last September I attended the International Scientific Conference on Childhood Leukemia in London. At the end of the weeklong meeting, I was convinced, more than ever, that the time has come for precautionary policies to reduce exposures from power-frequency EMFs.

On further reflection, I realized that the reason simple and low-cost measures have yet to be adopted has less to do with resistance from the electric utility industry (what else would one expect?) than from the public health community.

Mike Repacholi of the World Health Organization¹s (WHO) International EMF Project, has been the #1 foot-dragger. Last month, he released a draft ³Precautionary Framework² with a case study on ELF EMFs. This came close to two years after Repacholi and his assistant Leeka Kheifets endorsed applying the Precautionary Principle to control EMF cancer risks --but they then quickly flip-flopped and withdrew the proposal. Sad to say, they have turned their small corner of the WHO into an industry outpost.

All the excuses not to protect children used by Repacholi, Kheifets and others at health agencies in the US and the UK are bogus. It¹s all explained in a special issue of Microwave News, now posted on our Web site: http://www.microwavenews.com/headlines.html#whoppemf

You can read it online or you can download a pdf of the complete special issue. Simply go to http://www.microwavenews.com .

Let's hope for better in 2005.

Louis Slesin, PhD
Microwave News, A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
155 East 77th Street
New York, NY 10021, USA
Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
E-mail: mwn@pobox.com
Internet: http://www.microwavenews.com


Subject: WHO dragging its feet on precautionary principle
To: "Louis Slesin, Microwave News" info@microwavenews.com

Louis: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp is also dragging its feet! They ordered a study of EMF levels in Canadian Housing in 1995 and never published it when it came out in 1996! When ELF magnetic fields were classified 2B, I convinced them to give me a copy: they hired me to do a summary which was suppposed to be published as a research highlight, but they still haven't published it.

However, research head Jim Robar authorized me to publish it in my magazine in Dec. 2001. It can be of great use to many, but it's in French: http://www.21esiecle.qc.ca/CEMcanadiennes.htm

Original author Andrew Michrowski still has not been paid for his work. He's at pacenet@canada.com . He found very high levels in children's bedrooms. Quebec may have the highest exposure rates in the world as more than 70% of homes use electric heat. Grounding on the water main is a big problem, especially with net current circulating in urban row-house developments. Andrew's paper shows simple ways to reduce exposure. I'm still putting pressure on CMHC: Researcher Christopher Ives cives@cmhc-schl.gc.ca , who hired Andrew, is a good guy, but his boss Robar no longer returns my calls. Seems utilities put too much pressure on him, but as Andrew says, their power lines are rarely the main cause of the problem. Wiring erros by electricians are the main cause!

Keep up your good work and take care,

Andre Fauteux, Editor/Publisher
La Maison du 21e siecle magazine
Tel./Fax: (450) 228-1555
afauteux@securenet.net -
2955 lac Lucerne, Ste-Adele Qc J8B 3K9 Canada



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Dezember 2004

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