
Say NOW Vote Fraud Demo & Need for Lawyers, Actions

In my last email I gave an update about how real evidence of vote fraud, vote suppression, and vote machine manipulation was coming out in Ohio. Representative Conyers is getting the FBI, etc. to investigate and Kerry is asking Ohio counties for requests to make recount more transparant and count every vote but he still isn't putting all his money where his requests are (see link below for Kerry action and others).

If we are very lucky the revelations coming out of Ohio may even change the election. But even if it doesn't, it might at least help institute election reform that will make it harder to manipulate elections in the future. And bringing out all the vote fraud, suppression and errors in the election will take away from the idea that Bush has any "mandate." But for this to happen we all need to ACT! Please read over the rest of this post to see what you can do.

NOW-NYC is having a vote fraud demo Dec. 18, Saturday 2PM, Protest for Democracy: PROTEST ELECTIONS FRAUD AND DISFRANCHISEMENT IN NYC WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK.
See http://www.nownyc.org/dec18protest.htm

To view info about other protests around the country

In addition, a lawsuit by citizens that are challenging the Ohio election needs lawyers. If you are a lawyer who is interested (or know one) contact Gail Jonas gejonas@sonic.net , 707.433.6845 of 707.431.8451

Furthermore, the law firm serving as counsel for the recount effort for the Greens/Libertarians need donations (they are working pro-bono --without pay from their clients). They also do other great stuff for voters w/out access to money and power http://www.nvri.org

If you want to do one or more actions to help recount, uncover vote fraud, and challenge electors--some easy pop-up pre-written letters you could send with one click.

CLICK HERE for Actions on Forum Page: which you can "reply" to keep this page up in the blog longer and you can click on link on bottom of the page for it to be "nominated for home page"

OR CLICK HERE for Actions on Website--which you can continue to check for updates: http://www.stolenelection2004.com/alerts.html

Thank you and I hope you had the happiest of holidays, Cheryl Guttman, Stolen Election Action Alerts Webmaster

Take care,
Cheryl Guttman


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Dezember 2004

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